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A MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE FOR POINTWISE ENERGIES OF QUADRATIC WASSERSTEIN MINIMAL NETWORKS 1 1 JONATHANDAHL 0 2 Abstract. We show that suitable convex energy functionals on a quadratic n Wasserstein space satisfy a maximum principle on minimal networks. We a explore consequences of this maximum principlefor the structure of minimal J networks. 5 2 ] P A 1. Introduction . h Given k points p ,...,p in a geodesic space1Y, one canask for a minimal net- 1 k at workspanning p1,...,pk. For a complete, connected Riemannian manifold M, the m space of Borel probability measure P(M) may be metrized, allowing infinite dis- tances,bytheWassersteindistanceW associatedtotheoptimaltransportproblem [ 2 for quadratic cost c = d2. Furthermore, as shown by McCann [9], the component 3 P (M) containing the point masses is a geodesic space. Continuing the investiga- v 2 tions in [3], we examine the structure of such W -minimal networks by considering 6 2 3 gradient flows of suitable convex energy functionals on P2(M). In particular, we 2 establish conditions under which the energy is maximized at a boundary measure 0 of a minimal network. The book of Ambrosio, Gigli, and Savar´e [2] is an excellent 1. sourceforboththehistoryandgeneralresultsofgradientflowsinP2(Rn);Villani’s 1 book [15] serves a parallel role for optimal transport problems. 0 For M =Rn, we will use the fact that eachminimal networkin P (Rn) is also a 2 1 solutionofan associatedmulti-marginaloptimaltransportationproblem. A recent : v result of Pass [11] reduces uniqueness of solutions of multi-marginal problems to Xi computations in terms of the cost function. We will perform these computations assuming that the underlying graph of the minimal network is a star and at least r a one boundary point is absolutely continuous, and use this uniqueness to show that any non-expansive map fixing the boundary points must fix the network. We beginbydefining Wassersteinspace,the multi-marginaloptimaltransporta- tion problems, and the minimal network problems. In Section 3, we examine the specialcaseofdifferentialentropyinEuclideanspace. Wethengeneralizeourmax- imum principle to an abstract class of energy functionals in Section 4. Finally, in Section5,westrengthenourmaximumprincipleinthespecialcaseofminimalstars in P (Rn) by examining the corresponding multi-marginal optimal transportation 2 problem. Theauthor wassupportedbytheNSFunderRTGgrantDMS-0838703. 1Ageodesicspaceisametricspacewithanintrinsicmetricsuchthatanytwopointsarejoined byashortestpath. 1 2 JONATHANDAHL 2. Background First, we introduce the multi-marginal problem, for comparison with our qua- dratic Wasserstein minimal network problem defined at the end of the section. Given a collection of spaces X ,...,X and a collection of subsets of proba- 1 m bility measures P(X ),..., P(Y ), we define the set of transport 1 1 m m P ⊂ P ⊂ plans Π( ,..., ) as the set of probability measures π P(X X ) 1 m 1 m P P ∈ × ···× such that (proj ) π for all i. The multi-marginal Kantorovich problem for an infinitesiXmial#cos∈t fPuinction c : X X R and boundary data 1 m × ··· × → µ P(X ),...,µ P(X ) is then to minimize 1 1 m m ∈ ∈ C(π):= c(x ,...,x )dπ 1 m ZX1×···×Xm over all transport plans π Π(µ ,...,µ ). A minimizing transport plan is called 1 m ∈ an optimal transport plan. This is a natural relaxation of a corresponding multi- marginal Monge problem, in which one must minimize C(T ,...,T ):= c(x ,T (x ),...,T (x ))dµ 2 m 1 2 1 m 1 1 ZX1 over all (m 1)-tuples of measurable maps T : X X such that (T ) µ = µ i 1 i i # 1 i − → for all i. For each (T ,...,T ), the corresponding transport plan (T ,...,T ) µ 2 m 2 m # 1 is called deterministic. In the case m = 2, we recover the standard Kantorvich and Monge problems. WeareparticularlyinterestedinthecaseX =X =X withc(x ,x )=d2(x ,x ) 1 2 1 2 1 2 for a metric d on X. Taking the square root of the minimal cost, we define 1/2 W (µ ,µ )= inf d2(x ,x )dπ . 