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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–13(2004) Printed2February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) A Molecular Face-on View of the Galactic Centre Region Tsuyoshi Sawada,1,2,3⋆ Tetsuo Hasegawa,2,3 Toshihiro Handa3 and R. J. Cohen4 1Nobeyama Radio Observatory,462-2 Nobeyama, Minamimaki, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-1305, Japan 2National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo181-8588, Japan 3Institute of Astronomy, University of Tokyo, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo181-0015, Japan 4 4Jodrell Bank Observatory, University of Manchester, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL 0 0 2 Accepted 2004January12.Received2003October 11 n a J ABSTRACT 5 We present a method to derive positions of molecular clouds along the lines of sight 1 froma quantitative comparisonbetween2.6mmCO emissionlines and18cmOH ab- sorption lines, and apply it to the central kiloparsecs of the Milky Way. With some 1 simple but justifiable assumptions, we derive a face-on distribution of the CO bright- v nessandcorrespondingradialvelocityintheGalacticcentrewithoutanyhelpofkine- 6 maticalmodels.Thederivedface-ondistributionofthegasiselongatedandinclinedso 8 2 thatthe Galactic-eastern(positive longitude)side iscloserto us.The gasdistribution 1 is dominated by a barlike central condensation, whose apparent size is 500×200pc. 0 A ridge feature is seen to stretch from one end of the central condensation, though 4 its elongated morphology might be artificial. The velocity field shows clear signs of 0 noncircular motion in the central condensation. The ‘expanding molecular ring’ fea- / ture corresponds to the peripheral region surrounding the central condensation with h p the Galactic-easternend being closerto us. These characteristicsagreewith a picture - in which the kinematics of the gas in the central kiloparsec of the Galaxy is under a o strong influence of a barredpotential. The face-ondistribution of the in situ pressure r of the molecular gas is derived from the CO multiline analysis. The derived pressure t s is found to be highest in the central 100pc. In this region, the gas is accumulating a and is forming stars. : v i Key words: ISM: molecules – Galaxy: centre – Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics – X radio lines: ISM r a 1 INTRODUCTION project position-velocity diagrams of molecular/atomic line data into a face-on view (see, e.g., Cohen & Dent 1983; The behavior of molecular gas, in particular its physical Sofue 1995; Nakanishi& Sofue 2003). This is an indirect conditions and kinematics, in central regions of galaxies method to investigate the spatial distribution of the gas: is key information to understand the star forming activity itwouldbeinvaluableifwecouldderivepositionsofmolec- which occurs there. The Galactic centre can be observed in ular clouds independent of kinematical assumptions. The much greater detail compared with central regions of other molecular content and star forming regions in the Galactic galaxies. However, its inevitable edge-on perspective some- centrearestronglyconfinedinthecentralafewhundredpar- times complicates the interpretation of the data. In partic- secs: the region is called the central molecular zone (CMZ; ular, a face-on image of the Galactic centre is very hard Morris & Serabyn1996).Thoughthekinematicsandface-on to construct, though such an image would be very help- distribution of the gas within the CMZ are essential infor- ful to understand its kinematics and to make a compari- mation to study the star forming activity in the Galactic son with central regions of other galaxies. Attempts have centre, they are complicated and less well understood than been made to construct models of gas kinematics (see, e.g., the outer region (up to the Galactocentric radius of a few Liszt & Burton 1980; Binney et al. 1991; Fux 1999). Their kpc) mainly traced by atomic hydrogen line. models give more or less reasonable interpretation of some aspects ofthedistribution andmotion of thegas, inpartic- ular its asymmetric position-velocity appearance and some Inthispaper,wepresentamethodtoderiveamolecular outstanding features. Kinematical models can be used to face-onviewoftheGalacticcentrewithoutanyhelpofkine- matical models. In 2 we describe the basic methodology. § Using that, we draw a face-on distribution of the molecu- ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] lar gas from existing data and discuss the resultant face-on 2 T. Sawada et