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A new Report of Cephrenes Acalle Hopffer (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) from Southern Western Ghats, with Notes on Its Natural History and Immature Stages PDF

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Preview A new Report of Cephrenes Acalle Hopffer (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) from Southern Western Ghats, with Notes on Its Natural History and Immature Stages

Journal ofthe Bombay Natural HistorySociety, 106(2), May-Aug 2009 149-155 A NEW REPORT OF CEPHRENESACALLE HOPFFER (FEPIDOPTERA: HESPERIIDAE) FROM SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS, WITH NOTES ON ITS NATURAL HISTORY AND IMMATURE STAGES S. Kalesh1 and Satya KrishnaPrakash2 'BN439.Greeshmam.Bapuji Nagar,MedicalCollege P.O..Thiruvananthapuram695Oil. Kerala.India. Email: [email protected] 23-A,HeeraHaven,UlloorMedicalCollegeP.O.,Thiruvananthapuram695Oil,Kerala,India.Email:[email protected] The Plain Palm Dart Cephrenes acalle Hopffer 1874, which is presently known to occur in India from Bengal to Sikkim, Assam and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, is now recorded for the first time from Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, peninsular India. This is a significant range extension for this species. A detailed description of the early stagesand anoteonthe natural historyofthe C. acalleispresented. CocosnuciferaL. Coconuttreeisthe hostplant for the species in the study area, which enables the species to establish substantial populations. Our observations show thatthespeciesisnotrareinthisregionand itwasearliereithermistakenfor TelicotaancillabambusaeMoore orTelicotacoloncolonFabricius whichitresembles,orthe species mighthaveeludedearly naturalistsbecauseofits canopydependentmodeoflife. IntensivefieldsurveysinthesouthernWesternGhatsandtheEasternGhatswill help to delineate itsexactdistributional range and status in peninsular India. Key words: larval ecology, distributional ranges, range extension. Plain Palmdart, Cephrenes acalle, Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera, Western Ghats, Kerala, India INTRODUCTION December 2006 in the suburbs ofThiruvananthapuramcity; a female butterfly was spotted resting on a coconut frond. The genus Cephrenes is primarily concentrated in the Wephotographedthespeciesandconfirmeditsidentitylater. Southeast Asia-Papuan region and Australia with only one Subsequently, four males and fourfemales were seen in the species CephrenesacalleHopfferpenetrating intotheIndian same yard again in December 2006, and in January 2007. region. Bell (1910) and Evans (1932) referred to the Indian Besidescollectingsamplesweobservedeightmalesandfour taxonas Cephrenespalmarum,which is,accordingtoEvans females over a period of two weeks. The fact that all the (1949), a synonym of Cephrenes chrysozona oceanica observed individuals had eclosed recently prompted us to (Mabille 1904). However, its currently valid taxonomic search for caterpillars ofthe species. Caterpillars were first placementfollowingCorbetetal. (1992)isCephrenesacalle collectedfromThiruvananthapuraminDecember2006;some Hopffer 1874, and the Indian subspecies is thus Cephrenes parasitized caterpiliars were observed on a coconut tree at acalle oceanica (Mabille 1904). CoyalmannamatPalakkaddistrictafew hundredkilometres TheknowndistributionalrangeofCephrenesacalle is north of Thiruvananthapuram. Intensive searches at from West Bengal eastward to Myanmar and parts of Indo- Thiruvananthapuram resulted in the discovery of four China, and in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Bell 1910; caterpillarsonacoconuttree7mhigh, fromwhich twomale Evans 1932). The presentreportfromThiruvananthapuram, andtwo female butterfliesemerged. Kerala, India, is arangeextensionforthis speciesby at least Males of Cephrenes look like males of Telicota, but 2,500 km. With this addition the currently known Western theformerlacksthecharacteristicstigma(sexbrand)present Ghats butterfly fauna of 