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A new species and species distribution records of neoleucinodes (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Spilomelinae) from colombia feeding on Solanum sp PDF

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Preview A new species and species distribution records of neoleucinodes (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Spilomelinae) from colombia feeding on Solanum sp

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(4), 2007, pp. 897-908 A NEW SPECIES AND SPECIES DISTRIBUTION RECORDS OF NEOLEUCINODES (LEPIDOPTERA: CRAMBIDAE: SPILOMELINAE) FROM COLOMBIA FEEDING ON SOLANUM SP. Ana Elizabeth Diaz and M. Alma Solis (AED) Programa de Manejo Integrado de Plagas, CORPOICA, C. I. Palmira, Colombia (e-mail: [email protected]); (MAS) Systematic Entomology Labo- ratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, MRC DC 168, Washington, 20013-7012, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Neoleucinodes silvaniae, n. sp., from Colombia, is described. The larvae feed on the fruit of wild Solanwn lanceifolium Jacq. Adults and larvae of the new species are figured. The new species is compared to Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenee), a major pest of tomatoes throughout South America. Neoleucinodes prophetica (Dyar), TV. imperialis (Guenee), and A^. torvis Capps are reported from Colombia for the first time. Key Words: Colombia, Solanum, Solanaceae, larvae, morphology Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenee, study on the distribution and biology of N 1854), the tomato fruit borer, causes elegantalis associated with cultivated economic loss throughout South America and wild solanaceousspeciesinColombia. in crops of solanaceous vegetables in- In addition, this is theonlycomprehensive cluding tomato, Solanum lycopersicwn L., re-examination of Neoleucinodes species eggplant, Solanum melongena L., pepper. and its description since Capps (1948). Capsicum annuwn L., and tropical sola- In this paper, the presence of A^. naceous fruits such as the tomato tree, elegantalis in Colombia was confirmed, Solanum betaceum Cav., and naranjilla, a new species was discovered, and is Solanum quitoense Lam. In Colombia A^. named here, and three other species of elegantalis was the only species of this the genus were discovered. The adults genus reportedin the literature to occurin and larvae of the new species are de- warm and cold climates (Viafara et al. scribed below and compared to and/or 1999) primarily as a pest of solanaceous differentiated from N. elegantalis. crops (Gallego 1960, A.L.A.E. 1968, Sanchez 1973, Posadaet al. 1981, Gallego Material and Methods and Velez 1992). Capps (1948) reported A^. elegantalis from "San Antonio," de- Solanaceous fruits infested with larvae partment unknown, in Colombia. were collected from 50 localities and 15 Capps (1948) described and revised departments in Colombia and taken to Neoleucinodes, and described several new the laboratory in Palmira (COPROICA). species and closely related genera. The Fifty percent of the larvae from each first author (AED) conducted the first locality were boiled and placed in vials PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-2. Male adult dorsal view. 1, Neoleiicinodes silvaniae. 2, A^. elegantalis. with 30% ethanol. The other fifty percent Eighty-eight male and female genitalic of the infested fruits were placed in preparations (50% males, 50% females) separate rearing containers where larvae were made from different species feeding matured and pupated within cocoons in on different host plants. The abdomen of paper towels. After emergence, the moths the adult was removed, cleared in 10% were frozen, wings were spread, and KOH, transferred to 15% ethanol, and specimens were labelled. The specimens brushed to remove scales. Then they were are deposited at COPROICA in Palmira. stained with chlorazol black and the — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 excess color removed with clove oil. Euleucinodes conifrons Capps, and Leu- Before slide mounting