A MEASURE OF THE TORSIONAL PERFORMANCES OF PARTIALLY HINGED RECTANGULAR PLATES ELVISE BERCHIO, DAVIDE BUOSO, AND FILIPPO GAZZOLA Abstract. We introduce a new functional, named gap function, which measures the torsional insta- bility of a partially hinged rectangular plate, aiming to model the deck of a bridge. Then we test the performances of the gap function on a plate subject to two kinds of loads: one modeled by a force concentrating on one of the free edges and one in resonance with the eigenmodes. Keywords: Plates; torsional instability; bridges. AMS Subject Classification (2010): 35J40; 74K20. 7 1 0 1. Introduction 2 n From the Federal Report [1] on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse (see also [9]), we learn that the a most dangerous oscillations for the deck of a bridge are the torsional ones, which appear when the deck J rotates around its main axis; we refer to [5, §1.3,1.4] for a historical survey of several further collapses 4 due to torsional oscillations. These events naturally raise the following question: 2 is it possible to measure the torsional performances of bridges? ] Following [4] we model the deck of a bridge as a long narrow rectangular thin plate Ω hinged at two P opposite edges and free on the remaining two edges; this well describes the deck of a suspension bridge A which, at the short edges, is supported by the ground. Then we introduce a new functional, named gap . h function, able to measure the torsional performances of the bridge. Roughly speaking, this functional t a measures the gap between the displacements of the two free edges of the deck, thereby giving a measure m of the risk for the bridge to collapse. In the present paper we explicitly compute the gap function for [ some prototypes of external forces that appear to be the most prone to generate torsional instability in 1 the structure. Our theoretical and numerical results confirm that the gap function is a reliable measure v for the torsional performances of rectangular plates. 5 8 2. Variational setting and gap function definition 0 7 Uptoscaling,wemayassumethatΩ = (0,π)×(−(cid:96),(cid:96)) ⊂ R2 with2(cid:96) (cid:28) π. AccordingtotheKirchhoff- 0 Love theory [6, 7], the energy E of the vertical deformation u of the plate Ω may be computed by . 1 0 (cid:90) (cid:18)1 (cid:19) E(u)= (∆u)2+(1−σ)(u2 −u u )−fu dxdy, 7 2 xy xx yy Ω 1 (cid:110) v: where 0 < σ < 1 is the Poisson ratio. The functional E is minimized on the space H∗2 := w ∈ i (cid:111) X H2(Ω); w = 0 on {0,π}×(−(cid:96),(cid:96)) ; since Ω ⊂ R2, H2(Ω) ⊂ C0(Ω) so that the condition on {0,π}× r a (−(cid:96),(cid:96)) is satisfied pointwise. By [4, Lemma 4.1], H2 is a Hilbert space when endowed with the scalar ∗ product (cid:90) (u,v) := [∆u∆v+(1−σ)(2u v −u v −u v )] dxdy H2 xy xy xx yy yy xx ∗ Ω and associated norm (cid:107)u(cid:107)2 = (u,u) , which is equivalent to the usual norm in H2(Ω). We also define H∗2 H∗2 H−2 the dual space of H2 and we denote by (cid:104)·,·(cid:105) the corresponding duality. If f ∈ H−2 we replace ∗ ∗ ∗ (cid:82) fu with (cid:104)f,u(cid:105). In such case, there exists a unique u ∈ H2 such that Ω ∗ (1) (u,v) = (cid:104)f,v(cid:105) ∀v ∈ H2, H2 ∗ ∗ 1 2 ELVISEBERCHIO,DAVIDEBUOSO,ANDFILIPPOGAZZOLA anduistheminimumpointofthefunctionalE. Iff ∈ L2(Ω)thenu ∈ H4(Ω)anduisastrongsolution of the problem ∆2u = f in Ω (2) u(0,y) = u (0,y) = u(π,y) = u (π,y) = 0 for y ∈ (−(cid:96),(cid:96)) xx xx u (x,±(cid:96))+σu (x,±(cid:96)) = u (x,±(cid:96))+(2−σ)u (x,±(cid:96)) = 0 for x ∈ (0,π) . yy xx yyy xxy See [4, 8] for the derivation of (2). Differently from what happens in higher space dimension or for lower order problems, here u ∈ H2 is continuous if f merely belongs to L1 or H−2 and we can define ∗ ∗ the gap function: (3) G(x) := u(x,(cid:96))−u(x,−(cid:96)) x ∈ (0,π). G measures the difference of the vertical displacements on the free edges and is therefore a measure of the torsional response. The maximal gap is given by (4) G∞ := max (cid:12)(cid:12)u(x,(cid:96))−u(x,−(cid:96))(cid:12)(cid:12). x∈[0,π] This gives a measure of the risk for the bridge to collapse. Clearly, G∞ depends on f and our purpose is to compute the torsional performances of Ω for different f. When f = f(x) the explicit solution of (2) was obtained in [4] by adapting the separation of variables approach of [8, Section 2.2]. In fact, a similar procedure can be used also for some forcing terms depending on y such as eαyg(x) or yg(x), see [8, p.41]. Here we focus our attention on loads of the form α (5) f =f (x,y)=K eαyg(x), g ∈L2(0,π) K := . α α α (cid:82)π 2sinh(α(cid:96)) |g(x)|dx 0 Hence, (cid:107)f (cid:107) = 1. Furthermore, we write α L1 (cid:88)+∞ 2 (cid:90) π (6) g(x) = γ sin(mx) , γ = g(x)sin(mx)dx. m m π 0 m=1 We will show in Lemma 5 that f , with α big, is a good approximation of a load concentrated on a α long edge of the plate. This is a good model for the restoring force due to the hangers in a suspension bridge because they act close to the free edges. We prove Theorem 1. Assume that f satisfies (5)-(6) for some α (cid:62) 0, α (cid:54)∈ N. Then the unique solution of (2) is given by u(x,y)=K (cid:88)+∞ (cid:20) γmeαy +Acosh(my)+Bsinh(my)+Cycosh(my)+Dysinh(my)(cid:21)sin(mx) α (m2−α2)2 m=1 where the constants A = A(m,(cid:96),α), B = B(m,(cid:96),α), C = C(m,(cid:96),α), D = D(m,(cid:96),α) are the solutions of the systems (17) provided in Section 3. By Theorem 1, the gap function (3) can be computed for all f satisfying (5)-(6). Here, for the sake of simplicity, we focus on the case where the concentration occurs at the midpoint of the upper edge of the plate. Namely, αeαysinx (7) f =f (x,y):= >0 in Ω α 4 sinh(α(cid:96)) so that (cid:107)f (cid:107) = 1. The unique solution u = u of (2) with f = f as in (7) is given by Theorem 1 α L1 α α with γ = 1 and γ = 0 if m (cid:54)= 1. We set 1 m α αB sinh(cid:96) αC(cid:96) cosh(cid:96) (8) E((cid:96),α):= + + , 2(1−α2)2 2 sinh(α(cid:96)) 2 sinh(α(cid:96)) with B = B(1,(cid:96),α) and C = C(1,(cid:96),α) as in Theorem 1, see (18). Finally, we set