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Preview A mirror duality for families of $K3$ surfaces associated to bimodular singularities

K A mirror duality for families of 3 surfaces associated to bimodular singularities Makiko Mase 7 1 Key Words: K3 surfaces, toric varieties, Picard lattices 0 AMS MSC2010: 14J28 14M25 14C22 2 b e Abstract F Ebeling and Ploog [4] studied a duality of bimodular singularities 1 which is part of the Berglund–Hu¨bsch mirror symmetry. Mase and Ueda [7]showedthatthisdualityleadstoapolytopemirrorsymmetryoffami- ] G liesof K3surfaces. Wediscussin thisarticle howthissymmetryextends toa symmetry between lattices. A . h 1 Introduction t a m BimodularsingularitiesclassifiedbyArnold[1]haveadualitystudiedbyEbeling [ andPloog[4]analogoustoArnold’sstrangedualityforunimodularsingularities. 1 Namely, a pair ((B,f), (B′,f′)) of singularities B, B′ in C3 together with ap- v propriatedefiningpolynomialsf, f′ isdualifthematricesAf, Af′ ofexponents 7 of f and f′ are transpose to each other. Moreover, in some cases, such poly- 0 nomials are compactified as anticanonical members of 3-dimensional weighted 1 projectivespaceswhosegeneralmembersareGorensteinK3. Thestrangedual- 0 ityforunimodularsingularitiesisrelatedwiththepolytopemirrorsymmetryfor 0 . families of K3 surfaces that are obtained by compactifying the singularities by 2 Kobayashi [6] in a certain sense. In the study of bimodular singularities, Mase 0 7 and Ueda [7] extend the duality by Ebeling and Ploog to a polytope mirror 1 symmetry of families of K3 surfaces. More precisely, the following statement is : shown : v i X Theorem [7] Let ((B, f), (B′, f′)) be a dual pair in the sense of [4] of sin- r gularities B and B′ together with their defining polynomials f and f′ that are a respectively compactified into polynomials F and F′ as in [4]. Then, there exists a reflexive polytope ∆ such that ∆F ⊂ ∆ and ∆F′ ⊂ ∆∗. Here, ∆F and ∆F′ are respectively the Newton polytopes of F and of F′, and ∆∗ is the polar dual to ∆. (cid:4) Inthisarticle,weconsiderwhetherornotitispossibletoextendtheduality obtainedin[7]furthertothelatticemirrorsymmetryoffamiliesofK3surfaces. More precisely, our problem is stated as follows: Problem Let∆beareflexivepolytopeasin[7]. Doesthereexistgeneralmem- bers S ∈ F∆ and S′ ∈ F∆∗ such that an isometry T(S) ≃ Pic(S′)⊕U holds e e 1 ? Here, F∆ and F∆∗ are families of K3 surfaces associated to the polytopes ∆ and ∆∗, S denotes the minimal model of S, Pic(S) and T(S) are respectively the Picard and transcendental lattice of S. e e e The problem is answered in Theoreme3.2 together with an explicit descrip- tion in Proposition 3.1 of the Picard lattices Pic(∆) and Pic(∆∗) defined in section3,withranksρ(∆)andρ(∆∗),oftheminimalmodelofappropriategen- eralmembersinthefamilies. Themainresultofthisarticleissummarizedhere. In the sequel,the names of singularitiesfollow Arnold[1], and singularitiesin a same row of Table 1 are dual to each other in the sense of [4]. Proposition3.1andTheorem3.2 Let ∆ be the reflexive polytope obtained in [7]. For the following transpose-dual pairs, the polar duality extends to a lattice mirror symmetry between the families F∆ and F∆∗, where the Picard lattices −4 1 are given in Table 1. Here we use the notation C6 := . 