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NEW NEW AND A HYBRID GENUS COMBINATIONS 12 NORTH AMERICAN GRASSES IN Mary E.Barkworth Intermountoin Herbarium Deportment of Biology Utah State University USA Logan. Utah 84322-5305, mary@biology. edu usu. ABSTRACT One new hybrid genus, XPascoelymus = Pascopyrum x Elymus, and 12 new combinations are pre- sented North American grasses. Six of the new combinations arc for hybrids in the Trlticcae. for Stipa arnowiae transferred to Achnatherum and Hystrix californica (= Elymus calijornicus) to is Ammophila Elymus Leymus- Agropyron riparium recognized as a subspecies of lanceolatus\ is champlainensis reduced subspecies, based on the findmgs of others, and the previously recog- to a is nized subspecies of Pseudoroegneria spicata are reduced to forms. Reasons for the changes are provided. RESUMEN X combmaciones Se presenta un nuevo genero hibrido, XPascoelymus - Pascopyrum Elynms, y 12 nuevasdegramineasnorteamericanas. Seisde nuevascombinaciones sonde hibridos en Iriticeae. las Achnatherum (=Elymus Lcymus. arnowiae nansiiere Hystrix californica calijornicus) Stipa se ^ Y -d Agropyron riparium reconoce como una subespecie de Elymus lanceolatus\ A^nmophila se champlainensis reduce una subespecie, basandonos en fos hallazgos de otros, la subespecie se a y reconocida prcviamente de Pseudoroegneria spicaia se reduce a formas. Se aportan razonamicntos de cambios. lo5 INTRODUCTION two Volume 24 in the Flora ojNorth America series will be the second of the names. volumes on completion requires publishing the following 12 grasses. Its Eleven of the 12 new combmations are for previously recognized taxa; one is a new hybrid genus. Six of the new combinations, and the new genus, are for hybrids in the knowing which hybrids without species Identifying the parents of Triticeae. m were present the vicinity always difficult. In most instances, have accepted is 1 when naming one parentage suggested by previous workers these taxa; in the many known The instance, have compelled to disagree. distribution of of felt 1 Two these hybrids limited. The remaining six names affect non-hybrid taxa. is reflect a generic change and four a change in rank. As have attempted examine type material of the taxa treated. indi- to all I mentioned cated below, however, this has not always been possible. All the taxa The America volume will be described and illustrated in the Flora oJNorth 24. SIDA22(1):495-501.2006 : 496 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) illustrations will also be available http://herbarium.usu.edu/webmanual/. at To the extent permitted by own the institutions that them, photographic im- ages of the type specimens examined are also available via this site and will be TROPICOS. The available via images include ups close of individual parts in addition images to of the wdiole specimen. NOMnNCLATURAL TREATN4ENT POEAE Walk Barrington ex Barkworth, comb. nov. Basionym: Ammophila champlamcnsi^ F. Nrw Seym., Sida 2:349. 1966. Typi-: U.S.A. YORK: Lake Champlam, Au Sable Poitu, insancl 3Ju] 1902, Nellie t'lynn (llOLOTYPLi: VT). F. s.n. Walker, and Paris, Barrin sensu and riclo Fern, A. completely glume and St cli^nip/cn'ne^risis differ in length flowering and time, tend to differ in inflorescence length. They noted, however, morphological and that the molecular uniformity com- of A, champlaiucnsis, bined with the prevalence of vegetative reproduction both in taxa, consis- is with tent the hypothesis that all populations of A. champlaincnsis^re derived from a single genetic individual. For recommended this reason, they