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A new genus and a new species of Allantinae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from India PDF

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Preview A new genus and a new species of Allantinae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from India

A new genus and a new species of Allantinae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from India MALKIAT S. SAINI & JAGDEEP S. DEEP Saini, M. S. & Deep, J. S.: A new genus and a new species of Allantinae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from India. [Ett nytt sliikte och en ny art av bladsteklar (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Allantinae) frin Indien.l - Ent. Tidskr. l12l 125-128. UmeA, Sweden 1991. ISSN 0013-886x. Manis gen. n. and Manis himalayensis sp. n. are described from Himachal Pradesh, India. The new monobasic genus is most closely related to Malac'hiella Malaise and Heptctpotamius Malaise from which it differs in several important characters. M. S. Saini & J. S. Deep, Department of Zoology, Punjabi University, Patiala-|47 002, Punjah, India. Introduction Most of the scattered work on Indian Allantinae Legs. Tarsal claw with long apical and relatively was published by Malaise (1934, 1935, 1945, short subapical tooth (Fig. 3); basal lobe absent. 1957,1961). Later, Malaise (1963) also presented l4zings (Figs 4, 5). Anal cell cross vein on fore a key to the world genera of Selandriinae (cur- wing somewhat oblique (Fig. a). Hind wing with- rently including the subfamilies Selandriinae, He- out closed middle cell; anellan cell petiolate; ner- tarthriinae, Allantinae, Nematinae and Blenocam- vellus curved towards anellan petiole, but almost pinae). No new genera of the Allantinae have been perpendicular to brachiellan vein (Fig. 5). aMdadleadis teo' st hkee Iyn.d iWani tfha utnhae saindcdei ttihoen poufb tlihcea tigoenn uosf Etymology. The genus is named after Dr M. S. Mani, an authority of Himalayan ecology in India. described below, the number of allantine genera The gender is masculine. in India now scores 18. T.y-pe species. Manis himalavensls sp. n. by present Abbreviations: (EL) eye length, (IATS) inner apical designation. The genus is monobasic. tibial spur, (lCD) intercencheri distance, (IDMO) intero- cduislatarn dciest,a (nLcIeD a) t lloewveelr oifn tferoronct uolacer llduiss,t a(nlTcDe,) (iMnteBr)t emgueltaar- D istibution. India, Himachal Pradesh. basitarsus. (OATS) outer apical tibial spur, (OCL) Remarks.In Malaise's (1963: 179-180) key to the oculo-occipital line. (OOL) oculo-ocellar line, and world genera, the new genus runs to couplet 106, {POL) postocellar line. where it differs from both genera keyed out here, i.e. Malochiella Malaise and Heptapotamius Ma- laise (note that Mallat'hiella Malaise, 1963, is an Manis gen. n. unjustified emendation). The head of Manis is subparallel behind the eyes, whereas it is evidently Description of female becoming narrower posteriad in both other genera. Heacl. Antenna with 9 segments: apical 4 seg- Other differences lrom Malachiella are: (l) tarsal ments compressed. Clypeus with circular incision claw with subapical claw short (long in Malac- up to 2/5 of its medial length and with blunt iateral hiella) and basal lobe absent (minute in Malac'- teeth (Fig. 1). Mandibles symmetrical and bent hiella), and (2) mandibles symmetrical (subsym- almost at right angle. Eye protruding (Fig. 2); lo- metrical in Malachiella). It diff'ers fron.r wer margin reaching below level of antennal soc- Heptapotamiu.s in the more protruding eyes and ket. Frontal area elevated at level of eyes. Head the compressed flagellum of antenna (not com- parallel posterior to eyes (Fig. 2). pressed in H e ptapotamius). 126 ルイα′た,α′S Sα′77ノ ′′α′ 007mm Figs l-5. Manis himalayensis sp. n., female. -1. Clypeus and labrum. -2.Head, dorsal aspect. -3. Tarsal claw. - 4. Fore wing. -5. Hind wing. Manis himalayensis sp. n. ron luteous. Each coxa apically. each trochanter and metafemur yellowish white. Wings infusca- Figs 1-9. ted; stronger in distal half; costa, stigma and vena- tion brown (Fig. a). Head and thorax subshining Description with minute, scattered punctures. Appendages and abdomen polished. Female Head. Antenna2.6 x as long as head width; scape Colour and sculpture. Body chiefly black; prono- and pedicel longer than broad; segments 3 and 4 tum, mesonotum, mesoscutellum and mesopleu- subequal in length; segments 6-9 subequal in A new genus and a new species of Allantinae 127 .