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A molecular genetic and morphological appraisal of a distinctive form of the Sandy Inland Mouse, Pseudomys hermannsburgensis PDF

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by  M Adams
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Preview A molecular genetic and morphological appraisal of a distinctive form of the Sandy Inland Mouse, Pseudomys hermannsburgensis

A MOLECULAR GENETIC AND MORPHOLOGICAL APPRAISAL OF A DISTINCTIVE FORM OF THE SANDY INLAND MOUSE, PSEUDOMYS HERMANNSBURGENSIS By M. ADAMS Evolutionary Biology Unit, South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 and N.K. COOPER Western Australian Museum, 49 Kew St, Welshpool WA 6986 SUMMARY the genetic data reveal no evidence that the two forms are The molecular genetic tech¬ genetically distinct from one niques of allozyme electro¬ another and thus demonstrate phoresis and mitochondrial DNA they are highly likely to be sequencing were used to assess conspecific. the genetic and taxonomic affinities of a "gracile” form of the Sandy Inland Mouse INTRODUCTION Pseudomys hermannsburgensis from the Pilbara region of Western Recent survey work in the Australia. Measurement of four Pilbara region of Western external variables plus 26 cranial Australia has revealed several and dentary variables were also adult specimens of the Sandy made to assess the nature of any Inland Mouse, Pseudomys morphological differences hermannsburgensis, whose appear¬ between the distinctive animals ance is distinctive from other and typical P. hermannsburgensis. specimens in the region. These Individuals of each morphotype distinctive animals appear plus other reference specimens smaller and more gracile, and species were genotyped at 53 comparative in size to a large P. allozyme loci and sequenced for delicatulus, when compared to a 307 base-pair portion of the animals displaying the typical mitochondrial cytb gene. While appearance of an adult P. the most obvious differences hermannsburgensis. Importantly, between the two morphotypes these gracile animals are involve external characters, sympatric with typical P. there'is some suggestion that the hermannsburgensis, thus ruling relative shape of the skull may out the possibility that any also be partly diagnostic. Despite morphological differences have these morphological differences, resulted from the genetic 216 isolation of a regional subpopu¬ specimens had tissues taken for lation of P. hermannsburgensis. molecular genetic analysis. How¬ ever, during a survey in Two hypotheses could account November 1998 at Brockman for these unusual animals, Mine in the Pilbara (22°18”S, 117 namely (1) they represent a °17'E), several animals repre¬ previously-undocumented senting both the standard and morphological variant within gracile morphotypes were the species, or (2) they represent vouchered at the Western another, presumably new, species Australian Museum for both the of Pseudomys. Given that several preserved specimen and their species described in the past 20 frozen tissues. The chance to years were formerly included in obtain molecular and morpho¬ P. “hermannsburgensis" (Breed logical data from sympatric 1995), any variant form of the representatives of both forms Sandy Inland Mouse is clearly a provides the ideal opportunity prime candidate for consider¬ to determine whether the gracile ation as a new species. form is indeed a new species, as Distinguishing between these suggested by its morphological alternative explanations is best distinctiveness, or simply an achieved using molecular genetic unusual variant of the Sandy data to provide