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A new deep-water lancelet (Cephalochordata) from off Cape Nomamisaki, SW Japan, with a proposal of the revised system recovering the genus Asymmetron PDF

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Preview A new deep-water lancelet (Cephalochordata) from off Cape Nomamisaki, SW Japan, with a proposal of the revised system recovering the genus Asymmetron

TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society oofJfap anJapan ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 21 : 1131-1 136 (2004) @ 2004 Zoologica Slociety of Japan A New Deep-water Lancelet(Cephalochordfartoam) Cape off Nomamisaki, SW Japan, with a Proposal of the Revised System Recoveringthe Genus Asymmetron TeruakiNishikawa' 77ieNagoya UniversitMyuseum, Chikusa-ku,Nagoya 464-8601,Japan ABSTRACT-Asymmetron interum n. sp. is established for the holotype collected durin gthe Hyper-Dol- phinfNatsushi mcaruise in 2003 of the Japan Marine Science & Technolog yCenter {JAMSTEC )off Cape Nomamisaki, southwestern end of Kagoshima Prefectur aet, a depth of 229 m. A. inierum is very similar to it scongener, A. Iucayanum Andrews, 1893 (forme rcalllyed EPigonichthys lucayanus) but easily distin- guishabl efrom i tby the larger number of total myotomes {83 in the former vs. 55-72 in the latter),The genus Asymmetron has been treated as a juni osyrnonym of EPigonichth ybsu,t is recovered as a valid genus distinc mtorphologically from another valid genus EPigonichbys (sens ustricto). Key vvords:cephalochordates, new species, deep water, morphology, recovery of Asymmetron INTRODUCTION new species is the firs tto be established in the lancelet sin about 40 years since the proposals of Branchiostoma During the Hyper-DolphinfNatsushima cruise in 2003 of benneth Boschung and Gunter ,1966 and B. moretonense the Japan Marine Science & Technology Center (JAM- Kelly,1966, STEC), several iancele tspecimens were col[ected from bot- The present findi ngof the true deep-wate rlancelet tom sand near the bones of the sperm whale Rhyseter mac- sheds new ligh ton the biodiversit sytudies of the Iancelets, rocephalus Linnaeus, 1758 at a depth of 229 m, off Cape as the closest relative ot the vertebrates. Nomamisaki, southwestern end of Kyushu lsland ,Japan. th e pThhyel ulmanCcheolredtas t,aor, itnhcel usdubepchay,lu3m0 knCoewpnhalIoMcnhgorsdpaectiae so,f TAXONOMIC DESCRIPTION so far collected from tropica lto cool-temperate shallow Genus Asymmetron Andrews, 1893 waters all over the world (Pos sand Boschung, 1996). The Asymmeton Andrews, 1893, p. 237 (Typ especies: deepest known record for benthic adults of this subphylum A. iucayanum Andrews, 1893 by monotypy) as reported by Wickstead (1975 )wa,s in collections made Notasymrnetron Whitley ,1932, p. 260 {Typ especies: by Zietz <1908 p,. 288) from "about 1OO fathoms [=18 3m] of Asymmeton caudatum WHiey, 1896 by original water about 49 miles east of Cape Spencer'' ,South Austra- designation) lia .Thus, i tis clear that the presen trecord extends the Diagnosis: Cephalochordat eswith gonads only on right depth range of lancelets downwards to 229 m, and also rep- side, and with a markedly elongated urostyloid proces sas a resents the firs otccurrence of the adult lancelet sin the deep posterio rextension of notochord without myotomes. water, which is