8 1 −2 (cid:18) (cid:19) Singularity Pic(∆) ρ(∆) ρ(∆∗) Pic(∆∗) Singularity Q U ⊕E ⊕E 16 4 U ⊕A E 12 6 8 2 18 Z U ⊕E ⊕E 17 3 U ⊕A E 1,0 7 8 1 19 E U ⊕E⊕2 18 2 U E 20 8 20 Q U ⊕A ⊕E 16 4 U ⊕C6 Z 2,0 6 8 8 17 E U ⊕E ⊕E 17 3 U ⊕A Z 25 7 8 1 19 Q U ⊕E ⊕E 16 4 U ⊕A E 18 6 8 2 30 Table 1: Picard lattices for lattice mirror symmetric pairs(cid:4) Section2istodefine thepolytope-andlattice-mirrortheoriesinsubsection 2.3, andto define the transposeduality following[4]in subsection2.4, basedon a brief introductionto lattice theory in subsection2.1, andof toric geometryin subsection 2.2, where several formulas and results are stated without proof. The main theorem of this article is stated in section 3 following auxiliary results. The facts introduced in the previous section are used in their proof. Denote by ∆ the reflexive polytope obtained in [7] for a singularity B. As B is seen in Table 1, there are isometric Picard lattices Pic(∆ ) ≃ Pic(∆ ), Q12 Q18 and Pic(∆ )≃Pic(∆ ). We consider and affirmatively answer in Proposi- Z1,0 E25 tion 4.1 the following question as an application in section 4: Problem Are the families F (resp.F ) and F (resp.F ) es- ∆Q12 ∆Z1,0 ∆Q18 ∆E25 sentially the same in the sense that general members in these families are bira- tionally equivalent ? Acknowledgement The author thanks to the referee for his helpful comments particularly about the proof of the key Proposition 3.1 in the original manuscript. 2 2 Preliminary We start with having a consensus as to Gorenstein K3 and K3 surfaces. Definition 2.1 A compact complex connected 2-dimensional algebraic variety S with at most ADE singularities is called Gorenstein K3 if (i) K ∼ 0; and S (ii) H1(S, O ) = 0. If a Gorenstein K3 surface S is nonsingular, S is simply S called a K3 surface. (cid:4) 2.1 Brief lattice theory Alattice isa non-degeneratefinitely-generatedfree Z-module witha symmetric bilinear formcalled an intersectionpairing. The discriminant group of a lattice LisdefinedbyA :=L∗/L,whichisfinitely-generatedandabelian,whereL∗ := L Hom(L, Z) is dual to L. It is known that the order |A | of the discriminant L groupis equal to the determinant of any intersection matrix of L. Let us recall a standard lattice theory by Nikulin [8]: Corollary 2.1 (Corollary 1.13.5-(1) [8]) If an even lattice L of signature (t , t ) satisfies t ≥1, t ≥1, and t +t ≥3+lengthA , then, there exists + − + − + − L a lattice T such that L≃U ⊕T, where U is the hyperbolic lattice of rank 2. (cid:4) Inparticular,ifanevenlatticeLisofrkL>12,t ≥1,andt ≥1,then,there + − exists a lattice T such that L≃U ⊕T. SupposeLisasublatticeofalatticeL′ withinclusionι:L֒→L′. Denoteby L⊥ theorthogonalcomplementofLinL′. Theembedding ιiscalledprimitive, L′ and L called a primitive sublattice of L′ if the finite abelian group L′/ι(L) is torsion-free. In other words, if there is no overlattice that is an intermediate lattice between L and L′ of rank equal to the rank of L. Note that if a direct sumL ⊕L oflatticesisasublatticeofL′,then(L ⊕L )⊥ ≃(L )⊥ ⊕(L )⊥. 