sinh2((cid:96)) (9) E((cid:96)):= (1−σ)[(1−σ)(cid:96)+(3+σ)sinh((cid:96))cosh((cid:96))] and we prove 3 Theorem 2. Let u be the unique solution of (2) with f = f as in (7). Let G and G∞ be as in (3) α α α α and in (4) with u = u . Assume (8) and (9). Then, α (10) G (x)=E((cid:96),α) sinx→G(x):=E((cid:96)) sinx uniformly on [0,π] as α→+∞. α In particular, (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 (1+σ)cosh(cid:96)sinh(cid:96)+(1−σ)(cid:96) 1 (11) G∞ =E((cid:96),α)=E((cid:96))− +o as α→+∞. α α 2(1−σ)[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)] α Theorem 2 gives the limit value of G∞ as α → ∞ but it does not clarify the behavior of the map α α (cid:55)→ G∞. Figure 1 supports the conjecture that this map is strictly increasing. Hence, if the same total α load approaches the free edges, then the gap function increases: this validates G∞ as a measure of the torsional performances. 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 0.1 10 1000 105 107 109 1011 Figure 1. The plot of the map α (cid:55)→ G∞ in logarithmic scale for σ = 0.2 and (cid:96) = π . α 150 A physical interesting case is when f is in resonance with the structure, namely when it is a multiple of an eigenfunction of ∆2 under the boundary conditions in (2). Let us briefly recall some known facts from[2,4]. Theeigenvaluesof∆2 undertheboundaryconditionsin(2)maybeorderedinanincreasing sequence of strictly positive numbers diverging to +∞. Furthermore, the corresponding eigenfunctions form a complete system in H2. More precisely, they are identified by two indices m,j ∈ N and they ∗ + have one of the following forms: w (x,y) = v (y)sin(mx) with corresponding eigenvalues ν , m,j m,j m,j w (x,y) = v (y)sin(mx) with corresponding eigenvalues µ . m,j m,j m,j The v are odd while the v are even and, since |y| < (cid:96) small, one qualitatively has v (y) ≈ α y m,j m,j m,j m,j and v (y) ≈ β for some constants α and β . This is why the w are called torsional m,j m,j m,j m,j m,j eigenfunctions while the w are called longitudinal eigenfunctions; see [2, 3, 4]. Here we consider the m,j normalized eigenfunctions w (x,y) m,j (12) f (x,y) := . m,j (cid:107)w (cid:107) m,j L1 We do not consider forcing terms proportional to the longitudinal eigenfunctions since they are even with respect to y and the corresponding gap functions vanish identically. When f is as in (12), we can determine explicitly the gap function. Theorem 3. Let (cid:96) > 0, 0 < σ < 1 be such that the unique positive solution s > 0 of √ (cid:16) (cid:17)2 √ (13) tanh( 2s(cid:96)) = σ 2s(cid:96) 2−σ is not an integer; let m,j ∈ N. Let u be the unique solution of (2) with f = f as in (12), let G m,j m,j m,j and G∞ be as in (3) and in (4) with u = u . There exist constants C = C ((cid:96)) > 0 such that m,j m,j m,j m,j 4 ELVISEBERCHIO,DAVIDEBUOSO,ANDFILIPPOGAZZOLA G (x) = C sin(mx), G∞ = C , and m,j m,j m,j m,j C ((cid:96)) C ((cid:96)) (14) 0 < liminf m,j (cid:54) limsup m,j < ∞ ∀m,j. (cid:96)→0 (cid:96)3 (cid:96)→0 (cid:96)3 The reason of (13) will become clear in Section 5 where we we give the explicit dependence C = m,j C ((cid:96)), see (26). Condition (13) has probability 0 to occur among all possible random choices of (cid:96) and m,j σ: ifitisviolated, Theorem 3stillholdswith aslightmodificationoftheproof. Evenifthe convergence G∞ ((cid:96)) → 0 as (cid:96) → 0 appears reasonable, a surprise arises from (14) which states that the convergence m,j is at the third power: this is due to the behavior of the torsional eigenvalues. Take again σ = 0.2 and (cid:96) = π (two reasonable values for plates modeling the deck of a bridge), by using (26), we numerically 150 obtained the values in Table 1 below. j\m 1 2 3 4 5 1 4.3629×10−3 1.0904·10−3 4.8439·10−4 2.7229·10−4 1.7411·10−4 2 4.3566·10−8 4.3555·10−8 4.3536·10−8 4.3509·10−8 4.3474·10−8 3 4.1216·10−9 4.1214·10−9 4.1209·10−9 4.1203·10−9 4.1195·10−9 4 9.4439·10−10 9.4436·10−10 9.4432·10−10 9.4426·10−10 9.4418·10−10 5 3.2251·10−10 3.2250·10−10 3.2249·10−10 3.2248·10−10 3.2247·10−10 Table 1. Numerical values of G∞ ((cid:96)) when (cid:96) = π/150 and σ = 0.2. m,j Due to the fact that w is the only torsional eigenfunction with two nodal regions, one expects from 1,1 a reliable measure G∞ of the torsional performances of Ω to satisfy max G∞ = G∞ . m,j 1,1 m,j∈N+ Table 1 supports this conjecture and shows that the maps m (cid:55)→ G∞ and j (cid:55)→ G∞ are decreasing. m,j m,j Note that G∞ ≈ 0.0043 < E(π/150) ≈ 0.0065 which is the value in (11) when α → +∞. Nevertheless, 1,1 the maximal gap of f is the worst among linear combinations of f , namely when a finite number 1,1 m,j of modes is excited. Theorem 4. Let M ⊂ N+ be a finite subset of indices and let m = min{m ∈ M}. Let u be the o (cid:80) unique solution of (2) with f(x,y) = α f (x,y), where the f are defined in (12) and m∈M m m,j(m) m,j the α ∈ R satisfy α (cid:54)= 0 and (cid:80) |α | (cid:54) 1. Hence, (cid:107)f(cid:107) (cid:54) 1. Furthermore, assume that the m m m∈M m L1 j = j(m) ∈ N are such that the map m (cid:55)→ C is nonincreasing with the C as in Theorem 3, see m,j(m) m,j also (26) below. Finally, let G∞ be as in (4) with u = u; then maxG∞ = C αm mo,j(mo) where the maximum is taken among all the α satisfying the above restrictions. m Concerning the existence of a set of indices {j(m)} such that the map m (cid:55)→ C is nondecreasing, m,j(m) as required by Theorem 4, Table 1 suggests that this assumption should hold by taking j(m) = j for 0 some positive integer j fixed. 0 3. Proof of Theorem 1 By linearity, we may take K = 1. Let φ ∈ H4(0,π) be the unique solution of α φ(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48)(x)+2α2φ(cid:48)(cid:48)(x)+α4φ(x)=g(x) (0<x<π) (15) φ(0)=φ(π)=φ(cid:48)(cid:48)(0)=φ(cid:48)(cid:48)(π)=0 . 