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NEW A HEDGE-NETTLE LAMIACEAE) (STACHYS: FROM THE INTERIOR HIGHLANDS OF THE UNITED STATES, AND TO THE SOUTHEASTERN KEYS SPECIES John Nelson B. Department ofBiological Sciences University ofSouth Carolina Columbia, South Carolina 29208, U.S.A. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Stachys is one of the larger genera within the Lamiaceae, comprising nearly 300 species, and nearly cosmo- from politan, absent Australasia. Its centers of species diversity include warm-temperate portions of western Asia and the Mediterranean, southern Africa, and portions of North and South America (Hcim 2008). et al. The genus in North America, north of Mexico, contains about 45 species, particularly concentrated west of Rocky Mountains and the (especially the Pacific states) in the east, along the Atlantic seaboard states and in the Appalachian region. Southeastern species occur in a wide variety of habitats, most often in mesic sites, and at a broad range of elevations. The North and South American species were studied in by detail Epling (1934); Mulligan and Munro (1989) provide a comprehensive assessment of the North American taxa north of Mexico. Ongoing studies in the genus show that an additional species should be recognized. Stachys iltisii Nelson, sp. nov. (Figs. 1-3). Type: UNITED STATES. Arkansas. Logan Co.: crowded population on rocky J. m Potentially robust perennial herbs to 1 tall or taller from vigorous, pale, fragrant rhizomes, often in dense commonly colonies; steins erect, occasionally branched, older plants branched; stem sides and angles densely pubescent with mixture and a of glandular eglandular hairs, the glandular hairs capitate, the eg- mm landular hairs with 3 or more cells, to 3 long, spreading and reflexed; leaves spreading, somewhat lax, densely pubescent on both surfaces with glandular and eglandular hairs, the latter mostly appressed on upper surface, and erect on lower surface, the lower surface equipped as well with scattered sessile (or musky nearly sessile) capitate glands; the crushed leaves with a walnut-spice-fish scent; mid-stem leaves 4-6 cm cm commonly broad, 10-17(-19) somewhat narrowed long, lyrate basally, featuring a waist, with distally convex margins; inflorescences commonly elongated maturity the lowest and at (fruiting), oldest several verticils usually slightly separated, the more distal and younger verticils more or less crowded to- gether, thus nearly compact; cymules each with 6-8-flowers, the thus 12-16-flowered, mostly verticils (turbinate)-hemispheric to nearly spherical; open flowers are visited by a variety of insects, including hon- and small bumblebees, and wasps; calyces campanulate, densely pubescent with glandular eglan- eybees, mm mm dular tube (3.2-)3.8-4 long, the lobes less that one-half the length of the tube, 1.5-2 long, hairs, mm minutely corollas pink, 11-11.5 long from base to tip of galea, galeae frequently deltoid, apiculate; mm 90° more with notched or indented apically; the lower lip generally declined at full anthesis, so age, 6 prominent pink-purple blotches and spots on adaxial surface; corolla tube prominently sac- long, featured toward base on lower internally glabrous, but with prominently slanting (oblique) annulus, this cate side, mm mm copiously pubescent with bulbous trichomes; mericarps 1.5 wide, 1.5-1.6 long, dark brown, soft, and minutely verrucose. irregularly -eFlore Co.: M. Hopkins A new Nelson, species of Stachys from the Interior Highlands of the US endemic s to the Interior Highlands of Arkai made is that by E. Palmer in 1920, from Izard County, Arkansas, which represents the eastern-most loca- J. tion for this plant. Its first recognition in the literature was made by Epling who considered (1934), ad- it, known ditionally by then from collections in Oklahoma, as a thin-leaved and unnamed variant of Stachys nuttallii Shuttlew. ex Bentham. Fernald (1950), despite considerable disagreement with Epling's assessments on Stachys in general concurred (1943), that the plants of the Interior Highlands belong in as did S. nuttallii, Hugh Gleason (WIS) by way on (1952). litis of annotation the original label of his #5374 (BRIT) from AR Magazine Mountain, Logan County, on 9 Jun 1955, suggested that these plants rightly constitute a recognizable entity within S. nuttallii, offering "ssp. nov. arkansanus" for Nelson and Fairey (1979) es- it. sentially concurred with Epling in