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A log canonical threshold test Alexander Rashkovskii Abstract In terms of log canonical threshold, we characterize plurisubharmonic functions with 5 logarithmic asymptotical behaviour. 1 0 2 1 Introduction and statement of results n a J Let ubea plurisubharmonicfunction on a neighborhoodof theorigin of Cn. Its log canonical 0 threshold at 0, 2 c = sup c > 0 :e−cu L2 (0) , u { ∈ loc } ] is an importantcharacteristic of asymptotical behavior of u at 0. Thelog canonical threshold V c( ) of a local ideal in can be defined as c for the function u = log F , where C I I ⊂ O0 u | | F = (F ,...,F ) with F generators of . (Surprisingly, the latter notion was introduced h. 1 p { j} I later than its plurisubharmoniccounterpart.) For general results on log canonical thresholds, t a including their computation and applications, we refer to [9], [16], [17]. m A classical result due to Skoda [22] states that [ 1 cu ≥νu−1, (1) v 1 where ν is the Lelong number of u at 0. A more recent result is due to Demailly [8]: if 0 is u 3 an isolated point of u−1( ), then 8 −∞ 4 0 cu Fn(u) := nen(u)−1/n. (2) ≥ . 1 0 Here ek(u) = (ddcu)k (ddclog z )n−k(0) are the Lelong numbers of the currents (ddcu)k at 5 0 for k = 1,...,n, and∧d = ∂+∂¯|,|dc = (∂ ∂¯)/2πi; note that e (u) = ν . This was extended 1 u 1 − by Zeriahi [23] to all plurisubharmonic functions with well-defined Monge-Amp`ere operator : v near 0. i X In [19], inequality (2) was used to obtain the ‘intermediate’ bounds r a c F (u) := ke (u)−1/k, 1 k l, (3) u k k ≥ ≤ ≤ l beingthe codimension of an analytic set Acontaining theunboundedlocus L(u) of u. None of the bounds for different values of k can be deduced from the others. It is worth mentioning that relation (2) was proved in [8] on the base of a corresponding result for ideals1 obtained in [6]: c( ) ne( )−1/n, (4) I ≥ I wheree( ) is the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity of the(zero-dimensional) ideal . Furthermore, I I it was shown in [6] that an equality in (4) holds if and only if the integral closure of is a I 1A direct proof was given later in [2]. 1 power of the maximal ideal m . Accordingly, the question of equality in (2) has been raised 0 in [8] where it was conjectured that, similarly to the case of ideals, the extremal functions would be those with logarithmic singularity at 0. The conjecture was proved in [20] where it was shown that c = F (u) (5) u n if and only if the greenification g of u has the asymptotics g (z) = e (u)log z +O(1) as u u 1 | | z 0. Here the function g is the uppersemicontinuous regularization of the upperenvelope u → of all negative plurisubharmonic functions v on a bounded neighborhood D of 0, such that v u+O(1) near 0, see [18]. Note that if u = log F , then g = u+O(1) [21, Prop. 5.1]. u ≤ | | Theequality situation in(1)(i.e., in(3)withk = 1)was firsttreated in[5]and[11]forthe dimension n = 2: thefunctions satisfying c = ν−1 were proved in that case to beof the form u u u = clog f +v, where f is an analytic function, regular at 0, and v is a plurisubharmonic | | function with zero Lelong number at 0. In a recent preprint [15], the result was extended to any n. This was achieved by a careful slicing technique reducing the general case to the aforementioned two-dimensional result. In addition, it used a regularization result for plurisubharmonic functions with keeping the log canonical threshold (see Lemma 1 below). Concerning inequalities (3), it was shown in [19] that the only multi-circled plurisub- harmonic functions u(z) = u(z ,..., z ) satisfying c = F (u) are essentially of the form 1 n u l | | | | cmax log z for an l-tuple J 1,...,n . Here we address the question on equalities in