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A NEW APPROACH TO THE FOURIER ANALYSIS ON SEMI-DIRECT PRODUCTS OF GROUPS 2 ARASHGHAANIFARASHAHI 1 0 2 Abstract. Let H and K be locally compact groups and also τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism and Gτ = H⋉τ K be the semi-direct product of H and K with respect to the continuous homomorphism τ. This paper n presents anovel approach to the Fourier analysis of Gτ, when K isabelian. We define the τ-dual groupGτb of Gτ as Ja the semi-directproduct H⋉τbKb, where τb:H →Aut(Kb) defined via (3.1). We prove a Ponterjagin duality Theorem andalsowestudyτ-FouriertransformsonGτ. Asaconcreteapplicationweshowthathowthesetechniquesapplyfor 5 theaffinegroupandalsowecomputetheτ-dualgroupofEuclideangroupsandtheWeyl-Heisenberggroups. ] A F . h t 1. Introduction a m Theory of Fourier analysis is the basic and fundamental step to extend the approximation theory on algebraic [ structures. Classical Fourier analysis on Rn and also it’s standard extension for locally compact abelian groups play an important role in approximation theory and also time-frequency analysis. For more on this topics we refer the 1 v readers to [3] or [4]. Passing through the harmonic analysis of abelian groups to the harmonic analysis of non- 9 abelian groups we loose many concepts of Fourier analysis on locally compact abelian groups. If we assume that G is 7 unimodularandtypeI locallycompactgroup,thenstillFourieranalysisonGcanbe used. TheoryofFourieranalysis 1 onnon-abelian,unimodularandtype IgroupswascompletelystudiedbyLipsmanin[9]andalsoDixmierin[2]or[8]. 1 Although theory of standardnon-abelianFourier analysis is a strongtheory but it is not numericalcomputable, so . 1 it is not an appropriate tools in the view points of time-frequency analysis or physics and engineering applications. 0 This lake persists us to have a new approach to the theory of Fourier analysis on non-abelian groups. 2 1 Many non-abelian groups which play important roles in general theory of time-frequency analysis or mathematical : physics such as the affine group or Heisenberg group can be considered as a semi-direct products of some locally v compact groups H and K with respect to a continuous homomorphism τ :H →Aut(K) in which K is abelain. i X Inthis paperwhichcontains5sections,section2devotedto fix notationsandalsoasummaryofharmonicanalysis r onlocallycompactgroupsandsemi-directproductoflocallycompactgroupsH andK withrespecttothe continuous a homomorphismτ :H →Aut(K). In section3 we assume that K is abelian andalsowe define the τ-dual groupGτb of G =H⋉ K asthesemidirectproductsofH andK withrespecttothecontinuoushomomorphismτ :H →Aut(K), τ τ wcahnerbeeτcho(nωs)id:=ereωd◦asτha−1g.enIetriasliazlastoiosnhoowf nthtehPatonttheerjbτa-gdinuadlugarloituypTGhbτbeoorfemG.