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A new blood-fluke, Cardicola Forsteri, (Digenea : Sanguinicolidae) of southern blue-fin tuna (Thunnus Maccoyii) in aquaculture PDF

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Preview A new blood-fluke, Cardicola Forsteri, (Digenea : Sanguinicolidae) of southern blue-fin tuna (Thunnus Maccoyii) in aquaculture

I'ltiusih lii'iix <>Jttu-AVw//S<u U'f\'of S. An\t. (2000). 124(2). 117-120. A NEW BLOOD-FLUKE, CARDICOLi FORSTERI, (D1GENEA: SAN(;UINICOLIDAE> OF SOUTHERN BLUE-FIN TUNA (TtiUNNUS MACCOYII) IN AQUACULTURE by Thomas H. Carafe . Maktin Daintitii1 & Bakrv Monday Suimnurv CRiBO. T, H-. D.mniiui. M. & Musn.w, B. (2000) A new blood-fluke. Citnthofn ftmttrt, (l)i^ W. S.niymniiieohdaet of southern blue-On tuna i't'hunnns marcttyit) id aquaL-ultuie. Am/o, A'. A..\u\t. 124(2). 17-121), }0Nu\vmtvi.20()0. I ( unliiolufbpjiteri ^p. nfiv. iPigcnea: Sanguinicolidae) isdescribed fromtheheart&fcaptive southern blue tin tuna, rimtt/uis )tuHro\ii (Seoinbriilaio, from South Australia, The specie is distihiHiished front oLhci $pCCj$nOfvcCfl/A"A' h> Fls very extensive testis,ihe length**I ilsoesophagus. Ihe lengtho| ilsgutcaecaand Ihc fbnn ol'ilsovary, CtiivUvia wttohi appears to he associated wnh heart and yill lesions1. Introduction Systematica Thesotilhcm blue-lln tuna(77/wmu.vtnaecoyii) has Family Sanguinicolidae von Graff. 1°4)7 been used loruquaeullure in southern Australia since Oardkotu Short. L9S3 l#92, Ihc industry is based on Ihc caplttre ol juvenile fish and (heir subsequent fattening over a Cart/icolaforsteri sp. nov. period of6-c) months. The tuna have been subject lo (HO. I) remarkably lew diseases so far. Here we report u new parasite, a sanguinicolid blood-fluke: ihe associated Tv/H' host: Scombridae - Tltttmtns ataccovit pathogenesis will be describedelsewhere. (Casilenatu 1872), Materials and Methods I'xpe locality: Off Rabbit Island, South Australia, 34\3(V S. 135 59' E Iicimilodes were collected from the hearts ol freshly-killed fish hosts and lived by pipetting thorn Otherlocalities: Louth Island. South Australia. 34* into near Infiling phosphate buffered saline followed 35' Si 135" 57' P.. by immediate preservation in UY/r neutral huffered formalin. Whole-mounts were stained with Mayer's Site: heart. haemalosylin, cleared with methyl salicylate and ununited in Canada balsam. Specimens lor Material cumutterf: 15 adults including 3 scls of sectioning were embedded in paraffin wax, stained histological sections from Rabbit Is., 11 from Louth with hnennuoxylin and cosin d\k\ mounted ill Is. DHPr.X. The following abbreviations are used: AIIC TheAustralian llclminthological Collection at De/>tt\ittftn of \/><r/mr/n: Holotype and 9 the South Australian Museum, Adelaide: QM. paratvpes (including 3 sets of sections) AIIC 28331 (Queensland Museum, Ktisbane. - 283401 5 paratvpes QM G 2IN017-2I. Description (Measurements ill (im pf HI erasid adults imeans in paivnlhesisl) Body lanceolate, highly compressed dot.so- Dcpiirttueot ofVlicmhinloWyy3vui I'musilatojjy, rhe Uiiiviittily ol ventrally, almost flat ventrallv und convex dorsallv, SUpuic'lt-uhvhiI;mIknsJiiBtiriiiscbualne!"(\,H)iW:, 2 K.mil.mSi, IWi I in..tinS,\ ftiDfc 25I23(iSS (U2H) x 608-938 (?->L>) K-gumental School "I BiMim-'diml Science, Ulll\en4Q <•! I;imikuiIii, Locked spines restricted to distinct vcntio-latcral rows (lig. CHoamgji'Iii12-\0\SI.wEn.rw1c1s9i9w9t)'fHoi*s.lap7;2i?i|0i.i>lot:iuildiuiijU'sin.midinmiimc aInda.jcu,stdp).osNteerrivoertcooamnmtiersisourreenddoorfsablodlyo:omeasiunphnaegruvse iiVvisiphoicioMu1inu|..'hsionllnip.;'ntifttMgitioetffitia Usl,niiaiiti'tfiVutuiWMtithlsit.iL'tt>itiiTto<tuv\ont\trsintthifviisf.txsl. bundles highly prominent in anterior halt of body i ntventfty ot tiisnutiiunmpuh.i. and discernible almost to posterior end of bodv Lfl T. H. CRIBB. M. DAINTITII & IV MUNIMY ms i i v,ielw,.