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1 A Lorentzian cure for Euclidean troubles ∗ J. Ambjørna†§, A. Dasguptab, J. Jurkiewiczc†‡§ and R. Lolld§ aThe Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark bAlbert-Einstein-Institut, Am Mu¨hlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany 2 0 cInstitute of Physics, JagellonianUniversity, Reymonta 4, PL 30-059 Krakow,Poland 0 2 dInstitute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, Leuvenlaan 4, NL-3584 CE Utrecht, The Netherlands n a J There is strong evidence coming from Lorentzian dynamical triangulations that the unboundedness of the gravitational action is no obstacle to the construction of a well-defined non-perturbative path integral. In a 5 1 continuumapproach,asimilar suppression oftheconformal divergencecomes aboutastheresultofanon-trivial path-integralmeasure. 1 v 4 0 1. Lorentzian path integrals for gravity state sum by means of a non-perturbative Wick 1 1 rotation which maps each Lorentzian triangula- The progress of the last few years has estab- 0 tion uniquely to a Euclidean one, lishedthe methodofLorentziandynamicaltrian- 2 0 gulations(LDT)asaseriouscandidateforanon- Tlor Teu, (2) 7→ / perturbative theory of quantum gravity in four h and the associatedamplitudes to realBoltzmann t dimensions. In this approach one tries to define - weights according to p quantum gravityas the continuum limit of a sta- e tisticalsumoverLorentziandynamicallytriangu- eiSlor(Tlor) e−Seu(Teu). (3) h latedspace-times[1,2]. Thetransitionamplitudes 7→ : v Gwithrespecttodiscretepropertimetaregiven What is more, the Wick-rotated version of the i by sums sum (1) over infinitely many Lorentzian trian- X gulated manifolds converges for sufficiently large ar G(τ1,τ2,t)= 1 eiS(T) (1) (positive) bare cosmologicalconstant. C X T T,∂T=τ1∪τ2 Ithasalreadybeenshowninspace-timedimen- sionstwoandthreethattheLorentzianapproach over inequivalent Lorentzian triangulations T is inequivalent to the older method of Euclidean withthree-dimensionalspatialboundarytriangu- dynamical triangulations,whose starting point is lations τ and τ , weighted by the gravitational 1 2 a set of Euclidean and not of Lorentzian space- Einstein action of T in Regge form, and includ- times. Last year’s plenary talk at Lattice 2000 ing a discrete symmetry factor C . T on the subject [3] contained a more detailed ac- Expression(1)looksunmanageableatfirst,but countofwhyinhigherdimensionstheLorentzian canbeconvertedintoaperfectlywell-definedreal approach seems to be preferable. ∗TalkpresentedbyR.Loll. †Supportedby“MaPhySto”,CentreofMathematicalPhy- 2. The conformal-factor problem sicsandStochastics. ‡SupportedbyKBNgrant2P03B01913. Any non-perturbative path-integral approach §Supported by EU network on “Discrete Random Ge- togravityusingcomplexweightseiS mustanswer ometry”, grant HPRN-CT-1999-00161, and ESF network no.82on“GeometryandDisorder”. the question of how it achieves convergence, and 2 any path integral using Boltzmann weights e−S number N of tetrahedra is minimal. One can 3 in dimension d 3 must address the question of construct explicit triangulations of arbitrary size ≥ howitdealswith theunboundedness ofthe grav- for which τ 0. They correspondto space-times ≃ itational action. withseeminglylargefluctuationsoftheconformal The latter problem arises through the unusual factorinpropertime,sothatneighbouringspatial behaviour of the conformal mode λ(x) which slices approximately decouple. determines the local scale factor of the metric Whatmustthenbeinvestigateddynamically is g (x). Isolating its contribution to the kinetic whether in the continuum limit the expectation µν part of the gravitationalaction, one finds that it value τ stays at its minimum (indicative of a h i appears with the wrong sign, rendering the ac- dominance of the kinetic conformal term) or is tion unbounded from below. This is most easily bounded away from zero. Our numerical analy- seenbyapplyingaconformaltransformation(not sis in d = 3 [4] has shown that τ > 0 for all h i usually a gauge transformation) to the Einstein finite values of the inverse gravitational coupling action k ! (Note that this is not true in the Euclidean 0 casewhere forsufficiently largek ,the pathinte- S =k ddx√g(R+...) (4) 0 Z gralis peakedat configurationswith minimal ac- tion.) Thismeansthatalthough“sick”configura- in dimension d 3. Under g g′ = eλg , ≥ µν → µν µν tionswithlargeconformalexcitationsarepresent one may write the resulting new action as in the path integral, they are entropically sup- pressed and play no role in the continuum limit S′ = ddx g′( (∂ λ)2+...). (5) Z − 0 of the Lorentzian approach. p It is very interesting to understand whether The corresponding Euclidean weight factor is and how this non-perturbative result can pos- therefore of the form sibly be understood from a continuum point of e−S′ =e (λ˙2+...), (6) view. Such an explanation has been provided re- R cently by a continuum path-integral calculation which cangrow without bound, thus spelling po- in proper-time gauge [5]. Without attempting to tential disaster for the Euclidean path integral. evaluate the full path integral (which is pretty Perturbatively or in simple minisuperspace mod- much impossible because of its non-Gaussian na- els,thisproblemis“fixed”byadoptingsomepre- ture),theauthorsconcentrateontheintegralover scriptionofhowthefunctionalλ-integrationisto