in Canada Balsam, cinodes orbonalis (Guenee) from Africa, thecloveoilwas removedwith Histoclear. the latter a pest ofsolanaceous crops that Observations were made using a Wild has been intercepted at U.S. ports. Only M5 dissecting microscope and a Leitz the host plants and larvae of A^. elegan- Laborlux-S compound scope. Measure- talis and L. orbonalis are known, there- ments made using an external ruler (Wild fore the immatures of the new species Heerbrugg Switzerland - 310345) includ- were compared only to these two species. ed female genitalic structures, forewing length, and labial palpal length. Specifi- Results cally, the length of the bursa copulatrix In Colombia, Neoleucinodes is now (from the ostium bursae to the anterior comprised of five species. Their distribu- end ofthe corpus bursae) and the length tions and known hosts within Colombia ofA7, length from the ductus seminalisto and in South America have been ex- the anterior end of the corpus bursae, panded. Neoleucinodes elegantalis, the from the intersegmental part ofA8 to the only previously known species in Co- anterior margin ofthe A7, and lengths of lombia, was collected in the three Cordil- the anterior and posterior apophyses. A leras of the Andean region and the camera lucida was used to make sketches northern Caribbean region ofColombia. of the third labial palpal segment of the It has been reared on five cultivated and adults, and its length was indirectly seven wild solanaceous species. The new measured from the drawing. The fore- species described below, from Dept. wing length was measured from the base Cundinamarca, was reared on 5'. lancei- to apex, and the width was measured folium; Neoleucinodes prophetica collect- from the costal margin to posterior ed in Darien, Dept. Valle on January 5, margin along the median line. 2006 at an altitude of 1,539 m was reared The following abbreviations are used: on Solanum umbellatum Mill; A^. imper- National Museum of Natural History, ialis collected in Algeciras, Dept. Huila Washington, D.C. (USNM); Entomo- on February 15, 2006 at an altitude of logical Museum, Agronomy Faculty, 2,248 m. was reared on Solanum sub- National University of Colombia, Bo- inernie Jacq; and TV. torvis collected from gota (UNAB); National Taxonomic Col- Jardin, Dept. Antioquia on February 9, lection of Insect "Luis Maria Murillo" 2006 at an altitude of 2,282 was reared (CTNI). Morphological terminology is on Solanum rudepannum Dunal. according to Munroe and Solis (1995) and Maes (1995) for the adults and Stehr Neoleucinodes silvaniae Diaz and Solis, (1987) for the larvae. new species The diagnosis ofthe new species below (Figs. 1, 7, 9, 11-12, 14, 16-19, 24-25) includes only derived characters or sy- — napomorphies. The adults of the new Diagnosis. Third segment of labial species were compared to closely related palpus in TV. silvaniae short, less than species from the Western Hemisphere of 0.4 mm, in both sexes. Female scape red Neoleucinodes (N. elegantalis (Guenee), dorsally, male scape white dorsally. N. dissolvens (Dyar), N. prophetica Abdomen grey and whitish. Forewing (Dyar), TV. torvis Capps, and A^. imper- length 2.2 cm in females and 1.7 cm in ialis (Guenee)), and to species in re- males. lated genera, Proelucinodes melanoleuca Adult. Head: Frons round, red; ocel- Hampson, P. xylopastalis (Schaus). In li posteriorly surrounded by white scales; addition, the adults were compared to chaetosema with red and white scales. 900 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 3-6. 3, Female, Neoleucinodessilvaniae. 4, Female, A^. elegantalis. 5, Male, A^. silvaniae. 