5 For α (cid:54)∈ N, by (6) we get φ(x) = (cid:80)+∞ γm sin(mx), φ(cid:48)(cid:48) ∈ H2(0,π) and the corresponding m=1 (m2−α2)2 series converges in H2(0,π) and uniformly. By (15), ∆2[eαyφ(x)] = eαyg(x). Therefore, v(x,y) := u(x,y)−eαyφ(x), with u solving (2), satisfies ∆v =2vv=0=0 ionnΩ{0,π}×(−(cid:96),(cid:96)) xx (16) vvyy++σ(v2x−x =σ)−ve±α=(cid:96)[α−2αφ(ex±)α+(cid:96)[ασ2φφ(cid:48)((cid:48)(xx))+] (2−σ)φ(cid:48)(cid:48)(x)] oonn ((00,,ππ))××{{±±(cid:96)(cid:96)}} . yyy xxy We seek functions Y (y) such that v(x,y) = (cid:80)+∞ Y (y)sin(mx) solves (16). Then Y(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48)(y) − m m=1 m m 2m2Y(cid:48)(cid:48)(y)+m4Y (y) = 0 for y ∈ (−(cid:96),(cid:96)), hence Y (y) = Acosh(my)+Bsinh(my)+Cycosh(my)+ m m m Dysinh(my). By imposing the boundary conditions in (16), we get a 4×4 system that may be split into the two 2×2 systems: (1−σ)m2cosh(m(cid:96))A+m[2cosh(m(cid:96))+(1−σ)m(cid:96)sinh(m(cid:96))]D=γ σm2−α2 cosh(α(cid:96)) (17) m(m2−α2)2 (σ−1)m3sinh(m(cid:96))A+m2[(1+σ)sinh(m(cid:96))+(σ−1)m(cid:96)cosh(m(cid:96))]D=αγ (2−σ)m2−α2 sinh(α(cid:96)), m (m2−α2)2 (1−σ)m2sinh(m(cid:96))B+m[2sinh(m(cid:96))+(1−σ)m(cid:96)cosh(m(cid:96))]C=γ σm2−α2 sinh(α(cid:96)) m(m2−α2)2 (σ−1)m3cosh(m(cid:96))B+m2[(1+σ)cosh(m(cid:96))+(σ−1)m(cid:96)sinh(m(cid:96))]C=αγ (2−σ)m2−α2 cosh(α(cid:96)). m (m2−α2)2 The proof of Theorem 1 is so complete. 4. Proof of Theorem 2 When f is as in (7) we have γ = 0 for all m (cid:62) 2 and the systems (17) yield m A(m,(cid:96),α)=B(m,(cid:96),α)=C(m,(cid:96),α)=D(m,(cid:96),α)=0 ∀m(cid:62)2 while, for m = 1, γ = 1 and by solving (17) we get 1 A = (1+σ)(σ−α2)sinh((cid:96))cosh(α(cid:96))+(1−σ)(α2−σ)(cid:96)cosh((cid:96))cosh(α(cid:96)) (1−σ)(α2−1)2[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))−(1−σ)(cid:96)] +2α(α2+σ−2)cosh((cid:96))sinh(α(cid:96))+(1−σ)α(α2+σ−2)(cid:96)sinh((cid:96))sinh(α(cid:96)) (1−σ)(α2−1)2[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))−(1−σ)(cid:96)] B = (1+σ)(σ−α2)cosh((cid:96))sinh(α(cid:96))+(1−σ)(α2−σ)(cid:96)sinh((cid:96))sinh(α(cid:96)) (1−σ)(α2−1)2[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)] (18) +2α(α2+σ−2)sinh((cid:96))cosh(α(cid:96))+(1−σ)α(α2+σ−2)(cid:96)cosh((cid:96))cosh(α(cid:96)) (1−σ)(α2−1)2[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)] C=α(2−σ−α2)sinh((cid:96))cosh(α(cid:96))+(σ−α2)cosh((cid:96))sinh(α(cid:96)), D=α(2−σ−α2)cosh((cid:96))sinh(α(cid:96))+(σ−α2)sinh((cid:96))cosh(α(cid:96)), (α2−1)2[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)] (α2−1)2[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))−(1−σ)(cid:96)] and the explicit form of u follows from Theorem 1. In particular, the corresponding gap function G α α is as in (10). Hence, G∞ = E((cid:96),α), with E((cid:96),α) is as in (8). α In order to compute the limit of G∞ as α → +∞, we prove α Lemma 5. As α → +∞ we have that f (x,y) → sinx ·δ (y) in H−2 that is, α 2 (cid:96) ∗ (cid:90) 1(cid:90) π (19) lim f (x,y)v(x,y)dxdy = sinxv(x,(cid:96))dx ∀v ∈H2. α→∞ α 2 ∗ Ω 0 Proof. Take v ∈ H2, integrating by parts, we have ∗ (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:90) f (x,y)v(x,y)dxdy = 1 (cid:90) πsinx (cid:2)eαyv(x,y)(cid:3)(cid:96) −(cid:90) (cid:96) eαyv (x,y)dy dx. α 4 sinh(α(cid:96)) −(cid:96) y Ω 0 −(cid:96) By Lebesgue Theorem, lim 1 (cid:82)(cid:96) eαyv (x,y)dy = 0. Since, for all x ∈ (0,π), we have that α→∞ 4sinh(α(cid:96)) −(cid:96) y (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:96) eαyv(x,y) lim −(cid:96) = v(x,(cid:96)), hence (19) follows. (cid:3) (cid:3) α→∞ 4sinh(α(cid:96)) 2 6 ELVISEBERCHIO,DAVIDEBUOSO,ANDFILIPPOGAZZOLA By letting α → +∞, the constants in (18) have the following asymptotic behavior: 2cosh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)sinh((cid:96)) eα(cid:96) eα(cid:96) A∼ =:A , (1−σ)[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))−(1−σ)(cid:96)] 2α α 2sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)cosh((cid:96)) eα(cid:96) eα(cid:96) B ∼ =:B , (1−σ)[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)] 2α α sinh((cid:96)) eα(cid:96) eα(cid:96) C ∼− =:−C , (3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96) 2α α cosh((cid:96)) eα(cid:96) eα(cid:96) D ∼− =:−D . (3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))−(1−σ)(cid:96) 2α α Set u(x,y) := (cid:2)Acosh(y)+Bsinh(y)−Cycosh(y)−Dysinh(y)(cid:3) sinx. Clearly, one has u (x,y) → 2 α u(x,y) a.e. in Ω as α → +∞. Moreover, we show Lemma 6. As α → +∞ we have that u (x,y) → u(x,y) in H2. α ∗ Proof. By definition, (cid:107)f (cid:107) = 1, and by Lemma 5 f → f := sinx · δ (y) in H−2. By (1) with α L1 α 2 (cid:96) ∗ f = f and with f = f, there exists a (unique) uˆ ∈ H2 such that (uˆ,v) = (cid:104)f,v(cid:105) for all v ∈ H2 and α ∗ H2 ∗ ∗ (cid:107)u −uˆ(cid:107) (cid:54) (cid:107)f −f(cid:107) . Hence, u (x,y)→uˆ(x,y) in H2 and, in turn, uˆ = u. (cid:3) (cid:3) α H∗2 α H∗−2 α ∗ The gap function corresponding to u is G(x) = u(x,(cid:96))−u(x,−(cid:96)) = E((cid:96)) sinx, where E((cid:96)) is as in (9). By Lemma 6, as α → +∞, we have max |G (x)−G(x)| (cid:54) max |u (x,(cid:96))−u(x,(cid:96))|+ max |u (x,−(cid:96))−u(x,−(cid:96))| → 0, α α α x∈[0,π] x∈[0,π] x∈[0,π] and, by (10), G∞ → G∞ = E((cid:96)). Finally, since α eα(cid:96) (cid:20) (1−σ)(cid:96)sinh((cid:96))−(1+σ)cosh((cid:96)) (cid:18)1(cid:19)(cid:21) B = B+ +o as α→+∞, α 2α(1−σ)[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)] α eα(cid:96) (cid:20) cosh((cid:96)) (cid:18)1(cid:19)(cid:21) C =− C+ +o as α→+∞, α 2α[(3+σ)cosh((cid:96))sinh((cid:96))+(1−σ)(cid:96)] α we get the asymptotic in (11). This concludes the proof of Theorem 2. 5. Proofs of Theorems 3 and 4 We state some properties of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of ∆2 by slightly improving Theorem 2.1 and Proposition 2.2 in [2]. By (13), two cases may occur. If √ (cid:16) (cid:17)2 √ (20) tanh( 2m(cid:96))> σ 2m(cid:96) 2−σ then m is small and the torsional eigenfunction w with j (cid:62) 1 is given by m,j (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:113) (cid:113) sinh y ν1/2+m2 sin y ν1/2−m2 (21) wm,j(x,y)=(cid:2)νm1/,2j −(1−σ)m2(cid:3) (cid:16) (cid:113) m,j (cid:17) +(cid:2)νm1/,2j +(1−σ)m2(cid:3) (cid:16) (cid:113) m,j (cid:17)sin(mx) sinh (cid:96) ν1/2+m2 sin (cid:96) ν1/2−m2 m,j m,j where the corresponding eigenvalue ν is the j-th