1 2 1 2 L′ 1 L′ 2 L′ For a K3 surface S, it is known that H2(S, Z) with the intersectionpairing isisometrictotheK3 latticeΛ thatisevenunimodularofrank22andsigna- K3 ture (3,19), being U⊕3⊕E⊕2, where E is the negative-definite even unimod- 8 8 ular lattice of rank 8. There is a standard exact sequence 0 → H1(S, O∗) →c1 S H2(S, Z) → 0 of cohomologies so H1(S, O∗) is inherited a lattice structure S from H2(S, Z). Define the Picard lattice Pic(S) of a K3 surface S as the group c (H1,1(S))∩H2(S, Z) with the lattice structure. The rank of Pic(S) is called 1 the Picard number, denoted by ρ(S). The Picard lattice is hyperbolic since a K3 surface is complex and algebraic, and is known to be a primitive sublattice of Λ under a marking H2(S, Z)→∼ Λ . K3 K3 If an evenhyperbolic lattice L of rank rkL≤20 has |A | being square-free, L L is a primitive sublattice of Λ . Indeed, if so, for any lattice L ⊂ L′′ ⊂ K3 ΛK3 the general relation |AL| = [L′′ : L]2|AL′′| implies [L′′ : L] = 1 thus L′′ ≃ L. Hence there is no overlattice of L. Moreover, by surjectivity of the period mapping [2], there exists a K3 surface S such that Pic(S) ≃ L. Let M ⊂ Λ be a hyperbolic sublattice. A K3 surface is M-polarised [3] if there K3 exists a marking φ such that all divisors in φ−1(Cpol) are ample, where Cpol M M is the positive cone in MR minus d∈∆M Hd, ∆M = {d ∈ M|d.d = −2}, and H ={x∈P(Λ )|x.d=0 for all d∈∆ }. d K3 M S Nishiyama [9] gives the orthogonal complements of primitive sublattices of type ADE of E in possible cases. 8 3 Lemma 2.1 (Lemma 4.3 [9]) There exist primitive embeddings of lattices of type ADE into E with orthogonal complements given as follows. All the nota- 8 −4 1 tion follows Bourbaki except C6 := . 8 1 −2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (A )⊥ ≃E (A )⊥ ≃E (A )⊥ ≃D (A )⊥ ≃A (A1)E⊥8 ≃A7⊕A (A2)E⊥8 ≃C66 (A3)E⊥8 ≃(−58) 4 E8 4 (D5)E⊥8 ≃D1 2 (D6)E⊥8 ≃A8 (D7)E⊥8 ≃A⊕2 (D )⊥ ≃(−4) (E4)⊥E8≃A4 (E5)⊥E8≃A3 6 E8 1 7 E8 (cid:4) 6 E8 2 7 E8 1 2.2 Brief toric geometry Here we summarize toric divisors and ∆-regularity. Let M be a rank-3 lattice with the standard basis {e , e , e }, N be its dual, and (, ) : M ×N → Z be 1 2 3 the natural pairing. From now on, a polytope means a 3-dimensional convex hull of finitely-many points in Z3 embedded into R3, namely, integral, and the origin is the only lattice point in the interior of it. LetP∆ bethetoricvarietydefinedbyapolytope∆inM⊗ZR,towhichone can associate a fan Σ whose one-dimensional cones, called one-simplices, are ∆ generatedbyprimitivelatticevectorseachofwhoseend-pointisanintersection point of N and an edge of its polar dual ∆∗ defined by ∆∗ :={y ∈N ⊗R|(x, y)≥−1 for all x∈∆}. LetP be the toricresolutionofsingularitiesinP . A toric divisor is adivisor ∆ ∆ admittingthetorusaction,identifiedwiththeclosureofthetorus-actionorbitof aonef-simplex. LetDivT(P∆)bethesetofalltoricdivisorsDi =orb(R≥0vi), i= 1,...,s on P∆, where vi is a primitive lattice vector, then, −KPf = si=1 Di. By a standard exact sequfence and a commutative diagram [10] ∆ P f 0 → M → DivT(P∆) → Pic(P∆) → 0 ↓ ↓ M → s ZfD → A (Pf) → 0 i=1 i 2 ∆ there is a system of linear equatLions among toric divisors f s (e , v )D =0, j =1,2,3. (1) j i i i=1 X Thus the solution set of the linear system is generated by (s − 3) elements corresponding to divisors which generate the Picard group Pic(P ) of P . ∆ ∆ Definition 2.2 A polytope is reflexive if its polar dual is also integral. (cid:4) f f The importance of that we consider reflexive polytopes is by the following: Theorem 2.1 c.f. [?] The following conditions are equivalent: (1) A polytope ∆ is reflexive. (2) The toric 3-fold P is Fano, in particular, general anticanonical members ∆ of P are Gorenstein K3. (cid:4) ∆ 4 Forareflexivepolytope∆,denotebyF thefamilyofhypersurfacesparametrised ∆ by the complete anticanonicallinear