A MULTISCALE-ANALYSIS OF STOCHASTIC BISTABLE REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATIONS J.KRU¨GERANDW.STANNAT 7 1 Abstract. A multiscale analysis of 1D stochastic bistable reaction-diffusion equations with 0 additivenoiseiscarriedoutw.r.t. travellingwaveswithinthevariationalapproachtostochastic 2 partial differential equations. It isshownwithexplicit errorestimates on appropriatefunction spaces that up to lower order w.r.t. the noise amplitude, the solution can be decomposed n into the orthogonal sum of a travelling wave moving with random speed and into Gaussian a J fluctuations. A stochastic differential equation describingthe speed of the travellingwave and alinear stochastic partial differential equation describing the fluctuations arederivedinterms 6 ofthecoefficients. Ourresultsextendcorrespondingresultsobtainedforstochasticneuralfield equations tothepresentclassofstochasticdynamics. ] R P . h 1. Introduction t a Consider the reaction-diffusion equation m [ (1.1) ∂tv(t,x)=ν∂x2xv(t,x)+bf(v(t,x)),t>0,x∈R for strictly positive constants ν, b>0 and bistable reaction term 1 v f(0)=f(a)=f(1)=0 for some a (0,1) 8 ∈ 8 (A1) f(x)<0 for x (0,a),f(x)>0 for x (a,1) ∈ ∈ 6 f′(0)<0,f′(a)>0,f′(1)<0. 1 0 It is well-known that under the above assumptions (1.1) admits a travelling wave solution, i.e. 1. a monotone increasing C2-function vˆ, connecting the stable fixed points 0 and 1 of the reaction 0 term, satisfying 7 (1.2) cvˆ =νvˆ +bf(vˆ) 1 x xx : forsomewavespeedc Randboundaryconditionsvˆ( )=0,vˆ(+ )=1,see,e.g. Theorem12 v ∈ −∞ ∞ i in [6]. It is easy to see that vˆ( +ct) and all spatial translates vˆ( +x0+ct) are solutions of (1.1). X · · In the particular case of the cubic nonlinearity f(v)=v(1 v)(v a), equation (1.1) reduces to r the well-known Nagumo equation (cf. [14]), for which the−travell−ing wave is explicitly given by a −1 vˆ(x)= 1+e−√2bνx propagating along the axis with speed c=√2νb(1 a). 2 − It can b(cid:16)e observed in(cid:17) numerical simulations that the travelling wave solution persists up to ap- parently lower order fluctuations also under the impact of noisy perturbations to (1.1). The term ”lower-order” here is to be understood w.r.t. the order of the noise amplitude and will be made precise in our subsequent analysis. Even more holds for small noise amplitude: similar to the deterministic case, the solution of (1.1) will converge quickly to some profile of the type (1.3) v(t,x)=vˆ(x+γ(t))+u(t,x), whereγ(t)istherandompositionofthewavefrontandudenoteslowerorderfluctuations. Forthis reason we will call the solution v also a stochastic travelling wave. It is the main purpose of this Date:January9,2017. Institut fu¨r Mathematik, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany ([email protected]). TheworkofthisauthorwassuppportedbytheDFGRTG1845. Institutfu¨rMathematik,TechnischeUniversit¨atBerlin,10623Berlin,andBernsteinCenterforComputational NeuroscienceBerlin,Germany([email protected]). TheworkofthisauthorwassupportedbytheBMBF, FKZ01GQ1001B. 1 2 J.KRU¨GERANDW.STANNAT papertorigorouslyderiveadecompositionoftype(1.3)inthecaseofnoisyperturbationsinduced by function-space valued additive Wiener noise (see e.g. [2]), together with an identification of γ (resp. u)assolutionofastochasticdifferentialequation(resp. linearstochasticpartialdifferential equation) accompanied with explicit error estimates in terms of u in appropriate function spaces. More specifically, we consider the stochastic reaction-diffusion equation (1.4) dv(t,x)=ν∂2 v(t,x)dt+bf(v(t,x))dt+εdW(t,x), t>0, x R xx ∈ where W(t), t [0,T], denotes a Q-Wiener process, taking values on a suitable Hilbert space H ∈ and ε>0 will be considered to be a small parameter. The problem is obviously connected with the stability properties of the travellingwave solution vˆ and the latter problem has been intensively studied in the deterministic setting for a long time, mainly based on maximum principle and comparison techniques (cf. in particular [5]), and on spectral considerations (cf. [4, 7] and the more recent monograph [3]). Both approaches however are not easy to carry over to the stochastic case, or even worse, require unnatural monotonicity conditions on the noise terms. Instead, we rather apply a pathwise stability analysis in the spirit of the classical Lyapunov approachto dynamical systems, first developed in [17, 18]. Notethatdecomposition(1.3)isnotwell-posedwithoutfurtherassumptions,sinceitinvolvestwo unknowns: the position γ(t) of the wave front and the remainder u(t,x). In addition, there are variouspossibilitiestodefinethepositionofthewavefront. Sincepointwisecriterialike,e.g. level sets ofv(t,x) do notmake muchsensein the stochastic case,becauseof(spatially non-monotone) fluctuations, we take a minimiser γ(t):= argminγ∈Rkv(t,·)−vˆ(·+γ)k of the distance between v(t, ) and the spatial translates of vˆ as the (in general non-unique) · definition of the position of the wave-front. Sinceglobalminimaaredifficulttocharacteriseanddifficulttohandleinthecontextofdynamical equations, we will require only the necessary condition v(t, ) vˆ( +γ(t)),vˆ ( +γ(t)) = 0 for x h · − · · i local minima in the decomposition (1.3). Here, , denotes the scalar product of the underlying h· ·i Hilbert space H. In [8], the authors used this approach and obtained results on the correspond- ing decomposition up to the first random time τ, when the local minimum becomes a saddle point. Apart from the necessity of introducing the above mentioned stopping time, the position of the wave front will be a semi-martingale only, in particular non-differentiable. In addition, the decomposition obtained in this way will be non-explicit w.r.t. the small parameter ε. To avoid non-differentiability we will consider in this paper the following (differentiable) approxi- mation γm(t), defined as the solution of the following pathwise ordinary differential equation γ˙m(t)=c+ v(t, ) vˆ( +γm(t)),vˆ ( +γm(t)) x h · − · · i for suitable initial condition and a priori chosen relaxation parameter m > 0. We will then show in Theorem 3.3 as our first main result that γm(t) admits the decomposition γm(t)=ct+εCm(t)+o(ε) 0 where Cm(t)= tcm(s)ds, and cm is the unique strong solutionof the stochastic ordinarydiffer- 0 0 0 0 ential equation R dcm(t)= mcm(t)dt+m vˆ ,dW(t) 0 − 0 h x i forsuitableinitialcondition. Thefluctuationsu(t)=v(t, ) vˆ( +ct+εCm(t)))canberepresented · − · 0 as u(t)=εum(t)+o(ε) 0 where um is the unique variational solution of the (affine) linear stochastic partial differential 0 equation dum(t)=[ν∆um(t)+bf′(vˆ( +ct))um(t) cm(t)vˆ ( +ct))] dt+dW(t). 