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A New Species of Aridarum (Araceae: Schismatoglottideae) from West Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo PDF

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by  OkadaHiroshi
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Preview A New Species of Aridarum (Araceae: Schismatoglottideae) from West Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7565 Acta Phytotax .Geobot. 63 (2) 7:1-7S (2013) A NewSpecies (AraceaSec:hismatoglottideaej ofAridorum from West Kalimantan, IndonesianBorneo HIRosHI OKADAi・2・ A'ND HIRoKAzu TsuKAyA3 'institttte ofNbtur aEnlvironmental Science sU,hiversi toyfHPog Porcfbcture ,Sanda, Ilyogo 66P-1546, Japan; 20saka City Uhivensity ,Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558-8585. Japan .'authorfor correspondence; iDepartment ofBiotog iScciaenlces, Fbcuto' ofSeience. 71ie Ciniversit qyf7bk.vo ,7-3-i Hbngo. Buntvo-ku .7bkyo ii3-O033 J,t4 an Ariclarev menibalohense H,Okada & Tsukaya (Aracea Sec:hismatoglottide aa ene)w, species from Betung Kerihun National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia ,is describe adnd illustrated, Key words: Araceae ,Ari[larum embalohense, biodiyersit yB,orneo, new species, rheophyte, West Kalimantan, wet tropics For future generation st,o conserve primary ary between West Kalimantan and Sarawak, we tropical rain fbres tsin the remaining boundary found an unknown species of Aridorum. Al- areas in the hear tof Borneo, the Indonesia ngov- though nearly all species ofAridarum have char- ernment is collecting basi cbiologic ailnforma- acteristically excavated stamens (c fMayo et aL tion from these areas. Severa lJapanes einvestiga-1997) ,A. incavatum HOkada & Y,Mori has sta- tors have agreed to the proposa lfrom Indonesian mens without excavation (se Feigs .IB, G and H researchers to analyze the flor aof the area. In the in Okada & Mori 2000) .The newly discovered cennection, we conducted fiel sdtudies in 2004 in species lacks excavations on the connective and Centra lKalimantan and from 2009 to 2011 in has various other characteristics that distinguish West Kalimantan, During our fiel dsurveys, vari- it from A. incavatum, For example, the short ous new taxa, two new genera ,eight new species, horns of the thecae are hemispheri cto ellipsoid one new variety and twe new fbrmas ,were dis- (se `e'key to the species" be]ow) ,We therefbr ede- covered (fb rexample, Okada & Tsukaya 2010, scribe these plant sas a new species and provid ea Tsukaya et aL 2011, Tsukaya & Okada 2012). key to all the species ofAriclarum. This report presents the lates rtesults of fiel sdur- veys in those areas. Aridarum embalohense H.Okada & Tsukaya, Aridorum Ridl .(Aracea ea )g,enus of rheo- sp. noy. Figs. I & 2. phytes ,is endemic to Borneo. Based on new col- Stamens without excavation on the connective similar to lection s1,0 species ofAridorum are known fi'em Aridarum incavatum, but differing in thecae wlth hemi- northwest ofBorneo, Malaysia (Sarawak B)r,unei spheric to eltipsoid short horns and Ieaves shining dark and Indonesia (Wes t& Centra lKalimantan) green instea odfshining green in A. incavatum, 7]{pusI.NDONESIA, WestKalimantan,Kabupaten (Okada& Mori 2000, Okada 2006, Wong & Kapuas Hulu,Putssibau,Sg.