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A new species Megabruchidius sophorae (Coleoptera, Bruchidae), feeding on seeds of Styphnolobium (Fabaceae) new to Bruchidae PDF

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Preview A new species Megabruchidius sophorae (Coleoptera, Bruchidae), feeding on seeds of Styphnolobium (Fabaceae) new to Bruchidae

TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society oofJfap anJapan ZOOLOGICAL SClENCE 21 i105-110 (2004) @ 2004 Zoologica Slociety of Japan A New Speciesnaegabruchidius (Coleoptera, sophorae Bruchidae),Feeding Seeds Styphnolobium on of (FabaceaNee)w to Bruchidae M i d o r i T u d a 1 * andKatsuraMorimoto2 i institu tofe Biologica CiontroI ,faculty ofAgriculture, K]xushu University] Fukuoka 812-858V,Japan 2Nata-cianchi20-101, Higashi-ku F,bkuoka 811-C1205 ,Japan ABSTRACT-A new species Megabruchidius sophorae (lnsec tCaol,eoptera) is described from Japan (Honshu )Th.e larva lhost of this bruchid is the seeds of the tree legume Cenju', or chinese scholar tree, Styphnolobium japonic u(ma senior synonym of Sophora japonic aw)hi,ch is a new host genus to Bruchidae. Styphnotobium is positione dbasally in molecular phylogeny of the leguminous subfamily Papil- ionoideae ,Other members of Megabruchidius are known to feed on Gledits itahe, tree legumes that belong to the most ancestral subfamily Caesalpinioide Tahee.refore ,Megabruchidius utilizes ancestral groups of legumes as it shost plants ,A4egabruchidius has been inferre dto be ancestral, based on it sbehavior .The character state of the host for this third Megabruchidius species supports that the genus is ancestral, at least in the subfamily Bruchinae. We also reviewed the genera closely related to Megabruchicfius ,i.e,, Bruchidius and Sulcobruchus in Bruchidini ,and wrote a key to the species in the genus Megabruchid)'us. Key words: Bruchidius dotsalis ,Megabruchidius dorsaiis ,Megabruchidius tonkineus ,Acanthoscelides obtectus, East Asia INTRODUCTION ius species are reported to teed on the seed$ of the legumes Gleditsi aand Phaseolus, which have been the only Species of Megabruchidius (subfam iBlruychinae: tribe known hosts for the genus (Roelo f1s8,80; Zacher, 1952; Bruchidini )have been studied extensively in recent years, Wendt, 1980). Their ecology, in terms of behavior in particula rr,eveals that The new species Megabruchidius sqphorae that feeds i tis un]que in Bruchinae (e,g T.a,kakura, 1999; Shimada et in seeds of Styphnolobiuml'aponicum is described here from aL, 2001). After hatching ,the firs tinsta rlarvae of Mega- Japan. Two genera ,Bruchidius and Sulcobruchus, in the bruchidi udsorsaJi s{Fthhrae u<ss)yn .Bruchidius dorsaliS) same trib eBruchidin ias the presen tgenus ,are reviewed crawl over pods and seed surfaces before boring int othem and the key to Megabruchidius is redefined. (Shimad aet al., 2001). This character state is considered ancestra] and known only to this genus in the tribe Bruchi- DESCRIPTION din ias well as to species in Acanthoscelidin i;Acan- t(bheSorscgcheelraiadenefdsf Jeooabrnhtde)ncst, uosAni,g a1(r9o7Sb6ai,yups ) ,A,p2cr3aon)satomhpoonigss ce{tLBiredueCcsoh ipnnrta oee(s)aoPnpdfoaitthdfeeesn-M feo gr ae bBarInuadcc hkmi; idfddiiluers sft o sluoe rpsgheso grmeaexecnetpst sp .otf rn oaocnvht.aenntneares yanedll ocwoxiase ,hbr ofwinr;st most ances tral subf amily Pach ymerina e (Aror a,19 78), sternum of abdomen along caudal margin, second to fourth Males of M, doisali scontribute to femal efecundi tbyy pro- sterna broadl yat sides, fif tshternum and pygidium reddish; viding nutritious secretion during courtship (Takaku 1r9a99,) hind femora often reddish on apical area; pygidium with a avlneadryrg f e esimmna alAll.e soib npt eoscpstecusiseess (s e Txoatfek nBasirkvueuchr auiacnncp,aeuesb slaolnrsdyhe d )Kg,yla tnAodnrseh gwiahnibcithun ca ahaenirded- pifearmira reolgfe u owlv iatatthrrea nads avpreakr isbr e rosofmw anclol ns sppdiocatusrouk sosnpo taps ic oavolante tbh aibsrlda aa lcntdkhii srohf dtidenne mp arwlietesh;- sions in apical part ,with setae dark, short, sparse, and vis- "Cerrespondingauthor:Te[, FAX. ++8811--9922--664422--33003480;. isebtale ,yba rane di ncionndterafsitn it tode atrhke rterdadnissvher saere ab awnitdh ognr abyaissah ld etnhisred E-mail:tuda@grt,kyushu-u.ac.jp (Fi gI.a). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 106 M, Tuda and K.Morimoto (a) (b) (c) ,pa -agi'li uatt/f - 'g・ e w,ginf # m. Fig .1. Dorsa lview. (a )Megabruchidius sophorae, Lower panel:pygidiu mof male (le fatnd) female (righ t()b .}Megabruchidius clorsalis (Fahraeu sL)o.wer panel: pygidium of male (Ie fantd) female (righ(tc ))Me.gabruchidius tonkineus (Pic )Lo,wer panel :pygidiu mof male (]eft) and female (righD. Vestitur eblackis hor brownish black on head, pronotum bands broad two biac kovate patche senclosed between and elytra, with grayish and whitish patches as follows :head bands on third ,Mth, seventh, and ninth interva[ srespec- immacu[ate; pronotum with a definit etriangular white antes- tively <Fig ,1a). Underside evenly clothed with grayis hhairs, cutellar patch, with a small narrow short white patch in the except fo rthe dense whitish mesepimera, antero-dorsal and middle behind anterior margin, with scattered grayis hhairs postero-dor scaolrners of metepisterna, and latera lpar tof transversely in the middle and longitudinal laty sides; scutel- hind coxae, lum whitish as antescutellar patch; elytra with three grayish Head densel ypunctate ,fron sbetween eyes weakly bands and large median conjoined brownish gray patch on convex in the middle and terminates with a weak transverse fir stto thir dinterval sin elongate hexagonal shape, of which tuberc[e in front of the fain tcontraction in both sexes. Anten- on firs tinterva lfor entire length ,on second interva lnot nae almost of the same shape and lengt hin both sexes, reaching the anterior and posteri oernds, on thir dinterval reaching slightly beyond posterio rangles of pronotum, tirst fil lbsetween the median and posterio rbands, patch usually to third segments cylindrical, fourt hsegment slightly dilated whitish behind scutellum as far as the median band and distall yf,ift tho tenth serrate, fif tsehgment as long as broad, posteri oprar ton thir dintewal ,anterior transverse band $ixth to tenth broader than long (Fi g2,a). Pronotum 1,2 oblique from a litt lbeehind humerus extending medial[y to times as broad at base as long, campanulate, slightly con- scutellum and enlarged at base on thir dinterva l,median stricted in a curve from sharp hind corners close to anterior band terminates lateral loyn ninth interva lc,ontinued longi- margin