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AUTHOR INDEX Hiraki, Akemi: Tradition, rationality, and power in introductory nursing textbooks: A critical Advances in Nursing Science hermeneutics study. 1992;14(3):1-12. Volume 14 Hopkins, Barbara A.: see Acton (1991). Hughes, Linda: Faculty-student interactions and the student perceived climate for caring. A 1992;14(3):60-71. Acton, Gayle J., Barbara L. Irvin, & Barbara A. Hopkins: Theory-testing research: Building the I science. 1991;14(1):52-61. Irvin, Barbara L.: see Acton (1991). B J Baldwin, Joan H. see Kulbok (1992). Jennings, Bonnie Mowinski: Patient outcomes Benner, Patricia: The role of experience, narrative research: Seizing the opportunity. 1991;14(2):59- and community in skilled ethical comportment. 12: 1991;14(2):1-21. Johnson, Joy L.: Nursing science: Basic, applied, or Benner, Patricia, Christine Tanner & Catherine practical? Implications for the art of nursing. Chesla: From beginner to expert: Gaining a 1991;14(1):7—16. differentiated clinical world in critical care nursing. 1992;14(3):13-28. K Bottorff, Joan L.: Nursing: A practical science of Kleffel, Dorothy: Rethinking the environment as a caring. 1991;14(1):26—39. domain of nursing knowledge. 1991;14(1):40-S1. Kulbok, Pamela A. & Joan H. Baldwin: From Cc Chesla, Catherine: see Benner (1992). preventive health behavior to health promotion: Advancing a positive construct of health. Cimprich, Bernadine: A theoretical perspective 1992(14)4:50-64. on attention and patient education. 1992; 14(3):39-51. L Cooper, Mary Carolyn: Principle-oriented ethics and Lenz, Elizabeth R.: see Troumbley (1992). the ethic of care: A creative tension. 1991;14(2):22-31. M Corcoran-Perry, Sheila A.: see Newman (1991). MacPherson, Kathleen I.: Cardiovascular disease in D women and noncontraceptive use of hormones: A Davidson, Alice Ware & Marilyn A. Ray: Studying feminist analysis. 1992;14(4):34—49. the human-environment phenomenon using the Mitchell, Gail J.: see Nagle 1991). science of complexity. 1991;14(2):73-87. Denyes, Mary J.: see Villarruel (1991). N Diekelmann, Nancy L.: Learning-as-testing: A Nagle, Lynn M. & Gail J. Mitchell: Theoretic Heideggerian hermeneutical analysis of the lived diversity: Evolving paradigmatic issues in experiences of students and teachers in nursing. research and practice. 1991;14(1):17-25. 1992;14(3):72-83. Newman, Margaret A., A. Marilyn Sime & Sheila A. Doering, Lynn: Power and knowledge in nursing: A Corcoran-Perry: The focus of the discipline of feminist poststructuralist view. 1992;14-4:24—33. nursing. 1991;14(1):1-6. E O Early, Steven L.: see Hagerty (1992). Olsen, Douglas P.: Empathy as an ethical and G philosophical basis for nursing. 1991;14(1):62-75. Gortner, Susan R.: see Schumacher (1992). P H Powers, Bethel Ann: The meaning of nursing home Hagerty, Bonnie M.K. & Steven L. Early: The friendships. 1991;14(2):42-S8. influence of liberal education on professional nursing practice: A proposed model. R 1992;14(3):29-38. Ray, Marilyn A.: see Davidson (1991). 80 ADVANCES IN NursING SCIENCE/JUNE 1992 S Cc Schumacher, Karen L. & Susan R. Gortner: Cardiovascular disease (Mis)conceptions and reconceptions about Cardiovascular disease in women and traditional science. 1992;14(4):1-11. noncontraceptive use of hormones: A feminist Silva, Mary Cipriano & Jeanne Merkle Sorrell: analysis. (MacPherson) 1992; 14(4):34—49. Testing of nursing theory: Critique and philo- Caring sophical expansion. 