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Preview A new genus of Neotropical Coccinellini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) related to Olla casey and allies

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 98(3), 1996, pp. 541-550 A NEW GENUS OF NEOTROPICAL COCCINELLINI (COLEOPTERA: COCCINELLIDAE) RELATED TO OLLA CASEY AND ALLIES NATALIA J. VANDENBERG AND ROBERT D. GORDON (NJV) Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, % National Museum of Natural History, MRC 168, Wash- ington, DC 20560, U.S.A.; (RDG) P.O. Box 65, Willow City, ND 58384, U.S.A. Abstract.(cid:8212)Spilindolla, a new genus of Neotropical Coccinellini, is proposed to accom- modate the species Cycloneda vigintiduonotata (Mulsant), C. darestei (Mulsant) and Egleis constellata Mulsant. These three species constitute new combinations within Spi- lindolla. The new genus is most closely allied to Spiloneda Casey and belongs to a subgroup of nine other genera within the neotropical coccinelline fauna informally des- ignated as (cid:8220)(cid:8216)Olla and allies.(cid:8221) Spilindolla is compared to related as well as superficially similar genera. The species are described, keyed and illustrated and their distributions given. Key Words: Coleoptera, Coccinellidae, predator, new genus, Neotropical Although the Coccinellini constitute one tropical Coccinellini comprising Olla Cas- of the better known tribes of lady beetles, ey, Cirocolla Vandenberg, Spiloneda Cas- the Neotropical components of the fauna ey, Paraneda Timberlake, Clynis Mulsant, are still poorly characterized. This is true Neda Mulsant, Mononeda Crotch, Neohar- despite the fact that coccinellines are often monia Crotch and Procula Mulsant. This imported for use in the biological control of group is united by the following genital exotic Homoptera, and the Neotropics are a characteristics: Male with siphonal apex tu- popular source area in the exploration for bular or tapered, lacking a membranous biological control agents. The present work pouch and spicules, but often with preapical proposes a new genus to accommodate projections or lobes (Figs. 22(cid:8212)24); siphonal three misclassified species of Neotropical capsule with inner and outer arms dissimi- Coccinellini: Cycloneda vigintiduonotata lar in size and or shape (Figs. 7(cid:8212)9); basal (Mulsant) (Fig. 1), C. darestei (Mulsant) lobe generally apically bifurcate (Figs. 19(cid:8212) (Fig. 3) and Egleis constellata Mulsant 21); basal piece often highly elongate. Fe- (Fig. 2). Vandenberg (1987) discovered the male genitalia with sperm duct unmodified new taxon while studying type material of or with a portion forming a simple tubular Cycloneda as part of a doctoral thesis pro- sheath (Figs. 11(cid:8212)13). ject. Egleis constellata is reassigned to the Members of the new genus can be distin- new genus on the basis of notes and sketch- guished from related genera by certain un- es made by the second author from type usual features of the male genitalia, in par- material in the Paris museum. The new ge- ticular the ventrally keeled apex of the basal nus falls within the lineage of (cid:8216)(cid:8220)(cid:8216)Olla and lobe (Fig 5), and the recurved sipho (Figs. allies(cid:8217) (Vandenberg 1992), regarded as a 4, 22(cid:8212)24) with a laterally warped siphonal monophyletic assemblage of primarily Neo- capsule bearing a reduced outer arm (Fig. 542 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-3. Adult habitus. 1, Spilindolla vigintiduonotata. 2, S. constellata. 3, S. darestei. 