2 1 2 1 2 (cid:18)π∈Π(µ1,µ2)ZX2 (cid:19) Assuming (X,d) is complete, separable, locally compact geodesic space, W is a 2 metric on P (X):= µ P(X): d2(x,x )dµ< , 2 0 ∈ ∞ (cid:26) ZX (cid:27) calledthe Wassersteindistance of order2,and (P (X),W ) is a geodesic space([9] 2 2 for the Riemannian case, Corollary 7.22 of [15] for the general case).2 If c(x ,...,x ) = c (x ,x ), the cost C(π) of a transport plan π can be 1 m i<j ij i j interpretedas the totalcostofthe networkoftransportplans (proj proj ) π P Xi× Xj # with respect to the infinitesimal costs c . If X = = X = X, for some fixed ij 1 m cˆ : X2 R each c is either cˆ or identically 0, an··d·the cˆ-Kantorovich problem ij → happenstodefineametricdˆonP(X)where(P(X),dˆ)isageodesicspace,thenfor a c-optimal transport plan π, C(π) is precisely the dˆ-length of the corresponding networkin(P(X),dˆ). Ifwethenremovetheconstraintonthelastm k marginals − of π, the problem of minimizing C(π)= c(x ,...,x )dπ 1 m ZXm over all transport plans π Π(µ ,...,µ ,P(X),...,P(X)) 1 k ∈ 2Herex0∈X isanarbitrarypoint. A MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE FOR POINTWISE ENERGIES 3 isequivalentto the problemoffindingalengthminimizing networkin(P(X),dˆ)in the class of networks parameterized by a specific graph G of m vertices v ,...,v 1 m with v ,...,v mapping to µ ,...,µ respectively. Here, two vertices v ,v in G, 1 k 1 k i j i<j, are adjacent if and only if c =cˆ. ij The formulation just mentioned will not work for the case where (P (X),W ) 2 2 is a geodesic space, so we consider now the standard minimal network problems for a metric space. We define a network in a metric space Y as a continuous map Γ : G Y, where G is a connected graph metrized to have edges of length → 1. All graphs G in what follows are connected unless stated otherwise. Given k vertices in a graph G and k points p ,...,p Y, the G-parameterized minimal 1 k ∈ networkproblemistofindanetworkΓwithimageofminimallengthsubjecttothe constraintsΓ(v )=p ,...,Γ(v )=p . Wedefinealsothegeneralminimalnetwork 1 1 k k problem for p ,...,p : find a network Γ:G Y of minimal length subject to the 1 k → constraint p ,...,p Γ(G). A solution Γ is called a minimal network. Note that 1 k ∈ G is allowed to vary in the general problem. Our main focus will be on minimal network problems for Y =(P (X),W ), a quadratic Wasserstein space. 2 2 3. Euclidean differential entropy Under certain geometric assumptions on the base space X, regularity of the vertices of a solution of the general minimal network problem in (P (X),W ) can 2 2 lead to combinatorial regularity of the solution. In particular, Theorem 1 ([3]). Suppose M is a Riemannian manifold with isometric split- ting M = S Rn where S is compact with nonnegative sectional curvature, and × µ ,...,µ P (M) have compact support. Then there is a minimal network in 1 k 2 ∈ P (M) spanning µ ,...,µ . Furthermore, this solution has a canonical representa- 2 1 k tive Γ:G P (M) such that 2 → (1) Γ is injective. (2) G is a tree. (3) Vertices in G not mapped to µ ,...,µ have degree at least three. 