and roundly narrowed at apex on each side, no den- tudinall ywith posteri obrand on fourt hinterva alnd often on ticles at sldes, dorsum very densely punctate, evenly and sixth interval, posteri obrand zig-zag shaped, pointe dante- weakly convex, with weak short depression at base in front riorly on fourth ,sixth and eighth interval so,ften with an addi- of thir dinterva alnd a broad shailow and indefini tdeepres- tjonal band in front of apical margin, that is long on third sion medial to the posterio rcorner, posterio rlobe flat, interva ls,hort on the juncti eof nfift tho seventh interval sand Scutellu mcircular. Elytr aabout as long as broad, dorsal sur- on ninth interva lt;he bands variable in size, in cases when face even, third f,ift hand seventh interval sbroader than the NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan New Seed BeetleMegabruchidiu ssophorae 107 OAmm Fig. 2. Megabruchidius sophosae. (a )Antenna ot male (le fatnd} female (righ (tb) ),Hind leg, (c )Ma[e ninth sternum. (d )Spermatheca. neighboring intervalst,uberelesat the bases offourthand surrounding gonoporewith a circularscleriteand short cylin- fifthintervalsbarelyrecognizable. dricaiarea with dense asperities (Fig.3a, b);iaterallobes Hind temora slender, sulcate on ventral surface with weakly incurved ,dilate dinternal ltyowards apex, pubescent carinate external and interna [margins, the sulcus as pubes- on inner side (Fi g3c,>, cent as nearby areas and becoming narrower and shallower Female, Pygidium 1.1 --1. 2times as long as broad, with towards the base, with a small but clearly visible spine and a pair of larg eand blac kdepression osn apical area (Fig. five to seven rninute denticle son basal half of interna lmar- 1a, [ower right panel )F.ift habdominal sternum arcuate cau- gin (Fi g2.b). Hind tibia estraight, with two latera lcarinae dally ,much longer than fourt hsternum. and a ventral carina, lateroventr aclarina obsolete on apical Length (exclud ihnegad) :3.3-4, 3mm. third ,mucro as long as lateral coronal spinule. Hlnd tarsi Distributio nJ:apan <Honsh uT:sukuba City and Saka[ with firs stegment longer than the remaining segments com- city). bined, with distin lcatter aalnd ventral carinae, Holotype: male {Typ eno, 3175, Kyushu Univ,) ,Take- Venter of abdomen with firs tsternum behind coxa zono, Tsukuba City lbarak iPref. ,pods collected on Oct. 22 longer than second sternum, but shorter than second and and emerged in Nov., 1995, Yuichi Furukawa. thir dsterna combined. Paratypes: 2g'2\, same data as holotype ;Azuma 4- Male. Pygidiu mabout as [ong as broad, almost fla ton ch6me, Tsukuba City ,emerged from pods collected on Oct. basal half ,weakly and broadly convex behind blackish 2, 1996, 3g'2\, Yuichi Furukawa; Kasuga 1-ch6me, patches (Fi gt.a ,iower panel) ,Firs tabdomjnal sternum with Tsukuba City ,emerged from pods coilected on Oct, 4, 1996, an oval pubescent patch at the middle on basal half ,fifth 48'3\, Yuichi Furukawa and Yukihiko Toquenaga; Campus sternum emarginate. Male genitali awith median lobe sub- of Osaka Women's University ,Daisen-machi, Sakai City, truncate at apex with rounded corners; interna lsac consists Osaka Pref, ,28, pods collected on Oct,1 1, and emerged on of six areas, firs tarea around ostium densely roughened Nov. 20, 2000, M. Ishihara. extending