NEW A COMBINATION THE BROMUS CATHARTICUS IN COMPLEX BROMEAE CERATOCHWA) (POACEAE: SECT Ana Maria Planchuelo HerbarioACOR Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias Unlversidad Naclonal Cordobo CONICEl de Correo 509 Casilla 5000 Cordoba^ ARGENTINA ABSTRACT A new combination, Biivnus ailharlicus var. data Dcsv.) Planchuelo proposed. This taxon has (f:. is hitherto been treated either as B. stamincu^ E. Dcsv. or as B. cehadilla Stcud, Recent morphological evidence supports its recognition as a variety of B. catharticus- Detailed illustrations are included synonym along with a morphological description, geographical distribution, and representa- list, specimens. tive Key Words: Bromiis, Ccratochloa, Poaceae, Bromeae, South and North America RESUMEN Sc propone la nueva combinacion Bvomus calhariicus var. data (E. Desv.) Planchuelo. Este taxon fue previamente tratado indistintamente como B ^tamincus Desv. o cehadilla Steud. Evidcncias E. B. como morlologicas recientes validan su ubicacion una variedad de B. catharticiis. El trabajo se complemcntaconunadetallada ilustracion^descripcion morfologica, listadesin6nimos,distribuci6n geografica cspccimcnes representativos. \' During the course of studying materials of Bromus deposited in different her- AHUC specimens from (Holmgren baria, several 1990) were sent by the et al, Some curator for identification. of the specimens agree with the morphological features of a native species of Bromus from South America which was identi- Camara fied by Hernandez (1978), Matthei (1986), Nicora and Rugolo de Agrasar (1987), and Zuloaga et al. (1994), as B. stamineus E. Desv, and by Gutierrez and Pensiero (1998), Planchuelo and Peterson (2000), and Pavlick (2003 as et al. B. ) The cehadilla Steud. native area ot distribution of this taxon lies primarily in Andes Southern and the of the Patagonia region of Argentina Chile (Gutierrez & Pensiero 1998). In Chile grows along the Andes and coastal plains (Matthei it and on Robinson Crusoe thejuan Fernandez 1986), Island in archipelago (Baeza 2002). In Argentina grows in western Patagonia (Camara Hernandez et al. it 1978) and on the island of Tierra del Fuego (Moore 1983). many This grass w^as introduced years ago in Central California for experi- now mental purposes and North America (Hall 1955) naturalized in as re- it is Munz ported and Keck Wilken and in Painter Kartesz (1959); (1993), (1994), Pavlick (1995) and Pavlick (2003). Herbarium specimen observations pro- et al. SIDA 22(11:555-560.2006 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 556 22(1) common vide testimony that a garden and orchard weed, growing in dis- is it turbed soils in Central and Northern coastal areas of Cahlornia in the vicinity of San Francisco. Also, tliere are records of in northern Oregon and southern it New Washington (Pavlick 1995). has also become naturalized in Zealand It & (horde Edgar under the names stami cus and valdiviauus, liaving 1995), B. u B. been introduced as part of a program oi seed sample trials to screen dilicrcnt grasses their potential lorage value. lor