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REINWARDTIA A JOURNAL ON TAXONOMIC BOTANY, PLANT SOCIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Vol. 14(2): 249-324, December 23, 2015 Chief Editor Kartini Kramadibrata (Mycologist, Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Editors Dedy Darnaedi (Taxonomist, Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) TukirinPartomihardjo (Ecologist, Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Joeni Setijo Rahajoe (Ecologist, Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Marlina Ardiyani (Taxonomist, Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Topik Hidayat (Taxonomist, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia) Eizi Suzuki (Ecologist, Kagoshima University, Japan) Jun Wen (Taxonomist, Smithsonian Natural History Museum, USA) Managing Editor Himmah Rustiami (Taxonomist, Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Lulut Dwi Sulistyaningsih (Taxonomist, Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Secretary Endang Tri Utami Layout Medi Sutiyatno Illustrators Subari Wahyudi Santoso Anne Kusumawaty Correspondence on editorial matters and subscriptions for Reinwardtia should be addressed to: HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE, BOTANY DIVISION, RESEARCH CENTER FOR BIOLOGY-INDONESIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES CIBINONG SCIENCE CENTER, JLN. RAYA JAKARTA - BOGOR KM 46, CIBINONG 16911, P.O. Box 25 CIBINONG INDONESIA PHONE (+62) 21 8765066; Fax (+62) 21 8765062 E-MAIL: [email protected] http://e-journal.biologi.lipi.go.id/index.php/reinwardtia A B Cover images: Zingiber engganoensis Ardiyani. A. Habit B. Leafy shoot and the inflorescence showing rhizomes, roots and root-tuber C. Leaves D. Ligule and swollen petiole E. Dissection of inflorescence showing fruit F. Spike and flowers G. Dissection C D F of flowers and fruits showing bract, bracteole, two lateral staminodes, two petal lobes, labellum, and the four appendages of the anther H. Flower. Source of materials: E190 E (BO). Photo credits: B, C, D by Arief Supnatna. A, E, F, G, H by Marlina Ardiyani. G H The Editors would like to thank all reviewers of volume 14(2): Abdul Latiff Mohamad, Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia Abdulrokhman Kartonegoro - Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia Agus Susatya - University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia Axel D. Poulsen - Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Campbell O. Webb - Arnold Arboretum, University of Harvard, USA Edwino Fernando - Dept. of Forest Biological Sciences, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Philippines Fabian Brambach - Dept. of Ecology & Ecosystem Research, Georg August University, Gottingen, Germany John Mood - Lyon Arboretum, University of Hawaii, USA Kuswata Kartawinata - Integrative Research Center, The Field Museum, Chicago, USA Mark Newman - Royal Botanic Garden Edin burgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Martin Dancak - Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Czech Republic Mien A. Rifai - Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI) Ridha Mahyuni - Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia RREEIINNWWAARRDDTTIIAA VVooll 1144,, NNoo 22,, pppp:: 229977 ‒(cid:31) 229988 AA NNEEWW CCOOMMBBIINNAATTIIOONN AANNDD AA NNEEWW NNAAMMEE IINN GGYYNNOOCCHHTTHHOODDEESS ((RRUUBBIIAACCEEAAEE)) RReecceeiivveedd AApprriill 0099,, 22001155;; aacccceepptteedd MMaayy 0088,, 22001155 KK.. MM.. WWOONNGG SSiinnggaappoorree BBoottaanniicc GGaarrddeennss,, 11 CClluunnyy RRooaadd,, SSiinnggaappoorree 225599556699.. EE--mmaaiill:: wwkkmm22000000@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm SSYYLLVVAAIINN GG.. RRAAZZAAFFIIMMAANNDDIIMMBBIISSOONN SSwweeddiisshh MMuusseeuumm ooff NNaattuurraall HHiissttoorryy,, DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff BBoottaannyy,, PP..OO.. BBooxx 5500000077,, SSEE--1100440055 SSttoocckkhhoollmm,, SSwweeddeenn.. EE--mmaaiill:: ssyyllvvaaiinn..rraazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn@@nnrrmm..ssee AABBSSTTRRAACCTT