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A MULTILINEAR REVERSE HO¨LDER INEQUALITY WITH APPLICATIONS TO MULTILINEAR WEIGHTED NORM 7 1 INEQUALITIES 0 2 DAVID CRUZ-URIBE, OFS AND KABE MOEN n a J Abstract. In this note we prove a multilinear version of the reverse Ho¨lder in- 6 equalityinthetheoryofMuckenhouptA weights. Wegivetwoapplicationsofthis p 2 inequality to the study of multilinear weighted norm inequalities. First, we prove ] a structure theorem for multilinear Ap~ weights; second, we give a new sufficient A condition for multilinear, two-weight norm inequalities for the maximal operator. C . h t a 1. Introduction m [ The purpose of this note is to prove a multilinear version of the reverse H¨older inequality in the theory of the Muckenhoupt A classes. We briefly recall the defini- 1 p v tions; for complete details, see [5]. For 1 < p < ∞, a weight w ∈ Ap if 0 p−1 80 [w]Ap = sup(cid:18)ˆ− wdx(cid:19)(cid:18)ˆ− w1−p′dx(cid:19) < ∞; 7 Q Q Q 0 here and below, the supremum is taken over all cubes in Rn with sides parallel to the . 1 coordinate axes. We denote the union of all the A classes by A . If w ∈ A , then 0 p ∞ ∞ it satisfies the reverse H¨older inequality: there exists s > 1 such that 7 1 1 −1 : s v [w] = sup − wsdx − wdx < ∞. i RHs (cid:18)ˆ (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ (cid:19) X Q Q Q r Our main result extends this condition to m-tuples of A∞ weights. a Theorem 1.1. Given 1 < s ,...,s < ∞ such that 1 = 1, suppose w ∈ RH . 1 m si i si Then for all cubes Q, P m 1 m (1.1) − wsidx si ≤ C− w dx. (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) ˆ i Yi=1 Q QYi=1 Date: 1/26/2017. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 42B20, 42B25. The first author is supported by NSF Grant DMS-1362425and researchfunds from the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, the University of Alabama. The second author is supported by the Simons Foundation. 1 2 DAVIDCRUZ-URIBE,OFS ANDKABE MOEN The proof requires the rescaling properties of Muckenhoupt weights from [4, The- orems 2.1, 2.2] which we state here as a lemma. (Also see [9].) Lemma 1.2. Given a weight w: (a) w ∈ RH , 1 < s < ∞, if and only if ws ∈ A ; s ∞ (b) w ∈ A ∩RH , 1 < p, s < ∞ if and only if ws ∈ A , q = s(p−1)+1. p s q Proof. By Lemma 1.2, for each i, since w ∈ RH , wsi ∈ A . Moreover, there exists i si i ∞ 0 < r < 1 such that wirsi ∈ A2 ∩ RH1; since the Ap classes are nested (Ap ⊂ Aq if r p < q) we can find a single value of r that works for all i. Therefore, if we apply the reverse H¨older inequality, the A condition, multilinear H¨older’s inequality with 2 exponents s , and then H¨older’s inequality twice more, we get that for every cube Q, i m 1 m 1 m − 1 − wsidx si ≤ C − wrsidx rsi ≤ C − w−rsidx rsi (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) Yi=1 Q Yi=1 Q Yi=1 Q m −1 m 1 m r r ≤ C − w−rdx ≤ C − wrdx ≤ C− w dx. (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) ˆ i QYi=1 QYi=1 QYi=1 (cid:3) Remark 1.3. In the bilinear case, a version of this result was proved in [4, Theo- rem 2.6]. However, our proof here is considerably simpler. Theorem 1.6 has two corollaries. The first when p = 2 is part of the folklore of harmonic analysis, but we have not been able to find a proof in the literature. We include this result since it bears a resemblance to Theorem 1.6 below. Corollary 1.4. For 1 < p < ∞, if a weight w is such that w, w1−p′ ∈ A , then ∞ w ∈ A . p Proof. Let w1 = wp1, w2 = w−p1, and s1 = p, s2 = p′. Then by Lemma 1.2, wi ∈ RHsi, and inequality (1.1) becomes the A condition. (cid:3) p Our second corollary is a version of Theorem 1.1 that is particularly useful for applications to multilinear weights. Corollary 1.5. Let 1 < p ,...,p < ∞, 0 < p < ∞ be