333 species (Kunte 2007) now onthe forewings ofthe latter. Femaleshave narrower, much includes 334 species. reduced markings on the upperside and the underside is a dullpinkish-brownratherthanorange.LarvaeofTelicotafeed Natural history and field notes on thespecies on bamboos and grasses, while Cephrenes feeds on palms, We could not find any published descriptions of the includingCoconutPalm(Robinsonetal.2001).Theunusual natural history of this species or its early stages. Swinhoe recordbyMaxwell-LeffroyandHowlettofCephrenesacalle (1913) states that larvae of Cephrenes had been reared in oceanicafeedingontamarindTamarindusindica(Robinson Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1900, but Bell (1910) mentioned etal. 2001) is probably an error. thatthepicturesofthe larvae Swinhoementionedwere never Ourobservations indicate that both the sexes are fond found.Thus,ourreportisprobablythefirstdetaileddescription ofbaskinginthesunduringmornings,andbothvisitCoconut oftheearly stagesofCephrenesacalle Hopffer 1874. Palm flowers exclusively, which were in bloom at the time. Our first sighting of the Plain Palmdart was in As the day advanced, females retired to the undersides or 3 4 NEW REPORT OF CEPHRENESACALLEHOPFFER FROM SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS shadedareas ofthecoconutfronds, whereas males stayedat Egg vantage points from which they chased other butterflies of The structure ofthe egg is not known. It is laid on the their size. Both the sexes were wary but returned back to undersideoftheCoconuttreeleafletstowardsthemiddleor their formerresting places even when disturbed. Flight was at the tips as observedon many occasions from remnants of extremelypowerfulandfast,andthespecieswasalwaysfound egg shells nearthe larval cells. flying high in the canopy. Representative specimens ofboth the sexes are available in ourcollection. Newly hatched larva The head capsule is shaped similar to Telicota and is METHODOLOGY shiny black. This stage is characterized by the presence ofa chitinousblackneckcollaronthedorsalhalfoftheneckregion. Theadultbutterflieswereobservedfromafixedpoint The neck is narrow and the body is widest in the middle, forfour hours each in the morning and evening, from 0600 thereafter, it gradually tapers towards the anal end. The body hrs to 1000 hrs, and 1400 hrs to 1800 hrs (Table I). Adults lackshairsonviewingwithnakedeyes.The semi-transparent m within aradius of 5 from thispoint were included in the analplatehasaseriesoflong,up-curvedandoccasionallydown 1 analysis;thisareaincludedthecanopyofeightcoconuttrees. curved whitish hairs at its tip. The colourofthe body is light The larvae were collected from field and reared under honey yellow withawaxy appearance (Fig. la). laboratory conditions from January toAugust 2006. A total As soon as the larva emerges from the egg it makes a offourlarvae were rearedfromfirsttofinal instar(Table 1); cell at the tip of the coconut leaflet by joining together the detailednotesonthelarvae,pupaeandadultbutterflieswhich leafmarginswithsilkstrands.Thiscellisdifferentfromother emergedwererecorded. palm feeding Hesperiids like Suastus, but resembles that of The preferred larval host plant was Cocos nucifera Caltoris. Incaseswhentheeggislaidatthetipoftheleafthe Coconut palm. It is probable that they feed on other palms larva makes a large cell byjoining two overlapping leaflets too. withsilk.Theunusuallystrongsilkstrandsareplacedalmost Caterpillarscollectedwererearedinplasticcontainers equidistantfromeach other. Theyfeedalittleawayfromthe suitable for their size, for example, a 3 cm long caterpillar cell, proximally to it on one side ofthe margin. The eating waskeptinacontainer9cm x6cmx6cm. Holesof1mmx pattern is characteristic; the larvae start at the leaf margin 1mm per sq. cm were provided for sufficient aeration and working almost perpendicular to the long axis reaching the maintainingappropriatehumidity.Thecontainerwascleaned central vein, thereafter, they eat the soft part between the andfresh leaves were added