(RiverT)lekelan,Sg.Sabong, Boyce2007). a branch of Sg. Embaloh, Betung Kurihun National Park, During eur fiel dwork in 2011 in the western Ole24'18 "N, 112028'3 1E", ca,190 m alt. ,22 Decernber part ofBetung Kerihun Nationa lPark, West Ka- 2011. H, Okado, HZ 71iukaya & A. Soojima PVKO-ll-03 limantan ,Indonesi a1,0-20 km from the bound- (holo B-O; iso- HYO, KYO, TI, TNS). NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestye Society ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics 7,2 4ctaPhxtotax.Gcobet. X'ol .63 FIG.1. AJ'idaj'un ientht.Uohen'su. ,A L"/'ho]c plant " ith }oung spathe, Red ]inc 5cni. B: Spadixjust beforc anthesis. From bottom to top paie urcen p]st 'lnatt'e zrountc.t e"'shciteen cicnt,erstit istaelriie zone, palc .u.rccn staminate zone. Sca[c ] mm, C: Young infiores- cence and immatLtre Rcd lin e1{ )cm. Photegraphs fromfrcsh materials (I IO.kada ei aL I{KO-fJ-03) at t} pc loca lit}. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestye Society ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics Februarx, 2O・13 OK,v).x & TsuK."'.A-.A LNewAi'idaJ'tt mfroi nBorneo 73 .t '11'i/1..//:tt/.,t/l.., va ・・ g/・},・ ewlpt tss・ FIo-2. ・. SpadiN of ..tridan efimnhatohense. iX/ XN'ho] espadix. Scale 2 mm. B: .ALp eoxfspadix. Staminate fio"er st'erti ]teo apeN. C] Stamens "'ith t-o horned thecae, Note no excayation at connectivc. D/ Starninede sin intcrstit ipaalrt .E/ C)Narie s"'ith diskoid stigma. Scale Per B-E 1 mm. Photo.tFraphs frotn ho]otype. H. Okadif et aL PVKO-1!-03. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 74 Acta Phytotax .Geobot. Vol. 63 Herbs, to ca. 20 cm* tall. Roots robust, creep- famil yor genus, the reason why a particul atyrpe ing on rocks. Stems erect, to ca. 1. 5cm long ,1 of leaf shape has evolved or been selected for is cm in diam. Leaves spirally arranged; petiole not yet understood (se ereview by Nicotr aet aL stout, glabrous d,ark green ,9-16 cm long, 1-2 cm 2011, Givnish 1979) .One of the exceptional cases in diam. ;lamina coriaceous, glabrous, lanceolatei,s the variation in leaf index [I t:he ratio of leaf l2-15 cm long ,× 2-3 cm wide, base cuneate to lengt hto leafwidt h(va nSteeni s1981) ]w,hich is decurren tm,argin entire, thickened, apex acumi- quite commonly seen in natural population sVa,n nate, abaxially pale green ,adaxially shining dark Steeni s(198 1su)ggested that the larger leafindex green ,midrib prominent ,primary later avleins or narrower leafshap ein rheophytes growing on abaxially weakly prominent, adaxially obscure. riyerbanks is ]inked to the speed ofthe current or Inflorescen cseolitary, erect; peduncle ca. 11-17 the duratio nofsubmersion, cm long ,l-2 mm in diam .Spathe not constrict- Aridorum consists only of rheophytes, but the ed, white, 3-5 cm long ,ca. 1 cm wide, apex acu- lamina not only vary in thickness but also in minate, upper 3M of spathe shed after anthesis, shape from species to species, ranging from lin- lower part persiste nantd ca. 1-1, 5cm long .Spa- ear in A. montanum Ridl. ,I = about 16 [estimated dix (a stomewhat young stage) ca 1.5- 2cm long, from a drawing (Ridl e1y913) ]t,o broadl yoblan- 3-4 mm in diam, when dried ;pistilla tzoene bas- ceolate to elliptic or narrowly obovate in A, al, ca. 4-7 mm long ,pale green when fresh ;sta- crassum S. Y. Wong & P. C. Boyce [ I= about 3; minodial zone intermediat 2e-,3 mm long ,white estimated from a photograp h(Wong & Boyce when fresh ;staminate zone terminal, 9-11 mm 2007)] and A, burtti iBogner & Nicolsen [I =: long, ferti lteo apex**, pale green when fresh. about 3; estimated from a drawing (Bogne &r Pistilla tfelowers ca. O.4 mm in diam. ,stigma Nicolso nl991) ]A.ridorum embalohense has lan- sessile, disk-lik eca,, O.3 mm in diam. Stami- ceo]ate leaves and an estimated moderate