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A new characterization of the invertibility of polynomial maps 6 1 ELZ˙BIETA ADAMUS 0 Faculty of Applied Mathematics, 2 AGH University of Science and Technology n al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krak´ow, Poland a J e-mail: [email protected] 3 ] PAWEL BOGDAN C Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, A Jagiellonian University . h ul. L ojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Krak´ow, Poland t a e-mail: [email protected] m [ TERESA CRESPO 1 Departament d’A`lgebra i Geometria, v Universitat de Barcelona 2 3 Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585, 08007 Barcelona, Spain 3 e-mail: [email protected] 0 0 . 1 ZBIGNIEW HAJTO 0 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6 1 Jagiellonian University : ul. L ojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Krak´ow, Poland v i e-mail: [email protected] X r a Abstract In this paper we present an equivalent statement to the Jacobian conjecture. For a polynomial map F on an affine space of dimension n, we define recursively n finite sequences of polynomials. We give an equivalent condition to the invertibility of F as well as a formula for F−1 in terms of these finite sequences of polynomials. Some examples illustrate the effective aspects of our approach. 1 1 Introduction The Jacobian Conjecture originated in the question raised by Keller in [8] on the invertibility of polynomial maps with Jacobian determinant equal to 1. The question is still open in spite of the efforts of many mathematicians. We recall in the sequel the precise statement of the Jacobian Conjecture, some reduction theorems and other results we shall use. We refer to [5] for a detailed account of the research on the Jacobian Conjecture and related topics. Let K be a field and K[X] = K[X ,...,X ] the polynomial ring in the 1 n variables X ,...,X over K. A polynomial map is a map F = (F ,...,F ) : 1 n 1 n Kn → Kn of the form (X ,...,X ) 7→ (F (X ,...,X ),...,F (X ,...,X )), 1 n 1 1 n n 1 n where F ∈ K[X],1 ≤ i ≤ n. The polynomial map F is invertible if there i exists a polynomial map G = (G ,...,G ) : Kn → Kn such that X = 1 n i G (F ,...,F ),1 ≤ i ≤ n. We shall call F a Keller map if the Jacobian i 1 n matrix ∂F i J = (cid:18)∂Xj(cid:19)11≤≤ji≤≤nn has determinant equal to 1. Clearly an invertible polynomial map F has a Jacobian matrix J with non zero determinant and may be transformed into a Keller map by composition with the linear automorphism with matrix J(0)−1. Jacobian Conjecture. Let K be a field of characteristic zero. A Keller map F : Kn → Kn is invertible. In the sequel, K will always denote a field of characteristic 0. For F = (F ,...,F ) ∈ K[X]n, we define the degree of F as degF = max{degF : 1 n i 1 ≤ i ≤ n}. It is known that if F is a polynomial automorphism of Kn, then degF−1 ≤ (degF)n−1 (see [1] or [9]). The Jacobian conjecture for quadratic maps was proved by Wang in [10]. We state now the reduction of the Jacobian conjecture to the case of maps of third degree (see [1], [11], [2] and [3]). 