7). The female genitalia (Fig. 11) are dis- pronotal width). In addition, they can be tinguished by the combined characteristics recognized (Fig. 15) by the straight to of a very short sperm duct arising distally weakly curved posterior margins of abdom- from a robust plicate bursa, and paddle inal segments 1(cid:8212)4, the configuration of the shaped genital plates with a highly elon- postcoxal line (with linear conjoined gated inner (cid:8220)handle(cid:8217)(cid:8217). The adult beetles oblique line) and the notched apex of ab- have a very compact, (cid:8220)(cid:8216)broad-shouldered(cid:8221)(cid:8217) dominal segment 6 in males. The presence look (Figs. 1-3) which is fairly distinctive of a pair of tibial spurs on the middle and (width of elytral base much greater than hind legs is also useful for distinguishing VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 543 Figs. 4-10. Male genitalia. 4-6, Spilindolla vigintiduonotata. 4, Whole dissection, lateral view. 5, Apex of basal lobe ventrolateral view. 6, Trabes, ventral view. 7-10, Siphonal capsules, lateral view. 7, S. vigintiduon- otata. 8, Spiloneda sp. 9, Mononeda sp. (Neda group). 10, Undescribed species (Egleis and allies). this genus from the similar appearing aphid feeders, with a preference for arbo- Egleis. real habitats or shrubs (Vandenberg 1992). Label data are quoted verbatim for all Depositories of type and other material ex- available type specimens, but locality re- amined are specified using the abbrevia- cords only are cited for nontype material tions listed in Acknowledgments. examined during the study. The known dis- tribution of the new genus includes Pana- Spilindolla Vandenberg, NEw GENUS ma, northern South America and southern (Figs. 1-6, 11, 15-24) Brazil. Specimens are rarely collected so Type species.(cid:8212)Daulis vigintiduo-notata that the actual distribution and species Mulsant count may prove to be far greater than that presented here. Nothing is currently known Description.(cid:8212)Length 4.0 to 6.5 mm. of the habitat and prey preferences of the Form compact, broadly oval, pointed pos- three species presently comprising the new teriorly, subhemispherical to suprahemis- genus, but the allied genus Olla contains pherical with weakly explanate lateral mar- species which are primarily psyllid and gins (Fig. 17). Punctation on dorsal surface 544 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON dense and fine; coarser, more widely spaced curve of postcoxal line but less distinct at punctures present just before and within point of union than at middle of segment. translucent outer margin of elytron; surface Abdominal segments 1(cid:8212)4 with hind mar- between punctures distinctly shagreened. gins linear to weakly curved. Male with Sth Dorsal color pattern of known species with abdominal segment truncate or shallowly, background ivory to yellowish orange with roundly emarginate, exposing 6th; 6th seg- many brown to black marks (Figs. 1-3). ment with small v-shaped emargination at Venter ivory to dark brown, often marked middle of hind margin but often obscured with black or creamy white. by brush of golden setae. Female with hind Eyes finely facetted, separated by slightly margin of 5th abdominal segment rounded more than twice diameter of an eye; inner (Fig. 16), covering most of 6th; hind mar- orbits parallel to weakly divergent dorsally. gin of 6th segment lacking emargination. Pronotum convex, lateral margins narrowly Male genitalia with basal lobe divided at reflexed; lateral and basal margins strongly apex (Figs. 19-21); apical projections ta- rounded in outline (Fig. 17). Elytron with pered, sharply upturned in lateral view, translucent outer margin explanate along strongly keeled beneath (Fig. 4, 5); ventral entire length; width of explanate margin de- membrane restricted to basal 4%. Paramere creasing from near apical % to apex; ex- slightly shorter than basal lobe. Trabes ro- treme outer margin with fine raised ridge bust (Fig. 4, 6), not laterally compressed. along entire length; elytral base broad rel- Sipho highly modified: main curve s-shaped ative to pronotal base (Figs. 1-3). Antenna in lateral view (Figs. 4, 22(cid:8212)24) with ter- with length approximately equal to distance minal gonopore; capsule (Fig. 7) irregularly between eyes, terminating in a compact obtriangular, bowed; outer arm of capsule 3-segmented obtriangular club. Terminal short, difficult to differentiate