1 k (4) For any vertex v in G Γ−1( µ ,...,µ ), if Γ(v) is absolutely continuous 1 k \ { } with respect to the volume measure, then the degree of v is three and all pairs of geodesics in Γ(G) meeting at Γ(v) do so with an angle of 2π/3. This result follows from the inner product structure of the tangent cone at ν ∈ Pac(M) demonstrated by Lott and Villani [8] for ν of compact support. In the 2 specialcaseM =Rn,wemaythereforeremovethecompactsupporthypothesis[2]. Itisnaturaltoaskthenifabsolutecontinuity(w.r.t. Lebesguemeasure n)ofeach L measureµ intheboundarydataimpliesabsolutecontinuityfortheSteinersolution, i i.e. Γ(G) Pac(Rn). In this direction, we recall the definition of Shannon’s [13] differential⊂ent2ropy h:P (Rn) [ ,+ ), 2 → −∞ ∞ ρ(x)logρ(x)d n(x) if µ=ρ n, h(µ)= − Rn L L (−∞R otherwise. Proposition 2. If µ ,...,µ Pac(Rn) are taken as boundary data for a graph G 1 k ∈ 2 andm=min h(µ )> ,thenthereisasolutionoftheG-parameterizedminimal i i network problem contai−n∞ed entirely in Pac(Rn). 2 Proof. (µ)=max( m, h(µ)) F − − 4 JONATHANDAHL defines a convex functional :P (Rn) ( ,+ ] with effective domain 2 F → −∞ ∞ D( ):= −1(R) Pac(Rn). F F ⊂ 2 As in Theorem 11.2.1 of [2], we obtain a non-expansive gradient flow for on F D( )=P (Rn).3 2 TFhe flow is instantly regularizing, so the flowed network lies in Pac(Rn) for all 2 t > 0. Furthermore, is minimized and constant on each µ in the boundary i F data, so they remain fixed under the flow. Therefore, if we start with an injective solution Γ : G P (Rn) of the G-parameterized minimal network problem [3], 2 non-expansivene→ss of the flow provides a solution Γ :G Pac(Rn) for t>0. (cid:3) t → 2 Recall that the Steiner ratio of a metric space X is L (M) s inf , M La(M) where M is any finite set of points in X, L (M) is the infimum of the lengths of s allnetworksspanning M, andL (M) is the lengthofthe minimal spanning tree of a M. Corollary 3. The Steiner ratio of P (Rn) is at least 1/√3. 2 Proof. P (Rn) is an Alexandrov space on nonnegative curvature (see [8] or [14] 2 for stronger statements). Propostion 2, Theorem 1, and Toponogov’s theorem for Alexandrov spaces allow us to apply the arguments of Graham and Hwang [6] to solutions of the general minimal network problem, provided the boundary data µ ,...µ Pac(Rn) have finite differential entropy. Approximating arbitrary 1 k ∈ 2 boundary data by finite linear combinations of characteristic functions of balls in Rn, we may bound the Steiner ratio. (cid:3) 4. Maximum principle for admissible energies In this section, we will introduce a suitable generalizationof(negative) differen- tial entropy for which a maximum principle on minimal networks holds. This will allow us to obtain greater control of the structure of minimal networks. Definition 4. Aproper,lowersemi-continuousfunctionalφ:P (X) ( ,+ ] 2 → −∞ ∞ for a space X is called admissible if: (1) D(φ) = φ−1(R) is a geodesic space, and φ is convex along geodesics in D(φ). (2) For each a [ ,+ ), t > 0, there is a non-expansive map ψ : a,t ∈ −∞ ∞ P (X) D(φ), called the a-stopped flow of φ at t. 2 → (3) The set of fixed points for ψ is φ−1( ,a]. a,t −∞ We are thinking of ψ as the gradient flow for φ stopped at the value a. The a,t usualconvexityconditionforsuchfunctionalsisweakdisplacementconvexity,where convexityis only assumedalongsomegeodesic betweeneverytwo points inP (X). 