such that m 1 = 1, and 1 m i=1 pi p let w~ = (w1,...,wm) be a vector of weights. If wi ∈ A∞, 1 ≤ i ≤Pm, then for all cubes Q, m p m pi p − w dx ≤ C− wpi dx. (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) ˆ i Yi=1 Q QYi=1 A MULTILINEAR REVERSE HO¨LDER INEQUALITY 3 p Proof. By Lemma 1.2, for each i, since wi ∈ A∞ we have wipi ∈ RHpi. The desired p inequality now follows from Theorem 1.1 with s = pi. (cid:3) i p We now give two applications of Theorem 1.1 (or more properly, Corollary 1.5) to the theory of multilinear weights. We first consider the structure of multilinear A weights. To put our result into context, we briefly sketch the history of multilin- p~ ear weighted norm inequalities. A multilinear Caldero´n-Zygmund singular integral operator T is an m-linear operator with kernel K such that m ~ T(f)(x) = K(x,y ,...,y ) f (y )dy ...dy , ˆ 1 m i i 1 m Rmn Yi=1 where f~ = (f ,...,f ), f ∈ C∞(Rn) and x 6∈ m supp(f ), and the kernel satisfies i m i c i=1 i certain regularity estimates. (Precise definitionTs are not necessary for our purposes; seeGrafakosandTorres[8]fordetailsandfurtherreferences.) These operatorssatisfy the following Lp space estimates: if 1 < p ,...,p < ∞ and 1 = 1, then 1 m p pi P m ~ kT(f)k ≤ C kf k . Lp i Lpi Yi=1 Weighted norm inequalities for multilinear singular integral operators were first considered by Grafakos and Torres [7]. They showed that if p = min(p ,...,p ) 0 1 m and w ∈ A , then p0 m ~ kT(f)k ≤ C kf k . Lp(w) i Lpi(w) Yi=1 This result was generalized by Grafakos and Martell [6], who showed that if w ∈ A i pi p and w = wpi, then i Q m ~ (1.2) kT(f)k ≤ C kf k . Lp(w) i Lpi(wi) Yi=1 The optimal class of weights for which (1.2) holds was found by Lerner, et al. [10]. p Given p~ = (p ,...,p ), w~ = (w ,...,w ) and w = wpi, w~ ∈ A if 1 m 1 m i p~ Q 1 m 1 p 1−p′ p′i [w~] = sup − wdx − w idx < ∞. Ap~ (cid:18)ˆ (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) Q Q Yi=1 Q 4 DAVIDCRUZ-URIBE,OFS ANDKABE MOEN It follows at once by H¨older’s inequality that if w ∈ A , then w~ ∈ A . Such weights i pi p~ are referred to as product A weights.1 However, in [10] they constructed examples p~ of weights w~ ∈ A such that the weights w 6∈ L1 and so not in A . p~ i Loc pi Here we prove that if we impose some additional regularity on the weights w , then i the weight w~ is a product weight. Theorem1.6. Given 1 < p ,...,p < ∞ and 1 = 1, supposew~ = (w ,...,w ) ∈ 1 m p pi 1 m Ap~. If wi ∈ A∞, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, then wi ∈ Api. P Proof of Theorem 1.6. By H¨older’s inequality, for every i and every cube Q, p p pi 1−p′ p′i 1 ≤ − w dx − w idx . (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) Q Q Thus, if we fix a value of i, − w dx − w1−p′idx pi−1 pp′i = − w dx ppi − w1−p′idx pp′i (cid:20)ˆ i (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:21) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) Q Q Q Q m p p pi 1−p′ p′i ≤ − w dx − w idx . (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) Yi=1 Q Q By Corollary 1.5, m p p − w dx pi − w1−p′idx p′i (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) Yi=1 Q Q m m p ≤ C − wppi dx − w1−p′idx p′i ≤ C[w~] . (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) Ap~ QYi=1 Yi=1 Q If we combine these two inequalities, we see that w ∈ A . (cid:3) i pi It is tempting to speculate that the condition w ∈ A in Theorem 1.6 can be i ∞ weakened to w ∈ L1 . This, however, is false, and we construct a counter-example. i Loc We note in passing that our example also gives an example of a weight w~ ∈ A that p~ is not a product weight; our construction is somewhat simpler than that given in [10, Remark 7.2]. For simplicity we consider the bilinear case m = 2 on the real line and we will use the characterization w~ ∈ Ap~ if and only if w ∈ A2p and σi = w1−p′i ∈ A2p′ (see [10, i 1If the weights w are taken as prior, then this name makes sense. If the weight w is taken i as prior, then it makes more sense to refer to these weights as “factored” A weights. However, p~ “product weights” has become the standard terminology. A MULTILINEAR REVERSE HO¨LDER INEQUALITY 5 Theorem 3.6]). Let χ (x) [−1,1] w (x) = +χ (x) and w (x) = 1. 