A NEW DENDROCERATID SPONGE WITH RETICULATE SKELETON MANUELMALDONADOAND MARIA URIZ J. Maldonado, M.& Uriz,M.J. 19990630: Anewdendroceratidspongewithreticulateskele- ton.Memoirs ofthe QueenslandMuseum44: 353-359. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. A new encrusting dendroceratid sponge characterised by a skeletal network ofascending primary spongin fWibers transversally interconnected by secondary fibers is described from theAlboranSea( Mediterranean). Primaryfibers,provided withasubcircularbasalplate for attachment to the substratum, are unbranched or poorly branched, fasciculate in most cases,withapithcontainingforeignmaterial,andalaminatedbark.Secondaryfibersarealso laminated, usually lack any coring material, and may form fenestrated plates around the pointwheretheyanastomosetoaprimary fiber.Thereticulationoftheskeleton islooseand irregular, so that some primary fibers are interconnectedthrough their basal portions only, someare interconnectedalongtheirapicalportion, andsomeareeven isolated, lackingany transversal interconnection. Although skeletal features of both the darwinellid genus Aplysilla and the dictyodendrillid genus Igernella are recognisable in this new sponge, it cannotbetaxonomicallyassignedtoeithergenus,unlessthecurrentdiagnosisofoneofthem ismodified.Areanalysisofthechemical,histologicalandskeletalevidenceavailabletodate giveslittlesupporttothehypothesisthatreticulateskeletonsappearedinDendroceratidaasa single evolutionaryevent. Consequently, we propose expandingthe diagnosisofthe genus Pleraplysilla to include species with an irregular network of secondary fibers, such as D Pleraplysillareticulatasp. nov. Porifera, Keratosesponges, Dendroceratida, Pleraplysilla, Darwinellidae, Dictyodendrillidae, newspecies. Manuel Maldonado (e-mail: [email protected]) & Maria J. Uriz, Department of Aquatic Ecology. Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CSIC). Camino de Santa Barbaras/n. Blanes J7300. Girona. Spain; 2March 1999. The siliceous skeleton that characterises most which are distributed in three different orders. sponges in the class Demospongiae is replaced Nevertheless, it is also assumed that the by a skeleton of spongin fibers in a group of acquisition of a reticulate skeleton within the sponges that comprises the orders Verongida, order Dendroceratida was a single, synapo- Dictyoceratida and Dendroceratida. To provide morphic evolutionary step. Consequently, skeletal supporttothebulkofsoftspongetissue, dendroceratid genera with reticulate and non- spongin fibers may be either anastomosed to reticulate skeletons are placed in two different form a network or organised as sets ofdiversely families (e.g. Bergquist, 1980, 1995, 1996; dendritic, unconnected structures. Dendritic Bergquist et al., 1998): Dictyodendrillidae skeletons occur in some Verongida and some Bergquist (with a reticulate skeleton made of Dendroceratida, whereas reticulate skeletons primary fibers interconnected by secondary occur in all three orders. fibers) and Darwinellidae Merejkowsky (with Reticulate skeletons display a wide variety of exclusively dendritic skeletons made ofa single models of organisation not only within orders, type of fiber). However, some chemical and but also families. Differences involve histological studies have reported unexpected morphology, orientation and dimensions of the affinities between members of these two basic mesh, as well as several degrees ofdivers- families. Forexample, studieson thediterpenoid ification, both in size and structure, of the chemistry (Bergquist et al.,1990) suggested a anastomosing fibers (e.g. Van Soest, 1978; relationship between the dictyodendrillid genus Bergquist, 1980, 1995, 1996; Bergquist et al., Igernella Topsent (with areticulate skeleton and 1998). Given such a structural diversity, the spongin spicules) and darwinellid genera with a acquisition of a reticulate skeleton is likely to typically dendritic skeleton, such as Darwinella have evolved independently in Dictyoceratida, Muller(with spongin spicules) andPleraplysilla Verongida and Dendroceratida. This idea is Topsent (without spongin spicules). Similarly, implicitlyassumedinthehistorical classification studiesonchoanocytechamberstructure(Dendy, oftheseso-called 'fibrous' or'keratose' sponges, 1905; Vacelel et al., 1989; Boury-Esnault et ah, 54 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 990) revealed thatthe genus DysideaJohnston, Unfortunately, the Alboran Island was only 1 traditionally included in Dictyoceratida, and accessible via a costly scientific cruise. Second, members of the family Darwinellidae share a the tissue of the holotype became somewhat remarkable