from inner segment of maxillary palpus small and ro- arm; inner arm large, forming main body of bust. Intercoxal process of prosternum with capsule; ejaculatory duct never extended pair of convergent carinae reaching 45 dis- beyond siphonal apex. Female genitalia tance to anterior margin. Mesosternum with (Fig. 11) with weakly curved cornu; distinct small but distinct emargination at middle of ramus with moderately small accessory anterior border. Elytral epipleuron (Fig. 18) gland; undifferentiated nodulus set into strongly concave and steeply descending concavity in lower part of spermatheca; externally, faintly foveate for reception of sperm duct very short, attached to distal hind femur, maximum width equal to ap- end of bursa; bursa robust, horizontally pli- proximately YS width of body at base of cate. abdomen. Middle and hind tibiae each with Etymology.(cid:8212)The generic name reflects 2 apical spurs. Tarsal claw moderately long, the relationship between the new genus and slender, with subquadrate basal tooth; claws Olla. Derived from a contraction of the of fore, middle and hind tarsus of approx- terms (cid:8220)(cid:8216)spilos(cid:8221)(cid:8217) (spot) + (cid:8220)(cid:8216)linda(cid:8217)(cid:8221)(cid:8217) (beautiful) imately equal length. Abdomen (viewed + Olla. Gender feminine. from beneath) as in Fig. 15; widest near Remarks.(cid:8212)Spilindolla shows the great- middle of Ist through 2nd segments; form est affinity to the monotypic genus Spilo- shorter in male than in female. First abdom- neda (which will soon be expanded to in- inal segment approximately 1 % times lon- clude a half dozen additional species, Van- ger along midline than minimum distance denberg, in prep.). The close relationship between hind coxae; postcoxal line curved between Spilindolla and Spiloneda can be posterolaterad, closely paralleling posterior seen in the similar body shape, the slightly margin for much of its length, becoming foveate elytral epipleuron (usually high- less distinct as it reaches lateral margin; lighted with a dark spot) (Fig. 18), the oblique line nearly linear, joined to main warped siphonal capsule of the male geni- VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 545 talia (Figs. 7, 8), and the very short sperm (cid:8212) Dorsal surfaces yellowish ivory. Fully macu- duct attached distally to the bursa in the fe- late individuals with 8 elytral spots arranged 2-3-2-1 as shown (Fig. 2). Male genitalia as male genitalia (Fig. 11). Spilindolla differs in Figs. 20 and 23 ...... constellata (Mulsant) in possessing a more derived form of the male genitalia (Figs. 4(cid:8212)6), especially the re- curved sipho, keeled basal lobe, reduced Spilindolla vigintiduonotata (Mulsant), ventral membrane, and robust trabes. Ex- NEW COMBINATION ternally Spilindolla differs from Spiloneda (Figs. 1, 4-7, 11, 15-19, 22) in the slightly larger body size, the shape Daulis vigintiduo-notata Mulsant 1850:307. and contours of the abdominal segments, Leis vigintiduo-notata: Mulsant 1866:180. the form of the postcoxal line (curved in Cycloneda vigintiduo-notata: Crotch 1871: Spiloneda), and in possessing more widely 6; 1874:162. spaced eyes. Cycloneda vigintiduonotata: Korchefsky Olla and Cirocolla also share many af- 1932:287; Blackwelder 1945:453; Mader finities with Spilindolla, but they possess 1958:245; Gordon 1987:20. much longer sperm ducts in the female gen- italia, which attach mediodorsally or basal- Female (lectotype).