Phenetic analyses, based on 16 morphological characters, types and rep- ot resentative specimens of different taxa of sect. Ceratochloa (including ccbci- B. (Planchuelo indicated that cchadiUa and catharticus should diUii) 1991), B. B. be considered conspecific suggested by Peterson and Planchuelo varieties, as (1998). This variability within this group of grasses lias led to the description of numerous taxa at specific and varietal levels based on size, number of nerves, lemma pubescence of the glumes and lem mas, and the length of the awMis. Peter- son and Planchuelo nomenclatural ambiguity some (1998) clarified of of tlie the names by accepting the new^ combination toiharticus van niprsfn's, leav- B. Massa ing the status ol other taxa for future investigation. et al. (1997, 2001, 2004)— on molecular and morphological 30 the basis ot their studies of mem- germ plasm accessions from Patagonia— recommended treating octoploid complex and bers of the catharticus as a distinct species, coJoratus, the B. B. hexaploid mcmhcrsasB. catharticus. Within catharticus, they recogn\zcc\ two B. and compared morphol- subspecies, subsp. catharticus subsp. stamincus. the 1 ogy and verified the application of the relevant names by examining type ma- members Bromus complex. Recognition terials for o[ the catharticus of B. sttN)iincus and B. cehadilhi at tlie varietal level seems warranted. At this ranlc, the epithet data, based on Bromus unioloidcs var data Desv, taxonomic a E. synonym, A has priority. detailed description, s)Mionyms, representative speci- mens, geographical distribution and illustrations Bro}}]us catharticus var oi data Desv) Planchuelo are provided below. (E. Bromus catharticus var data (E. Desv.) Planchuelo, comb, nov (Fig. l). Basionvm; Bromus niiioh>idesydy.c]aUi Desv. in Gay, FLChil. 6:438. 1854. /Jrc/nn.s iiJiio/(JiJL-.s [.(.7(ini.s(n. F:. C CHILD Desv.) Allen .^r Thell. ex Kloob, Ned. Kruidk. Arehief 1917:164. 1^)18. TvrP: Santiago, CONCl Gen' s./i-CrrcTOTVPE designated here: ISOLrelOTVrr: [4ioto ACCIR'. SGO). SVNTYPrs K!, P; Andes in text: CI LI:: Santiago, 67 Ga^'s.n.: de Santa Rosa, E.F.Pocppl\:^s.)i.,Conccpc\6n,J.S.C.D. 1 1 rUrviUc i BwnuiscchadiUa Stcud., Syn. PI Glumac. 1:32L Apr 1854. TvPR PROTOl.OGun: Cldll !: Raneagna, BAA 1828, BcrUnv 117 ILncTOTVPr designated here7 P fragm. ex DS-865524!; photo SCO, i; P. CONC; CHILD Syntyphs iSOrrCTOTYPi:: MO!), in text: his.Juan Fernand,, C.G. Bcricro //7, IIS, 861,1411 {Bcricw ii7aLso holotypc of Broiuiis stamincus Desv). F. Biomus :^idmn\cus F. Desv. in Gay FL C7hil. 6:440. 1854. CcrtUochloa sUu^iinca (E. Des\'.) Staee. Watsonia 18:413- 190L Bwinus talhdrl'uus subsp. sUimincus Desv) Massa.. Canad. (E. l3ot. J. C 82:136-144, 2004. Typi: i^-iOTOLOGun: CI IILF: Raneagua, 1829, G. Bciicw 117 (MO]_OTYPE: P, CONC, fragm. ex US 865470!; ibOTYPP: MO': photo. SCO). P, PLANCHUELa BROMUS CATHARTICUS COMPLEX 557 / ji ^ L /; (li mm I 1 \Nhi ^1 * N m.H ]\ >p mm 1 mm i » t /, i \f « 'ii t\ J eromu5 Fig cflf/?flrf/c(/5 var. etofl. A. Habit. B, C, D. Spikelets. EJIoret. A, B, E, /W^ . mUQ, Howell 29056 D, BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) 558 BriMn us valJiviti Phil., Lmnaea 29:102. 