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A new genus and species of the clearwing moth tribe Osminiini from the Oriental Region (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) PDF

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Preview A new genus and species of the clearwing moth tribe Osminiini from the Oriental Region (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ueLma 7hans. Iepid.Soc.Ilipa4n6(1):17-22,March 1995 A the tribeOsminiini from the new genus and species of clearwing moth Oriental Region (LepidopteSreasi,idae) Oleg G. GoRBuNovi) and Yutaka ARiTA2) 1) Institute for the Problems of Ecology & Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences ,Leninsky 33,Moscow ll7071,Russia' prospect 2) Zoelogica] laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo Universit yT,ernpaku-ku, Nagoya, 468 Japan Abstract A new genus and species, Ahaisphecr 'maelanQPuncta gen. et sp. n., tribe Osminiini, is described and figured from Vietnam. A key to genera of the Osminiini of the Oriental Region is presented. Key words Sesiidae, Osminiini, Afeaisphecia melanQPuncta gen. et sp. n., taxonomy, Oriental Region,Vietnam. A small collection of clearwing rnoths from Southest Asia belonging to the Museum d'Histoir eNaturelle Geneve, Switzerland (MHNG), turned out to contain three speci-- mens of one species habituall yvery similar to species of the genus Hbterosphecia Le Cerf, 1916, but having some important difference s.Here we describ iet as a new genus and AhaZsphecia species, melanQPerncla gen. et sp. n. Although the fauna of clearwing moths of the Orienta Rlegion is at present one of the least known, certainly comprising numerous new synonyms both at the species and genus levels w,e still dare describ ea new genus. One of the reasons for this is based on the fact that a restudy of the type species of the genera of the trib eOsminiini from the 0riental Region has been finishe d.All of them have been figure din our article (Arit a& Gorbunov,1995). Akaisphecia Gorbunov et Arita ,gen. n. Type Akatsphecta Gorbunov Arita, species : nzelanopuncta et sp, n, Medium-sized 26.0-27.5mm, intensively clearwing moths with alar expanse with red- orange or red coloration of thorax, legs ,abdomen and wings (Fig. 1)H.ead with in antenna relatively strongly clavate, without cilia male ; proboscis well-developed ; maximum width of head less than that of prothorax. Distall y8th tergite of abdomen double, filiform, long hair-like (Figs1,4). Hind with spiralling, very appendix of scales tibia and tarsus entirely tufted with long hair-lik escales, their total length somewhat longer than that of abdomen, Forewing (Fig 2.) with vein R, missing (conflue nwitth R, ?) ,other veins separated ; tip of R-stem reaching midway between bases of veins R,- R3;anterior transparent area of forewing with a large, mat black, rounded spot medially. Hindwing (Fig 2,) with vein Cui arising from sornewhat before lower angle of cell, veins At and A2 well-developed, Male genitalia with tegumen-uncus complex (Figs3a-b) densely hair-like narrow and small ; uncus covered with scales; gnathos densely longhair-like undeveloped ; valva narrow quadrangular, covered with scales on dista lhalf ,without crista sacculi (Figs3a,c )s;aceus relatively broad and long, flat basally ; vinculum narrow, about 1.5 times as long as saccus ; aedeagus (Fig 3.d) relative- ly broad, about 1.5times as long as length of valva;vesica with small, numerous, * Visiting Schelar of Zoologica lLaboratory, Faculty of Agriculture ,Meijo University, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya, 468,Japan NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 18 Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Yutaka ARITA Fig, 1. Aleaisphec imaetanqPuncta gen. et sp. n. Holotype, male (MHNG), alar expanse 27.5 mm. rounded cornuti. Diagnosis . This new genus is closely related to llbterosphec iLae Cerf ,1916 and Melanosphecia Le Cerf, 1916, but differ sfrom them in the intensivel ryed-orange colora- tion, presence of a double, spiralling, filifor mappendix on the 8th tergite of the abdomen, and a large ,rounded, black spot on the anterior transparent area medially of the forewing, Besides that ,Ahaispheci agen. n. can be easily separated from those genera by the rather robust thorax (maximum width of head less than that of prothorax, but in the genera compared width of head more than that of prothorax), and in the structure of the hair-lik etuft of the hind leg (tib ienatirely and two basa lsegments of tarsus with a hair- like tuft in Hlrterosphec ind,ista lhalf of tibia and two basal segments of tarsus in Melanosphecia) .Fore- and hindwings of the new genus are rather broader than those in Hbterospheci aand Melanosphecia ,but venation has in fact no significant difference so,nly the tip of the R-stem of the forewing reaching about midway between the bases of veins R2-R3 (t obase