(Du.ttlMuii<>rle<iinjaolrststp'irinessp.amiiiov.laAte.raAldumluts,clveesntrianltvriaenws.verBs,eTseercmtiinoan.lSgceaniltealbiaar,sv-ent5r0a0l mvimew.A;C.20M0armgimnalB;sp5i0nesm.,mve(n\trDal Ai>hri'vtttii>>m: I'p female pore. In - lateral nerve, nil - muscle fihres. mg - McrmV gland, mp - male pore, nis - m:ii iii.tl vpines, [i - ovary. \Ml - ovidiieal chamber, ne - oesophagus, s\ seminal \esiele. I lestis. u ilter.i-. \ wiclltniimi vnd vas deferens., \d vitelline duct. i ,.\\ii:\vm.onhH HKiikovistJiriHHkN bi m:iin n na I IV Month inconspicuous*opening vcnlro'subterminally. thai lite le.stisis both inter-and e\lra-caecal, although Oesophagus Int.'lily muscular, siruighi. KlfVI[$& oneother species <>l Conlknht, t. tun^Hn Vamaguii. (1/tUA) long, 20.1 VV4 (-31.5j# body length Caeca 1070, afso has a partly e>ctia-caecal (esiis. Only H-shaped, miuious; extending anteriorly lo672-u-N species of nei'Hhtrylis I intou, loll) mm\ tIPfil Irom anterior end of hotly; posterior caeca Pciirst'twlluni Ovetslreel & Koie. I0ISO also ha\c usually ol distinctly uneven length. extending Rj extru-caccal testes. Species rjf DfonnnxHy Union. j£d0-{H2 (TI?J from posieiior end of body Teslis 1010 have a teslis comprising "longitudinally usually indistinct and difficult lo discern, intra lHm\ elongated wings" (Yamaguti 1070) which extend extra-caeeal.extending Iromovary posteriorly lo just lateral lo Ihc caeca in a forth entirely different from behind nervous commissure anteriorly: penetrated that seen in die present species. The distribution of by dorso ventrally orientated muscle lihrcs die \itcllariutn Hi thesole speciesofPearsfiirlhtm. V, ihrougluutl Vas delerens broad, prominent, carwnmmOver5|t^eiSt Roie l9Scv, i^comparnl>le u ongmulmjj midvcnh'atly to testis, oitinin^ sinuously thai of the preseill speck's. tx-|ug bolh aiHetioi [o (tic posteriorly, dorsal lo ovary and venlral lo tilerus caccal bifurcation and lateral lo the poMenoi e;tcea. before entering venunal vesicle Cirrus-sac absent. but dial genus is distinct from ihc present M^ues m Seminal vesicle elongate, evenly curved, 116-238 possessing a cirrus-sac 'Oserstteet iSi Koie l°S0). i I74i \ 2d-b4 (4S) Malegenital pore smistio-dors.il, ittniii-ola wa.s cavk-d (Short luS^) lor (V hirn,< close to lulcr;il margin of body. Ovary irregularly Short, JV5J from Iwo species o| ( yno,sa<*n lobed, penelraleil by dorso venlrally onentaleil tScmcnidac>. Subsequently, nine luriherspeetes have ntuscle fibres throughout- 17S ."21 <257i x .26.V462 been described or combined wiih this genus (Smiih. 07fu Oviduct originating posteriorly and passing lM07a.b) namely- C tihi Yamaguti. 1070, ( tV/n/ZcoAv posteriorly immediately to expand iftto OVkfUCftl (M.uiic-f_ i°47| Shorl. IOsV / tiiatfodmitfn chamber of variable si/x containing cilher oocylcs Yamaguti. 1070. C atrunfitci.s Mauler, 10^4. C land perhaps zygotes) oi sperm; iffilled wilh sperm, Xratufts Lebedev & Mamaev. I06X (iu»t mentioned by chamber may become relatively enormous - up t_o Smith, I007a.b), C tm^tlis Vamaguu. 1070. C ?JT7 s llh_ hue! emerging (Vom oviducal chamber iviuthni Manter. 1054, C tVwgyumtt} l.ebedev »_V joined by Vitelline duel then lurnlug anteromedially Mamaev. "06S and ( . brttfffictfsisi Knoll & Ainalo, and ("firming ootvpe surrounded by prominent 1002. 'Iwo ol Ihe species. < . ahl and ('. rtttlftnitWtfl Mehhs' glandcells Vitelline follicles are diffuse anil have been reported Irom luna family Scomhndae. i throughout body from level of anterior margin of subfamily Tbunninae). ttvaty (somelmies lateral lo ovary us well!, dorsal The tiresenl speetes is iimticdtateiy di^linguiMied and ventral lo teslis, and as fat anteriorly as nervous Irom alI Ihese species by Ihe more c\lensive commissure. Vitelline duel passes \email to tesus distribution ofthe teslis which is bolh anterior lo the ami ovary Uterus filled with eggs, winding caeeal bifurcation find well lateral to the posteriorly MUUoie.ly lo ov,uv and llieii poMcrioiJy lo tem.de directed c,te.;a, In tins siiii'v, howceer, we found ihe gciulal pore, duveily aulcrior lo and well separated disiribution of the (eslis exceedingly difficult lo from male pore Hggs very lbin-walled and inrei-pret and, although we lind il eonviticing a> a compressed against each other. 