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A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work: Volume 1 — Models and Structures Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the University of Calgagry, Calgary, Alberta, Canada July 29 – August 10, 1974 PDF

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Preview A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work: Volume 1 — Models and Structures Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the University of Calgagry, Calgary, Alberta, Canada July 29 – August 10, 1974

A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work Volume 1 - Models and Structures NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTES SERIES Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute Programme, which aims at the dissemination of advanced knowledge and the formation of contacts among scientists from different countries The series is published by an international board of publishers in conjunction with NATO Scientific Affairs Division A Life Sciences Plenum Publishing Corporation B Physics London and New York C Mathematical and D. Reidel Publishing Company Physical Sciences Dordrecht and Boston D Behavioral and Sijthoff International Publishing Company Social Sciences Leiden E Applied Sciences Noordhoff International Publishing Leiden Series C - Mathematical and Physical Sciences Volume 17 - Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work Volume 1 - Models and Structures A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work Volume I - Models and Structures Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada July 29 - August 10, 1974 edited by G. P. PA TIL, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa" USA, S. K OT Z, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa" U,S.A. J, K. 0 R D, University of Warwick, Coventry, England D. Reidel Publishing Company Dordrecht-Holland / Boston-U,S,A, Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data NATO Advanced Study Institute, University of Calgary, 1974. A modem course on statistical distributions in scientific work. (NATO Advanced Study Institutes series: Series C, mathematical and physical sciences; v. 17) Includes bibliographies and indexes. CONTENTS: v.1. Models and structures.-v.2. Model building and model selection.-v. 3. Characterizations and applications. I. Distribution {Probability theory)----Congresses. I. Patil, Ganapati P. II. Kotz, Samuel. III. Ord, J. K. IV. Title. V. Series. 75-11704 ISBN-13: 978-94-010-1844-9 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-010-1842-5 001: 10.1007/978-94-010-1842-5 The set of three volumes: ISBN-13: 978-94-010-1844-9 Volume I: 90277 0606 9 Volume 2: 90277 0607 7 Volume 3: 90277 0608 5 Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company P.O. Box 17, Dordrecht, Holland Sold and distributed in the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Inc. 306 Dartmouth Street, Boston, Mass. 02116, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 1975 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht Softcover reprint of the hradcover I st edition 1975 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher CONTENTS IX Contents of Volumes 2 and 3 Preface . XIII Introduction to Volume 1 XVII 1. INAUGURAL ADDRESS 1.1 Concept and Conduct of Calgary Course and Conference: Some Thoughts ••• G. P. Patil 1 2. POWER SERIES AND RELATED FAMILIES 2.1 Some Recent Advances With Power Series Distri- butions ••• S. W. Joshi 9 2.2 Multiparameter Stirling and C-Type Distributions T. Cacoullos 19 2.3 Models for Gaussian Hypergeometric Distributions Adrienne W. Kemp and C. D. Kemp 31 2.4 On the Probabilistic Structure and Properties of Discrete Lagrangian Distributions ••• P. C. Consul and L. R. Shenton 41 2.5 Estimation of Parameters on Some Extensions of the Katz Family of Discrete Distributions Involving Hypergeometric Functions John Gurland and Ram Tripathi 59 2.6 A Characteristic Property of Certain Generalized Power Series Distributions ••• G. P. Patil and V. Seshadri 83 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS 3. RECENT TRENDS IN UNIVARIATE MODELS 3.1 Stable Distributions: Probability, Inference, and Applications in Finance--A Survey, and a Review of Recent Resu1ts ••• S. J. Press 87 3.2 Structural Properties and Statistics of Finite Mixtures •.. Javad Behboodian 103 3.3 Distribution Theory for the von Mises-Fisher Distribution and Its App1ication ... K. V. Mardia 113 3.4 Certain Statistical Distributions Involving Special Functions and Their Applications Frank McNo1ty, J. Richard Huynen and Eldon Hansen 131 3.5 Tai1weight, Statistical Inference and Families of Distributions - A Brief Survey Thomas P. Hettmansperger and Michael A. Keenan 161 3.6 The Families With a "Universal" Location Estimator .