value, nodes ca. O.2-O, 3mm in diam. ,globose, more or {.e, I, = about 6 [mean ± SD == 5.6 ± OJ (n = 9)]. les sdepressed S.taminate flower sin pairs c,on- The genus Aridurum may therefbr eprovide suit- nective not excavated, ca. O.5 mm long and wide, able material for analyzing relationships between horns ofthecae hemispheri cto ellipsoid, Infruc- leaf morphology, genetic variation and environ- tescence: peduncl eca, 14-18 cm, surrounded by mental factors. persisten tfunneJ-shape dlower part of spathe, It is notable that ,although the genus Ari- 1-1.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, dorum is diagnostical clhyaracterized by exca- vated stamens (c fMayo et al. 1997; p, 86.) ,A. Distributio Knn.own only from the type lo- incavatum and A. embalohense show the excep- cality. tional combination of the spadix being ferti lteo debitat, On rock in rheophytic zone besid ea the apex and not excavated at the connective of rapid stream. the stamens, indicatin gthe possibili tthyat they IVote sA.lthough vast morphQlogical variatien be]eng to a differe ntatxon, genus or section, in leave sis quit eevident, even within a sing]e Key to the species ofAridnrum (modif ipaerdtly from the key proposed by Wong & Boyee [2007]) la, Thecae on opposite sides ofstamen (Sec tAr.itlarum Ridl.),...."...-."..""."-.-.......,....,.,....,.....,,m,--,"-,-2 lb. Thecae together on one side ofstamen (Sec tCaulescent iMa.Hotta).,...,....,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,......,........7 2a. Spadix ferti tloe apex, stamens not excavated...."H".."..."..."..,,.,,,,,,,,H,,H",H-".""...H".."...H....,....,,..............3 *Measurements in this descriptio nwere based en dried her- bariumspecimens, **Senior author cenfirmed pollen grains in thecae at apex. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestyefo rSociety for PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics February2013 OKADA & TSUKAYA-A New AriclartefmromBorneo 75 2b .Spadix with an appendix ofstaminodes, starnens excavated ....."...-...H...-.."...H""".."H"....H....".........,.....,4 3a .Horns ofthecae robust, conical ..-..H....,.....,....,.....,....,.. .i.n-c.a.v.a.tu"m. .H...O-k.ad.a.- .&. .Y..M-o.r.i"A. 3b .Horns ofthecae hemispheri tco ellipsoid...,,....,.....,......................... .A.., ..e.mbalohense H.Okada & Tsukaya 4a. LeafbLade almost linea rS;araNv' (akSantubong)...-...-....-..."....-...- .mo.nt.an-ut.n..- R.i.dlH,....-...-...H....A. 4b.Leafbladenarrowlyelliptictoetliptic.,,....,,...-...-...-...-...-....-.."..--.."..."..."...."....h..........................,....H5 5a, Leaves distichou Ssa;rawak (vicin ioftMaytang).........,,,,,,,..,,,.. .b,,o.rA,neens e(M,Hott aB)ogner & A.Hay 5b.Leavesspira]"......."..."..."....,....,.....,....,,....,,....,..."..."........."..."..."..H...H...."...."..."....,....,.....,....,,....,,....,...."6 6a. Leaf blade stirny coriaceous, adaxial]y glossy deep green when fresh h;orns of stamen thecae rounded at apex; Sarawak (Gunun g(Mt. G)aharu)................................. .c.ra.s.su.m... .Y...S...W.o.n.g.. &.. .P...CA,.Boyce 6b. Leafblade rubbery-coriaceeus, adaxially matte medium green when fresh t;hecae horns pointe dat apex; Sarawak (Bako National Park) and West Kalimantan ...............,,,..,.,...,,, .n.ic.ol,s,on,ii,., B,o,g,n.e,r,,,,,,,,,,,,A. 7a. Stamens in pairs t;hecae on inner face ofeach member ofstamen pair"....-..H....,....,,....,....-.."..."...."