6, Male, A^. elegantalis [arrow = third labial palpal segment]. Antenna with female scape dorsally red, from each anterolateral side of metascu- laterally red and white; male scape white tum. Legs: Front coxa with white, red, with some red scales dorsally (Figs. 7, 9). and yellow scales. Front femur white Labial palpus red; both sexes with third with red and black-tipped scales; front segment of labial palpus short. Third tibia with black scales on base and white = labial palpal segment in female scales on apex; front tarsus white and 0.4 mm (n = 1) (Fig. 3), in male = pretarsus with black empodium; mid- 0.1 mm (n = 1) (Fig. 5). Maxillary and hindlegs white with some red scales palpus short in both sexes. Patagium on tibial base; last two tarsal segments with red and white scales. Tegula mostly yellow in color. Wings {¥\g. 1): Forewing black with red scales, posteriorly with with hyaline scales, white at margins; brown-tipped scales, reaching posterior length = 9.5 mm, width = 3.25 mm (n = margin of metathorax. Prothorax: Red, 4); scales red, black-tipped at base of black- tipped scales, anterolaterally with wing. Hindwing with black discal spot two small black spots. Mesothorax: and postmedian line. Golden yellow at Scales red, black-tipped. Mesoscutellum apex in radial area and at margin with two tufts of red and black-tipped (Fig. 1). Abdomen: First tergite white, scales on anterolateral corners. Meta- second and third tergites with varying thorax: Dorsally white with two tufts of amount ofgolden-yellow, red, and black red and black-tipped scales protruding scales, with some white at medial line VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 901 Figs. 7-10. Antennal scape (arrow). 7, Neoleiicinodessilvaniae, female. 8, A^. elegantalis, female. 9, A^. silvaniae, male. 10, N. elegantalis, male. and distal margin, abdominal sternites Body with conspicuously pigmented pi- white; distally curved dorsally in both nacula, particularly on mesothorax females and males of live adults. Male (Fig. 16). Head yellow with dark reticu- genitalia (Fig. 11): Tegumen with anteri- lations. Posterior margin of cephalic or margin completely sclerotized; fibula capsule with black pigmentation. Stem- simple with base not hollow, closer to ma 2 closer to 1 than to stemma 3. valval base than to apex. Apex of valva Stemma black, arranged in normal arc. truncate, sclerotized costa extending 3/4 Seta SI on median line connecting center of valva length; cornutus of aedeagus of stemma 2 and 3. Prothoracic shield bladelike, curved slightly apically dark brown with strong dark marking, (Fig. 12). Female genitalia (Fig. 14): Os- shield sclerotized with reniform spot and tium bursae membranous, bow-shaped, with extended dark brown reticulations with large aperture; anterior and poste- posterior to XD2 seta. Dorsal anterior, rior apophyses short, approximate same dorsal posterior, and middle central length (0.7 and 0.6 mm, respectively (n = areas of prothoracic shield with dark 1)); bursa copulatrix (ductus + bursae) brown, poorly defined reticulations. Two three times length ofA7; signum absent. pores between setae Dl and XDl, and — mm Larva (Figs. 16-19.). 6 8 long between Dl and D2. Prothorax with (last instar) (n = 1), body smooth, beige. prespiracular setae, LI and L2, and two 902 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON valva cornutus 12 posterior posterior apophyses apophyses ostium bursae ostium bursae Figs. 11-15. Genitalia. 11, Male Neoleucinodes silvaiiiae. 12, Male aedeagus TV. silvaniae. 13. Male A^. elegantalis. 14, Female TV. silvaniae. 15, Female TV. elegantalis. — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 903 subventral setae SVl and SV2. Meso- A^. elegantalis females (Figs. 7-8). In A^. thorax and metathorax with one sub- silvaniae the ostium bursae is membra- ventral seta, SVl. A3 to A8 with SDl nous, bow-shaped, and has a large aper- seta on pinaculum dorsal to each spira- ture (Fig. 14). Neoleucinodes elegantalis cle. Seta SD2 present and easily visible, also has a large aperture, but it is borne on pigmented pinaculum anterior sclerotized and cup-shaped (Fig. 15). to spiracle (Fig. 19). Seta LI close to L2 The anterior and posterior apophyses in in same pinaculum below and anterior A^. elegantalisare approximately twice the position in relation to spiracle. A9 with length ofapophyses in A^. silvaniae. In the D2, Dl, SDl and LI, on same large, male genitalia (Figs. 11-13), TV. silvaniae highly sclerotized pinaculum (Fig. 18); has a tegumen with the anterior margin L3 present, LI and L2 absent. Crochets