al. view in 3. Physical conditions of the gas and the validity 10 § of parameters used in themodel are also discussed. ] K 5 [ 2 THE METHOD e CO r The essence of our method lies in comparing emission and atu emission r absorption spectratoward theGalactic centre.Wecompare pe 0 m theCO2.6mmemissionwiththeOH18cmabsorption.Be- Te OH cause the Galactic centre region itself is an intense diffuse s absorption 18cm continuum source, strong OH absorption arises pref- es n -5 erentially from the gas that lies in front of the continuum ht regions,ratherthangasthatliesbehindthem.Ontheother rig hand, the CO emission samples the gas both in front and B backofthecontinuumsourcesequally.ThustheOH/COra- -10 tio carries information on the position of the gas along the lineofsightrelativetothecontinuumsources.Inthefollow- -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 ing, we devise a method to estimate the position quantita- LSR Velocity [km s-1] tively by introducing some simple assumptions. Figure 1. Sample spectra of CO emission (thin line) and OH absorption(thickline)at(ℓ,b)=(−0◦.2,0◦.0).Shadowedvelocity 2.1 Qualitative inspection on molecular gas components demonstrate the difference of cloud position along distribution thelineofsight(seetext). We used the Columbia-U. Chile 12CO J = 1 0 data − (Bitran et al. 1997) and a large-scale absorption survey of the OH main lines (1665MHz and 1667MHz) made by Boyce & Cohen (1994). Both data were binned over suc- cessive 5kms−1 velocity ranges. The CO data, for which the original resolution and grid spacing are respectively 9 arcmin and 7.5 arcmin, were smoothed to 10-arcmin reso- lution and resampled with a 12-arcmin grid to match the OH data. Hereafter we mainly used the 1667MHz line for the OH absorption. However, because of the large velocity spread of the molecular clouds in the Galactic centre, the positive-velocity end of the 1667MHz line blends together with the negative-velocity end of the 1665MHz line. Thus we replaced the vLSR > 100kms−1 part of the 1667MHz line with the 1665MHz data scaled by 1.37, which is the meanratiooftheabsorptiondepthbetweenthetwolinesin thevelocity range 256vLSR6100kms−1. Figure 1 shows the processed spectra of the OH ab- sorption and the CO emission at (ℓ,b) = ( 0◦.2,0◦.0). This − figure demonstrates that the OH/CO ratio varies signifi- cantly as a function of the radial velocity, vLSR. For ex- ample, we may draw attention to the velocity components near vLSR 130kms−1 and vLSR 160kms−1 (shad- ≃ − ≃ owed in Fig. 1), both of which belong to the so-called ‘ex- pandingmolecular ring’ (EMR; Kaifu, Kato & Iguchi1972; Figure 2. The ratio between the OH apparent opacity and the Scoville 1972). The CO intensities at these components are CO J = 1−0 intensity at b = 0◦.0. Contours are TMB(CO) = almostthesame.Thissuggeststhattheamountsofmolecu- 1,2,4,7,10, and 14[K]. The ratio is shown in the region where largasaresimilarineachcomponent.Ontheotherhand,the TMB(CO) exceeds 1[K]. Hatched velocity ranges were excluded OHabsorptiondepthsarestrikinglydifferent.Thenegative- fromtheanalysisbecauseofcontaminationbycloudswelloutside velocitycomponentshowsdeepabsorption,whilethereisno theGalacticcentreregion. distinctabsorptionaroundthepositive-velocitycomponent. We immediately deduce from this fact that the negative- velocity component is located in front of strong continuum Tabs/Tcont; where Tabs and Tcont are line absorption and source surrounding the Galactic centre, while the positive- continuum antenna temperatures, respectively) and the velocity component is behind it. This logic led Kaifu et al. CO J = 1 0 line intensity. The ratio has a clear trend; (1972)toconcludethatthisfeatureisexpandingawayfrom itissmaller−inℓ<0◦ andvLSR>0kms−1,whileitislarger theGalactic centre. in ℓ > 0◦ and vLSR < 0kms−1 and in the feature with ◦ Figure 2 shows the longitude-velocity (ℓ-v) diagram extremely large velocity width at ℓ 3 , which is called ≃ of the ratio between the OH apparent opacity (τapp Bania’s Clump 2 (Bania 1977). The ratio in the velocity ≡ Molecular Face-on View of the Galactic Centre 3 range 60kms−1 . vLSR . 