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A new species and new records of Microcerella macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) from Argentinean Patagonia PDF

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Preview A new species and new records of Microcerella macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) from Argentinean Patagonia

— PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 104(1). 2002. pp. 91-96 A NEW SPECIES AND NEW RECORDS OF MICROCERELLA MACQUART (DIPTERA: SARCOPHAGIDAE) FROM ARGENTINEAN PATAGONIA Juan C. Mariluis ANUS ''Dr. C. Malbran," Vectores. Av. Velez Sarsfield 563, (1281) Buenos Aires, Argentina (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Microcerella antonioi, n. sp. (Sarcophagidae), from Santa Cruz, Argentina, is described and illustrated. The following four species are recorded for the first time from Argentinean Patagonia: Microcerella aulacophyto Pape, M. chilena (Dodge), M. penai (Lopes), and M. rusca (Hall). — Resiimen. Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Sarcophagidae, Microcerella antonioi, de Santa Cruz, Argentina. Asimismo se registran por primera vez para la Pa- tagonia Argentina a M. aulacophyto Pape, M. chilena (Dodge), M. penai (Lopes) y M. rusca (Hall). Key words: Diptera, Sarcophagidae, Microcerella, new species, Argentinean Patagonia Fifteen species ofMicrocerella Macquart via," Buenos Aires. Argentina, and Fun- 1851 are presently known in Patagonia, dacion Miguel Lillo, Tucuman, Argentina. (Pape 1996). During 1997 and 1998, sev- The specimens of the other four species are eral collecting trips to Patagonia were car- in Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Ar- ried out by the author, and a large number gentina. of specimens of Microcerella were cap- tured. A detailed study of this material re- Microcerella antonioi Mariluis, vealed an undescribed species, which is new species herein described and illustrated. Also, sev- (Figs. 1-6) eral new localities in the Argentinean Pa- Diagnosis. Male with a pair of preac- tagonia are provided for M. aulacophyto rostichal bristles; first pair ofocellarbristles Pape, M. chilena (Dodge), M. penai situated at center of ocellar triangle; lower (Lopes), and M. rusca (Hall). part of sternopleura with spot of silvery For general Sarcophagidae terminology pollinosity; scutellum without discal scutel- see Lopes (1978, 1982). Illustrations were lar bristles; sternite IV without hump; ster- made by using a camera lucida attached to nite V without evident humps at medial part a stereoscopic microscope. of both arms; inner border of cerci not un- The holotype and paratypes of the new dulated; paralobi slender; and apical and species are pinned. The holotype and some lateral plate with a —single lobe. paratypes are deposited in the collection of Holotype male. Length: 7-11 mm. the Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Ar- Head: Black with silvery pollinosity, al- gentina. Other paratypes are deposited in most quadrate. Epistoma protuberant. the collections of the Museo Argentino de Cheeks, clypeus, parafrontalia, parafacialia, Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivada- cheek grooves, occipital fringe, and post- PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 92 Figs. 1-6. Microcerella antonioi. male. 1. Cerci rear view. 2, Right paralobi lateral view. 3, Sternite IV lateral view. 4, Sternite V lateral view. 5. Right paramere + gonopod lateral view. 6, Apex ofaedeagus lateral view. Scale = 0.5 mm. — VOLUME 104. NUMBER 1 93 gena black with silvery pollinosity. Fron- anterodorsal and posterodorsal sides. Ab- talia velvety