feature: the presence of eurypylous macerated and therefore useless for providing chambers. At first sight, these non-skeletal information on choanocyte chamber structure, affinities do not appear to be consistent with the since, when we realised the importance of this subdivision of Dendroceratida into specimen, it had already been exposed to air Darwinellidae and Dictyopleraplysillidae on the during dissection to obtain its skeletal fibers. In basisoftheskeletalpattern.Rather,chemicaland 1996, that is eight years after this collection, a histological affinities suggest that reticulate second scientific cruise ('Fauna Iberica - IV) skeletons may have arisen independently in visited the same collection site, but the team of Dendroceratida more than once, so that families divers failedtofindany individualsfromthisnew diagnosedon thebasis ofthis skeletal traitwould species. Tenyears afteritscollectionanddespite not represent monophyletic groups. Never- the problems mentioned above, we have finally theless, these non-skeletal features should not be decided to record this material in the scientific considered as conclusive evidence for a new literature for two reasons. First, the well- classification within Dendroceratida. Bergquist preserved skeletal traits ofthe specimen clearly 1996) claimed that the reliability of chamber (structure as a character to support a high level indicatethatitbelongstoanundescribedspecies. Second, this material provides skeletal inform- cslianscseifeiucratyipoynlooufskcerhaatmobseersspaornegensotisexncoltusgirveealty, ation thatmay be crucial in retracing the path of found in Dysidea and Darwinellidae, but they skeletal evolution in Dendroceratida as further also occur in the verongid genus lanthella Gray. information is gained. Furthermore, although the available body of information from the diterpenoid chemistry and MATERIALS AND METHODS histology is clearly in conflict with a taxonomic scheme based on a separation between reticulate and dendritic dendroceratid genera, it fails to The material was collected by SCUBA from reveal any robust alternative pattern of the sublittoral bottom ofthe Alboran Island (W taxonomic relationships. Thus, despite the fact Mediterranean: 35°56'45"N, 3°0r38"W; 24m that skeletal pattern remains the only exclusive deep) during the 'Ecopharm-I' Cruise in 1988. familial characteristic supporting a division of The specimen was fixed in a 4% formalin Dendroceratida into Dictyodendrillidae and solution and stored in 70% alcohol. The skeletal Darwinellidae (Bergquist, 1996), such a arrangement was studied under dissecting and taxonomic scheme persists as the best option to compoundmicroscopesafterpartialdissectionof date. the specimen. Its fiberswerealsostudiedundera Here we describe a new dendroceratid sponge Hitachi S-2300 SEM, after a process ofdehyd- in which the skeletal traits ofthe Darwinellidae ration in agraded series ofethanol, critical point and the Dictyodendrillidae are combined, and coating with gold palladium in an E-5000 suggesting that even the skeletal criterion may sputtering. not be as robust as first thought to maintain the current familial scheme in Dendroceratida. The holotype is deposited in the collection of Unfortunately, the contribution of the new the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN), Madrid, Spain. For comparative material described here to an understanding of the relationships in Dendroceratida has been purposes, we also examined several individuals undermined by two unfortunate mishaps. First, of Pleraplysilla spinifera (Schulze) from the although several individuals ofthis new species Alboran Island and the NE coast of Spain occurred at the collection site, we only collected (authors' collection), the holotype ofIgemella one specimen because we mistook them for mirabilis Levi from Indonesia (Zoologisch material belonging to the common species Museum Amsterdam, ZMA: POR9316), Darwinella muelleri Schulze, which closely Caribbean specimens of Igemella notabilis & resembles the newr species when under water. (Duchassaing Michelotti) (authors' collection Thiswouldnotbeaninsurmountableproblem, if and ZMA POR6938 specimen), and a specimen the collection site (the Alboran Island) had not of Dendrilla cirsioides Topsent from Banyuls been a remote Mediterranean location. (ZMA POR74). NEW DENDROCERATID SPONGE (55 SYSTEMAT1CS a secondary fiber contact (Figs 1B-C, 2B, D); spongin is almost colorless and highly Class Demospongiae Sollas transparent, especially in the secondary fibers Order Dendroceratida Minchin and fenestrated plates. Familia Darwinellidae Merejkowsky The reticulation of the skeleton is quite