every day. Measurements were central vein and outer margin leaving the relatively thick made usingVerniercallipers. Morphological descriptionsof margin untouched (Fig. lb). The approximate duration of the larvae follow Bell (1910). moulting phase to the next instar was about 18 to 24 hours. The stagebefore the firstmoulthas been callednewly For larval measurementsreferTable 2. hatched larva. The area between the sub-dorsal and dorso- lateralaspectsofthelarvaeisdescribedhereastheparadorsal First Instar region. The adult butterflies reared were released into their The headisroughlytriangularinshapewiththevertex natural habitats afterphotographing them. moderatelygrooved. Bodyislong,tubularand hairlessexcept Table 1:Adult butterfly sightings and breeding dataof CephrenesacalleHopffer 1874 (December2006to November2007) Month and year Adultsightings Larvaeobserved Remarks N=29 (19 Males,10females) N=8 (2 males, 5females, one undetermined) December2006 Eight malesandfivefemales Onefemale in' rdinstar Preyed upon byspider January2007 One mating pairand a male One male Final instar February2007 none One male Final instar March 2007 One male One4th instar, unsexed Parasitized bywasps April 2007 none none none May 2007 One male none none June2007 One male none none July2007 Two males none none Aug2007 Two malesandtwofemales Newly hatched larva, 2nd th last instar All successfully reared , , September2007 One female none none October2007 Twomales none none November2007 Onefemale none none 150 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 106(2), May-Aug 2009 NEW REPORTOF CEPHRENESACALLEHOPFFER FROM SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS Fig. 1: CephrenesacalleHopffer 1874 (a-d): a. Newlyhatched larva; b. Newly hatched larva cell; c: First instar larva; d. Second instarlarva Fig. 2: CephrenesacalleHopffer 1874(a-c): a. Third instar larva; b. Fourth instar larva; c. Final instar; d. Larval head J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 106(2), May-Aug2009 151 NEW REPORT OF CEPHRENESACALLEHOPFFER FROM SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS atthetipoftheanalplate,whichisconspicuous. Headcapsule marks the middle ofthe true clypeus. Mouthparts are brown. dark brown, body dull sap green (Fig. lc), skin light honey The neck and body is pale sap green (Fig. 2a).The semi- yellow.Thesegmentjustbeforetheanalplateappearsgreyish transparentskinispaleyellow.Thesidesofthebodyaremore becauseoftheinternalcontents,whicharevisiblethroughthe yellowish and dorsal pulsating line is less delineated in this translucentbody. Hairs on the anal plate are translucent. stage. Tail plate is waxy yellow at the periphery with a grey Thecellconstruction andgeneralbehavioural patterns tinge at the middle. Each segment bears a pair of tiny dark are similar in all the instars. When disturbed they bang the spotsintheparadorsalregion.Spiraclesareverticallyovaland anteriorthirds ofthe body and head on the walls ofthe cell are lesscolouredcomparedtothe laterinstars. The floor ofthe cell is coated with thick silk. The eating is usually confined to one margin of the distal aspect of the Fourth Instar leaflet progressing proximally towards the cell. They Head capsule is circular in shape. Vertex is shallow. sometimes make cells with two leaflets; in which case they The headisfinelyreticulo-rugose on magnification. Neckis usuallyeattheupperleafletsparingthelowerone,i.e.,feeding narrowandthereafterbody graduallywidensintoacylinder. on the leaflet that forms the floorofthe larval cell. Thelaterhalfisdorso-ventrallyflattenedlikeinBaoris.Anal plate is semicircular in shape and bears a series of long Second Instar translucent hairat its end. This larva is similar to the first instar larva in colour Thegroundcolourispalegreen andskin ispalelemon and structure (Fig. Id). The duration of larval stages and yellow. The head capsule is waxy brown. The lateral aspect measurements are given inTable 2. ofthelobefaceisseparatedfromthecheeksbyadarkbrown bandwhosebordersareobscureandfadedtowardsthecentre