τb = H ⋉τbK and Gτ are isbomorphic, whbich In thbe sequel, in section 4 we define τ-Fourier trabnsform of f ∈L1(G ) and we study it’s basic L2-properties such τ as the Plancherel theorem. We also prove an inversion formula for the τ-Fourier transform. Aswellas,finallyinsection5asexamplesweshowthathowthisextensiontechniquescanbeusedforvarioustypes of semi-direct products of group such as the affine group, the Euclidean groups and the Weyl-Heisenberg groups. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary22A38,22D45. Keywordsandphrases. semi-directproductsoflocallycompactgroups,τ-dualgroup,τ-Fouriertransform,Parsevalformula,Plancherel Theorem,inversionformula. E-mailaddresses: [email protected](ArashGhaani Farashahi). 1 2 ARASHGHAANIFARASHAHI 2. Preliminaries and notations Let H and K be locally compact groups with identity elements e and e respectively and left Haar measures H K dh and dk respectively and also let τ : H → Aut(K) be a homomorphism such that the map (h,k) 7→ τ (k) from h H×K ontoK be continuous,whereAut(K)isthe groupofalltopologicalgroupautomorphismsofK ontoK. There is a natural topology, sometimes called Braconnier topology, turning Aut(K) into a Hausdorff topological group(not necessarily locally compact), which is defined by the sub-base of identity neighbourhoods (2.1) B(F,U)={α∈Aut(K):α(k),α−1(k)∈Uk ∀k ∈F}, where F ⊆ K is compact and U ⊆ K is an identity neighbourhood and also continuity of a homomorphism τ : H → Aut(K) is equivalent to the continuity of the map (h,k) 7→ τ (k) from H ×K onto K (see [7]). The semi-direct h productG =H⋉ K isalocallycompacttopologicalgroupwithunderlyingsetH×K whichequippedwithproduct τ τ topology and group operation is defined by (2.2) (h,k)⋉τ (h′,k′):=(hh′,kτh(k′)) and (h,k)−1 :=(h−1,τh−1(k−1)). If H := {(h,e ) : h ∈ H} and K := {(e ,k) : k ∈ K}, then K is a closed normal subgroup and H is a closed 1 K 1 H 1 1 subgroup of G . The left Haar measure of G is dµ (h,k) = δ(h)dhdk and also ∆ (h,k) = δ(h)∆ (h)∆ (k), τ τ Gτ Gτ H K where the positive and continuous homomorphism δ :H →(0,∞) is given by (Theorem 15.29 of [5]) (2.3) dk =δ(h)d(τ (k)). h Fromnow on, for all p≥1 we denote by Lp(G ) the Banachspace Lp(G ,µ ) andalso Lp(K) stands for Lp(K,dk). τ τ Gτ When f ∈Lp(G ), for a.e. h∈H the function f defined on K via f (k):=f(h,k) belongs to Lp(K) (see [4]). τ h h If K is a locally compact abelian group, due to Corollary 3.6 of [3] all irreducible representations of K are one- dimensional. Thus, if π be an irreducible unitary representation of K we have H = C and also according to the π Shur’s Lemma, there exists a continuous homomorphism ω of K into the circle group T such that for each k ∈ K and z ∈ C we have π(k)(z) = ω(k)z. Such continuous homomorphisms are called characters of K and the set of all characters of K denoted by K. If K equipped by the topology of compact convergence on K which coincides with the w∗-topology that K inherits as a subset