10kms−1 is affected by the foregro−und gas in the Galactic disc and does not show the Line of Sight y intrinsic value of the Galactic centre. Thus the hatched ve- locityrangesinFig.2areexcludedfromthefollowing anal- The ysis. Galactic Centre 2.2 Deriving distances to clouds l x Based upon the logic shown in the previous section, we ex- s tendittoquantitativeestimation ofmoleculargasdistribu- r tion.Inordertodeterminethedistancestomolecularclouds quantitatively,we adopt the following four assumptions: DIFFUSE (1)Atagivenℓ,emissionobservedateachvelocitybincomes CLOUDLET RADIO CONTINUUM from a single position along theline of sight. SOURCE AROUND (2) The CO line intensity TCO at a given velocity is pro- THE GALACTIC CENTRE portional to the amount of molecular gas in unit velocity width; and the OH opacity τOH (not the ‘apparent’ one but the real one) at a given velocity is also proportional totheamountofmoleculargasinunitvelocitywidth.Con- sequently,τOH=ZTCO where Z is a constant. Observer (3)TheexcitationtemperatureofOH[Tex(OH)]isuniform. (4) The 18cm continuum emission is optically thin and Figure 3. The schematic relation of geometrical parameters in arises from a distributed volume emissivity, j(r) [r is theface-onviewoftheGalacticcentreregion. the Galactocentric radius], that is axisymmetric about the Galactic centre as modelled in 2.3. § Now Z and Tex(OH) are unknown parameters. How to Figure3showstheschematicrelationofgeometricalparam- determine them is described in 2.4; validity of them and eters.TheGalacticlongitudeℓisindegrees.Herer,s,andσi theassumption (1) are discussed§in 3.3. areinunitsofprojecteddistancecorrespondingto1◦ atthe § When a cloud whose OH opacity is τOH is located at distance to the Galactic centre: i.e., 150pc at 8.5kpc. The s = s0 (s is the position along the line of sight), the cloud observed longitudinal distribution of the continuum bright- absorbs the continuum intensity behind it, i.e., the contin- ness Tcont(ℓ) can be written as uumemissivityintegratedalongthelineofsightbehindthe s⊙ cloud, −s0∞j(r)ds using the assumption of optically thin Tcont(ℓ)= j(r)ds. (4) continuum emission. The absorption depth is written as Z−∞ f[1−exRp(−τOH)][ −s0∞j(r)ds−Tex(OH)]wheref isthebeam Since the continuum emissivity beyond the solar circle filling factor of OH absorbing gas. The total continuum in- should be negligible compared with that in the centre, tensityobservedbRyusis −s⊙∞j(r)ds,andtheapparentopac- −s⊙∞j(r)ds can bereplaced with −∞∞j(r)ds. Thus ity τapp of thecloud is expressed as τapp = f[1−exp(−τOH)R]sh⊙R−js(0∞r)jd(sr)ds−Tex(OH)i. (1) TRcont(ℓ) ≃ Z−∞∞"Xi=N1 √2aπiσi exRp(cid:18)−ℓ22σ+i2s2(cid:19)#ds (5) −∞ N ℓ2 Since τapp and TCO (aRnd thus τOH = ZTCO) are known = aiexp −2σi2 . (6) through the observations, we can obtain the value of Xi=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) −s0∞j(r)dsifweknowf,Z,andTex(OH).Thens0isderived Now ai and σi can be drawn so that the Eq. (6) repro- from the value of s0 j(r)ds using a distribution model of duces the observed longitudinal distribution of the contin- R −∞ j(r). uumbrightness.Itisfoundthatobserved continuumdistri- R bution is well fitted by up to three components (N = 3). ◦ For b = 0.0, we obtain a1 = 98.3, a2 = 34.0, a3 = 11.4; 2.3 Modelling the distribution of continuum σ1 = 0.120, σ2 = 0.677, σ3 = 7.18. Parameters ai are in emissivity Kelvins, and σi are in degrees. Figure 4 shows the result of ourfit.Themodelreproduces theobserved dataquitewell. Weassumethatthe18cmcontinuumemissivityj(r)around theGalactic centreisdescribed asasum ofseveral axisym- Sinceσ1,σ2 aresmallenough(.100pc)anda1,a2 are metric Gaussians: large, the continuum distribution due to the first (i = 1) N a r2 and thesecond (i=2) components is well defined.In some j(r) = i exp (2) galaxies seen in nearly face-on perspective, such as M83 Xi=1 √2πσi (cid:18)−2σi2(cid:19) (Ondrechen 1985) and IC 342 (Crosthwaite, Turner& Ho 2000), λ 20cm continuum emission in the central kilo- N a ℓ2+s2 ≃ i exp . (3) parsec consists of strong central source and extended emis- ≃ Xi=1 √2πσi (cid:18)− 2σi2 (cid:19) sion seen in resolutions of hundreds of parsecs. For such 4 T. Sawada et al. 150 5 and 6. Trials have been done for Z = 0.04 to 0.70[K−1] and Tex(OH)=0 to 10[K] 1. We have chosen an appropriate set of (Z,Tex(OH)) so that thefollowing threeconditions are satisfied: 100 (1) The resultant face-on distribution of the CO brightness ] K is not too asymmetric between the near and far sides with [ nt respect to thecentre, co (2) The features extending above and below the Galactic T 50 planeareplacedinsimilarface-onpositionsatdifferentlat- itudes, and (3) Most of theCO emission has a solution for theposition s0. 