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A New Monotypic Genus of the Compositae-Astereae from the Cape Province, South Africa PDF

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Preview A New Monotypic Genus of the Compositae-Astereae from the Cape Province, South Africa

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics ISSN 1346-7S65 Acta Phytotax .Geobot ,53 (2) 1:Ol-1OS (2002) ANewMonotypicGenus of the Compositae-Astereafreom the Cape Province, South Afr'ica BERTIL NORDENSTAM Department ofPhaneroga mBoitcatlj S4wedish Museum ofNtit uHirsatolrp lBox 5eO07, SE-104 05 Stockhotm ,Sweden. e-ntail:[email protected] The new genus Roodebergia B. Nord, (Cempositae-Aster ies adee)scribe dfrom the Cape Province, South Aftica, with a single species, R, ldtamuran aB. Nord. sp, nov. The closest aMnities may be with felici Caass. and ether African members of the Ameltus Greup, Key words: Amellus Group, Cape Province ,Compositae, new genus, Roodebetlgia, taxonomy, tribe Astereae The plant to be describe dhere was fbund in 1959 on repentes ad nedos radicantes ramis ascendentibus l- the RoodebeTz gin the Hex River Mountains of Cape 2 dm altis tenuibus teretibu shirsuto-hispid iest glan- Province, South Aftica ,by the indefatiga bcloellector dulosi sF,olia opposita erecto-patentia vel patentia Elsi eEsterhuysen ,She must have sensed the pecu- anguste elliptico-oblonga integerrim ac, 1-i, 5cm liari toyf the plant and made a rich collection, of longa et O.4 cm lat aplana herbacea utrinque dense which 1 have studied fiv esheets. In habit the plant albo-hirsuto-hispida apice obtusa. Pedunculj termi- somewhat resembles Flelic ibau,t the monographer nales plerumque c, 5 (2-1 .cml) long isubnudi bractea ofthat genus ,Prof. J. Grau of Munich, disqualifi ietd solitaria parva instruc tCia,pitul saolitaria homogama as such and instea dsuggested Pteronia (i nsched., discoidea .Receptaculum glabrum alveelatum, 1972). However, it does not fi tin that genus either, Involucru mp]us minusve biseriatum ,bractei cs, 10 nor in any other known genus of the trib eAstereae, subaequalibus anguste oblongo-lanceolatis glandu- where it clearly belongs ,l name i tRoodebergia after losi set sparse setaceis. Floscul ihermaphrodit cior,ol- the Localit aynd R, intatnu irn amemnoray ofProfessor la tubulosa sensim ampliata purpurascens breviter Kitamura, quinquelobatlao,bitriangulari-ovatig]andulidsuabus marginalibus instruct i.Antherae basi obtusae ecau- Descriptionand Discussion datae ,appendice apicali ovati acuti. Styl irami lin- eares, linei sstigmaticis angustis ventromarginaljbus, Roodebergia kitamurana B. Nord., gen. et sp. nov. appendice apicali sterili triangulari ovata papillosa (Compositae-Astereae) papill iapsice rotundatis. Cypse]ae anguste elliptico- binervatae. oblongae aliquantum compressae glabrae Herbaperennis diffUs alaxeramosa, caules Pappi setae numerosae biseriat aaeequales barbel- The presen tpaper is dedicate dto the memory of Professor Siro Kitamura, outstanding scholar and leadin gexpert on the familyCompositae. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 102 APG Vl)1, 53 lata epersistente sbasi connatae. fi]ament collar straight, unifbmi, O.4 mm long. Style Z}tp uSOsU:TH AFRICA, Cape Prov. ,IM)rcester terete ,2-veined ,each branch receiving one vein; Div.: Roodeberg, Hex River Mountains, rocky stope, branches 1inea r2, mm Iong, proximal halfwit hnarrow SW aspect, facin gGroothoek Peak, 6000' ,18.I.1959,later astligmatic lines d,ista hlalfa narrowly triangu- E, Esterhaysen 28133 (Bo Lholo! ,3 iso! ;NBG iso. s; lar-ova toer lanceola taeppendage: subacute, sterile, iso!). papiilat ewith oblong papilla ewith rounded tips. Cypselas narrowly elliptic-oblong, somewhat com- Perennial diffUse branching herb, rooting at presse dbut without marginal ribs, 6-7 mm long, 1.5 nodes, with ± ascending stems andbranches, 1-2 dm mm wide, glabrous but with scattered microscopic high. Stems andbranches slender, ca. 1 mm thickor duplex trichomes especially in the