recognizing these plants as distinctive within the complex, S. nuttallii but maintained them being and new as a part of a distinctive taxon, they S. eplingii; treated the plants of the Interior Highlands as forming the western (and disjunct) end of the range of S. eplingii (the eastern distribu- tion consisting of primarily Appalachian portions of West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Colum- District of and North The somewhat bia, historically, Carolina). conservative approach to the taxonomic status of these plants taken by Nelson and Fairey at the time is evident within the protologue of their description of S. eplingii: they list (1979, p. 493) three specimens from Arkansas as paratypes for (Demaree 17743 S. eplingii from Logan County; was Miller 187 "Smith" used for this collection, but in from Montgomery ... error... County; litis 5175 from Polk County). Their listing these paratypes for a different taxon has no bearing on the matter hand, and at these three collections presently serve as paratypes for (see above). S. iltisii This taxonomic position was maintained by Nelson and by Mulligan and Munro whose (1981), (1989; formulation most the recent treatment North American is for all the species of by Gleason and Stachys), Cronquist and by Smith (1991), finally (1994). Recent field investigation in Arkansas and Oklahoma (during one of the hotter and stormier, lightning- summers filled on record, 2007) and study of considerably more herbarium material since 1979 reveals that the opinion expressed by Epling and was litis legitimate, at least in the sense that the plants of the Interior Highlands are distinctive within the S. nuttallii "complex." There no question that these plants share many is features with S. eplingii, and the two entities are surely related. Substantial differences between these two species are apparent, and based on more recent collections, it is obvious that the two taxa can be consis- tently separated, both from fresh material, and from herbarium specimens. Both species bear short-stalked, capitate glands on the abaxial leaf surface, with unicellular, spheroidal heads, 25-30 urn in diameter. The lower leaf surface of sparingly glandular, while and S. is that of densely prominently iltisii S. eplingii is atomiferous-glandular (Fig. 1), to the point of having a somewhat shiny, golden surface (with magnification) below the non-glandular pubescence, as well as often leaving something of a yellowish, slightly oily stain on newspapers when The pressed. leaf blades of are longer, broader, and somewhat thinner S. iltisii in texture than those of S. eplingii. Additionally, the leaf blades of are frequently somewhat narrowed S. iltisii in the lower third, thus somewhat lyrate, and widest toward the middle. Stachys eplingii has more ovate leaves, usually widest in the lower third. In S. iltisii, the apex of the early blooming stem is relatively delicate and somewhat flexuous, while The that in commonly S. eplingii is stiffer. fruiting inflorescence of S. iltisii is compact, 1.5-2cm between the lowest whereas commonly verticils, that of S. eplingii exhibits more space, (2-)3-4cm between the lowest verticils. Stachys eplingii is found in boggy places within the Appalachians. most common from West habitat Its Virginia into northern Virginia includes wet, saturated meadows. Stachys is generally found in upland iltisii commonly forested habitats, on thin soil of rocky places, in both the Ozark Plateau and the Ouachita Moun- on tains, thus both sides of the Arkansas River Valley, though probably more widely distributed in the Ouachitas. Although substantial differences in geology and soil types exist between the Ozark Plateau and the Ouachitas, sites occupied by do not appear be unusual and 5. iltisii to or particularly special, in fact, Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(2) OKLAHOMA make where frequently grows with weedy plants such as open tend excellent habitat for roadsides to it, it Common woody disturbed include Daucus and Ambrosia associates, in less sites Coronilla varia, pusilla, trifida. and albidum. Ostrya virginiana, Sassafras Acer rubrum, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Juglans nigra, Quercus alba, grew with Toxicodendron radicans, Parthenocissus during Nearly every population located this field effort and Rubus occidentalis. quinquefolia, An endemism Highlands not the purpose of this paper. This overview of biological in the