..Hm8 7b. Stamens solitary (bu tcrowded); thecae on proxima l(wit hrespect to the spadix axis) side of stamen..........9 8a. Horns ofthecae shorter than width ofstamen; Sarawak and Brunei....,,....,....., .c.a.ut.e,sc.e.ns..., AM,.Hotta 8b. Horns ofthecae longer than width ofstamen: Sarawak................... .p.u.r.s.e.g,l.o.v.e.i A(.Furtad Mo.)Hotta 9a. PLant sca. 5-10cm taLl, spathe 1.5- 3cm long ,appendix about halfa slong as spadix; Centra lKalimantan .."...m"....".."...."........................."..."..."...".."-.".."..."....m..m.......................................A.minimumH.Okada 9b. Plant 2s0-30cm tall :spathe inore than 4 cm ]ong ,appendix les sthan 1/ 3of spadix .,............... .1.0................ 10a .Stamens and staminodes coarsely verruculate; appendix weLt-difTerentiated; spathe beaked fbr more than halfits length; West Ka[imantan ..H...."...".H".H"..."...H....,....". .r.oh.'Htr.at.u.m., .B.o.gn.e,r, .&. .A..,H.a,y..A. 10b. Stamens and staminodes crispate; appendix reduced to a few terminal sterile stamens; spathe apiculate for les sthan 1 cm; Sarawak and West & Centra lKalimanta n....,.....,....,,.. .b.u,r,t.t. iB.io.g,n..e.r .&.N,iAc.olson We express our sincere thanks to the Secretari oaft Per- sperms. Funct. Pl. Biol. 38: 535-S52 missions for Foreig nResearch ,the Ministr yof Research Okada, H. 2006. A new species ofAridorum, Schismato- and Technology, Repub]ic of Indonesia (RISTEK) w,ho glottideae ,Araceae frQm the Muller Range, Central kind]y gave us permissio nto conduct fiel dresearch in Kalirnantan , Indonesia. Acta Phytotax, Geobot, West Kalimantan, and the Indonesian ]nstitute ofScience 57:61-64. (LIP[ a)nd the Betung Kerihun National Park Ornce, De- Okada, H. & Y. Mori. 2000. Three new species ofSchis- partment ofNationaL Parks, for kind Ly allowing this study matoglottideae, Araceae, from Borneo. Acta Phyto- in Betung Kerihun National Park, West Ka]imantan. We tax. Geobot. 51:1-9. thank Dr. Dedy Daernac laind Dr. Marlin aArdiyan iofthe Okada, H. & H. Tsukaya .2010. A new species efPipto- Research Center for Biology L.IPI for their kindl yarrang- spahta (Arace aSec:hismatoglottide afero)m West ing fiel dresearch. Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Acta Phytotax. Geobot,61:87-92, References Ridley,H. N. 1913.Some BorneanArojdeae,J,Bot,51: 201-202 ,tab, 527, Tsukaya,H,,M, Nakajima & H. Okada.2011.Kaliman- Bogner, J & D. H. Nicolson. ]991. A revised classi fication tanorchis: a new genus of mycotrophic orchid frem of Araceae with dichotomous keys. Willdenowia 21: West Ka]imantan, Borneo. Syst Bot, 36: 49-52. 35-50. Tsukaya, H, & H. Okada. 2012. A new species of 7Vr ismia Givnish ,T, J ,1979 ,On the Adaptiv eSignifican cofe Leaf (Thisrniac efraoei)n West Kalimantan, Borneo. Syst. Form. In: Solbrig ,O. T., S. Jain, G. B. Johnsen & P. H. Bot. 37 :53-57. Raven, (eds .T)bp,ics in Plant Population Biology, pp, van Steenis ,C, G. G, J, 1981, Rheophytes of the World. 375-407.ColumbiaUniyersitPyress,New York, Sljthof f& Noordhoff; Alpen aan den Rijn. Needer- Mayo. S. J. ,J. Bogner, & P. C. Boyce. 1997 .The Genera of land. Araceae. 346pp. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Wong, S. Y. & P. C. Boyce. 2007, Studie son Schismato- Nicotra,A,B,,K.Boyce,C.Jones,A.Leigh,S.K.Nikla, glottideae(Araceae)ofBorneoII:Ariclarumcrassum, D. Royer & H, Tsukaya. 2011 .The evolution and a new species from Sarawak ,Malaysian Borneo. function aslignificance of leaf shape in the angio- Gard. Bull. Strait sSettllem .58: 279-286. ReceivedJii l3y0, 2012; acceptedSqptember 25, 2012 NII-Electronic Library Service

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