acknowl- edging between the distinction the two taxa at the subspecific, rather than spe- new cific level. I present the combination here so that may be used in volume it ijH STIPEAE & Aclinatherum arnowiae Welsh Atwood) N.D. Barkworth, comb, nov (S.L. & Basionym: Slipa iuiwwide S.L. W^elsh N.D. Aiwoocl Utah 2003. Utah. l-l (eel. 3J:799. U.S.A. Kane T43S, R4W^, mi Canyon Co.: S 13. ca 19 o[Johni>un pinyon-juniper-sagcbrnsh-com- 1: Jet: munity at 1740 m, on white, gypsiferous member of the Moenkopi Formation, 30 May 2001, & O'DeU 28062 S.L. VVeLs!) lOLOTYi'H: BRY; ISOTYPE UTC-245001!). 1. (i & This taxon very similar Achnathcrum hymenoides (Roem. is to Schult.) havmg Bark worth, differing in loosely contracted panicles with non-divaricate branches. TRITICEAE XElyleymus hultenii (Melderis ex Hultcn) Barkw^orth, comb, nov Basion M \' xAgrodymus hultenii Melderis ex tiuhen, Ark. Agropyron alaskanum Bot., n.s. 7(1):21. 1968. Twr van arcticum Hulten, Aeta Univ. Lund., n.s. 38: 257. 1942, U.S.A. Alaska- Deerine IP Anderson 4790 (molotype: ALA!). Hulten (1968) listed the parents of this hybrid as Agropyron borcalc subsp. &Merr.) and 67/67sfcanus(Scribn. Melderis h'/ymiLsarenan subsp.moZ^ us Hulten. The new combmation is needed because these two species will be treated & as E. aJashanus iScrihn. Merr) A. Love subsp. alaskaniis and Leymus nwUis (Trin.) Pilger, respectively in the Flora North America of vol. 24. BARKWORTH, NEW NAMES AND NEW COMBINATIONS NORTH AMERICAN GRASSES 497 IN name Although Hulten (1968) listed Melderis as the author of the xAgroelymus huUenii, he did not explain Melderis' contribution in the article. For this reason, the authorship ''Melderis ex Hulten" rather than "Melderis in is would Hulten". using short form citations, be Hulten. If it XElyleymus ontariensis (Lepage) Barkworth, comb. nov. Basionym; xAgroelymus CANADA. James ontaricnsis Lepage, Nat. Can. 79:254-2^7. 1952. Type: Ontario: Bay, Riv. & E Aug Attawapiskat, 21 1946, A. Diitiliy Lepage 16,^23 iolotype: originally deposited in (i NA LCD, transferred to NA, then to US. Despite a search at both and US, has not been lo- it cated). Bowden xElyleymus according comprises hybrids be- ontariensis, to (1967), tween E/^/mus Gould ex Shinners[^Agrop}^rontrach_yc'auIum t/'flch^/aiuIiLsCLink) L (Link) Malte ex Lewis] and umovaf us (Beal) Pilger [- Elymus innovatus H.F. synonym Bowden xElyleymus regarded as a of hiriijlorus (Hitchc.) Beal]. it & Dewey Barkw^orth D.R. but the holotype of that hybrid grows outside the Leymus TA. having range of innovatus. interpreted as sintplex (Scribn. &r L. It is Dewey Leymus Williams) D.R. as the parent. XElyleymus mossii (Lepage) Barkworth, comb. nov. Basionym: xAgroelymus mossii CANADA. Near Lake open Lepage, Nat. Canad. 92:214-215. 1965. Typh: Alberta: Louise, in Aug ALTA woods, 22 1946, E. U. Moss 1151 (holotype: 1044D. The proposed combination reflects a difference of opinion concerning the par- Lepage ents of this hybrid as well as a difference in generic interpretation. (1965) stated that was obvious that Elymus canadensis L. was one parent of this hy- it would which Agropyron brid, but that be necessary to discover species of [in it the traditional sense] grew in the neighborhood to determine the other parent. He gave ''Agro'gyron trachycaiJun?" as a possibility Boivin (1967) agreed that (?) E was canadensisbut suggested that the Agropyron parent kgropyron violaceum (Hornem.) Lange [= Elymus violaceus (Llornem.) Feilberg]. Elymus canadensis, however, generally absent from the region around is was Other Lake Louise (Moss 1983), the area wdiere the holotype