Third Instar of the lobe face. This band passes towards the vertex and Head capsule is almost round with a coarse texture on then passes down parallel to the vertical groove and to the magnification.Vertexisshallow.Neckisnarrow. Bodyislong sides ofthe false clypeus where it diverges. The main trunk andcylindrical.Tailplateissemi-circularwithaseriesoflong ofthisbandpassesontotheleveloflowerthirdoftrueclypeus. whitish hairon it, especially atthe tip. Groundcolourofhead Theotherpartpassesinfero-laterallyandgraduallyfadesand ispale pinkish-white with areddish tint. Eyes black.Alateral merges with the lateral bands. Eyes are black. The dorsal facialbandstartsappearingatthisstage. Itstartsasabrownish pulsating line is green. Paradorsal band is opaque greenish. redbandaroundtheeyeregionandascendsseparatingtheface The rest ofthe lateral surface is greenish yellow (Fig. 2b). from the cheeks. Thereafter, the bands on either side meet at the shallow vertex where they become somewhat paler and Final Instar descend through the vertical groove to reach the apex ofthe The caterpillarlooks similarto Telicota andBaoris. It falseclypeuswhereitends.Asingleverticalbrownishredstreak resembles Telicota and Baoris in shape while it resembles Table2: Biometricdata and duration ofearly stagesof Cephrenesacalle Hopffer 1874 from larvae reared in laboratoryconditions (December2006-November2007) Stages Duration in Measurements Remarks days in centimeters (cm) Egg Unknown NotAvailable Laid singlyon dorsum of Cocosnuciferaleaflets usuallyon well exposed leaves. Newlyhatched Unknown Body: length 0.28-0.5cm Found in itstypical cell at leaflettip. larvae 1st instar 6 days Head: width 0.1 cm Earlystagesclosely resemblethatof Baoris. Body: length 0.7-1.0cm Cell nearleaftip,floorofcell smearedwiththickmatofstrongsilk. 2nd instar 5-6days Head: width and height 0.12cm Similartothe previous instarin all respects. Body: length 0.1-1.75 cm 3rd instar 6-7days Head: width 0.2cm General structure and habitssimilarto lastinstar, buttesticles Body: length 1.5-3.0cm moreconspicuous. Lobefaceson headcapsule pale, lateral bandswell-defined, resembles Polytremis earlystages. 4th instar 6days Head: width 0.25 cm; height0.25cm Headcapsule richly marked bands may be inconspicuous inthis Body: length 3.0-3.5cm darkbackground. Final instar 7-8days Head: width 0.3cm; height0.4cm Typical larvawith thecharacteristic head patterns, moreactive Body: length 3.5-4.5cm than predecessors. Pupa 8-10days length 2.5cm Largerthan Telicotapupa butpalerand less richlycoloured, maximum width 0.6 cm Tail processesextremely reduced in contrastto Telicota. width 0.4cm at head height0.55cm atshoulders 152 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 106(2), May-Aug 2009 NEW REPORT OF CEPHRENESACALLEHOPPER FROM SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS Telicotaincoloration. Headcapsuleisverticallyoval.Vertex cell is smearedwith whitish cereousexcretion, which serves ismoderatelygrooved.Onmagnification,theheadisreticulo- as protection against moisture and rain. The amount ofthis rugose and bears short down-curved translucent hairs. Hair cereoussecretionismorethanthatobservedin Telicotapupae. islongestaroundthemouthparts. Neckregionandadjoining The larvae lie motionless and this posture is continued for segments are the narrowest section of the body. Body is about 24 hours; the whole process ofpupation is completed widest in the middle. On cross-section the body is arched within this time. dorsally and the ventrum is flat. Body is roughly spindle- The general structure resembles that of the Telicota shaped and transversely dividedby small annuli. On lateral andThoressa-Halpegroup.Thepupaislargerindimensions, view, the body is highest at about the anterior thirds then butpalerincoloration incomparisonwith Telicota.Thereare graduallytapersandflattensdorso-ventrallytowardstheanal no body bands orany cremasteric adhesions (Fig. 3a). plate. Each segment has five annuli. In each segment, On dorsal view the head is finely curved on front. proceeding