j∈J j | | ⊂ { } the bounds (3) in the general case. We present an approach that is different from that of [15] and which actually works also for the‘intermediate’ equality situations. Itis basedon a recent resultof Demailly andPham Hoang Hiep [10]: if the complex Monge-Amp`ere operator (ddcu)n is well defined near 0 and e (u) > 0, then 1 e (u) j−1 cu En(u) := X , ≥ e (u) j 1≤j≤n where e (u) = 1. In particular, this implies (2) and sharpens, for the case of functions with 0 well-defined Monge-Amp`ere operator, inequality (1). Moreover, it is this bound that was used in [20] to prove the conjecture from [8] on functions satisfying (5). Given 1 < l n, let be the collection of all plurisubharmonic functions u whose l ≤ E unbounded loci L(u) have zero 2(n l + 1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure. For such a − function u, the currents (ddcu)k are well defined for all k l [12]. In particular, u if l ≤ ∈ E L(u) lies in an analytic variety of codimension at least l. Furthermore, we set to be just 1 E the collection of all plurisubharmonic functions near 0. Let c (z) denote the log canonical threshold of u at z and, similarly, let e (u,z) denote u k the Lelong number of (ddcu)k at z; in our notation, c (0) = c and e (u,0) = e (u). As u u k k is known, the sets z : c (z) c are analytic for all c > 0. Our first result describes, in u { ≤ } particular, regularity of such a set for c = c , provided c = F (u). u u l For u we set l ∈ E e (u) j−1 Ek(u) = X , k l. e (u) ≤ j 1≤j≤k 2 Theorem 1 Let u for some l 1, and let e (u) > 0. Then l 1 ∈ E ≥ (i) c E (u) for all k l; u k ≥ ≤ (ii) c F (u) for all k l; u k ≥ ≤ (iii) if u satisfies c = F (u) for some k l, then k = l and there is a neighborhood V of u k ≤ the origin such that the set A = z : c (z) c is an l-codimensional manifold in V. u u { ≤ } Furthermore, A = z : e (u,z) e (u) . l l { ≥ } For l = 1, assertion (iii) re-proves the aforementioned result from [15]. Let A= z = 0 , 1 { } then the function u c log z is locally bounded from above near A and thus extends to u 1 − | | a plurisubharmonic function v; evidently, ν = 0. On the other hand, all the functions v u= c log z +v with ν =0 satisfy c = ν . u 1 v u u | | When l > 1, there are functions u such that z : c (z) c is an l-codimensional u u { ≤ } manifold, but c > F (u). Indeed, let us take u(z ,z ,z ) = max log z ,2log z . u l 1 2 3 1 2 2 { | | | |} ∈ E Then A= z Cn : c (z) c = z = z = 0 , while F (u) = √2 < 3/2 = c . (Note that u u 1 2 2 u { ∈ ≤ } { } c = E (u) in this case.) u 2 Furthermore, the same example shows that the equality (ddcu)2 = δ2[z = z = 0] does 1 2 not imply u= δlog (z ,z ) +v with plurisubharmonic v and ν = 0. 1 2 v | | Therefore, in the higher dimensional situation we need to deduce a more precise informa- tion on asymptotical behavior of u near A. By analogy with the case l = n, it is tempting to make the following conjecture. Let u , then l ∈ E c = F (u) (6) u l if and only if, for a choice of coordinates z = (z′,z′′) Cl Cn−l, the greenification g of u u ∈ × near 0 satisfies g = e (u)log z′ +O(1) as z 0. u 1 | | → The’if’directionisobviousinviewofcu = cgu [20]andthetrivialfactclog|z′| = l,however the reverse statement might be difficult to prove even in the case l = 1 because that would imply non-existence of a plurisubharmonic function φ with e (φ) = 0 and e (φ) > 0, which 1 n is a known open problem. Namely, let such a function φ exist, and set u= φ+log z . Then 1 | | 1 = ν c c = 1. On the other hand, for D = Dn, g = g +log z and the relation u ≤ u ≤ log|z1| u φ | 1| e (φ) > 0 implies g = 0 and thus liminf(g log z ) = when z 0. n φ u 1 6 − | | −∞ → What we can prove is the following, slightly weaker statement. Theorem 2 If u satisfies (6), then