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A New Species and Two New Records of the Fern Genus Cheilanthes (Pteridaceae) from Southwestern Brazil PDF

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Preview A New Species and Two New Records of the Fern Genus Cheilanthes (Pteridaceae) from Southwestern Brazil

American Fern Journal £ A New Two New and Species Records Fern of the Genus Cheilanthes from (Pteridaceae) Southwestern Brazil M. Monica Ponce Institute de Botanica Darwinion, Labarden B1642HYD 200, C. C. 22, San Isidro, Argentina, Elton Monteiro De Luis Assis lade Federal do Parana, Curso de Pos-graduacao em Botanica. Caixa Postal 1 980, Curitiba, PR, Brasil Paulo Henrique Labiak sidade Federal do Parana. Departamento de Botanica, Caixa Postal 19031, I Curitiba, PR, Brasil, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract.— new ( ,7 • a species from the Bra . complete morphological description is presented, as well as illu- most similar species. This species distinguished is In (2-)3- its ultimate segments We that are ovate to suborbicular. also repoi new obducta as records for Brazil, both from Mato Grosso do Sul. The genus Cheilanthes includes about 150 most them species, of occurring in semixeric, rocky places of tropical regions. In the Neotropics, the genus has about 100 some species, 50 which of are found in South America. The semixeric regions of Central Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay, and eastern Bolivia are especially important for the diversity of the genus, and contain endemic several species (Ponce et ah, in press). As currently defined, the genus appears be to polyphyletic, but further phylogenetic and monographic studies needed are understand to better the delimitation of natural groups (Smith et al, 2006; Prado ef al, 2007; Schuettpelz et The al., 2007). genus can be defined by the scaly rhizomes short- to long-creeping, fronds 1-5-pmnate, hairy and/or scaly, veins and by free, the near the margins sori ot the segments that are enrolled and differentiated (Mickel and Smith, 2004). For the Neotropics, a number significant of species have been treated in regional floras, such as Tryon and Stolze Rodriguez (1989), Sota (1995), (1977), Sota Ponce et al. (1998), and Prado An (1984), (1992, 2004). exhaustive checklist for the southern South American species presented by Ponce is et al. (2008) in the "Catalogo de las Plantas Vasculares Cono del Sur", with 27 species recorded for this region. Recent collections from the Brazilian Pantanal and a small portion of the northeastern Chaco region, close to the borders Paraguay and to have Bolivia new provided information on the and diversity distribution in Cheilanthes, new revealing a species and two new records that are here presented. PONCE ET A NEW AND TWO NEW AL.: SPECIES RECORDS OF CHEILANTHES 203 TYPE- Cheilanthes pantanalensis Ponce & E. Assis, Labiak, sp. nov. BRAZIL, Mato Grosso do Corumba, Sul: Serra do Amolar, Morro do Sucuri, 700 m, 18 Oct. 2002, Assis 364 (HOLOTYPE: UPCB; ISOTYPES: E. et al. COR, A-E and SI, SP). Fig. 1 Fig. 2 A-B. monticola quae Kuhn Filix in saxis viget. Species haec obductae C. affinis, sed laminis segmentis tripinnatis, ovatis vel suborbiculatis ab ea recedit. mm Rhizomes suberect short-creeping, 3-6 to diam., scaly, the scales mm linear-lanceolate, 2.5-3.5 long, concolorous, reddish-brown, with fili- form margins or furcate-filiform apices, entire to faintly dentate the base; at cm fronds monomorphic, 4-22 cm brown long; stipes 0.5-2.5 long, dark to atropurpureous, moderately densely terete, to hairy, the hairs articulated, each cell with an elongate acicular appendage, whitish; blades 3-pinnate, cm cm 