solution λ > m2 of the equation m,j j (cid:113)√ √ (cid:113)√ (cid:113)√ √ (cid:113)√ (22) λ−m2(cid:2) λ+(1−σ)m2(cid:3)2tanh((cid:96) λ+m2)= λ+m2(cid:2) λ−(1−σ)m2(cid:3)2tan((cid:96) λ−m2); (cid:113) For any m (cid:62) 1 and j (cid:62) 1 we have ν > m4 and (cid:96) ν1/2 −m2/π (cid:54)∈ N, so that the functions in (21) m,j m,j are well-defined. Related to (22), we consider the function H(s) := (cid:112)s2−m4(cid:2)s−(1−σ)m2(cid:3)2(cid:40)(cid:18)s+(1−σ)m2(cid:19)2 tanh√((cid:96)√s+m2)− tan√((cid:96)√s−m2)(cid:41) s−(1−σ)m2 s+m2 s−m2 =: (cid:112)s2−m4(cid:2)s−(1−σ)m2(cid:3)2Z(s) 7 with s (cid:54)= m2 + π2 (cid:0)1 +k(cid:1)2, k ∈ N. In each of the subintervals of definition for Z (and s > m2), the (cid:96)2 2 √ √ s+(1−σ)m2 tanh((cid:96) s+m2) tan((cid:96) s−m2) maps s (cid:55)→ , s (cid:55)→ √ , and s (cid:55)→ − √ are strictly decreasing, the first two being s−(1−σ)m2 s+m2 √s−m2 positive. Since, by (20), lim Z(s) = (cid:0)2−σ(cid:1)2 tanh√( 2(cid:96)m)−(cid:96) > 0, Z starts positive, ends up negative s→m2 σ 2m √ and it is strictly decreasing in any subinterval, it admits exactly one zero there, when tan((cid:96) s−m2) is positive. Hence, H has exactly one zero on any interval and we have proved (cid:16) (cid:17) (23) ν = λ ∈ (cid:0)m2+ π2(j −1)2(cid:1)2,(cid:0)m2+ π2(j − 1)2(cid:1)2 ∀j (cid:62) 1. m,j j (cid:96)2 (cid:96)2 2 Slightly different is the second case. If √ (cid:16) (cid:17)2 √ (24) tanh( 2m(cid:96))< σ 2m(cid:96), 2−σ m is large, (1−σ2)m4 < ν < m4, and the first torsional eigenfunction is m,1 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:113) (cid:113) sinh y ν1/2+m2 sinh y m2−ν1/2 (25) wm,1(x,y)=(cid:2)νm1/,21−(1−σ)m2(cid:3) (cid:16) (cid:113) m,1 (cid:17) +(cid:2)νm1/,21+(1−σ)m2(cid:3) (cid:16) (cid:113) m,1(cid:17)sin(mx). sinh (cid:96) ν1/2+m2 sinh (cid:96) m2−ν1/2 m,1 m,1 For j (cid:62) 2, ν > m4 and the eigenfunctions are still given by (21). Now Z has no zero in (m4,(cid:0)m2+ m,j π2(cid:1)2). However, for j (cid:62) 2, (23) still holds. We may now define 4(cid:96)2 4 (26) C ((cid:96)):= . m,j ν1/2(cid:107)w (cid:107) m,j m,j L1 Thesolutionof (2)withf = f isu (x,y) = wm,j(x,y) . Hence, from(21)and(26), u (x,±(cid:96)) = m,j m,j νm,j(cid:107)wm,j(cid:107)L1 m,j ±Cm,j sin(mx) and the gap function is G (x) = C sin(mx) with G∞ = C . We now prove (14) 2 m,j m,j m,j m,j with j (cid:62) 2. From (21), (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:113) (cid:113) (cid:107)wm4,j(cid:107)L1 (cid:62)(cid:90)0γ(cid:2)νm1/,2j +(1−σ)m2(cid:3)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ssiinn(cid:16)y(cid:96)(cid:113)ννmm11//,,22jj−−mm22(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) −(cid:2)νm1/,2j −(1−σ)m2(cid:3)ssiinnhh(cid:16)y(cid:96)(cid:113)ννm1m1//,,22jj++mm22(cid:17)dy (cid:113) where γ = π/ ν1/2 −m2 < (cid:96) in view of (23). By computing the integrals we get m,j (cid:107)wm,j(cid:107)L1 (cid:62)2νm1/,2j+(1−σ)m2 − νm1/,2j+(1−σ)m2 = νm1/,2j+(1−σ)m2 . 