system of P . Note that general members ∆ in F are Gorenstein K3 due to the previous theorem so that they are bira- ∆ tionally equivalent to K3 surfaces by the existence of crepant resolution. Thus we call the family F a family of K3 surfaces. ∆ We recall from §3 of [?] the notion of ∆-regularity. Definition 2.3 Let F be a Laurent polynomial defining a hypersurface Z , F whose Newton polytope is a polytope ∆. The hypersurface Z is called ∆- F regular if for every face Γ of ∆, the corresponding affine stratum Z of Z is F,Γ F either empty or a smooth subvariety of codimension 1 in the torus T that is Γ contained in the affine variety associated to Γ. (cid:4) Itisshownin[?]that∆-regularityisageneralcondition,andsingularitiesof all ∆-regular members are simultaneously resolved by a toric desingularization of P . From now on, suppose a polytope ∆ is reflexive and S is a ∆-regular ∆ member whose minimal model S is obtained by a toric resolution. Definition 2.4 For a restriction r : P → S, let r : H1,1(P ) → H1,1(S) be e ∆ ∗ ∆ theinducedmapping. DefinealatticeL (S):=r (H1,1(P ))∩H2(S, Z)ofthe D ∗ ∆ intersection of the image of r and Hf2(S, Ze), and its orthofgonal compleement ∗ L (S):=L (S)⊥ in H2(S, Z). (cid:4) e f e 0 D H2(Se,Z) e Iet is knowne[6]that ρ(S) anderkL0(S) only depend onthe number oflattice points in edges of ∆ and ∆∗. Thus we define the Picard number ρ(∆):=ρ(S), andthe rankrkL :=rkeL (S)associaetedto ∆. Moreprecisely,denote by Γ∗ 0,∆ 0 in ∆∗ the dual face to a face Γ of ∆, and l∗(Γ) is the number of lattice poinets in the interior of Γ, and ∆[1] ethe set of edges in ∆. Let s be the number of one-simplices of Σ . Then ∆ rkL0,∆ = l∗(Γ)l∗(Γ∗)=rkL0,∆∗, (2) Γ∈X∆[1] ρ(∆) = s−3+rkL , (3) 0,∆ ρ(∆)+ρ(∆∗) = 20+rkL . (4) 0,∆ If l∗(Γ∗)=n and l∗(Γ)=m for an edge Γ of ∆, there is a singularityof type Γ Γ A with multiplicity m +1 on an affine variety associated to Γ. nΓ+1 Γ As we will see later, we only need formulas when rkL = 0 for the inter- 0,∆ section numbers of the divisors {r D } in H2(S, Z) given as follows. ∗ i r D2 =r D .r D = 2l∗(vi∗)−2 eif vi is a vertex of ∆∗, (5) ∗ i ∗ i ∗ i (−2 otherwise. If end-points of v and v are on the edge Γ∗ of ∆∗, then i j ij 1 if v and v are next to each other, i j r∗Di.r∗Dj = l∗(Γij)+1 if l∗(Γ∗ij)=0, and vi, vj are both vertices,(6) 0 otherwise. ThePicardlatticesofthe minimalmodels ofany∆-regularmembers,which are generated by components of restricted toric divisors, are isometric. Define 5 the Picard lattice Pic(∆) of the family F as the Picard lattice of the minimal ∆ model of a ∆-regular member with rank ρ(∆). The orthogonal complement T(∆)=Pic(∆)⊥ is called the transcendental lattice of F . ΛK3 ∆ 2.3 Mirrors We define the polytope- and lattice-mirror theories. 2.3.1 Polytope Mirror We focus on polytopes that “represent” the anticanonical members in a toric variety as is seen in subsection 2.2. Definition 2.5 A pair (∆ , ∆ ) of reflexive polytopes or a pair (F , F ) 1 2 ∆1 ∆2 of families of K3 surfaces associated to ∆ and ∆ is called polytope mirror 1 2 symmetric if an isometry ∆ ≃∆∗ holds. (cid:4) 1 2 2.3.2 Lattice Mirror For a K3 surface S, Pic(S) is the Picard lattice, and T(S) = Pic(S)⊥ is the ΛK3 transcendentallattice. AmirrorforfamilyofM-polarisedK3surfacesisdefined whenM isasublattice ofΛ ingeneral[3]. Here,wedealwiththemoststrict K3 case, namely, mirror for K3 surfaces with