WWOONNGG,, KK.. MM.. && RRAAZZAAFFIIMMAANNDDIIMMBBIISSOONN,, SS.. GG.. 22001155.. AA nneeww ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn aanndd aa nneeww nnaammee iinn GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess ((RRuubbiiaacceeaaee)).. RReeiinnwwaarrddttiiaa 1144((22)):: 229977 (cid:31)‒ 229988.. —— TThhee nneeww ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess llaannuuggiinnoossaa ((SSuurraattmmaann)) KK.. MM.. WWoonngg && RRaazzaaffiimm.. aanndd tthhee nneeww nnaammee GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess ssuurraattmmaanniiii KK.. MM.. WWoonngg && RRaazzaaffiimm..,, tthhee llaatttteerr iinn ppllaaccee ooff MMoorriinnddaa wwoonnggiiaannaa SSuurraattmmaann,, aarree pprrooppoosseedd.. KKeeyy wwoorrddss:: GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess,, MMoorriinnddaa,, nneeww ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn,, nneeww nnaammee,, rreeppllaacceedd nnaammee,, RRuubbiiaacceeaaee.. AABBSSTTRRAAKK WWOONNGG,, KK.. MM.. && RRAAZZAAFFIIMMAANNDDIIMMBBIISSOONN,, SS.. GG.. 22001155.. KKoommbbiinnaassii bbaarruu ddaann nnaammaa bbaarruu ppaaddaa GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess ((RRuubbiiaacceeaaee)).. RReeiinnwwaarrddttiiaa 1144((22)):: 229977 ‒(cid:31) 229988.. —— KKoommbbiinnaassii bbaarruu GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess llaannuuggiinnoossaa ((SSuurraattmmaann)) KK.. MM.. WWoonngg && RRaazzaaffiimm.. ddaann nnaammaa bbaarruu uunnttuukk GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess ssuurraattmmaanniiii KK.. MM.. WWoonngg && RRaazzaaffiimm.. yyaanngg mmeennggggaannttiikkaann MMoorriinnddaa wwoonnggiiaannaa SSuurraattmmaann ddiiuussuullkkaann.. KKaattaa kkuunnccii:: GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess,, MMoorriinnddaa,, kkoommbbiinnaassii bbaarruu,, nnaammaa bbaarruu,, nnaammaa ppeennggggaannttii,, RRuubbiiaacceeaaee.. IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN lleeaaff--ooppppoosseedd fflloowweerriinngg hheeaaddss aatt aalltteerrnnaattee nnooddeess ((WWoonngg,, 11998844)).. TThhee MMoorriinnddeeaaee iiss aa ttrriibbee rreeccooggnniisseedd iinn tthhee PPssyy-- TTwwoo cclliimmbbiinngg ttaaxxaa ffrroomm SSuummaattrraa,, MMoorriinnddaa cchhoottrriieeaaee aalllliiaannccee ooff tthhee RRuubbiiaacceeaaee ssuubbffaammiillyy RRuubbii-- llaannuuggiinnoossaa SSuurraattmmaann aanndd MMoorriinnddaa wwoonnggiiaannaa ooiiddeeaaee ((RRaazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn eett aall..,, 22000088)).. MMeemmbbeerrss SSuurraattmmaann ((SSuurraattmmaann,, 22001111)),, bbeelloonngg ttoo tthhee ssaammee ooff tthhiiss ttrriibbee aarree ddiissttiinngguuiisshheedd bbyy hhaavviinngg mmaassssiivvee TT-- ggrroouupp aass tthhee ootthheerr cclliimmbbiinngg MMoorriinnddaa ssppeecciieess nnooww sshhaappeedd ppllaacceennttaaee iinnsseerrtteedd iinn tthhee mmiiddddllee ooff tthhee sseepp-- ttrraannssffeerrrreedd ttoo GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess ((RRaazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn ttuumm,, ttwwoo aannaattrrooppoouuss oovvuulleess iinn eeaacchh ccaarrppeell,, aanndd ppyy-- && BBrreemmeerr 22001111)).. AAss tthheeyy hhaavvee nnoott bbeeeenn ttrraannssffeerrrreedd rreenneess wwiitthh aa ssiinnggllee llaatteerraall ggeerrmmiinnaattiioonn sslliitt ttoo GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess,, tthhiiss iiss hheerree eeffffeecctteedd.. ((RRaazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn eett aall..,, 22000099)).. WWiitthhiinn tthhee ttrriibbee,, MMoorriinnddaa LL.. ss..ss.. iiss rreeccooggnniissaabbllee bbyy iittss aarrbboorreesscceenntt TTWWOO NNAAMMEE CCHHAANNGGEESS hhaabbiitt aanndd bbaassaallllyy oorr ccoommpplleetteellyy ffuusseedd fflloowweerrss aanndd ssyynnccaarrppoouuss ffrruuiitt--hheeaaddss,, ddiissttiinngguuiisshhiinngg iitt ffrroomm tthhee 11.. GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess llaannuuggiinnoossaa ((SSuurraattmmaann)) KK.. MM.. ootthheerr aarrbboorreesscceenntt ggeennuuss,, AAppppuunniiaa HHooookk..ff..,, wwhhiicchh WWoonngg && RRaazzaaffiimm..,, ccoommbb.. nnoovv.. hhaass ffrreeee fflloowweerrss aanndd ffrruuiittss.. TThhee ttrriibbee