of vein R2 in Higterosphecl a)F,rom AschistQphle pHsampson, [1893 t]h,is new genus is distinguishab lbey the robust body, presence of a filifor mappendix on the 8th tergite of the abdomen, and structure of the hair--li kteuft of the hind leg (dist haallf of tibia and firs ttarsal segment tufted in Aschtstophlop s; )besides that, AschistqPhleP hsas relatively long hind tibia and tarsus. All the known genera of the tribe Osminiini ,includin gthe new one, of the Orienta lRegion can be determinated by the following key : 1. Maximum width of head less than maximum width of prothorax ; both hind tibia and tarsus entirely tufted with hair-lik escales ; 8th tergite ef abdomen in male with a double, spiralling, filifer mappendix of very long hair-lik escales (Fig s1, 4) ; anterior transparent area of forewing with a large rounded spot medially ................・....,,............,...・・・-..,,.............Aleaisphecia gen. n. - Maximum width of head more than maximum width of prothorax ; three apieal segments of hind tarsus not tufted with hair-lik escales ; 8th tergite of abdomen without any appendix (Fi g5.); anterior transparent area of forewing ,if present, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan A New Genus and Species of Osminiin iCSesiidae) 19 1 x Fig. 2 . Wing venatien of Akaispheci amelanopuncta gen. et sp. n. Scale bar: 2.0mm. without spot medially ........,,,..,,.....,...,.,...,..........,..............2 2. Forewing entirely opaque, often with strong, metallic sheen ; scales of hindwing with strong, metallic sheen .,,...,.,.....................Melanosphecia Le Cerf - Forewing with transparen tareas; fore- and hindwings without metallic sheen ..3 3. Hind tibia and tarsus about twice as long as abdomen; only apical half of hind tibia and firs tbasal segment of tarsus tufted with hair-like scales ....,.,...,............................,.,...,...,....AschistQphleps Hampson - Hind tibia and tarsus only slightly longer than abdomen ; hind tibia entirely and only two basal segments of tarsus tufted with hair-lik escales .........................,.........................・・.....HbterosPhecia Le Cerf Etymology, The name of this new genus AkaisPheci apartly derives from two closely related genera, lleterosphec ianad Melanosphecia .The name "akai" is derived from the Japanes eword meaning red, and corresponding to the ground coloration of the type Gender isfeminine. species. Akaisphecia melanopuncta Gorbunov et Arita, sp. n. (Fig s1-4) Description .Male (holotyp e()Fi g1.) . Alar expanse 27.5 mm ; body length 13.5 mm ; forewing 12.5mm; 8.4mm, Head: black antenna antenna with a small yellowish- sandy spot externally near apex ; frons grey-brown with violet sheen ; vertex black with greenish sheen ; Iabia lpalpus black with a narrow, pale yellow to white stripe extro- Iaterall y;pericephalic hairs red-orange. Thorax: patagium black with bluish sheen, with a few red-orange scales ; tegula red-orange with a mixture of black scales at inner margin distall y; mesothorax black with bluish sheen, mixed with red-orange scales, especially caudally; metathorax red-orange te red; thorax laterally dark grey with strong violet sheen. Legs:fore coxa black with a mixture of individual red-orange scales basally; hind tibia and tarsus entirely and strongly tufted with hair-lik escales, red-orange to red with a few black scales basall y; spurs white. Abdomen : dorsally red-orange to red ; tergite 1 black with violet sheen ; tergites 3 and 4 each with a large medial spot black with violet sheen (th sepot on third tergit elarger ); tergite 8 black with two, very long, nearly as long as abdomen, black, spiralling threads of hair-lik escales (Fig s1, 4) ; ventrally sternite 1+2 dark grey with violet sheen, all other sternites red- orange ; anal tuft undeveloped, Forewing : basally black ; costal and anal margins red- orange with a mixture of individua lbrownish scales; Cu-stem basally red-orange, distall ybrownis h; disca lspot and veins within external transparent area mat black ; NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 20 Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Yutaka ARITA Fig.3. MalegenitaliaofAkaisPheciameinnopunctagen.etsp.n. GenitalpreparationNo. GA-O07 (MIING). Common b.Tegumen-uncus lat- a. view, unpressed. complex, era! view. c. Valva, pressed. d. Aedeagus. Scale bar: O.5mm. apical area undeveloped; transparent areas well-developed; anterior and posterior transparent areas densel ycovered with brownish semihyaline scales ; beside sthat, first one with a large ,rounded, mat black spot nearly level to disca lspot of hindwing; external transparent area extremely large ,divide dinto 6 cells, in proximal half densely covered with blackish to brown, slightly hyaline scales and with a narrow, longitudinal, black stripe between veins R3-Cui ; cilia black. Hindwing: transparent but covered with red-orange scales basally to disca