0 In order to check the condition (1), the CO emission 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 within ℓ 61◦istreated.ThepercentageoftheCOemission Galactic Longitude [degrees] | | located in the near side (s0 > 0) is displayed in Figure 7a. Thecentralmolecularemissionhasawell-knownasymmetry Figure 4. Longitudinal distribution of the 18cm continuum in with respect to ℓ = 0◦: Bally et al. (1988) mentioned that units of antenna temperature at b = 0◦.0 by Boyce&Cohen about three-fourths of molecular (13CO and CS) emission (1994) (open circles) and a fit by 3 Gaussians (solid line). The comes from positive longitudes. Therefore asymmetry to a fittingfunctionisTcont = 3i=1aiexp −ℓ2/(2σi2) wherea1= similar degree along the line of sight is acceptable. Sets of 9σ83.3=[K7◦.],18a.2 = 34.0[K], a3P= 11.4[K];(cid:0)σ1 = 0◦.120,(cid:1)σ2 = 0◦.677, lmarogsetZofatnhdesemmaisllsiToenx(oOnHth)earfearresjiedcet.edsincetheywouldput Acloudcomplexaround(ℓ,vLSR) (1◦.3,+100kms−1) ◦ ≃ [hereafter the ‘1.3 region’] is chosen to check the condition (2). At first we have derived the centres of emission along continuum distribution, axisymmetric emissivity distribu- the lines of sight in b = 0◦.0, 0◦.2, 0◦.4. Then the stan- tion is a good approximation in the first order. On the darddeviation of thecentres is±calcul±ated: Figure7bshows other hand, there are galaxies whose central λ 20cm theresults.Thestandarddeviation becomessmallwhenwe ≃ emission is dominated by ring structure, such as NGC adoptZ &0.10[K−1]andTex(OH) 4[K].Thegasathigh 1097 (Hummel,van der Hulst & Keel 1987) and NGC 1365 latitudes goes farther with respect ≃to that at b = 0◦.0 if we (Sandqvist,J¨ors¨ater & Lindblad1995).Thisisnotthecase adoptedsmallervaluesforTex(OH);thereverseisalsotrue. for the Milky Way Galaxy because the 18cm continuum Forthecondition(3),wedealwithClump2.Becauseof brightness in the Galactic centre, our edge-on view, has an its large OH/CO ratio, Clump 2 is apt to haveno solution; intense central peak with a monotonic decrease away from i.e., the large absorption depth cannot be reproduced even thecentre(seeFig.4).Thefactthatthecentralpeak,which ifthecloudislocatedjustinfrontofus.Figure7cshowsthe should originate in the Sgr A region, is seen through the percentage of the CO emission which can be placed within foregroundmediumsupportsourassumptionthatthe18cm 3750 < s0 < 3750pc for the used sets of (Z,Tex(OH)). If continuum is optically thin. w−eusesmallZ orlargeTex(OH),significantemissionislost. On the other hand, because of large σ3 and small a3, By combining these conditions, we have chosen Z = the third (i = 3) component should suffer from possible 0.15 0.03[K−1]andTex(OH)=4 1[K].Asnotedin 2.3, non-axisymmetric distribution on the largest scale and/or thed±eriveddistancestothecloudsa±reuncertainin ℓ &§1◦.5. | | individualsources;furthermore,smalldTcont/dscauseslarge Thus the constraint on the parameters given by condition errorsinthederivedpositionsofclouds.Therefore,inlongi- (3) using Clump 2 (ℓ 3◦) is weaker than those given by ≃ tudes where the contribution from the first and the second conditions(1)and(2).However,parameterspaceallowedby components is negligible (i.e., ℓ & 1◦.5), the positions of condition(2)isinvolvedinthatgivenbycondition(3).Thus | | clouds obtained using thismodel are rather uncertain. we can obtain (Z,Tex(OH)) = (0.15 0.03[K−1],4 1[K]) ± ± usingtheconditions(1)and(2) alone;condition (3)isthen automatically satisfied. 2.4 Choice of the Z and Tex(OH) values 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Following the procedure, we can draw a face-on (x-y) dis- tributionofthemoleculargasbyputtingeachdatapointof 3.1 Distribution and kinematics of the gas the ℓ-v diagram (Fig. 2) on to the x-y plane with a projec- 3.1.1 Overall structure tion of (ℓ,s) (x,y). However, f, Z, and Tex(OH) are still → unknown.Hereweassumef =1:thevalidityofthisassump- Figure 8 shows the resultant molecular face-on view of the tion is discussed in 3.3.1. There is no bottom-up scheme Galactic centre region at b = 0◦.0 seen from the direction § todetermineZ andTex(OH).TodetermineZ andTex(OH), ofthenorth Galactic pole. TheCO brightnessofeach pixel we employ a trial-and-error scheme, making face-on maps ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ at b=+0.4,+0.2,0.0, 0.2, and 0.4 with various values − − ofZ andTex(OH).Thedataused,i.e., theOH/CO ℓ-v dia- 1 Tex(OH) is measured as an excess over the cosmic microwave gramsandthecontinuumdistribution,areshowninFigures background(CMB). Molecular Face-on View of the Galactic Centre 5 Figure 5.Longitude-velocity distributionoftheOH/COratio,showninthesamewayasFig.2. in Fig. 2 is projected on to the x-y plane and smoothed by 1996; Gerhard 1999, and references therein). Our face-on σ = 20pc Gaussian. Figures 8a and 8b show the distribu- map shows, as a whole, thesame trend as thispicture. tions of CO brightness and corresponding radial velocity, Some