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y^iiMMsm lALAY-E^GLiSH, mcnonkM 'O f •'U:::'') ;:|^^w. / : A MALAY-ENGLISH DICTIONARY BY WILKINSON, R: J; (Straits Settlements Civil Service). Part I. (ALIF TO ZA.) Singapore PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY KELLY & WALSH, LIMITED, 32, Raffles Place, AND AT HONGKONG, SHANGHAI YOKOHAMA. and 1901. pi- o 1^1 5 — — ALIF AB'AD A MALAY-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. \ The letter alif; the alphabetical symbol for To these purely Arabic letters are added the the number i in the abjad, q. v. following non-Arabic letters: ^«^\ aba. 1. Glow, warmth, C. and S. (Kedah) ii ^ ; behaba, v. haba, 6,000 4,ooo 3,000 II. The smallestimaginableatom; C. and S. These numerical values of the letters are (== Jmma?) much used in calculating horoscopes and in other methods ofdivination. III. ALso abah, q. v. -Xj\ abad. Arab. Eternity; the endless future. \j\ aba. Arab. Father. Cf. abA Dthaeripeanddlaessazalpasdtatatnog tkhaepadeandlaebsasd:futfurroem; Bust. Sal. \j\ iba'. Arab. Refusal; rejection ; disobe- dience unwillingness. ; (5-Xi\ abadi. Arab. Eternal; everlasting. iJc:j\ ibtida'. Arab. Beginning; commencement; abadiyyat. Arab. Eternity. exordium. HtiYiifu 'Uibtidd': expressions used to open J^\ abar. Mengabar: to check or restrain any- a sentence. thing in motion ; Kl. = LiVibtidA': to begin with ; firstly; saber- abor. Mengabor: to lavish; to waste; to be mola, J"^' prodigal in expenditure cf. ambor and tabor. ; J^} abtar. Arab. Curtailed; docked; shortened ibrahlm. Arab. Abraham. in the tail. abras. Arab. Leprous. -X.1M abjad. [Arab. : a composite word made ifS>jA up of the first four letters of the alphabet arranged in their ancientorder.] The al—pha- ^J^ abrak. Arab. Mica. bet following the old order of the letters an order still observed in Hebrew; the numeri- cal alphabet, each letter having a successive U^,\ abus. I. A small coin ; the tenth portion of numerical value, viz.: a Hmah or kepeng; Kl. Also habus. c^ II. (Kedah.) The name of a tree (uniden- J- j^ ijOAJU^ tified). abis. Better habis, q. v. ,\ • * i 8888 ab'^ad. Arab. More remote; far distant. :nnz ; ABANa UTARA [ j^o\ abang. I. Elder brother or cousin; a Smiting a. : (Kedah) a sort of swordstick. friendly or familiar expression descriptive of Ular tedong a.: (Riau, Johor, Malacca) amalteerrmelautsievedsnboytmauwcohmoalnderinthaadndtrheesssipnegakheerr utlhaer hteadmoandgrsyealadr.; nIakiaan buulnagraraubsu:: a=sa(lKtewdaathe)r lover or husband. Cf. kakanda. fish. In North Malay (Kedah and Perak) abang Cf. abok, debUy lebu, kelabu, etc. is never used of an elder sister. In South Malay (Riau, Johor and Selangor) ahang II. Arab. Father; owner; possessor. peremptiwan is used, in courtly language only, Abu bakr (in Malay usually pronounced Abu of a slightly elder female relative. Cf. kakak, bakar, and often contracted to Bakar) : a proper name; **the father of the maiden,'* II. Jav. Red ; v. ebang and bang, the name of Muhammad's first successor, who was so called as the father ofAyesha,the only «)\ dbang. [Jav. abang.] Red. Cf. bang. one of the Prophet's wives who was not a widow when he married her. = ^\ abok. Dust, chaff, powder; habok, q, v. III. Abuwan: a complete set of anything; (also) a share a portion. Often habuwan. ; IS abSlor. [Pers. J^^. .] Crystal; clear white ^J\ ububan. Jav. Bellows. ofthe eyes; (Kedah) piebald=, of a horse; the name of amedicinal shrub, ladapahit; Kl. Also habelor, q. v. ^jj)\ abuwan. See abu III. ^JlA abilah. Pers. Chicken-pox. fjj\ abawi. Arab. Fatherly. j«%JLji iblis. Arab. Satan; the arch-fiend; a isJ\ aboe. [Chin, a-poeh, a-peh: uncle, elderly spirit of evil. 'Adat iblis: evil customs; " gentleman.] A respectful form of address laws inspired by the spirit of evil Ht.Abd., when speaking to the headman of a Chinese ; 416. Iblis taut dan iblis darat: sea-devils and village; the head of a gang of miners; a land-devils; Muj. 84. Nischaya jatoh-lah aku leading Chinaman on a country estate. ka-dalam keluboran pBlaniek iblts: I should certainly have tumbled into the pitfalls of ^} abah. I. Sending on an errand; orders or Satan ; Ht. Abd., 448. dainryewchteirones,reasgarddiistnigncatjofurronmeya;nanorodredrerttoodgoo \ Sbaxn. See bam. anything (kerah), 11- Abah-abah: tackle, gear, harness; \ ibn. Arab. Child; son; des—cendant. Ibnu's- anything, the appearance of which is sug- C/. sabil: "a son of the road,'* i.e., a traveller; gestive of tackle ; the entrails of an animal. a wayfarer. Abah-abah tenun wearing gear. : Bet—ween two proper names, the form bin is Also aba. used i.e., Mat bin Deris: Mat, the son of Deris. III. Abah-abah: a porch or verandah built under the projecting eaves ofa house. Cf. banil and bant. j^\ abi. Arab. To disregard a command. Min- J\x^\ abSntara. A herald ; v. btntara. gabi: to disobey. ^\ abau. (Kedah.) A land tortoise common in Juj\ abid. Arab. Eternal. marshy ground, and very destructive topadi. Also abau kekura; v. kura. xj\ abiadl. Arab. White. JoMhaoirn) maa.i:n t(aKmepdoakhl)abua.mor lesbicus ; (Riau- BahruH-abiadl : the White River, i.e., the White Nile. u\ abu. I. Ash ; cinders. ^'\-J\ abaimana. [Cf. Hind. apamanya: dis- Jikalau tuwan hendak ka-Jambi, graced?] The lower orifices ofthe body. Ambil che' Tahir juru batu-nya; Jikalau tuwan hBndakkan kami, J\j\ utara. [Skr. uttara.] The North. Bakar4ah ayer ambil abu-nya: U. tepat: due North. if you desire to marry —me, burn water and U.baratlaut: North-North-West. collect the ashes thereof, aproverbial setting ofan impossible task. 17. timer laut: North-North-East. Sudah jadi abu arang: it has long been dust Musim u. : the period of the year during and ashes (literally: cinders and charcoal); it which theprevailing winds are northerly; the is ancient history. Prov. North-East Monsoon.

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