usually define das the region deeper than Remarks: The genus Asymmetron Andrews, 1893 has 200 m. recently been regarded as a juni osyrnonym of the genus Further ,the material appears to be a new species of the EPigonichthys Peters, i877 with the type species of E. cui- genus Asymmeton, as distin cftrom EPigonichth yisn the tellu sPeters 1,877. Thus, the lance]e thsave been generally revised system proposed herein ,based on morphological classified into the two genera Branchiostoma Costa, 1834 considerations (show ni nthe present study derived from and EPigonichth ysbo,th with many juni osyrnonyms, in a Nishikawa and Nishida] s(1997 )and molecular studies single famil yBranchiostomatj da(esee ,e.g., Nishikawa, (Nohar aet aL, accepted; Ken et al., submitted). The present 1995; Poss and Boschung, 1996). The two valid genera are distinguis hferdom each other by the differen tpositio nof 'Correspondingauthor/Tel. FA X. ++88 11--5 522-- 778899 --5578 6916'. , gonolnya dosn, thie. er .ie,gnht esaidceh isni dEeP iign otnhiec ghetnhuyss ; tBher asynmcmehtriicstom <awi,h itnlhee E-mail:[email protected],ac,jp former> or asymmetric (i nthe latte r)ending of metepleura NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  ZZoooloolglooaglical  SSOoOIceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 1132 T Nishikawa 養騰講識陟膠靉聾鱈瀞脇鞍婁鍵凄凝轟轡轡覊韆瀞麟爨礬舞讓灘鞍靆萋餐軸 勢灘瀞競購鏨琴書鰹贈鞭羈融響 轟 曙聾鬱響導要マ霹野轡夢欝爨難舞 肆毎曝曜樽窃融雪舞鈩票 謡鰰藁鷽印畛斡争韓轡倹 ; 鵡  麟蓁壁鞘噪噸嚀誼崢爵曹繋鵬 鐸晒聾岬   儺恥鬱岔伊  蝦鵬鰯碕   蓑鰺脚斡郵亀蹄 欝鰯 謙轟溺壁鳶彦龠     鷺塵  鯉轟鬻嘸晦垂亀舗 瀞覊軸轟苺彜鮮奪灘欝 融毒勲噸曝罍毒漁蠱 購鋳醗雌鰯 翻轜難融懸舜苺講1磯 鑿鵬瀞∵鯉 麟婁艱艪鰐 轡鬱壌   鞍擁澤蠶1   鞭躍l灘   灘嘸   鵬   融聾澱   覊 融灘   鏤l   糠華   総ll欝l韃華1;難  華議鑾夢毒鯉l弾毒華 讐嶺{蕪繕器獵l、鬘欝騨 馨  華l 董  興露纛   鬘轢   蓁防   覊耄妻1 馨  棚擁礁葦舞 l蝉馨 髪轟騨・ 琴霾師 鼕懸 毒嚢恥鬢撰 ・彰糶雛e慧響l搬 ’・簿n纛萋  囎・ {墜華 繕鄲 騨讖瀚醸蓑1琴 臥養縁鎚 磯袰婁覊鑿羃饗興毒         艦簍萋轟陣   騨     鮮      雛e騨  l講e          嘸 僻          曜 鰐鷽          層農鳶 跖琳眇 配 炉嘲議   韓鞏叢     鐡 鵬瞳洪距夢垂跡  罸膨 蝉 鍛鍵轟        郵高毒研難 卵岔霹甜  螺  轍齢轟診薜毳         槨臨羅曝鰍 野 畿騨難韃猟鐸郵       櫛1軫躍躍脚鞍   磯蠅蠱轟筋甕       嶽l霹  酵研齢 嬲 潔饌舞靉禽       卸霹奬謬華葦詫  浮“瀞  騨  轟轟蟻孕航       聲壁望聾垂  貯留贈 帯  鯉畢睾翼兇群      嚇寶翼瀧審 弊 龠  醗 彫嘩喝             野贈      卿宣鐘浮曳鴇  爵齪 腰 轄蕚奪『伊距伊騨灘葦“  舞磅  篳  聖  夢》帝訪陣轄憐奪諭甑  粥載 邉 霹聾武  碗麋ウ継階醗纏塾  黙講 無孵匍季驛   融部サ勧評酵毒塾  螺晦 婁咋串蒔  懿鞍鰻梅毒鉢加齢難馨象轡 鐸蹟轟毒礑講輔曜雲弗脚禽駄蝦彖毒蠱 遡皸 講襲壷孵奪濤窪螽梅彰轡静蠱 象蟇碍蠱 騨診 融嚼語酵貫麟韻霞駐毳融毒謬罍華諺離瀞癈 齢愚 騒灘齢轡蠱蓮蒜蟷轄窮蝦籔醐粥邊蕘昭鬱 齢磯毒霧鬱携鬱勲静謬誤壽騨翻鬱齪蟹羃 轟篆雅騨髏蠱襲聽馨睡齢齢藩魁趣翻鏐麋饌 聾撰轡さ霹霧黔轄騒蘿鑑馨鞘鵬艦鞐 韜麟冢 辞髴 鞍謬酵蠱笹蝶舞霎聾郵轄飜懸轡 翼 雛寳肥羈齢輙罨睾夢轡齢響窰蜜サ駛   畢 寧げ罪艀卿婦帰せ響姫  轄鮮駆鯉 夢恥 紐紐購騨黥齪 縄脯噛帰睡輝奪照蘇融甜題等曹 舞灘驛甲毒鼡 贈轟鰯爵 中転轡珍脚鼻晒囀轡喉噂》卜 琳弧肺  話倹蠱孵蹄陟肄郵賜額噸せ晦恥 撫島 蟲御麟覇蜘雖興懿毒 轡笋脚義 1ll 1 1 llllllll 薫臻妻藩讐籠妻繹蕪蠱鏤蠱蠶蓑蚩鑞苗撤蛙輩雑蚩盤赧 i                                                                                緲総 雛  鑞鱗爨萋難薫羃灘難霧嚢茎馨馨襲轟羅萋譲譲驟籌籌                                                                     l     l      l              鰓験驪黼鸞聽灘難籌                      1難鸚i鼕 l1l盟 讖 羈鑼墨講曩蕪嚢難妻 繋 戔蛬灘講讖1 ll ll 11 鱶 華鑿 飜韆麟熱垂襲華琴钁轟華鼕 靆 Flg l Asymmetron tnfe厂um  n sp the holotype(NUM  Az O363)from off Cape Nomamlsakl southwestern  end  Qf Kagoshma Prefecture at adepth  of 229 m lef tslde A the whole  body showlng  pecultar uro$tylol dprocess (arrow )Banterlor  par tshowlng  a black plgment spot ln neural  tube(whlte arrowhead )low(thln arrow )and hlgh(thlck arrow)1ntertentacular  membrane  and short mld  ventral tentacle(black arrow head)Cposterlor part showlng  atrlopore(large asterlsk)anus (small asterisk)abrupt  ending  of lef tme 重apleuron (thlck arrow )and a vacuole be電ween  