collected. fea- tures of the holotype that are difficult to reconcile with Lepage's suggested par- rhizomes and abundance long entage are the presence of the of relatively soft hairs on both the lemmas and the glumes. Elymus canadensis not rhizoma- is has coarse hairs on the lemmas, and has scabrous rather than hairy glumes. tons, Elymus trachycaulus and high elevation counterpart, alaskanus subsp. E. its latiglum (Scribn. &r Sm.) A. Love, usually lack rhizomes, and have glabrous is J.G. or shortly hairy lemmas and glumes. More probable parents are Elymusglaucus common Buckley and Leymus n novatus, both of which are in the region. Elymus i more glaucus has spikes that closely resemble the holotype in their posture, awn thickness, and length than those of E. canadensis; L. n novatus has sol hairs t i on glumes and lemmas. Elymusglaucus sometimes shortly rhizomatous; its is Leymus innovatus always rhizomatous. Based on this interpretation of the is hybrid has be included xElyleymus. parentage, the to in 498 BR1T.ORG/SIDA 22(1) Elymus Xcayouetteorum (Boivin) Barkworth, comb. nov. xAgrohordeum Basionym: cayouetteorum Boivin, Nat. Canad. 94:520. 1907. TYPE; QUE! name Boivin published hybrids between Elymus (1967) this for rachycauhis [= t Agropyron trachycaulum] and canadensis. E. & Elymus lanceolatus subsp. riparius (Scribn. Smith) Bark worth, comb. &r J.G. Stat. nov. Basionym: Agropyron nparium Scribii. & J.G. Smith, Bull. Div. Agrosrol, U.S.D.A. Montana: 4:35. 1897. TYPE: U.S.A. Garrison, 10 Jul 1895, P.A. Rydherg 2127 (Lectoty?^: US 556672!, designated by Hitchcock 1935:776). many After examining specimens, agree with Dorn taxon (1988) that this I merits recognition but prefer to treat as a subspecies rather than a variety. it It & common more than Elymus Gould is lanceolatus (Scribn. Sm.) subsp. J.G. lanceolatus. WW & XLeydeum littorale Hodgs. Mitch.) Bark worth, comb, nov Basionym: (H.J. & WW. xHlymordeum httorak Hodgs. H.J. Mitch.^ Canad. J. But. 43:1355. 1965. TYPE: U.S.A. ArASKA: Matanuska Valley, in tidal flat area along Cottonwood Creek near juncture with Knik Arm SW WAV & mi about 18 of Palmer, 2 Sep 1964, MitchcU Hodgson 15S4 HJ. (l-iOLOTYPF: ALA 29247!). xEeydeum httoralc consists of hybrids between Leymus mollis and Hordcum hrachyantherum Nevski. has been Matanuska collected in the Valley, Alaska, It and on the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia and may be more it widespread. Hodgson and Mitchell (1965) stated that grows along the mar- it gins of the high-tide zone, where waters flow The hybrid tidal into the creek. plants can easily be distinguished from mo by their shorter narrower spikes L. s 1 1 i and more yellow and dense The new combination foliage. reflects recognition of the segregate genus Leymus. Leymus californicus ex Thurber) Barkworth, comb. (Bol. nov. Basionym: Gymnostichum californicum Bol, ex Thurber in Watson, Bot. California 2:327. 1880, S. Gymnostichum ailijornicum Bol. ex Thurb.. Bot. California 2:327. 1880, Hyslnx calijornka (Bol. ex Thurb.) Kuncze, Revis. Gen. PL 2:778. 1891. TYPE: Elymus californicus (Bol. ex Thurb.) Madrono Gould, 9(4):127. 1947. U.S.A. Calieornia: Redwoods, near San Francisco, H.N. & Bolandcrs-n. (lectotype: GIl-19493!, designated by Baden, Frederiksen Nordic Seberg, J. Bot. 17:457. 