apically, second area with short and robust rough- Host plan tS:typhnolobiu jmaponicu (mL. S)chot t(senior ened areas extending laterall yt,hir darea buiging ,with synonym of Sophora iaponi cLa,) .That they feed in seeds sparse transparent roughened areas on basal half ,fourth of thi splant was confirmed by emergence of the adults from area with dense roughened areas and visibly dark in trans- seeds collected, This leguminous species is native to north- parent light f,ift harea without roughened areas, sixth area ern China and was introduced into Japan presumabl yabout NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society oofJfap anJapan 108 M. Tudaand K.Morimoto (b) beyond the middle of firs ttarsa lsegment; reddish yel- low to reddish brown, elytra with blackish apex; body length excepting head 4.3-5.3 mm. Distributio nViiet- nam, Germany (introduc eHdu)ng,ary (introduced), Host :Giedits itariacantho sL,, neegabruchidius tonkineus (Pi c1,904) (Fi gI.c) Hind tibia ewith hook very short, almost as long as coronal denticl epr;onotum and elytra blackish . 2 2 Larger, 4,4-5.8 mm in length (exclud ihneagd); pygidium immaculate or with a pair of indefini tdeark patches in male; basa lsegments of antennae, anterior two pairs of legs ,apical part of hind femora and venter reddish; male genitali awith median lobe broadly arcuate at apex. Distributio Jn:apan ,Taiwan, China, Taiwan, lndia, ltal y(introduc eHods)t,/ Gtecfits i1a'aponic aLoddiges ex W, Baxter, in J, Loudon, Gleditsi asinensis Lam., Gtedit- sia roifei Vidal ,Gledits itariacanthos. Megabruchidius dotsaiis (Fthhrae 1u8s3,9) (Fi g1,b) Smaller 3,,3--4. 3mm in length (exclud ihenagd); pygidium with a pair of blackis phatches in male; pale parts yel- lowish brown, with denser whitish vestiture; male geni- taiia with median [obe subtruncate with rounded corners at apex, Distributio nJ:apan {Honshu )Ho,st: Styphnolo- biumjaponicum. naegabruchidius sophorae sp, nov, (Fi g1.a) DISCUSSION Megabruchidius was established with Anegabruchidius bitoveolatu sn. sp, as the type species of this genus by Borowiec (1984 )an,d he (1987 s)ynonymized M. bifoveola- tus with Bruchus dotsafi sFahraeus. The systematic position of Megabruchicfius was hypothesized by Borowiec <1984, 1987) as being close to Bruchidius or Suicobruchus, but his Fig.3. Male genitali aof Megabruchidius sophorae, (a )Median definiti oonf Sulcobruchus is probabl yerroneous. Sulcobru- tlroab lae sapnedct .i n(tce )rLna astalec,ra dlloorbseas l.aspect. (b )Apex of median lobe, ven- cihn uhsav sianutge rtih,e tfhoel ltoywpien sgfpeecaitesure so f:t thhe es egcoenndus, tio s fcohaurractt hearbidsotmi-c ina[sterna short inbothsexes, combined lengthof these the time when Buddhism was introduced to Japan <Makjno,sterna apparently shorter than the firs stternum behind coxa, 1967), in the sixth century. firs tsternum with an oval, flat ,velvety and large disk at the Etymology T.he name is derive dfrom the generic name middle in nnale (Fi g4.a); antennae not sexually dimorphic; of the host, `enju' Sophora japoni caa ,synonym of Smph- hind femora sulcate, the sulci bare on apical third ,gradually noiobiumjaponicum, becoming shallower basally ,interna lmargjn carinate for Diagnosis , Megabruchicfius sophorae is similar to entire Iength, not dentate ,carina on external margin obso- Bruchidius