atrJopore and  anus {thl narrow )Scale bars Indlcate  l mm 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan A New Deep-wate r La n c e] e t 1133 has often been mentioned as a differenc ebetween the two and ventral notches (Fi g1 .B>. Dorsal fin very low in anterior (see e,.g., Poss and Boschung, 1996). However, thi sis not two-third sof body, while becoming much higher posterially, always clear {se eNishikawa and Nishid a(1997 )and the Lef tmetapleuron terminated abruptly and markedly iust Discussion below), The only recent exception to the prevail- behind atriopore, while the right confluent with well-devel- ing two-genus system is Piyakarnchana's (1 962), where the oped ventral fi n<Fi gI.C), followed by thin and high caudal genera Asymmetron and EPigonichth yarse both treated as fin ,somewhat higher than dorsal fin .Urostylo ipdrocess valid (fo trhe generi cdistinct isoeen the Discussion below). separable from dorsal and caudal fin sby it sown lower dor- It has, however, become clear by mo]ecular ana]yses of sal and ventra] fins ,Dorsal fin-chambers 270, relative length many IMng species of both genera <Noha retaal., accepted; to width for posterio rtal lones up to 3.3 ;preanal fin-cham- Kon et al., subm[tted) that the genus EPigonichthys repre- bers indiscernibl e,but instead ,an elongated vacuole sents a group of paraphyly with the deepest branch between detected along ventral side of rectum between atriopore and it sspecies havin gurostyloid proces ssuch as seen in E. anus (Fi g1,C). Myotomes 83 in total c,onsisting of 58 in pre- iucayanus and allies ,and the remaining two monophyletic atrioporal region, 9 in region from atriopore to anus, and 16 c[usters (on ecomposed of EPigonichthJL sspecies lacking in postanal, thus giving the myotome formula of the process and the other of Bnanchiostoma species), Thus, 58+9+16=83, A black pigment spot detectab lien neura[ tube in the lancele twisth gonads only on the right side, the pres- jus tanterior to firs tmyotome (Fi g1 .B), Tentacular ring com- ence of urostyloid proces smay well be regarded an apo- posed of ca. 30 tentacles (includ ian gfew dorsal-most morphic character-state to detine one taxon at the generic minute ones), it santerior margin situated at leve lof axial level ,markedly distinc tfrom the other taxon composed of (=proxim apalr)t of 5th myotome; intertentacul amrembrane EPigonichthys species lacking the process. The former extremely higher in span of 6 tentacles next to much shorter taxon should be called the genus AsyTnmetron, because its midventral tentacl ethan elsewhere. Mid-gu tcoecum elon- type species is A. Iucayanum (=E .iucayanus) ,while the gated, ranging at ]evel from 20th to 48th myotomes, No other the genus EPigonichthys (sens ustricto), which has gonad.Remarks: been confirmed by the mentioned molecular analyses to The present specimen resembles A. iucayanum, include it stype species, E. culteilus Peters, 1877. All the as the only valid species of the genus and recorded so far known species of the genus Branchiostoma Iack the distinct from shallow waters of the lndo-West-Pacifi cand Western urostyloid process, and therefore ,its existence is unique to Atlanti cregions, very much even in detail edfeatures, the genus Asymmetron among the lancelets. excepting in the higher number of total myotomes; A. tucay- The genus