2-4 lanceolate, 3.5-19.5 long, wide, subcoriaceous, adaxially with (sometimes scarce, filiform hairs glabrescent), abaxially densely hairy, the mm 5-7 hairs ca. long, multicellular, uniseriate, each cell with an elongate appendage away acicular that points from the apex of the hair, the between articulations cells with a "tongue in groove" connection; rachises and costae dark brown, with hairs similar to those on the laminar tissue; cm cm pinnae 1-2 deltate-lanceolate to ellipticallanceolate, long, 0.3-0.9 70-80 wide, ascending ca. to the rachises, short-stipitate, apices pinnatifid; mm mm pinnules 1-2 deltate, 1.5-4.5 long, wide, subsessile, apices often segments 2-4 trilobate; ultimate ovate to suborbicular, pairs, contiguous, apices roundish, bases subcordate, subsessile, margins entire; veins 2- free, furcate; sori at the ends of the veinlets, each covered by a slightly enrolled lobule, pauci-sporangiate; sporangia glabrous; spores shallowly tetrahedral, echinate, 32 per sporangium. — Known Distribution and Habitat. only form the type where grows locality, it on rocks in open places, about 700 meters in elevation. Etymology.—The where specific epithet refers to the geographic area this - was species found the Pantanal. Cheilanthes pantanalensis can be recognized by (2)3-pinnate blades, its and on densely covered by multicellular uniseriate hairs the abaxial surface. The hairs are typical, with each cell bearing an elongate acicular appendage that points away from the apex of the hair, and with the articulations between with "tongue groove" connection ultimate segments cells a in (Fig. D). 1, Its are ovate to suborbicular. This species is most similar to Cheilanthes obducta Mett. ex Kuhn, and shares with this species the typical laminar hairs (Fig. E) 2, and However, obducta shallowly echinate spores exhibits 2- (Fig. F). C. 2, pinnate blades G), with lanceolate to deltate-lanceolate ultimate (Fig. 1, segments, while in C. pantanalensis these are ovate to suborbicular (Fig. H). 1, now distribution overlaps with that of the two species reported in Brazil. Its Among Chaco and the other species that occur in the the Pantanal regions, and Ponce most Cheilanthes myriophylla Desv. C. hassleri (Weath.) are similar. They both differ by having true scales on the laminar tissue. Cheilanthes Fu;. pantanalensis. A. 1. Habit. B. Adaxial surface of the ultimate segments. C Segment details, with the hairs removed. Lamina D. h tongue and grove' articulations of the hairs (all from the Isotype). F. Cheilanthes obducta Mett. ex Kuhn. Trichom. from lamina the (from Venturi 846. G. SI) Habit. H. ltimate segments. ( PONCE ETAL.: ' pantanalensis (from the holotype). A. Articulated trichome from the lamina. s B. Spore. Cheilanthes hassleri (Weath.) Ponce. C. Non-articulated trichome from the lamina margin. D. Spore (from G.A.Damasceno et 4196, UPCB). Cheilanthes obducta Mett. ex Kuhn. al. Jr. & E. Articulated trichome from the lamina. F. Spore (from E. Assis P. Schwartsburd 574, UPCB). New Records: Darwiniana Cheilanthes (Weath.) Ponce, 45: 240. 2007. hassleri PARAGUAY, TYPE.— Notholaena hassleri Weath., Lilloa 6: 274, 4. 1941. "In t. (HOLO- Apa", Hassler 10996 fluminis regione calcarea cursus superioris MO, TYPE: ISOTYPES: NY!). K!; P!, AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER FERN 206 JOURNAL: 98 4 (2008) Description and Illustration.—Tryon (1956). — known now Distribution and Habitat. Previously only from Paraguay, and recorded from the western border of Brazil. This fern grows on calcareous Examined.—BRAZIL. Mato Mun. Specimens Grosso do Sul: Bonito, Logradouro, Fazenda Remanso, 53'38" 5644'58" W, 410m, 20 Dec S; 12 2005, G.A. Damasceno 4196 (COR, et al. SI). Jr. Discussion.