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A new species of Amphidromus from Laos (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Camaenidae) PDF

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Preview A new species of Amphidromus from Laos (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Camaenidae)

BASTERIA, 68:17-20 A new species of Amphidromus fromLaos (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Camaenidae) HelmutLehmann Eichendorffstrasse32,D48324Sendenhorst,Germany & Wim+J.M.Maassen Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum,P.O.Box 9517,NL2300 RALeiden, TheNetherlands The dextralspeciesAmphidromusprotaniaspec.nov.is describedfromLaos. Itsgenitalanatomy is comparedwith that ofotherAmphidromusspecies. Some notesonconchologicallysimilar taxa areadded. Key words: Gastropoda,Pulmonata,Camaenidae,Amphidromus,taxonomy,anatomy,SE Asia, Laos. INTRODUCTION During a collection-trip to Laos in June and July 2003 the senior author collected materialof anumberofAmphidromus species, oneof whichwithanunusualshellshape. Itturnedoutthatthatspecies isnotdealtwithinthemonographofPilsbry (1900)andalso not in thecatalogue ofLaidlaw & Solem(1961). Inmorerecent additionalpapers dealing withAmphidromus(Djajasasmita, 1982;Dharma, 1993;Panha,1996)the species isalso not mentioned, which supports our feeling that it is new to science. Many Amphidromus species are known,but wefound only asingle conchologically somewhatsimilaronein theliterature. Abbreviationsforshellcharacters:H,shellheight;W, shellwidth.For collections(the numberofspecimens is indicated afteraslash): KW, collnK.Kittel, Wiesthal;LS, collnH. Lehmann, Sendenhorst; RMNH, Nationaal Natuurhistorich Museum, Leiden; SMF, Natur-Museum Senckenberg; VS, colln. J. J.Vermeulen, Singapore; ZMB, Zoologisches Museum,Museum fiirNaturkunde derHumboldt-Universitat,Berlin; ZSM,Zoologische Staatssammlung, Miinchen. SYSTEMATICPART AmphidromusAlbers,1850:138(part.).Typespecies,bysubsequentdesignation(vonMartens,1860: 184):Helix perversus Linne,1758. Amphidromus (Amphidromus) protania spec. nov. (figs 1-4) Material examined. - Type series: SouthLaos,Salavan province,nearthe villageBanDonxe, ona 18 BASTERIA,Vol. 68,No. 1-3, 2004 Figs 1-3.Amphidromusprotania spec. nov. 1, holotype (RMNH 98143), actual height 31.2 mm; 2-3, paratypes(LS),Laos,Salavan province,BanDonxé,actualheights26.2-30.4mm.PhotographsbyJ.Goud, Leiden. small, dry, limestone plateaubetweenrice fields and the east bank ofthe Se Donriver, 15°10'543"N 106°13'749"E;H. Lehmann leg., 29.vi.2003 (RMNH 98143/holotype, 98144/4; SMF/4; ZMB/4; ZSM/4; KW/4;LS/16). Excluded from the type series: Central Laos, Khammouane province, 25 km N ofThakek, T. Whittenleg.(VS/1),and Bolikhamsayprovince,5kmSE ofLaksao,T. Whittenleg. (VS/1). Description. - Shell dextral, conical, perforate, yellow to white, covered by a very thin, in live snails greenish, periostracum; relatively small, with 6-6.5 slightly convex whorls. Apex dark-brown,obtuse, withamicrosculpture ofvery finepits. Thevery deli- cate periostracum has finespiral striae;if thisis missing, the shellsaredullandsmooth with only some irregular growth-lines. Aperture ovate, whitishinside. Peristomewhite, narrowly expanded, withaninconspicuous callus along theparietal side.Theumbilicus is avery narrow chink.There is not muchvariation in thecolour-pattern. Almostalways thereis anarrow, darkbrown,sub-suturalband.Some specimens havea second, mostly interrupted, narrow, brownbandnear themiddleof theupperwhorls, which sometimes continuesonthebody whorl. Dimensions: H26.2-31.3 mm; W16.0-18.4 mm.Theholotypemeasures31.2 x 17.8mm Anatomy. - Vas deferenslong, thin,entering theepiphallus laterally. Flagellum slen- der, much longer than penis and epiphallus together. Epiphallus slender, much longer thanthe smallpenis. Lumen ofthe penis with distinct longitudinal pilasters, covered at theupperpart nearthe shortsubglobular vergewithathin,additionallayer oftissue with a differenttexture, stillshowing the pilasters underneath.Penial retractor attached clear- lyabovethejunctionof penisandepiphallus. Vaginavery longandwide,forming along, uniformtube with the basally swollen pedunculus. Vagina connected with numerous Lehmann & Maassen:A newspecies ofAmphidromusfrom Laos 19 Fig. 4.Anatomical details ofAmphidromusprotaniaspec.nov.4,genitalapparatus,with cross-sections(a- e) throughtheflagellum(a),epiphallus(b),penis(c), vagina(d),and pedunculus(e)and a detailofthe lumen with theverge and pilastersoftheopenedpenialcomplex (f). strong fibresto theadjacent body wall. Upper halfof thepedunculus thin, withalarge bursa. Free oviductshort. Remarks. - Laidlaw & Solem (1961) summarized the data on the genital