Notasymmetron Whitley ,1932 was estab- anum is recorded to have 55-72 myotomes, while the lished ,with Asymmetron cauctatum Willey ,1896 being its present specimen has 83 <se eTable 1) .This marked mor- type species by the original designation ;A. caudatum is phologica ldifferenc eseems signjficant for the specific treated a juni osrynonym of A. Iucayaum (see ,e,g., Poss delimitatio inn the Iance]e ttaxonomy. Moreover, the validity and Boschung, 1996). Judging from the origina[ description of this delimitatio nhas been confirmed on molecuiar basis of the genus ,i tis doubtless that the genus Notasymmmet- <Kon et aL, submitted). Thus, the present specimen may ron was defined as the lancelet swith gonads only on the well deserve a new species of the genus Asymmetron with right side and with a urostyloid process. Consequently, the the binomen A. inierum ;the specific name derjves from the genus can be treated as a juni osyrnonym of Asymmetron. lati nadjective ''inferus'' (=lo wun,derneath) after it sdeep-sea For furthe rconsiderations on morphological peculiarity habitat .I tmay also be pointed out that A. interum has far of the genus Asymmetron see Nishikawa and Nishida more dorsal fin-chambers than the previous records of A. (1997 a)nd the Discussion below. Iucayanum (27 0in the former vs. 1Ol-220 in the latte rf;or thedeta"ssee Table 1),when Poss and Boschung's (1996) Asymmetron inierur rn], sp, extraordinarily large counts attaining to 484 for the latter (Fi g1,> species are excluded. Holotype: Deposited in the Nagoya Universit yMuseum The high number of myotomes in A. inierum is reminis- (NUM-A0z363),coHected fromthesand near thebonesof cent ofB.elongatum Sundevall1,852 fromthePeruvlanand the sperm whale, during the Hyper-DolphinfNatsushima Chiiea ncoasts and the Galapagos lslands with 78 myo- cruise of JAMSTEC (NT03-08 legl) ,off Cape Nomamisaki, tomes in an average (rangin fgrom 75 to 86) and E. hectori Kagoshima Prefecture,Japan, 31020.72'N, 129059.29'E, (Benhaml901)endemic toNew Zealandwith 84 <84to85) 229 m deep, 27 July 2003, JAMSTEC No. 053540; tixed myotomes (th deata from Poss and Boschung, 1996). How- with 10% formali nand preserved in 70% ethanol. ever, these species lack urostyloid process completely. Descripti oBno:dy, 14.7 mm long and up to 1.5 mm high, The three specimens of this new species were exam- elongated Iongjtudinal laynd much flatten eldateral tlayp,er- ined before used for molecular ana]ysis (se eabove), but ing gradually towards both ends (Fi g,IA>; preatrioporal rather insufficien tbleycause they were somewhat deiormed region 1O.9 mm, atriopore to anus 1.0 mm, postanal 1.8mm, due to fixati vovnjth pure ethanol, collected durin gthe Hyper- and urostyloid process 1,O mm, Rostral fi nextensive and Dolphin/Natsushima cruise of JAMSTEC, from the same semi-circular, clearly separable trom other part by dorsal localit yas the holotype ,28 July 2003 (JAMSTEC No$. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society oofJfap anJapan t134 T. Nishikawa Table 1. Comparison in the number of dorsal fin-chamber sand myotome formula of A. inierum n. sp. with all the previou$ with enough informati oofn Asymmetron lucayanum and it sjuni soynronyms (A .caudatum, A. macricauctatum, and A. orientale)records Average2) and range3) in number of Speciesnamei}Locality dorsalfin-chambers myotomes References preatrieporalatriopore to postanal total anus A . i n(fner=u1m )n.A s.p. Of f2K2y9u smh ud,eeJpapan 270 58 9 16 83 in the presen tsiudy 1 "(cnay=a2n2u)m Bahamas N.D. 48,8(4246} 8.7 (8-9) 12,7(11-14} 65.3(62-68) Andrews (IB93) A . I u(cnay=a1n2u)m Bahamas N,D (43-46) (8-10} {12-13) (63-69) Kirkaldy(1895) A . J u(cnay=a2n4u)m4) N WM aAltdliavnet$i &c (170-180) (42-46) (8-9) (11-14) (62-68)57, 7 <B5 i6 g-e l5o(9w 1}&9 4Fa8r)fante A. Iucayanum R e"d mS edae ecpa. N.D. 42 .7((4n1-=434)) 6,9( n(=67-)8) 8. 4{ (n=79-)1O) {n=3) Steiniz(1962) A . t u(anv=a3nu)mA. Persian GuH (114-142) (38-39) (e7)9.79 (12-16) (57-61) Davvson(1964) i u(cna=y2an8u)m Maldives N,D,174.3( 1443.036- 2(2403)-46) (9-t3) 12,61 (11-13) 66.71(64-71) Punnett(1903) A. tucayanum NewCaiedonia (n=44) 44 ,8({4n0=-448)3) B .4( n(=64-41)0) 1 3.(3n(1=14-41)61)1.9( 16 61.-(31 n(3!6)737-)7529).2 Wickstead (1 970) A . I u(cna=y9va)nAu. m(A) Sdoolwonm otno 3l5s mls, 161.4(142-176) 39.2{38-41) 8.1 (e9) (58-61) G i bb s&0W9i6c9k)stead t u(cna=y9on)uEm. (B) Sdoolwonm otne 3l5s mls. 189.5(166-214) 44,3(41-46) 8.7(8-10) 13.1 (12-14) 66,1 (64-68) G i bb s&{W1i9ck6s9te}ad t u(cna=y2an7u)s (A) GRreeeaft,B 2a2r rmier N.D, 39-40{39-41) 8-10{7-12) 11-13(10-14) 60-61 (59-64) G i bb s&(W1i9c9k6st}ead E . t u(cna=y4an8u)s {B) GRreeeatt, B2a2rr imer N.D. 43-45{42-tL7) 9-lt {8-12) 12-15(12-16) 66-69 (64-70) G i bb s&0W9i9c6k)stead A . c au<dantu=m2)E. Papua New Guinea N.D.133(101 -1 7 0)40, 44 99.2 11 60,6463.8 Willey(1897) tucayRnus Australia (n=13) 42 .{8n(3=9t-34)6) ( n(=81-31)2) 1 2(.0n(=91-31)5) ( n(=5184-)71) R i c ha r ds(o1n9&9Mc4K}enzie A . I u(cany=an1u)mA. Palau lsls, 170 41 9 il 61 Nishikawa(1980) I u(canya=n1um4) Mindro ls. N.D. 43.1 (40-45) 9.4 (9-10) 11,6{10-14} 64.3 (62-67) Franz(1922) A , i u(cna=y2an)uEm. caO.1k5midneeapwa ls. 140,170 42, 44 9,10 i2 63, 66 Ni$hikawa(1980) I u(cna=y1an5u1s) Variousareas 3e7(167-484) 36,5(35-52[sLc]) 15,9U3-18) 7.7 (6-9} 60 (55-62) P o s s &( lBgo9s6ch}ung N.D.= No daia 1) A. tucayanum (A) and (B) mean two forms found sympatrically and distingutshab flreem each other by ditfe rent number of myotomes (fo frurther details see Dis- cussien)2) Bigelow and Farfant e(1 948) ,Dawson ( 1964}, and Kirkald y(1895 g)ave no data ; the iigure sof the New Caledonian and Mindro population $were calculated here basedonWickstead's(197e)andFranz's(1922}data,respectively;theilguresoftheGreatBarrierReefpopulationindicateforeachcolumntherange"containing 85% or mere of the samples", instea dof the average, iollewing Gibbs and Wickstead (1 996}. 3) ln parentheses. 4) 1nclude sthe syntypes of A. macricaudatum Parker ,1904 from Florid aand A. orientaSe Parker ,I904 from the Maldive lsls. "Genus, 053515 to 053517) ; they were 10.7, 12.5, and 13.0 mm 288-289) South Australia nspecimen of the long, furnished with ca. 80 myotomes, with the lef tmeta- Asym[sicletron ,Andrews'' ,the previous holder of the deep- pleuron ending abruptly and markedly jus tbehind the atri- e"swta srecord as stated above, because durin gthe cruise it opore, while the right confluent with well-developed ventral lost sight of for several days. When examining i tlater fin ,with an urostyloid process, O.58, O.46, and O,58 mm i twas found to be decomposed". long,respectively, but without any preanal fin-chambers; gonads uncertain. The occurrence of urustyloid