black, upper part with silvery domen: Black. In posterior view, tergite pollinosity and black hairs. Ocellar triangle I+II without pollinosity. III to V with two black, with two pairs of the strong ocellar marks of silvery pollinosity dorsally, with bristles. Parafrontalia and parafacialia with one mark ofgolden pollinosity laterally and black hairs. Upper parafacialia with small other silvery pollinosity ventrally. Sternites hairs and low parafacialia with long hairs I to V black with black hairs. Sternite IV twice size of upper ones. Parafacialia 0.44 (Fig. 3) without hump. Sternite V (Fig. 4) of distance between vibrissa. Front at nar- without evident humps at medial part of rowest part about 0.29 of head width. With both arms. First genital segment shining 5 to 7 frontal bristles, to antennal base 4 to black without silvery pollinosity and with 5, rest pass antennal base, first pair faces six marginal bristles. Second genital seg- backwards, all rest converge. Inner vertical ment orange reddish and with black hairs. bristles twice size of outer vertical bristles. Cercus (Fig. I) slender, curved forward, or- Facialia black, with black hairs, lower part ange reddish on proximal part, black api- shining and upper part with silvery polli- cally, with black hairs. Paralobi (Fig. 2) nosity. Antenna black, segments I and II slender. Apical and lateral plates of disti- shining black. III with brown pollinosity, phallus well developed, with a single lobe arista bare. Thorax: Black with silvery pol- (Fig. 6); styli curved, with a crest on con- linosity. In lateral view, notopleuron and vex border—(Fig. 6). mesopleuron with spot of golden pollinos- Female. Un—known ity. Pteropleuron with spot of silvery pol- Distribution. —Argentina, Santa Cruz. linosity. Sternopleuron with two stigma of Type material. Holotype S and 24 6 silvery pollinosity, one in foremost upper paratypes from Argentina, Santa Cruz: Pto. part around first sternopleural bristles and Santa Cruz, 11-1998, J. C. Mariluis; 1 par- other at lower part. Thorax in dorsal view atype 6 same locality but XI-1997, J. C. a bit inclined with head down and abdomen Mariluis; 2 paratype 6 same locality but I- up, black with stripes of silvery pollinosity. 1998, J. C. Mariluis; 3 paratype 6 from Ar- Prescutum and postcutum with two stripes gentina, Santa Cruz: Rfo Gallegos, 1-1998, in area of dorsocentral bristles. Following J. C. Mariluis.— marks of silvery pollinosity: all humeri; on Etymology. Named after my father Mr. inferior part ofprescutum and one major on Antonio Leoncio Mariluis. inferior central part of postscutum, these Discussion. Microcerella antonioi is marks between intraalar and supraalar bris- similar to M. riisca (Hall 1937). However, tles. Postalar callus with apical spot of sil- the male of M. nisca differs from the male very pollinosity. Scutellum black, with ofMicrocerella antonioi by the first pair of three marks of silvery pollinosity, two lat- ocellar bristles situated behind or at the eral and one distal between posterior mar- same level of the two anterior ocelli, ab- ginal lateral bristles. Acrostichals 1:0; dor- sence of preacrostichals bristles, lower part socentrals 2:3; intraalar 1:2; supraalar 1:3 of sternopleuron with spot of golden polli- Scutellum with two pairs ofmarginal lateral nosity, scutellum with a pair of discal scu- bristles, one anterior and other posterior, tellar bristles, sternite IV (Fig. 13) with a without discal bristles. Wings, epaulet, base conspicuous hump behind middle, sternite of stem vein and point of union of R3 with V (Fig. 14) with evident humps on both R5 black. Subepaulet and rest of veins or- arms, cerci (Fig. 1 