an independent Inland Mouse. The purpose of assessment of the genetic this paper is to determine the affinities of the two forms. Of taxonomic affinities of the two the many techniques available, morphological forms using allozyme electrophoresis and molecular genetic and morpho¬ mtDNA sequencing are the most logical techniques. suitable and cost-effective molecular techniques (Avise 1994). The former can determine METHODS whether the two forms are Specimens were trapped in the members of the same biological field using Elliott Traps or Pit species, whilst the latter can Trap/fences. Animals were resolve the evolutionary euthanased, numbered, and affinities of the variant form livers were immediately removed amongst other related species of into liquid nitrogen. The animal Pseudomys (to ensure that any was then preserved in 4% “new" taxon does not turn out to formalin before being washed be a variant of an already- and stored in 70% ethanol. Skulls described species). were removed and cleaned for Previous field workers have also morphological comparison. recognised two morphotypes of P. hermannsburgensis in the field, Morphological measurements (pers. comm. Norm Mckenzie, Ken Aplin, and Roy Teale), although Given that, by definition, unfortunately no aberrant “unusual" morphotypic forms are 217 only rarely encountered in the burgensis were included in the field and even less commonly morphological analyses to taken as vouchers, the small provide a more complete picture sample size (n=5) available for the of morphological diversity in the gracile form (hereinafter referred “parent" taxon. The details of all to as Pseudomys sp. for animals subjected to morpho¬ convenience) precludes any com¬ logical analysis are presented in prehensive statistical analyses of Table 1. the morphological data. This External and cranial measure¬ limitation of small sample size is ments of all specimens were further compounded by the fact made using digital callipers. Four that gender and adult age class external characters were differences can never be properly measured, namely.- HV, head vent explored in any rare taxon (ie. length; TV, tail-vent length; Pseudomys sp.). As such, the best PESL, pes length; and EARL, ear that can be achieved herein is a length (Table 2a). The following qualitative assessment of the cranial measures were recorded morphological differences (Table 2b), as outlined in Cooper between the two forms, in et al. (2003): GL, greatest length; combination with a basic BD, braincase depth; 1PW, Analysis of Variance for each interparietal width; BW, brain- individual character. In regard to case width; Z\V, zygomatic width; the latter, it must be remembered 1\V, interorbital width; NL, nasal that, due to the small sample sizes length; N\V, nasal width; BUW, involved, the chance of a "type bulla width; BL, braincase length; 11” statistical error (i.e. falsely PL, palate length; M'L, upper accepting the null hypothesis molar 1 length; M3L, upper molar that the two forms do not differ 3 length; M'M3, upper molar 1 to significantly for a given molar 3 length; APF, anterior character) remains unavoidably palatal foramen; C1L, condyle to high in any univariate statistical incisor length; and M,M3, lower test. molar 1 to molar 3 length. In Only adult animals were addition, a series of extra cranial included in this study. Animals measurements, not used by were considered adult if they Cooper et al. (2003), were taken: were reproductively mature and BUL, bulla length; WOB, width if skull sutures were fused. Two outside bullae; W1B, width age classes were observed, based between bullae; M2L, upper molar on dental