1997). Transfer of this taxon Leymus supported by chromosome number 2n to is its of & RAPD and Wang = genome-specific 56, assay results (Jensen con- 1997). It is with Mason-Gamefs sistent (2001) examination of granule-bound starch syn- thase genes in allotetraploid Triticcae. In her tree, groups with PsathyrostcJchys, it m Nevski, a genus very close to us (Bod varsdottir and Anamthawat-Jonsson J-e_y 2003). Morphological characteristics that tend to place in Leymus rather than it Elymus include its well-developed rhizomes and the more or less equally promi- many L nent veins in its leaf blades. There are also specimens of innovatus, particularly those from Alaska and Yukon Territory, that lack or have very re- duced glumes. BARKWORTH, NEW NAMES AND NEW COMBINATIONS NORTH AMERICAN GRASSES IN 499 L The habitat of calijornicus, coniferous on non-alkaUne forests soils, is among unusual North American Leymus. species of however, similar It to is, some Chinese Moench that of species that are currently included in Hystrix because of their lack of glumes. Hitchcock and Baden Leymus (1935, 1951) et (1997) included californicus al. in Hystrix because lacks glumes. The type of Hystrix however, Elymus it is, hystrix, a species that, apart from lacking glumes and having strongly diver- gent spikelets, morphologically, genomically, and molecularly similar other is to North American Elym eastern species of us. XPascoleymus Barkworth, gen. hybr. nov = Pascopyrum A. Love x Leymus Hochst. Type; Pascoleymus howdenii (Boivin) Barkworch. XPascoleymus bowdenii (Boivin) Barkworth, comb. nov. Basionym: xAgroelymus CANADA. howdenii Boivin. Nat. Canad. 94:520. 1967. Type: Al.BERTA: Beaverlodge, 19Jul 1921, Make M.O. 108211 (holotype: QFA!). xAgroelymus howdenii appUes hybrids between Agropyron Rydb. to smithii [=Pascopyrum and Elymus Leymus smithii (Rydb.) A. Love] innovatus [= new innovatus] (Boivin Recognition genus Pascopyrum 1967). of the requires a name new intergeneric hybrid as well as a combination at the species level. & & Pseudoroegneria spicata inermis (Scribn. Sm.) Barkworth, comb. nov. f J.G. . Stat. TiOV. Basionym: Agropywndivergensv'dY. inermeScribncr&J.G.Sm.,Bull.Div.Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 4^:27. 1897. TYPE: U.S.A. IDAHO: 1895, Henderson 3058 (lectotype US-5566761 L.F. Hitchcock 1935:773). Daubenmire awn (1939, 1960) reported that rhizome development and length & in Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. Sm. [= Pseudoregoegneria spicata J.G. (Pursh) A. Love] varied continuously within plants grown from He con- seed. cluded that the ability to produce rhizomes and unawned plants heritable, is that the two characters are not linked, and that which form becomes dominant determined by environmental at a local site conditions. is Plant breeders working with Pseudoroegneria spicata consider that awn presence determined by major modified by some minor a single gene, genes, is unawned w^ith the condition being dominant. Although no one has gathered work the data that explicitly tests this hypothesis, extensive with both av/ned and unawned means accessions of the species suggests that true. that a it is It pair of heterozygotic unawned parents will give rise to around 50% awned off- spring. This hypothesis consistent with Daubenmire's observations. is The above observations make awned clear that the (P spicata spicata) it f. and unawned (P spicataL inermis) phases of Pseudoroegneria spicata are of little taxonomic The significance despite their evident morphological difference. rea- son making names form accommodate for available at the level of to those is who wish two distinguish the to entities. & Pseudoroegneria spicata pubescens (Elmer) Barkworth, comb. nov. nov. f stat. . m BR1T.ORG/SIDA 22(1) 500 Agropywn BasiON YM: A\jj-opyron spicalum var. puJicsccns Elmci; Bot. Gaz. 36:52. 