1) with inner border un- ange. Base of R5 with black hairs. Legs dulated, paralobi (Fig. 12) heavy, and apical black, hind femur with row of bristles on and lateral plate of distiphallus with two anterior and anterodorsal sides. Middle and lobes. No material in reference to this new posterior tibiae with 2, 3 or 4 bristles on species has been found in both of the most , 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON important Natural History Museums in Ar- type, 9, figs. 10-23, Argentina; Mendo- gentina (Museo de La Plata and Museo Ar- za, Chile; Aconcagua, Alichahue, Anto- gentine de Ciencias Naturales '"Bernardino fagasta, Coquimbo and Curico, Peru; Ca- Rivadavia"). macani, Cuzco and Puno); Lopes 1982: 362 (key); Tibana and Lopes 1987; 372 Microcerella aulacophyto Pape (key, Chile). (Figs. 7-8) Microcerella chilena: Pape 1990; 49 (com- Aulacophyto auromaculata Townsend bination), 1996: 254 (in catalog; Chile: 1919; 158 (d, 9; Peru: Oroya; junior Antofagasta and Santiago, Peru). secondary homonym of Euparaphyto au- Distribution.—Argentina (Mendoza and romaculata Townsend 1919); Hall 1937; Rio Negro), Chile (Aconcagua, Alichahue, 350, 360 (key; S, 9; Chile; Santiago, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Curico, Longuen "East side" Andes presumably near Po- and Santiago), Peru. — trerillos, Mendoza, Argentina); Lopes New records. Argentina, Rio Negro, 1968; 57 {S paratype, figs. 25-27; Boliv- Ruta 305, among S. A. Oeste and Pomona, ia; La Paz. Chile; Iquique and Maniiia); 15-1-1977, J. C. Mariluis, 1 S\ Choele- Lopes 1969; 7 (in catalog; Peru, Chile); Choel, 18-1-197—7, J. C. Mariluis, 1 9. Lopes 1978; 757, 758 {S, 9, figs. 1-9; Discussion. The studied specimens Argentina; Jujuy, Bolivia; La Paz, Chile; agree with the description ofA. chilena by Antofagasta and Iquique, Peru; Camacani Lopes (1978). and Puno); Lopes 1982; 362 (key); Lopes and Tibana 1982; 136 (Chile; Arica); Ti- Microcerella penai (Lopes) bana and Lopes 1987; 372 (key). (Fig. 9) Microcerella aulacophyto Pape 1990; 49 Aulacophyto penai Lopes 1978: 757, 762 (new name for Aulacophyto auromacu- (d, 9, figs. 28-39, Argentina: Jujuy, Bo- lata Townsend 1919); Pape 1996; 253 (in livia; La Paz); Tibana and Lopes 1987; catalog; Argentina; no further data, Bo- 372 (key; Chile; no further data); Verves livia, Chile; Bfobio and Tarapaca, Peru). 1989; 534 (list). — Distribution. Argentina (Jujuy and San- Microcerella penai: Pape 1990: 49 (com- ta Cruz), Bolivia (La Paz), Chile (Antofa- bination), 1996: 257 (in catalog; Argen- gasta, Arica, Bfobio, Iquique, Manina, San- tina; Jujuy). — tiago and Tarapaca), Peru (Camacani, Distribution. Argentina (Jujuy and San- OroNyeawanrdecPourdnso.)—. Argentina, Santa Cruz, ta NCreuwz),reBcoolridvsi.a—(LAargPeanzt)i,naC,hilSea.nta Cruz, Pto. Santa Cruz, XII-1997, J. C. Mariluis, Pto. Santa Cruz, 1-1998, J. C. Mariluis, 2 9 d, 2 9; same data 1-1998, J. C. Mariluis, 6. — 5 (5, 1 9; same locality but 11-1998, J. C. Discussion. The studied specimens Mariluis, 45 6,2 9; Rio Gallegos, 1-1998, agree with the original description. J. C. Mariluis,—4 6. Discussion. The studied specimens Microcerella rusca (Hall) agree with the description of A. auroma- (Figs. 11-14) culata by Lopes (1968, 1978). Aulacophyto rusca: Hall 1937; 350, 361 ((?; Argentina: Bariloche); Lopes 1969; 7 Microcerella chilena (Dodge) (in catalog; Argentina); Lopes 1978; 757, (Fig. 10) 758 (key); Tibana and Lopes 1987: 371, Aulacophyto chilena Dodge 1967; 679 {S 372 (c?, 9; figs. 6-12, Chile: Antofagas- 9; Chile: Antofagasta, Longuen and San- ta, Cautin, Coquimbo, Curico, Malleco tiago); Lopes 1978; 757, 758 {6 para- and Santiago). VOLUME NUMBER 104, 95 Figs. 7-14. Microcerella aiilacophyto, male. 7, Cerci rear view. 8, Right cerci lateral view. 9, M. penoi, male, cerci rear view. 10, M. chilena. male, cerci rear view. Figs. 11-14. M. ?itsca, male. 11, Cerci rear view. 12, Right paralobi lateral view. 13, Sternite IV lateral view. 14, Sternite V lateral view. Scale = 0.5 mm. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 96 Microcerella rusea: Pape 1990: 49 (com- Literature Cited bination), 1996: 257 (in catalog; Argen- Dodge, H. R. 1967. Some new American Sarcophag- tina: Ri'o Negro, Chile: Antofagasta, Cau- idae (Diptera). Pacific Insects 9: 679-686. tin, Coquimbo, La Araucania, Maule and Hall, D. G. 1937. Sarcophaginae, pp. 347-375, 1 pi. /// Diptera of Patagonia and south Chile. Part 7, Santiago). 384 pp., 1 pi. British Museum (Natural History) — London. Distribution. Argentina (Ri'o Negro, Lopes, H. S. 1968. Notes on paratypes of some Sar- Santa Cruz), Chile (Antofagasta, Cautin, cophagid flies described by C. H. T. Townsend Coquimbo, Curico, Malleco, Maule and (Diptera). Revista Brasileira de Biologfa 28: 51- 60. SanNtieawgo)r.ecords.—Argentina, Santa Cruz, ed..A196c9a.taFlaomgiuleyoSfartchoephDaigpitdearea.o/f//tPhaepaAvmeeror,icNa.s, Pto. Santa Cruz, XII-1997, J. C. Mariluis, south of the United States 103: 1.88. Sao Paulo; 2 6,9 9; same locality but 1-1998, J. C. Departamento de Zoologia, SecretariadaAgricul- M1a9r9i8l,uiJs.,C.5 M6a,ri1l5uis9,;5s7amJe, 8lo1cal9i;tyRiboutGaII-- tcuorpa.h.y1t9o7i8d.esOnn. Agiein.la(cDoipphtyetroa.TSoawrncsoephnadgiadnade)A.iiRlea-- llegos, XII-1997, J. C. Mariluis, 3 6; same vista Brasileira de Biologfa 38(4): 757-766. locality but 1-1998, J. C. Mariluis, 7 c?, 8 . 1982. The genera of Microcerellini (Diptera, 9; same locality but 11-1998, J. C. Mariluis, Sarcophagidae). Revista Brasileira de Biologfa 42(2): 359-369. 16 6, 6 9. — Lopes, H. S. and R. Tibana. 1982. Sarcophagid flies Discussion. The studied specimens of Tarapaca, north of Chile (Diptera). Revista concur with the description of A. rusca by Brasileira de Biologfa 42: 135-145. Tibana and Lopes (1987). Macquart, J. 1851. Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou pen connus. (Suites du 4 e. supplement). Memo- ires de la Societe des Sciences, de V Agriculture, Acknowledgments et des Arts de Lille (1850): 134-282. Pape, T. 1990. Revisionary notes on American Sarco- I thank Dr. Salvador V. Peris, who kindly phaginae (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Tijdschrift provided the checklist of Microcerella and voor Entomologie 133: 43-74. for his suggestion to study Neotropical Sar- . 1996. Catalogue ofthe Sarcophagidae of the world (Insecta: Diptera). Memoirs on Entomolo- cophagidae; Drs. Sixto Coscaron, Gustavo gy, International 8: 1-558. R. Spinelli, and Juan A. Schnack for their Tibana, R. andH. S. Lopes. 1987. OnAulacophytoand critical reading of this paper; Drs. Thomas Euparaphyto (Diptera, Sarcophagidae. Microcer- Pape and Rita Tibana for sending me im- ellini), with descriptions offournew species. Me- moriasdo InstitutoOswaldoCruz82(3): 371-378. portant literature about Sarcophagidae; Verves, Yu. G. 1989. Prof. Hugo de Souza Lopes and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cien- the modern .system of Sarcophagidae (Diptera). tificas y Tecnicas, Argentina, for the finan- Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 84 (Suppl. cial support ofthis research and anonymous Town4s)e:nd52,9-C.54H5.. T. 1919. New muscoid genera, spe- reviewers for improving the quality of the cies and synonymy (Diptera). Insecutor Inscitiae manuscript. Menstruus 6: 157-182.

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