differences; class 3 = 2 length; MTD, mesopterygoid mature adult with worn teeth distance; PTD, pterygoid distance; and class 2 = adult with slight PTW, width of pterygoid at tip. wear.on teeth. Although all five To qualitatively assess the extent Pseudomys sp. available were to which the two forms were males, both male (n=4-5) and diagnosable using the morpho¬ female (n=3) Pseudomys hermanns- logical data, a separate Principal 218 Components Analysis (PCA) was of any differences in allozyme performed on each of the frequency between the two external and cranial datasets. The morphotypes was assessed using statistical significance of any the computer program differences between the two GENEPOP (Raymond and forms was assessed for each Rousset 1995). variable by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Both procedures were mtDNA sequencing carried out using the computer Two individuals of the variant program STAT1ST1CA. morphotype plus one typical P. hermannsburgensis were Allozyme analysis sequenced for a 307 base-pair Frozen livers were available in portion of the cytochrome-b the tissue collections of the (cytb) mitochondrial gene, Western Australian and South according to standard protocols Australian Museums. Four (Hillis et al. 1996). These sequences specimens of Pseudomys sp. from were compared to an existing two locations were available for cytb database previously molecular analysis. These were generated in our laboratory and compared to 13 typical Pseudomys comprising P. hermannsburgensis hermannsburgensis taken from six plus its near relatives. The data locations, including two sites were analysed both by eye and by where both forms co-exist. Single constructing a neighbour¬ specimens of P. bolami and P. joining tree from the Jukes- chapmani, two species previously Cantor genetic distance matrix, considered conspecific with P. using the computer program hermannsburgensis, were also MEGA (Kumar et al. 1993). Table 1 included. The details of all provides details of which animals specimens screened are were included in the mtDNA contained in Table 1. study. Allozyme electrophoresis was undertaken on cellulose acetate RESULTS gels according to the principles and procedures detailed in Richardson ct al. (1986). A total of External morphology 53 loci displayed sufficient From initial comparison of the activity and resolution after bodies of the two morphs, the electrophoresis to allow Pseudomys sp. individuals, though allozymic interpretation. Details fully reproductively mature of the locus abbreviations are with descended testes and presented in Georges and Adams epididymis, were obviously (1992) whilst the nomenclature smaller than fully mature males used to refer to loci and of P. hermannsburgensis, even in allozymes follows Adams et al. sympatry (Brockman Mine). (1987). The statistical significance There, a mature male P. 219 m, de uo eC Musn. o an ecti -ua k ro N (S o- cnbb^bb'b'Ncobbbb^bbb Australies Collce. *3co-> o-O— n' Oboi"o - oVOo - Oo^OV -- oOO25 Ojr! oKO bo oVO oO bO bO OoO inO n-O V-O N-° J^O .m2 -m,0 o un n ssue erTiq Westgical NA se » Io < 0CO0 r^) vO X) in L>n, r•n—< O<n' vO OO LN-*, LN-“. bN" vNO- oo oo oo oo K<n- OO oo oo WAMM = alian Biolos, D = mtD cd oCcCTNoN" rNCCNN- ooOCNN " oooCNN * oroCnN OCCCNNNN “ ohCCNN"- ooCCNNo-1 ooOCNN ~ ormCoN - OC«CNNNn - OC<CNNNn " oO<CNNn " ovOmCON oCoriN - ooCr0nN4 OoCr0ON4 Si0n41 oGonCNO - O0o044* oo0044- obON-1 umbers:= Austrurement < < < < &< <<< < < < < < < < < ClO/ T^^ ^CzO 7Hu for Accession NMuseum-, ABTC = external meas c2o 2co ^cOdJ xCcd:d Pu2Gcccd-Jl 2CcO 2CcO 2cco JucucOdd Xurucdt C7U<cO*GD 7CU<COUG 7CU(OOGJ1 7PUc<QG!D ZxSOc:J Z c£cd- Cciad s.cC5d ~‘unO-GCS.BJ,J. i 12-*vScc10-,d»-3 oiycrc5§v—ddtj H HCCc5Sg-dJ udy. Code Australian rements, E pC>Oj cPq. OCii uGuOJ- CwO P^< C/L?) < < v< %< w<> p<:j < <> ^t<*o ^t<^o> :<pqqq his stM = measu ns used in tuseum, AMSs, S = skull •(Vta?6ofxl.