barred galaxies, such as NGC 1097 ◦ respectively. Dashed lines in the Figure indicate ℓ = 1.5: (Ondrechen& van der Hulst 1983; Hummelet al. 1987) ± as mentioned in 2.3, the obtained face-on maps are less and M83 (Ondrechen 1985), show λ 20cm continuum § ≃ reliable outside them. enhancements in their bars; in particular, in the dust lanes. If the Milky Way is barred and the 18cm continuum emissivity is elongated along its bar like these galaxies, TheresultantCOdistributionmainlyconsistsofacen- thentheactualdistributionofmoleculargaswouldbemore tral condensation (corresponding to the CMZ) and a thin inclined than that obtained here. Therefore the trend of ridge feature at (x,y) (400pc, 1000pc) that stretches inclination is verycertain. ≃ − almostalongthelineofsightfromtheGalactic-eastern(pos- itivexinFig.8)endofthecentralcondensation.Asseenin Fig.2,highOH/COratioismorewidespreadinthepositive 3.1.2 Central condensation longitudes. This comes about because the face-on CO dis- tributionisinclined sothatthegasinthepositive x(corre- ThecentralcondensationdominatestheCOemissioninthe spondingtopositiveℓ)liesclosertous,asqualitativelysug- Galacticcentreregion.Itiselongated:itsapparentsizeisap- gestedbyCohen & Few(1976).Ithaslongbeenarguedthat proximately500 200pc,andshouldbecomparedwith‘twin × theMilkyWayisabarredgalaxy.Recentstudiesagreewith peaks’ in central regions of barred galaxies (Kenney et al. a picture in which the Galactic-eastern (positive longitude) 1992). The minor axis length of the condensation might be end of the bar is closer to us (see, e.g., Morris & Serabyn smallersincetheface-onmapinvolvespositionalerrorsalong 6 T. Sawada et al. 160 112400 b=+0.4° aaa123===–19–0.5–.3,, ,σσ σ31=2==7–0.–8.6–65 b=-0.2° aaa213===311200.7.19.,0, σσ, σ23==1=070..72.1996 100 K] T [cont 6800 40 20 0 160 112400 b=+0.2° aaa123===519.8.69.,3, ,σσ σ13==2=09..015.2269 b=-0.4° aaa123===111160...300,,, σσσ123===006...484083 100 K] T [cont 6800 40 20 0 160 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 140 b=0.0° a1=98.3, σ1=0.12 Galactic Longitude [degrees] 120 aa23==3141..04,, σσ23==07..6188 K]100 T [cont 6800 40 20 0 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 Galactic Longitude [degrees] Figure6.Longitudinaldistributionofthe18cmcontinuumbrightnessandmodelfitsshowninthesamewayasFig.4.Thefitparameters ai andσi (i=1,2,3)areinKelvinsanddegrees,respectively. Figure 7. (a) Percentage of the CO emissionwithin |ℓ|61◦ whichis located inthe near side. The unitis per cent. (b) The standard deviationofthecentres ofCOemissioninacloudcomplex(1◦.06ℓ61◦.6,406vLSR6130kms−1)atb=0◦.0,±0◦.2,±0◦.4inparsecs. (c)Percentage oftheCOemissioninClump2(2◦.66ℓ63◦.4,0◦.06b60◦.4,306vLSR6200kms−1)whichcanbeplacedwithinthe inner3750pc.Theunitispercent. Desirableparameterspaceisshadowed. thelinesofsightasnotedlaterin 3.1.3.Themajoraxisof shows that the gas motion in the condensation is strongly § thecondensationisinclinedwithrespecttothelineofsight noncircular. The gas in the far-side has larger receding ve- ◦ (x=0)by 70 sothattheGalactic-easternsideiscloserto locity, while the gas in the near-side is rather approaching. ≃ us.Thisangledoesnotchangesignificantlyintheacceptable This velocity structure can be explained if the gas orbit is parameterspaceof(Z,Tex(OH)).Thecondensationincludes elongated along themajor axis of thecentral condensation. ◦ ◦ ◦ Sgr A (l 0.0), Sgr B (ℓ 0.6), and Sgr C (ℓ 0.5) Itisaclearsignofabar:asimilartrendisoftenseeninboth ≃ ≃ ◦ ≃ − molecular cloud complexes and the 1.3 region. The resul- numericalsimulationsofgaskinematicsinabarredpotential tant face-on distribution of radial velocity (Fig. 8b) clearly and observations of barred galaxies (see, e.g., Athanassoula Molecular Face-on View of the Galactic Centre 7 Figure 8. The resultant molecular face-on view of the Galactic centre at b= 0◦.0. The parameter set (Z,Tex(OH)) = (0.15K−1,4K) is used. Distribution of CO J = 1−0 emission (normalized by the peak value) is shown in (a). Contours are 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16,0.32,and0.64ofthepeakvalue.Correspondingradial velocityisshownin(b).Distributionofthevelocity isshownintheregion where the CO emission is more intense than 1 per cent of the peak. Contours are −200 to +200kms−1 with a spacing of 50kms−1. Thick contour is vLSR = 0[kms−1]. The solar system is located at (x,y) =(0,−8500). White crosses in both panels show the centre, (x,y)=(0,0).Dashedlinesindicateℓ=±1◦.5. 