2 It may therefore be more natural to consider the convexity condition as weak dis- placement convexity combined with uniqueness of geodesics in D(φ), even though the condition in our definition is strictly weaker. More importantly, we require the flow to exist on all of P (X), and hence want 2 eitherD(φ)=P (X)orD(φ)=P (X)withanappropriateregularizationestimate 2 2 3Thisissimplythegradientflowfor−h,orheatflow,stoppedatm. A MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE FOR POINTWISE ENERGIES 5 inordertoobtainψ (D(φ)) D(φ). Existenceofsuchregularizinggradientflows a,t ⊂ has been announced by Savar´e [12], under mild geometric assumptions on X. In particular, X can be any complete Riemannian manifold, or Alexandrov space, with curvature bounded below and finite diameter. Similar results were obtained independently by Ohta for any proper, lower semi-continuous convex functional φ:P (X) ( ,+ ] for a compact Alexandrov space X [10], although here we 2 → −∞ ∞ donotnecessarilyhaveψ (D(φ)) D(φ). Intheparticularcaseofrelativeentropy a,t ⊂ w.r.t. volume measure, admissibility of φ is shown by Erbar [4] for any connected, complete Riemannian manifold X with a lower bound on Ricci curvature. We now present our maximum principle. Theorem 5. Suppose X is a complete, separable, locally compact, non-branching geodesic space and let φ : X ( ,+ ] be an admissible functional. For → −∞ ∞ µ ,...µ P (X) and m = max φ(µ ), any solution Γ : G P (X) of the 1 k 2 i i 2 ∈ → G-parameterized minimal network problem for boundary data µ ,...,µ has 1 k Γ(G) φ−1( ,m]. ⊂ −∞ Proof. If m= , there is nothing to prove, so assume m< . Let Γ =ψ Γ. t m,t ∞ ∞ ◦ ψ is non-expansive and µ ,...,µ are fixed by ψ , so Γ also solves the G- m,t 1 k m,t t parameterized minimal network problem. In particular, the image of each edge is a geodesic, and ψ is continuous on Γ (G) by convexity. Fix t > 0. Let M = t 0 max φ, and suppose that M > m. G is a finite graph, so we may choose Γt0(G) a (m,M) such that φ=a on vertices of Γ (G). ∈ 6 t0 Consider ψ Γ . For some edge e of Γ , ψ a on an initial interval e′ a,s ◦ t0 1 t0 ≤ 1 of e while ψ > a at the opposite endpoint v . As before, ψ (e ) is a geodesic, 1 2 a,s 1 but ψ (e′) = e′ while ψ (v ) = v . We therefore have a branched geodesic in a,s 1 1 a,s 2 6 2 P (X), contradicting the fact that X is non-branching by Corollary 7.32 of [15]. 2 Thus M =m. (cid:3) Corollary 6. Suppose M is a Riemannian manifold with isometric splitting M = S Rn where S is compact with nonnegative sectional curvature, µ ,...,µ 1 k × ∈ P (M) have compact support, and max φ(µ ) < + for an admissible functional 2 i i ∞ φ. Then there is a minimal network in D(φ) spanning µ ,...,µ . Furthermore, if 1 k D(φ) Pac(M), this solution has a canonical representative Γ:G P (M) such ⊂ 2 → 2 that (1) Γ is injective. (2) G is a tree. (3) Vertices in G not mapped to µ ,...,µ have degree three. 1 k (4) For any vertex v in G Γ−1( µ ,...,µ ), all pairs of geodesics in Γ(G) 1 k \ { } meeting at Γ(v) do so with an angle of 2π/3. Again, for M = Rn, compactness of supports is unnecessary. Typical candi- datesfor φwith D(φ) Pac(Rn)areinternalenergies,suchas differentialentropy, ⊂ 2 relative entropy with respect to an absolutely continuous, log-concave reference measure, and the power functional (ρ(x))md n(x) if µ=ρ n, (µ)= Rn L L F (+R ∞ otherwise, for some fixed m>1. 