1858. Cerah) J) ioti va/Ji^'icnuKPhiUHolub., Folia Gcobot. /I it.s Phytotax. 8:171^973. Typi^ CHILI!. Pmv.Valdivia;R,AVPfi /ipi^iyiLCilOi.eTrvi^^^ I cm Culms 40-100 base Usually perennial occasionally annual, caespitosc. tal 1, with some sheaths from previous seasons. Sheaths glabrous or of the plant membranous, pubescent open on the upper quarter part. Ligule gla- slightly mm cm mm, 10-30 4-7 brous, 2-4 long, apex dentate. Auricles absent. Blade x glabrous or slightly pubescent on the upper side. Panicles erect, semi-con- flat, cm cm more 2-10 tracted, 10-20 long, with 15-30 or spikelets, pedicels long. mm com- Spikelcts 15-25 long, with 4-7-florcts, florets imbricate, laterally mm 6-8 Glumes glume narrowly ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, the pressed. first 5(-7)-nerved, occasionally only 3 nerves conspicuous, 2 additional nerves long, mm glume 7-10 7(-9)- evident the base, the second ovate-lanceolate, long, at Lemmas nerved. ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, usually smooth, occasionally sca- mm awn brous on 10-12 long, 7-9-nerved, apex bi-denticulate; the parts, all mm mm with sub-apical, straight 5-10 long. Paleas 10-12 long, strongly keeled, mm nerves and adherent the caryopsis. Anthers 3-4.5 long. Caryopsis ciliate to mm narrow 7-8 long, with a deep, furrow. South America, ri/nau)ntniJ/ud^it^U.-Native Di5( to grows along the Cordillera de Los Andes from Peru to western Patagonia of Robmson Argentina and and on the islands of Ticrra del Puego and Chile, North America where occurs Central and North- Crusoe. adventivc in in It is it grows north- ern coastal areas of California. Pavlick (1995) reported that also in it Oregon and southern Washington but no records substantiating his report ern New known comm. (Barkw^orth, pers 2006). Reported as naturalized in are m & Zealand (Forde Ldgar 1995). Grows disturbed soil, waste places. Common names— \n Argentina "cebadilla," in Chile: ianco,'' "llanco," "ce- USA badilla,""pasto del pcrro" (Matthei 1986) and in "Chilean brome" (Pavlick 1995). specimens ARGENTINA. Chubuc npto.CushaiTien:Cholila,15Jan IQOlJJhns Representative studied. J92 (CORD). Dpto.Futalcufu: ragoFutahiuf quen^9jLUilQ48, S()ria no 2868 (BAA); 3 Feb N55^ Region Corcovado, 20 Dec 197S1 US); 5 Feb 1955, Bnrkart 19818 (SI, US). Dpio. l.anguinco: del rio (Si, W 1901, niiu 2S (CORD), 71- 43'^ S, 4-6 Mar 1901, lUm 7.1 {CORD). Ncuqucn: Dpio. Lacar: Farque Na- cional Naiiucl Huapi, LagoTraful,? Nov 1949, Bockkc cW.3646(BAA);San Martin de los Andes, Dec ci Pdvodl 13212 (BAA). Rio Negro: Dpto. Barilochc: Fago Nahucl Huapi. 900 msni, 8 Feb 1934, 1938, PdWiU 11748 (BAA). Dpto. Barilochc: Barilochc, Farodl 155691/2 (BAA); Ccrro Catcdral, Dec 1961. Ell€nbc}-^1059 (BAA). ClIlLt. Region dc Aniofagasta: AntoFigasta, Qucbrada Cerisso, road to air- II port S of Antofagasta. 