2 Proposition 1. a) (Bass-Connell-Wright-Yagzhev) Given a Keller map F : Kn → Kn, there exists a Keller map F : KN → KN, N ≥ n of the form F = Id + H, where H(X) is a cubic homogeneous map and having the following property: if F is invertible, tehen F is invertible too. e b) (Druz˙kowski) The cubic part H may be chosen of the form e N N ( a X )3,...,( a X )3 1j j Nj j ! j=1 j=1 X X and with the matrix A = (a ) satisfying A2 = 0. ij 1≤i≤N 1≤j≤N PolynomialmapsintheDruz˙kowski formareeasiertohandlethangeneral cubic homogeneous polynomial maps. However we note the following result. Proposition 2 ([6] Proposition 2.9). Let r ∈ N. If the Jacobian Conjecture holds for all cubic homogeneous polynomial maps in r variables, then for all n ∈ N the Jacobian Conjecture holds for all polynomial maps of the form F = X +(AX)3 with A ∈ M (K) and rankA ≤ r. n In[4]Druz˙kowski andRusekgive thefollowing inversion formula forcubic homogeneous polynomial maps. Theorem 3 ([4], Theorem 2.1). Let H : Kn → Kn be a cubic homogeneous polynomial map, F = Id −H and let G = ∞ G , where G : Kn → Kn j=0 j j is a homogeneous polynomial map of degree j, be the formal inverse of F. P Then G = Id, 1 G = ϕ (G ,G ,G ), ∀k ≥ 1, 2k+1 p+q+r=k−1 H 2p+1 2q+1 2r+1 G = P0, ∀k ≥ 1, 2k whereϕ denotesthe unique symmetric trilinearmapsuch thatϕ (X,X,X) = H H H(X). 3 As a corollary, they obtain that, if for some natural number k, we have G = ··· = G = 0, (1) 3k+2 3k+1 then F is a polynomial automorphism and degF−1 ≤ 3k. However, in [7], Gorni and Zampieri present an example of a polynomial automorphism of C4 for which condition (1) is not satisfied for any k (see example 7 below). In this paper we present an algorithm providing a new characterization of the invertibility of polynomial maps. Given a polynomial map F : Kn → Kn of the form F = Id + H, where H(X) has lower degree ≥ 2, we define recursively, for1 ≤ i ≤ n, asequencePi ofpolynomialsinK[X]withPi = X k 0 i such that F is invertible if and only if the alternating sum m−1(−1)jPi(X) j=0 j satisfies a certain relation with Pi for all i = 1,...,n, where m is an integer m P given explicitly anddepending onthe degrees of thecomponents of H. When F is invertible, its inverse F−1 is given in terms of these alternating sums of polynomials. In the last section, we apply the algorithm to several examples of polynomial maps, including the one of Gorni and Zampieri. 2 A sufficient condition for invertibility Let us consider a polynomial map F : Kn → Kn. Given a polynomial P(X ,...,X ) ∈ K[X] = K[X ,...,X ], we define the following sequence of 1 n 1 n polynomials in K[X], P (X ,...,X ) = P(X ,...,X ), 0 1 n 1 n P (X ,...,X ) = P (F ,...,F )−P (X ,...,X ), 1 1 n 0 1 n 0 1 n and, assuming P is defined, k−1 P (X ,...,X ) = P (F ,...,F )−P (X ,...,X ). k 1 n k−1 1 n k−1 1 n The following lemma is easy to prove. Lemma 4. For a positive integer m, we have m−1 P(X ,...,X ) = (−1)lP (F ,...,F )+(−1)mP (X ,...,X ). 1 n l 1 n m 1 n l=0 X 4 In particular, if we assume that for some integer m, P (X ,...,X ) = 0, m 1 n then m−1 P(X ,...,X ) = (−1)lP (F ,...,F ). 1 n l 1 n l=0 X Corollary 5. Let F : Kn → Kn be a polynomial map. Let us consider the polynomial sequence (Pi) constructed with P = X , i = 1,...,n. Let us k i assume that for all i = 1,...,n, there exists an integer m such that Pi = 0. i mi Then the inverse map G of F is given by mi−1 G (Y ,Y ,...,Y ) = (−1)lPi(Y ,Y ,...,Y ), 1 ≤ i ≤ n. i 1 2 n l 1 2 n l=0 X The condition Pi = 0, for some integer m for all i = 1,...,n, is not mi i necessary for the invertibility of F (see example 7). However we give in theorem 8 an equivalent condition to the invertibility of F using a finite number of terms of the polynomial sequences (Pi). The following lemma k gives a precise description of the polynomials Pi. k Lemma 6. Let F : Kn → Kn be a polynomial map of the form F (X ,...,X ) = X +H (X ,...,X ) 1 1 n 1 1 1 n . .  .  