of L∞(K), then K with respect to the dot product of characters is a b b locally compact abelian group which is called the dual group of K. The linear map F : L1(K) → C(K) defined by b b K v 7→F (v) via K b (2.4) F (v)(ω)=v(ω)= v(k)ω(k)dk, K Z K b iscalledtheFouriertransformonK. Itisanorm-decreasing∗-homomorphismfromL1(K)toC (K)withauniformly 0 dense range in C (K) (Proposition 4.13 of [3]). If φ∈L1(K), the function defined a.e. on K by 0 b (2.5) b φ˘(x)= φb(ω)ω(x)dω, Zb K belongs to L∞(K) and also for all f ∈L1(K) we have the following orthogonality relation (Parsevalformula); (2.6) f(k)φ˘(k)dk = f(ω)φ(ω)dω. Z Zb K K b The Fourier transform (2.4) on L1(K)∩L2(K) is an isometric and it extends uniquely to a unitary isomorphism from L2(K) to L2(K) (Theorem 4.25 of [3]) and also each v ∈ L1(K) with v ∈ L1(K) satisfies the following Fourier inversion formula (Theorem 4.32 of [3]); b b b (2.7) v(k)= v(ω)ω(k)dω for a.e. k ∈K. Zb K b A NEW APPROACH TO THE FOURIER ANALYSIS ON SEMI-DIRECT PRODUCTS OF GROUPS 3 3. τ-Dual group We recall that for a locally compact non-abelian group G, the standard dual space G is defined as the set of all unitary equivalence classes of all irreducible unitary representations of G. There is a topology on G called Fell b topology. But G with respect to the Fell topology is not a locally compact group in general setting (see [3]). On the b otherhandelementsofGareequivalenceclassesofirreducibleunitaryrepresentationsofGandsofromcomputational b view points there are not numericalapplicable. In this sectionwe associate to any semi-directproduct groupH⋉ K b τ with K abelian, a τ-dual structure (group) which is actually a locally compact group. Let H be a locally compact group and K be a locally compact abelian group also let τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism and G =H ⋉ K. For all h∈H and ω ∈K define the action H ×K →K via τ τ (3.1) ωh :=ω◦τh−1, b b b where ωh(k)=ω(τh−1(k)) for all k ∈K. If ω ∈K and h∈H we have ωh ∈K, because for all k,s∈K we have ωh(ks)=ω◦bτh−1(ks) b =ω(τh−1(ks)) =ω(τh−1(k)τh−1(s)) =ω(τh−1(k))ω(τh−1(s))=ωh(k)ωh(s). In the following proposition we find a suitable relation about the Plancherel measure of K and also the action of H on K due to (3.1). b Propobsition 3.1. Let K be an abelian group and τ : H →Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism. The Plancherel measure dω on K for all h∈H satisfies (3.2) b dω =δ(h)dω, h where δ :H →(0,∞) is the positive continuous homomorphism given by dk =δ(h)dτ (k). h Proof. Leth∈H andalsov ∈L1(K). Using(2.3)wehavev◦τh ∈L1(K)withkv◦τhkL1(K) =δ(h)kvkL1(K),because kv◦τhkL1(K) = |v◦τh(k)|dk Z K = |v(τ (k))|dk h Z K = |v(k)|dτh−1(k) Z K =δ(h) |v(k)|dk =δ(h)kvkL1(K). Z K Thus, for all ω ∈K we achieve b v\◦τ (ω)= v(τ (k))ω(k)dk h h Z K = v(k)ωh(k)d(τh−1(k)) Z K =δ(h) v(k)ω (k)dk =δ(h)v(ω ). h h Z K b 4 ARASHGHAANIFARASHAHI Nowletv ∈L1(K)∩L2(K). AccordingtothePlanchereltheorem(Theorem4.25of[3])andalsoprecedingcalculation, for all h∈H we get |v(ω)|2dωh = |v(ωh−1)|2dω Zb Zb K K b b =δ(h)2 |v\◦τh−1(ω)|2dω Zb K =δ(h)2 |v◦τh−1(k)|2dk Z K =δ(h)2 |v(k)|2d(τ (k)) h Z K =δ(h) |v(k)|2dk = |v(ω)|2δ(h)dω, Z Zb K K which implies (3.2). b (cid:3) Now using the action defined in (3.1) we define τ :H →Aut(K) via h7→τ , where h (3.3) τh(ωb):=ωh =ω◦bτh−1. b According to (3.3) for all h∈H we have τ ∈Aut(K). Because, if k ∈K and h∈H then for all ω,η ∈K we have h b τh(ω.ηb)(k)=(ωb.η)h(k) b b =(ω.η)◦τh−1(k) =ω.η(τh−1(k)) =ω(τh−1(k))η(τh−1(k)) =ω (k)η (k)=τ (ω)(k)τ (η)(k). h h h h Also h7→τh is a homomorphism from H into Aut(K), cause if hb,t∈H bthen for all ω ∈K and also k ∈K we have b τth(ω)(k)=ωtbh(k) b b =ω(τ(th)−1(k)) =ω(τh−1τt−1(k)) =ωh(τt−1(k)) =τh(ω)(τt−1(k))=τt[τh(ω)](k). Thus, via an algebraic viewpoint we can considber the semi-direcbt pbroduct of H and K with respect to the homo- morphism τ :H →Aut(K). Due to (2.2), τ-dual group operation for all (h,ω),(t,η)∈Gbτb=H ⋉τbK is (3.4) b b b (h,ω)⋉τb(t,η)=(ht,ω.ηh). b Now we are in the position to prove the following fundamental theorem. Theorem 3.2. Let H and K be locally compact groups with K abelian, τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homo- morphism and also let δ : H → (0,∞) be the positive continuous homomorphism given via dk = δ(h)dτ (k). The h homomorphism τ :H →Aut(K) defined in (3.1) is continuous and so that the semi-direct product H⋉τbK is a locally compact group with the left Haar measure dµ (h,ω)=δ(h)−1dhdω. b b Gτb b Proof. For α ∈ Aut(K) let α ∈ Aut(K) be given for all ω ∈ K by α(ω) := ω ◦α−1 where for all k ∈ K we have ω ◦α−1(k) = ω(α−1(k)). Due to Theorem 26.9 and also Theorem 26.5 of [5] the mapping : Aut(K) → Aut(K) b b b b defined by α7→α is a topological group isomorphism and so it is continuous. According to the following diagram b b τ b (3.5) b H →Aut(K)→Aut(K), b A NEW APPROACH TO THE FOURIER ANALYSIS ON SEMI-DIRECT PRODUCTS OF GROUPS 5 the homomorphismτ :H →Aut(K) definedin (3.1) is continuous. Thus, the semi-directproductH⋉τbK is a locally compact group and balso Propositiobn 3.1 shows that δ(h)−1dhdω is a left Haar measure for H ⋉τbK. b (cid:3) The semi-direct product Gτb = H ⋉τb K mentioned in Theorem 3.2, called the τ-dual groupbof Gτ = H ⋉τ K. The most important advantage of this definition as a kind of a dual space for semi direct product of locally compact b groups is that its elements are numerical computable and also this dual space is merely a locally compact group. It is worthwhile to note that, when H is the identity group, the τ-dual group of G = K coincides with the usual dual τ group K of K. When K is abelian locally compact group and τ : H → Aut(K) is a continuous homomorphism, we call K as the Fourier factor of the semi-direct product G =H ⋉ K. b τ τ DuetothePontrjagindualitytheorem(Theorem4.31of[3]),eachk ∈K definesacharacterkonK viak(ω)=ω(k) and also the map k 7→k is a topological group isomorphism from K onto K. Via the same mbethodbas inbtroduced in (3.1) the τ-dual group obperation, for all (h,k) and (t,s) in Gbτb=H ⋉bτbK isbb (3.6) b b(h,k)⋉bτb(bt,s)=(ht,kτh(s))bb, b b bbb b where τ :H →Aut(K) is given by (3.7) bb bb τh(k)(ω)=ωh−1(k), for all ω ∈K and (h,k)∈Gτ. Because, due to (3bb.3)bwe have b τh(k)(ω)=k◦τh−1(ω) bb b =bk(τbh−1(ω)) =bk(ωbh−1)=ωh−1(k). In the sequel we provea type of Pontrjaginduality tbheorem for τ-dual groupof semi directproduct of groups. But first we prove a short lemma. Lemma 3.3. Let K be an abelian group and τ :H →Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism also let G =H⋉ K. τ τ Then, for all (h,k)∈G we have τ [ (3.8) τ (k)=τ (k). h h Proof. Let (h,k)∈G and also let ω ∈K. Using duality nobbtatbion and also (3.7) we have τ b τ[(k)(ω)=ω(τ (k)) h h =ω◦τ (k) h =ωh−1(k)=τh(k)(ω). bb b (cid:3) Next theorem gives us a subtle topologicalgroup isomorphism form Gτ onto Gbτb. In fact, the next theorem can be considered as the Pontrjagin duality theorem for τ-dual group of semi-direct product of groups. Theorem 3.4. Let H be a locally compact group, K be a locally compact abelian group and τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism also let Gτ =H ⋉τ K. The map Θ:Gτ →Gbτb defined by (3.9) (h,k)7→Θ(h,k):=(h,k), is a topological group isomorphism. b 6 ARASHGHAANIFARASHAHI Proof. First we show that Θ is a homomorphism. Let (h,k),(t,s) in G . Since the map k 7→ k is a homomorphism τ and also using Lemma 3.3 we have b Θ((h,k)⋉ (t,s))=Θ(ht,kτ (s)) τ h \ = ht,kτ (s) h (cid:16) (cid:17) [ = ht,kτ (s) h (cid:16) (cid:17) b = ht,kτ (s) h (cid:16) (cid:17) =(h,k)bbb⋉bτbb(t,s)=Θ(h,k)⋉bτbΘ(t,s). NowusingPontrjaginTheorem(Theorem4.31of[3]),tbhemapkb7→k isatopologicalgroupisomorphismfromK onto K which implies that the map Θ is also a homeomorphism. Thus Θ is a topological group isomorphism. (cid:3) b Rbemark 3.5. From now on due to Theorem 3.4 we can identify Gbτb with Gτ via the topological group isomorphism Θ defined in (3.9). More precisely, we may identify an element (h,k)∈Gbτb with (h,k). 4. τ-Fourier tranbsform In this section we study the τ-Fourier analysis on the semi-direct product G . τ We define the τ-Fourier transform of f ∈L1(Gτ) for a.e. (h,ω)∈Gτb by (4.1) F (f)(h,ω):=δ(h)F (f )(ω)=δ(h) f(h,k)ω(k)dk. τ K h Z K In the next theorem we prove a Parseval formula for the τ-Fourier transform. Theorem 4.1. Let τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism and G = H ⋉ K with K abelian also let τ τ f ∈L1(Gτ) and Ψ∈L1(Gτb). Define the function g for a.e. (h,k)∈Gτ by (4.2) g(h,k):= Ψ(h,ω)ω(k)dω. Zb K Then, F (f) belongs to L∞(K) and g belongs to L∞(K) for a.e. h ∈ H also we have the following orthogonality τ h h relations; b (4.3) δ(h)−1f(h,k)g(h,k)dµ (h,k)= F (f)(h,ω)Ψ(h,ω)dµ (h,ω), Z Gτ Z τ Gτb Gτ Gτb (4.4) f(h,k)g(h,k)dµ (h,k)= δ(h)F (f)(h,ω)Ψ(h,ω)dµ (h,ω). Z Gτ Z τ Gτb Gτ Gτb Proof. Let f ∈ L1(Gτ) and Ψ ∈ L1(Gτb). It is clear that for a.e. h ∈ H we have Fτ(f)h ∈ L∞(K) and gh ∈ L∞(K). Using ParsevalTheorem (2.6), we get b (4.5) f(h,k)g(h,k)dk = F (f )(ω)Ψ(h,ω)dω. K h Z Zb K K Thus by (4.5) we have δ(h)−1f(h,k)g(h,k)dµ (h,k)= f(h,k)g(h,k)dk dh Z Gτ Z (cid:18)Z (cid:19) Gτ H K = F (f )(ω)Ψ(h,ω)dω dh= F (f)(h,ω)Ψ(h,ω)dµ (h,ω). Z (cid:18)Zb K h (cid:19) Z τ Gτb H K Gτb The same argument and also (4.5) implies (4.4). (cid:3) A NEW APPROACH TO THE FOURIER ANALYSIS ON SEMI-DIRECT PRODUCTS OF GROUPS 7 Due to (4.1), if f ∈ L2(G ) we have f ∈ L2(K) for a.e. h ∈ H. Thus, according to Theorem 4.25 of [3], F (f ) τ h K h is well-defined for a.e. h∈H. Now, in the following theorem we show that the τ-Fourier transform (4.1) is a unitary transform from L2(Gτ) onto L2(Gτb). The next theorem can be considered as a Plancherel formula for the τ-Fourier transform. Theorem4.2. Letτ :H →Aut(K)beacontinuoushomomorphism andG =H⋉ K withK abelian. Theτ-Fourier τ τ transform (4.1) on L2(Gτ) is an isometric transform from L2(Gτ) onto L2(Gτb). Proof. Let f ∈L2(G ). Using Fubini’s theorem and also Plancherel theorem (Theorem 4.25 of [3]) we have τ kF (f)k2 = |F (f)(h,ω)|2dµ (h,ω) τ L2(Gτb) Z τ Gτb Gτb = |F (f )(ω)|2dω δ(h)dh K h Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) H K = |f (k)|2dk δ(h)dh h Z (cid:18)Z (cid:19) H K = |f(h,k)|2δ(h)dkdh Z Z H K = |f(h,k)|2dµ (h,k)=kfk2 . Z Gτ L2(Gτ) Gτ Therefore, the linear map f 7→ F (f) is an isometric in the L2-norm. Now we show that, it is also surjective. Let τ φ ∈ L2(Gτb). Then, for a.e. h ∈ H we have φh ∈ L2(K). Again using the Plancherel Theorem, there is a unique vh ∈L2(K) such that we have F (vh)=φ . Put f(h,k):=δ(h)−1vh(k), then we have f ∈L2(G ). Because, K h b τ |f(h,k)|2dµ (h,k)= |f(h,k)|2δ(h)dhdk Z Gτ Z Z Gτ H K = |vh(k)|2dk δ(h)−1dh Z (cid:18)Z (cid:19) H K = |F (vh)(ω)|2dω δ(h)−1dh K Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) H K = |φ (ω)|2dω δ(h)dh h Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) H K = |φ(h,ω)|2dµ (h,ω)<∞. Z Gτb Gτb Also, for a.e. (h,ω)∈Gτb we have F (f)(h,ω)=δ(h)F (f )(ω) τ K h =F (vh)(ω) K =φ (ω)=φ(h,ω). h (cid:3) Now we can prove the following Fourier inversion theorem for the τ-Fourier transform defined in (4.1). Theorem 4.3. Let τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism and G = H ⋉ K with K abelian also let τ τ f ∈L1(Gτ) with Fτ(f)∈L1(Gτb). Then, for a.e. (h,k)∈Gτ we have the following reconstruction formula; (4.6) f(h,k)=δ(h)−1 F (f)(h,ω)ω(k)dω. τ Zb K 8 ARASHGHAANIFARASHAHI Proof. Let f ∈L1(Gτ) with Fτ(f)∈L1(Gτb). Then, for a.e. h∈H we have fh ∈L1(K) and FK(fh)∈L1(K). Using Theorem 4.32 of [3], for a.e. (h,k)∈G we have τ b f(h,k)= F (f )(ω)ω(k)dω K h Zb K =δ(h)−1 δ(h)F (f )(ω)ω(k)dω =δ(h)−1 F (f)(h,ω)ω(k)dω. K h τ Zb Zb K K (cid:3) We can also define the generalized τ-Fourier transform of f ∈L1(Gτ) for a.e. (h,ω)∈Gτb by (4.7) F♯(f)(h,ω):=δ(h)3/2F (f )(ω )=δ(h)3/2 f(h,k)ω (k)dk. τ K h h Z h K The following Parsevalformula for the generalized τ-Fourier transform can be also proved. Theorem 4.4. Let τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism and G = H ⋉ K with K abelian also let τ τ f ∈L1(Gτ) and Ψ∈L1(Gτb). Define the function g for a.e. (h,k)∈Gτ by (4.8) g(h,k):= Ψ(h,ω)ω (k)dω. h Zb K Then, F♯(f) belongs to L∞(K) and g belongs to L∞(K) for a.e. h ∈ H also we have the following orthogonality τ h h relations; b (4.9) δ(h)−1/2f(h,k)g(h,k)dµ (h,k)= F♯(f)(h,ω)Ψ(h,ω)dµ (h,ω), Z Gτ Z τ Gτb Gτ Gτb (4.10) f(h,k)g(h,k)dµ (h,k)= δ(h)1/2F♯(f)(h,ω)Ψ(h,ω)dµ (h,ω). Z Gτ Z τ Gτb Gτ Gτb Proof. It is easy to check that for a.e. h ∈ H, F♯(f) belongs to L∞(K) and also g belongs to L∞(K). Using τ h h Fubini’s Theorem and also the standard Parseval formula (2.6) for a.e. h∈H we get b f(h,k)g(h,k)dk = f(h,k) Ψ(h,ω)ω (k)dω dk h Z Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) K K K = f (k)ω (k)dk Ψ(h,ω)dω h h Zb (cid:18)Z (cid:19) K K = f (ω )Ψ(h,ω)dω =δ(h)−3/2 F♯(f)(h,ω)Ψ(h,ω)dω. Zb h h Zb τ K K Now, we achieve c δ(h)−1/2f(h,k)g(h,k)dµ (h,k)= f(h,k)g(h,k)dk δ(h)1/2dh Z Gτ Z (cid:18)Z (cid:19) Gτ H K = F♯(f)(h,ω)Ψ(h,ω)dω δ(h)−1dh= F♯(f)(h,ω)Ψ(h,ω)dµ (h,ω). Z (cid:18)Zb τ (cid:19) Z τ Gτb H K Gτb The same method implies (4.10). (cid:3) If we choose f in L2(G ), then for a.e. h ∈ H we have f ∈ L2(K) and so that according to Theorem 4.25 of τ h [3], F (f ) belongs to L2(K). In the following theorem, we show that the generalized τ-Fourier transform (4.7) is a K h unitary transform from L2(bGτ) onto L2(Gτb). Theorem 4.5. Let τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism and G = H ⋉ K with K abelian. The τ τ generalized τ-Fourier transform (4.7) is an isometric transform from L2(Gτ) onto L2(Gτb). A NEW APPROACH TO THE FOURIER ANALYSIS ON SEMI-DIRECT PRODUCTS OF GROUPS 9 Proof. Let f ∈L2(G ). Due to Proposition 3.1, Fubini’s theorem and also Plancherel theorem (Theorem 4.25 of [3]) τ we have kF♯(f)k2 = |F♯(f)(h,ω)|2dµ (h,k) τ L2(Gτb) Z τ Gτb Gτb = |F♯(f)(h,ω)|2dk δ(h)−1dh Z (cid:18)Zb τ (cid:19) H K = |F (f )(ω )|2dω δ(h)2dh K h h Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) H K =Z (cid:18)Zb |FK(fh)(ω)|2dωh−1(cid:19)δ(h)2dh H K = |F (f )(ω)|2dω δ(h)dh K h Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) H K = |f(h,k)|2dk δ(h)dh Z (cid:18)Z (cid:19) H K = |f(h,k)|2dµ (h,k)=kfk2 . Z Gτ L2(Gτ) Gτ Now to show that the generalized τ-Fourier transform (4.7) maps L2(Gτ) onto L2(Gτb), let φ ∈ L2(Gτb) be given. Then, for a.e. h ∈ H we have φ ∈ L2(K) and so that there is unique vh ∈ L2(K) with F (vh) = φ . Put h K h f(h,k)=δ(h)−1/2vh◦τh−1(k). Then we have f ∈L2(Gτ), because kfk2 = |f(h,k)|2dµ (h,k) L2(Gτ) Z Gτ Gτ = |f(h,k)|2dk