aallssoo iinncclluuddeess tthhrreeee ttyyppiiccaallllyy lliiaanneesscceenntt ggeenneerraa,, aammoonngg wwhhiicchh BBaassiioonnyymm:: MMoorriinnddaa llaannuuggiinnoossaa SSuurraattmmaann,, BBlluummeeaa 5566 GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess BBlluummee iiss ddiissttiinncctt bbyy iittss nnoonn-- ((11)):: 2244 ((SSuurraattmmaann 22001111)).. –T TYyPpEe:: PP.. BBuuwwaallddaa 66774444,, ppaanniiccuullaattee iinnfflloorreesscceenncceess aanndd ppaarrttllyy eexxsseerrtt aanntthheerrss SSuummaattrraa,, IInnddrraaggiirrii UUppllaannddss,, KKuuaallaa BBeelliillaass ((hhoolloo BBOO;; iissoo AA,, KK,, LL,, SSIINNGG)).. ((RRaazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn eett aall..,, 22000099)).. FFoolllloowwiinngg mmoolleeccuullaarr pphhyyllooggeenneettiicc ssttuuddiieess tthhaatt 22.. GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess ssuurraattmmaanniiii KK.. MM.. WWoonngg && eessttaabblliisshheedd tthhee cciirrccuummssccrriippttiioonn ooff tthhee MMoorriinnddeeaaee RRaazzaaffiimm..,, nnoomm.. nnoovv.. ((RRaazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn eett aall..,, 22000088)) aanndd aa nneeww cciirrccuummssccrriippttiioonn ooff GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess BBlluummee aanndd RReeppllaacceedd nnaammee:: MMoorriinnddaa wwoonnggiiaannaa SSuurraattmmaann,, BBlluummeeaa MMoorriinnddaa LL.. ((RRaazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn eett aall..,, 22000099)),, mmaannyy 5566((11)):: 2244 ((SSuurraattmmaann 22001111)).. –T YTyPpEe:: HH..FF.. SSuunn 99993377,, SSuu-- ttaaxxaa ffrroomm MMoorriinnddaa wweerree ttrraannssffeerrrreedd ttoo mmaattrraa,, BBaattuurraaddjjaa ((hhoolloo BBOO)).. GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess ((RRaazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn && BBrreemmeerr,, 22001111)).. TThhee ttrraannssffeerrss rreepprreesseenntteedd ttaaxxaa wwiitthh aa TThhee eeppiitthheett hhoonnoouurrss SSuurraattmmaann,, wwhhoo nnaammeedd cclliimmbbiinngg oorr lliiaanneesscceenntt hhaabbiitt,, wwhhiicchh wweerree oorriiggiinnaallllyy MM.. wwoonnggiiaannaa;; tthhaatt eeppiitthheett ccaannnnoott bbee uusseedd iinn ppllaacceedd iinn MMoorriinnddaa bbuutt cchhaarraacctteerriisseedd bbyy 22--mmaannyy ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn wwiitthh GGyynnoocchhtthhooddeess aass iitt wwoouulldd ffoorrmm aa fflloowweerriinngg hheeaaddss aarrrraannggeedd iinn tteerrmmiinnaall ppsseeuuddoouummbbeellss,, llaatteerr hhoommoonnyymm ooff GG.. wwoonnggiiii RRaazzaaffiimm.. && BB.. BBrreemmeerr aass ooppppoosseedd ttoo tthhee ttyyppee aalllliiaannccee ((MMoorriinnddaa ss..ss..)) wwhhiicchh iinn AAddaannssoonniiaa 3333((22)):: 2299 ((RRaazzaaffiimmaannddiimmbbiissoonn && aarree ttrreeeess ttyyppiiccaallllyy wwiitthh bbrraanncchh sseeqquueenncceess hhaavviinngg BBrreemmeerr,, 22001111)).. 229977 298 REIN WARD TIA [VOL.14 Descriptions of these two species are available in Evolution 48: 207–223. the recent publication by Suratman (2011). RAZAFIMANDIMBISON, S. G., MCDOWELL, T. D., HALFORD, D. A. & BREMER, B. 2009. Molecular REFERENCES phylogenetics and genetic assessment in the tribe Morindeae (Rubiaceae-Rubioideae): How to circum- RAZAFIMANDIMBISON, S. G. & BREMER, B. 2011. scribe Morinda L. to be monophyletic? Molecular Nomenclatural changes and taxonomic notes in the Phylogenetics and Evolution 52: 879–886. tribe Morindeae (Rubiaceae). Adansonia, sér.3, 33 SURATMAN. 2011. Two new species of Morinda (2): 283‒309. DOI: 10.5252/a2011n2a13. (Rubiaceae) from Sumatra and Borneo. Blumea 56: RAZAFIMANDIMBISON, S. G., RYDIN, C. & 24–27. BREMER, B. 2008. Evolution and trends in the WONG, K. M. 1984. A synopsis of Morinda Psychotrieae alliance (Rubiaceae): a rarely reported (Rubiaceae) in the Malay Peninsula, with two new evolutionary change of many-seeded carpels from one species. Malayan Nature Journal 38: 89–98. -seeded carpels. Molecular Phylogenetics and INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS Scope. Reinwardtia is a scientific irregular journal on plant taxonomy, plant ecology and ethnobotany published in December. Manuscript intended for a publication should be