in the head to tail direction, the first was the The snout is absent but the region is marked with a single largestannuli, the secondannulusis incompleteandtherest dark spot. There are some tufts of long hairs around the were complete annuli. The second annulus has a silverspot snout and eyes. The stigma present postero-superior to the in the paradorsal region. This spot is not very clearly eyes is reniform in shape. The body is widest at the origin appreciated in some segments and is not as conspicuous as of wings. Thereafter, the width is constant till about the in Baoris. The body has extremely small hairs, which are last quarter, but tapers off rapidly to end in the highly visible only when held against light and on simple rudimentary tail process. On lateral view the highest point magnification with ahand lens.Thetipofanal platehasthe isthe humpofthethorax, which isconvex; thisisfollowed longest hair on it which is visible with the naked eye. byamoderateabdomino-thoracicconstriction(Fig. 3b).The Spiracles are vertically oval and more or less flushed with rest of the body is of a smoother convex contour, which thesurface.Adarkspotisseenneartheantero-superioraspect rapidly tapers off from the rear thirds to end in the tail of the spiracle. Another similar spot is observed postero- process. On the ventral view, the proboscis is much longer inferiorly. The male larvae can be differentiated based on than the rest of Telicota and extends to surpass more than the presence ofthe paired yellowish orange genital organs, half of the second segment distal to the wing cases. It which are visible lying beside the dorsal pulsating line in extends for 2 mm when measured from the tips of wing the laterthird ofthe body (Fig. 2c). cases (Fig. 3c). In contrast to Cephrenes both species of , Thegroundcolourofthelarvaispalegreenish.Theskin Telicota have short proboscis and it never extends beyond is pale lemon yellow, which is more evident at the skin folds the first intersegmental space distal to the wing cases. The near neck and the paraspiracular regions. The head is waxy tail process is a short and straight extension from the palerosebrown.Thefaciallobesandcheeksare separatedby rear, these are irregular and much reduced in comparison adarkblackbrown band that begins around the eyes; it then to Telicota (Fig. 3d). In Telicota the tail process is almosta passesthrough the sidesofthe lobe, face reachingthe vertex. trapezoid one with a terminal series of uniformly long From there the band on each side descends parallel to the down-curved hooklets. The whole body is clothed in verticalgrooveandgraduallywidenstillitreachestheapexof evenly distributed sparse, moderately long, reddish brown thefalseclypeus.Thereafter,thebandstapergraduallyanddo hairs which are more numerous near the rear and front not pass beyond the dorsal halfofthe true clypeus. Another segments. vertical line of similar colour is observed inside the true Thegeneralcolourofthepupaispale yellowish white clypeus.Itstartsattheapexofthetrueclypeusandextendstill whileincontrastthepupaeofTelicotaaremuchmoredeeply two thirds ofits height. Eyes are almost black (Fig. 2d). The coloured in brownish yellow with an orangish tint. Head is dorsal pulsating line is green. The paradorsal bands are waxybrownishyellow.The stigmaoneithersidesoftheeye opaque, pale white green. The spiracles are lemon yellow in rudiments are dark brown. Thorax is coloured pale waxy colour. honey yellow with a greenish tinge. Abdomen is whitish The cell is made by joining together the two ends of yellow. The spiraclesaretranslucentpale brownish.The tail the leaflet making aflattenedcell atthe leaftip. Then iteats processesarereddishbrown.Durationofpupalstageisabout from the leaf tip advancing proximally leaving the central 10 days. The adult butterflies usually (Fig. 4) emerge in the woody vein. Feeding usually takes place in the dark morning hours. hours, but they will feed even during the daytime if not disturbed. Parasitism and predators One of the larvae was found to be