urbanus (Shar p1,886) and B senv'collis Morim- let eon basal third ;pygidium simple in both sexes; male gen- oto, 1990 in general appearance, size, structures of anten- ital iwiath later allobe ssclerotized subconically at apex and nae and genital ibau,t the pygidiu mhas a pai rof deep and an oval patch behind apex on the interna lface, median iobe black depressions in females {Fi g1.a, b, lower panels} .This with a pair of elongate sclerites at apex (vid eMorimoto, is the thir dspecies of the genus and extremely simiiar to M. 1990, fig ,1). dorsali sin structures, coloration and scaly pattern esxcept Bruchidius comprises heterogen"eiotus species at for smaller size. The known species can be separated by present as Borowiec {1987 )stated is impossib[e to the character states in the key as follows. present a unit genus diagnosis and also diffic tuol tdivide Bruchidius int osmaller genera because some species are Key to species of Megabruchidius intermediat ebetween species group, and several species have also some characters in common with other Old World 1 Hindtibiaewith longhookextendingapically alittle Acanthoscelidini "T.he polymorphi sctate of this genus was NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Seed BeetleMegabruchidiu ssophorae 109 (b)) (a) l.llllliliilil・i,,va ' ,///{ 1 t...'tt...1.,/tl.ItLlt""''ft;I',tt' lmm Fig.4. Maleabdomen,lateroventr avilew. {a }Sulcobruchus sauteri and (b )Megabruchidiu sdorsalis. also pointe dout by Bridwel l(1946 S)ch.ilsky (1905 d)ivided bined ]ength distinc tslhoyrter than firs tsternum, first this genus int otwo group $by the presence or absence of sternum with a median fla tlarge disk in ma[e, fif tshter- tubercles at the base of the elytra. Chaj6 (1937 d)Mded it num bisinuat eat caudal margin in male (Fi g4.a); hind into six species groups ,but his contribution was not gener- femora sulcate, both external and interna lmargins ally known because his paper was written in Japanese and carinate, external carina obsolete at base, carinae published close to the World War 11 O,ut of these six groups, unarmed; pygidium immaculate, evenly haired ,simple two were already separated from Biuchidius to the other in both sexes. Sulcobruchus genera, Conicobruchus and Megabruchidius. Borowiec Firs tabdominal sternum Ionger than second, but shorter {1988 )divided i tinto 12 groups ,and on[y distinguished than second and thir dsterna combined (Fi g4,b>; hind Biuchidius from Acanthoscetides on the range of distribution femora usually with a tooth on the interna lcarina; pygid- in his key (1987 p,. 155), although he noted the synonymy ium often maculated by the differen dtensity or arrange- of the two tribe sAcanthoscelidin iand BruchidinKBorowiec, ment of hairs andlor dark patches , 2 1984). Using the structure of the male genitali ab,eetles of 2 Pygidium with a pair of conspicuous large ,oval and bjack- Biuchidius can be divided int otwo groups. ish depression isn female (Fi g1., lower panels) ;anten- Firs tgroup: latera llobes slender, almost paral[el-sided, nae not sexuaHy dimorphic (Fi g.2a>; median lobe barel ynotched at apex, neither pubescent nor setose along broadly rounded or subtruncate at apex, not triangularly inner margin; median lobe very slender, with triangular polnted (Fi g3.a). naegabruchidius sclerite at apex; intern aslac