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A new remarkable species of Probles with clavate antennae from Vietnam (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae) PDF

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Preview A new remarkable species of Probles with clavate antennae from Vietnam (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae)

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA ISSN Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg ▪ https://www.zin.ru/journals/zsr/ 2410-0226 (Online) Vol. 27(2): 234–238 ▪ Published online 3 December 2018 ▪ DOI 10.31610/zsr/2018.27.2.234 0320-9180 (Print) RESEARCH ARTICLE A new remarkable species of Probles with clavate antennae from Vietnam (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae) Новый примечательный вид Probles с булавовидными антеннами из Вьетнама (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tersilochinae) A.I. Khalaim А.И. Халаим Andrey I. Khalaim, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia; Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Autόnoma de Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria, Mexico. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Probles (Euporizon) chernetsovi Khalaim sp. nov. characterised by strongly clavate antennae with unusual sensillar areas, is described as new to science from Central Vietnam. Резюме. Probles (Euporizon) chernetsovi Khalaim sp. nov., характеризующийся сильно булавовид- ными антеннами с необычнными полями сенсилл, описан как новый для науки из Центрально- го Вьетнама. Key words: Oriental region, Asia, tropics, taxonomy, parasitoids, new species Ключевые слова: Ориентальная область, Азия, тропики, таксономия, паразитоиды, новый вид ZooBank Article LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:449A88CB-A882-4309-BB20-25DE0BBBE42A Introdiction Vietnamese species characterised by unique sen- sillar areas on clavate antennae. Probles Förster, 1869 is a moderately large tersilochine genus with the majority of species in Material and methods the Holarctic region. It is represented by 52 spe- cies in the Palaearctic region while the Nearctic Material of the new species was loaned from fauna is virtually undescribed (Yu et al., 2016; the National Museum of Natural History (Natu- Khalaim, personal observation). Only a few spe- ralis), Leiden, the Netherlands (RMNH). Two cies of Probles are known beyond the Holarctic re- paratypes will be deposited in the Zoological In- gion: two species in the Oriental region (Khalaim, stitute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St Pe- 2011) and one species in the Afrotropical region tersburg, Russia (ZIN). (Khalaim, 2013). Townes (1971: 37) mentioned Morphological terminology follows that of a worldwide distribution of the genus, and later Townes (1971) with changes according to Khala- undescribed taxa of Probles were reported from im (2011). Wings of one specimen (Fig. 10) were Australia (Gauld, 1984: 314), Mexico and Central slide-mounted using Solakryl BMX. Layer photo- America (Khalaim, 2011: 134–135). graphs were taken in ZIN, with a Canon EOS 70D Only one species of Probles, P. vietnamica digital camera attached to an Olympus SZX10 Khalaim, 2011, was known from Vietnam hither- stereomicroscope. Partly focused images were as- to. The aim of this work is to describe a second sembled with Helicon Focus 6 Pro software. © 2018 Zoological Institute RAS and the Author(s) A.I. Khalaim. A new remarkable Probles from Vietnam Taxonomic part as basal mandibular width. Antennal flagellum (Fig. 2) slender basally and conspicuously clav- Order Hymenoptera ate apically (strongly compressed laterally and Family Ichneumonidae weaker depressed dorso-ventrally), with 20–23 flagellomeres (20 in holotype); subbasal flagel- Subfamily Tersilochinae lomeres 1.6–1.8 times as long as broad; 7–8 sub- Genus Probles Förster, 1869 apical flagellomeres about as long as broad; 8–9 apical flagellomeres on ventral side uniformly and Probles (Euporizon) chernetsovi sp. nov. densely covered with unusual sensillae, without (Figs 1–10) sensillae placodea (Fig. 9, arrow); thus, this ven- Holotype. Female, Central Vietnam, Ha Tinh Prov., tral