irregular;someprimary fibersare interconnected Pleraplysilla Topsent, 1905 through theirbasal portions only, whereas others are interconnected along their apical portions, EncrustingDarwinellidaewitha fiberskeleton of ascending primary fibers that may be either just under the ectosome; some primary fibers, especially those newly formed at the growing isolated or diversely fused to each other with or margins ofthe sponge, are even isolated, lacking without the development of secondary fibers. any secondary interconnection; isolated fibers Primary fibers are short (few mm), simply or strongly resemble those of Pleraplysilla partially fasciculate, poorly branched or spinifera. unbranched, with a laminated bark and a pith filledwithdebris, andstandonthesubstratum on HABITAT. The specimen was found on the which the sponge grows, attached by means ofa vertical side of a rocky block at 24m depth. small basal plate. Secondary fibers, when Although only one specimen was collected for present, are concentrically laminated, without this study, at leastsixotherswereobservedat the coring material or with scarce scattered samplingsitealongwithvariousspecimensoflhe inclusions. Spongin spicules are absent species Clathrina clathrus (Schmidt), Aplysilla (emended), sulfurea Schulze and Pleraplysillaspinifera. Pleraplysilla reticulata sp. nov. REMARKS. To our knowledge, the species MATERIAL. HOLOTYPE: MNCN 1.01/182. W dsepsocnrgiebewditihn trheitsicsutluadtey sisketlheetofinrsrtedceonrddreodceirnattihde Mediterranean, Alboran Island, 35°56,45"N, 3°0r38*'W; Mediterranean. 24mdepth. ETYMOLOGY.Namedforthereticulateconditionofthe DISCUSSION fiberskeleton. The skeletal features of this species suggest DESCRIPTION. Encrusting, 2x3cm, 0.5cm that it is closer to the genera Pleraplysilla and thick; dullyellowalive,with some lemonyellow Igernella than to any other dendroceratid. Its zones; soft, slippery to touch, with some mucus primary fibers strongly resemble those of the on the surface; surface sparsely conulose; genus Pleraplysilla, which also contain foreign conules 1.5-2mm high and2-4mm apart; oscules material inthepith.Furthermore, anastomosesof andostiapunctiforrn, groupedindepressedareas adjacent primary fibers forming fasciculate located among conules. primaries are not exclusive to this new species. Choanosome fleshy, with tiny aquiferous Van Soest (1978) reported anastomoses of channels; skeleton as a loose, irregular network primary fibers to yield "vague meshes here and made ofascending primary fibers transversally there" in the Caribbean species Pleraplysilla interconnected by secondary fibers (Fig. 1A-B); stoekiVan Soest, 1978. However, theoccurrence primaryfibersnon-branchedorpoorlybranched, of a reticulate skeleton made of ascending erect, attached to the substratum by means ofa primaries and interconnecting secondary fibers small basal plate (Fig. 2A, C). Fibers have a hasnotbeenreportedinthisgenustodate. Sucha concentricallylaminatedbarkandapithcontain- traitdoes notcoincidewith the currentdiagnosis ing foreign material (Fig. 1C). Two or more of either the genus Pleraplysilla or the family adjacent primary fibers usually fused, yielding Darwinellidae(e.g. Bergquist, 1980). Rather,the fibers with fasciculate appearance (Fig. 1A-C); network model suggests a relationship between primary fibers <lcm long, 30-85p.m wide, the specimen collected and some dictyo- althoughtheycan reach 150uminthe fasciculate dendrillids, such as Igernella species that are portions; basal plates 300-700um in diameter; characterisedbyanirregularreticulationmadeof secondary fibers 20-40|im wide, concentrically ascendingprimariestransversallyinterconnected & laminated, usually lacking any coring material by secondary fibers (Van Soest, 1978; Uriz (Fig. ID); fenestrated plates up to 300|im wide Maldonado 1996). However, this new species are formedaroundthepointwhereaprimaryand doesnotmatchthecurrentdiagnosisofIgernella, 356 MEMOfRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 1- AptysHla reticulata sp. nov. A, General organisation of the skeleton. B, Detail of secondary reticulation interconnectingtwocored primary' fibers. C, Detail ofa primary' fiber showing a pith filled with debris. Fenestration can also be seen. D, Detail ofthe laminated structureofasecondary fiber. Scale barsA, 950um; B, 420um; C-D, 50um. NEW DENDROCERATID SPONGE 357 FIG.l.Aplysillareticulatasp.nov.A,Fasciculatefiberresultingfromthefusionoftwoprimarylibers,asshown by the presence oftwo basal plates. B, Detail ofa primary fiber. C, Detail ofthe basal plates ofa fasciculate primary fiber. D, Detail ofsecondary reticulation betweentwoadjacentprimary fibers. Fenestrated plates can also