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A New Species Of Anilocra (Crustacea : Isopoda : Cymothoidae), Ectoparasitic On The Mako Shark Isurus Oxyrinchus PDF

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Preview A New Species Of Anilocra (Crustacea : Isopoda : Cymothoidae), Ectoparasitic On The Mako Shark Isurus Oxyrinchus

PROCEEDINGS OFTHE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 115(1):148-152. 2002. A new species ofAnilocra (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae), ectoparasitic on the mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus Ignacio Winfield, Fernando Alvarez, and Manuel Ortiz (IW) Laboratorio de Ecologia, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Profesionales Iztacala, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado Postal 314, Tlanepantla, Estado de Mexico 54090, Mexico; (FA) Coleccion Nacional de Crustaceos, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado Postal 70-153, Mexico 04510, D.E, Mexico; (MO) Centre de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba — Abstract. The description of a new species of the isopod genus Anilocra (Cymothoidae), ectoparasitic on the shark Isurus oxyrinchus, from the Gulf of Mexico, off the Port of Veracruz, is presented. The diagnostic characters of Anilocra elviae are: ornamentations in the first four pereonites, large eyes, bilobed labium, 14 setae on the third article of the mandibular palp, dactyli of pereiopods 1-6 strongly curved, pleopods thick and large, and uropods ex- tending well beyond the posterior margin of the pleotelson. The genus Anilocra Leach, 1818 (Iso- microscope with a camera lucida. Type poda: Cymothoidae) is composed ofspecies specimens are deposited in the National that are ectoparasitic on a wide variety of Crustacean Collection (CNCR) ofthe Insti- fishes belonging to a number of families tute of Biology, of the National Autono- worldwide (Trilles 1994). Although 10 of mous University ofMexico (UNAM), Mex- the 46 species of Anilocra have been re- ico City. & ported for the Caribbean Sea (Schioedte & Meinert 1881, Williams Williams 1981, Anilocra elviae, new species & Kensley Schotte 1989, 2000), only one, Figs. 1-2 A. acuta Richardson, 1910, has been pre- — viously found in the Gulf of Mexico (Bow- Material examined. Holotype (female), man et al. 1977). 37.4 mm TL, 17 mmmWm (CNCR m18m873W); Regarding the hosts, many isopod spe- paratype (male), 25 TL, 7 cies have been reported as elasmobranch (CNCR 18873). The host shark (1.16 m of ectoparasites from all the world's oceans, standard length) was captured with a long including Anilocra physodes (Linnaeus, line set at a mean depth of 35 m, in waters 1758), found in Torpedo and Squatina of the Gulf of Mexico off the Port of Ve- (Trilles 1994). In the present study a new racruz, Mexico (19°12'N, 95°39'W), in species of Anilocra, ectoparasitic on the June of 1999, by the commercial vessel Al- mako shark, Isurus oxyrinchus, Rafinesque, eta Azul. Both isopods were removed from 1810, is described from the GulfofMexico. the host's claspers. — Isopods were removed from the shark Description ofholotype. Body elongat- and preserved in 70% ethanol and mea- ed, oval-shaped, twice as long as wide. sured for total length (TL, from anterior Head partially sunken in pereonite 1, lateral margin of head to posterior margin ofpleo- margins converging towards a projected, telson) and maximum width (W). Mouth- broadly convex rostrum (Fig. lb). Eyes big, parts and appendages were dissected and occupying % of head. In lateral view, per- figures were drawn using a Nikon stereo- eonites 1-3 flat, becoming progressively VOLUME NUMBER 115, 1 149 1mm 1mm Fig. 1. Anilocra elviae, new species (CNCR 18873), female holotype (a, b, d) and male paratype (c, e): a, lateral view; b, dorsal view; c, lateral view; d, head, ventral view; e, head, dorsal view. 