Interior is and discussed number and animal species, been amply addressed considerable of plants is subject has for a summary. Zollner (2005) provide Robison and Allen (1995) provide a useful et al. in the recent literature; Highlands species plus 12 subspecies an enumeration of the vascular plant taxa endemic to the Interior (24 between more widely distributed species). Vicarious distributions of plant taxa the Interior or varieties of Highlands and the Appalachians have been long recognized: Steyermark (1934) lists 87 vascular taxa of examples include the distributions Ozark occur in the southern Appalachians. "Classic" the Plateau that also The and perhaps Halesia Carolina (Little 1970). Robinia pseudo-acacia, of Magnolia tripetala, Cladrastis lutea, some presumes prob- two common notion regarding disjunction of the same species, or of related species, & by evolutionary divergence. interconnection in the past (Hardin Cooper 1967), followed potential able forming species "pairs" in the been demonstrated species and subsequent speciation has for fish Vicariance & such Burr and various examples exist for vascular plants, Ozarks and the Appalachians (Strange 1997), commonality and such potential as Castanea ozarkensis and C. pumila. In the case of Stachys iltisii S. eplingii, km now Approximately 1000 (640 no longer and the two entities are fully separated. of distribution exists, Based upon the isolation of the plants within the mi) currently separate their nearest points of distribution. on based and upon the ease of separating plants Highlands from other related hedge-nettles, Interior all simple morphology, Stachys is here recognized and described at the level of species. iltisii Personnel within the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission (2005) list Stachys iltisii as S. eplingii (thus & rank "INV" (Inventory Element, "of conser- and have assigned as following Nelson Fairey 1979), its state The Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory (2003) similarly maintains S. iltisii as S. eplingii, vation concern"). Arkansas and At 40 known populations are verified for 13 counties in tracking as a rare species. least it on Arkansas (Howard and Scott Counties) but not Oklahoma. Reports of additional county occurrences in known with range specimens seen from them, consistent the (Fig. 2). is comes from United Reference to this species as an element of the flora of the Southeastern States its recognized by botanists as a portion of the delimited area generally presence in Arkansas, a politically living plants (population of Nelson 26653, (/: L many Although Oklahoma not Southeastern eastern portions do indeed harbor "Southeast." a state, its is "Southeastern" species. "Ozark may be an appropriate common name. This a handsome species, often robust hedge-nettle" is moving Due tendency toward and conspicuous (Fig. and fairly easy to spot from a vehicle. to their a 3), somewhat compact inflorescence, especially in the sun, the plants do resemble Teucrium canadense... but commonly confused with "Canada germander," frequently causing field-trip then, various Stachys species are new Etymology.— unofficial differentiation of this plant as a taxon deserves recognition. Its occur- litis' rence in Oklahoma as well as Arkansas, however, makes the choice of the epithet "arkansana" (Stachys as a Hugh noun requires a feminine ending) unwarranted. As a way of commemorating litis' interest in the and genus and well acknowledging his tremendous vegetation of the Interior Highlands, in the Stachys, as named contributions to botany, this taxon is thus in his honor. common, and Except that Stachys and S. eplingii are (were?) never really that there is a relatively iitisii low number of historic collections of each, it is somewhat remarkable that Epling (1934) did not consider formally recognizing them in 1934. On the other hand, Stachys in the Southeastern United States has com- monly been considered troublesome genus. current taxonomy fairly stable, although several of the a Its is characters stem pubescence, petiole length, and calyx lobe dimensions) useful in separating taxa are (e.g. : variously continuous. The considerable variation in some species groups suggests future usefulness to be attained from cytological and breeding system studies. taxonomy demands To this end, two keys are provided for distinguish- Nevertheless, practical results. primary ing Stachys from the other Southeastern species. The first uses relative petiole length as a iitisii distinction, the second using shape of the calyx lobes. The different structuring of these keys is provided to may emphasize different characters; with a particular plant or specimen in hand, the user find that one or the other key provides the easier route to identification. prominently exserted from cah widespread. Perennial; corolla /x, middle portion of the stem at least 1/5 as long as the leaf ? blade). Calyx tubes glandular. 