roughened, with sclerite{s) in Pygidium at most with a pai rof fain tand indefini tdeepre- the middle. This group is composed of B. lautus and B. ssions in female; antennae often sexua[ly dimorphic; japonic u(svid eMorimoto, 1990, f[gs .2 and 3), and several male genital iusaually triangula rat apex. Bruchidius inlndia(vidAerora,1977). species Second group :latera llobes deeply notched beyond the ln Megabruchidius, in contrast with Sulcobruchus, fifth midd[e from apex, more or Iess incurved ,usual[y pubescent sternum is concave in an arc at caudal margin in male (Fig. along the inne rmargin; median lobe rather robust, often with 4b), hjnd temora with several minute denticle son internal triangula rsclerite at apex, interna lsac roughened or carina between the base and tooth (Fi g2.b). spinous, often without sclerite in the middle. Many species Interestingl ym,orphological as well as molecuiar char- (vi dAerora ,1977; Borowiec, 1987, 1988; Morimoto, 1990). acter states suggest a close phylogenetic relationship of The male genitali aof nnegabruchidius are similar to the Megabruchidius with AcanthosceJides obtectus, a stored- second group, but the apex of median lobe is broadly product pest of Phaseoius beans {Tud aand Takakura, rounded or subtruncate, unpublished), The genus Acanthoscelides is heterogeneouS The above-mentioned genera can be identifi ebdy the {e.g .J,ohnson, 1970; Tuda et aL, 2001) and A. obtectus characters in the followin gkey, forms a subgroup with a few other species in the New World that feed on Phaseoius <Johnso n1,970, 1990), The first- 1 Second to fourth abdominal sterna very short, their com- insta rlarvae of Megabruchidius after hatching wander over NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 110 M, Tuda and K.Morimoto sunfaces of pods and seeds before boring into them (Shi- Borowiec L {198 8)Fauna Pelski , ", Bruchidae (lnsecta; mada et al. ,2001), whereas those of Callosobruchus and Coleopiera). Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe Warszawa bBPearhcuahcvyhimouersr ibinso acreoen s iideanrnted do poA dcasanfcnetsshetoresadlc se aalsni dctt hih enayi s( hebagete .cnh,A . .o bTsheorjbvtsee dcltuasr, vianl B Crh iO djA(w6m ieM enPl r Jol(ilC1ci s(a9 hn31)or79 tF)h4a 6Tuohfn) eaM eNgxieipncpeoor .nJa ioWtca asb vh,eoelt ,lA ec1saO d,o ff aStschcie . 38f6 ,a:nm o5i.l2 y- 9B5, r7Burchuicdhaied aien. Pfaffenberger and Johnson ,1976; Arora, 1978). Therefore, Sanseido ,Tokyo (i Jnapanese) Megabtuchidius js ancestral, at least in Bruchinae. Johnson CD (1970 )Biosystematics of the Arizona, Ca)ifornia ,and ( W e Pnhdat s1e,9ol8u0s) ,psrpo,b, arbelpyo rits eadn aunsn atturhael ho shto sotf f oMr .t het osnpkeciineseus OS1rc-1eh1g[6olns k ys(peCcioesle oofp tt hBeer ruscaehei:dda eb)e, eUt[nej vg eCnaulsi fPAucbal ntEhnotsocmeloil d5e9s: but indicate saffinit yof Megabruchidi'us to the New-World Johnson CD (1990 )Systematics of the seed beetl egenus Acan- leguminous genus ,which might also associate the bruchid thoscefides (Bruchid aoet) Northern South America .Trans group with the New-World Acanthoscelides specializing on Amer Entomol Soc 116i 297-618 PhaseoJus. Kass E, Wjnk M (199 7P)hylogenetic relatjonships in the Papilion- r ae , Sims pnahtnivoelo tboi uCmhi niaa .pI otins tihce o onrtrhmye , shpoescti eps[ ainn tAosf iMa .f rsoopmh ot-he oo8if1 d ec6ap5eD-N8A B(f a(mribl cyLL e)agnudmi nncoDsNaAe) (bIaTs eS1d anodn n2u)cl. eoMtiodle Ph ysleoqugeencn eEsvol genus Styphnotobiurr ia,nd the majority of species from the Makino T (196 7M)akino' snew illustrate dflor aof Japan. 