1992; 14(4):12-23. Enhancing esthetic knowing: A teaching strategy. Sime, A. Marilyn: see Newman (1991). (Smith) 1992;14(3):52-59. Smith, Mary Jane: Enhancing esthetic knowing: A Faculty-student interactions and the student teaching strategy. 1992;14(3):52-59. perceived climate for caring. (Hughes) Sorrell, Jeanne Merkle: see Silva (1992). 1992;14(3):60-71. T Nursing: A practical science of caring. (Bottorff) Tanner, Christine: see Benner (1992). 1991;14(1):26-39. Troumbley, Patricia F. & Elizabeth R. Lenz: Principle-oriented ethics and the ethic of care: A Application of Cox’s interaction model of client creative tension. (Cooper) 1991;14(2):22-31. health behavior in a weight control program for The focus of the discipline of nursing. (Newman, military personnel: Pre-intervention baseline. Sime & Corcoran-Perry) 1991;14(1):1-6. 1992;14(4):65-78. Children Vv Pain assessment in children: Theoretical and Villarruel, Antonia M. & Mary J. Denyes: Pain empirical validity. (Villarruel & Denyes) assessment in children: Theoretical and empirical 1991;14(2):32-41. validity. 1991;14(2):32-41. Complexity Y Studying the human-environment phenomenon using Younger, Janet B.: A theory of mastery. the science of complexity. (Davidson & Ray) 1991;14(1):76-89. 1991;14(2):73-87. Concept Analysis Empathy as an ethical and philosophical basis for nursing. (Olsen) 1991;14(1):62-75. SUBJECT INDEX From preventive health behavior to health promo- tion: Advancing a positive construct of health. Advances in Nursing Science (Kulbok & Baldwin) 1992;14(4):50-64. Volume 14 Cox's Model of Health Promotion Application of Cox’s interaction model of client A health behavior in a weight control program for Art of Nursing u military personnel: A pre-intervention baseline. Nursing science: Basic, applied, or practical? (Troumbley & Lenz) 1992;14(4):65-78. Implications for the art of nursing. (Johnson) Curriculum development 1991;14(1):7-16. Learning-as-testing: A Heideggerian hermeneuti- Assessment cal analysis of the lived experiences of students Pain assessment in children: Theoretical and and teachers in nursing. (Diekelmann) empirical validity. (Villarruel & Denyes) 1992;14(3):72-83. 1991;14(2):32-41. Critical theory Attention Tradition, rationality, and power in introductory A theoretical perspective on attention and patient nursing textbooks: A critical hermeneutics study. education. (Cimprich) 1992;14(3):39-51. (Hiraki) 1992;14(3):1-12. B Critique and Replication (Volume 14:4, June 1992) Behavior Application of Cox’s interaction model of client From preventive health behavior to health promo- health behavior in a weight control program for tion: Advancing a positive construct of health. military personnel: A pre-intervention baseline. (Kulbok & Baldwin) 1992;14(4):50-64. (Troumbley & Lenz) 1992;14(4):65-78. Cardiovascular disease in women and Studying the human-environment phenomenon using noncontraceptive use of hormones: A feminist the science of complexity. (Davidson & Ray) analysis. (MacPherson) 1992;14(4):34—69. 1991;14(2):73-87. From preventive health behavior to health promo- Esthetics tion: Advancing a positive construct of health. Enhancing esthetic knowing: A teaching strategy. (Kulbok & Baldwin) 1992;14(4):50-64. (Smith) 1992;14(3):52-59. (Mis)conceptions and reconceptions about tradi- tional science. (Schumacher & Gortner) Estrogen replacement 1992;14(4):1-11. Cardiovascular disease in women and Power and knowledge in nursing: A feminist noncontraceptive use of hormones: A feminist poststructuralist view. (Doerring) 1992; analysis. (MacPherson) 1992;14(4):34—49. 