4 (cid:113)ν1/2−m2 (cid:113)ν1/2−m2 (cid:113)ν1/2−m2 m,j m,j m,j By using (23) several more times, we then infer that (27) ∃c > 0 s.t. ν1/2(cid:107)w (cid:107) (cid:62) c(cid:96)−3. m,j m,j L1 Let us prove the converse inequality. From (21) we infer that (cid:107)wm4,j(cid:107)L1 (cid:54) νm1(cid:113)/,2jν−m1(/,12j−+σm)m2 2 + νm1(cid:113)/,2jν+m1(/,12j−−σm)m2 2 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)sin(cid:16)(cid:96)(cid:113)ν2m1j/,2j−m2(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12). (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:113) (cid:17)(cid:12) We claim that there exists η > 0 : (cid:12)sin (cid:96) ν1/2 −m2 (cid:12) > η for all (cid:96) > 0. If not, up to a subsequence (cid:12) m,j (cid:12) (cid:113) ω((cid:96)) := (cid:96) ν1/2 −m2−π(j−1) → 0 as (cid:96) → 0. By replacing into (22), we obtain ω((cid:96)) ≈ tanh(π(j−1)), m,j a contradiction. With this claim, (cid:107)wm,j(cid:107)L1 (cid:54) νm1/,2j−(1−σ)m2 + 2j νm1/,2j+(1−σ)m2 . 4 (cid:113)ν1/2+m2 η (cid:113)ν1/2−m2 m,j m,j By using (23) several more times, we then infer that (28) ∃c > 0 s.t. ν1/2(cid:107)w (cid:107) (cid:54) c(cid:96)−3. m,j m,j L1 Finally, by combining (26) with (27) and (28), we obtain (14) for j (cid:62) 2. The case j = 1 is simpler. In both cases (20) and (24), w does not change sign. Therefore, we do not need to restrict to (0,γ). m,1 8 ELVISEBERCHIO,DAVIDEBUOSO,ANDFILIPPOGAZZOLA The estimates are then similar to the case j (cid:62) 2 for (27). For (28) we proceed as for j (cid:62) 2: if (24) holds, the proof is straightforward since only hyperbolic functions are involved while if (20) holds, (cid:107)wm,1(cid:107)L1 (cid:54) νm1/,21−(1−σ)m2 +(cid:96)[ν1/2 +(1−σ)m2](cid:54)cν3/4 4 (cid:113)ν1/2+m2 m,1 m,1 m,1 and we obtain (28). This concludes the proof of Theorem 3. Proof of Theorem 4. The function u(x,y)=(cid:80) αmwm,j(m)(x,y) solves (2) with f as given in the m∈M νm,j(m)(cid:107)wm,j(m)(cid:107)L1 statement. By the explicit form of the w , see (21) and (25), we have m,j(m) u(x,±(cid:96))=± (cid:88) αmCm,j(m) sin(mx) and G(x)= (cid:88) α C sin(mx). 2 m m,j(m) m∈M m∈M In particular, we get (cid:88) G∞ (cid:54) |α |C . m m,j(m) m∈M Let N be the number of integers in the set M. By induction one can prove that if {δ } is m m∈M a nonincreasing set of positive numbers and S := {x = (x ,...,x ) ∈ RN : x > 0 for x ∈ N 1 N m M and (cid:80) x (cid:54) 1}, then m∈M m (cid:88) max δ x =δ . x∈SNm∈M m m mo In our case, x = |α | and δ = C . Then the proof of Theorem 4 is completed by noting that m m m m,j(m) the function f satisfies the assumption of Theorem 4 with α = 1 and, by Theorem 3, the mo,j(mo) mo L∞-norm of the corresponding gap function is C . mo,j(mo) Acknowledgments. The first and second author are partially supported by the Research Project FIR (Futuro in Ricerca) 2013 Geometrical and qualitative aspects of PDE’s. The third author is partially supported by the PRIN project Equazioni alle derivate parziali di tipo ellittico e parabolico: aspetti geometrici, disuguaglianze collegate, e applicazioni. 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