1903. spicaiu subsp./nJ;crN!L-iiU{n]P!pcrXonirL\SAfatLllerbJl:147.1906, na/n.su|5crf/TYPE:U5^ m INGTON: Kittitas Co.: Ml. SLuariJul 1898, A.D.E. FAmcr 115S(\iOLOJ\vii: Deposited Stanford Herbarium which has been transferred to CAS; despite a search, could not be located at it CAS: ISOTYPE: US-1817092'). known Plants of Pseudoroegncria spicata with densely pubescent leaves are from the east slope of the Cascade Mountauis in Washington. Because plants Wash- with nearly as densely pubescent leaves are found elsewhere in southern them ington and northeastern Oregon, seems best to recognize as a form, it P. spicata pubesccns, commensurate in this respect with the level of recognition f. awned and unawned given the phases. Publication of the above connbinations automatically generates from Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. Love spicata with priority dating 1814, f . basionym the year of publication of the for the specitic epithet. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS thank the curators of the herbaria from wdiich have borrowed the specimens I I m who me cited in this paper, and those at other herbaria have assisted kicating the types that have been transferred from their original institution. also thank 1 Kanchi Gandhi clarifying some of the nomenclatural issues involved James for Zarucchi, and Kathleen Capels for assistatice in obtaining copies of the relevant literature, and Paul Peterson for his prompt and helpful review REFERENCES Baden, C, Frederiksen, and 0. Slberg.1997. A taxonomic revision of the genus Hystrix S. Poaceae). Nordic 7:449-467. (Triticeae, Bot. J. 1 and BodvarsdOttir, S.K.and K.Anamihavvat-JOnsson. 2003. Isolation, characterization, analysis DNA Genome sequences, 46:673-682. of LeymL/s-specific — 1967. Enunnerations des plantes du Canada Monopsides, (2eme partie BoiviN, VI B. Canad. 94:471-528. Naturaliste BowDEN, W.M. 1967. Taxonomy of intergeneric hybrids of the tribe Triticeae from North America. Canad. Bot. 45:71 1-724. J. Daubenmirl, 939. The taxonomy and ecology of Agropyron spicatum and A. inerme. Bu R. 1 Torrey Club 66:327-329. Bot. — Daiirenmirl, 1960. An experimental study of variation in the Agropyron spicatum A. R. inerme complex. 22:104-108. Gaz. Bot. 1 ofWyoming. Mountain West Cheyenne, Wyo- DoRN, 1988. Vascular plants Publishing, R.D. ming. 340 pp. Government Hitchcock, A.S. 935. Manual of grasses of the United States. U.S. Printing 1 Washington, D.G Office, Hitchcock, A.S. 1951 .Manual of grasses of the United States, ed. revised by A.Chase. Misc. 2, Government Washington, DG. Publ. 200. U.S. Printing Office, BARKWORTH, NEW NAMES AND NEW COMBINATIONS NORTH AMERICAN GRASSES IN 501 Hodgson, H and W.W.MitchellJ A new f/ymordeum J. 965. hybrid from Canad J Alaska. 43:1355-1358. 1968.Commentsonthe HuLT^N, E. Flora of Alaska and Yukon. Ark. Bot. 1-1 47, 7: and Wang. and Jensen, K.B, R.R.-C. 997, Cytological molecular evidence for transferring 1 Elymus coreanus from the genus Elymus Leymus and to molecular evidence Elymus for ca//fom/ctvs (Poaceae:Tnticeae). 158:872-877. Plant. Int. Sci. J. Lepage, 1965. Revision genealogique de quelques XAgroleymus. E. Naturaliste Canad. 92:203-216. M ason-Gamer, 2001 Origin of North American Elymus R.J. (Poaceae:Triticeae) Allotetrap- . oids based on granule-bound gene starch synthase sequences. Syst.Bot.26:757-768. Moss, E.H.I 983. Flora of Alberta, ed. revised by Packer. Univ.ofTorontoPressJoronto, J.G. 2, Ontario. Walker, PJ., CA. Paris, and D.S. Barrington. 1998. Taxonomy and phylogeography of the North American beachgrasses. Amer. J.Bot.85:87.

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