(cid:9632) s> "(a£o3/) oIC2o£r-tL0 rwCo2£.L0 <o2£/0) 3c33c3G3ooO 333c3D3c<oou4 -33<D3c331oO* 33<b3c33oyo -3Db33O -3%b33»o -vv33CC33ooO -v3C3c333voooO. -33'c3C33UOo -3Ob3c333oJo •V33cv3<DOoou3O 3C3b3tC3r3ouOOo •cC3>D3c33ooOi3Oj 333c33Cc-DuooOO 33c3bDc33ooJO 33cDc33DsooJO 3v33sD3boJO specimealian Mallozyme Oc3<hXoi C3cLo, “L3C3O “L3c3o “L3C<3OiJ -CE3VO3JL- -C3V32OJL- C3EL C3EL tLCLC-3£>«3Lu- C-3£v<eLu- C-33£><LU- t-L33£*<U-C -LO33£VJ-C »L>3£O>C-JC 3L3v£<X-JC 3L3£ui~C L3£C L3£C L3£ Table 1. Details of all SAMM = South Austrfor Data column: A = 2<sJ e«3 Oi(2^ms<ON) 2sfuNNn<O-v 2s<CrT-O3Ot 222Sr<f Sf22><:n CrS<jN- S^^<—2< froT<-iif 22O2r<ozN- 22°TcmfS 22^02<0: 22Cr1<^O3\ 22^c<-of 22< 22< >rua22<°on*i >22Bor<t*on- rC22CIo<TOO--) 22COOT<Of 2CNttC2<>qON O22r*(cCNOn- 5uafOi<—noN 220 hermannsburgensis collected from site NA52 on 22 November 1998, weighed llg, whereas a mature male Pseudomys sp. collected at °55'00’ °32'00‘ °26'37" 9oO0-4. oIron- 1 °Oion orr00rOO44 - twPhseeeiu gsdhaomemdey ss8 si.tp6e.g wo (na2 s0t hp%he ylpsirgiechvatlieloryu) .ss m Tdahalyel 139138139 ° 2 2 rO and gracile, more like P. delicatulus than P. hermanns¬ burgensis. The pelage of the 5'00'0'00'6’35 OOO' lLO lrnO-(cid:9632) O- oPfs ePu.d hoemrmysa nspn.s bwuarsg esnismisi.l aAr ltthoo tuhgaht °3°2°3 O04 OT t- OrO both were sympatric in the sense 333130 04 04 CN (O-nNJ of being collected at the same site, it was not possible to < < determine if they were truly A ms, SArge, SAation, S 5<- &cOrt &4coc_d» “mAs yiPcnCrtooA-p hiocan"b iit.teah.t eo. cecxutpeyrninagl vthaeri asbamlees DaGoSt C *-» AJ is presented in Fig la). As the drew china noona 6£<u opnrees eonfc et hoef Pa. hmeirsmsainngn sbvuarlgueen siins An BraBalca 2spa)e cwimase cnasu s(WingA MthMis4 s1p8e3c3i;m Tenab tloe appear as a significant outlier (from both Pseudomys sp. and the other P. hermannsburgensis speci¬ ADD <PP mens), this specimen was omitted from the final analysis. The PCA qualitatively demonstrates the distinctiveness of the four speci¬ mens of Pseudomys sp. when C C £ mimimi <3 d C2 compared to typical P. hermanns¬ P.bola P.bola P. bola ~a•<oc:3a ,~a•«uc:» ,-a-auca:* CIbnuotregmerenpssoitsin,n egbnloytt ,h thmea ilfsei rastn dP hrfieenamcviapillaeyl. influenced by the variables HL and PESL, despite the most striking dichotomy in the raw data being found in the variable i^no n^ tO-' EARL (Table 2a). This obser¬ M17273C67582C13341 vrSjO- S0rO4 20To4f vonat iont hise supfpoourtre d biny dAivNiOduVaAl MTT 2 22 characters, in which only EARL SAABAB ^< S<* ^< showed a statistically-significant 221 difference between the two skulls, the cranium in Pseudomys morphotypes (p=>0.01 for all sp. appears to be more rounded, adult males). the upper molars narrower, the molar row shorter, the bullae less Cranial morphology inflated though wider, the From an initial observation of anterior palatal foramen reaches Table 2a. External measures for the four Pseudomys sp. and seven P. hermannsburgensis examined. Code for sex: 1 = male, 2 = female. Code for age class: 2 = adult, slight wear on teeth, 3 = mature adult, worn teeth. A dash (-) indicates a missing value. Animal Form cnvX Age AH >H PESL EARL M44138 sp 1 2 58.4 73.5 14.9 9.1 M41305 sp 1 2 56.4 69.9 16.2 8.2 M52437 sp 1 2 56.7 71.8 16.5 9.0 M52452 sp 1 2 55.9 74.1 15.7 7.6 M43170 Ph 1 2 48.0 79.0 16.7 11.7 M52411 Ph 1 2 64.0 90.0 17.4 10.2 M41833 Ph 1 3 65.0 - 14.8 