14(4):24-33. Ethics Testing of nursing theory: Critique and philosophical Empathy as an ethical and philosophical basis for expansion. (Silva & Sorrell) 1992;14(4):12-23. nursing. (Olsen) 1991;14(1):62-75. Principle-oriented ethics and the ethic of care: A D creative tension. (Cooper) 1991;14(2):22-31. Discipline of Nursing The role of experience, narrative and community in The focus of the discipline of nursing. (Newman, skilled ethical comportment. (Benner) Sime & Corcoran-Perry) 1991;14(1):1-6. 1991;14(2):1-21. Diversity, theoretic Evaluation Theoretic diversity: Evolving paradigmatic issues in Patient outcomes research: Seizing the opportunity. research and practice (Nagle & Mitchell) (Jennings) 1991;14(2):59-72. 1991;14(1):17-25. Theory-testing research: Building the science. (Acton, Irvin & Hopkins) 1991;14(1):52-61. E Education, liberal Existentialism The influence of liberal education on professional A theory of mastery. (Younger) 1991;14(1):76-89. nursing practice: A proposed model. (Hagerty & Expertise Early) 1992;14(3):29-38. From beginner to expert: Gaining a differentiated Education, nursing clinical world in critical care nursing. (Benner, Enhancing esthetic knowing: A teaching strategy. Tanner & Chesla) 1992;14(3):13-28. (Smith) 1992;14(3):52-59. F Faculty-student interactions and the student Feminism perceived climate for caring. (Hughes) Cardiovascular disease in women and 1992;14(3):60-71. noncontraceptive use of hormones: A feminist Learning-as-testing: A Heideggerian hermeneuti- analysis. (MacPherson) 1992;14(4):34—49. cal analysis of the lived experiences of students Power and knowledge in nursing: A feminist and teachers in nursing. (Diekelmann) poststructuralist view. (Doerring) 1992; 1992;14(3):72-83. 14(4):24-33. Education, patient Friendship A theoretical perspective on attention and patient The meaning of nursing home friendships. (Powers) education. (Cimprich) 1992;14(3):39-51. 1991;14(2):42-58. Elderly H The meaning of nursing home friendships. (Powers) Health 1991;14(2):42-5S8. The focus of the discipline of nursing. (Newman, Empathy Sime & Corcoran-Perry) 1991;14(1):1-6. Empathy as an ethical and philosophical basis for Health promotion nursing. (Olsen) 1991;14(1):62-75. Application of Cox’s interaction model of client Environment health behavior in a weight control program for Rethinking the environment as a domain of nursing military personnel: A pre-intervention baseline. knowledge. (Kleffel) 1991;14(1):40-51. (Troumbley & Lenz) 1992;14(4):65-78. 82 ADVANCES IN NursING SCIENCE/JUNE 1992 From preventive health behavior to health promo- Faculty-student interactions and the student tion: Advancing a positive construct of health. perceived climate for caring. (Hughes) (Kulbok & Baldwin) 1992;14(4):50-64. 1992;14(3):60-71. From beginner to expert: Gaining a differentiated Hermeneutics clinical world in critical care nursing. (Benner, Learning-as-testing: A Heideggerian hermeneuti- Tanner & Chesla) 1992;14(3):13-28. cal analysis of the lived experiences of students Learning-as-testing: A Heideggerian hermeneuti- and teachers in nursing. (Diekelmann) cal analysis of the lived experiences of students 1992;14(3):72-83. and teachers in nursing. (Diekelmann) Tradition, rationality, and power in introductory 1992;14(3):72-83. nursing textbooks: A critical hermeneutics study. The influence of liberal education on professional (Hiraki) 1992;14(3):1-12. nursing practice: A proposed model. (Hagerty & Early) 1992;14(3):29-38. I Tradition, rationality and power in introductory Illness prevention nursing textbooks: A critical hermeneutics study. From preventive health behavior to health promo- (Hiraki) 1992;14(3):1-12. tion: Advancing a positive construct of health. (Kulbok & Baldwin) 1992;14(4):50-64. Instrument development M Pain assessment in children: Theoretical and Mastery empirical validity. (Villarruel & Denyes) A theory of mastery. (Younger) 1991;14(1):76-89. 