1992; Lindblad,Lindblad & Athanassoula 1996). This fact However, the elongation of the ridge along the line of supports thearguments that theMilky Way is barred. sight mightbeartificial: theface-on mapsobtained herein- evitably involve positional errors along the lines of sight. Thenominalerrorreducesaroundthecentresincethegradi- 3.1.3 Bania’s clump 2 entof continuumbrightness(dTcont/ds,namely,continuum emissivityj)becomessteeper;andviceversa.The1σ devia- The ridge, which lies at (x,y) (400pc, 1000pc), cor- ≃ − tionsinTCO andτapp typicallycause 200pcerroraround responds to the feature called Bania’s Clump 2. Clump 2 ≃ Clump 2, while the error in the central condensation is a haslongbeennoticedbecauseofitspeculiarcharacteristics: few tens of parsecs. A localized source of radio continuum widespread velocity structure and large latitudinal extent. emission embedded in the molecular cloud could also lead, Stark & Bania (1986) considered that Clump 2 can be un- inourmodel,toanapparentlymorewidespreaddistribution derstood as an end-on projection of a dust lane or an inner ofthecloudinthederivedface-onmapthantheactualone. spiral arm. Fux (1999) argued that, however, a dust lane Thereforeourresultscannotdeterminewhichofthein- which associates with the Galactic-eastern side of the bar terpretations[Stark & Bania(1986)andFux(1999)]isrele- does not correspond to the Clump 2, but to the ‘connect- vant.Nevertheless,itiscertainthatClump2liesinfrontof ingarm’feature(Rougoor & Oort1960)basedonnumerical thecentre,sincetheOH/COratiothereisremarkablyhigh. simulation. Fux (1999) discussed Clump 2 and interpreted it as gas clouds which are crossing a dust lane shock. In our face-on map, the ridge corresponding to Clump 3.1.4 ‘Expanding Molecular Ring’ feature 2resemblesoffsetridges(ordustlanes)oftenseeninbarred spiralgalaxies.Naivelyspeaking,theentirestructure,acen- Theso-called EMR featurewas considered asan expanding tral condensation and a possible offset ridge-like feature, is (and rotating) ring in the early works (Kaifu et al. 1972; similar to those seen in central regions of barred galaxies Scoville1972),asobviousfrom itsname,based on itstilted (see, e.g., Kenney et al. 1992). It also mimics numerically oval ℓ-v appearance. Later, another interpretation that the simulateddistributionsofmaterialsorbitinginabarredpo- apparent expansion results from elongated orbit of the gas tential (see, e.g., Athanassoula 1992). was proposed. Binney et al. (1991) claimed that the ℓ-v lo- 8 T. Sawada et al. CO Integrated Intensity to (x,y) (90pc, 100pc). That is highly offset from the ≃ − OH Integrated Apparent Opacity other part of the central condensation toward us, and the O 350 14 H isovelocity contours are unnaturally curved around there. m s]-1 300 12 Integ TSghrisBi1sacnadusBe2d.bTyhetrheeforinetwenesreeadsissicgrneteed cthonetcinlouuudmpossoiutirocness nsity [K k 220500 810 rated App a0to◦.rwe4aparlnaddceℓ0d=◦.o8n0:◦.it6.oe.bt,hydeainpttaoesraipttiooelnaatcoihnfgtvhetelhocecoirvtryeelsobpcinoitnytdofiiwnegaldrvdefrlℓoomc=ityℓ0◦.i=n6 e a nt 150 6 re the interpolated velocity field. The resultant face-on maps ated I 100 4 nt Op oFfigCurOesa1n0dacaonrdre1sp0bo,ndreinspgecrtaidvieally.velocity are presented in ntegr 50 2 acity The velocity field in Fig. 10b can be used to con- CO I 0 0 [km vlienret ainnteℓn-vsitpylotraotfioasn,yeptca.r)amtoetear (fianctee-nosnityvioefwo.thWerelipnreos-, 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 s]-1 jected the 12CO J = 2 1 and 13CO J = 2 1 data Galactic Longitude [degrees] (Sawada et al. 2001) at b−= 0◦.0 on to the x-y pl−ane. Fig- ures 10c and 10d show the face-on distribution of inten- Figure 9.Longitudinal distributionofCOJ =1−0integrated liinnteen)sfiotyr n(tehgiantivlien-ev)eloancidtyOcHominptoengernatteodfathpepaEreMntR.opTahceityve(lothciictyk tsiitvyelyra.tOions Ron2e−1h/a1−nd0(,1R2C2−O1)/1a−n0d(1R2C13O/1)2(isJh=igh2−(11.0)–,1r.e2s)peacl-- range for the integration is −300 6 vLSR[kms−1] 6 −65+5ℓ most all over the central condensation. On the other hand, (ℓ is indegrees): approaching toward us faster than the hatched highR (J =2 1)(i.e.,0.10–0.15)isseenmainlywithin 13/12 − velocityrangesinFig.2. a radius of 100pc around thecentre. ≃ Using one-zone large velocity gradient (LVG; see, e.g., Goldreich & Kwan 1974) analysis, Sawada et al. (2001) de- cus of the EMR, a parallelogram rather than an ellipse, rivedthephysicalconditionsofthegas from theseintensity can be understood as a projection of the so-called x1 or- ratios. Though the derived physical conditions depend on bit (Contopoulos & Mertzanides 1977) in a barred poten- the assumed gas kinetic temperature Tk, the thermal pres- tial. As noted in the present (see 2.1) and past (see, e.g., § surep/k=n(H2)Tk [n(H2)isthederivednumberdensityof Kaifu et al. 1972) works, the negative-velocity component molecularhydrogen]wasfoundtobealmostindependentof of the EMR lies in front of the centre, while the positive- theassumed Tk. velocity component is located behind of the centre. Both Figure 11a shows the distribution of pressure n(H2)Tk interpretations, an expandingring and an orbit in a barred obtained in the same way. The highest pressure, 104.9– potential, were constructed to match thisgeometry. 