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Preview A Monte Carlo investigation of the critical behavior of Stavskaya's probabilistic cellular automaton

AMonteCarloinvestigationofthecriticalbehaviorofStavskaya’sprobabilisticcellularautomaton J. Ricardo G. Mendonc¸a∗ InstitutodeF´ısica,UniversidadedeSa˜oPaulo–CaixaPostal66318,05314-970Sa˜oPaulo,SP,Brazil Stavskaya’smodelisaone-dimensionalprobabilisticcellularautomaton(PCA)introducedintheendofthe 1960’s as an example of a model displaying a nonequilibrium phase transition. Although its absorbing state phasetransitioniswellunderstoodnowadays,themodelneverreceivedafullnumericaltreatmenttoinvestigate itscriticalbehavior. InthisbriefreportwecharacterizethecriticalbehaviorofStavskaya’sPCAbymeansof Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis. The critical exponents of the model are calculated andindicatethatitsphasetransitionbelongstothedirectedpercolationuniversalityclassofcriticalbehavior, as it would be expected on the basis of the directed percolation conjecture. We also explicitly establish the relationshipofthemodelwiththeDomany-KinzelPCAonitsdirectedsitepercolationline,aconnectionthat seemstohavegoneunnoticedintheliteraturesofar. PACSnumbers:05.70.Fh,64.60.Ht,64.60.De 1 Keywords:Stavskayamodel,probabilisticcellularautomata,phasetransition,Domany-Kinzel,directedpercolation 1 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION verysimplerule: withprobabilityε ∈ [0, 1], ηi(t+1) = 1, otherwiseη (t+1)=η (t)·η (t). n i i−1 i a Stavskaya’s model is a one-dimensional probabilistic cel- Clearly, 1 = (1,1,...,1) is an absorbing state of the J lular automaton (PCA) proposed in the end of the 1960’s by model. Itcanbeproventhatthereexistsacriticalε∗suchthat 2 theRussianschoolofMarkovprocessesasanexampleofan forε > ε∗ theonlyinvariantmeasureofStavskaya’sPCAis 2 interactingparticlesystempresentinganonequilibriumphase δ1, the measure concentrated in 1, and that for ε < ε∗ the transition [1–3]. The model is related with the directed site invariant measures are translation-invariant convex combina- ] h percolation(DP)process,ofwhichitcanbeviewedasaone- tions of the form αµε + (1 − α)δ1, with 0 < α < 1 and c sidedversion,aswellaswiththeDomany-KinzelPCAinone µε themeasurethatputsmassonconfigurationswithdensity e ofitsmanifolds(cf.Sec.II)[4]. Roughlyspeaking,thephase 0<µε(1)<1[2,3,6]. Earlyboundsonthecriticalpointes- m transitioninStavskaya’smodelfollowsfromitsattractiveness timate0.09<ε∗ <0.323[3,6]. Theupperboundwaseven- - (itstendencyforformingclusters)andtheexistenceofanab- tually confirmed, but not improved, by different techniques t a sorbingstate,andiswellunderstoodnowadays. [8], while the lower bound never received a reassessment; it t However, while many rigorous results exist for this model should be remarked that lower bounds on critical values of s . [1–3, 5–11], it has never received a full numerical treatment interactingparticlesystemsarenotoriouslydifficulttoobtain. t a to estimate its critical point and critical exponents. In this Stavskaya’sPCAisrelatedwiththeDomany-Kinzel(DK) m briefreportweproceedtosuchaninvestigationofStavskaya’s PCA [4] by taking the complementary (negated) variables - model by Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling η¯ = 1−η . ItcanthenbeseenthatStavskaya’sPCAcorre- d i i techniques. Besides closing a gap in the characterization of sponds to the DK PCA on the line p = p = 1 − ε, i.e., n 1 2 themodel,ourresultsaddanotherbitofevidenceinfavorof over the directed site percolation (site DP) line of the DK o c the DP conjecture, according to which phase transitions into PCA parameter space. Notice, however, that the dynamics [ anabsorbingstateinshort-rangedsinglecomponentsystems in the DK PCA is defined for each of its two sublattices in intheabsenceofconservedquantitiesallbelongtothesame the time direction (even and odd time steps), while the dy- 2 universality class of critical behavior [12, 13]. Remind that namicsinStavskaya’sPCAisdirect. OnthesiteDPline,the v 9 although the DP conjecture is grounded on solid theoretical DK PCA displays an inactive-active phase transition at the 8 argumentsandhasbeenverifiedinahostofmodelsystems,it critical point p∗ = p∗ = 0.705489(4) [17], corresponding 1 2 4 (i) could not be proved rigorously yet, and (ii) has only very toε∗ = 0.294511(4),withintherigorousboundsmentioned 1 thinexperimentalevidence[14,15],sothatitcontinuestorely before (the numbers between parentheses indicate the uncer- . 