be seen. becauseitlacksboththesponginspiculesandthe dictyodendrillid genus Dictyodendrilla basalcontinuousplateofsponginthatarecharac- Bergquist (with highly dendritic fibers anasto- teristic of this genus (Bergquist, 1980). mosed to form a network) and the darwinellid Moreover, Igernella species usually have genus Dendrilla Lendenfeld (with highly massive habits and relatively large oscules, a dendritic fibers that do not anastomose) would much more regular and denser network of have to be fused into a single taxonomic unit, secondary fibers, and longerand less fasciculate sincetaxonomic separationisbasedsolelyonthe primary fibers (e.g. Van Soest, 1978; Bergquist, skeletal pattern. The genera Darwinella and & 1980; Uriz Maldonado, 1996). Igernella would remain distinct genera, not on Therefore, this new sponge combines the the basis ofdifferent skeletons (dendritic versus skeletal characteristics ofthe darwinellid genus reticulate), but on the presence of distinctive Pleraplysilla and the dictyodendrillid genus spongin spicules, which appear not to be homo- Igernella, yet it cannot be assigned to either logous (Garrone, 1978; Bergquist, 1996). genera, unless the diagnosis of one of them is Spongin spicules have a concentric laminated modified. On the one hand, ifthe acquisition of structure in Darwinella, whereas they have interconnecting secondary fibers is assumed to helicoidal structure and incorporate deposits of be a polyphyletic condition, the new sponge lepidocrocite in Igernella (Garrone, 1978; couldbeincludedinPleraplysillaonthebasisof Bergquist, 1996). Conversely, if the presence/ itssimilarityinthestructureoftheprimaryfibers absenceofbothsponginspiculesandabasalplate and the absence of spongin spicules. However, of spongin is assumed not to be taxonomically should this assumption be accepted, the relevant at the generic level, the new species 358 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM couldalsobeassignedtoIgernellaonthebasisof reticulate skeleton was probably a convergent its reticulate skeleton. Again, to be consistent in process in Dendroceratida. This is of little the application of the taxonomic criterion, the surprise, since the anastomosis of skeletal genera Darwinella and Aplysilla, which are elements (eitherspicules orascending fibers), in distinguished on the presence-absence of the building ofskeletal networks, is a condition spongin spicules, would have to be fused into a thatmayhaveevolvedindependentlymanytimes single taxonomic unit. in Porifera. Among other possibilities, the Thisdilemmaraisesthe samequestion thathas development ofa skeletal network appears to be troubled taxonomists for the pastcentury: which the result of selective pressure on thinly set ofskeletal features should be emphasised in encrusting growth habits to increase body size. Dendroceratida? Obviously, we do not have For example, several lines of encrusting axinelHds and poecilosclerids share a similar, conclusiveevidencetoofferadefinitivesolution. Nevertheless, an analysis ofavailable evidence non-reticulate (typically hymedesmoid) skeletal suggests that certain assumptions on which the architecture that has obviously evolved current classification ofDendroceratida is based independently and that converges towards need to be reassessed. It is a fact, for example, reticulate and plumo-reticulate patterns in that reticulate skeletons display a wide variety of massive and erect genera (e.g. Hooper, 1991, models of organisation not only within orders, 1996). Similarly, Bergquist (1996) noted that but also families (c.u. Van Soest, 1978; most darwinellid sponges are encrusting, while Bergquist, 1980, 1995,1996; Bergquist et al., the reticulate structure ofthe skeleton allowsthe 1998). Therefore, the acquisition ofa reticulate Dictyodendrillidae to attain a large size. In this skeleton is likely to have evolved independently context, and by linking chemical, histological in Dictyoceratida, Verongida and and skeletal data, it would be interesting to Dendroceratida. In this context, the hypothesis consider the possibility that some reticulate that interconnecting secondary fibers also patterns, such as those ofIgernella, may have evolved independently within Dendroceratida evolvedfrom skeletal models similarto those of cannot be discarded. The taxonomic Pleraplysilla, Darwinella and Chelonaplysilla. interpretation given for the pattern of chemical The genus Dictyodendrilla, however, appears to affinities (Bergquist et al., 1990) conflicts with be chemically, cytologically, and skeletally thatgiven forthehistological findings(Vaceletet unrelated to this set. Therefore, the possibility al., 1989; Boury-Esnault