27 Feb 1939. Beetle 26i8S (MO, US). Ill Region dc Atacama: Atacatna, 27 Feb 1939. Beetle 26J8S(MC^). IV Region de Coqnimbo: Dpto. lapel, Cboapa.desvio Pola iiasta tunel, 1200- 11 An 1350 msm,12 0ct 1945, J]iCse2]2S(Llij.V Region de Valparaiso: Valparaiso. WegcnJ895, Bu,htien SM (US); Zapallar, Feb 1920, Holwayet al30S(VS).\n Region del Maule: Maule. Ar?-o_)'o960S9(CONC, 1 MO). ConstitLicion, Oct 1891 Philippi (US). VIIl Region del Bio Bio: Concepcion: 29 Oct 1919Jiolway s,n, al L5t}(US), Oct 1925. Claude-Joseph 179 lUS). IX Region de la Araucania: Cajon, Dec 1942, Claude- ei Joseph 58/2 (US); X Region de los Lagos: Valdivia, 1888. Ph ilippi s.n. (US). PliRU.Jimin: Tarma, 11^^ 56' S 75'- 56' W, 3780 msm, Jan 1983, Smith 2980 (MO). La Libertad: Trujillo, Cerro Cabezon, 500 insm, 4 7 PLANCHUELO, BROMUS CATHARTICUS COMPLEX 559 & Nov Sagastcgui Lopez 11005 (MO). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: CALIFORNIA: Alameda 198.3^ Co.: Gill Tract Albany, 5 Junl944, Sf c^^InsJK 436-i (AHUCJ; Berkeley, 29 Apr 1916, S/ii([h ^^ 2029 (AHUC); 14 May 1942, Beetle 3267 (AHUC); 27 May 1942, Harlan 2745 (AHUC); U.C. Campus, H Oxford St. opposite University Ave., 3Jun 1924, Buckley (A) lUC); in front of Helgard near Oxford. 4 AHUC May 2028(AHUC)- 1923, Kennt^Jy^s.n, 2027, Fresno Co: Kings River Canyon near Copper Creek, 5000 ft elevation, 2 Aug 1958, Howell 34232 (AHUC). Humboldt Co.: Fortuna, Fair grounds experi- AHUC mental area, 19 Aug 1947, Murphy 26298 (AUIJC). Mendocino Van Damme s.n, Co.: State Park, Damme Mendocino and ca. 1 mi up Little River from Van Beach, along Fern Canyon trail, Jul 1988, 14 Bowcnlt 1099 (A\ IC)- Marin Co.: Tiburon Blvd., 150 vards F of Blackfield Dr, 26 Autz 1961 Penalosa 1 1 2220 (AHUC). Napa May Co.: Oakville, Flev ca. 160 20 1951, Raven 2836 (AHUC); Calistoga. ft, alti- tude ca. 300 ft, 5 Mayl957, Raven 10788 (AHUC). Sacramcnio Co.: Brown's Ranch, Flk Grove, 25 Apr W DAV (AHUC Cakin 1947, .s.n., 10032 San Luis Obispo Co.: Adelaide Road, 4.7 mi of Paso Robles, ), May 1700 ft, 21 1960, Twisselmann 5970(A1 lUC). San Francisco Co.: San Francisco, Jackson Street, 2 Jun 1953, Howell 29056 (AHUC). Sonoma Co.: Bluffs above the sea, Sonoma Coast State Park, along Hwy State 0.9 ml N of Salmon Creek, 11 Jul 1957, Cramplon 4326 (AHUC). Yolo Co.: UC Davis 1, agronomy May AHUC experimental area, plant introduction nursery. 1950, Cramplon 042728 s.n. (AHUC). Planchuelo and Peterson (2000) recognized eight species in the South Ameri- members can of Ceratoch Massa al (2004) proposed recognizmg only sect. loa. et two species, catharticus and coloratus, with two subspecies within B. B. B. catharticus. In this paper, one of the species recognized by Planchuelo and Peter- son (2000) as B. cchadilla is reduced to a variety The status of the otlier species recognized in the mentioned paper merits further study ACKN0WLEDGN4ENTS The Mary author thanks Barkworth for the loan of specimens and her construc- comments on tive the manuscript, Victor Finot for sending photographs and information of type materials and to the curators of the listed herbarium for sending specimens on Kanchi Gandhi comments provided on loan. useful the nomenclature. RFFFRENCHS CM,TF and Baeza Siuessy, C. Marticorena. 