14th ed, genus inhabi tCentral and North America (Sous aand Rudd, Hokuryukan,Tokyo sws1qao9psphh9oo3rr aa)ebe,/ rTohu e girhOs etn n eatator i veieJ s ta twpthoaoa tnJp Maow.ispt sahisno b ptih(ohlraeia etnh i doCoesfhs tiit. sn hTenah a)ten i,aTv tehoietv he te lror aa Cntightes ie tnrih as oa fpta onMdMs..- MM io gr li"tBimBhoaoolrct slucoA cicsKEeosh ,t i(ZRi daaod1nm smed9ppasea9 nt LMta0eAdig )i uEspMmnyFeetnsoon p;mn(soii 1lss E9 ,cs4 8pe3eon9: cfoi M }me6eti3hgc e-asbn 6,urb9ou rvEceuhcci ohdlpii oeudgsrf ya launad dnofa at Cuosfnoa aelJ vai eleps atlAnauc,lta iinlaon-nna". sible only i fthe present species was {o ris )capable to use Ed by K Fujii ,AMR Gatehouse, CD Johnson, R Mitchel ,T aeagr gensa, tkivn eaonw dnl e tgfouo mdr eeM,v, e tlshooappth oribasey ,, tfoe re ectdohgienni zfgeoonr mi ei tr tS .aj$is nmaco re penloa lno ittthkoe erdl eyahpto otsshtiest Ys1to4asg0ehPif dlaaaf , rfKGvelSanu ,ebwo eteJ rros oghmAneecsraodn eNm oiCrcDth (APmu1eb9rlj7ics6 ah)nBeir osBs, ryNusectthehimedaratleiac ns{d Cso,fo lptphee o 1fp3jt1r-estr-a), moment. US Dep Agric Tech Bull 1525/ 1-75 I twas shown that the phylogenetic positio nof the legu- Roelofs W ( 1880) Addition bs la faune du Japon, nouvelles espece$ minous genus Smphnotobium is at the base of Papilion- de curculionid6s et famill esvoisines, observations sur les oideae by a recent molecular study (Kas sand Wink, 1997). S c hielsspekcyeJ$(1 d9e0 l5eB)sr puucbhlijedease. ,lAnn"nD SioeKct iEfnetroEmuorlo paBse.lg N2a4ch: 5-d3e1rNatur The other species of Megabruchidius utiliz eGiedits ispae- bes c hreibe nHeft 41: s pec ies 1-100" Ed by HC K ues ter ,G cies as hosts whjch belong to the most ancestral subfamily, Kraatz ,Bauer & Raspe, NUrnberg Caesalpinioideae ,in Fabaceae, The association of Mega- Shimada M, Kurota H, Toquenaga Y (2001 R)egular distribut jofon blMaerrguvacab hlrbiuedchhii auwdivsitihuos ra sniucne pspBtorrraultc h itlnheaeg eu.hmyepso tahndet itcha el baansceasl trpaols ittyipoe n ooff S o usliGauJa ser Mdv,dia to esaRrniusda ida alrVei psEsioou nnrf(ciee1c s9Pa to9mi.o p3n nuos)gpRel oeelEdivsczjaot sl [i4oe3nfo :n ot2fh 4 ei5t n-h tJ2e ha5ep2g aesneneeusdse b Seoheoptnhlen yeoB lrlouobccihuuismdt- (Leguminos aPea,pilionoideae, Sophoreae}. Ann Missouri Bot ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Gard 80: 270-283 Takakura K (1999 A}ctive female ceurtship behavie rand male nutri- vttYihoo derui nnSgmgWcae nitueSs hncctter hiiisapefptnein.k cct iRmiY ees,n Tsst(ThesoiaBqsr }(uscatenh1u dnd5y(a C7Ag .a}w7Da,( s0.1M 0.J 5 o2p1fIh0ar1sn8orh)ms0tio0hl Man7ysE ru)Xf pa ,Topa(o.rn rBdvta el)u da(Abl1,e 4Sb4zy e 0cGne5mrt0maee0nns t 3tisfa)-noidr n p -rofeAno-ird$ t2o( fi7MF o3,AnTa cauSald hhnacirtemhnaaotrsei cb(uKeu,Clts iioJo)donlehsen s otpopona tfl ee l:Cm iraDBdal,rie upM ceefhneri cni(duimnaCsodetoi )toR l.ye Kes i (on P2poBpr0t uuB0elcr h 1ruEiEcs)adchtioi:auld bsai 4ei1d)s/o hr2fms6eea9ent-tdi-s ing in seeds of the introduced legume Amorpha fruticos wait,h a new record of it sEupetmus parasiteid in Japan. 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