0 0 · 0 − 0 x · To compare our results to the analysis in [8], based on the variational characterisation of local minima of v(t, ) vˆ( +γ) , we also consider the asymptotics of our decomposition for m , k · − · k →∞ MULTISCALE-ANALYSIS OF STOCHASTIC RDES 3 i.e. in the limit of immediate relaxation. We will show in Lemma 3.4 below that both processes γm(t)andum(t)convergeasm andwewillidentify thelimiting processesagainassolutions 0 →∞ ofstochastic (partial)differentialequationtogether with expliciterrorestimates in the associated decomposition (1.3) (see Theorem 3.5). 2. Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Equations in Weighted Sobolev Spaces 2.1. Realisation as stochastic evolution equation. Thinking of a typical trajectory of a stochastically perturbed travelling wave one cannot expect the solution v of (1.4) to take values in L2(R), which raises the question in which sense and especially on which function space to model the above reaction-diffusion equation. If we assume the noise to be on L2(R), what is true however,is that the difference between the solutionv anda deterministic referenceprofile vˆtakes values in L2(R). This motivates us to derive a decomposition of v into v =u+vˆ and investigate propertiesofthe differenceuunder asmallnessconditiononu0 :=v0 vˆ. This approachtostudy − the dynamicsofstochastictravellingwavesolutionshasalsobeenusedin[1],[17],[10]and[11]. In the stability analysis below it turns out, that controlling u in L2(R) with respect to the Lebesgue measure is not sufficient, but that we need an additional control with respect to the measure ρ(x)=Ze−νcx with a positive constant Z > 0. This measure is naturally associated to the equation and will be derived and motivated in Section 2.3. Assume (W(t)) to be a Q-Wiener process on the t∈[0,T] spaceL2(1+ρ)=L2(R,dx) L2(R,ρdx). First,we rewrite(1.4)intermsofu=v vˆandobtain ∩ − (2.1) du(t,x)=ν∆u(t,x)dt+b f(u(t,x)+vˆ(x+ct)) f(vˆ(x+ct)) dt+εdW(t,x), t>0, x R − ∈ This SPDE cannow be form(cid:0)ulatedas a stochastic evolutionequa(cid:1)tiononL2(1+ρ). Following the approach of [16] we choose the Gelfand triple H1(1+ρ)֒ L2(1+ρ)֒ H1,∗(1+ρ) → → with the norms u 2 = u2(1+ρ)dx on L2(1+ρ) k k1+ρ Z and u 2 = u 2 + u 2 on H1(1+ρ). k kH1(1+ρ) k k1+ρ k xk1+ρ Define the operator ∆:H1(1+ρ) H1,∗(1+ρ) as → H1,∗h∆v,uiH1 =− Rvx u(1+ρ) xdx Z Let G:R H1(1+ρ) H1,∗(1+ρ) be given by (cid:0) (cid:1) × → H1 v,G(t,u) H1,∗ = v(x)b f(u(x)+vˆ(x+ct)) f(vˆ(x+ct)) (1+ρ(x))dx. h i R − Z (cid:0) (cid:1) In this terminology (2.1) corresponds to the stochastic evolution equation du=ν∆udt+G(t,u)dt+εdW (2.2) u(0)=u0. onL2(1+ρ). Toprovewell-posednessofthisequationweimposethefollowingadditionalassump- tionsonthe globalbehaviourofthe reactiontermf. Weassumethatthe derivativef′ isbounded from above by (B1) η :=supf′(x)< , 1 x∈R ∞ that there exists a finite positive constant L such that (B2) f(x ) f(x ) Lx x 1+x2+x2 x ,x R, | 1 − 2 |≤ | 1− 2| 1 2 ∀ 1 2 ∈ (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 J.KRU¨GERANDW.STANNAT which is typically satisfied for polynomials of third degree with leading negative coefficient and that there exists η such that 2 (B3) f(u+v) f(v) f′(v)u η (1+ u)u2 v [0,1],u R. 2 | − − |≤ | | | | ∀ ∈ ∈ Furthermore, to ensure even higher regularity of solutions of (2.2), namely weak spatial differen- tiability, we demand the following growth condition of the derivative f′: There exists a constant η >0 with 3 (B4) f′(u+v) η (1+ u2) 3 | |≤ | | and f′(u+v) f′(v) η (u + u2) v [0,1],u R. 3 | − |≤ | | | | ∀ ∈ ∈ For simplicity of the following analysis we also assume 1 (A1) f(v)dv 0 ≥ Z0 Thisconditionontheinputparameterf or,inotherwords,ontheassociatedpotentialF = fdv implies that the wave speed c, as part of the travelling wavesolution vˆ, is nonnegative. To briefly R illustrate this relation we multiply (1.2) by vˆ and integrate over the real line to obtain x ν d 1 1 c vˆ2dx=ν vˆ vˆ dx+b f(vˆ)vˆ dx= vˆ2dx+b f(vˆ)dvˆ=b f(vˆ)dvˆ x xx x x 2 dx x Z Z Z Z Z0 Z0 due to the boundary conditions of vˆ at . This shows that the wave speed c and the integral ±∞ on the right-hand side have the same sign. Assumption (A1) is required in our analysis only to ensure that ̺ is monotone decreasing. Dropping this assumption would require to consider both cases, monotone decreasing (resp. increasing). Under the above conditions the following existence and uniqueness result can be stated Theorem 2.1. Assume (B1) (B3). For each T >0, ε>0 and each η L2(1+ρ) there exists − ∈ a unique variational solution u L2(Ω;C([0,T];L2(1+ρ))) L2(Ω [0,T];H1(1+ρ)), almost ∈ ∩ × surely satisfying the integral equation t t (2.3) u(t)=u0+ ν∆u(s)ds+ G(s,u(s))ds+εW(t), t [0,T] ∈ Z0 Z0 u0 =εη Here the Bochner integrals are defined in H1,∗(1+ρ). Moreover, there exists a constant C(T,ω, u0 2 )>0 such that for all t [0,T] k k1+ρ ∈ t (2.4) sup u(s) 2 + u(s) 2 ds C(T,ω, u0 2 ) k k1+ρ k kH1(1+ρ) ≤ k k1+ρ s≤t Z0 and C(T,ω, u0 2 )< for almost all ω Ω. k k1+ρ ∞ ∈ Proof. We show that the coefficients in (2.3) satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1.1 in [12]. Let u,w H1(1+ρ). G can be realised as a continuous mapping H1(1+ρ) H1,∗(1+ρ): Using ∈ → property (B2) and the elementary estimate u u one obtains ∞ H1(1+ρ) k k ≤k k H1,∗ G(t,u),w H1 =b f(u+vˆ( +ct)) f(vˆ( +ct)) w(1+ρ)dx h i · − · Z (cid:0) (cid:1) bL u(3+2u2)w(1+ρ)dx bL(3+2 u 2 ) u w ≤ | | | | ≤ k kH1(1+ρ) k kH1(1+ρ)k kH1(1+ρ) Z The drift and diffusion operators are clearly hemicontinuous. For showing coercivity we estimate c2 H1,∗hν∆u,uiH1 =−ν u2x(1+ρ)dx−ν uxuρxdx≤−νkuk2H1(1+ρ)+ ν+ 2ν kuk21+ρ Z Z (cid:18) (cid:19) MULTISCALE-ANALYSIS OF STOCHASTIC RDES 5 and H1,∗hG(t,u),uiH1 =b f(u+vˆ(·+ct))−f(vˆ(·+ct)) u(1+ρ)dx≤bη1kuk21+ρ Z since f is one-sided Lipschitz co(cid:0)ntinuous, i.e. (f(x) f(y))(x(cid:1) y) η (x y)2 for all x,y R 1 − − ≤ − ∈ using(B1). Weakmonotonicityofthelinearpartofthedriftoperatoriscoveredbythecoercivity condition. For the nonlinear part with the one-sided Lipschitz estimate from above one obtains for u ,u H1(1+ρ) 1 2 ∈ H1,∗ G(t,u1) G(t,u2),u1 u2 H1 =b f(u1+vˆ( +ct)) f(u2+vˆ( +ct)) (u1 u2)(1+ρ)dx h − − i · − · − Z (cid:0) (cid:1) bη (u u )2(1+ρ)dx=bη u u 2 ≤ 1 1− 2 1k 1− 2k1+ρ Z Furthermore, G is of admissible growth: Let w H1(1 + ρ) with w 1. Applying H1(1+ρ) ∈ k k ≤ condition (B2) yields H1,∗hG(t,u),wiH1 ≤bL |u|(3+2u2)|w|(1+ρ)dx≤3bLkuk1+ρ+2bLkukH1(1+ρ)kuk21+ρ Z 3bL u (1+ u 2 ) ≤ k kH1(1+ρ) k k1+ρ For the secondpart of the statement anapplication of Itoˆ ’s formula as stated in [16, Theorem 4.2.5] together with the coercivity of the drift yields for all t [0,T] ∈ t ku(t)k21+ρ =ku0k21+ρ+ 2H1,∗hν∆u(s)+G(s,u(s)),u(s)iH1ds+k Qk2L2(L2(1+ρ)) ds t Z0 (cid:16) p (cid:17) +2 u(s),dW(s) h i Z0 t c2 t (2.5) u0 2 2ν u(s) 2 ds+2 ν+ +bη u(s) 2 ds ≤k k1+ρ− k kH1(1+ρ) 2ν 1 k k1+ρ Z0 (cid:18) (cid:19)Z0 +T tr(Q)+M(t) where M(t),t [0,T], denotes the martingale part and the Hilbert-Schmidt norm ∈ k·kL2(L2(1+ρ)) on L2(1+ρ). In particular, setting θ :=2 ν+ c2 +bη this implies 2ν 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) t u(t) 2 u0 2 +θ u(s) 2 ds+T tr(Q)+M(t) k k1+ρ ≤k k1+ρ k k1+ρ Z0 such that Gronwall’s lemma allows us to bound the expectation of the left-hand side by (2.6) E u(t) 2 eθt( u0 2 +T tr(Q)). k k1+ρ ≤ k k1+ρ Taking first the supremum and(cid:2) then the(cid:3)expectation of all terms in (2.5) and inserting (2.6) we obtain the estimate T E sup u(t) 2 +2ν u(s) 2 ds "t∈[0,T]k k1+ρ Z0 k kH1(1+ρ) # T u0 2 +θ E u(s) 2 ds+T tr(Q)+E sup M(t) ≤k k1+ρ Z0 k k1+ρ "t∈[0,T]| |# (cid:2) (cid:3) u0 2 +eθT ( u0 2 +T tr(Q))+Ttr(Q)+E sup M(t) ≤k k1+ρ k k1+ρ "t∈[0,T]| |# A control of the last expectation in terms of the martingale’s quadratic variation [M] ,t [0,T], t ∈ is provided by the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequality 1 t 12 E sup M(t) CE [M]2 =2CE u(s),Qu(s) ds "t∈[0,T]| |#≤ h t i "(cid:18)Z0 h i (cid:19) # 6 J.KRU¨GERANDW.STANNAT 2C Q 21 E t u(s) 2 ds 12 ≤ k kL(L2(1+ρ)) "(cid:18)Z0 k k1+ρ (cid:19) # ≤2CT12 kQkL21 (L2(1+ρ))E"t∈s[u0p,T]ku(t)k1+ρ# 1 2 ≤2CT21 kQkL21 (L2(1+ρ))E"t∈s[u0p,T]ku(t)k21+ρ# ≤2CT21 kQkL21 (L2(1+ρ))eθ2T(ku0k21+ρ+T tr(Q))12 Summarizing the above estimates, there exists a positive constant C(T, u0 2 ) such that k k1+ρ T E sup u(t) 2 +2ν u(s) 2 ds C(T, u0 2 ) "t∈[0,T]k k1+ρ Z0 k kH1(1+ρ) #≤ k k1+ρ In particular, there exists a path-dependent constant C(T,ω, u0 2 ) with k k1+ρ T sup u(t) 2 +2ν u(s) 2 ds C(T,ω, u0 2 ) k k1+ρ k kH1(1+ρ) ≤ k k1+ρ t∈[0,T] Z0 and C(T,ω, u0 2 )< for P-almost every ω Ω. (cid:3) k k1+ρ ∞ ∈ From the above decomposition it follows that v := u+vˆ is a solution of the original reaction- diffusion equation (1.4). 2.2. Continuity of the solution in H1(1+ρ). We willnow show that, assuminghigher spatial regularity of the noise as well as an additional growth condition of f′, the unique solution u of (2.3) is even continuous with values in H1(1+ρ). Assumption 2.2. Let √Q be a Hilbert-Schmidt operator from L2(1+ρ) to H1(1+ρ). Remark 2.3. In the following analysis we will frequently consider translations of the measure ρ w.r.t. deterministic as well as stochastic shifts, for which reason the following two properties of ρ will become important: (i) ρ is decreasing, i.e. ρ(x+y) ρ(x) for all y >0. (ii) ρ is of (at most) exponential≤growth, i.e., ρ(x ξ) eM|ξ|ρ(x) for M = c and all ξ R . − ≤ ν ∈ Lemma 2.4. Assume (B4). Let p =etν∆, t 0, denote the semigroup generated by ν∆. Then t ≥ there exists a finite constant C = C(T, vˆ ) such that for all u H1(1+ρ) and for all s t x ∞ k k ∈ ≤ the following bound holds: ∂ p G(s,u) 2 C(1+ u 2 u 2 )( u 2 + u 2 ). k x t−s k1+ρ ≤ k k1+ρk xk1+ρ k k1+ρ k xk1+ρ Proof. Let u C1(R). Then, (B4) leads to ∈ c ∂ p G(s,u) = p (∂ G(s,u)) x t−s t−s x | | | | p f′(u+vˆ( +cs))u +(f′(u+vˆ( +cs)) f′(vˆ( +cs)))vˆ ( +cs) t−s x x ≤ · · − · · pt−s(cid:12)η3(1+u2)ux +η3(u +u2)vˆx( +cs) (cid:12) ≤ (cid:12) | | | | · (cid:12) It is well-known tha(cid:2)t ν∆ generates the Gaussian semigroup(cid:3) ptf(x)= 1 f(x+y)e−4yν2t dy. √4πνt Z Applying it to the measure 1+ρ we obtain (2.7) pt(1+ρ)(x)=1+ Ze−νcx e−4yν2t−νcydy =1+ Ze−νcx+cν2t e−(y+42νctt)2 dy =1+Ze−νcx+cν2t. √4πνt √4πνt Z Z MULTISCALE-ANALYSIS OF STOCHASTIC RDES 7 Hence, there exists a constant C =C( vˆ ) such that x ∞ k k ∂ p G(s,u)2(1+ρ)dx C p u2 +u4u2 +u2+u4 (1+ρ)dx | x t−s | ≤ t−s x x Z Z (cid:0) (cid:1) =C u2 +u4u2 +u2+u4 (1+p ρ)dx x x t−s Z ≤Cecν2(cid:0)(t−s) u2x+u4u2x+(cid:1)u2+u4 (1+ρ)dx Z ≤Cecν2T(1+ku(cid:0)k4L∞(dx)) (u2x+u2)(cid:1)(1+ρ)dx Z Now, with the elementary estimate u 2 2 u u there exists a positive constant k kL∞(dx) ≤ k k1+ρk xk1+ρ C =C(T, vˆ ) such that x ∞ k k ∂ p G(s,u) 2 C(1+ u 2 u 2 )( u 2 + u 2 ). k x t−s k1+ρ ≤ k k1+ρk xk1+ρ k k1+ρ k xk1+ρ (cid:3) With this at hand we are able to formulate the following regularity statement: Proposition 2.5. Under Assumption 2.2 for each T > 0 and each η H1(1+ρ) there exists a ∈ unique variational solution u C([0,T];H1(1+ρ)) of equation (2.3). ∈ Proof. LetubetheuniquevariationalsolutioninL2(Ω;C([0,T];L2(1+ρ))) L2(Ω (0,T);H1(1+ρ)) ∩ × from Theorem 2.1. Using the semigroupp =etν∆, t 0, u allows for the mild solution represen- t ≥ tation t t u(t)=p u0+ p G(s,u(s))ds+ p dW(s) t t−s t−s Z0 Z0 We will show that indeed u is differentiable in space and the gradient takes values in L2(1+ρ): For every t [0,T] with Lemma 2.4 ∈ t t 2 u (t) 2 2 p u0 2 +4 ∂ p G(s,u(s)) 2 ds+4 ∂ p dW(s) k x k1+ρ ≤ k t xk1+ρ Z0 k x t−s k1+ρ (cid:13) xZ0 t−s (cid:13)1+ρ t (cid:13) (cid:13) 2 p u0 2 +4C (1+ u(s) 2 u (s) 2 )( u(s) 2 +(cid:13) u (s) 2 )ds (cid:13) ≤ k t xk1+ρ k k1+ρk x k1+ρ k k1+ρ k x k1+ρ Z0 t 2 +4 ∂ p dW(s) =:I +II+III, say. x t−s (cid:13) Z0 (cid:13)1+ρ Clearly, (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) I sup p 2 u0 2 =:C (T, u0 ) ≤ k tk k xk1+ρ 1 k xk1+ρ t∈[0,T] For uniformly bounding III note that for a Q-Wiener process W on H1(1+ρ) we know that t p dW(s) L2(Ω,C([0,T],H1(1+ρ))) t−s ∈ Z0 and thus t 2 III 4 sup ∂ p dW(s) =:C (T,ω)< for P-a.e. ω Ω. x t−s 3 ≤ t∈[0,T](cid:13) Z0 (cid:13)1+ρ ∞ ∈ (cid:13) (cid:13) The bound (2.4) is now ap(cid:13)plied to reduce th(cid:13)e second term to t II C u (s) 4 ds+C ≤ 2,1 k x k1+ρ 2,2 Z0 forconstantsC =C (T,ω, u0 ))andC =C (T,ω, u0 ). Altogether,thisleadsto 2,1 2,1 1+ρ 2,2 2,2 1+ρ k k k k t u (t) 2 C(T,ω, u0 )+C u (s) 4 ds. k x k1+ρ ≤ k kH1(1+ρ) 2,1 k x k1+ρ Z0 8 J.KRU¨GERANDW.STANNAT Set α(t):= u (t) 2 . Then, Gronwall’s inequality together with (2.4) implies k x k1+ρ t u (t) 2 C(T,ω, u0 ) exp C α(s)ds C˜(T,ω, u0 ) k x k1+ρ ≤ k kH1(1+ρ) 2,1 ≤ k