process, the DISCUSSION marked asymmetry of metapleura, and ca. 80 myotomes are the reasons for the present jdentificati onal,though the Asymmetry of metapleura in generi cdefinition gonads were uncertain in the specimens. Piyakarnchana (1 962) rightly distinguishe dAsymmetron Abandoned was my examination of Zietz' s(1908 ,pp. from EPigonichthys (sens setricto), both having gonads only NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan A New Deep-water Lancelet 1135 on the right ,on the basis of the differenc ethat the former existence of the chamber in the former, genus was fumished with "right metapleuron continuous The lack of distinc tpreanal fin-chambers is recognized with ventral fin ,Ief tmetapleuron terminatin gbehin datri- as a diagnosti cfeature ot A. Iucayanum by Poss and Bos- opore", whiie EPigonichthys with `[both metapleura terminat- chung (1996 )an,d followed in the present study. Althoug hit ing a short distance behind atriopore" (p .96). However, the is true that a few old records of this specjes show the exist- metapleuran asymmetry, as claimed in Asyrnmeton by Piy- ence of preanal fin-chambers (fo rthe detai lssee Bigelow akarunchana above, is often detectab l(ethou gunhclearly) and Farfante (1948> t)h,ere is agreement among all of the also in EPigonicht hasy sd,iscussed in detai [by Nishikawa recent literatu rwehich includes any reference to this char- and Nishida (1997 o>n the basi sof the examination of spec- acter that i tis not present. Thus, the old informati woans put imen$ and the literatu rseurvey. So fa ras 1am aware, the aside here, ljk eNishikawa (1986). mentioned asymmetry ls marked]y observable only in A. Iucayanum and A. inieru mbecause their ventral fi nin New explanation on pelagic larva ewith many myotomes between atriopore and anus is always high enough to allow Gibbs and Wickstead <1996 )proposed a beautiful for easy recognition of it scontinuity with the right metapleu- hypothesis to explain the variation in the myotome formula ron and the abrupt disappearanc oef the lef tone jus tbehind of A. Iucayanum, based on thei rdiscoveri etshat it scertain the atriopore <se eFig .IC). Thus, Piyakarynchana's defini- adult populations were composed each of the two forms (A tjon of the genus AsymmetTon is not adopted here. and B), distinguishe dtrom each other by the dMerence in myotome formula (se eTable 1); typicall yt,he tota land pre- Some features peculia rto known species ef Asymmet- atrioporal numbers were 58-61 and 3840, respectively in ron the form (A) ,while 65-69 and 43-45 in the form (B) .The Nishikawa and Nishid a(1997 c)lajmed that EPigonich- hypothesis suggests "that the ful lcomplement of myotomes thys lucayanus (=A .Iucayanum in the presen tstudy} has was formed prior to the compietion of metamorphosjs" (for two more teatures unique among all the known species of original references see Gibbs and Wickstead), and holds lance]et sot,her than the existence of elongated urostyloid that the two forms are 'Ederived from differe lnatwal stages"], proce$s and the marked metap[euran asymmetry stated the form (A )"from an amphioxus larva-li ksetage that has above. One is the peculia rmorphology of the intertentacular metamorphosed after a $hort plankton istcage" and the form membrane which is "much highe raround the ventral side of <B )"from the amphioxides