completely sclerotized, but it is complete- on prolegs of A6 triordinal, oriented ly membranous in TV. elegantalis. Al- mesally; an incomplete circle, interrupted though the fibula is closer to base than outwardly on lateral margin. to apex of the valva in both species in Biology. Neoleiicinodes silvaniae was comparison to other species in the genus, reared on a wild solanaceus fruit, Sola- the fibula ofTV. silvaniaeis simple with the rium lanceifolium Jacq., called "una de base not hollow, and in TV. elegantalis it is gato" in Spanish by the local farmers bulky, with a hollow base. The apex of (Figs. 24-25). One fruit supports only the valva is truncate in TV. silvaniae, and one larva of TV. silvaniae. The infested round in TV. elegantalis. The cornutus of fruits have a scar that corresponds to the the aedeagus is bladelike in both species, oviposition site, and the larva makes an but in TV. silvaniae the apex is less curved exit hole before pupation. The larvae of that inTV. elegantalis. The larva (Figs. 16- A^. silvaniae are parasitized by Copido- 19) of TV. silvaniae has conspicuously soma sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). raised, sclerotized, pigmented pinacula, — Distribution.^ Colombia, Department and the pinaculum color is different from Cundinamarca. the adjacent body color, particularly on — Type material. Holotype male, Co- the mesothorax where the pigmentaton is lombia, Cundinamarca, Vereda San Luis brownish. Neoleucinodes elegantalis pina- Bajo, Finca Villa Gloria. 4°42'15.2"N cula are usually concolorous with the m 74-37'6.41"W, 1,641 alt., 24.ii.2005, adjacent body area and only slightly Ex. Solanum Solanwn lanceifolium Jacq. raised (blisterlike), particularly on the Collected by A.E. Diaz (Ana Elizabeth mesothorax (Figs. 20-23). The protho- Diaz) [UNAB]. Paratypes: 5 <?, 1 $ with racic shield ofTV. silvaniae is dark brown, same data as holotype [USNM, CTNI]. with strong, dark markings, with a scler- — Etymology. The species name silva- otized reniform spot and with extended, niae is the name of the municipality blackish-brown reticulations posterior to XD2 Silvania, where itwas originally collected. the seta. In A^. elegantalis the Species comparison.—Externally A^. prothoracic shield is pale yellow with silvaniae appears identical to A^. eleganta- light brown markings, without a conspic- lis, but itcan bedistinguished by the short uous blackish, reniform spot posterior to third labial palpal segment in females and seta XD2. In TV. silvaniae seta SD2 is males of A^. silvaniae (Figs. 3,5). The present and easily visible with a dissecting labial palpi in A^. elegantalis are sexually scope on a pigmented pinaculum in front dimorphic, the females have a long third of the spiracle on A3 to A8. In TV. labialpalpal segmentandin the males it is elegantalis SD2 is present on A3 to A8, shorter (Figs. 4,6). The scape color is red but they are difficult to see with a dissect- in the females ofA^. silvaniae, but white in ing microscope and are not associated 904 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 16 i^i- % r--'- ,v. '-^S- r-^. % 18 19 Figs. 16-19. Neoleucinodes silvaniae larva. 16, Entire lateral view. 17, Mesothorax with pinaculum color different from adjacent body color. 18, Pinaculum ofA9 with D2, Dl, SDl and LI setae. 19, Seta SD2 visible (arrow) on pigmented pinaculum anterior to spiracle on A5. VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 905 Figs. 20-23. Neoleucinodes elegantalis larva. 20, Entire lateral view. 21, Mesothorax with pinaculum color different from adjacent body color. 22, Pinaculum ofA9 with D2, Dl, SDl and LI setae. 23, Seta SD2 not visible (arrow) anterior to spiracle on A5. with a pigmented pinaculum. On A9 ofA^. Dl and D2 are separated from SDl and silvaniae Dl, D2, SDl, and LI setae are LI; neither the pinaculum or adjacent on the same large pinaculum that is area are visible, but are slightly raised strongly sclerotized, but in A^. elegantalis (blisterlike). PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 906

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