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A new genus Mangina along with the taxonomy of Argina Hubner (Arctiinae: Arctiidae: Lepidoptera) PDF

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Preview A new genus Mangina along with the taxonomy of Argina Hubner (Arctiinae: Arctiidae: Lepidoptera)

ANEW GENUS MANGINA ALONG WITH THE TAXONOMY OF ARGINA HUBNER (ARCTIINAE: ARCTIIDAE: LEPIDOPTERA) 1 AmritpalS. Kaleka andJagbir S. Kirti2 (With eleven text-figures) Key words: Argina Mangina genitalia, congeneric , , The taxonomy ofgenus Argina Hubner has been revised by incorporating the male and female genital features ofthe type species astrea (Drury). Another Indian species argus Kollar, earlier described under Aigina Hubner, has been found non-congeneric on the basis of its genital structures. A new genus Mangina has, therefore, been proposed for argus Kollar. The new genus is closely allied toArgina HQbner. Introduction Distribution: Throughout India, Africa, Mauritius, China, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, New According to Hampson’s key (Hampson Guinea and Australia. 1894), two species namely cribraria Clerck and Diagnosis: Labial palpus upturned, argusKollararereferredtogenusArginaHubner. extending well beyond lower level offrons, third The specific status of these two species was joint short. Antenna ciliated in both sexes. confirmed fromthe Zoological Survey ofIndia, ForewingwithveinsR andR fromareoleformed 2 3 Kolkata, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun byanastomosisofR andR M, arisingfromupper 3M M4; and Natural History Museum, London. Watson angle ofcell; veins and Cu, from close to 2, 3 etal. (1980)observedthatPhalaenaastreaDrury lower angle ofcell. Hindwing with vein Sc + R, is the oldest ofjunior subjective synonyms of originating from before middle ofcell; M, from M M PhalaenacribrariaClerck, andmadeitavailable upper angle ofcell; and Cu, from or near 2, 3 as a subjective replacementname forthe former the lower angle ofcell; in male, hindwing with a species i.e. Argina cribraria Clerck which is foldoninnermargin containing aglandularpatch alsothetypespeciesofArginaHubner.Acritical nearbasewithatuftoflonghairbeyondit, tomus study of the structures of male and female produced. Hindtibiawithapairofterminalspurs. genitalia reveal that the species argus Kollar is Malegenitaliawithuncusmoderatelylong,tipwith not congeneric with the type species astrea anacutespine;fenestrulaprominent;tegumenwith (Drury)ofgenusArginaHubner.Thus,thestatus both its arms wide; almost of same length as ofthis species is not stable under genusArgina. vinculum; saccus more or less developed; valva Accordingly, a new genus Mangina has been long;sacculuswellmarked;costaslightlydefined; proposed for this species, and the justification valvula curved, extending well above cucullus; has been given. cucullus flap-like, with longitudinal rows of sclerotized lines and large number of denticles; TaxonomicDescriptions juxta with two parallel sclerotized flaps, joined Genus Argina Hubner together at tip, aedeagus with its anterior end Hubner, 1818, Verz. bekr. sch., 1818 167. balloon-shaped; vesica with 3-4 patches of : Type Species: Argina astrea (Drury). denticles and spines representing comuti. Female genitalia with corpus bursae large, membranous; 'AcceptedJanuary, 1999 three rounded signa present; ductus bursae short departmentofZoology, PunjabiUniversity, and broad, heavily sclerotized: papilla analis Patiala147002,Punjab,India triangular, setose with short and long setae. 250 JOURNAL BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 98(2), AUG. 2001 NEWDESCRIPTIONS Argina astrea (Drury) patch nearbase, with a tuft oflong hair beyond (Figs 1-5) it. Hindtibiawithaterminalpairofminutespurs. Phalaena astrea Drury, 1773, III. Exot. Male genitalia with uncus long and curved, Ins. 2: 11; Hmpsn., 1894, Moths Ind. 2: 51; gradually narrowing towards tip, sickle-shaped; Phalaena cribraria Clerck, 1764, Icon. Inst, fenestrula rounded; tegumen well developed, rariorum, 2: 54; Argina guttata Rambur, 1859, inverted V-shaped, almost double length of Lep. And. 2: 229; Argina notata Butler, 1877, vinculum; vinculum small and narrow, well Trans. Ent. Soc. 1877 365. sclerotized; saccusnarrow,knob-like;valvalong : Material examined: Himachal Pradesh: and narrow; sacculus broad and distinct; costa Solan, 2.vi.l994, Id, 1?; Punjab: 7.ix.l991, narrow; cucullus and valvula not marked, distal 1 d, 2 9 9; 1.x.1991, 3 dd. Uttar Pradesh: end bifurcated with paired spines on each tip: Dehra Dun, 13.x.1991, 1 d, 1 9; Kempty Falls, ampulla well sclerotized, broad at base, tip 20.ix.1995, 1 d; West Bengal: Kurseong, sharply pointed, setose, inner arm extends into 28.iv.1995, Id, 19; 29.iv.1995, 6 dd. fused cucullus and