1 |x|log(e/|x|)2 [−1,1]c 2 p First, we have that w = wp1 belongs to A ⊂ A . To see this, notethat for0 < a < 1 1 1 2p and b > 0, if we define χ (x) [−1,1] v(x) = +χ (x), |x|alog(e/|x|)b [−1,1]c then v ∈ A . To show this, it suffices to check the A condition on intervals [0,t], 1 1 0 < t < 1 (cf. [3]), but in this case it is straightforward to show that t ds 1 (1.3) ≈ . ˆ salog(e/s)b ta−1log(e/t)b 0 (Just compare the integrand to the derivative of the righthand side.) Since p/p < 1 1 we have that w ∈ A1. Next we will show that the weight σ1 = w11−p′1 belongs to A2p′1. To see this, consider the dual weight (dual in the class A(2p1)′) σ11−(2p′1)′ which is given by σ1(x)1−(2p′1)′ = w1(x)(p′1−1)((2p′1)′−1) = w1(x)2pp′1′1−−11. Again, since 2pp′1′1−−11 < 1 the calculation (1.3) shows that σ11−(2p′1)′ ∈ A1 ⊂ A(2p′1)′ which impliesσ1 ∈ A2p′1. Thisshowsw~ ∈ Ap~. However, wi 6∈ Api: sincew1 ∈ L1Loc\ p>1LpLoc it cannot satisfy a reverse H¨older inequality and so is not in A∞. S Remark 1.7. It would be interesting to have an intrinsic characterization of those A p~ weights that can be factored as product weights. Our second application of Corollary 1.5 is to two-weight multilinear norm inequal- ities. In [10], the authors introduced a new multilinear maximal function as a tool to prove the estimates (1.2): m ~ M(f)(x) = sup − |f(y )|dy . Q∋xYi=1(cid:18)ˆQ i i(cid:19) They proved that m ~ kM(f)k ≤ C kf k Lp(w) i Lpi(wi) Yi=1 6 DAVIDCRUZ-URIBE,OFS ANDKABE MOEN if and only if w~ ∈ A . This result led naturally to the question of proving two-weight p~ inequalities for M: more precisely, inequalities of the form m ~ (1.4) kM(fσ)k ≤ C kf k , Lp(u) i Lpi(σi) Yi=1 ~ where fσ = (f σ ,...,f σ ). Chen and Damia´n [2] defined a multilinear analog of 1 1 m m the Sawyer testing condition for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator: (u,~σ) ∈ S p~ if there exists a constant C such that for all cubes Q, 1 m p 1 (cid:18)ˆ M(~σχQ)pudx(cid:19) ≤ C σi(Q)pi. Q Yi=1 The S condition is necessary for the two weight norm inequality (1.4), but it is not p~ known if it is also sufficient. Chen and Damia´n [2, Theorem 3.2] proved that it is sufficient if they also assume that the weights satisfy a multilinear reverse H¨older condition: for all cubes Q, m p m pi p (1.5) − σ dx ≤ C− σpi dx. (cid:18)ˆ i (cid:19) ˆ i Yi=1 Q QYi=1 Therefore, by Corollary 1.5, if we assume the weights σ are in A , then we get that i ∞ the condition S is sufficient the two weight norm inequality (1.4). p~ Corollary 1.8. Suppose u,σ ,...,σ are weights, 1 < p ,...,p < ∞, and p is 1 m 1 m defined by 1 = m 1. If σ ∈ A and (u,~σ) ∈ S , then the two-weight norm p i=1 pi i ∞ p~ inequality (1.4) hPolds. Remark 1.9. It is an open question to characterize the m-tuples of weights for which (1.5) holds. A version of this question was posed in [4, Theorem 2.7]; they showed that when m = 2, if (1.1) holds and w ∈ RH , then w ∈ RH . 1 s1 2 s2 Remark 1.10. For an additional application of Corollary 1.5, see [1], where it is used to prove necessary conditions on b for the bilinear commutators [b,T] to satisfy i weighted norminequalities, where T isa bilinear Caldero´n-Zygmund singular integral or a bilinear fractional integral operator. References [1] L. Chaffee and D. 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