(cid:8212)Length 5.6 mm, ly rather than distally (Fig. 12). width 4.5 mm. Form slightly elongate, su- The remaining genera comprising (cid:8220)(cid:8216)Olla prahemispherical. Dorsal color pattern as in and allies(cid:8217)(cid:8217) are more distantly related. Many Fig. 1. Ground color yellowish orange with species currently classified in Cycloneda, dark brown marks. Head immaculate. Pro- but more properly allied to Neda, bear a notum with 6 marks. Scutellum dark brown. strong superficial resemblance to the three Elytron with 11 marks arranged in rows of Spilindolla species, but the males show the 3-3-3-2: in Ist row, humeral and humero- more elongate, trumpet like configuration lateral marks confluent; in 2nd row, outer of the outer arm of the siphonal capsule most mark touching lateral margin, inner (Fig. 9), and the females exhibit the greatly most mark touching suture and extended enlarged spermathecal accessory gland, anteriorly to basal margin as narrow border; pronounced development of the nodulus in 4th row, marks weakly confluent. Sutural and more robust sperm duct (Fig. 13). and lateral margins of elytron translucent These characteristics are shared by a sub- amber. Venter, including legs, primarily group of (cid:8220)Olla and allies(cid:8221)(cid:8217) including Neda, light golden brown; metasternum and me- Mononeda, Neoharmonia, and the misclas- tepisternum, median 7; of Ist through 3rd sified Cycloneda species which constitute abdominal segments, and lateral mark on additional undescribed genera. each side of 4th abdominal segment dark brown; elytral epipleuron pale yellowish KEY TO SPECIES OF SPILINDOLLA with dark brown spot at fovea. Female genitalia.(cid:8212)Fig. 11. 1. Elytral color pattern consisting of irregular angulate brown marks on a paler background Male.(cid:8212)Same as female except for sexual (Fig. 3). Male genitalia with basal lobe broad- characters. Genitalia (Figs. 4(cid:8212)6) with basal est in distal 4 (Fig. 21) ..... darestei (Mulsant) lobe broadest near middle, outline as shown (cid:8212) Elytral color pattern consisting of oval to (Fig. 19); sipho as in Fig. 22. punctiform brown or black spots on a paler Variation.(cid:8212)Length 4.0 to 5.8 mm. Form background (Figs. 1, 2). Male genitalia with basal lobe broadest near middle (Figs. 19, 20) often less elongate than in lectotype. Scu- tellum dark brown to yellowish orange. 2. Dorsal surfaces yellowish orange. Fully mac- Dorsal marks light brown to dark brown; ulate individuals with 11 elytral spots ar- smaller or larger than in lectotype; conflu- ranged in rows of 3-3-3-2 as shown (Fig. 1); ent marks sometimes discrete; inner mark some spots occasionally fused. Male genitalia as in Figs. 19, 22 .. . vigintiduonotata (Mulsant) of 2nd row not always touching suture; out- 546 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 12 13 Figs. 11-14. Female genitalia. 11, Spilindolla vigintiduonotata. 12, Olla sp. 13, Neda sp. 14, Cycloneda sp. er mark of 2nd row not always touching [green header label in box, not affixed to lateral margin. Venter with mesosternum specimen].(cid:8221) light brown to blackish; pronotal hypome- Remarks.(cid:8212)Spilindolla vigintiduonotata ron, pro- and mesosternum, mes- and met- can be easily distinguished from its con- epimeron often creamy white; abdomen geners by the species specific dorsal color with dark brown areas greater or less than pattern; it is most similar to S. constellata, in lectotype, sometimes entire abdomen un- but has the ground color more orangy and icolorous dark brown. has larger more numerous elytral spots. Type material(cid:8212)LECTOTYPE (by pres- Males of S. vigintiduonotata can also be ent designation)(DLM): female, (cid:8220)(cid:8220)Coccinel- distinguished by the shape of the basal lobe la 22 notata. mihi./L. Cayennae D. Banon (Fig. 19) and siphonal apex (Fig. 22). Cy- VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 547 le aw 18 Ries, 1S Spilindolla vigintiduonotata, external morphology of adult. 15, Ventral view of male abdomen. 16, Ventral view of female abdominal segment 5. 