6 JONATHANDAHL Applying our work again to the special case of finite linear combinations of characteristic functions of balls, we may generalize Corollary 3. Corollary 7. If M is a Riemannian manifold with isometric splitting M =S Rn × where S is compact with nonnegative sectional curvature, then the Steiner ratio of P (M) is at least 1/√3. 2 Proof. We may clearly reduce to the compact case by projection in M, where relative entropy ρ(x)logρ(x)dγ if µ=ργ, (µ)= M F (R+∞ otherwise, for the volume measure γ defines an admissible functional as in [4] or [12]. The result now follows as before for Corollary 3. (cid:3) 5. A related multi-marginal problem We now motivate a related problem in the uniqueness theory of multi-marginal problems. Let l 3, and consider the G-parameterized minimal network problem ≥ of minimizing l Φ(ν):= W (µ ,ν) 2 i i=1 X forsomefixedboundarydataµ ,...,µ P (Rn),whereGisthestarwithlleaves. 1 l 2 ∈ Suppose ν minimizes Φ, and assume we are in the nontrivial case 0 W (µ ,ν )>0, 1 i l. 2 i 0 ≤ ≤ For σ :=1/W (ν ,µ ), i 2 0 i ν is also a minimizer of 0 l Ψ(µ):= σ W2(µ ,µ), i 2 i i=1 X as the corresponding l-plane and ellipsoid are tangent. l Ψ(µ)= σ inf x x 2dπ i 1 2 i=1 π∈Π(µi,µ)ZR2n| − | X l = inf σ x x 2dπ, i i j π∈Π(µ1,...,µl,µ)ZR(l+1)n i=1 | − | X so l inf Ψ(ν)= inf σ x x 2dπ. i i l+1 ν∈P2(Rn) π∈Π(µ1,...,µl,P2(Rn))ZR(l+1)n i=1 | − | X For simplicity, suppose that µ ,...,µ P (Rn) have compact support, take 1 l 2 ∈ R large enough that the support of each µ is contained in B (0), and set B = i R B (0). R+1 A MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE FOR POINTWISE ENERGIES 7 By standard duality arguments, the infimum is achieved and clearly supported in B, with l l min σ x x 2dπ = sup φ dµ φ , i i l+1 i i l+1 ∞ π∈Π(µ1,...,µl,P2(B))ZBl+1 i=1 | − | (φ1,...,φl+1)∈S i=1ZB !−k k X X for l+1 l S = (φ ,...,φ ) (C (B))l+1 : x ,...,x B, φ (x ) σ x x 2 . 1 l+k b 1 l+1 i i i i l+1 ( ∈ ∀ ∈ ≤ | − | ) i=1 i=1 X X If we let l l x¯:= σ x σ i i i i=1 !(cid:30) i=1 ! X X and l l S′ = (φ ,...,φ ) (C (B))l : x ,...,x B, φ (x ) σ x x¯2 , 1 l b 1 l i i i i ( ∈ ∀ ∈ ≤ | − | ) i=1 i=1 X X wemaysuitablyadjustany(φ˜ ,...,φ˜ ) S toobtainanelementofS′ bytaking 1 l+1 ∈ φ =φ˜ +M,φ =φ˜ ,...,φ =φ˜ 1 1 2 2 l l for M =min 0, minφ˜ (x) . l+1 x∈B (cid:18) (cid:19) (φ ,...,φ ,0) S by construction and 0 =0, so 1 l ∞ ∈ k k l l sup φ dµ φ = sup φ dµ . i i l+1 ∞ i i (φ1,...,φl+1)∈S i=1ZB !−k k (φ1,...,φl)∈S′ i=1ZB ! X X The right hand side is also dual for the multi-marginal Kantorovich problem with infinitesimal cost c(x ,...,x )= l σ x x¯2, so 1 l i=1 i| i− | l P l min σ x x 2dπ = min σ x x¯2dπ. i i l+1 i i π∈Π(µ1,...,µl,P2(B))ZBl+1 i=1 | − | π∈Π(µ1,...,µl)ZBl i=1 | − | X X We may also see this directly by noting that the map f(x ,...,x)=x¯ satisfies 1 l l l σ x x 2d(π f π)= σ x x¯2dπ i i l+1 # i i | − | × | − | ZBl+1 i=1 ZBl i=1 X X forall π Π(µ ,...,µ ), andanyminimizer inΠ(µ ,...,µ ,P (B)) musthavethis 1 l 1 l 2 ∈ form by the minimizing property of f.4 In particular, uniqueness of the minimizer ν of Ψ would follow from uniqueness of a minimizer for the multi-marginal Kan- 0 torovichproblem for µ ,...,µ and c(x ,...,x )= l σ x x¯2. Furthermore, 1 l 1 l i=1 i| i− | such uniqueness would imply that ν =ν is the unique solution of the system 0 P W (µ ,ν)=W (µ ,ν ),...,W (µ ,ν)=W (µ ,ν ). 2 1 2 1 0 2 l 2 l 0 4In fact, the equality continues to hold for B = Rn, arbitrary µ1,...,µl ∈ P2(Rn), and arbitrarygraphsG,withtheminimumontheleftachievedbyourassumedsolutionoftheminimal networkproblem,andtheminimumontherightachievedbyasolutionoftheKantorovichproblem [7]. 