kH1(1+ρ) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) for a positive constant C˜. The previous P-nullsets on which C˜ is possibly infinite do not depend on t such that we even have sup u (t) 2 C˜(T,ω, u0 ) k x k1+ρ ≤ k kH1(1+ρ) t∈[0,T] To prove continuity it remains to show that u C([0,T];L2(1+ρ)). Considering x ∈ t t u (t)=p u0 + ∂ p G(s,u(s))ds+∂ p dW(s)=I+II+III x t x x t−s x t−s Z0 Z0 clearly I and III have the required regularity. For the second term note that with Lemma 2.4 for all s t the integrand takes values in L2(1+ρ) such that II is a continuous process on this space. ≤ (cid:3) Theobjectiveofthefollowingsectionsistomorethoroughlystudythebehaviourofu,providing information about the deviation of the stochastic solution from the deterministic wave. We will identify asuitablestochasticphaseofthe chosenreferenceprofilevˆandsubsequentlyquantify the remainingfluctuationsaroundthisprofileintermsofthenoisestrengthε. Thisfirst-orderstability analysis with respect to ε follows closely the methods and ideas developed in [11] (and partially also in [10]) for the study of stochastic neural field equations. In the case of bistable reaction- diffusion equations the involved diffusion and reaction operators however are no longer bounded, such that an extended notion of solution as well as refined estimates have to be introduced. To have the flexibility of also working in the larger spaces L2(ρ) and L2(R) we introduce a second Gelfand triple V ֒ H =H∗ ֒ V∗ → → with H =L2(R) and V =H1(R). 2.3. The frozen-wave setting. Sinceouraimistostudythedynamicsofsolutionswhoseinitial profile is already close to a travelling wave solution, we linearise the nonlinearity f around the travelling wave vˆ and obtain the representation (2.8) du(t)=[Ltu(t)+R(t,u)] dt+εdW(t) with (2.9) L :V V∗, L u=ν∆u+bf′(vˆ( +ct))u, t [0,T] t t → · ∈ and the nonlinear remainder R:[0,T] V V∗, R(t,u)=b(f(u+vˆ( +ct)) f(vˆ( +ct)) f′(vˆ( +ct))u) × → · − · − · To identify the dynamical equations for the wave-speed for the stochastic travelling wave, as well as for the remaining fluctuations, it will be useful to introduce the frozen-wave operator L# :V V∗ given by → L#u:=ν∆u+bf′(vˆ)u c∂ u. x − Notethatby(1.2)wehaveL#vˆ =0. Likewise,onecaneasilycheckthataneigenvectorΨofthe x adjoint operator corresponding to the eigenvalue 0 is given by Ψ(x) = e−νcxvˆx(x). Ψ is strictly positive and we assume the following regularity property: Assumption 2.6. The zero-eigenfunction Ψ of L#,∗ satisfies Ψ V. ∈ MULTISCALE-ANALYSIS OF STOCHASTIC RDES 9 Indeed,this regularitycanbe shownunderthe followingadditionalassumptiononthe reaction function f, namely (A2) f C2,f′′(0)>0 and f′′(1)<0 ∈ sayingthat f is strictly convexina smallneighbourhoodaround0 and strictly concaveina small neighbourhood around 1. The main implication of this additional assumption is then formulated in the next Lemma. Lemma2.7. Assume(A1) (A2). Then f(vˆ)(x) is strictlyincreasing inx at . Inparticular, − vˆx ±∞ b f(vˆ) c c 2 b γ := lim (x)= f′(0)<0 ∃ − x↓−∞ν vˆx 2ν −r 2ν − ν (cid:16) (cid:17) and b f(vˆ) c c 2 b γ := lim (x)= + f′(1)>0. ∃ + x↓∞ν vˆx 2ν r 2ν − ν (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. We will first show that