1 onmodelsystemstosustainitself. taintyinthelastdigitordigitsofthedata). Curiously,there- 1 lationshipbetweenStavskaya’sPCAandtheDKPCAseems 0 tohavegoneunnoticedinpreviousinvestigations[6–11], al- 1 II. STAVSKAYA’SMODEL thoughacouplingschemewithan“independentorientedper- : v colation” process equivalent with site DP was used in [8]. It i Stavskaya’s model is a two-state PCA defined on a one- isworthmentioningthatStavskaya’smodel,togetherwithan- X dimensional periodic lattice of L cells specified by the con- other PCA introduced by the same epoch, Vasil’ev’s model r a figuration η(t) = (η1(t), η2(t), ..., ηL(t)) ∈ {0,1}L and [6,18]—whichcorrespondstothep2 =0lineintheDKPCA evolving in discrete time t ∈ N according to the following or, equivalently, to a probabilistic version of CA rule 18 in Wolfram’sclassificationscheme[19]—predatestheDKPCA andrelatedmodelsbyalmosttwodecades,butdidnotreceive much attention, not even when CA and PCA reentered the ∗Email:[email protected] mainstreamscientificagendainthe1980’s. 2 11 00..55 LL== 88000000 ((aa)) 00..88 00..66 00..3322 ρρ −− 00..2244 11 ρρ 00..44 00..1166 −− 11 00..0088 00..22 00 0.288 0.291 0.294 0.297 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.05 ε 2000 20000 200000 FIG.1. StationarydensityofinactivecellsinanautomatonofL = t 8000cellsaveragedover1000samples. Theinsetshowsthecurve 00..2255 close to the critical point ε∗ = 0.29450(5) (value obtained from ((bb)) time-dependentsimulations). 00..2200 III. THECRITICALBEHAVIOR δδ 00..1155 Our Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of Stavskaya’s model ranasfollows. Foragivenε,thePCAisinitializedwitheach 0.10 η (0) = 1,1 (cid:54) i (cid:54) L,drawnindependentlywithprobability i 1/2. Stationarystatequantities,e.g. thedensityofactivecells ρ =L−1(cid:80) η ,arethensampledafterthesystemisrelaxed 0.05 L i i 0.000005 0.00005 0.0005 through100LMCsteps(MCS),withoneMCSequivalentto 1/t a synchronous update of the states of all L cells of the au- tomaton. This amount of relaxation proved enough for our FIG.2. (a)Logarithmicplotof1−ρ (t)withL = 20000cells. L purposes. Moreover, except for the data shown in Figure 1, (b) Instantaneous values of δ obtained from the curves in (a). In our results were obtained from time-dependent simulations, both graphs we have, from the uppermost curve downwards, ε = so that estimates on the stationary state did not concern us 0.2943,0.2944,0.2945,0.2946,and0.2947.Fromthesecurveswe much. Wereferthereaderto[16]foraniceexpositionofthe estimatedε∗ = 0.29450(5)andδ = 0.155(5). Thedashedlinein time-dependenttechniquesemployedinwhatfollows. panel(b)indicatesthebestvalueavailableforδDP. The critical behavior of the model can be determined by assumingthescalingrelation Noticethatthisestimateofε∗completelyagreeswiththecrit- 1−ρL(t;∆)∼t−β/ν(cid:107)Φ(∆t1/ν(cid:107), tν⊥/ν(cid:107)/L) (1) icalpointp∗1 =p∗2 =0.705489(4)=1−ε∗foundforthesite DPtransitionintheDKPCA[17]. close to the critical point ε∗, with ∆ = ε − ε∗ (cid:62) 0. We Theexponentν canbeobtainedbyplottingtδ(1−ρ (t)) L L (cid:107) L do not put a subscript ‘L’ on ∆ or the critical exponents to versus t∆ν(cid:107) and tuning ν(cid:107) to achieve data collapse with dif- lightenthenotation. Foraverylargesystem,relation(1)be- ferent ∆. The collapsed curves shown in Figure 3 were ob- comes1−ρL(t;∆) ∼ t−β/ν(cid:107)Φ(∆t1/ν(cid:107)),withΦ(x (cid:28) 1) ∼ tained with a combination of central values ε∗ = 0.29451, constantandΦ(x (cid:29) 1) ∼ xβ. Theinvestigationofthetime- δ =0.157,andν =1.73. Wefoundithardtodiscernvalues (cid:107) dependent profiles ρ (t;∆) then allow for the simultaneous ofν