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGT:OoTS^ AllenPress,Inc.,Uwrence,K566044USA 0.2mm mm mm 0.2 0.3 2mm 1mm 1mm 1mm 2mm 2mm 2mm Fig. 2. Anilocra elviae, new species, female holotype (CNCR 18873) except forj from paratype: a, right mandible; b, left mandibular palp; c, detail of left mandibular palp: d, maxillule 2; e, detail of maxillule 2: f, maxilla 1; g, detail of maxilla 1; h, maxilliped; i, detail of apex of maxilliped: j, pleotelson, dorsal view; k, pereiopod 1; 1, pereiopod 6; m, pereiopod 7; n. pleopod 1; o. pleopod 2; p. pleopod 3; q, pleopod 5. VOLUME 115, NUMBER 1 151 — Table 1. Comparison ofthe genus Anilocra Leach, 1818, with Pleopodias Richardson, 1910. Anilocra Pleopodias Cephalon Anterior margin folded ventrally not con- Anterior margin folded ventrally conceal- cealing basal article ofantennule ing basal article ofantennule Posterior margin weakly or not trilobed Posterior margin not trilobed Pleon Becoming narrower posteriorly Not becoming narrower posteriorly Maxilla Medial lobe partially fused Medial lobe distinct Spines small and simple Spines prominent and nodulose Mandibular palp Articles robust, article 3 setose and shorter Articles slender, article 3 longer than arti- than article 2 cle 2 Pereiopod 7 With few spines With many spines higher; pereonite 5 the highest, remaining ite. Remaining pleonites free, curved back- pereonites decreasing in height posteriorly wards. Pleotelson longer than wide, round- (Fig. la). Pereonite 1 with two small de- ed posterior margin, low longitudinal crest pressions, followed posteriorly by shallow along central portion. Pleopods foliate, bor- groove parallel to posterior margin. Pereon- ders thicker in both rami, bulky and long, ites 2-3 with middle depressions on ante- difficult to fold under pleon, easily observ- rior margin. Pereonite 4 with depression on able in dorsal view. Pleopod 1 with rami of anterior margin, covering middle % of mar- unequal size (Fig. 2n). Pleopod 2 of male, gin. Pereonites 5-7 smooth (Fig. lb). First with appendix masculina of about the same antenna with articles decreasing in diameter length as internal ramus (Fig. 2o). Pleopod posteriorly, reaching posteriormargin ofthe 3 with the endopod shorter than exopod, pereonite 1. Second antenna reaching the with small basal fold (Fig. 2p). Pleopod 5 posterior margin of pereonite 3 (Fig. la). with the endopod % the length of exopod, Cephalon folded ventrally, appearing as tri- with more than 6 folds. Uropods elongated, angular plate, longer than diameter of first narrow, rami of unequal length, extending antenna (Fig. Id). Labrum wider than long, well beyond posterior margin o—f telson. superior margin convex; labium bilobed. Description of paratype. Differing Mandible with strong, pigmented tooth, in- from holotype in the following respects: serted subdistally; distal article short, armed smaller in size; body narrower, elongated; with 14 apical setae, middle article with dis- eyes bigger, approximately rectangular, tolateral seta (Fig. 2a-c). First maxillaelon- touching each other; anterior pereonites gate, with 3 short, curved distal teeth (Fig. smooth, without depressions; uropods ex- 2f-g). Second maxilla slender, elongated, tending slightly beyond posterior margin of with 4 apical teeth, second one thicker (Fig. pleotelson. — 2d-e). Maxilliped with article 3 longer than Remarks. The new species described wide, bearing 3 distal, short, hook-shaped herein is placed in the genusAnilocra based spines (Fig. 2h-i). Pereiopods 1-6 with on the following characters, which separate dactylus strong, deeply curved, reaching ar- it from the morphologically similar Pleo- ticulation of articles 