lim|x|→∞e−νcxvˆx2(x)=0. Indeed, vˆ L1(R), hence lim vˆ (x )=0 for some sequence x , implies that x n→∞ x n n ∈ ↑∞ xn vˆ2(x)=vˆ2(x ) 2 vˆ vˆ dx x x n − xx x Zx c xn b xn =vˆ2(x ) 2 vˆ2dx+2 f(vˆ)vˆ dx x n − ν x ν x Zx Zx b vˆ(xn) vˆ2(x )+2 f(v)dv n. ≤ x n ν ∀ Zvˆ(x) Consequently, b vˆ(xn) 2b 1 vˆ2(x) lim vˆ2(x )+2 f(v)dv = f(v)dv. x ≤n→∞ x n ν Zvˆ(x) ν Zvˆ(x) In particular, 2b 1 lim vˆ2(x) limsup f(v)dv =0 x→∞ x ≤ x→∞ ν Zvˆ(x) and thus, limx→∞e−νcxvˆx2(x)=0, too. To see that limx→−∞e−νcxvˆx2(x)=0 note that for x≤xa :=vˆ−1(a) d c b dx(e−2νcxvˆx2)(x)=2 −νvˆx+vˆxx e−2νcxvˆx(x)=−2νe−2νcxf(vˆ)vˆx(x)≥0. (cid:16) (cid:17) Consequently, x→lim−∞e−2νcxvˆx2(x)=x≤vˆin−f1(a)e−2νcxvˆx2(x)=:γ <∞ and thus x→lim−∞e−νcxvˆx2(x)≤lxim→−su∞peνcxγ =0. Now define w :=e−2cνxvˆx and note that c 2 b (2.10) w = f′(vˆ) w, xx 2ν − ν (cid:18)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) since differentiating cvˆ = vˆ +bf(vˆ) implies cvˆ = vˆ +bf′(vˆ)vˆ . Then Assumption (A2) x xx xx xxx x implies that d b c 2 b w2 + f′(vˆ) w2 = f′′(vˆ)vˆ w2 dx x ν − 2ν ν x (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) (cid:19) is strictly positive (resp. negative)for x (resp. x + ). According to the previous partof ↓−∞ ↑ ∞ the proof, lim w2(x)=0, hence |x|→∞ b c 2 lim w2 + f′(vˆ) w2 0 |x|→∞ x ν − 2ν ≥ (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) (cid:19) 10 J.KRU¨GERANDW.STANNAT so that b c 2 w2 + f′(vˆ) w2 >0 x ν − 2ν (cid:18) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) for x at . Using w = c bf(vˆ) w, we conclude that ±∞ x 2ν − ν vˆ (cid:16) (cid:17) c b f(vˆ) 2 b c 2 + f′(vˆ) >0 2ν − ν vˆ ν − 2ν (cid:18) x (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) or equivalently b b f(vˆ) c b f(vˆ) (2.11) f′(vˆ) >0. ν − ν vˆ ν − ν vˆ x (cid:18) x (cid:19) In particular, b d f(vˆ) b b f(vˆ)vˆ = f′(vˆ) xx >0 ν dx vˆ ν − ν vˆ vˆ x x x so that f(vˆ) is strictly increasing at . vˆx ±∞ To prove the remaining identities for γ observe that by l’Hospital’s rule we obtain that ± bf(vˆ) b vˆ b 1 γ = lim (x)= lim f′(vˆ)(x) x (x)= f′(0) − x→−∞ν vˆx x→−∞ν vˆxx ν νc −γ− orequivalently,γ c γ = bf′(0). Sinceγ <0weobtaintheassertion. γ canbecomputed similarly. − ν − − ν − + (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) Lemma 2.8. Assume (A1) (A2). Then Assumption 2.6 is satisfied. − Proof. We have c2 kΨk2V =kΨk2H +kΨxk2H ≤ 1+2ν2 e−2νcxvˆx2dx+2 e−2νcxvˆx2xdx (cid:18) (cid:19)Z Z The previous Lemma implies that d b f(vˆ) dx e−(2νc−γ−)xvˆx2 =− 2ν vˆ −γ− e−(2νc−γ−)xvˆx2 ≥0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) x (cid:19) for x↓−∞, hence M− :=supxe−(2νc−γ−)xvˆx2 <∞ which implies that x x (2.12) e−2νcyvˆx2dy ≤M− e−γ−ydy <∞ ∀x. Z−∞ Z−∞ Similarly, d b f(vˆ) dx e−(2νc−γ+)xvˆx2 =− 2ν vˆ −γ+ e−(2νc+γ+)xvˆx2 ≤0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) x (cid:19) for x↑∞, hence M+ :=supxe−(2νc−γ+)xvˆx2 <∞ which implies that ∞ ∞ (2.13) e−2νcyvˆx2dy ≤M+ e−γ+ydy <∞ ∀x. Zx Zx Combining (2.12) and (2.13) we obtain that e−2νcxvˆx2dx<∞. Finally, R vˆ 2 Z e−2νcxvˆx2xdx≤(cid:18)sxu∈pR|vˆxxx|(cid:19) Z e−2νcxvˆx2dx The above supremum can be bounded by vˆ c f(vˆ) xx sup| | +sup| | x∈R vˆx ≤ ν x∈R vˆx which is finite again by the previous Lemma 2.7. (cid:3)