stage which has undergone a oral hood than ]aterall yw,here the tentacles on either side long, more wide[y dispersed ,planktoni cexistence" (p ,615}. are interconnecte don]y near their bases" {Bigel oawnd According to this hypothesis ,amphioxides larvae with 83-88 Farfant e,1948, p. 21), thus the membrane changes its tota lmyotomes, which have been rarely collected offshore, height abruptly between latera land ventral ones; further t,he are regarded to be "held in oceanic currents until death" (p. membrane of the ventral tentacles is also much higher than 524). it sventral neighbor interconnect itnheg most ventral one of Another hypothesis is also possjble ,however, that the the tentacles with the midventral tentacle <se ee.g., Fig .6 of presen tnew species A. interum ,so far known to have 83 Pi, 13 of Andrews (1893 )F]ig ,2 of Nishikawa {1 980)); in the tota lmyotomes, may represent adults of the mentioned other lancelet sth,e membrane's change in heigh ti squite amphioxides larvae with 83-88. I tis true that in the sea area gradual ,with the height gradual lyincreasin gventrally, not far from it stype Iocalit yt,wo such larvae were recorded: slightly <i nmany species of Branchiostorr} ao)r remarkably one, having 80 myotomes, from the Tsushima Strait ,less (e.g ,i,n EPigonichth ymsaldivensis; unlike Poss and Bos- than 200 m deep, and the other with 83 myotomes from the chung's (1996 m)isinterpretation ot its description sgiven by southern end of East China Sea, 2,080 m (Nishikawa, Nishikawa (1980 e)tc.). The other i sthe posterio rshift of the 1981). Then, the forms {A )and (B )might possibl bye two tentacular ring, with it santerodorsal extremity Iocate dat (or good species, instead of representing two phenotyp[c forms sometimes behind) the 4th myotome; in other Iancelets ,the of a single species as predict ebdy Gibbs and Wickstead's extremity is discerned around the 1st myotome. These two hypothesis ,Molecular analyses will be indispensable to features are shared with A. interum (se eFig ,1B). examine the validity of these hypotheses. Preanal vacuole in A. inferum ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ln the holotype of A. inierum ,a longitudinai leylongated vacuole is detectabl ealong the ventral side of the rectum Sincer ethanks are due to Dr. Y. Fuiiwara ot JAMSTEC for the between atriopore and anus (Fi gI.C), This structure is not material, to Prof .M. Nishid aand Dr. T. Kon of the Ocean Research detectedinthepureethanol-preserved specimens identified Instjtut eof Universi tofy Tokyo and Dr. M. Nohara of HITEC Co. for with this sp ecie s, an d therefore ,may be unstable. It strue cBi.t aCtiuotnl oef ro ft hHea runvpaubrldi sUhnedive rdsait tfay oor tc rmiotlieccaul lraeradi nagna loyfs etsh,e mtano usPcrroipft. .E. nature remains open until histologic asltudies on additional Financiai[ ysupported in part by the Grant$-in-A ifdrom JSPS (Nos. material are performed .The structure might possibi ybe 13440253 and 16370044>, explained as the preanal fin-chamber .I fthi sis true ,A. interumcan also bedistinguishferdomA.Iucayanum bythe NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 1136 T. Nishikawa Nohara M, Nishida M, Miya M, Nishikawa T (2005 E)volutio onf the REFERENCES mitochondrial genome in Cephalochordat aas inferr efdrom complete nucleotide sequences from two EPigonichth