10.2 M48514 Ph 1 3 63.5 79.0 16.0 10.6 M48513 Ph 2 3 63.0 80.0 16.5 12.3 M41813 Ph 2 3 61.6 72.5 16.5 12.5 M52425 Ph 2 3 62.0 77.7 16.7 10.9 Table 2b. Skull measures for the four Pseudomys sp. and eight P. hermannsburgensis examined. Codes as for Table 2a. Animal Form cnXCJ Age O Om IPW BW zw £ -ZJ- NW BUL BUW WOB M41305 sp 1 2 20.67 7.37 8.03 10.32 10.64 3.22 7.01 2.46 5.21 4.85 10.08 M52437 sp 1 2 21.68 7.04 6.99 10.01 10.60 3.14 7.20 2.37 5.04 4.70 9.92 M52452 sp 1 2 19.79 6.53 6.93 - 10.12 3.41 6.89 2.54 4.86 3.70 9.77 M52371 sp 1 2 21.71 7.62 6.50 10.54 11.14 3.51 6.99 2.56 5.21 4.70 10.46 M41304 Ph 1 3 22.62 6.91 7.60 10.50 11.17 3.51 8.48 2.64 5.64 5.07 10.71 M52411 Ph 1 2 21.86 7.30 7.05 10.25 10.81 3.58 7.26 2.52 5.38 4.78 10.07 M41801 Ph 1 2 19.83 7.05 7.63 10.31 11.07 3.36 6.72 2.62 4.95 4.56 9.85 M41833 Ph 1 3 22.06 6.67 7.56 10.07 10.91 3.55 7.32 2.60 5.12 4.70 10.21 M48514 Ph 1 3 21.57 7.38 8.31 10.46 11.51 3.36 7.95 2.41 5.58 5.28 10.75 M48513 Ph 2 3 - 7.21 8.25 10.52 11.21 3.52 7.71 2.63 5.33 4.98 10.26 M41813 Ph 2 3 22.84 6.59 7.64 10.28 10.79 3.50 8.07 2.65 5.49 4.67 10.81 M52425 Ph 2 3 22.41 6.98 7.39 10.06 10.65 3.41 7.91 2.47 5.26 4.96 10.29 222 the anterior end of upper molar 1 Pseudomys sp. before a definitive (as opposed to not reaching the answer on comparative skull start of the molar row) and the morphology can be given. pterygoids appear to be more flared and wider at the tips than Allozyme analysis that of an average P. Thirty-five of the 52 loci used in hermannsburgensis. this study were variable, A PCA on the skull variables (Fig displaying between two and four lb) indicates that while two of alleles. The remaining seventeen the four Pseudomys sp. have loci (Ap-3, Ca-l, Est, G6pd} Gdh, moderately distinctive scores at Gldh, Glo, Got-1, Gpx, Hb, ldh-2, Principal Component 1, the other Lap, Mdh-2, Ndpk, Pgam, Pgk, and two specimens lie squarely Pk-2) were monomorphic. Table 3 within the P. hermannsburgensis presents the allozyme profiles for cluster. Thus there is no strong all 19 Pseudomys at the 35 variable indication that the two loci. morphotypes show any quali¬ tative differences in skull The two morphotypic forms of characteristics above and beyond the Sandy Inland Mouse share the variance displayed within alleles at all loci. This contrasts each morphotype. This con¬ markedly when either is com¬ clusion is backed up by ANOVA pared with the other two species on individual characters, which examined. Thus R bolami, a species did not reveal any statistically- closely-related to P. hermanns¬ significant differences between burgensis and until recently the two forms. Clearly a much considered to be conspecific larger sample size is required for (Kitchener et al. 1984), displayed U WIB CQ PU MIL M2L M3L M1W M1M3 M1M1 MTD OHPU PTW APF C1L 22 1.35 17.44 11.10 1.72 1.05 0.78 1.07 3.53 4.50 1.01 0.99 0.54 3.90 12.46 3.19 1.14 16.68 10.20 1.55 0.50 0.97 1.06 3.16 4.42 0.97 0.80 0.45 3.29 12.95 2.93 1.21 17.03 10.18 1.84 0.99 0.79 1.18 3.37 4.42 0.95 - 0.75 3.74 11.80 2.80 1.75 17.95 11.22 1.76 0.98 0.53 1.07 3.48 4.53 0.95 1.30 0.58 3.74 11.98 3.20 1.27 18.74 11.63 1.84 1.03 0.77 1.11 3.44 4.70 1.22 0.96 0.47 3.42 13.45 3.15 1.12 18.07 11.12 1.77 1.14 0.73 1.16 3.43 4.56 0.74 1.06 0.51 3.73 12.97 3.33 1.24 16.24 10.15 1.65 1.12 0.70 1.04 3.41 4.27 0.90 0.96 0.55 4.08 10.90 3.15 1.33 18.18 11.08 1.91 1.01 0.67 1.13 3.42 4.70 1.06 1.32 0.43 3.19 13.05 3.14 1.44 17.76 11.02 1.72 0.98 0.71 1.11 3.41 4.82 1.01 1.25 0.36 3.77 12.93 3.06 1.24 17.35 11.12 1.82 1.15 0.59 1.15 4.77 4.78 0.92 1.04 0.60 3.82 12.81 3.31 1.26 10.59 11.65 1.78 1.07 0.82 1.12 3.49 4.58 1.08 1.12 0.48 3.93 13.83 3.33 1.30 18.32 10.95 1.83 0.97 0.76 1.13 3.44 4.66 1.14 1.07 0.38 4.05 13.38 3.37 223 " a) P. hermannsburgensis *0. 