8 JONATHANDAHL This would give a result similar to our maximum principle above, without refer- encing the potential φ of the non-expansive flow. In fact, any non-expansive map fixing the boundary data µ ,...,µ would be forced to fix ν as well. 1 l 0 Proposition 8. The multi-marginal Kantorovich problem for µ ,...,µ P (Rn) 1 l 2 with compact support, µ Pac(Rn), and ∈ 1 ∈ 2 l c(x ,...,x )= σ x x¯2 1 l i i | − | i=1 X has a unique solution for any collection of positive weights σ . Hence, any non- i expansive map F :P (Rn) P (Rn) with F(µ )=µ ,...,F(µ )=µ must fix the 2 2 1 1 l l → free vertex ν of a solution of the G-parameterized minimal network problem, where 0 G is the star whose l leaves are the fixed vertices. Proof. Forl =2,theresultissimplygeodesicuniquenessandfollowsfromBrenier’s theorem. Assume l 3. The following con≥ditions for infinitesimal cost functions c:M M R 1 m ×···× → on precompact5 Riemannian manifolds M ,...,M of dimension n were used by 1 m Pass [11] to obtain uniqueness of solutions to multi-marginal problems: (1) c C2(M M ). 1 m ∈ ×···× (2) c is (1,m)-twisted, meaning the map x D c(x ,...,x ) from M to m 7→ x1 1 m m T∗ M is injective for all fixed x , k =m. x1 1 k 6 (3) cis(1,m)-non-degenerate,meaningD2 c(x ,...,x ):T M T∗ M x1xm 1 m xm m → x1 1 is injective for all (x ,...,x ). 1 m (4) For all choices of y = (y ,...,y ) M M and of y(i) = 1 m 1 m ∈ × ··· × (y (i),...,y (m)) M M suchthaty (i)=y fori=2,...,m 1, 1 i 1 m i i ∈ ×···× − we have T <0, y,y(2),y(3),...,y(m−1) for T defined below. y,y(2),y(3),...,y(m−1) Theorem 9 ([11]). If M ,...,M and c satisfy the above conditions and µ 1 m 1 ∈ P(M ) does not charge sets of Hausdorff dimension less than or equal to n 1, 1 − then the multi-marginal Kantorovich and Monge problems have unique solutions for any µ P(M ),...,µ P(M ). 2 2 m m ∈ ∈ We now define T : y,y(2),y(3),...,y(m−1) m−1 m−1 S := D2 c(y) y − xixj j=2 i=2,i6=j X X m−1 + (D2 c(D2 c)−1D2 c)(y), xixm x1xm x1xj i,j=2 X m−1 H := (Hess c(y(i)) Hess c(y)), y,y(2),y(3),...,y(m−1) xi − xi i=1 X T :=S +H . y,y(2),y(3),...,y(m−1) y y,y(2),y(3),...,y(m−1) 5Precisely,eachMi issmoothlyembeddedinsomemanifoldNi,inwhichMi iscompact. A MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE FOR POINTWISE ENERGIES 9 Figure 1. A P (Rn) minimal network with boundary data 2 µ ,...,µ and lengths a,b as labeled. 1 4 µ µ 1 3 µ ..........................................................a.......................................................................................................................................................a..............................................................ν................1 b ν2.........................................................................................................................................................a............................................................a................................................................................µ4 2 For our infinitesimal cost c(x ,...,x ) = l σ x x¯2, we may compute directly in natural coordinates an1d find tlhat at (ip=1,..i.|,ip−) |Rln, 1 l P ∈ n σ2 2σ σ D c(p ,...,p )= 2 σ i pα i j pα dxα, xi 1 l α=1 i− lk=1σk! i − j6=i lk=1σk j i X X   P P and σ2 2 σ i dxα dxα if i=j, Dxixjc(p1,...,pl)=Pαα − l2σii−σσjPdxlkαi=1⊗σdkx!