2002. Notes on the Poaceae of the Robinson Crusoe (Juan Fernandez) 54-1 Islands, Chile. Brittonia 54:1 63. CamaraHernandezJ.1 978. Srom^ys. M.N. Correa,ed. Flora Patagonica.Coleccion Cientifica In: Buenos INTA 8 (3):77-93. Aires. New and FoRDE, M.B. Edgar. 995. Checklist of pooid grasses naturalised Zealand. E. in 3. 1 New Bromeae and Tribes Brachypodieae. Zealand 33:35-42. Bot. J. Gutierrez, H.F.and J.F Pensiero. 998.Sinopsis de las especies argentinas del genero Bromus 1 (Poaceae). Darwiniana 35:75-1 14. Hall, B.M. 1955. Genetic analysis of interspecific hybrids the genus Bromus, section in Ceratochloa. Genetics 40:1 75-1 92. HoLMGREN,RK.,N.H.HoLMGREN,and L.Barnett. 1990. Index herbariorun^.Part l:The herbaria of New the world. 8th ed. York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. 1 560 BRIT.OR6/5IDA 22{1) KarteszJT. 994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada 1 Volume Timber and Greenland Checklist. Press, Portland,OR. 1 Bromus and Morphological Massa, A.m., K.B Jensen, S.R Lakjun, D.J. Hoi 2004. variation in f. germplasm Canad 136- [.Ceralochloo of Patagonia. J. Bot. 82: 144. Massa, A.N,. S.R. Larson, K.B. Jensen, and DJ. Hole. 2001 AFLP variation in Bromus Section . Germplasm Crop 41:1609-1616. Ceratochloa of Patagonia. Sci. A.H.Zapp[,R.Gndullo, AcuNA, and 1997. Collecting Bromus Lin the Massa, A.N., H. I.Seguel. Patagonian Andes. Plant Genet. Resour. Newsl. 1 genero Bromus L(Poaceae) en Gayana 43:47-1 MATTHEt,0. 1986. Chile. 10. El Moore, D.M.I 983. Flora ofTierra del Fuego. A, Nelson-Missouri Botanical Garden, England- USA. Combine MLiNz,RA.and D.D.Kick.1959.A California Supplement, 1968; edition 1973. flora, University of California Press, Berkeley. NicoRA, E.G. and Z.E. Rugolo df Aurasar. 987. Los generos de Gramineas de America Aus- 1 Hemisferio Sur. tral. ]995. Bromus L of North America. Royal British Columbia Museuna, British Co- Pavlick, L. lumbia, Canada. RM. and 2003. Bromus. Soreng, PM. Pavuck, A.M. Planchuelo, PriERSON, Soreng. L.E., R.J. In: R.J. Peterson, G. Davidsc, Judziewicz, PO. ZuloagaJ.S, Filgueiras and 0. Morrone, 0. eds. E.J, New US Catalogue of World grasses (Poaceae): Subfamily Pooideae.Contr. Natl. Herb. IV, Smithsonian Washington, DC. 54-1 48:1 -730, Institution. Pp. 89. 1 and A.M. Planchuelo. 1998. Bromus catharticus South America (Poaceae: Peterson, in P, Bromeae).Novon 8:53-60. Planchuelo, A.M. 1991. Estudios sobre complejo Bromus catharticus (Poaceae), el I. Evaluacion estadistica de los caracteres taxonomicos. Kurtziana 21 :243-257. A.M. and RM.PLTERsoN.2000.The species of SromLys (Poaceae: Bromeae) South Planchuelo, in and and CSIRO America. ln:W.L.J. Surrey J.Everett, eds. Grasses systematics evolution. 89-1 Publishing, Australia. Pp. 01. WiLKEND.H.and 1993. Bromus.l Hickman, ed.Jepson manual: higher plants E.L.Painier. n: C, J. of California. Univ. California Press, Berkeley. and Zuioaga, RO., E.g. Nicora, Z.E. Rugoio df Agrasar, O. Morrone, Pensiero, A.M. Cialullla. J. 1994.Catalogodela Poaceae en Republica Argentina. Monogr.Syst.Bol. Mis- familia la souri Bot. Card, 47:1-1 78.