F (X ,...,X ) = X +H (X ,...,X ), n 1 n n n 1 n  where H (X ,...,X ) is a polynomial in X ,...,X of degree D and lower i 1 n 1 n i degree d , with d ≥ 2, for i = 1,...,n. Let d = mind ,D = maxD . Then i i i i for the polynomial sequence (Pi) constructed with P = X we have that Pi is k i k a polynomial of degree ≤ Dk−1D and lower degree ≥ (k −1)(d−1)+d . i i In particular, if each H is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d, we have i (dk−1)/(d−1)−k+1 Pi = Q , k kj j=1 X where Q is a homogeneous polynomial in X ,...,X of degree (k + j − kj 1 n 1)(d−1)+1. 5 Proof. Let us consider, for a fixed i, the polynomial sequence Pi(X ,...,X ) = X , 0 1 n i Pi(X ,...,X ) = F (X ,...,X )−X = H (X ,...,X ), 1 1 n i 1 n i i 1 n Pi(X ,...,X ) = H (F ,...,F )−H (X ,...,X ), 2 1 n i 1 n i 1 n . . . We write the Taylor series for the polynomial H (F ,...,F ) = H (X + i 1 n i 1 H ,...,X +H ) and obtain 1 n n Pi(X ,...,X ) = H (F ,...,F )−H (X ,...,X ) 2 1 n i 1 n i 1 n = Qi +Qi +...+Qi 21 22 2Di where n ∂H Qi = iH 21 ∂X j j j=1 X 1 n ∂2H Qi = i H H 22 2! ∂X ∂X j1 j2 1≤jX1,j2≤n j1 j2 . . . 1 n ∂DiH Qi = i H ...H . 2Di D ! ∂x ...∂x j1 jDi i j1,j2,X...,jDi=1 j1 jDi The polynomial Pi has lower degree equal to the lower degree of Qi , which 2 21 is ≥ d+ d −1, and degree equal to the degree of Qi , which is ≤ D ·D . i 2Di i Let us prove by induction that Pi is a polynomial of degree ≤ Dk−1D and k i lower degree ≥ (k − 1)(d − 1) + d . We have already seen it for k = 2. i Let us assume Pi is a polynomial of degree ≤ Dk−2D and lower degree k−1 i ≥ (k −2)(d−1)+d . We want to prove the property for Pi. We have i k Pi(X ,...,X ) = Pi (F ,...,F )−Pi (X ,...,X ) k 1 n k−1 1 n k−1 1 n If Q(X ,...,X ) is a polynomial of degree S and lower degree s, 1 n Q(F ,...,F )−Q(X ,...,X ) = 1 n 1 n ∂Q n H +...+ 1 n ∂SQ H ...H j=1 ∂Xj j S! j1,...,jS ∂xj1...,∂xjS j1 jS P P 6 is a polynomial of degree ≤ S · D and lower degree ≥ s − 1 + d. Hence Pi (F ,...,F ) − Pi (X ,...,X ) is a polynomial of degree ≤ Dk−1D k−1 1 n k−1 1 n i and lower degree ≥ (k −1)(d−1)+d . i ✷ The homogeneous case is proved analogously using induction. Example 7. We shall consider the polynomial automorphism of C4 given in [7] to prove that the condition Pi = 0, for some m , for all i, is not a mi i necessary condition to the invertibility of F. Let p := X X +X X and define F by 1 3 2 4 F = X +pX 1 1 4 F = X −pX 2 2 3  F = X +X3  3 3 4  F = X 4 4 Clearly P4 = 0 and P3 = 0. But P1 and P2 are not zero for any j. In order 1 2  j j to prove that P1 6= 0, we shall prove by induction that the homogeneous j summand of lowest degree Q1 of P1 has the following form depending on j1 j the parity of j, for all j ≥ 2. Q1 = X X4k 2k,1 1 4 Q1 = X X X4k+1 +X X4k+2 2k+1,1 1 3 4 2 4 BycalculationweobtainQ1 = X X4,Q1 = X X X5+X X6. Now, Q1 = 21 1 4 31 1 3 4 2 4 2k,1 X X4k ⇒ Q1 = X4kH + 4kX X4k−1H = X4k(X X + X X )X = 1 4 2k+1,1 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 3 2 4 4 X X X4k+1 +X X4k+2 and Q1 = X X X4k+1 +X X4k+2 ⇒ Q1 = 1 3 4 2 4 2k+1,1 1 3 4 2 4 2k+2,1 X X4k+1H +X4k+2H +X X4k+1H +((4k+1)X X X4k+(4k+2)X X4k+1)H 3 4 1 4 2 1 4 3 1 3 4 2 4 4 = X X4k+1(X X + X X )X − X4k+2(X X + X X )X + X X4k+4 = 3 4 1 3 2 4 4 4 1 3 2 4 3 1 4 4(k+1) X X . 1 4 Analogously, in order to prove that P2 6= 0, we shall prove by induction j that the homogeneous summand of lowest degree Q2 of P2 has the following j1 j form depending on the parity of j, for all j ≥ 2. Q2 = −2kX X X4k−1 −(2k −1)X X4k 2k,1 1 3 4 2 4 Q2 = −X X2X4k −X X X4k+1 −2kX X4k+2 2k+1,1 1 3 4 2 3 4 1 4 By calculation we obtain Q2 = −2X X X3 − X X4,Q1 = −X X2X4 − 21 1 3 4 2 4 31 1 3 4 X X X5 − 2X X6. Now Q2 = −2kX X X4k−1 − (2k − 1)X X4k ⇒ 2 3 4 1 4 2k,1 1 3 4 2 4 Q2 = −2kX X4k−1H −(2k−1)X4kH −2kX X4k−1H = −X X2X4k− 2k+1,1 3 4 1 4 2 1 4 3 1 3 4 X X X4k+1−2kX X4k+2 andQ2 = −X X2X4k−X X X4k+1−2kX X4k+2 2 3 4 1 4 2k+1,1 1 3 4 2 3 4 1 4 7 ⇒ Q2 = (−X2X4k−2kX4k+2)H −X X4k+1H −(2X X X4k+X X4k+1)H = 2k+2,1 3 4 4 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 4 3 −(2k +2)X X X4k+3 −(2k +1)X X4k+4. 