Picard lattice as their polarisation. Definition 2.6 (1) A pair (S, S′) of K3 surfaces is called lattice mirror sym- metric if an isometry T(S)≃Pic(S′)⊕U holds. (2) A pair (F, F′) of families whose general members are Gorenstein K3 sur- faces is lattice mirror symmetric if there exist general members S ∈ F and S′ ∈F′ pair of whose minimal models is lattice mirror symmetric. (cid:4) Note thata lattice mirrorpair (S, S′)of K3surfacessatisfies,by definition, rkPic(S′)+2=rkT(S)=22−rkPic(S), thus ρ(S′)+ρ(S)=20. (7) 2.4 Bimodular singularities and the transpose duality BeingclassifiedbyArnold[1]in1970’s,bimodularsingularitieshavetwospecific classes: quadrilateralandexceptional. Quadrilateralbimodularsingularitiesare 6 in number with exceptional divisor of type I∗, whilst exceptional are 14 in 0 numberwithexceptionaldivisoroftypeII∗, III∗ orIV∗ inKodaira’snotation. Anon-degeneratepolynomialf inthreevariablesiscalledinvertibleiff has three terms f = 3j=1xa1jya2jza3j such that its matrix Af := (aij)1≤i,j≤3 of exponents is invertible in GL (Q). 3 P Definition 2.7 c.f. [4] Let B = (0,(f = 0)) and B′ = (0,(f′ = 0)) be germs of singularities in C3. A pair (B,B′) of singularities is called transpose dual if the following three conditions are satisfied. (1) Defining polynomials f and f′ are invertible. (2) MatricesAf andAf′ ofexponentsoff andf′ aretransposetoeachother. 6 (3) f (resp. f′) is compactified to a four-term polynomial F (resp. F′) in |−KP(a)| (resp. |−KP(b)|), where P(a) (resp. P(b)) is the 3-dimensional weightedprojectivespacewhosegeneralmembersareGorensteinK3with weight a (resp. b) out of the list of 95 weights classified by [12][5][11]. (cid:4) Condition (1) and (2) is said that they are Berglund–Hu¨bsch mirror sym- metric. Ebeling-Ploog [4] show that there are 16 transpose-dual pairs among quadrilateral and exceptional bimodular singularities, exceptional unimodular singularities, and the singularities E , E , X , and Z . 25 30 2,0 2,0 3 The transpose dual and the lattice mirror For a transpose-dual pair (B,B′) of defining polynomial f (resp. f′) being compactified to a polynomial F (resp. F′), consider the Newton polytope ∆ F (resp. ∆F′) of F (resp. F′) all of whose corresponding monomials are fixed by an automorphism action on (F =0) (resp. (F′ =0)). Remark 1 AcompactifiedmemberF tof doesnotalwaysdefineaGorenstein K3 surface because ∆ may not be reflexive. F However,the Newton polytopes are extended to be reflexive and dual. Theorem 3.1 [7] For each transpose-dual pair (B,B′), there exists a reflexive polytope ∆ such that ∆F ⊂∆ and ∆F′ ⊂∆∗. (cid:4) Computing Picardlattices is generally difficult, but it seems possible for ∆- regular members by subsection 2.2. Let us reformulate our problem. Problem Forapolytope∆obtainedin[7],isapair(S, S′)ofminimalmodels of ∆-regular S ∈F∆ and ∆∗-regular S′ ∈F∆∗ lattice mirror symmetric ? e e First we study the rank rkL . 0,∆ Lemma 3.1 The list of rkL for the reflexive polytope ∆ obtained in [7] is 0,∆ given in Table 2. transpose-dual pair rkL transpose-dual pair rkL 0,∆ 0,∆ (Q , E ) 0 (Z , Q ) 2 12 18 17 2,0 (Z , E ) 0 (U , U ) 2 1,0 19 1,0 1,0 (E , E ) 0 (U , U ) 2 20 20 16 16 (Q , Z ) 0 (Q , Z ) 2 2,0 17 17 2,0 (E , Z ) 0 (W , W ) 3 25 19 1,0 1,0 (Q , E ) 0 (W , S ) 5 18 30 17 1,0 (Z , Z ) 1 (W , W ) 6 1,0 1,0 18 18 (Z , J ) 2 (S , X ) 6 13 3,0 17 2,0 Table 2: rkL 0,∆ Proof. The assertion follows from direct and case-by-case computation by formula (2) in subsection 2.2. 