αj i ⊗ i if i6=j. k=1 k Therefore, c is C2, (1,l)-twistePd, anPd (1,l)-non-degenerate. H 0, so ≡ l−1 2σ2 T = − i dxα dxα <0. (cid:3) l σ i ⊗ i i=2 k=1 k α X X P The condition µ Pac(Rd) cannot be removed, as seen by considering 1 ∈ 2 1 1 1 1 µ = δ + δ , µ = δ + δ , 1 2 (1,0) 2 (−1,0) 2 2 (0,1) 2 (0,−1) and the isometry F on P (Rn) induced by reflection about the x-axis. Only one of 2 the geodesics from µ to µ is fixed by F. 1 2 Most of the preceding discussion may be generalized to an arbitrary graph G, where x¯ is replaced by the collection of points in Rn solving the appropriately weightedminimization problemfor the sumofsquareddistances. However,we can have T < 0 in this case, causing the end of the proof of Proposition 8 to fail. In 6 particular, if we take a minimal network as in Figure 1, computations similar to our previous work show that T <0 if and only if a >√2b. Switching the labeling of µ and µ only makes the inequality worse, with T <0 if and only if a>4b. 2 4 10 JONATHANDAHL Appendix A. L∞ regularity and a stronger maximum principle Shortly after the initial posting of this paper, the author was made aware of a recent preprint of Agueh and Carlier [1] in which the problem of minimizing l Ψ(µ)= σ W2(µ ,µ) i 2 i i=1 X overµ P (Rn)is considered. Inthis appendix,wediscussbrieflytheapplications 2 ∈ of their work to minimal network problems. Specifically, we obtain L∞ estimates and derive a stronger maximum principle for minimal networks in P (Rn). 2 Building on the work of Gangbo and S`wi¸ech [5], Agueh and Carlier obtain the following L∞ regularity of solutions. Theorem 10 (Theorem 5.1 and Remark 5.2 of [1]). Let µ ,...,µ P (Rn) and 1 l 2 ∈ let σ ,...,σ be positive reals summing to 1/2. Assume µ L∞, i.e. µ = ρ n 1 l 1 1 1 ∈ L with ρ L∞. If Ψ(ν)=min Ψ(µ), then 1 µ ∈ 1 kνkL∞ ≤ σnkµ1kL∞. 1 We may always rescale our coefficients so σ = 1/2, thereby obtaining such i i anestimatelocally(onastar)foraminimalnetwork. Movinginwardfromµ along i stars, we obtain an interior L∞ estimate. P Corollary 11. Let Γ : G P (Rn) be a G-parameterized minimal network span- 2 ning µ ,...,µ P (Rn).→If G has k edges and the length of the image of each 1 l 2 ∈ edge is in [1/M,1/m], then for any ν Γ(G) with distance at least 1/M from a ∈ boundary vertex, kn 2kM ν L∞ µ1 L∞. k k ≤ m k k (cid:18) (cid:19) For a global L∞ estimate, we may consider the above estimate away from the boundary combined with further applications of Theorem 10 on each leaf. Corollary 12. Let Γ : G P (Rn) be a G-parameterized minimal network span- 2 ning µ ,...,µ P (Rn). I→f G has k edges and the length of the image of each edge 1 l 2 ∈ is in [1/M,1/m], then for any ν Γ(G) and any λ>1, ∈ n kn λ 2kM ν L∞ max , max µi L∞ . k k ≤" ((cid:18)λ−1(cid:19) (cid:18) λm (cid:19) )#(cid:18)i=1,...,lk k (cid:19) In these estimates, we get controlof 1/m and k essentially for free, but we need some prior knowledge of a lower bound for 1/M. Therefore, for a given set of boundary data, global L∞ estimates are reduced to a qualitative estimate on the non-degeneracyofedges. Notealsothattheinteriorestimatemaygiveinformation in cases where the global is trivial due to µi L∞ = for some i. k k ∞ Agueh and Carlier also define a notion of convexity along barycentersof a func- tional :P (Rn) R bytakingaweightedaverageofthevaluesof forcompar- 2 F → F isonwith (ν) forthe barycenter,or minimizer of Ψ, ν. They showthat convexity F along barycenters follows from convexity along generalized geodesics, and hence holds for the standard admissible functionals discussed above. Again, a simple in- duction along stars allows us to obtain a bound for on a minimal network by a F weighted average of the values of on the boundary data, yielding a maximum F

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