et al., 1990). However, that the reticulate patternofthisgenus,aswell as aitgriesenoitneswuogrgtehsytitnhgatabroetlhatpiaotntsehrinps boeftwafefeinnittihees mthaatyhoafvteheevgoelvneudsfArcoamntahsokdeelnedtarlilsltaateBesirmgiqluairstt,o dictyodendrillid genus Igernella and some thatofthegenusDendrilla, asfibersandmorpho- darwinellid genera, such as Aplysilla, logy suggest, should be kept in mind. Indeed, Darwinella,PleraplysillaandChelonaplysilladc some degree of fiber anastomosis has already Laubenfels. In contrast, they do not support any been reported in species of both Aplysilla and relationship between Igernella and Dendrilla by Van Soest (1987: A. stock!) and by Vacelet (1960: D. cirsioides Topsent), Dictyodendrilla (Bergquist et al., 1990), although both genera are currently allocated in respectively. the same family. Furthermore, evidence from In order to allocate our new species taxon- both non-skeletal differences and skeletal omically, we have opted to expand the diagnosis differences are consistent in suggesting that ofthegenusPleraplysillatoincludespecieswith IgernellaandDictyodendrillamayhaveacquired an irregularnetworkofsecondary fibers, such as their reticulate skeleton through independent Pleraplysilla reticulata sp. nov. Nevertheless, evolutionary pathways. In fact, as previously this taxonomic allocation must be considered suggested by Topsent (1905), and further stated tentative, since the material studied was by Bergquist et al. (1990), "there is no real unsuitable for providing information on intra- similarity between the fine, regular skeletal specific skeletal variability, the diterpenoid reticulum of Dictyodendrilla and the coarse, chemistry, and choanocyte chamber structure. sparse and irregularpattern ofIgernella". Such ataxonomic allocation comes into conflict This reanalysis of the available evidence, with the current subdivision of Dendroceratida although still only offering a partial view ofthe based on reticulate and dendritic skeletons. evolutionaryrelationships,appearstosupportthe Although some preliminary ideas for a new hypothesis that the acquisition of a secondary classification have been put forward here, we NEW DENDROCERATID SPONGE 359 explicitly refuse to make any familial re- (Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington arrangement for several reasons: 1) the D.C.). information available at present, though in BERGQUIST, P.R., WALSH, D. & GRAY, R.D. 1998. conflict with the current taxonomic scheme, is Relationships within and between orders of Demospongiae that lack a mineral skeleton. Pp. still insufficient to support a robust alternative & 31-40. In Watanabe, Y. Fusetani, N. (eds) pattern of relationships at the family level; 2) Sponge sciences. Multidisciplinary perspective. re-arrangements at the suprageneric level must (Springer-Verlag: Tokyo). be based on re-examination of abundant type BOURY-ESNAULT, N., VOS, L.DE, DONADEY, C. material, and fallbeyondthe scope ofthis study; & VACELET, J. 1990. Ultrastructure ofchoano- and 3) the ideas proposed here can be discussed some and sponge classification. Pp. 237-244. In andreassessedinthecontextofthewide-ranging Riitzler, K. (ed.) New perspectives in sponge revision of the Dendroceratida that is being biology. (Smithsonian Institution Press: prepared,asannouncedbyBergquistetal(1998). DENDWYa,shAi.ng1t9o0n5.D.RCe.p)o.rt onthe sponges collected by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS W. A. Herdman atCeylon in 1902. Reporttothe Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster We thankthe technical staffofthe Servicio de GARRFOisNheEr,iesR3.: 5179-7284.6.Phylogenesis of connective Microscopia de laUniversidad de Barcelona for tissue. Morphologicalaspectsandbiosynthesisof help in SEM study, Dr. R.W.M. van Soest sponge intercellularmatrix. (S. Karger: Bale). (ZoologischMuseumAmsterdam)fortheloanof HOOPER, J.N.A. 1991. Revision of the family museum material, and members of the "Fauna Raspailiidae (Porifera: Demospongiae), with Iberica-IV cruise,especiallyJ.Remon,fortheir description of Australian species. Invertebrate willingness to help us in our ultimately fruitless Taxonomy 5: 1179-1418. attemptto collect additional material ofthis new 199P6o.ecRielvoissciloenridoaf:MiDcermoocisopnoindgaieae()Po,rifweirtah: species. Thisresearchwaspartiallysupportedby funds ofan EC grant (MAS3-CT97-0118). dQeusecernisptliaonndoMfuAusseturamli4a0n:sp1e-c6i2e6s..Memoirsofthe SOEST, R.W.M. VAN 1978. Marine sponges from LITERATURE CITED Curacao and other Caribbean localities. Part I. Keratosa. Studies on the Fauna ofCuracao and BERGQUIST, P.R. 1980. 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