•. A. L. Rukhin 173 4. MOMENTS-RELATED PROBLEMS 4.1 Approximation Theory, Moment Problems and Distribution Functions .•• M. S. Ramanujan 185 4.2 Kurtosis and Departure From Normality C. C. Heyde 193 4.3 Convergence of Sequences of Transformations of Distribution Functions and Some Moment Problems W. L. Harkness 203 5. LIMIT DISTRIBUTIONS AND PROCESSES 5.1 Weak Convergence for Exponential and Monotone Likelihood Ratio Families and the Convergence of Confidence Limits .•. Bernard Harris and Andrew P. Soms 213 5.2 On Efficiency and Exponential Families in Stochastic Process Estimation •.• C. C. Heyde and P. D. Feigin 227 5.3 A Lagrangian Gamma Distribution •.. D. L. Nelson and P. C. Consul 241 6. MULTIVARIATE CONCEPTS AND MODELS 6.1 Multivariate Distributions at a Cross Road Samuel Kotz 247 6.2 Dependence Concepts and Probability Inequalities Kumar Jogdeo 271 6.3 New Families of Multivariate Distributions J. J. J. Roux 281 TABLE OF CONTENTS VII 6.4 Asymptotic Expansions for the Nonnull Distri butions of the Multivariate Test Statistics Minoru Siotani 299 7. CERTAIN MULTIVARIATE DISTRIBUTIONS 7.1 A Multivariate Gamma Type Distribution Whose Marginal Laws Are Gamma, and Which Has a Property Similar to a Characteristic Property of the Normal Case ••• A. Dussauchoyand R. Berland 319 7.2 The Bivariate Burr Distribution Frederick C. Durling 329 7.3 Multivariate Beta Distribution ••• R. P. Gupta 337 7.4 Distribution of a Quadratic Form in Normal Vectors (Multivariate Non-Central Case) C. G. Khatri 345 7.5 Bivariate and·Multivariate Extreme Distributions J. Tiago de Oliveira 355 8. SAMPLING DISTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFORMATIONS 8.1 On the Distribution of the Minimum and of the Maximum of a Random Number of I.l.D. Random Variables .•• Moshe Shaked 363 8.2 Transformation of the Pearson System With Special Reference to Type IV ••• K. O. Bowman and W. E. Dusenberry 381 8.3 Distributions of Characteristic Roots of Random Matrices ••• V. B. Waikar 391 8.4 On the Arithmetic Means and Variances of Products and Ratios of Random Variables Fred Frishman 401 8.5 Exact and Approximate Sampling Distribution of the F-Statistic Under the Randomization Procedure ••• Junjiro Ogawa 407 SUBJECT INDEX 419 CONTENTS OF VOLUMES 2 AND 3 Volume 2: Model Building and Model Selection Preface. Introduction to Volume 2. Modelling and Simulation: J. K. ORD and G. P. PATIL, Statistical Modelling: An Alternative View. G. P. PATIL and M. BOSWELL, Chance Mechanisms for Discrete Distributions in Scientific Modelling. E. J. DUDEWICZ, Random Numbers: The Need, the History, the Generators. G. P. PATIL, M. BOSWELL, and D. FRIDAY, Chance Mechanisms in the Computer Generation of Random Variables. J. S. RAMBERG, A Probability Distribution With Applications to Monte Carlo Simulation Studies. Model Identification and Discrimination: R. SRINIVASAN and C. E. ANTLE, Discrimination Between Two Location and Scale Parameter Models. M. CSORGO, V. SESHADRI, and M. YALOVSKY, Applications of Characterizations in the Area of Goodness of Fit. S. K. KATTI and K. MC DONALD, Tests for Normality Using a Characterization. J. GURLAND and R. C. DAHIYA, Tests for Normality Using Minimum Chi-Square. M. L. TIKU, A New Statistic for Testing an Assumed Distribution. J. J. GARr, The Poisson Distribution: The Theory and Application of Some Conditional Tests. Models in the Social Sciences and Management: J. K. ORD, The Size of Human Settlements. J. K. ORD, Statistical Models for Personal Income Distributions. R. W. RESEK, Symmetric Distri butions With Fat Tails: Interrelated Compound Distributions Estimated by Box-Jenkins Methods. C. CHATFIELD, A Marketing Application of a Characterization Theorem. Models in the Physical and Biomedical Sciences: J. E. MOSlMANN, Statistical Prob~ems of Size and Shape I. J. E. MOSlMANN, Statistical Problems of Size and Shape II. M. E. WISE, Skew Distributions in Biomedicine Including Some With Negative Powers of Time. S. TALWALKER, Cer tain Models in Medicine and Toxicology. D. M. SCHULTZ, Mass- Size Distributions - A Review and a Proposed New Model. S. S. SHAPIRO, Application of Statistical Distributions to Engineering Problems. A. G. LAURENT, Failure and Mortality From Wear and Ageing. The Teissier Model. E. ELVERS, Some Statistical Models for Seismological Discrimination. Models in the Environmental Sciences: M. F. DACEY, Probability Laws for Topological Properties of Drainage Basins. D. V. GOKHALE, Indices and Models for Aggregation in Spatial Patterns. G. RAMACHANDRAN, Extreme Order x CONTENTS OF VOLUMES 2 AND 3 Statistics in Large