1991;14(2):32-41. Meaning Enhancing esthetic knowing: A teaching strategy. K (Smith) 1992;14(3):52-59. Knowledge development (Mis)conceptions and reconceptions about tradi- Menopause tional science. (Schumacher & Gortner) Cardiovascular disease in women and 1992;14(4):1-11. noncontraceptive use of hormones: A feminist Nursing: A practical science of caring. (Bottorff) analysis. (MacPherson) 1992;14(4):34-49. 1991;14(1):26-39. Nursing science: Basic, applied, or practical? N Implications for the art of nursing. (Johnson) Narrative 1991;14(1):7-16. From beginner to expert: Gaining a differentiated Power and knowledge in nursing: A feminist clinical world in critical care nursing. (Benner, poststructuralist view. (Doerring) 1992; Tanner & Chesla) 1992;14(3):13-28. 14(4):24-33. Principle-oriented ethics and the ethic of care: A Rethinking the environment as a domain of nursing creative tension. (Cooper) 1991;14(2):22-31. knowledge. (Kleffel) 1991;14(1):40-51. The role of experience, narrative and community in The focus of the discipline of nursing. (Newman, skilled ethical comportment. (Benner) Sime & Corcoran-Perry) 1991;14(1):1-6. 1991;14(2):1-21. Theoretic diversity: Evolving paradigmatic issues in research and practice (Nagle & Mitchell) Noddings, Nel 1991;14(1):17-25. Faculty-student interactions and the student perceived climate for caring. (Hughes) L 1992;14(3):60-71. Language Nursing practice research (Volume 14:2, December Tradition, rationality, and power in introductory 1991) nursing textbooks: A critical hermeneutics study. Pain assessment in children: Theoretical and (Hiraki) 1992;14(3):1-12. empirical validity. (Villarruel & Denyes) Learning and education (Volume 14:3, March 1992) 1991;14(2):32-41. A theoretical perspective on attention and patient Patient outcomes research: Seizing the opportunity. education. (Cimprich) 1992;14(3):39-51. (Jennings) 1991;14(2):59-72. Enhancing esthetic knowing: A teaching strategy. Principle-oriented ethics and the ethic of care: A (Smith) 1992;14(3):52-59. creative tension. (Cooper) 1991;14(2):22-31. Studying the human-environment phenomenon using Rethinking the environment as a domain of nursing the science of complexity. (Davidson & Ray) knowledge. (Kleffel) 1991;14(1):40-S1. 1991;14(2):73-87. The focus of the discipline of nursing. (Newman, The meaning of nursing home friendships. (Powers) Sime & Corcoran-Perry) 1991;14(1):1-6. 1991;14(2):42-58. Theoretic diversity: Evolving paradigmatic issues in The role of experience, narrative and community in research and practice (Nagle & Mitchell) skilled ethical comportment. (Benner) 1991;14(1):17-25. 1991;14(2):1-21. Theory-testing research: Building the science. (Acton, Irvin & Hopkins) 1991;14(1);52-61. Nursing process Tradition, rationality, and power in introductory Poststructuralism nursing textbooks: A critical hermeneutics study. Power and knowledge in nursing: A feminist (Hiraki) 1992;14(3):1-12. poststructuralist view. (Doerring) 1992; 14(4):24-33. O Power Outcomes Power and knowledge in nursing: A feminist Patient outcomes research: Seizing the opportunity. poststructuralist view. (Doerring) 1992; (Jennings) 1991;14(2):59-72. 