infesting with Pupation parasitoid wasps. Farval infectionsarerare. Jumpingspiders The larva settles inside the last residing cell for were observed as predators oflarvae and adults in the field. pupation. Its colourchanges to yellowish white. The whole Adults alsofall prey to Red ants Oecophylla smaragdina. J. BombayNat. Hist. Soc., 106(2), May-Aug 2009 153 NEW REPORTOF CEPHRENESACALLEHOPFFER FROM SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS Fig. 3: CephrenesacalleFlopffer 1874(a-d): a. Pupadorsum; b. Pupa lateral view; c. Pupa ventrum; d.Tail Fig. 4: CephrenesacalleHopffer 1874(a-d): a. Male underside; b. Female underside; c. Male upperside; d. Female 154 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 106(2), May-Aug 2009 NEW REPORTOF CEPHRENESACALLEHOPFFER FROM SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS CONCLUSION the preferred host plant, is relatively uncommon. Intensive surveysinthenorthern andcentralWesternGhatsandinthe We have presented here the first detailed descriptions EasternGhatswillhelptodelineateitscurrentdistributional of the early stages of the Cephrenes acalle Hopffer, and rangeandstatusinpeninsularIndia.Taxonomicalandgenetic reported for the first time the presence of the species in analysishastobeundertakentoconfirmthesubspeciesstatus southern India. In this study, it was found that adults were ofthis species. notuncommoninsouthernKeralawhereitslarvalhostplant ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS isavailable,butwasdescribedrareowingtoitspeculiarhabit ofkeepingtohighcanopiesofcoconuttrees. Previousworks (Fergusson 1891; Kunhikrishnan 2002) on Lepidopteran WethankAndrewWarrenfortaxonomicadvice. We are fauna focussed on this region of the peninsula might have grateful to Krushnamegh Kunte for help in identifying the overlooked this species for the related Telicota genus. Only species, and also for writing the manuscript. We would also larval rearing and detailed adult examination would have like to thank E. Kunhikrishnan and Suresh Elamon for revealedthedifferencesbetweenthem,moreovertheseworks encouragement, and the unknown referees for valuable mainlyconcentratedonthehigherelevationsoftheWestern comments. We sincerely thankJyothy Vijayan and Greeshma GhatsandtheforestedinteriorsofthedistrictwhereCoconut, forsupport. Bell, T.R. (1909): The common butterflies of the plains of India Kunte, K. (2000): Butterflies ofPeninsular India. Universities Press (including those met within the hill stations of the Bombay (Hyderabad) and Indian Academy of Sciences (Bangalore). Presidency).J. BombayNat. Hist. Soc. 19: 16-58. 254pp. Corbet,A.S„H.M.Pendlebury&J.N.Eliot(1992):TheButterfliesof Kunte, K. (2007): Checklist of the Butterflies of the Western theMalayPeninsula.4thedition.MalayanNatureSociety,Kuala Ghats, south-western India. In: Subramanian, K.A. (Ed.): Lumpur,X+595 pp., 69pi. Diversity and Conservation of Invertebrates in the Western Evans, W.H. (1932): Identifications ofIndian Butterflies. 2nd Edition. Ghats. BombayNatural History Society, Bombay, x+454pp., 32 pi. Robinson, G.S., P.R. Ackery, I.J. Kitching, G.W. Beccaloni & Evans,W.H.(1949):ACatalogueoftheHesperiidaefromEurope,Asia L.M. Hernandez (2001): Hostplants ofthe moth and butterfly andAustralia in the British Museum (Natural History). British caterpillarsoftheOrientalRegion.TheNaturalHistoryMuseum, Museum(Natural History),London. 502pp. London, pp. 744. Ferguson,H.S.(1891):AlistoftheButterfliesofTravancoreJ.Bombay Swinhoe,C. (1913): IndianMuseumNotesno.3 pp.126. PI. 9. Nat. Hist. Soc. 6: 432-448. Swinhoe, C. & F. Moore (1890-1913): Lepidoptera indica. Vol. 1-10. Kunhikrishnan, E. (2002): Diversity ofButterflies in the Neyyarand PublishedbyL. ReeveandCo.,London. PepparaWildlifeSanctuaryKerala,AreportsubmittedtoKerala Wynter-Blyth,M.A.(1957):ButterfliesoftheIndianRegion.Bombay ForestDepartment. NaturalHistorySociety,Mumbai, xx+523 pp.,72pi. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 106 (2), May-Aug 2009 155

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