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A new Costa Rican species of Japanagromyza (Diptera: Agromyzidae) forming galls on Lonchocarpus (Fabaceae) PDF

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Preview A new Costa Rican species of Japanagromyza (Diptera: Agromyzidae) forming galls on Lonchocarpus (Fabaceae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 108(1), 2006, pp. 9-13 A NEW COSTA RICAN SPECIES OF JAPANAGROMYZA (DIPTERA: AGROMYZIDAE) FORMING GALLS ON LONCHOCARPUS (FABACEAE) STEPHANIE BOUCHER AND PAUL HANSON (SB) Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Macdonald Cam- pus, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3V9, Canada (e-mail: Stephanie.boucher@ megill.ca); (PH) Escuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica Abstract.4Japanagromyza lonchocarpi Boucher, n. sp., is described from specimens reared from petiole-rachis galls on Lonchocarpus oliganthus FJ. Herm. (Fabaceae) in Costa Rica. This is the first record of a Japanagromyza species forming petiole or rachis galls and also the first record of an agromyzid feeding on Lonchocarpus. Key Words: Agromyzidae, Japanagromyza, galls, Lonchocarpus, Fabaceae, systematics, Neotropical Japanagromyza Sasakawa is a small ge- adult emergence occurred during October, nus of agromyzid flies with 71 species 2000. Galls were reared in transparent plas- found worldwide. There are 26 species tic bags and emerging adults were preserved known from the Neotropical Region (Mar- in 75% alcohol, then later dried with HMDS tinez and Etienne 2002). Species with (hexamethyldisilazane). Dissection of male known life history are almost all leaf min- genitalia follows procedures in Boucher ers. They form large blotch mines on the (2002). Morphological terminology follows leaves of their host plant, and subsequently McAlpine (1981), except that the orbital and pupate in the soil. However, gall induction frontal setae are referred to as ors and ori, by members of this genus has been ob- respectively, in accordance with common served on rare occasions. Spencer (1963) usage in agromyzid literature. reared specimens of Japanagromyza frosti Type specimens are deposited in the fol- (Frick) from stem-galls on an unidentified lowing collections (acronyms used in the plant in Costa Rica and Etienne and Mar- text are in parentheses): Instituto Nacional tinez (2003) obtained specimens of Japan- de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo de He- agromyza inferna Spencer from leaf galls redia, Costa Rica (INBio); Lyman Ento- on Centrosema virginianum (L.) (Fabaceae) mological Museum, McGill University, Ste- in Guadeloupe. Here we record a new spe- Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, Canada (LEM); cies of Japanagromyza forming a petiole National Museum of Natural History, and rachis gall on Lonchocarpus oliganthus Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, E J. Herm. (Fabaceae) in Costa Rica. USA (USNM). MATERIALS AND METHODS Japanagromyza lonchocarpi Boucher, new species Galls were collected from a sapling in a (Figs. 147) regenerating, former coffee plantation (the Leonel Oviedo reserve) on the University of Diagnosis.4This species can be distin- Costa Rica campus. Both gall collection and guished from other Neotropical species of 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs.1-6. Male genitalia of Japanagromyza lonchocarpi. 1, Lateral view. 2, Ventral view. 3, Lateral view (variation). 4, Ventrolateral view of phallus (variation). 5, Ejaculatory apodeme. 6, Epandrium with surstylus and cercus (ventral, left). Abbreviations: c, cercus; e, inner corner of epandrium; h, hypandrium; p, phallus; s, surstylus. Scale bars = 0.1 mm VOLUME 108, NUMBER 1 1] Japanagromyza by the combination of the Type material.4Holotype ¢: COSTA following characters: prescutellar bristles RICA, San José, San Pedro de Montes de absent, two strong ors present, fringe of ca- Oca, (9°569N, 84°039W), 1200 m, ex Lon- lypter white, male cerci without strong chocarpus oliganthus, petiole gall, x.2000, spines, and the shape of the phallus. P. Hanson (INBio). Paratypes: 3 6, 3 2°, Description.4Head including antenna, same data as holotype (INBio); 6 6, 4 @, mat brown. Posterior and ventral margin of same data as holotype (LEM); 2 6, 2 9, gena a little darker, brownish black. Thorax same data as holotype (USNM). with a greenish metallic sheen; calypter in- Etymology.4The species name is de- cluding margin and fringe white; halter rived from the generic name of the host completely white. Legs brown. Abdomen plant. with a bronze and/or green metallic sheen. Host plant and life history.4This species Frons narrow, width 0.3140.35 mm; ratio forms galls on the petiole and rachis of of frons width to eye width 0.9541.1; orbit Lonchocarpus oliganthus (Fig. 7). All 21 0.18 times width of frons at midpoint; frons specimens were reared from a single gall not projecting above or in front of eye in and the puparia were found in a pile in the profile; lunule with silvery pubescence best basal part of the gall chamber. Because this seen in posterodorsal view; 2 strong recli- gall was partially dissected, natural emer- nate ori and 2 strong reclinate ors; orbital gence was not observed. Although the lar- setulae upright or reclinate, reaching level vae were not observed, they presumably of posterior ors; in some specimens orbital feed gregariously in a single gall. An un- setulae in two rows anterior to lower ors; identified microlepidopteran (possibly Cos- first flagellomere