4-5 (Fig. 2k—1). Pe- podias Richardson, 1910 (Table 1): poste- reiopod 7, the longest, propodus longerthan rior margin of cephalon weakly trilobed, wide, dactylus not as curved as in pereio- anterior portion of cephalon folded ventral- pods 1-6 (Fig. 2m). Coxae elongated, cox- ly not concealing basal article ofantennule, ae 1-4 barely touching, coxae 4-7 with pleon not becoming narrower posteriorly, posteriorportion curved downwards. Pleon- medial lobe of maxilla partially fused, ite 1 with lateral portions exposed, protect- spines on the maxilla small and simple, ar- ed by posterior lateral lobes of last pereon- ticles of mandibular palp robust, article 3 — 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — setose and shorter than jirticle 2, and pe- thoid isopodAnilocra acuta. ChesapeeikeSci- reiopod 7 with few spines. However, in the ence 18:390-393. new species the antennular articles 4-8 are Bruce, N. B. 1987. AustralianPleopodiasRichardson, 1910, &ndAnilocra Leach, 1818 (Isopoda: Cy- intermediate between those ofAnilocra and mot—hoidae), crustacean parasites ofmarinefish- Pleopodias shown by Bruce (1986). es. Records ofthe AustralianMuseum 39:85- In addition, A. elviae differs from A. 130. morsicata Bruce, 1987, the most morpho- Kensley, B., & M. Schotte. 1989. Guide to th—e marine logically similar species, in possessing or- isopod crustaceans of the Caribbean. Smith- sonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 308 namentations in the first 4 pereonites pp. (smooth in A. morsicata), bigger eyes, a , & . 2000.—Word list of marine and clearly bilobed labium, 14 setae on the third freshwater Isopoda. http://www.nmnh.si.edu/ article of the mandibular palp (10 in A. iz/isopod/ morsicata), dactyli ofpereiopods 1-6 more Leach, W. E. 1818. Cymoth—oidae. In Dictionnaire des strongly curved, and thicker and larger ple- Sciences Naturelles. Paris, 12:338-354. Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, per regna tria opods, visible in dorsal view. Moreover, A. naturae, secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, elviae is the first species of the genus re- Species, cum characteribus, differentiis [speci- corded from t—he mako shark. erum], synonymis, locus. 10th edition, 1, Reg- Etymology. The species is named after num animale; 1—824, Laurentii saluii, Holmiae. first author's wife Elvia Perez. Rafinesque,C. S. 1810.Caratteridialcuninuovigeneri e nuove specie di animali (principalmente di Acknowledgments pesca) e piante della Sici—lia, con varie osser- vazioni sopra i medisimi. Palermo, 105 pp. We thank Guillermo Jimenez for the col- Richardson, H. 1910. Description ofa new species of lection and donation ofthe isopods, Alberto Anilocra—from the Atlantic coast of North Morales for his assistance with the micro- America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 39:137-138. scope equipment, Adriana Bernal-Pedreira Schiodte, J. C, &F. Meinert. 1881. Symbolaeadmon- fSo.rS.theSafrimnaal fporresheinstactoimonmeonfttsheanfdigusruegsg,esS-. opgordaupmhiaFammilCiyameo.thIIoaArniulmocrCirduase.t—aceNoatruurmhisItsoo-- tions, the anonymous reviewers that im- risk Tidsskrift 13:1-166. proved the manuscript, and the Direccion Trilles, J. P. 1994. Les Cymothoidae (Crustacea, Iso- General de Intercambio Academico, poda) du monde. Prodrome pour une faune. UNAM. Studia Marina 21/22:1-288. Wilhams, L. B., & E. H. WiUiams. 1981. Nine new species of Anilocra (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cy- Literature Cited mothoidae) exter—nal parasites of West Indian Bowman, T. E., S. A. Grabe, & J. H. Hecht. 1977. coral reef fishes. Proceedings of the Biologi- Range extension and new host for the cymo- cal Society ofWashington 94:1005-1047.

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