105.1cm−3K, is seen within the central 100pc. It is note- Intheface-on mapobtained inthiswork,theEMR (in worthy that the highest pressure is found roughly symmet- particular negative-velocity component) is not clearly sep- rically around the centre, whereas the molecular mass dis- arated from the central condensation. We investigate the tribution is asymmetric in the way that the larger fraction origin of the EMR, an energetic expansion or an orbital of the CO emission comes from the positive longitude (see crowding, basedontheOH/CO ratio.Wewould payatten- Fig. 10a).Thecentral region corresponds tothe‘high pres- tiontothenegative-velocitycomponent oftheEMR,which sure region’ in the ℓ-v diagram described in Sawada et al. is prominently seen in ℓ-v diagrams at b = 0◦.0, 0◦.2, 0◦.4 − − (2001). Launhardt,Zylka& Mezger (2002) investigated the (Fig. 5). Higher ratio is more extensively seen in the pos- inner hundreds of parsecs of the Galaxy using IRAS and itive longitudes. For example, we present the longitudinal COBEdata,anddeducedthatgasanddustwithinthegalac- distribution of the CO emission and the OH absorption at tocentric radius of 120pc (referred to as ‘inner warm disk’ ◦ b = 0.2 in Figure 9. The Figure shows the trend that − intheirpaper)arewarmerthanthoseatlargerradii(‘outer theOHabsorptionisdeeperinthepositivelongitudescom- coldtorus’).The‘highpressureregion’foundinouranalysis paredwiththeCOemission.ThissuggeststhattheEMR,at maycorrespondtothe‘innerwarmdisk’inLaunhardt et al. leastitsnegative-velocitycomponent,isinclinedsothatthe ◦ (2002).The1.3regionshowsslightlylowerpressurethanthe positive-longitude end is closer to us. This geometry agrees averageofthecentralcondensation;andtheEMRhaseven with the interpretation by Binney et al. (1991) rather than lower pressure. theaxisymmetric ‘expanding ring’. A schematic illustration of the major molecular fea- tures is shown in Figure 11b. Sofue (1995) identified a pair of arm-like features in the central condensation from the 3.2 Physical conditions 13COdatatakenbyBally et al.(1987),thoughthese‘arms’ Sawada et al. (2001) have investigated ℓ-v distribution of are not clearly separated in our face-on map. It may be physical conditions of molecular gas in the Galactic centre due to insufficient spatial resolution of the present anal- usingtheCOintensityratios12COJ =2 1/12COJ =1 0 ysis and to deviation from the assumed smooth, axisym- [R2−1/1−0(12CO)] and 13CO J = 2−1−/12CO J = 2−−1 metric continuum emissivity because of embedded discrete [R (J =2 1)].Inthissubsectionwediscusstheface-on radio continuum sources. These arms and the high pres- 13/12 − distribution of CO intensity ratios and physical conditions sure region occupy a similar location in the ℓ-v diagram of the gas derived from theratios. (Sawada et al. 2001). Okaet al. (1996) argued that forma- In the face-on map derived in 3.1 (Fig. 8), the Sgr B tion of massive stars may have been taking place contin- cloud complex at (ℓ,vLSR) (0◦.6,5§0kms−1) is mapped on uously or intermittently in this region for more than 108 ≃ Molecular Face-on View of the Galactic Centre 9 Figure 10.Face-ondistribution(atb=0◦.0)of(a)12COJ =1−0;(b)Radialvelocity;(c)12COJ =2−1/12COJ =1−0intensity ratio; and (d) 13COJ =2−1/12COJ =2−1 intensity ratio. Values are shown in the region where the 12COJ =1−0 emission is more intense than 2 per cent of the peak. Contours show the 12COJ =1−0 distribution: levels are 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, and0.64ofthepeak. years based upon comparisons between their CO data and the far side of the central condensation shows larger reced- the ℓ-v distributions of H109α recombination line emission ingvelocity(see 3.1).Thisgeometryisconsistentwiththat § (Pauls & Mezger 1975) and OH/IR stars (Lindqvist et al. suggested by Sofue (1995), therefore Sgr B and C might be 1991),andcalleditthe‘star-formingring’.Weconsiderthat actually at the leads of these arms. The geometry that the concentration of gas may occur toform high pressure (high sitesofactivestarformationarelocatedattheleadsofinner densityand/orhightemperature)cloudsinthisregion,from arms may suggest a time lag between the arrival of the gas which stars form. Mizutani et al. (1994) observed the [Cii] intothecentralorbitandthebeginningofstarformationas 158µm line, which is considered to trace photodissociation discussedbyKohno, Kawabe & Vila-Vilar´o(1999)forNGC regions, within ℓ 6 0◦.7 and found that the emission has 6951. | | peaksatSgrB1andSgrC,inadditiontoSgrAregion.This ◦ The 1.3 region lies at the Galactic-eastern end of the might suggest that the star-forming activity is enhanced in centralcondensation.Okaet al.