valvula. Aedeagus long and Coll. Amritpal Singh. narrow, anterior end broad, both of its walls Distribution: Recordedthroughout India, equally sclerotized, distal end with a sclerotized Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, Mauritius, New patch; vesica armed with a large number offine Guinea. denticles. Female genitalia with corpus bursae Remarks: Holloway(1988)describedand large, oval and membranous, a pair of illustrated Argina astrea (Drury) in detail, semicircularsignapresent; ductusbursae broad, including itsgenitalstructuresandsynonymized highlysclerotized;accessorysacpresent;anterior cribraria Clerck under it. Thus, the description apophyses shorter than posterior apophyses, ofthespeciesis omitted. However, themale and apices rounded andnarrow; papilla analisbroad female genitalia have been illustrated here for androunded, setosewithmicroandmacrosetae. comparisonwiththe type species argus (Kollar) M ofthe new genus angina. Mangina argus (Kollar) comb. nov. (Figs 6-11 M ) angina gen. nov. Kollar, 1844, Hiige’s Kaschmir, 4: 467; Type Species: Argina argus Kollar. Moore, 1882, Lep. Ceyl. 2:105, Hmpsn. 1894, Distribution: ThroughoutIndia, SriLanka Moths Ind. 2: 51 and Myanmar. Genitalia: As described for genus Diagnosis: Labial palpus upturned, diagnosis. suipassing lowerleveloffrons. Antenna simple, Material Examined: Himachal Pradesh: ciliated inboth sexes. Forewing rathershort and Nauni, l.viii.1994, 1 d; Sikkim: Namchi, broad; veins R from short areole formed by 2.v.1995, 1 d; Manipur: Ukhrul, 20.ix.1994, 2 anastomosisofR andR R fromcommonstalk 1 d; Meghalaya: Jowaii, 30.ix.1994, 1 $; ofR M arisin3g from4;up5per angle; M from Cheerapunjee, 2.x.1994, 1 ?; Uttar Pradesh: 3+4; 2 abovelowerangle;Cu,beforelowerangleofcell; Dehra Dun, 18.x.1991, 2 9 $; Kempty Falls, Cu beyond middle ofcell. Hindwing with vein 4.vi.l993, 2 dd, 19; West Bengal: Kurseong, 2 Sc+R originatingbeforemiddleofcell; Rsand 28.iv.1995, Id, 3 9 9; Coll. Amritpal Singh. M, fro(m upper angle of cell; M and M from Remarks: As mentioned earlier, argus 2 3 lower angle ofcell; Cu, wellbefore lower angle Kollar fails to conform to the description of ofcell; in male, tornus produced and glandular genusArginaHiibnerandisalsonon-congeneric JOURNAL BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 98(2), AUG.2001 251 , NEWDESCRIPTIONS Figs 1-5: Argina aslrea (Drury): 1-4. Male genitalia; 5. Female genitalia Abbreviations: AED: Aedeagus,ANT.APO: Anteriorapophyses,CO: Costa,CRN: Cornuti, CRP.BU: Corpus Bursae, CU: Cucullus, DU.BU: Ductus Bursae, DU.EJ: Ductus ejaculatorius, JX: Juxta PAP.A: PapillaAnalis, PO.APO: Posteriorapophyses, SA: Saccus, SIG: Signum, SL: Sacculus, TG: Tegumen,TRA: Transtilla, UN: Uncus, VES: Vesica,VIN: Vinculum, VLA: Valvula withanalliedgenus UtetheisaHiibner,andother venation,presenceofglandularpatchandtomus genera of Subfamily Arctiinae. Thus, a new of hindwing, and a pair of tibial spurs. The genusMangina is suggestedforthis speciesand unique morphological features particularly the the diagnosis of the new genus and its type genital structures, namely uncus, valva and speciesArginaargusKollarisgiven.Thepresent aedeagus of male genitalia and corpus bursae, and correct status of the species becomes ductus bursae and signa of female genitalia of Mangina argus (Kollar) comb. nov. The new the type species argus make it totally different genus Mangina is closely allied to Argina from the type species astrea Drury of genus Hiibner with respect to wing maculation, wing ArginaHiibner. 252 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 98(2), AUG. 2001 1 NEWDESCRIPTIONS Figs 6-11: Mangina argus (Kollar) comb, nov.: 6-10. Male genitalia; 1 1. Female genitalia. Abbreviations: ACC.SC: Accessorysac,AED: Aedeagus,AM: Ampulla,ANT.APO: Anteriorapophyses, CO: Costa, CRN: Cornuti, CRP.BU: Corpus Bursae, DU.BU: Ductus Bursae, DU.EJ: Ductus ejaculatorius, JX: Juxta, PAP.A: PapillaAnalis, PO.APO: Posteriorapophyses, SIG: Signum, SL: Sacculus, TG: Tegumen,TRA: Transtilla, UN: Uncus,VES: Vesica,VIN: Vinculum,VLV: Valva Acknowledgements Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata and the Natural History Museum, London. Financial We thank the authorities of the National assistance providedby CSIR, New Delhi is also MuseumatForestResearchInstitute,DehraDun; gratefullyacknowledged. References Hampson, G.F. (1894): Fauna ofBritish India, Moths, International Institute of Entomology, London, includingCeylonandBurma.Vol.2: 1-609.Taylorand 101 pp. FrancisLtd.,London,609pp. Watson, Allan, D.S. Fletcher & I.W.D. Nye (1980): Holloway, J.D. (1988): Moths of Borneo-<5 C.A.B. ThegenericnamesoftheWorld-2Noctuoidea,228pp. JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 98(2), AUG.200 253

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