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Preview A New Record of Gmelina tomentosa Fletcher (Verbenaceae) from Myanmar

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7565 Acta Phytotax .Geobet, 57 (3) 2:33-236 (2006) Short Communication A New Record of Gmelina tomentosa Fletcher(Verbenaceae) from Myanmar NOBUYUKI TANAKAiand HIDETOSHI NAGAMASU2 il(bchi Pftlfi/,ctu MrLailkino Botanical Garcie nG,ocinisa n4200-6 ,Kbchi 78J-8i25 ,.lapan ;27)ie KYot oU7iiversity Miiseum ,dyoto Uhivensiij iSdkyo, 1<),ot o606-850J, ,JLrpan Gmetina tomentosa (Verbenac eisa ncewl)y reported from Myanmar. Until now, this $pecies has been known only from the original descripti aonnd collected Qnly from Thailand. Based on the new materials, a fu1 1descripti oannd an illustrat airoen presente dhere. Key words: distributi oGnm,elina, Myanmar, new record, Verbenaceae Linnaeus (1753 e)stablished the genus Gmelina densel ytomentose branchlet tsh,e retuse or obtuse with a single species, G. asiatica, Approximatel 4y0 apex of young leaves t,he 4-toothed caiyx and the species have since been referred to the genus, which large rcorolla with soft white hairs. occurs in the tropics and subtropics ofAftica, Asia Gmelina tomentosa was described by Fletcher and Australia (Molden k1e984a, Munir 1984, (1938 b)ased on a specimen collected from Thai- Mabberley 1997, Harley et al. 2004) .Five species land. Moldenke (1984b k)new of the species only by are currently known from Australia (Muni 1r984), Fletcher' sprotologu aet the time ofhis revision, A The bulk of the species have been revised by descriptio nof the species' fimi tis still wanting. Moldenke (1984 ba, ,c, d, e, g g) but no treatmen tof Recent checklist ofMyanmar plant s<Kre sest al, the Asian species has been attempted since then. 2003) also faile dto cite this species, although it In the course of inyento rreysearch on a flor oaf may be considered that G tomentosa has not been Myanmar (Tanak 2a005), several ferti lsepecimens recognized as a distinc stpecies, Therefbre this is a of Gmelina were collected in dry deciduous fores att firs rtecord of G. tomentosa from Myanmar. the foot ofMt. Popa, Popa Mountain Park (20a54'N , A fu1 1descripti oinn,cludin tghat of the fruit, 95e15'E) ,central Myanmar, The collections were and an illustrat i(oFnig ,of1 )this poorly known initial lryeported as "G. sp," in a recent account of species are provide dhere, M)ucher specimens havc the fiowering plants of the region (Tanak aet al, been deposited at the Enviromnental Education 2006) ,However, fbllowin cgarefu1 examination of Center of Pepa Mountain Park ,with duplicates the collections and their comparison with authentic being sent to the Makino Botanica Glarde nOvlBK), materials ofthe genus Gmetina at K and KYO, i tis the Botanical Gardens of the Universit yof Tokyo concluded that they coincide with G. tomentosa. (TI )a,nd the Kyoto Universi tMyuseum Herbarium Though considered to be closely related to G. ellip- (KYO). tica, G. tomentosa is easily distinguis bhye dits NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 234 APG Nlo 15.7 -lil.l',:・IEif,-,i tw->elS-" im a.YJ.・ 'g ,,,g'・Y( * C G FIG. I. Gmetina tomentosa F]etche (rA - G, drawn from K}zi nopo ilft, 0'3e2522, MBK ) .A: Habit drawin ogfa branc hB./ Ybung leafi C: Mature lea fD' Flowe rE.: Nlartica lolpcyned flewe srhowing androecium and gynoecium. F] Calyx, G, Transvers esection of frui tH.: Fruit with persiste nctalyx. Scalc bars = 3 cm (A - C), 1 cm (D - H), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics Dccember2006 TANAKA & NAGAMASU: New Recerd of Gmelina tementosa 235 Gmelina tomentosa Fletcher in Kew Bull .1938: ift)r mw,ith scattered short glandula hrairs l,onger 204 (1938 M)o;ldenke in Phytolog iMaem, 2: 286 & pair 2.0 - 2,3 cm long ,shorter pair O,9 - 1 .0 cm long; 549 (1980 )M;oldenke in Phytologi a56<3): 181 anthers oblong, Iarge rones with longe rpair 3 - 4 (198 4`G.) ;sp.', Nob. Tlanak &a Nagam. in Makinoa mm long ,smaller ones with shorter pair 1 - 2 mm N. S. 5: 75 (2006) .Ty-pe: Thailand, Rachasima, long. Pisti lo:vary ovoid-globose, glabrou s2, - 3 mm Korat, Ban Chum Seng, 7Vbe 21 I (K). long, ca. 2 mm diameter 4,-locular w,ith one ovule in locule; 3-3.5 long, each style cm slightly exsert- A shrub or small tree with short spines, ca. 3 m tall. ed, filiform w,ith sparsely glandula hrairs through- Branches grayis hb;lanchle tcosnspicuQusly tomen- out, and with basall wyhite long hairs, stigma tose when young, becoming glabrous ,armed with unequally 2-lobe dat apex. Drupes with 4-celled, short spines on lower stem, O.5 - O.7 cm long. ovoid to ellipsoid, 2 - 3 cm long ,1.2 - 2,O cm in Leavesdecussate-opposite; 