small, rounded, slightly mopterigidae; K. Nishida, personal com- pubescent; arista as long as eye height with munication) larva that bores into the young short pubescence; gena deepest at rear; gena stems, petiole and rachis is found on the height at midpoint: 0.1340.15 times eye same plant, causing a similar gall. Empty height. Two strong postsutural dorsocen- galls of both J. lonchocarpi and the lepi- trals; acrostichals numerous, 849 rows; dopteran are frequently colonized by vari- prescutellar acrostichal bristles absent. ous species of ants, some of which tend Foretibia with one (rarely two) posterior mealybugs within the empty gall chamber. bristle, near midpoint, midtibia with two posterodorsal bristles near midpoint. Wing DISCUSSION length 2.442.6 mm; R,,; ending close to Host plants in nine different families wing tip; costa extending to M,,,; second have been recorded for Japanagromyza costal sector 3.844.0 times length of fourth; species but members of this genus are best last section of CuA,: 0.7040.77 times represented on the Fabaceae, subfamily length of penultimate. Cross-vein r-m lo- Papilionoideae (Spencer 1990). The host of cated at 0.4 length of cell dm. Japanagromyza lonchocarpi, Lonchocar- Male genitalia: Phallus with variable pus oliganthus, is in the subfamily Papi- long coiled distal tubules (Fig. 144), sursty- lionoideae and this represents the first rec- lus with 546 stout spines at apex (Fig. 6). ord of an agromyzid species feeding on Surstylus elongated in side view and fused Lonchocarpus. Although Lonchocarpus oli- with epandrium (Fig. 1) . Cercus greatly en- ganthus 1s restricted to Central America, the larged without strong bristles or spines, genus Lonchocarpus is widespread in Cen- only weak hairs present (Fig. 6). Epandrium tral and South America. It is possible that with many stout spines on inner corner J. lonchocarpi may feed on other species of (Fig. 6). Ejaculatory apodeme narrow and Lonchocarpus and might be more widely elongated (Fig. 5). distributed than presently known. Female ovipositor short and retracted. There are published records of leaf-min- 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Ee) Fig. 7. Gall of Japanagromyza lonchocarpi on Lonchocarpus oliganthus. ing species of Agromyzidae in which mul- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tiple larvae develop in a single mine. For We thank the Instituto Nacional de Bio- example, up to five larvae of J. etiennei diversidad for inviting S. Boucher to visit Martinez (Martinez 1994), and up to 20 lar- the institute to study their Agromyzidae vae of Chromatomyia alpigenae (Hendel) collection, and Manuel Zumbado (INBio) (Griffiths 1974) can develop in the same for assistance during her visit. We also mine. Very few gall-inducing agromyzid thank JuLin Weng for bringing this gall to species are known, but according to pub- our attention, Terry Wheeler for reviewing lished data, larvae of gall forming species the manuscript, and Kenji Nishida for iden- are often solitary (e.g., Hexomyza cecido- tification of the lepidopteran larva. gena (Hering) (Spencer 1976), H. simpli- coides (Hendel) (Yamazaki 2001)) or de- LITERATURE CITED velop in a small group of less than five lar- Boucher, S. 2002. Revision of Nearctic species of Cer- vae (e.g., Japanagromyza inferna Spencer odontha (Cerodontha) (Diptera: Agromyzidae). (Etienne and Martinez 2003)). Thus, having The Canadian Entomologist 134: 5774603. as many as 21 specimens of J. lonchocarpi Etienne, J. and M. Martinez. 2003. Les Agromyzidae de Guadeloupe: Espéces nouvelles et notes developing in a single gall seems quite un- additionnelles (Diptera). Nouvelle Revue usual. d9Entomologie 19: 249-272. There are still many species of Japana- Griffiths, G. C. D. 1974. Studies on boreal Agromy- gromyza whose biology is unknown. Three zidae (Diptera). V. On the genus Chromatomyia species, all from the Neotropical region, are Hardy, with revision of Caprifoliaceae-mining species. Quaestiones Entomologicae 10: 35469. now known to induce galls. It is to be ex- Martinez, M. 1994. Japanagromyza etiennei n.sp. pected that more described and undescribed (Diptera: Agromyzidae) ravageur potential des species are also gall inducers. Phaseolus spp. [Leguminosae] dans les caraibes. VOLUME 108, NUMBER 1 13 Revue Frangaise d9entomologie (nouvelle serie) Agromyzidae (Diptera). Transactions of the Royal 16: 81-85. Entomological Society of London 115: 291-389. Martinez, M. and J. Etienne. 2002. Liste systématique . 1976. The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennos- et biogéographique des Agromyzidae (Diptera) de candia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scan- dinavica, Vol. 5, Part 1, 304 pp. la région néotropicale. Bollettino di zoologia . 1990. Host specialization in the World Agro- agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser.II, 34: 25-52. myzidae (Diptera). Series Entomologica 45. Klu- McAlpine, J. EF 1981. Morphological terminology4 wer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 444 pp. adults, pp. 9-63. In McAlpine, J. E et al., eds. Yamazaki, K. 2001. Preference-performance linkage in Manual of Nearctic Diptera, Vol. 1. Monograph the willow twig-galling agromyzid fly, Hexomyza No. 27, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. simplicoides (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on the wil- 674 pp. low Salix chaenomeloides. Entomological Science Spencer, K. A. 1963. A synopsis of the Neotropical 4: 301-306.

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