2 5* O' 'S’ V S- n . o P. sp..... 3 \ \ O a \ (cid:9633) \ o / • D (cid:9633) (cid:9632)) (cid:9632) Principal Component 1 b) -.. I • .. S3 | O (cid:9632)5" \ (cid:9632) / / — \ n / (cid:9632) o 3 (cid:9633) T3 n (cid:9632) O S3 a SP‘ \ P. hermannsburgensis \ • Principal Component 1 Figure 1. Principal Component Analysis of a) external and b) skull measures. Each animal has been plotted for their individual scores at the first two principal components extracted. Legend for specimens: closed circles = P. sp., closed squares = male P. hermannsburgensis; open squares = female P. hermannsburgensis. Specimen WAMM41833 was excluded from analysis a) due to the distortion caused by a missing value (see text for details). fixed differences at 18% of loci 1980) differs from both P. (data in Table 3), and R chapmani hermannsburgensis and P. bolami at (once also included in P. 40-42% of loci examined. All hermannsburgensis; see Kitchener species of Pseudomys examined to 224 Table 3. Allozyme profiles at 35 variable loci for the 19 Pseudomys examined. Identified by museum number and abbreviated taxon. ol ust Psp Pherm Pb Pa Locus U"i(f'NtT)* 52437 44138 41305 52425 52411 52410 44139 41304 41801 41813 41833 41837 43170 48513 48514 18754 17273 47645 A cp a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ab Acyc b b b b be be b b b b b b b be b b b be a Ada a a b ab a a a ab a ab a a a a ab ab a a b Adh-l a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b c Adh-2 ab ab b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ab b b Ak-1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Alc-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ab c Alb c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c b a A p-l b b b b b b b ab b b b b b b b b b b b Ap-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a c Ca-2 b b ab b b b b b b b b b ab b b b b b c Dia b b b b b ab b b b b b b b ab ab b b b a Enol c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c b a Fdp b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a c Fum a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b Gda b b b b b b b b b b b b b ab b b b ab b Got-2 bd bd b b b b d b b b b bd b b bd bd bd c a Gpi a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b Gpt a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b Hbdh a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b ldh-l a a a a a a a be a cd c ac a a a a a a a Ldh b b ab b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b Mdh-1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ab Me a a a a a a a a ab a a a a a a a a a c Mpi b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b c a Np b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ab b Pep A b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a PepD a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ab 6Pgd b b b b b b b b b b b be b b b b b a d Pgm-l a ab a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Pgm-2 c c c c c c c c c c c ac ad c c c c c be PkA a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b Sod b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a Sordh b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a Tpi a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b date have been diagnosable from frequencies for each morphotype one another using allozyme data at the 14 loci polymorphic (Baverstock etal. 1981). within the Sandy Inland Mouse. Table 4 summarizes the allozyme The two morphotypes have 225

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