bylessthan±0.02. Otherwise, wefoundthedatacol- L (cid:107) determination of ε∗ and δ = β/ν , and judicious perusal of lapseverysensitivetothechoiceofε∗; infact,itcouldhave L (cid:107) (1)andderivedrelationsfurnishtheotherexponents. beenusedtolocateε∗ withinquitetightbounds. Combining Figure 1 displays the density profile ρ for an automaton δandν furnishesβ =δν =0.27(1)(orβ =0.268(10)). L (cid:107) (cid:107) ofL=8000cellsinthestationarystate. Weactuallyplotthe Thethirdindependentexponentcanbeobtainedbyplotting densityofinactivecells1−ρ instead,becauseitisthisquan- tδ(1−ρ (t)) versus t/Lz for different L and tuning z until L L tity that enters the scaling relation (1). The steep transition data collapse for some z. Since z = ν /ν by definition, (cid:107) ⊥ aboutε∗ anticipatesasmallvaluefortheexponentβ. Toesti- thisprocedurealsogivesν onceν isknown. Thefinite-size L ⊥ (cid:107) mateε∗ moreprecisely,weplot1−ρ (t)closetoε(cid:39)0.294 curvesappearinFigure4. Wefoundz =1.6(1). Thesethree L forsomelargeL. Onthecriticalpoint,1−ρ (t) ∼ t−δ and exponents, δ, ν , and z, suffice to determine the universality L (cid:107) wecanestimateδbyplottinglog [(1−ρ (t/b))/(1−ρ (t))] class of critical behavior of the model, the other exponents b L L against 1/t for some small b. Our data for L = 20000 and followingfromwellknownhyperscalingrelations[16]. b = 10appearinFigure2. Fromthesedatawecouldextract The best values available for δ, ν , β, and z for the (cid:107) the estimates ε∗ = 0.29450(5) and δ = 0.155(5). Similar DP process on the square lattice are δ = 0.159464(6), DP estimates using 4000 (cid:54) L (cid:54) 16000 confirm these values. ν = 1.733847(6), β = 0.276486(8), and z = (cid:107)DP DP DP 3 00..9900 1.580745(10)[20]. Thus,withintheerrorbarsourestimates for these exponents put the critical behavior of Stavskaya’s modelphasetransitionintheDPuniversalityclass,asitwould 00..8800 beexpectedonthebasisoftheDPconjecture. δδ tt )) ρρ −− 11 (( 00..7700 IV. SUMMARYANDCONCLUSIONS We estimated the critical point of Stavskaya’s model at 0.60 ε∗ = 0.29450(5) and found that the model belongs to the 0.0003 0.003 0.03 DPuniversalityclassofcriticalbehavior. Thevalueof1−ε∗ t∆ν is in excellent agreement with the critical point p∗ = p∗ = (cid:1) 1 2 0.705489(4)forthesiteDPtransitionintheDKPCA[17]. FIG.3. Datacollapseofthescaledtime-dependentdensityprofiles The estimates of the critical point as well as of the criti- forε−ε∗ =±0.0001,±0.0002.Theupper(lower)branchescorre- cal exponents could be improved by larger simulations, but spondtoε<ε∗(ε>ε∗). Thebestdatacollapsewasobtainedwith thecentralvaluesε∗ =0.29451,δ=0.157,andν =1.73. we believe that this would be superfluous, since both the lo- (cid:107) cationofthecriticalpointofthemodelwithinbetterbounds thanthoseprovidedbyrigorousandmean-fieldanalysesand 00..7777 thedeterminationofitsuniversalityclassofcriticalbehavior couldbeestablishedwithinthecomputationaleffortsreported 00..7766 here, namely, afewthousandhoursofCPUtimeonInteli7- δδtt 00..7755 860processorsrunningGCC/Linuxat2.8GHz. ρρ)) Takentogether,ournumericalresultsforStavskaya’sPCA −− 11 00..7744 and the rigorous results existent on its relationship with the (( generaltheoryofcellularautomataandpercolationprocesses 0.73 provideareasonablycompletecharacterizationofthemodel. The establishment of its relationship with the DK PCA on 0.72 its site DP line allows the translation of results between the 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 two models, with potential benefits for future developments t/Lz involving either model per se or as approximations (e.g., on couplingschemes)tomodelsofgreatercomplexity. FIG.4.Finite-sizedatacollapseofthescaledtime-dependentdensity profilesonthecriticalpointε∗ =0.29450for4000(cid:54)L(cid:54)20000. Bestdatacollapsewasobtainedwithδ=0.157(thesamevalueasin Fig.3)andz =1.6.Noticethatthedataisspreadover(cid:38)3decades ACKNOWLEDGMENTS andthattherangeinthey-axisisreasonablytight. The author thanks Prof. Ma´rio J. de Oliveira (IF/USP) for severalhelpfulconversations. 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