the conformal factor. This can actually be done bedeformedintothecomplexλ-plane. Theprob- after borrowing an assumption on the renormal- lem is that such prescriptions are ad-hoc, non- ization of the propagator from a previous suc- unique and cannot in any obvious way be trans- cessfulapplicationintwo-dimensionalgravity[6]. lated to a non-perturbative context. One finds that the conformal kinetic term in the This raises the question of how the non-per- action is cancelled by a corresponding contribu- turbative LDT approach – which after Wick- tion from the effective measure, coming from a rotating operates with weights e−S – overcomes Faddeev-Popov determinant which arises during this difficulty. First, it turns out that as a re- gauge-fixing. Therefore, in agreement with argu- sult of the discretization, the LDT action is not ments from a canonical treatment of gravity, the unbounded below, but has a minimum for fixed conformal mode is not a propagating degree of discrete space-time volume N . For example, in d freedom. Asinthediscretecase,itisnotjustthe d=3 the Euclidean action is action contribution,but also the non-trivialpath k N k S =N 0 2,2 +(k 0) , (7) integral measure that plays a decisive role in the 3 3 (cid:16) 4 N3 − 4 (cid:17) argument. and is therefore minimized when the ratio τ := In an attempt to study the cancellation mech- N /N , 0 τ 1,ofthe number ofso-called2- anism for the conformal mode explicitly for a 2,2 3 ≤ ≤ 2tetrahedralbuildingblocks(c.f. [2])tothetotal Lorentzian dynamically triangulated model, var- 3 ious reduced cosmological models in 2+1 dimen- We have presented strong evidence from both sions are being investigated ([7] and work in discrete and continuum approaches that in a progress). One of the simplest discrete models proper, non-perturbative formulation the confor- one can consider has flat tori T2 as its spatial mal sickness seen in perturbative or symmetry- slicesatconstantinteger-t. Forsimplicity,wecan reduced treatments of the gravitational path in- choose to obtain such tori by identifying the op- tegral is absent. This can happen because the positeboundariesofastripoflengthl andwidth kinetic conformal term in the action is compen- t m ofaregulartriangulationoftheflattwo-plane sated by non-trivial contributions coming from t so that the associated Teichmu¨ller parameter τ the path-integral measure. t is purely imaginary (τ =im /l ). Thisrathersatisfactoryresultshowsthatthere t t t The Einstein action associated with a “space- is nothing wrong in principle with path-integral time sandwich” [t,t+1] is given by formulationsofquantumgravity. Itisinlinewith expectations from canonical formulations where S[t,t+1]=α(l +l )(m +m ) t t+1 t t+1 at least at the classical level the conformal mode β(lt lt+1)(mt mt+1), (8) is unphysical and non-propagating. It also sug- − − − gests that problems in making minisuperspace where the (positive) couplings α and β are func- path integrals well-defined may have their root tions of the bare gravitational and cosmological in the “lack of entropy” as a result of imposing coupling constants. We see that even this simple too stringent symmetry assumptions. model suffers potentially from a conformal fac- In the case of dynamical triangulations, start- torproblem,due tothe presenceofthe difference ing from discrete geometries of Lorentzian signa- term in (8), leading to a weight factor ture seems to be crucial for achieving a cancella- e−S eβl˙m˙. (9) tionoftheconformaldivergence. Thisresultgives ∼ usfurtherconfidenceinthemethodofLorentzian Clearly this term is maximized by having spa- dynamical triangulations as a pathway to a the- tialslicesofminimallengthandwidthalternating ory of four-dimensional quantum gravity. with slices of maximal l and m. In line with our previous argument we expect that a cancellation REFERENCES ofthisconformaldivergencecanonlybeachieved if we allow for sufficiently many interpolating 3d 1. J. Ambjørn and R. Loll, Nucl. Phys. B536 geometries in between the slices of integer-t, so (1998) 407 [hep-th/9805108]. that there is a chance of “entropy winning over 2. J. Ambjørn, J. Jurkiewicz and R. Loll, energy”. One can show that for the most restric- Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 924 [hep- tive way of interpolating (requiring that also the th/0002050]; Nucl. Phys. B610 (2001) 347 sections at half-integer times should be flat) this [hep-th/0105267]. does not happen. There is not enough entropy 3. R. Loll, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 94 andthemodeldoesnotpossessacontinuumlimit. (2001) 96 [hep-th/0011194]. 4. J. Ambjørn, J. Jurkiewicz and R. Loll, Phys. 3. Summary Rev. D64 (2001) 044011 [hep-th/0011276]; JHEP 09 (2001) 022 [hep-th/0106082]. Any gravitational path integral that uses Eu- 5. A. Dasgupta and R. Loll, Nucl. Phys. B606 clidean weight factors must address the question (2001) 357 [hep-th/0103186]. ofhowitdealswiththepotentialproblemscaused 6. J. Distler and H. Kawai, Nucl. Phys. B32 bytheunboundednessofthegravitationalaction. (1989) 509. Since this situation arises in Lorentzian dynam- 7. C. Dehne, Diploma Thesis, University of ical triangulations after one has performed the Hamburg, June 2001. Wick rotation, it is of great interest to under- standthe roleofthe conformaldivergenceinthis context.

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