7 1. (Q , E ) The polytope ∆ is given in subsection 4.7 of [7]. There is 12 18 no contribution to rkL since l∗(Γ) or l∗(Γ∗) is zero for any edge Γ. Thus, 0,∆ rkL =0 by formula (2). 0,∆ Similarforthecases(Z , E ), (E , E ), (Q , Z ), (E , Z ), (Q , E ). 1,0 19 20 20 2,0 17 25 19 18 30 2. (Z , J ) The polytope ∆ is given in subsection 4.1 of [7]. The only con- 13 3,0 tributiontorkL isbyanedgeΓbetweenvertices(0, 0, 1)and(−2, −6, −9), 0,∆ whosedualΓ∗isbetween(8, −1, −1)and(−1, 2, −1)sol∗(Γ)=1andl∗(Γ∗)= 2. Thus, rkL =1×2=2 by formula (2). 0,∆ Similarforthecases(Z ,Z ), (Z ,Q ), (U ,U ), (U ,U ), (Q ,Z ), 1,0 1,0 17 2,0 1,0 1,0 16 16 17 2,0 (W ,W ), (W ,S ), (W ,W ), (S ,X ). (cid:3) 1,0 1,0 17 1,0 18 18 17 2,0 Corollary 3.1 No∆-and∆∗-regularmembersfortranspose-dualpairs(Z ,J ), 13 3,0 (Z ,Z ), (Z ,Q ), (U ,U ), (U ,U ), (Q ,Z ), (W ,W ), (W ,S ), 1,0 1,0 17 2,0 1,0 1,0 16 16 17 2,0 1,0 1,0 17 1,0 (W ,W ), (S ,X ) admit a lattice mirror symmetry. 18 18 17 2,0 Proof. For each ∆ associated to the presented pairs, by formula (4), ρ(∆)+ρ(∆∗)=20+rkL >20 0,∆ since rkL >0 by Lemma 3.1. Thus, the equation (7) does not hold. There- 0,∆ fore, ∆- and ∆∗-regular members do not admit a lattice mirror symmetry. (cid:3) Corollary 3.2 The restriction mapping r : Pic(P ) → Pic(S), for ∆-regular ∗ ∆ S ∈F issurjectiveforthetranspose-dualpairs(Q ,E ), (Z ,E ), (E ,E ), ∆ 12 18 1,0 19 20 20 (Q2,0,Z17), (E25,Z19), (Q18,E30). f e Proof. By Lemma 3.1, rkL = 0 for each case. By definition, rkL is 0,∆ 0,∆ equal to the rank of the orthogonal complement of r (H1,1(P )) in H2(S, Z). ∗ ∆ Thus, that rkL =0 means that r is surjective. (cid:3) 0,∆ ∗ f e By Corollary 3.1, we may only focus on the transpose-dual pairs appearing in Corollary 3.2, whose statement means moreoverthat Pic(∆) is generated by restricted toric divisors generating Pic(P ), and analogous to ∆∗. ∆ Let AL denote the discriminant grofup, qL the quadratic form, and discrL the discriminantofalattice L. Ifp=discrLisprime,thenA ≃Z/pZ. Before L stating our main results, note a fact in Proposition 1.6.1 in [8]. Suppose that latticesS andT areprimitivelyembeddedintotheK3latticeΛ . IfA ≃A K3 S T and q =−q , then, it is determined that the orthogonal complement S⊥ in S T ΛK3 Λ is T. And q =−q if and only if discrS =−discrT. K3 S T Proposition 3.1 The Picard lattice Pic(∆∗) for ∆ in Corollary 3.2 is as in Table 3, where singularities in a row are transpose-dual. In each case, one gets discrPic(∆)=−discr(U ⊕Pic(∆∗)), and APic(∆) ≃AU⊕Pic(∆∗). 8 −4 1 Denote C6 := . 8 1 −2 (cid:18) (cid:19) Singularity ρ(∆∗) Pic(∆∗) Singularity Q 4 U ⊕A E 12 2 18 Z 3 U ⊕A E 1,0 1 19 E 2 U E 20 20 Q 4 U ⊕C6 Z 2,0 8 17 E 3 U ⊕A Z 25 1 19 Q 4 U ⊕A E 18 2 30 Table 3: Pic(∆∗) for ∆ in Corollary 3.2 Proof. 1.Q and E The polytope ∆ is given in subsection 4.7 of [7] and the asso- 12 18 ciated toric 3-fold has 19 toric divisors D corresponding to the one-simplices i generated by vectors m =(1, 2, 2) m =(0, 1, 1) m =(−8, −11, −9) 1 2 3 m =(1, −2, 0) m =(1, 1, 0) m =(−4, −5, −4) 4 5 6 m =(−7, −10, −8) m =(−6, −9, −7) m =(−5, −8, −6) 7 8 9 m =(−4, −7, −5) m =(−3, −6, −4) m =(−2, −5, −3) 10 11 12 m =(−1, −4, −2) m =(0, −3, −1) m =(1, 0, 1) 13 14 15 m =(−5, −7, −6) m =(−2, −3, −3) m =(1, −1, 0) 16 17 18 m =(1, 0, 0) 19 and by solving the linear system (1) : 19 (e , m )D = 0 (j = 1,2,3), we i=1 j i i get linear relations among toric divisors P D ∼ −9D +3D −D −2D −3D −4D −5D −6D −7D −8D 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 −5D +D +2D −5D −D , 15 16 17 18 19 D ∼ D +10D −2D +2D +3D +4D +5D +6D +7D +8D 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +9D +5D −D +6D +2D , 14 15 17 18 19 D ∼ −2D −2D +D −2D −2D −2D −2D −2D −2D −2D 6 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 −2D −D −D −D . 