lspot and in anal part, and with black scales distally discal indistalhalfblack,inbasalhalf discal of spot; veins red-orange; spot black black. and outer margin narrowly ; cilia Genital i(aFi g3.) (genit parleparation No. GA-O07) .Tegumen-uncus complex (Fig 3sa, b) small and narrow ; uncus entirely covered with rather short hair-like scales ; gnathos undeveloped ; valva (Fig 3sa, c) quadrangular with a disto-dorsa langle slightly turned- densely longhair-like distahlalf broad up, covered with scales on ; saccus relatively and long with a fla tbase;vinculum narrow, about twice as long as saccus (Fig.3a); aedeagus (Fi g3.d) relatively narrow, about 1.5 times as long as valva ; vesica with small, numerous, rounded cornuti. Female. Unknown, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan A New Genus and Species of Osminiin i(Sesiidae) 21 Fig. 4. Distal segments of abdomen of Ahaispheci amelanqPuncld gen. et sp. n. Male, Genital Ne.GA-O07. paratype. preparation Fig.5. Dista lsegments of abdomen of lfeterosphecl asohanthovi (Gorbunov 1,9S8).Male, Genital No.GA-O05 (MHNG). preparation Variability.Coloration individual virtually constant, slightly variably only size: alar expanse : 26.0-27. m5m ; body length 13.5-14, mOm ; forewing 11.5-12. m5m ; antenna 8, 4-9.0 mm. Diagnosis . From all species of the genus HlaterosPhec itah,is new species differ sclearly in the rather larger size and both broader fere- and hindwings ,in the intensively red- orange to red coloration of the thorax, hind leg ,abdomen and wings, and, especially, in the presence of a very long, spiralling, double thread of hair-lik escales on the 8th tergite of the abdomen. From species of the genus Melanosphecia ,this new species differ sin having transparent areas of the forewing, in the absence of strong metallie sheen on the wings, as well as in the presence of a long, double, filifor mappendix on the 8th tergite of the abdomen and structure of the hair-lik etuft of the hind Ieg (hair-l sickalees only on apical half of tibi aand two basa lsegments of tarsus in Melanosphecia ).From all MelittiaHttbner,[1819A]k,aisPhecia be species of melanopuncta gen, et sp. n. can distinguishe dby the generic characters, viz. structure of the antenna, both fore- and hindwing venation and male genitalia ,and 8th tergal appendix. Bionomics, The host plant is unknown. Type specimens were collected in April. Habitat. Unknown. Distribution.Vietnam, Material examined. Holotype ,c7,Vietnam, Vang Lom, 11. IV. [19]5 0J,. Romieux leg. (MHNG) ; 1 6n (paratyp seam)e, localit yand date as holotype ,J. Romieux leg .(collection of O. Gorbunov, Moscow, Russia) ; 1 cl' (paratyp Vei)e,tnam, Sam Con a Vang Lom, 10. IV, [19]50J,.Romieux leg.(genital No. GA-O07) (MHNG), preparation Etymology. This new species is named after a rather large ,mat black spot on the anterior transparent area of the forewing. Acknowledgements We would like to express our cordial thanks to Prof. Dr C. M. Naumann (Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut Museum Alexander Koenig,Bonn,Germany),Dr D,B.Burckhar- und dt(Museumd'HistoirNeaturelle,Geneve,Switzerland) Dr S,I.Golovatch(Institute and NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 22 01eg G. GoRBuNov  and  Yutaka ARITA for the Problems  of Ecology & Evolution Russian Academy  of Sciences, Moscow , , Russia)for their help in our  investigatio. nWe  are  indebted to Dr M . Owada (NatiQnal Science Museum (Natural History) Tokyo  Japan)for taking pictures of the abdomens (Figs 4−5).  We  also  have to cordially,  thank, Dr S.1. Golovatch one  more  for his linguistic help, References Arita, Y . and  O . G. Gorbunov ,1995.  A revision  of the genus Heterosphecia Le Cerf,1916 (Lepidoptera:   Sesiidae, Osminiini). 7ゼ鰓 α 14:131−141. Hampson , G. F.,[1893].  The Fauna (ゾ君漉 納 加 伽 ,初ぬ dive gCaylon and  Burma (Moths )1. xxiii ,527      pp ,  T ay lo r  a nd   Fr an ci s,  L on do n .            の Le Cerf, R,1916. Explicatio ndes planches. In OberthUr, C., Etud.五ゆガ諾 ‘o晦).12〔1):14 pp ,, pls 373−   381. ’ °      ,1917.Contribution sa 16tude des Aegeriidae :Description et iconographie desp 益ces  et de   formes nouvelles  ou  peu connues .  Ibid.14:137−388. 摘 要 東洋区の Osminiini族の新属新種 (鱗翅 目 ス カ シバ ガ科)(Oleg G. Gorbunov ・有田 豊) , ス イス , ジュ ネーブの 自然史博物館の ス カ シバ ガの コ レ クシ ョ ン を調査中に腹部第 8節背面か ら大 変長い紐状の 突起の ある奇妙なス カ シバ ガ を見い だ した (Fig.1).これ は精査の 結果   Osminiini族 , の 新属新種と認め られ るの で 記載し,東洋区の Osminiini族の検索表 も作成した . AkaisPhecia melanopuncta  Gorbunov et Arita gen . et sp . n.(Figs 1−4) ベ トナム の Vang   Lom (この地名は現在の地図には見いだせ ない)で得られた 3♂ によ っ て記載し た .この新属新種は,腹部第 8節背面か ら腹部 とほ ぼ同じ長さの長い 紐状の鱗粉が左右か ら出て, それが 1本の紐状の突起になっ て い る.大変ユ ニ ークな スカ シバ ガである. (Accepted November 7, 1994) Published by the Lepidopterologic aSlociety of Japan, c/00gata  Building,2−17, Imabashi 3−chome , Chuo−ku, Osaka,541 Japan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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