14(4):24-33. P Practice Pain Testing of nursing theory: Critique and philosophical Pain assessment in children: Theoretical and expansion. (Silva & Sorrell) 1992;14(4):12-23. empirical validity. (Villarruel & Denyes) The influence of liberal education on professional 1991;14(2):32-41. nursing practice: A proposed model. (Hagerty & Early) 1992;14(3):29-38. Paradigms The role of experience, narrative and community in Rethinking the environment as a domain of nursing skilled ethical comportment. (Benner) knowledge. (Kleffel) 1991;14(1):40-51. 1991;14(2):1-21. Studying the human-environment phenomenon using the science of complexity. (Davidson & Ray) 1991;14(2):73-87. R Theoretic diversity: Evolving paradigmatic issues in Research methods research and practice (Nagle & Mitchell) Patient outcomes research: Seizing the opportunity. 1991;14(1):17-25. (Jennings) 1991;14(2):59-72. Studying the human-environment phenomenon using Phenomenology the science of complexity. (Davidson & Ray) From beginner to expert: Gaining a differentiated 1991;14(2):73-87. clinical world in critical care nursing. (Benner, Testing of nursing theory: Critique and philosophical Tanner & Chesla) 1992;14(3):13-28. expansion. (Silva & Sorrell) 1992;14(4):12-23. Philosophy i Theory-testing research: Building the science. (Mis)conceptions and reconceptions about tradi- (Acton, Irvin & Hopkins) 1991;14(1):52-61. tional science. (Schumacher & Gortner) 1992;14(4):1-11. S Testing of nursing theory: Critique and philosophical Science expansion. (Silva & Sorrell) 1992;14(4):12-23. (Mis)conceptions and reconceptions about tradi- Philosophy of Nursing Science (Volume 14:1, Sep- tional science. (Schumacher & Gortner) tember 1991) 1992;14(4):1-11. A theory of mastery. (Younger) 1991;14(1):76-89. Nursing: A practical science of caring. (Bottorff) Empathy as an ethical and philosophical basis for 1991;14(1):26-39. nursing. (Olsen) 1991;14(1):62-75. Nursing science: Basic, applied, or practical? Nursing: A practical science of caring. (Bottorff) Implications for the art of nursing. (Johnson) 1991;14(1):26-39. 1991;14(1):7-16. Nursing science: Basic, applied, or practical? Power and knowledge in nursing: A feminist Implications for the art of nursing. (Johnson) poststructuralist view. (Doerring) 1992; 1991;14(1):7-16. 14(4):24-33. 84 ADVANCES IN NursING SCIENCE/JUNE 1992 Studying the human-environment phenomenon using Patient ouicomes research: Seizing the opportunity. the science of complexity. (Davidson & Ray) (Jennings) 1991;14(2):59-72. 1991;14(2):73-87. Testing of nursing theory: Critique and philosophical expansion. (Silva & Sorrell) 1992;14(4):12-23. Skill acquisition Theory-testing research: Building the science. From beginner to expert: Gaining a differentiated (Acton, Irvin & Hopkins) 1991;14(1):52-61. clinical world in critical care nursing. (Benner, Tanner & Chesla) 1992;14(3):13-28. Therapeutics A theoretical perspective on attention and patient Social networks education. (Cimprich) 1992;14(3):39-51. The meaning of nursing home friendships. (Powers) 1991;14(2):42-58. Ww Stress Weight control A theory of mastery. (Younger) 1991;14(1):76-89. Application of Cox’s interaction model of client T health behavior in a weight control program for Textbooks military personnel: A pre-intervention baseline. Tradition, rationality, and power in introductory (Froumbley & Lenz) 1992;14(4):65-78. nursing textbooks: A critical hermeneutics study. Women's health (Hiraki) 1992;14(3):1-12. Cardiovascular disease in women and Theory development noncontraceptive use of hormones: A feminist A theory of mastery. (Younger) 1991;14(1):76-89. analysis. (MacPherson) 1992;14(4):34—49.

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