3. mm), 4. Leaf blade margins deiTtate or nearly s o; stem a gles copiously pubescent with long (to 3 mo Leaf blade margins crenate; stern angles glabrate or pubescent with mostly short, retrorse 4. stly Leaf blades <3 cm wide; plants perni ciously weedy, commonly in dense patches, scarcely to .75 5. minatinq rhiznmes S.I m commonly Leaf blades commonly >3 cm wide; lants not weedy, never in dense patches, tall 5. p 1 rounded! of greater; margins IN-OH-WV-KY-VA S rrpnulafp; Leaf blades ovate, tP- 6. Leaf blades 6. elliptic Calyx not glandular, or ver /slightly so. 3. Calyx glabrous to sparsely pubescent; petioles well-developed, es| . Calyx variously hairy, but at least hispidulous, frequently strongly hispid; petioles short or long. . Petioles usually well developed; stem angles abundantly pubescent with spreading hairs; blade 8. commonly clingmanii margins dentate S. stem Petioles short to nearly absent; 8. i margins but not dentate serrate, 5mm) Dies short (the midstem leaves with petioles less than or absent. 1 »w species of Stachys from the Interior Highlands of the US Leaf blades abundantly pubescent below with appressed h . surface felty or velvety; corolla white, pink, or purplish. Stems angles and abundantly wr sides pubescent, soft white; adventive rare (SC) Stem angles and sides abundantly pubesce 1 1 . retrorse hairs, corolla purple; r nulate hyssopifolia S. . mm 1 2. Leaf blades broader, 5-8 wide; plants frequently hispidulous or at least moderately pube- cent, or abundantly hairy; blade margins crenulate to serrulate aspera S. Leaves ovate to elliptic, widest near the center or toward the apex, oblong; leaf margins crenate to . sharply serrate for nearly the entire length. Stem commonly sides pubescent above. 3. 1 5. Leaves generally subsessile, the petioles thick, not longer than 6mm; blades densely pubes- cent, frequently soft-pilose to scaberulous; leaf margins serrate; introduction from farther 15mm 15. Leaves generally petioled up to long, although commonly and shorter, relatively more -Itoid; flowers 8 or per verticil; leaf margins crenate-crenulate; native with s ution,OK-AR,WV-MD. surface densely and f sessile- stipitate-glandular, blades ovate, widest lower in adjacent upper separated verticils (NC) af; : f surface glandular, but not densely so; blades elliptic-ovate, widest at middle; '. Fruiting calyx lobes lanceolate, hispidulous to hispid, about half as long as the calyx tube hispida S. '. Fruiting calyx lobes deltoid or triangular, shorter than half the length of the calyx tube. 18. Leaf margins sharply serrate, nearly always with sharp teeth; bracts gradually reduced upward from lowest flowering node, leaf blades elliptic, rounded to truncate at base; Blue Ridge Leaf margins more 8. serrate to crenate; teeth often rounded; bracts abruptly reduced u 1 from lowest flowering node; leaf fc VA-NC-TN-SC-GA SOUTHEASTERN STACHYS: KEY #2 Fruiting calyx lobes deltoid to broadly mostly <1/2 tube triangular, length. . Stem 2. sides pubescent; foliage glandular, often with musky scent when crushed. Petioles short to absent, blades mostly rounded 3. to truncate-cordate. Lower 4. leaf surface densely glandular, with atomiferous/short-stipitate golden glands; blades prevail- WV-VA-MD ingly ovate, broadest toward base; (NC) Lower 4. surface glandular, but not densely; blades prevailing somei elliptic, base, broadest toward midblade;AR-OK commonly 3. Petioles well developed, blades cordate at the base. 5. Top of blooming stem frequently flexuous, somewhat blades ovate-rounded, IN-OH-WV-KY-VA- lax; Leaf blade margins entire to crenate; pic 9. margins with Leaf blade serrulate at leas 9. Stems or sparingly branched; k 0. strict 1 VA merely SEUS, adventive o felty; rare in in fi pubescent, Blades t . from widespread. prominently exserted calyx; rennial; corolla commonly glandular on stems, leaves, and within inflorescence. Plants . segmented, rhizomes; blades oblong; [weedy, producing tuber-like Plant thick, 18. s