written in English. Titles. Titles should be brief, informative and followed by author’s name and mailing address in one- paragraphed. Abstract. English abstract followed by Indonesian abstract of not more than 250 words. Keywords should be given below each abstract. Manuscript. Manuscript is original paper and represent an article which has not been published in any other journal or proceedings. The manuscript of no more than 36 pages by using Times New Roman 11, MS Word for Windows of A4 with double spacing, submitted to the editor through <[email protected]>. New paragraph should be indented in by 5 characters. For the style of presentation, authors should follow the latest issue of Reinwardtia very closely. Author(s) should send the preferred running title of the article submitted. Every manuscript will be sent to two blind reviewers. Identification key. Taxonomic identification key should be prepared using the aligned couplet type. Nomenclature. Strict adherence to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature is observed, so that taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties should be clearly shown. English description for new taxon proposed should be provided and the herbaria where the type specimens area deposited should be presented. Name of taxon in taxonomic treatment should be presented in the long form that is name of taxon, author’s name, year of publication, abbreviated journal or book title, volume, number and page. Map/line drawing illustration/photograph. Map, line drawing illustration, or photograph preferably should be prepared in landscape presentation to occupy two columns. Illustration must be submitted as original art accompanying, but separated from the manuscript. The illustration should be saved in JPG or GIF format at least 350 pixels. Legends or illustration must be submitted separately at the end of the manuscript. References. Bibliography, list of literature cited or references follow the Harvard system as the following examples. Journal : KRAENZLIN, F. 1913. Cyrtandraceae novae Philippinenses I. Philipp. J. Sci. 8: 163–179. MAYER, V., MOLLER, M., PERRET, M. & WEBER, A. 2003. Phylogenetic position and generic differentiation of Epithemateae (Gesneriaceae) inferred from plastid DNA sequence data. American J. Bot. 90: 321–329. Proceedings :TEMU, S. T. 1995. Peranan tumbuhan dan ternak dalam upacara adat “Djoka Dju” pada suku Lio, Ende, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur. In: NASUTION, E. (Ed.). Prosiding Seminar dan Lokakarya Nasional Etnobotani II. LIPI & Perpustakaan Nasional: 263–268. (In Indonesian). SIMBOLON, H. & MIRMANTO, E. 2000. Checklist of plant species in the peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: IWAKUMA, T. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on: Tropical Peatlands. Pp.179-190. Book : RIDLEY, H. N. 1923. Flora of the Malay Peninsula 2. L. Reeve & Co. Ltd, London. Part of Book : BENTHAM, G. 1876. Gesneriaceae. In: BENTHAM, G. & HOOKER, J. D. Genera plantarum 2. Lovell Reeve & Co., London. Pp. 990–1025. Thesis : BAIRD, L. 2002. A Grammar of Kéo: An Austronesian language of East Nusantara. Australian National University, Canberra. [PhD. Thesis]. Website : http://www.nationaalherbarium.nl/fmcollectors/k/KostermansAJGH.htm). Accessed 15 February 2012. Reinwardtia Published by Herbarium Bogoriense, Botany Division, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Address: Jln. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km. 46 Cibinong 16911, P.O. Box 25 Cibinong Telp. (+ 62) 21 8765066; Fax (+62) 21 8765062 E-mail: [email protected] REINWARDTIA Author Agreement Form Title of article : Name of Author(s) : I/We hereby declare that:  My/Our manuscript was based on my/our original work.  It was not published or submitted to other journal for publication.  I/we agree to publish my/our manuscript and the copyright of this article is owned by Reinwardtia.  We have obtained written permission from copyright owners for any excerpts from copyrighted works that are included and have credited the sources in our article. 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