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A new site for Newton’s Fiscal Lanius newtoni \’cileryScbolideft1and Gilles Willemb Cettenoterelated’uneprospectionrealiseeentrele8etle 13juilletdansunezonedeforetprimaire situee a l’ouestdu Rio16Grande, danslesud-estde lUedeSaoTome. 11 semble qu’il s’agisse de la premiereprospecti m >mithologiquedans gion Lesobservationsetaientalahauteurdetoutes . >erances. EnefFet, la plupaitdesendemiquesa llleontetetrouves, notamment le Nasique de 1 murocicblabocagei, l’lbisdeBocageBostrycbiaolivact. K>cag( et la Pie-griechede Sao 1 me Lanius newt ni Cette demiei apparemment pour la premiere fois, photographiee sur leterrain lInedescriptic>ndes<)iseaux st donnee, ainsiquede lour \ocalisationetde lour o<>mp<>rtement.< )nin>teraenparticulierquecetteespecea laqueueclairementechancree,faitunique parmi lesLanins. Enfin, ui n, malheureusement trop breveet dans de mauvaises condi- tions. du Neospizede SaoTome, a ete realisee par undesobservateurs. Between8and 13July 1999. weconducteda Five- daysurveyofanareaofprimaryforestwestofthe no 16 Grande (00°08'\ 06°3“”W), in south-east Sao Tome.AccordingtoJacquesRosseel(ECOFAC).who had visited the area east ofthe river, this previously unexplored area appeared excellent and he recom- mendedthatwevisitit.Thealtitudevariesfromc60to 214 m. Two small tributaries of the rio 16 Grande, namely the rios Miranda Guedes and Joao, flow through the area. Ourmainpurposewastofindtherarestandmost localisedislandendemics:DwarfOliveIbisBostrycbia oliracea bocagei, Sao Tome Short-tail (Bocage’s Longbill) Amaurocicbla bocagei Newton's (Sao Figure I HabitatofNewton’sFisc.il Laniusnewtoni, in . south-eastSaoTome(GillesWillem) Tome)FiscalLaniusnewtoniandSaoTomeGrosbeak Neospiza concolor. WiththehelpofourECOFACguide. PedroLetao, Benoit Forget and (for the last two days)Josep del Hoyo,wefoundalmostallofthese. DwarfOliveIbis and Sao Tome Short-tail proved relatively easy to find, the latteralong the smallest rivers and forested foothills.OfSaoTomeGrosbeak,however,onlybrief andunsatisfactoryviewswereobtainedbyoneofus: whatwasthought tobe thisspecieswasfirst seen in flightandsubsequentlyindense, dark undergrowth, alongtherioJoao.Thisdoesnotpermitconfirmation ofthe presence ofthis rare species in the area. For Newton’s Fiscal, excellent sight records and good tape-recordings were obtained. We found a totaloffiveindividualsatthreedifferentlocations,all alongtheridgewestoftherio16Grande.Thefirstwas at210m,justsouthoftherioMirandaGuedes,thetwo others at 180 m, between the rios Miranda Guedes GW andJoao. photographedtwoindividuals, appar- entlythe first field photographs ofthe species. The following notes were taken in the field. A Figure2. Newton's Fiscal Laniusnewtoni,south-eastSao veryslimshrike, thesizeofaCommonFiscalLanius Tome(GillesWillem) NewsiteforNewton’sFiscal: Schollaert& Willem BullABC Vol8No 1 -21 collaris,witharelativelythin, longhillandlonglegs. ThesearethefirstsightingsofNewton’sFiscal in Primary projection appeared quite short. Head and thesouth-eastoftheisland. Thespecies’rangeisstill bill shapes recalled those of a small hush-shrike imperfectly known. Since its rediscovery, in 1990. it Telophorus spp. Crown, upperparts and tail black has been recorded in primary lowland forest, up to except for a white panel on the scapulars and grey 700m.alongtheriosSaoMiguel.XufexufeandQuija patch at the base of the primaries. The underparts. in the south-west, and in the north-east ofthe main from chin to lower belly, were yellow. Undertail- forest block, west of Bombain. There is also an un- covertsdarkgreywithwhitetips.Tailgraduated,with confirmedreportfromtheenvironsofEstacaoSousa, roundedrectrices, andappearedclearlyforked in all just south of Pico de Sao Tome1-2 (J Rosseel pers individuals, most unusually for a shrike. This is not comm). mentioned in mostofthe recent literature-\ butwas alsonoticedbySargeant',whoconsidered itreminis- Acknowledgements cent ofAsian forktailsEnicurusspp. and wondered We thank Pedro Letao.Jacques Rosseel and thestaff whetherthis was a result ofmoult. of ECOFAC Sao Tome for providing much useful One individual (which was photographed) was information and logistical help. We also thank Ron slightly duller, particularly on the underparts, with Demey for encouraging us to write this note and thewhitepanelonthescapularsa littledirtyandthe suggesting improvements to its draft. 7 undertail-covertslesscontrasting.Thismayhavebeen an immatureplumage, orduetoslightsexualdimor- References phism. 1. Atkinson, P., Peel. N. and Alexander. |. 1991. The Thesongconsistedofalongseriesofquiteshort, statusandconservationoftheendemicbirdsofSao monosyllabic,flutedtinnotes,.Atape-recordingcom- Tome and Principe, West Africa. Bird Conserr. prisesanuninterruptedseriesof59tiunoteslasting 1 Intematn. 1: 255-282. min and 14 seconds. The longest series lasted 2 min 2. Christy,P.andClarke.W.V. 1998.GuidedesOiseau.x and 21 sec. We also hearda much fasterand higher deSao TomeetPrincipe. Sao Tome: ECOFAC. pitched tee-tee-tee, and an alarm call that could be 3. Lefranc. N. and Worfolk. T. 1997. Shrikes.A Guide to the Shrikes of the World. Robertsbridge: Pica describedas a fast series ofshorttchicknotes. Press. All individuals appeared nervous and shy, con- 4. Sargeant. 1). 1994. Recent ornithological observa- ssteacnotnlydsmoovnintgheansdanmoetbrreamnacihn.inBgoftohrmwohreenthpaenrcahfienwg t1i0o2nsfromSaoTomeandPrincipe.Bull.ABC1:96- . and on the ground (where only one was seen) they movedthetail,wingsorhead inthemannerofsome “ruedeGerlache 57. 1040Brussels. Belgium. Turdidaespp, and appeared obviouslydisturbed by hrueHenriConscience 7. 1S00 Yilvorde. Belgium. our presence. 22-BullABC Vol8No 1 NewsiteforNewton’sFiscal: Schollaert& Willem

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