proximal ha]f less ,terete, hirsute-hisp iwdith white spreading acumi- (the sheair s3-celled ,erecto-patent, 5-l3 FLm long, hairs hairs,Leaves lightbrown, nate and shorter glandular oppo- with obtuse-rounded apex), smooth, site with internode 2s-12 mm long, erecto-patent to shiny, distinctl y2-veined marginaJly; carpopodium spreading, narrowly elliptic-oblong, 8-16 mm long ,3- distinc tof, 10-15 cell rows; ovary crystals numer- 4 mm wide (smal olne srterile shoots), entire, obtuse, ous, very small and of differe nsthapes, quadratic, fla th,erbaceous ,dul lgreen ,rather densely hirsute- oblong, spindle- or needle-shaped. Pappus brist]es hispid on both sides with ca. 1 mm long trichomes numerous, biseriat eequ,al, distinct b]ayrbella twieth swol]en at base and tapering to fin eacuminate pojnts, slendeg acute teeth ,7-8 mm iong ,straight, whitish, finel ymidveined below; leaf margins entire; leafi basall yshortly connate to a dark-coloure adnnulus, base halflclaspin gP.eduncles terrninal, 2-1l cm Pollen grain sca. 30 pm in diam. ,minutely spinu- long,faintly for lose. striate, naked except a single narrowly linear-fili fbbrramc t2-5 mm long and situated near the Only known from the type collection. It was col- middle or more proximall y.Capitul asolitary, erect, lected flowerin gin January a,nd the habita its a rocky homogamous, discoid1,-1.5 indiam.Involucre 1850 cm mountain slope at m s.m. more or less biseriat ceup,-shaped; involucr ablracts Roodebetgia kitamurana has a characteristic ca. 1O, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 8 mm long, 1-1,2 habit ,being a perennial herb rooting at the nodes, mm wide, subequal, midveined and with fainte prar- with opposite leave sand solitary discoi dcapitula allel veins, shortly glandula arnd sparsely setose, tips with reddish hermaphrodit ifcloret sT.he style is typ- somewhat villous; 1-2 outermost phyllarie ssome- ica lof the tribe Astereae with a large ,apical, sterile what smaller, ca. 5 mm long and O.7-O, 8mm wide, narrowly triangular-ova taeppendage and with narrow Receptacl feia tg,labrous ,alveolate. Floret csa. 15-25, ventromarginal stigmatic ]ine salong the lower halfof hermaphroditi cC,oroll atubular ,somewhat widening the style branch. upwards, 7.5 mm long ,purplis hg,labrou sexcept for The cypselas look glabrou sto the naked eye, some small multicellular glandula hrairs on lobe tips, but carry microscopic scattered twin hairs especially shortly 5-lobed ;lobes triangulaFovate, O.7 mm long, proximall yT,hey are ofthe normal three-celled type acute, each lobe with two distin cetlongate resin with two paralle lcells and a smaller basal cell (Fig, glands marginally and proximally a,lso with fine lat- IG). eral veins running down the corolla from the sinuses between lobes ;no midvein or midline. Anthers 2.5- The subtribal classification in the Asterea ehas 2,7 mm long incl .the ovate, acute apical appendage; been notoriously problemati cever since Bentham's base obtuse, ecaudate; endothecium radial with recognition ofsix subtribes (Bentha m1873a) in spite numerous thickenings on longitudina l(verti wcalalsl;) of his own opinion on the tribe's "not being divisible NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics December 2002 NORDENSTAM: A new genus R,oodebergia 103 c B D E G F FiG. 1 . Roodebergia nttamurana B, Nord. (draw fnrom isotyp ein BoL). A: Habit ,xl, B/ Floret ,with only some pappus brist lsehoswn, x4.5. C: Corolt al,ai dout, x9. D: Anthers ,x9. ET Style branches ,x19. F: Cypsela with some pappus bristle sx4,.5, G: Microscopic twin hair from cypsela, x200. - Del. B. Nordenstam. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 104 APG Nbl.53 int odistin cstubtribes" (Bentha 1J8n73b) .This pro- and arnended Asterinae .Rooctebergia fit csomfortably visional classification laste dfbr more than a century, within the broadened concept ofAsterinae. until a seventh subtribe was propesed (Cuatrecasa s Grau (i nsched.) suggested that our plan tmight 1969) . Much of this subtribal classification relied be a Pteronia, a genus piaced with some hesitatio nin on the structure, arrangement and colour of the female the Solidagininae by Bremer (1994) .However, marginal floret rse,ndering the assignment ofdiscoid Bremer stressed the uncertainty of it ssubtribal posi- genera to a subtribe diMcult. tion and possibl eaMnity to the Amellus Group of More recent authors have attempted to define theAsterinae. Grau(1977) PteTonia Roodebergiadohave monophyletic groups as subtribes. regard- and some char- ed two ofthe tradition aslubtribes as natural groups, acters in common such as the opposite leave sand but preferre tdo not re¢ognize any subtribes, pending discoi dcapitula, but they diiTe rmarkedly in habit furth esrtudies and the search fbr new characters. and involucr Pet.eroni acomprises shrubs or shrublets Zhang & Bremer (1993 r)evised the subtribal classi- with distinc tilmybricate and unequal involucra blracts, ficati obny c]adistic analysis and concluded that three a chaffy receptacle, teret eCno ctompressed) cypselas, subtribes could be recognized with some confidence, and unequal pappus bristles. viz. the Grangeinae ,Sbtidaginin aaend an enlarged Roodeberlgi abelongs clearly in the Amellus . :. i .,E(i5 t tt-ttItiill,,tiilill ii-,:{.. Z' 11i'"li' i:"/':'`i'1' ii'i':i ''::i-ai.,.. , % :'tt"'.'(ttiltiI ''''' Lr";::' h e. 'O,zrs/-:i・/Li・ Dunden tooofeof MIOOO - SOOo . [llgllsooo-"ooo" maOOO-5000 " [IIllII]evepo se loeKrn. sooo" " FiG. 2. Map ofSW Cape Provinc esh,owing distributi oenfRoodebergia kitamurana B, Nord, NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics December2002 NORDENSTAM: A new genus, Roodebergia 105 Group ofthe Asterina e(Gra u1973, Bremer 1994) ,a foecilolep iPsb,lyarrhena etc., are more differe nitn predominantl yAfrica nalliance ofhitherto nine gen- several characters and not like] tyo be confused with era, to which now Roodebergia can be added and our new genus. possibly also Pteronia. Roodebergia differ sfrom References many but not all genera in the group by the discoid capitula and opposite leaves T.he reddish or purplish tinge to the disc flore tiss not a totall yreliable char- Bentham, G, 1 873a .Compositae .In :Bentham, G, & J, D. acter. Although the genera ofthe Amellus Group nor- Hoeker (eds .G)e,nera plantarum 2:1 .Lovell Reeve, London, mally have yellow disc fioret sa ,purplis htinge can . 1873b, Notes on the classification, histor ya,nd geo- occur occasionally (e. gi.n feticia cymbalaria e(Ait.) graphica dlistribu tofitohen Compositae .J .Linn, Soc., Bolus & W. Dod ex Adams. & Salt,). Bot. 13: 335-577. In habit Roodebergia resembles some of the Bremer, K. 1994. Asteraceae C.ladistic &s Classification. flelici aspecies with opposite teave s(e.g f.e,licia Timber Press, Port]and O,regon, dGernatui, cEu floa utGabrearu,t Ei na aGyremabua,l aanrdi ae sespsepc.ia liloyno pFs (dtHfafrivts.a) CGu ra atru-e ,AcJsa,st1aes9r,7 eJ3a, .e1 .RW9ee6vb9ib. sPiiraoi 2nm4da: e Frl1o-Gr3aa3t 5Ct,oulnogmbFi1a,2t 3i. cCioMami.ptots.Biotta,e (DC, G)rau). One Fl71ic ispaecies is consistently dis- Staatssamm MlU.nchen 9: 195-705. coid, viz., Il macrorrhiza (Thunb D,C). However, all . 1977. Asterea e- systematic review. In :Heywood, V/ other F2itici aarse radiate and have a uniseriate pappus, H,, Harborne ,J. B. & B. L. Turner (eds .Th)e, Biology and the majority are alternate-leaved and have gen- and Chemistry of the Compositae 1: S39-565. erally pubescen tand strongly compressed cypselas Academic Press, London. with distinc trnarginal ribs .It is possible anyway that Z ha ntgr,i Xbe, -AsR t&er eKa,e B (reAmsert,e 1r9a9c3 . ewAiat hecl )andoitsetsic oanna t]hyesiirs eovfotlhue- ]Flelicia is the most closely related genus. tion and subtribal classification. P]ant Syst. Eyol, 1 84: The other genera of the Amell"s Group, such 259-283. as Ameitus, Chrysocotna, Heteromma, Aiolletia, Received .titn 1e8, 2002; acceptedJitly 5, 2002 NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service

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