17, Frontal view of whole body. 18, Ventral view of elytral epipleuron. cloneda sallei (Mulsant) somewhat resem- than thirty other named species. Subse- bles this species, but has a narrower base to quently (Mulsant 1866) he transferred this the elytron, and differs in the arrangement species to Leis Mulsant based on the con- of the dorsal marks, in the proportions and tours of the elytra. Currently Leis is placed contours of the abdominal segments (base as a synonym of Harmonia Mulsant, a ge- of 4th segment strongly bowed), and in the nus of Oriental and Australian lady beetles genitalia of both sexes. Cycloneda sallei is which bear little affinity to the species in another misplaced species which shows a question. Crotch (1871) and subsequent au- strong affinity to Neda. thors have all classified vigintiduonotata in Mulsant based his original description of Cycloneda, although most have recognized Daulis vigintiduo-notata on material from this genus as a composite of unrelated spe- the collections of Dejean and Chevrolat. cies. Cycloneda, sensu stricto, has a well The specimen designated as lectotype was developed infundibulum on the sperm duct located in the Dejean collection of the Mu- of the female genitalia (Fig. 14) and the seum d(cid:8217)Histoire Naturelle, Lyon, France; male genitalia terminate in a membranous the header label (see above) specifies the pouch and spicules. More extensive diag- locality of Cayenne given in the original de- noses of Cycloneda and allied fauna can be scription. A second specimen marked found in Vandenberg and Gordon (1988), (cid:8220)(cid:8220)Chevr.(cid:8221)(cid:8217) was found among the material ac- Vandenberg (1992) and Gordon and Van- quired by Crotch and currently housed at denberg (1993) (larvae). the University of Cambridge. Mulsant spec- Locality data(cid:8212)(cid:8212)26 specimens examined. ified that the material from the Chevrolat BOLIVIA: Guayaramerida: Beni, outskirts collection was from (cid:8216)(cid:8220)(cid:8216)Chili(cid:8221) and (cid:8216)(cid:8220)(cid:8216)Nouvelle of town. BRASIL: Santa Catarina: Blumen- Hollande(cid:8221) (= Suriname?), but the example au; Corupa (Hansa Humbolt). [CHILE: in the Crotch collection does not specify a (cid:8220)Chili(cid:8221)?? ] COLOMBIA: Cauca: (cid:8220)(cid:8216)Cauca.(cid:8221)(cid:8217) collection locality and therefore is not des- FRENCH GIUANA: Guyane: Cayenne. ignated as a paralectotype. The locality PANAMA: (cid:8220)Pacora.(cid:8221)(cid:8217) Canal Zone: Pipe (cid:8220)Chili(cid:8221) is in need of corroboration and Line rd. nr. Gamboa. SURINAME: Suri- may be the result of mislabeling or misas- name: Paramaribo. VENEZUELA: Merida: signment of localities. Briceno; (cid:8220)(cid:8220)Meride(cid:8217)(cid:8217); Zulia, 31 km SW Mac- Mulsant (1850) originally described S. hiques. (BMNH) (DLM) (HNHM) (LSUC) vigintiduonotata in Daulis along with more (MNHP) (CUMZ) (USNM). 548 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Spilindolla constellata (Mulsant), the middle and hind leg, have even more NEw COMBINATION finely facetted eyes, a less compact antennal (Figs. 2, 20, 23) club with terminal segment more oval shaped, and generally have the pronotum Egleis constellata Mulsant 1850:155; 1866: less convex and the prosternum more con- 121; Crotch 1871:4. vex (lateral arms of T-shaped prosternum Male (holotype).(cid:8212)Length 5.5 mm, width more strongly folded back from midline) 4.8 mm. Form slightly elongate, subhemi- given a prothorax of comparable thickness. spherical. Dorsal color pattern as in Fig. 2. The male genitalia of Egleis and allies Ground color yellowish ivory with black (Vandenberg 1992) have an undivided basal marks. Head with pair of elongate black lobe, a simple curve to the main body of marks that converge slightly toward apex. the sipho, and a weakly s-shaped siphonal Pronotum with 6 punctiform spots as capsule with inner and outer arms subequal shown, posterior margin narrowly piceous. (Fig. 10). The female genitalia of Egleis Scutellum blackish. Elytron with 8 puncti- have the genital plates more diamond form marks arranged in rows of 2-3-2-1; shaped with a shorter inner (cid:8220)handle.(cid:8221) anterior and sutural margins narrowly pi- Type material HOLOTYPE (MNHP): ceous, lateral margins paler amber. Venter, male (cid:8220)(cid:8216)Museum Paris, Matto-Grosso, de including legs, primarily yellowish ivory, Castelnau 3-47/55/Egleis constellata Muls., borders of sclerites amber to piceous; mes- auct. det.