anatomy. Accordingtothispublicationitishardlypossible tousemostoftheolddataontheanatomy becausetheidentificationofthespecies isuncertain,orsinceonlytheexteriorofthegenitalia is described.Only Bishop (1977) and Solem(1983) gaveusefuldescriptions of theinternal structureoftheterminalpartsofthegenitalia. Panha(2001)published figuresoftheexternal aspects ofthegenitaliaofsixAmphidromus species fromThailand. According to Solem (1983) bothradulaand jaw structures cannot beused toidentify Amphidromus species. Hefoundhowever,thatthestructuresoftheterminalgenitaliamaybe diagnostic astheyareknowntobeinothercamaenidgenera.Thejuniorauthor,whileinves- tigating 13 Amphidromus species from the entire range of the genus (except for the Philippines), cametothesamepreliminaryconclusion. Amphidromus protaniaspec.nov. differsclearly fromtheotherAmphidromus speciesby its conicalshellshape in combinationwith thecolourpattern. Conchologically mostsimilaris Amphidromus tanyaiPanha,1996.Thisis thespecies that isreferredtoinalaterpaper(Panha etal„ 2001:109, fig. 1)asA.af. haematostomusvonMoellendorff, 1898. Inthelatterpaperthe figureusedin theoriginaldescriptionofA.tanyaibyPanha (1996:fig. 1),isusedoncemore. Amphidromus protania spec. nov.is distinctly larger thanA. tanyai, lacks theblue subsutural band,andpossesses anopenumbilicusandadark-brownapex.As maybeconcludedfrom thefigurespublished by Panha (1996:fig. 1),theshellsofA. tanyai arenot smoothbuthave 20 BASTERIA, Vol. 68,No. 1-3, 2004 adistinct, spiral sculpture. On thebasis of itsgenitalanatomicalcharacters,A.protania spec.nov. shouldbeclassi- fied withAmphidromus (Amphidromus). Panha(1996) originally placed A. tanyai, without knowing itsanatomy, in thesubgenus Syndromus Pilsbry, 1900,butPanhaetal. (2001:107), referring toitasA.af. haematostomusclassifiedthespecies withthenominate subgenus. ThetrueAmphidromus haemastostomus(Zilch, 1953:132,pi. 22figs4-5) fromitstypelocal- ity, theBoloven Plateau(Laos, Pakxong province), was rediscovered by the senior author nearthatplace ina large population. This species differsfrom A. tanyaimostclearly by its sinistral,moreelongated shell,withadarkbrownparietalcallus.Itischaracterizedanatom- icallyby thepresenceofavery shortflagellumandashort, conicalvergeandshouldbe clas- sifiedwithAmphidromus (Syndromus). So far, Amphidromus protania spec.nov. is only known fromthetypelocality. The shells fromCentralLaos are not regarded asparatypesbecausethey are in aratherpoorcondition anderoded. Derivationominis.- Thespecies isnamedinhonourofthe daughterTania of thesenior author,who died 28years old afteraheavyillness. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weareparticularly grateful toMrJ.Goud(RMNH), whomadethephotographs, and to Mrs Sompheth Khammanivong (Luang Prabang, Laos), the interpreter and guide in Laos, who made it possible by her engaged help that many interesting Amphidromus species couldbe collected. REFERENCES ALBERS,J.C.,1850.DieHeliceen nach natiirlicherVerwandtschaftsystematischgeordnet:1-262.Berlin BISHOP, M.J., 1977. Anatomical notesonsomelavaneseAmphidromus (Pulmonata:Camaenidae).— lournalofConchology29: 199-205. DJAJASASMITA, M., 1982. Amphidromusporcellanus (Mousson, 1849)inSumatra, a confirmation and descriptionofanewspecies (Gastropoda,Pulmonata: Camaenidae).— Treubia 28:170-172. DHARMA, B., 1993. Description of two new species of Amphidromus from Sumatra, Indonesia (Gastropoda:Pulmonata: Camaenidae).— Apex8: 139-143. LAIDLAW, F.F., & A. SOLEM, 1961. The land snail genus Amphidromus: Asynoptic catalogue. — Fieldiana,Zoology41: 504-677. MARTENS,E.VON, 1860.DieHeliceen nachnatürlicherVerwandtschaftsystematischgeordnetvonJoh. Christ.Albers: i-x, 1-359.Leipzig. PANHA, S., 1996. Anewspecies ofAmphidromusfrom Thailand (Stylommatophora: Camaenidae).— MalacologicalReview 29: 131-132. PANHA, S„C.SUTCHARIT,P.TONGKERD&J.B. BURCH,2001.Morphogeographyofanendemic tree snail genusAmphidromusofThailand (Pulmonata:Camaenidae).— OfSea and Shore24: 106-113. PILSBRY, H.A.,1900. Australasian Bulimulidae: Bothriembryon,Placostylys. Helicidae:Amphidromus.— Manuel ofConchology(2)Pulmonata13(49-52):1-253. SCHILEYKO, A.A., 2003. Treatise onrecent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs. 11. Trigonochlamydidae, Papillodermidae,Vitrinidae,Limacidae,Bielziidae, Agriolimacidae,Boettgerillidae,Camaenidae. — Ruthenica,supplement2:1467-1626. SOLEM,A., 1983.Firstrecord ofAmphidromusfromAustralia,with anatomical notesonseveralspecies (Mollusca:Pulmonata:Camaenidae).— Records oftheAustralian Museum35:153-166. ZILCH, A., 1953. Die Typen und Typoide des Natur-Museums Senckenberg, 10: Mollusca, Pleurodontidae (1). —Archiv furMolluskenkunde 82:131-140.

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