^ff 022mm 032mm Figs 6-9. Manis himalayensis sp. n., female (6, 7) and male (8, 9). -6. Lancet -7. Hypopygium. -8. Penis valve. -9. Gonoforceps. length, compressed. Labrum abcut 1.5 x as broad without carina or acute apex. Lancet with l7 ser- as long: deflexed with anterior margin rounded rulae (Fig. 6); each serrula deep with 7 anterior (Fig. 1); malar space as long as diameter of front and 2 posterior subbasal teeth. Hypopygium as in ocellus. LID:IDMO:EL= 2.0:2.0:1.2. Head (Fig. Fig. 7. 2) without postgenal carina; supraclypeal and sup- Legs. Tarsal claw as in Fig. 3. Metabasitarsus raantennal pits distinct; medial fovea in form of slightly shorter than following segments combi- deep. broad pit. Antennal turrow deep. Circum-, ned (ratio about 1.0:1 .2). IATS:MB:OATS= inter- and postocellar furrows distinct; lateral fur- 1.8:5.0:1.4. row deep and distinct, diverging posteriorly and coming to an abrupt end before reaching level of posterior head margin. Postocellar area almost flat. about L5 x as broad as long. OOL:PO- Male L:OCL= 2.0:1.0:1.5. Mean body length 8.0 mm. Coloration as in fe- Body. Mean length 8.5 mm. Mesoscutellum ele- male except clypeus and labrum yellowish white. vated, rounded; appendage not carinate. IC- Structure as in female except for sexual segments. D:ITD= 1.0:4.0. Mesepisternum obtusely raised Penis valve as in Fig. 8, gonoforceps as in Fig. 9. 128 Malkiat S. Saini et al. Type material. Holotype: female, Himachal Pra- Malaise, R. 1945. Tenthredinoidea of South-Eastem desh, Dalhousie, Kalatop, 2,380 m a.s.l., Asia. With a general zoogeographical review. - 25.vi.1986. Paratypes 13d I ? with same data as MaOlapisues,c .R e.n t1. 9S57u.p Spol.m4:e 1N-e2o8t8r o+p i2ca0l palsn.d Oriental Ten- holotype. Type material deposited in Indian Agri- thredinoidea. - Ent. Tidskr. '78: 6-22. cultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Malaise, R. 1961. New Oriental saw-flies (Hymen. Tenthr.). - Ent. Tidskr. 82:231-260. Etymology. The species is named after the "Great Malaise, R. 1963. Hymenoptera Tenthredinoidea. Sub- Himalayas", where the type locality is situated. family Selandriinae. Key to the genera of the world. - Ent. Tidskr. 84: 159-215. Distribution. India. Himachal Pradesh. Remarks. Manis himalayensis is most similar to Malachiella rufithorax Malaise. The two species are easily separated on the generic characters. Sarllinanfattning Bladstekelnノ′α71′s 力inα′αッιlls′s, nytt slaktc Och ny art, beskrivs fran indiska dclcn av Himalaya Den Orientaliska rcgionens bladsteklar har fr a References studcrats av Ren6 Malaise(dё d 1978)som var Malaise, R. 1934. On some sawflies from the Indian verksam vid Naturhistoriska riksmuscct 1938- Museum, Calcutta. - Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 36:453- 1958,och vars viktigaste arbetcn om dcssa ttur 474. Malaise, R. 1935. New genera of Tenthredinoidea and publicerades i Entomologisk Tidskrift(se refe_ theirgenotypes (Hymen.). -Ent. Tidskr. 56: 160-178. renslistan). Recenslon Rёdcr,G. 1990 Bノοノοg′′′′′ Sて″И′″7たg′″Dιン′s(ヽ″― ning, utbredning, biolop och fё doval fёr imago ′α71グs Ema Bauer Verlag 575 sidor Prisca 320 kr Kan rcsp laⅣ Allt mcd slaktcn Och arteri bokstavsord― bcstallas fran Antiquariat Gocckc`と Evers,Sportplatz― ning sa att rnan slipper de i litteraturen varicrandc weg 5,D-7538 KcltcmうVeiler taxonontiska uppstauningama utan kan anvanda den just som uppslagsbok. Endast ca 30 av vara Bokcn ar en tegelsten.Dcn soln sё kcr vackra tcck― artcr(darav de nesta rcna ttanartcr)ar p g a sin ningar och bildcr gOrc sig intc bcsvar― dct flnns nordliga utbrcdning intc upptagna inga. Intc hcller innehancr den nagon bcstam― Ovriga kapitel behandlar utfOrligt utbrcdning, ningsnyckel Boken vandcr sig darlllcd intc tin biotoper, fёdoval, spccialiscring ti1l olika blom― dcn som vill bё tta mCd Syrndcr,sidan littcratur mor och sy誦dcmas betydeise som skadetturSbC inns rcccnscrad i tidigare haien av ET Darcmot kamparc Och poninatOrcr. Invcrkan av ollka kli― ar bokcn cn utnlarkt uppsiagsbok. Dcn rckom― matologiska fOrhallandcn m nl pa llygaktivitct mcnderas till er som kan syrfidcr rnen bchё ver en diskuteras.Anmarkningsvart ar att flcra artcr som Ovcrsiktlig och latthantcrlig sammanstalining av i bokcn bcskrivs solll rcna bcrgsartcr hos oss aven dcn europeiska littcraturen. 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