(cid:8221) and metepimera, metepisternum somewhat Locality data(cid:8212)(cid:8212)21 specimens examined. paler yellowish ivory; abdominal segments BRASIL: Mato Grosso: Barre do Tapirape; 1(cid:8212)3 with dark punctiform spot on each side; *(cid:8220)Matto-Grosso.(cid:8221)(cid:8217) Mato Grosso do Sul: Cor- epipleuron immaculate. Genitalia with basal umba. (CMP) (CAS) (ZPAN) (MNHP). lobe broadest near middle, configuration as shown (Fig. 20); sipho as in Fig. 23. Spilindolla darestei (Mulsant), Female.(cid:8212)Same as male except for sex- NEW COMBINATION ual characters. Genitalia similiar to those of (Figs. 3, 21, 24) S. vigintiduonotata. Daulis Darestei Mulsant 1866:228. Variation.(cid:8212)Length 5.0 to 5.7 mm, width Cycloneda Darestei: Crotch 1871:6; 1874: 4.3 to 5.2 mm. Scutellum occasionally pale. 165; Korchefsky 1932:283; Mader 1958: Pronotum occasionally with additional 243. short upright basomedial black mark. Ely- Cycloneda darestei: Blackwelder 1945:452. tron with inner mark of basal row some- times transversely crescentiform, extended Male (lectotype).(cid:8212)Length 4.5 mm, toward suture; outer mark of 2nd row some- width 4.5 mm. Form hemispherical. Dorsal times reaching lateral margin. Venter often color pattern as in Fig. 3. Ground color yel- with additional dark marks on epipleural fo- lowish ivory with light brown marks. Head vea, mes- and metepisterna, metasternum, immaculate. Pronotum with 7 marks (Fig. each side of abdominal segment 4, and pos- 3); median basal mark indistinct. Scutellum terior margin of mes- and metacoxa. light brown. Elytron with 8 irregular, an- Remarks.(cid:8212)This species is most closely gular marks as shown; inner most mark just related to S. vigintiduonotata (see discus- before middle of elytron continued anteri- sion under the (cid:8220)(cid:8216)remarks(cid:8221)(cid:8217) section for the orly to basal margin as sutural border. Su- latter species). It has been misclassified in tural and lateral margins of elytron trans- Egleis since Mulsant first described it in lucent amber. Venter, including legs, pri- 1950, but the resemblance is a superficial marily light golden brown; prosternum, one based on the pale, spotted habitus. mes- and metepimeron, and metepisternum Egleis and close allies lack tibial spurs on whitish cream with fine brown borders; VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 549 Figs. 19-24. Male genitalia. 19-21, Basal lobe. 19, Spilindolla vigintiduonotata. 20, S. constellata. 21, S. darestei. 22(cid:8212)24, Lateral view of whole sipho (below) and detail of apex (above) (note: detail of apex rotated 90 degrees in Fig. 24 to provide homologous view). 22, S. vigintiduonotata. 23, S. constellata. 24, S. darestei. pronotal hypomeron and elytral epipleuron Variation.(cid:8212)Length 4.3 to 4.8 mm, width same color as dorsal surface; fovea of ely- 4.2 to 4.8 mm. Ground color of dorsal sur- tral epipleuron marked with a brown spot. face yellow ivory to light yellowish brown. Genitalia as in Figs. 21, 24. Dorsal marks at middle of elytron some- Female.(cid:8212)Same as male except for sex- times confluent. ual characters. Genitalia not examined. Remarks.(cid:8212)Spilindolla darestei can be Type material(cid:8212)LECTOTYPE (Gordon easily distinguished from its two congeners 1987) (CUMZ): male (cid:8216)(cid:8220)(cid:8216)type [blue la- on the basis of the dorsal color pattern (Fig. bel]/Darestei Ega Bates [green label]/type 3) and male genitalia (Figs. 21, 24). Cyclo- Darestei Backw(cid:8217)(cid:8217); PARALECTOTYPE neda graphiptera (Mulsant) has a dorsal (Gordon 1987) (CUMZ) (cid:8220)Darestei Ega color pattern which is similar to S. darestei, Backw.