δ(h)dh Z (cid:18)Z (cid:19) H K =Z (cid:18)Z |vh◦τh−1(k)|2dk(cid:19)dh H K =Z (cid:18)Zb |FK(vh◦τh−1)(ω)|2dω(cid:19)dh H K =Z (cid:18)Zb |FK(vh)(ωh−1)|2dω(cid:19)δ(h)−2dh H K = |F (vh)(ω)|2dω δ(h)−2dh K h Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) H K = |F (vh)(ω)|2dω δ(h)−1dh K Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) H K = |φ(h,ω)|2dω δ(h)−1dh=kφk2 . Z (cid:18)Zb (cid:19) L2(Gτb) H K Also, we have F♯(f)=δ(h)3/2F (f )(ω ) τ K h h =δ(h)FK(vh◦τh−1)(ωh) =F (vh)(ω)=φ(h,ω). K (cid:3) In the following we prove an inversion formula for the generalized τ-Fourier transform defined in (4.7). 10 ARASHGHAANIFARASHAHI Theorem 4.6. Let τ : H → Aut(K) be a continuous homomorphism and G = H ⋉ K with K abelian also let τ τ f ∈L1(Gτ) with Fτ♯(f)∈L1(Gτb). Then, for a.e. (h,k)∈Gτ we have the following reconstruction formula; (4.11) f(h,k)=δ(h)−1/2 F♯(f)(h,ω)ω (k)dω. Zb τ h K Proof. Let f ∈L1(Gτ) and also let Fτ♯(f)∈L1(Gτb). Due to Proposition 3.1, for a.e. h∈H we have |FK(fh)(ωh)|dω = |FK(fh)(ω)|dωh−1 =δ(h)−1 |FK(fh)(ω)|dω. Zb Zb Zb K K K Thus, for a.e. h ∈ H we get F (f ) ∈ L1(K). Now, using Theorem 4.32 of [3] and also Proposition 3.1 for a.e. K h (h,k)∈G we achieve τ b f(h,k)= F (f )(ω)ω(k)dω K h Zb K = F (f )(ω )ω (k)dω K h h h h Zb K =δ(h) F (f )(ω )ω (k)dω K h h h Zb K =δ(h)−1/2 δ(h)3/2F (f )(ω )ω (k)dω =δ(h)−1/2 F♯(f)(h,ω)ω (k)dω. Zb K h h h Zb τ h K K (cid:3) 5. Examples As an application we study the theory of τ-Fourier transform for the affine group ax+b. 5.1. Affine group ax+b. Let H = R∗ = (0,+∞) and K = R. The affine group ax+b is the semi direct product + H⋉ K withrespecttothehomomorphismτ :H →Aut(K)givenbya7→τ ,whereτ (b)=ab. Hencetheunderlying τ a a manifold of the affine group is (0,∞)×R and also the group law is (5.1) (a,b)⋉ (a′,b′)=(aa′,b+ab′). τ The continuous homomorphism δ : H → (0,∞) is given by δ(a) = a−1 and so that the left Haar measure is in fact dµ (a,b)=a−2dadb. Due to Theorem 4.5 of [3] we can identify R with R via ω(b)= hb,ωi=e2πiωb for each ω ∈R Gτ and so we can consider the continuous homomorphism τ :H →Aut(K) given by a7→τ via b a b hb,τa(ω)i=hb,ωai b b b b =hτa−1(b),ωi=ha−1b,ωi=e2πiωa−1b. Thus, τ-dual group of the affine group again has the underlying manifold (0,∞)×R, with τ-dual group law given by (5.2) (a,ω)⋉τb(a′,ω′)=(aa′,ω+ωa′)=(aa′,ω+a−1ω′). Using Theorem 3.2, the left Haar measure dµGτb(a,ω) of Gτb is precisely dadω. Now we recall that the standard dual space of the affine groupwhich is precisely the set of allunitary irreducible representationsof the affine groupax+b, are described via Theorem 6.42 of [3] and also Theorem 7.50 of [3] guarantee the following Plancherel formula; ∞ +∞ |f(a,b)|2 (5.3) kf(π+)k2HS+kf(π−)k2HS =Z0 Z−∞ a2 dadb, for all measurable function f :(0,∞b )×R→C bsatisfying ∞ +∞ |f(a,b)|2 (5.4) dadb<∞. Z0 Z−∞ a2

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