1 3 4 2 4 3 An equivalent condition to invertibility The following theorem gives an equivalent condition to the invertibility of F using a finite number of terms in the polynomial sequences (Pi). k Theorem 8. Let F : Kn → Kn be a polynomial map of the form F (X ,...,X ) = X +H (X ,...,X ) 1 1 n 1 1 1 n . .  .  F (X ,...,X ) = X +H (X ,...,X ), n 1 n n n 1 n  where H (X ,...,X ) is a polynomial in X ,...,X of degree D and lower i 1 n 1 n i degree d , with d ≥ 2, for i = 1,...,n. Let d = mind ,D = maxD . The i i i i following conditions are equivalent: 1) F is invertible. 2) For i = 1,...,n and every m > Dn−1−di +1, we have d−1 m−1 (−1)jPi(X) = G (X)+Ri (X). j i m j=0 X where G (X) is a polynomial of degree ≤ Dn−1, independent of m, and i Ri (X) is a polynomial satisfying Ri (F) = (−1)m+1Pi (X) (with lower m m m degree ≥ (m−1)(d−1)+d > Dn−1). i 3) For i = 1,...,n and m = ⌊Dn−1−di +1⌋+1, we have d−1 m−1 (−1)jPi(X) = G (X)+Ri (X). j i m j=0 X where G (X) is a polynomial of degree ≤ Dn−1, and Ri (X) is a polyno- i m mial satisfying Ri (F) = (−1)m+1Pi (X). m m 8 Moreover the inverse G of F is given by m−1 G (Y ,...,Y ) = (−1)lP˜i(Y ,...,Y ), i = 1,...,n, i 1 n l 1 n l=0 X where P˜i is the sum of homogeneous summands of Pi of degree ≤ Dn−1 and l l m is an integer > Dn−1−di +1. d−1 Proof. 1) ⇒ 2): If F is invertible, then G = F−1 has degree ≤ Dn−1. Applying lemma 4, we obtain, for any positive integer m, m−1 X = (−1)lP (F ,...,F )+(−1)mP (X ,...,X ). i l 1 n m 1 n l=0 X Since X = G (F ,...,F ), we obtain the following equality of polynomials i i 1 n in the variables Y ,...,Y . 1 n G (Y ,...,Y ) = m−1(−1)lP (Y ,...,Y ) i 1 n l=0 l 1 n +P(−1)mP (G (Y ,...,Y ),...,G (Y ,...,Y )), m 1 1 n n 1 n which implies m−1(−1)lP (Y ,...,Y ) = G (Y ,...,Y ) l=0 l 1 n i 1 n P −(−1)mP (G (Y ,...,Y ),...,G (Y ,...,Y )), m 1 1 n n 1 n Hence, writing Ri (Y ,...,Y ) := −(−1)mP (G (Y ,...,Y ),...,G (Y ,...,Y )), m 1 n m 1 1 n n 1 n we obtain 2). Now, G is a polynomial of degree at most Dn−1 in Y ,...,Y . i 1 n For an integer m such that m > Dn−1−di + 1, P is a polynomial in the d−1 m variablesX ,...,X oflowerdegreebiggerthanDn−1, hencethelower degree 1 n ofP (G (Y ,...,Y ),...,G (Y ,...,Y ))in thevariables Y ,...,Y is bigger m 1 1 n n 1 n 1 n than Dn−1. Therefore, the sum of homogeneous summands of degrees not bigger than Dn−1 in the righthand side of the equality above is precisely m−1(−1)lPi(Y ,Y ,...,Y ). l=0 l 1 2 n P e 9 2) ⇒ 3) is obvious. 3) ⇒ 1): Let us assume that for m = ⌊Dn−1−di +1⌋+1, we have d−1 m−1 (−1)jPi(X) = G (X)+Ri (X), j i m j=0 X where G (X) is a polynomial of degree ≤ Dn−1 and Ri (X) is a polynomial i m satisfying Ri (F) = (−1)m+1Pi (X). By lemma 4, we have m m m−1 X = (−1)lPi(F ,...,F )+(−1)mPi (X ,...,X ). i l 1 n m 1 n l=0 X We obtain then X = G (F)+Ri (F)+(−1)mPi (X) i i m m = G (F)+(−1)m+1Pi (X)+(−1)mPi (X) i m m = G (F). i Hence F is invertible with inverse G = (G ,...,G ). ✷ 1 n 4 Examples 4.1 We consider the following nonhomogeneous Keller map in dimension 2. F = X +(X +X3)2 1 1 2 1 F = X +X3 (cid:26) 2 2 1 Let us write H := (X +X3)2,H := X3. With the notations in theorem 8, 1 2 1 2 1 we have d = 2,d = 3,d = 2,D = 6 and we obtain 1 2 5 (−1)iP1(X) = X −X2 +R1(X), i 1 2 6 i=0 X where R1(X) is a polynomial of degree 65 and lower degree 9 satisfying 6 R1(F) = −P1(X), and 6 6 10

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