(cid:8221)(cid:8217) but it can be distinguished by the absence 550 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON of a humerolateral mark on the elytron and helpful comments and review of the manu- slight differences in the shapes and posi- script. The pen and ink drawings were tions of the other elytral marks. Also C. made by A. S. Konstantinov, and the hab- graphiptera has very different contours and itus of S. constellata by K. Marsh. The proportions to the abdominal segments, plates were prepared by E. Roberts. with the hind margin of segment 4 strongly LITERATURE CITED bowed. The genitalia of C. graphiptera re- veal its close affinity to Neda. Blackwelder, R. E. 1945. Checklist of the coleopter- Spilindolla darestei was originally de- ous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 3. United States scribed in the genus Daulis Mulsant. Crotch National Museum Bulletin 185: 343-550. replaced Daulis Mulsant with Cycloneda Crotch, G. R. 1871. List of Coccinellidae. Cambridge, Crotch because the old name was preoc- 8 pp. cupied by Daulis Erichson (1842). This . 1874. A revision of the coleopterous family Coccinellidae. Janson, London, 311 pp. species has remained in the genus Cyclo- Erichson, W. E 1842. Beitrag zur Insecten-Fauna von neda up until the present revision. Vandiemensland, mit besonderer Berucksichti- Locality data(cid:8212)(cid:8212)2 Specimens examined. gung der geographischen Verbreitung der Insec- Known only from the type locality. BRA- ten, von Herausgeber. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte SIL: Amazonas: Ega. 8: 238-241. Gordon, R. D. 1987. A catalogue of the Crotch col- lection of Coccinellidae. Occasional Papers on ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Systematic Entomology, British Museum (Natural We thank the following individuals and History) 3: 1(cid:8212)46. their respective institutions for arranging Gordon, R. D. and N. Vandenberg. 1993. Larval sys- tematics of North American Cycloneda Crotch loans of specimens or making their collec- (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Entomologica Scan- tions available for study: R. D. Pope, The dinavica 24: 301-312. Natural History Museum, London Korchefsky, R. 1932. Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars (BMNH); D. H. Kavanaugh, California 120. Coccinellidae I. Berlin, 435 pp. Academy of Sciences, San Francisco Mader, L. 1958. Die amerikanischen Coccinelliden der Gruppe Synonychini. Annalen des Naturhis- (CAS); R. Davidson, Carnegie Museum, torischen Museums in Wien 62: 236(cid:8212)249. Pittsburgh (CMP); W. A. Foster, Crotch col- Mulsant, E. 1850. Species de Coleopteres trimeres se- lection of Coccinellidae, Cambridge, En- curipalpes. Annales de Sciences Physiques et Na- gland (CUMZ); J. Clary, Dejean collection turelles, Lyon 2: 1(cid:8212)1104. of the Museum d(cid:8217)Histoire Naturelle, Lyon 1866. Monographie des Coccinellides. 1° partie. Coccinelliens, Paris, 294 pp. (DLM); S. A. Slipinski, Institute of Zoolo- Vandenberg, N. J. 1987. A systematic study of Olla gy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa Casey and allied genera of the New World (Co- (IZPAN); O. Merkl, Hungarian Natural His- leoptera; Coccinellidae). Ph.D. dissertation, Uni- tory Museum, Budapest (HNHM); J. B. versity of California, Berkeley (unpublished for Chapin, Louisiana State University, Baton nomenclatorial purposes). Vandenberg, N. J. 1992. Revision of the New World Rouge (LSUC); Nicole Berti, Museum Na- lady beetles of the genus Olla and description of tional d(cid:8217) Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHP); a new allied genus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). We also thank H. L. Dozier, South Car- Annals of the Entomological Society of America olina; S. E. Halbert, Division of Plant In- 85(4): 370-392. dustry, Florida Department of Agriculture Vandenberg, N. and R. D. Gordon. 1988. The Coc- cinellidae (Coleoptera) of South America, part I. and Consumer Services, Florida and R. V. A revision of the genus Erythroneda Timberlake Peterson, Systematic Entomology Labora- (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Revista Brasileira tory, USDA, Washington, D.C., for their Entomologia 32: 31-43.

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