mostly of coastal plain iizomatous, but not producing thick, tuberous thickening of rhizomes; blades 8. on and within inflorescence. not glandular stems, leaves, Plants . abundantly pubescent with eglandular hairs; fruiting calyx lobes 19. Calyx usually stiff, jpiculate _ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission sharing am Arkansas Natural Heritage for Theo Witsell and other personnel of the grateful to I from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory, for similar and personnel the information from their also files, US (Ouachita and Ozark National Forest units) for providing col- thank the National Forest Service help. I were provided through the W.T. Funding support work and for publication costs lection permits. for field Endowment Moore Herbarium, USC. Kathleen Ross (Department of Languages, Litera- Batson the A.C. for Johannes Stratmann (Department of Biological and USC) provided the Latin diagnosis. Cultures, tures, USC) and Hartmut Hilger (Systematische Botanik und Pflanzengeographie, Frei Universitat, Ber- Sciences, USC) provided, usual, his helped with the abstract. Clint Cook (Department of Biological Sciences, as lin) Zack Murrell (BOON), Bert Pittman (South and within paper. constant help with the graphics figures this on and Alan Weakley (NCU) graciously provided reviews the Carolina Department of Natural Resources), who am George Johnson the herbarium (APCR) of Arkansas Tech University, especially grateful to at I me new me work, and in introducing to a was so accommodating in helping with the field aspect of this pressing technique. field REFERENCES - Arkansas Natural Commission. 2005. State species of special concern Plants. available from Depart- ment of Arkansas Heritage, 1500 Tower Building, 323 Center Street, Little Rock, AR 72201. http://www. url: naturalheritage.com/program/rare-species/. Accessed July 2008. Epling, C.C. 1934. Preliminary revision of American Stachys. Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 80:1-75. Ml. Fernald, 1943. Virginian botanizing under Rhodora 45:357-516. restrictions. Ml Fernald, 1950. Gray's manual of botany, 8th American Book Company, New Edition. York. New Gleason, H.A. 952. Illustrated flora of the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. York Gard. Bot. 1 New York. Gleason, H.A. and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and Adjacent New New Canada. York Ed. Bot. Gard., York. 2. . Hardin, J.W. and A.W. Cooper. 967. Mountain disjuncts the eastern Piedmont of North in Carolina. Elisha Mitch- 1 J. 39-1 Sci.Soc. 83:1 50. ell M.Y new Lcim, A., C. Menderes, and Dadandi. 2008. Stachys marashica (Lamiaceae), a species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 45:151-155. Little, El. Ja 1970. Endemic, disjunct and northern trees in the southern Appalachians. Holt, PC, ed.The In: distributional history of the biota of the Southern Appalachians. and Part 2: Flora. Virginia Polytechnic State University, Blacksburg. Pp. 249-290. Taxonomy Mulligan G.A. and D.B. Munro. 989. of North American species of Stachys (Labiatae) found north of 1 Mexico. Naturaliste Canad. 16:35-51. 1 Nelson, 981 Stachys (Labiatae) southeastern United Sida 04-1 J.B. in States. 23. 1 9:1 . name Nelson, J.B. and J.E. Fairey. 979. Misapplication of the Stachys nuttallii (Lamiaceae) to a new southeastern 1 species. Brittonia 31:491-494. Oklahoma Natural Working Oklahoma Heritage Inventory Database. 2003. of rare plants. available from list List Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory, Chesapeake Street, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 7301 E. 1 1 1 9. url: http: ://www.oknaturalheritage.ou.edu/. Accessed July 2008. Robison, H.W. and R.T. Allen. 995. Only in Arkansas: a study of the endemic plants and animals of the state. Uni- 1 versity of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville. Smith, E.B. 994. Keys to the flora of Arkansas. University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville. 1 Some Steyermark, J.A. 934. features of the flora of the Ozark region Missouri. Rhodora 36:214-233. 1 in Strange, R.M. and B.M. Burr. 997. Intraspecific phylogeny of North American highland of the fishes: a test Pleis- 1 tocene vicariance hypothesis. Evolution 51:885-897. Zollner, D., M.H. MacRoberts, B.R. MacRoberts, and D. Ladd. 2005. Endemic vascular plants of the Highlands, Interior 21:1781-1791. Sida U.S.A.

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