ysspe- Andrews EA (1893 A)n undescribed acraniate/ Asymmetron lucay- cies. J Mol Evol {accepted> anum. Stud Biol Lab Johns Hopkins Univ 5/ 213-247 Po$s S, Boschung HT (1996 L)ancelets (Cephalochorad Bartaan:- Bigelow HB, Farfante IP ( 1948} Fishes of the western North Atlantic. chiostomatidae): How many specie$ are valid? lsrae Jl Zool 42, Lancelet sM.em Sears Found Mar Res 1/ 1-28 Suppl /1 3-66 Dawson CE (1964 R)ecords of Cephalochordata from the western Piyakarnchana T, ( 1962} Taxonomic study on the lancele tisound in Persian Gulf. Copeia 1 964/ 229 the Gulf of Thailand, from the specimens co"ected by the Naga Franz V ( 1922) Systematische Revision der Akranier Y.ena Zei tNat Expedition, in the Gulf ot Thai[and and South China Sea, Nat Wiss 58: 369-452 Hist Bull Siam Soc 20: 95-107 Gibbs PE, Wickstead JH (1969 O)n a collection of Acrania {Phylum Punnett RC (1903 "C)Tehpehalochorda ,11 ,Notes on meristic variation in Chordata }from the Solomon )slands .J Zool Lond 158: 133- the group .In fauna and geography ot the Maldive and 141Gibbs Laccadiv eArchipelagos' 'Ed by J Stanley Gardiner, Cambridge PE, Wickstead JH (1996 T)he myotome formula of the lance- Universi tPyress, Cambridge, pp 361-367 ]e tEPigonichth )tisucayonum (Acrani aC>a:n variatiens be Richardso nBJ, McKenzie AM (1994 T)axonomy and distribut iofon related to larva ldispersio pnatterns J? Nat Hist 30: 61 5-627 Australi ancephalocherdates {Chorda tCae/phalochordata). Kirkaldy JW (1895 )A revision of the genera and species of the Inverte bTarxon 8/ 1443-t459 Branchiostomidae. Quart J Microsc Sci 37: 303-323 Steini zH (1962 O)n the occurrence of Asymmetron in the Gulf of Nishikawa T (1980 R)ecords of two lancele stpecies, Asymmetron Eylath (Aqaba )B.ull Sea Fish Res Stat [srae l30: 35-38 maldivense and A. Iucayanum, from the western North Pacific. Whitle yG (1932 T}he lancelets and lampreys of Australi aA.ust Zool Publ Seto Mar Bioj Lab 25/ 167-173 7I 256-264 Nishikawa T (1981 C)onsiderations on the taxonomic status of the Wickstead JH (1970 )On a sma[I collection of Acrania {Phylum lancele tsof the genus Bienchiostorna irom the Japanese Chordata )from New Caledonia. Cah Pacif 14: 237-243 waters. Publ Seto Mar Biol Lab 26/ 135-156 Wickstead JH {1975 )Chordata :Acrania (Cephalochord aitna) NishikawaT{1986>Sub'p'hDyloubmoCetpshualochordata,classificationand "Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates Vol 2" Ed by AC Giese, distribut ilon n, Keito Bunruigaku [Systema tZoioclogy] JS Pearse JS, Academic Press, New York, pp 283-319 Vel 8(3)" ,Nakayama Shoten, Tokyo, pp 381-385 Wille yA (1897 O)n a new amphioxus from the Louisiade Archipel- NishikawaT (1995 S)ubphybum Cephalocherdata. In "Guide to sea- ago (Asymmetr ocanudaturn, n, sp.), Quart J Micre$c Sci (NS) shore animais ot Japan with co)or picture asnd keys Vol 2" Ed 39i219-222 by S Nishimura, Hoikusha, Tokyo, pp 608-61O Ziet zA (1908 A) synopsls of the fishes of South Australia ,Part 1, Nishi"kAawdav aTn, cNeisshida M {1997 P)roblems in lancele stystematics. In Trans Proc Rep Roy Soc S Au$t 32/ 288-299 in comparative endocrinology Vol 1" Ed by S Kawashima, S Kikuyama, Monduzzi Editor eB,ologna ,pp 241- (Receiv eJudne 29, 2004 1 Accepted September 29, 2004) 246 NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service

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