1-3.5 long, diameter, petiole s cm glabrous ,yellowjsh when mature. densel ytomentose; leaf blade ovate, orbicular or Distribution :Thailand and Myanmar (Mt. depresse odvate when young, ovate to deltoi dwhen Popa). long,3-7.5 P2irnacttiar (ldlyanmaMiyVe:HtinYU, mature,3-8 cm cm wide, rounded or name broadl yobtuse, often retuse at apex, marginally &)ecime nesxamined: MYANMAR: Mandalay entire, basall syubcuneate, tmncate or rounded, fu1- DivisiQn: along the Circula Frorest Road, Popa Mountain Park,17June2000,1(hinfidyoHtwe 020391 (MBK,TI); vous-appressed tometose on upper surface, fulvous- near the EnvironmenFal Education Centeg Popa Mountain tomentose, especially on ribs ,and glanduliferou osn Park, 20 June 2000, 12inaka et al. 020466 (MBK, Tl); lower surface, the glands round or quadrangu]ar, along thc Circula Frores tRoad to Popa Mountain Resort, white, and sessite; midrrib conspicuous on upper 1 1 Aug. 20eO, T)ha nTlij aAnye & Khin !I{Cl, oHbve 020571 surface, prominent on lower surface, secondary <MBK, TI); near the Enyironmental Education Center, veins 3 to 4. Inflorescence sterminal, racemiform, 5 Popa Mountain Park, 30 Aug. 2002, Khin too Htwe - 7 cm long ,bract lseaf yo,vate to lanceola taceu,mi- M0o2u4n0t6a7i n(MPBarKk,, 1T0I)J;u nneear20 0th4e, Kehntiranncdeyo gHattvev oef03 P2o5p2a2 nate at apex, olive-coloured, densely tomentose, (KYO,MBK, TI), 1,2 - 2 cm long ,O.6 - 1 cm wide; pedicel svery short, 1 - 1 ,5 mm long ;bracteo l4e - 5 mm long ,1 - We are indebted to Ms. Khin Myo Htwe of Popa 1,5 mm wide. Calyx 1.2 - 1.5 cm long, ca. O.8 mm Mountain Park ,for her exhaustive effbrts collecting spec- wide, campanulate, conspicuously 4-toothe dte,eth imens from Mt. Popa, Thanks are due to Ms. Mutsuko O.5-O.7 cm long, tube O.8- 10 cm long ,densely Nakajima for the preparati oonf iLLustrati oWnes .would tomelnteonsge,3 o-ut3si.d5e, glabrou sinside .Corolla 4 - b4i.l5- ailnsgo Nl.iT.k taecoc eesxspre tsos t hoeuirr tcohlalenctki ostnso, cur aantdor st oo fSKte pfhoar gn rGaanlte- cm cm wide, white, membranous, fbr reviewing the English manuscript. This research is inside, abiate, extemally softly pubescent, glabrous partl ysupported by Grant-in-Aid from the Japanese upper li pentire, 12- 15 mm long ,10- 15 mm Ministr yof Education ,Culture S,port sand Sciencc and wide, ]ower lip 3-lobed ,tbe center lobe largest,Technology to Jin Murata (133750 0&3 17255004) and broadl yovate-oblong, 1O - 20 mm long, 1O - 12 mm Grant-in-Ai fdrom Kochi Prefectur aGlovernment, wide, the latera lsesmiorbicular, 5 - 10 mm long ,7 References - 10 mm wide; tube slender below for up to about half of it slength ,then abruptly dilatin gupward, 2.5 - 3 cm long. Stamens didynamous, mostly F l e tcahdedirt ,aHme,n tRum, 1938 ,X LCIoXnt riin bKeuwti oB nutosl lt,h e1 9F3l8or: a1 o9f9Si-am2,09. included ,inserte dabout the middle ofthe corolla- Harley,R.M.,S.AtkinsA,, L.Budantsev,P,D.Cantino, tube near the top oflower slender part ;filamen tfsiI- B, J. Conn, R. Grayer ,M. M. Harley ,R, de Kok, T. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 236 APG Vbl. 57 Krestovskaja, R, Morales, A. J. Paton, O. Ryding & Phytologia 56(1): 32 - 54. T. Upson. 2004. Labiatae. In: J. W. Kadereit. (ed.) , 1984e. Additional notes on the genus Gmetina IV Fam. Gen. Vasc. Pl .7: 167-275. Phytolegia 56(2): 102 - 126. Kress ,W, J, ,R, DeFilipps E,, Farr & Yin Yin Kyi. 2003. . 1984f. Additional notes on the genus Gmetina VZ A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Phytologi a56(3) :154 - 182. Climbers .Contribution sfrom the United States . 19g4g .Additiena nlotes on the genus Gmelina VI, NationalHerbarium45:1-590. Phytotogia56(4):309-315. Linnaeus ,C. 1753. Specie sPlantarur Vrbil. 2. Munir, A. A, 1984, A taxonomic revision of the genus Mabberley, D, J. 1997. The Plant Book. 2nd ed. Gmetina L. (Verbenac eina Aeu)strali aJ.. Adelaide Cambridge Universit Pyress ,Cambridge. Bot. Gard ,7(1) :91-116. Moldenke, H. N. 1984a .Notes on the genus Gmelina [tanak aN,. 2005. Plan tInventor Ryesearch: Contributions (Verbenace Paheyt)o.logi a55(5) :308 - 342. to the Flora of Myanmar. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. , 1984b ,Additiona lnotes on the genus Gmeiina I. S6(1)i 21 - 26. Phytologi5a5(6):424-442. T,Koyama & J.Murata.2006,The flowering , plants . 1984c. Additional notcs en the genus Gmelina II. of Mt, Popa, Central Myanmar - Results ef Phytologia 55(7) :460 - 499. Myanmar-Japanesejoin texpeditions, 2000 - 2004. , 1984d, Additiona nlotes on the genus Gmelina III. Makinoa New Serie s5: 1 - 102. Recelved.ht l2yZ 2006; aeeqpted September 13, 2006. NII-Electronic Library Service

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