14 15 16 18 So the set {D |i 6= 1,2,6} of toric divisors is linearly independent. Let L be i the lattice generated by the set {r D |i 6= 1,2,6} of their restrictions to a ∆- ∗ i regular member. We shall check that L is primitively embedded into the K3 latticetoshowthatLisindeedthePicardlatticeofthefamilyF . Bycomputer ∆ calculationwithformulas(5)and(6),thedeterminantofanintersectionmatrix 9 of L is −3 since this matrix is given by −2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 −2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1  1 0 0 −2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     0 0 0 1 −2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     0 0 0 0 1 −2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     0 0 0 0 0 1 −2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   ,  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −2 1 0 0 0 0 0     0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −2 0 0 0 0 0     0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −2 0 0 0 0     1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −2 1 0 0     0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −2 0 0     0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −2 1     0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −2      Since the discriminant of L is −3 that is square-free,there exists no overlattice of L ; indeed, if H ⊂ Λ were an overlattice of L, then, by the standard K3 relation −3 = [H : L]2discrH, we get [H : L] = 1 and discrH = −3 so that L≃H. Hence, LisprimitivelyembeddedintotheK3lattice. Byconstruction, L is indeed the Picard lattice of the family F . ∆ The dual polytope ∆∗ associates a toric 3-fold with 7 toric divisors D′ cor- i responding to the one-simplices generated by vectors v =(1, 1, −2) v =(1, −2, 1) v =(2, −3, 2) v =(−1, 0, 1) 1 2 3 4 v =(−1, 0, 0) v =(1, 0, −1) v =(1, −1, 0) 5 6 7 and by solving the linear system (1) : 7 (e , m )D′ = 0 (j = 1,2,3), we i=1 j i i get linear relations among toric divisors P D′ ∼2D′ +3D′ +D′, D′ ∼3D′ +4D′ +D′ +2D′, D′ ∼D′. 1 2 3 7 4 2 3 6 7 5 3 Thus the set {D′|i 6= 1,4,5} of toric divisors is linearly independent. Let L′ i be the lattice generated by the set {r D′|i 6= 1,4,5} of their restrictions to a ∗ i ∆∗-regularmember. By formulas(5) and(6), anintersectionmatrix associated to L′ is given by −2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0   0 0 −2 1  1 0 1 −2      that is equivalent to U ⊕A by re-taking the generators as 2 {r D′ +r D′, r D′, r D′, r D′ +r D′}. ∗ 2 ∗ 3 ∗ 3 ∗ 6 ∗ 3 ∗ 7 Since the discriminantofL′ is −3thatis square-free,there existsno overlattice of L′ ; indeed, if H′ ⊂ Λ were an overlattice of L′, then, by the standard K3 relation −3 = [H′ : L′]2discrH′, we get [H′ : L′] = 1 and discrH′ = −3 so that H′ ≃ L′. Hence, L′ is primitively embedded into the K3 lattice. By 10

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