flagellar areas seeming densely granulate in Vu Quang National Park, 18°20'45''N, 105°26'39''E, light microscope and clearly differ from other sur- 59 m, Malaise trap 3, 22.IX–6.X.2009, coll. C. v. Ach- faces of flagellomeres covered with sensillae placo- terberg & R. de Vries, RMNH’09 (RMNH). dea and setiform sensillae; subapical flagellomeres Paratypes. Central Vietnam: 1 female, same label 1.4–1.8 times broader than subbasal flagellomeres; as holotype (RMNH); 1 female, same locality, date and flagellomeres 1 to 3 with distinct subapical fin- collectors, N 18°21'02'', E 105°26'33'', 50 m, Malaise ger-shaped structures on outer surface (Fig. 2, trap 9 (RMNH); 10 females, same locality and col- arrow). Face and frons strongly granulate, dull, lectors, various traps, 104–180 m, 24.IX–5.X.2009, impunctate. Vertex with shallow or strong granu- coll. C. v. Achterberg & R. de Vries, (8 specimens in RMNH, 2 ones in ZIN); 1 female, same locality and lation, dull or weakly shining, impunctate or with collectors, 97 m, 23.IX–5.X.2009 (RMNH). fine punctures laterally. Temple with shallow but Etymology. The species is named in honour of distinct punctures, smooth and shining between a well-known Russian ornithologist, researcher of punctures. Occipital carina complete. Hyposto- the Biological Station “Rybachy” (Kaliningrad mal carina completely absent. Prov., Russia), Nikita Chernetsov. Mesoscutum strongly granulate, dull, with Comparative diagnosis. Probles chernetsovi sp. dense punctures which are sometimes indistinct nov. is immediately distinguished from all other because of granulation (especially in small spec- species of the genus (as well as any species of the imens). Notaulus with weak irregular wrinkles. subfamily) by its strongly clavate antennal flagel- Scutellum with lateral carinae developed in its lum (Fig. 2) with ventral surfaces of thickened anterior four-tenths or half. Mesopleuron cen- subapical flagellomeres uniformly covered with trally (above foveate groove) punctate on more or unusual sensillae (Fig. 9, arrow); such sensillar ar- less smooth and shining background, peripherally eas are unknown in other tersilochine species. The granulate, weakly shining to dull. Foveate groove new species also possesses a remarkable short ovi- of mesopleuron S-curved, extending from ante- positor with a strong dorsal subapical tooth and rior margin of mesopleuron to base of mid coxa, lower valve ventrally expanded (Fig. 8). with coarse transverse wrinkles; deep and very Description. Female. Body length 3.2–5.3 mm broad anteriorly, narrower and usually less deep (3.25 mm in holotype), fore wing length 2.5– posteriorly (Fig. 5). Propodeum with strong bas- 3.5 mm (2.5 mm in holotype). al keel which is about 0.6 times as long as apical Head strongly tapered behind eyes in dorsal area (Fig. 7); transverse carina usually with adja- view (Fig. 3); temple 0.50–0.55 times as long as cent short wrinkles; dorsolateral area granulate, eye width. Clypeus lenticular (Fig. 4), about 2.8 dull or weakly shining, sometimes finely punc- times as broad as high, flat in lateral view, sepa- tate; apical area widely pointed or rounded an- rated from face by distinct groove, smooth and teriorly, more or less flat, granulate, usually with shining in lower half, and coriaceous or very fine- transverse or irregular wrinkles; apical longitu- ly granulate with scattered punctures in upper dinal carinae complete or incomplete (vanishing half. Mandible slender, weakly tapered towards anteriorly). Propodeal spiracle adjacent to pleu- apex, with upper tooth much longer than lower ral carina or separated from it by one diameter of one. Malar space very short, 0.3–0.4 times as long spiracle. ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 234–238 235 A.I. Khalaim. A new remarkable Probles from Vietnam Figs. 1–6. Probles chernetsovi sp. nov., female, holotype (1, 5) and paratype (2–4, 6). 1, habitus, lateral view; 2, antennae, ventrolateral view (finger-shaped structures, arrows); 3, head, dorsal view; 4, head, front view; 5, meso- pleuron, lateral view; 6, wings. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. Fore wing (Figs 6, 10) with second recurrent width of pterostigma. Intercubitus (2rs-m) mod- vein (2m-cu) postfurcal to almost interstitial. erately thick, usually longer than abscissa of cu- Metacarpus (R1) reaching tip of wing. First ab- bitus between intercubitus and second recurrent scissa of radius (Rs+2r) straight, longer than vein (abscissa of M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu). 236 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 234–238 A.I. Khalaim. A new remarkable Probles from Vietnam Figs. 7–10. Probles chernetsovi sp. nov., female, holotype (7, 8) and paratype (9, 10). 7, propodeum, dorsolateral view; 8, metasoma with ovipositor, lateral view; 9, apices of flagella (ventral view, sensillar area, arrow); 10, wings. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. Hind wing with nervellus (cu1&cu-a) weakly re- ventrally conspicuously expanded (Fig. 8), strong clivous. dorsal subapical tooth and one or a few fine teeth Legs slender. Spurs of hind tibia straight. Tar- ventrally; sheath about 0.9 times as long as first sal claws weakly curved, not pectinate. tergite. First metasomal tergite very slender, entirely Head and mesosoma black; lower 0.4–0.5 smooth and shining, 4.6 times as long as posteri- of clypeus, mandible (teeth reddish black) and orly broad; petiole rounded in cross-section; post- mouthparts yellow; tegula brownish yellow. An- petiole in dorsal view clearly broader than petiole. tenna yellow or pale brown basally to brown or Glymma small and deep, situated in distal 0.7 of dark brown apically, yellowish on ventral side ba- first tergite, joining by thin and sharp furrow to sally. Pterostigma brown. Legs yellow to brown- ventral part of postpetiole (Fig. 8). Second tergite ish yellow, hind coxa sometimes slightly reddish or 1.35 times as long as anteriorly broad. Thyridial brownish. First tergite brownish black. Metaso- depression about 2.5 times as long as broad. Ovi- ma behind first segment yellow to brownish yel- positor short, weakly upcurved, with lower valve low, second tergite anteriorly with dark brown or ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 234–238 237 A.I. Khalaim. A new remarkable Probles from Vietnam blackish mark on dorsal side, and following ter- sic Research (project No. 16-04-00197) and performed gites with similar dark marking weaker. in the framework of the Russian State Research Pro- ject No. АААА-А17-117030310210-3. Male. Unknown. Variation. The species is rather variable in structure and size, though important diagnos- References tic characters are quite stable. Sometimes meso- Gauld I.D. 1984. Subfamily Tersilochinae. In: An In- pleuron with posterior half of foveate groove very troduction to the Ichneumonidae of Australia. Bul- shallow or vanishing, thus only in anterior half of letin of the British Museum (Natural History) (En- mesopleuron foveate groove is distinct. Propodeal tomology), 895: 304–316. spiracle in one paratype separated from pleural ca- Khalaim A.I. 2011. Tersilochinae of South, Southeast rina by almost 2.5 times diameter of spiracle. and East Asia, excluding Mongolia and Japan (Hy- Distribution. Vietnam. menoptera: Ichneumonidae). Zoosystematica Ros- sica, 20(1): 96–148. Khalaim A.I. 2013. New data on the Afrotropical Ter- Acknowledgements silochinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Proce- edings of the Russian Entomological Society, 84(2): I am thankful to Frederique Bakker, curator of the 129–136. RMNH ichneumonid collection, for loaning specimens. Townes H.K. 1971. The genera of Ichneumonidae, Also I am grateful to Santiago Bordera (University of Part 4. Memoirs of the American Entomological In- Alicante, Spain) and Kyohei Watanabe (Kanagawa stitute, 17: 1–372. Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Odawara, Yu D.S.K., Achterberg C. van & Horstmann K. Kanagawa, Japan) for reviewing this manuscript. The 2016. Taxapad 2016, Ichneumonoidea 2015 [data- work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Ba- base on flash-drive]. Nepean, Ontario, Canada. Received 4 September 2018 / Accepted 21 November 2018. Editorial responsibility: S.A. Belokobylskij 238 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 234–238

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