Samples From Exponential Type Distributions and Their Applications to Fire Loss. W. G. WARREN, Statistical Distributions in Forestry and Forest Products Research. A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions: G. P. PATIL, S. KOTZ, and J. K. ORD, Introduction and an Outline. PARTICIPANTS, Discussion. Subject Index. Volume 3: Characterizations and Applications Preface. Introduction to Volume 3. Linnik Memorial Inaugural Lecture: C. RADHAKRISHNA RAO, Some Problems in the Characterization of the Multivariate Normal Distribution. Mathematical Tools for Characterization Problems: EUGENE LUKACS, Properties of Non-Negative Definite Solutions of Certain Ordinary Differential Equations. J. ACZ~L, General Solution of a Functional Equation Connected With a Character ization of Statistical Distributions. H. J. ROSSBERG. An Exten sion of the Phragmen-Lindelof Theory Which is Relevant for Characterization Theory. Characterizations Using Order Statistics: J. GALAMBOS. Characterizations of Probability Distributions by Properties of Order Statistics I. J. GALAMBOS, Characterizations of Probability Distributions by Properties of Order Statistics II. PREM S. PURl, Characterization of Distributions Based on the "Scores" Arising in the Theory of Rank Tests. KENNETH S. KAMINSKY and PAUL I. NELSON, Characterization of Distributions by the Form of Predictors of Order Statistics. Z~~VINDARAJULU. Characterization of the Exponential Distribution Using Lower Moments of Order Statistics. M. AHSANULLAH. A Characterization of the Exponential Distribution. J. S. HUANG and J. S. HWANG, Ll-Completeness of a Class of Beta Densities. Z. GOVINDARAJULU, J. S. HUANG, and A. K. MD. EHSANES SALEH, Expected Value of the Spacings Between Order Statistics. Characterizations by Other Statistical Properties: A. L. RUKHIN, Characterizations of Dis tributions by Statistical Properties on Groups. F. S. GORDON and S. P. GORDON. Transcendental Functions of a Vector Variable and a Characterization of a Multivariate Poisson Distribution. A. M. KAGAN and L. B. KLEBANOV, On the Conditions of Asymptotic £ Admissibility of the Polynomial Pitman Estimators of a Location Parameter and Certain Properties of Information Measures of Closeness. LENNART BONDESSON, Characterizations of the Gamma Distribution and Related Laws. C. G. KHATRI, Characterization of Normal Law by Constancy of Regression. BtLA GYlRES, A Character ization of the Normal Distribution. Characterizations on Spaces and Processes: IGNACY I. KOTLARSKI, On Characterization of Probability Distributions by Conditional Expectations. B. L. S. PRAKASARAO, On a Characterization of Probability Distributions on Locally Compact Abelian Groups-II. RASHID AHMAD, Some CONTENTS OF VOLUMES 2 AND 3 XI Characterizations of the Exchangeable Processes and Distribution Free Tests. E. SENETA, Characterization by Functional Equations of Branching Process Limit Laws. Characterization Problems for Damaged Observations: G. P. PATIL and M. V. RATNAPARKHI, Problems of Damaged Random Variables and Related Characterizations. R. C. SRIVASTAVA and JAGBIR SINGH, On Some Characterizations of the Binomial and Poisson Distributions Based on a Damage Model. P. C. CONSUL, Some New Characterizations of Discrete Lagrangian Distri butions. KEITH ORD, A Characterization of a Dependent Bivariate Poisson Distribution. Characterizations Using Entropy Measures and Related Problems: D. V. GOKHALE, Maximum Entropy Character izations of Some Distributions. RYOICHI SHIMIZU, On Fisher's Measure of Information for Location Family. ADRIENNE W. KEMP, Characterizations Based on Second-Order Entropy. J. AczfL, Some Recent Applications of Functional Equations and Inequalities to Characterizations of Probability Distributions, Combinatorics, Information Theory and Mathematical Economics. Characterizations for Discrete Distributions and Families: A. V. GODAMBE and G. P. PATIL, Some Characterizations Involving Additivity and Infinite Divisibility and Their Applications to Poisson Mixtures and Poisson Sums. A. M. NEVILL and C. D. KEMP, On Characterizing the Hypergeometric and Multivariate Hypergeometric Distributions. K. G. JANARDAN, Characterizations of Certain Discrete Distribu tions. Characterizations for Continuous Distributions and Families: K. V. MARDIA, Characterizations of Directional Distri but ions. M. S. BINGHAM and K. V. MARDIA, Maximum Likelihood Characterization of the von Mises Distribution. A. P. BASU and HENRY W. BLOCK, On Characterizing Univariate and Multivariate Exponential Distributions With Applications. J. K. WANI and G. P. PATIL, Characterizations of Linear Exponential Families. Subject Index.

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