10-27 0&) v 11-16 species-level charat'ter. we conclude dial il ia rnjt an ( I4t l:Acrelory system not observed. ideal characler for ireognition of species in (hi.s cenus. boriuiiately. scvetal othei vhaiaeteisalsosetve Etxino(oy\ to distinguish this species, The length ot the The species is named lor Mr Ron horsier. South oesophagus, occupying 29-33M of die body length Australian ttnia farmer, iu recognition trf Ids servestodistinguish it from t*. tiffi in which it is \er> contribution Id ihc iJevelopmeni of Ihc enlightened sluut lapprox. ISf,> ) and species m which it is \erv inaiiueemem ol captive tuna. long C ttinih-'jht (41^/rt and C, hnvri isO'.Vi. The ivlatively very shvirip<v.sievioreuc'caol C o>,i^ivt<tui discussion anddie shoit divergentanterior^ directedcaecaol ( /vf/\///e/M/v, f, \jivu,JtoUi^tily, C. tu{cj,ih' and C The new species shows close affhnly Willi ihc wftft&Hi aicdislincl from Ihc relalively hmgposlerioi genu-, ( ,if,/iri>!ii Slioic lOss mk\ is here identdied a* caeca A\ui die parallel anteriorly directed caecaol dte a new species m that genus. CiinUciiUi ^ I'tvNcm species. \he presetu species generally C distinguishable trtjin other genera ol murine resembles cericdm^s hut has a ivlatively largei Sauguinicoliduc by die combination ot an H-shapcJ and irregularly lobed ralhei than smooth ovary and £UI- a single lurgefy iutcf-cjcval icstis. hick o\ u has relatively ^horier anteriorly directed gul iOeea. cstiirbriuusaies;Jiici.al gpeonsittanl\paonraesn(Heurtbeerrutsviatinl.d10s0e4pkarTiihiee mtauucalhlyl.arCgerxmWHOiiOiH^ (I4r.7om7,a0ItmtvUm'lLllloIn\gI<icfo\tmiip',a'rsepd.\wii.slh.i mm piesrui speciesagrees withall ihese characlersexcept 2,5-5.7 for the present species). If> ecnerai 120 T. H. CRIBB, M. DAINTITH & B. Ml'NDAY organisation is similar to that of the present species muscle fibres. This interpretation appears reasonable except that Ihc tcslis is described as a single mass in terms of the appearance of these refringent immediately behind the caecal bifurcation. structures and in terms of function in tremalodes Ovcrstrcct & K0ie (1989), Herbert et at. (1994) where the requirement for flattening against the and other authors have frequently referred to the walls ofblood vessels isclearly ofgreat importance. presence of numerous dorso-venlrally orientated "ducts" ox "structures" in sanguinicolids. These Acknowledgments often pass through the gonads. Such structures are abundant in Cardlcnla forsteri and are here We thank D. Scott and T. Wright for assistance interpreted, as suggested in Herbert et al. ( 1994), as with the preparation ofthe specimens. References HI'.rblkt, B, W„ Smaiiarom-Harrison, F. M. & SMITH, J. W. (1997a) The blood flukes (Digenea: fOvlru.kReS.TRrC.rrruro,riR.coMl.u (l1a9i9c4s) Dne.scrgi.p,tion.n osfp.a n(eDwigbelnoeoad:- Svearntgeubirnatieeso:liPdaaret 1a.nAdrSepviireowrcohfitdhaee)litoefrateuoreldp-ubblloiosdheedd Sanguinieolidae). from sea-buss Lates caicun'}'er(Bloefr since 1971, and bibliography. Helminth. Ab.s. 66. 255- 1790) (Centropomidae). Syst. Pumsit 29. 51-60. 294. OVHRSTRUn, R. M. & Koil. M. (1989) Pear.sa/iellnm (1997b) The blood flukes (Digenea; eorveiitum. gen. el sp, nov. (Digenea; Sanguinicolidao), Sanguinicolidae and Spirorchidae) of cold-blooded in serranitl fishes from the Capricornia section of the vertebrates; Part 2.Appendix I: Comprehensiveparasite Great Barrier Reel. Aust. ./. ZooL 37. 71-79- host list; Appendix II: Comprehensive host-parasite list. SHORT,R. 3, (1953)Anewblood fluke, Caniicola ianiein Helminth. Ahs. 66, 329. g., n. sp., (Aporocotylidae) from marine fishes. ./. YAMAGirn, S. (1970) "Digenetie trematodes of Hawaiian Pamsitol. 39, 304-309.' fishes" (Keigaku Publishing, Tokyo).

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