(1998b)notedthatthelarge the Sgr B and C regions. In the two-arm model by Sofue velocityextentsandthefluffystructureofthecloudsandfil- (1995), Sgr B and C are both located on the leads of these aments in this region may be a sign that these clouds are arms. In his analysis, ‘Arm I’ (which contains Sgr B) with formed by large-scale shocks. Hu¨ttemeister et al. (1998) re- lower(ratherapproaching)radialvelocityisinthenearside; ported that SiO in this region is exceedingly abundant and ‘Arm II’ with Sgr C is in the far side. In our face-on map, its emission arises from hot, thin gas; which also indicates 10 T. Sawada et al. Figure 11. (a) Face-on distribution of gas thermal pressure derived from one-zone LVG analysis at b=0◦.0. Values are shown in the region where the 12CO J = 1−0 emission is more intense than 2 per cent of the peak. (b) Schematic illustration of some molecular features.ContoursinbothpanelsarethesameasthoseinFig.10. Central Condensation (2000)suggestedthat‘episodicfueling’isoccurringinNGC ...A pair of arms? 5005: the1◦.3 region might bearesult ofsuch kindof cloud infall. Our results are schematically summarized in Figure 12. EMR We have found that the major axis of the central con- ◦ 1.3 region densation is inclined by an angle of 70 with respect to Sgr C ≃ the line of sight. Therefore, the position angle between the major axes of the large-scale stellar bar and the central ◦ ◦ condensation is 40 –50 (central condensation is lead- ≃ ◦ ◦ ing the bar), if our viewing angle of the bar is 20 –30 ≃ (see Morris & Serabyn 1996; Gerhard 1999; Deguchi et al. 2002, and references therein). In some barred galaxies, therearecentralmoleculargasconcentrations(‘twinpeaks’, Kenneyet al. 1992). In a face-on projection of high resolu- tion images, someof theseconcentrationstendtoconsist of Sgr B a pair of arms and their major axes are inclined with re- spect to the bar major axes by moderate angles: such as 300 pc IC342byIshizukiet al.(1990),M101etc.byKenney et al. Observer (1992),NGC1530byReynaud& Downes(1999),NGC6951 by Kohno et al. (1999), NGC 5383 by Shethet al. (2000), Figure 12. A picture of molecular gas in the Galactic centre andNGC4303bySchinnereret al.(2002).Theyaresimilar regionproposedonthebasisoftheresultsfromthiswork.Linear to our face-on view of the Galactic centre. Hydrodynami- scalesareapproximate. cal simulations of the barred galaxies also produce similar gas distributions: e.g., simulations for NGC 1365 made by theexistenceofshocks.Fromtheirargumentsanditsgeom- Lindblad et al.(1996)produceacentralcondensationwhich etry,wesuppose that thegas in the1◦.3 region has recently is inclined from the bar axis with a similar angle as that ◦ ◦ arrived in the central region and collided with the central wehaveobtained,40 –50 .Binney et al.(1991)interpreted condensation. The extremely large scale height of this re- the longitude-velocity feature that corresponds to the cen- gion compared with otherpartsof thecentralcondensation tral condensation as a projection of gaseous materials in x2 supportsouridea:thegaswhichhasjustfallenintothecen- orbits. However the x2 orbits are aligned perpendicular to tral gravitational field has not relaxed yet. The envelope of thepotential(Fig.3in Binney et al.1991).Asaresult, the the 1◦.3 region toward the Galactic-east and smaller radial sense of inclination with respect to the line of sight are op- ◦ velocityisplacedclosertousthanthemainbodyofthe1.3 posite between our and theirinterpretation. This difference region in the face-on map. This may support our idea that may be due to the fact that the x2 orbits perpendicular to ◦ the 1.3 region has just bumped into the central condensa- thebararestellar(collisionless)orbits.Wada(1994)showed tion: the envelope may be a tail of the cloud that has not from his damped-orbit model that gaseous orbits do not yet reached the condensation. Sakamoto, Baker & Scoville alignwithrespecttothebarbuttheirmajoraxesgradually

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