—This rare species can be recognized by lamina densely that its is on scaly the abaxial surface and scarcely hairy on the adaxial surface. The hairs are uniseriate, short-celled, catenate and whitish (Fig. C), or 2, These among translucent. unique features are the other species of Cheilanthes in southern South America. Its cristate spores (Fig. D) are typical and can be 2, many found in cheilanthoids ferns. Cheilanthes obducta Kuhn, TYPE.— Mett. ex Linnaea BOLIVIA. 36: 83. 1869. La Laguna (now D'Orbigny 386 Padilla): (Isotype: P!). Notholaena balansae TYPE.—PARAGUAY. Baker, Bot. n. ser. 7: 301. 1878. J. Asuncion: Rio Paraguay, IV/1874, Balansa 330 (Holotype: Isotypes: K!; G!, BM!, P!). Description and Illustration.—Tryon de (1956); la Sota (1977). Distribution and Ecology.—Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, now Argentina, Bolivia; recorded from Brazil (west open border). Epipetric in Specimens Examined.—BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Corumba, Morro Santa Sul: Cruz, estrada para Mineragao Corumbaense a 1924'49,5" and 22'47" S.A., S 59 : W, - 5 Jul 2005, E. Assis 574 (UPCB, COR, et al. Ladario, Estrada Parque SI); Bancada Lateritica, 19 10'02" S and 57 W, 33'3l" 25 2001, Assis A. Jul E. G. Ef Damasceno 280 (UPCB, COR, Campo km Rod. Grande Aquidauana, Jr. SI); a 110, Faz. Ledao, 14 Dec Shepherd 1976, 4079 (MBM). G.J. et al. Discussion.—This species can be recognized by 2-pinnate its blades, that are conspicuously hairy The abaxially. hairs are multicellular, with uniseriate, each bearing an cell elongate appendage acicular away that points from the apex and of the hair, the between articulations cells with a "tongue in groove" connection (Figs. F; 1, 2, E). Ve thank R Francisco as for preparing the 0] illustrations; Coordenagao de Aperfeigoamento de de Nfvel Superior (CAPES) ;soal for providing the Master's scholarship for the second author COR who the helped staff, in the field expeditions. 1 PONCE ET A NEW SPECIES AND TWO NEW RECORDS OF CHEILANTHES AL.: 207 Literature Cited New and The Mem. Mickel, T. A. R. Smith. 2004. Pteridophytes of Mexico. York Bot. Card. J. 88:1-1054. M. M. Ponce, 1984. Pteridofitas. Pp. 17-39, In: R. Kiesling, ed. Flora de San Juan. Vol. Vazquez I. Mazzini Buenos Editores, Aires. Po\( M.. Prado and G. Giudice. 2008. Pteridaceae. In: F. Zuloaga, O. Morrone and M. Belgrano, i J. . J. Cono eds. Catalogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Sur. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. Prado, 1992. Flora da Serra do Cipo, Minas Gerais: Cheilanthoideae (Pteridaceae). Bol. Bot. Univ. J. Prado, 2004. Criptogamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, Sao Paulo, SP. J. Hoehnea Pteridophyta: 17. Pteridaceae. 31:39-49. A Prado, C. D. N. Rodrigues, Salatino, M. L. and F. Salatino. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships J., Rodriguez, R. R. 1995. Pteridophyta. R. Rodriguez, eds. Flora de Chile I 19 3 Smith!a R A °k. M. Pryer, E. Schue-HTPELZ, P. KORALL, H. Schneider and P G. Wolf. 2006. . ± Hui M. WlNDHA d M. TETTPELZ, E., Schneider, L. ET, D. K. Pryer. ] phylogeny c idaceae: Assessing and the affinities of ; Phylogenet. olec. 1 Sot/ E. R. DE LA. A. L. Cabrera, ed. T l.Prov. Jujuy, Colecc. fh: L, 1 Tecnol. Agropecu. 13:1-275. en Maevia N. iofitas, Correa (ed.) Flora Patagonica. C )lecc. Ci.Inst. Na< Teicnol. Agropecu, 8:282-369. Buenos ; C c. , Aires. A Tkv< R. M. 19 56. Revision of the American spe ies of Notholaena. Contr. Gray Herb. )N, !C 179:1-106. Tryc)N, R. M. aiid R. G. Stolze. 1'989. Pteridophyta of Peru. Part II. 13. Pteridaceae-15.

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