e (u) = e (u)k for all k l and, for a choice of l k 1 ∈ E ≤ coordinates z = (z′,z′′) Cl Cn−l, the function u satisfies u e (u)log z′ +O(1) near 0, 1 ∈ × ≤ | | while the greenification g of u = max u,N log z with any N e (u) satisfies uN N { | |} ≥ 1 g = max e (u)log z′ ,N log z′′ +O(1), z 0. (7) uN { 1 | | | |} → 3 Let us fix a neighborhood D V of 0 to be the product of unit balls in Cl and Cn−l ⊂ and consider the greenifications with respect to D. Then the functions g are equal to uN max e (u)log z′ ,N log z′′ and they converge, as N , to e (u)log z′ g . 1 1 u { | | | |} → ∞ | |≥ Denote, for any bounded neighborhood D of 0 and any u plurisubharmonic in D, g˜ = lim g . u uN N→∞ where u =max u,N log z . Evidently, g˜ g . N u u { | |} ≥ Theorem 3 Let u be such that g˜ = g . Then it satisfies (6) if and only if, for a choice l u u ∈ E of coordinates z = (z′,z′′) Cl Cn−l, g = e (u)log z′ +O(1) as z 0. u 1 ∈ × | | → In particular, this is true for u = αlog F +O(1), where F is a holomorphic mapping, | | F(0) = 0. Moreover, in this case we also have u= e (u)log z′ +O(1). 1 | | The statement on αlog F can be reformulated in algebraic terms as follows. Let be | | I an ideal of the local ring , and let V( ) be its variety: V( ) = z : f(z) = 0 f . If 0 O I I { ∀ ∈ I} codim V( ) k, then themixed Rees’ multiplicity e ( ,m )of k copies of andn k copies 0 k 0 I ≥ I I − of the maximal ideal m is well defined[4]. If k = n, then, as shownin [8], the Hilbert-Samuel 0 multiplicity e( ) of equals e (u), where, as before, u= log F for generators F of . By n p I I | | { } I the polarization formula, e ( ,m ) = e (u) for all k; by a limit transition, this holds true for k 0 k I all k l if codim V( )= l. 0 ≤ I Bounds (3) specify for this case as c( ) ke ( ,m )−1/k, 1 k l; k 0 I ≥ I ≤ ≤ from Theorems 1 and 3 we thus derive Corollary 1 If codim V( ) = l and c( ) = ke ( ,m )−1/k for some k l, then k = l, 0 k 0 I I I ≤ V( ) is an l-codimensional hypersurface, regular at 0, and there exists an ideal n generated 0 I by coordinate (smooth transversal) germs f ,...,f such that = ns for some s Z . 1 l 0 0 + ∈ O I ∈ 2 Proofs In what follows, we will use the mentioned regularization result by Qi’an Guan and Xiangyu Zhou. Note that its proof rests on the strong openness conjecture from [9], proved in [13] and [14], see also [3]. Lemma 1 [15, Prop. 2.1] Let u be a plurisubharmonic function near the origin, σ = 1. u Then there exists a plurisubharmonic function u˜ u on a neighborhood of 0 such that e−2u ≥ − e−2u˜ is integrable on V and u˜ is locally bounded on V z : c (z) 1 . u \{ ≤ } We will also refer to the following uniqueness theorem. Lemma 2 ([18,Lem. 6.3]2 and[20,Lem. 1.1]) Ifuandv are twoplurisubharmonic functions with isolated singularity at 0, such that u v +O(1) near 0 and e (u) = e (v), then their n n ≤ greenifications coincide. 2For thegeneral case of non-isolated singularities, see [1,Thm. 3.7] 4 Proof of Theorem 1. Sinceallthefunctionalsu c , E (u), F (u)arepositivehomogeneous u k k 7→ of degree 1, we can always assume c = 1. u − Let u˜ be the function from Lemma 1. Its unbounded locus L(u˜) is contained in the analytic variety A= z : c (z) 1 . Since A L(u) and u , codimA l. u l { ≤ } ⊂ ∈ E ≥ For u˜, statement (i) is proved in [20, Thm. 1.4]. Note that the relation u u˜ implies ≤ e (u) e (u˜) for all k l and thus E (u) E (u˜) [10]. Since c = c , this gives us (i). k k l l u u˜ ≥ ≤ ≤ Assertion (ii) follows from (i) by the the arithmetic-geometric mean theorem. To prove (iii), we first note that (i) implies c E (u) > E (u) F (u) for any k < l, so u l k k ≥ ≥ we cannot have c = F (u) unless k = l. u k Next, if the analytic variety A has codimension m > l, then u˜ , so c = c m u u˜ ∈ E ≥ E (u˜) > E (u˜) E (u) F (u), which contradicts the assumption, so codimA= l. m l l l ≥ ≥ Now we prove that 0 is a regular point of the variety A. By Siu’s representation formula, (ddcu)l = Xpj[Aj]+R on a neighborhood V of 0, where p > 0, [A ] are integration currents along l-codimensional j j analytic varieties containing 0, and R is a closed positive current such that for any a > 0 the analytic variety z V : ν(R,z) a has codimension strictly greater than l. If ν(R,0) > 0, { ∈ ≥ } then for almost all points z A we have e (u,z) < e (u). This implies, by (ii), c (z) > c for l l u u ∈ all such points z, which is impossible. The same argument shows that the collection A j { } consists of at most one variety and 0 is its regular point. (cid:3) Proof of Theorem 2. By the arithmetic-geometric mean theorem, the condition c = F (u) u l implies, in view of the inequality c E (u), the relations u l ≥ e (u) e (u) k−1 j−1 = e (u) e (u) k j for any k,j l, which gives us e (u) = [e (u)]k for all k l. k 1 ≤ ≤ Sincerelation (7)for e (u) = 0isobvious (inthis caseg 0), wecan assumee (u) = 1. 1 uN ≡ 1 Note that for any z, we have e (u,z) [e (u,z)]k. As follows from the proof of (iii), the k 1 ≥ relation c = F (u) implies then, on a neighborhood V of 0, u l A V = z V : c (z) 1 = z V : F (u,z) 1 = z V : e (u,z) 1 u l k ∩ { ∈ ≤ } { ∈ ≤ } { ∈ ≥ } for all k l. Moreover, we have e (u,z) = e (u,z)k = 1 for almost all z A V. k 1 ≤ ∈ ∩ Let us choose, according to Theorem 1, a coordinate system such that A V = z V : ∩ { ∈ z = 0, 1 k l . Denote v(z) = log z′ , z = (z′,z′′) Cl Cn−l, then A V = z : k ≤ ≤ } | | ∈ × ∩ { e (u,z) e (v,z) , with equalities almost everywhere. k k ≥ } In particular, we have u(z) log z (0,ζ′′) +C(ζ′′) as z (0,ζ′′) for all z Cn and ≤ | − | → ∈ ζ′′ Cn−l that are close enough to 0. Assuming u(z) 0 for all z with max z < 2, we get k ∈ ≤ | | u(z) log z (0,ζ′′) for all z V and ζ′′ Cn−l with (0,ζ′′) V. By choosing ζ′′ = z′′ ≤ | − | ∈ ∈ ∈ this gives us u(z) v(z) on V. ≤ Let u = max u,N log z and v = max v,N log z . Then u v , while for N 1 N N N N { | |} { | |} ≤ ≥ we get, by Demailly’s comparison theorem for the Lelong numbers [7], e (u ) (ddcu)l (ddcN log z )n−l(0) = Nn−le (u) = Nn−l = e (v ). n N l n N ≤ ∧ | | 5 By Lemma 2, g = g . (cid:3) uN vN Proof of Theorem 3. The only part to prove is the one concerning u = αlog F +O(1); we | | assume α = 1. As follows from Theorem 2, one can choose coordinates such that the zero set Z of F is z : z′ = 0 V 0 Cn−l. Observe that for such a function u we have F { }∩ ⊂ { }× e (u,z) = e (u)k for all z Z near 0. k 1 F ∈ Let betheidealgenerated by thecomponents of themappingF. Then,as mentioned in I Section1,e (u)equalse ( ,m ),themixedmultiplicityoflcopiesoftheideal andn lcopies l l 0 I I − of the maximal ideal m . By [4, Prop. 2.9], e ( ,m ) can be computed as the multiplicity 0 l 0 I e( ) of the ideal generated by generic functions Ψ ,...,Ψ and ξ ,...,ξ m . 1 l 1 n−l 0 J J ∈ I ∈ Since e( )= e (w), where w = log Ψ , we have e (u) = e (w). l l l J | | Let now v = e (u)log z′ , w = max w,N log z′′ , and v = max v,N log z′′ . Since 1 N N | | { | |} { | |} w log F +O(1), we have from Theorem 2 the inequality w v +O(1) and thus w N ≤ | | ≤ ≤ v +O(1). Note that the mappingΨ satisfies the L ojasiewicz inequality Ψ (z) z′ M near N 0 | | ≥ | | 0 for some M > 0. Therefore, for sufficiently big N we have w = w′ = max w,N log z . N N { | |} Then, as in the proof of Theorem 2, we compute e (w )= e (w′ ) (ddcw)l (ddcN log z )n−l(0) = Nn−le (w) = Nn−le (u) = e (v ), n N n N ≤ ∧ | | l l n N which, by Lemma 2, implies g = g for the greenifications on a bounded neighborhood wN vN D of 0. We can assume D = z′ < 1 z′′ < 1 , then g = v , while g w because the {| | }×{| | } vN N wN ≤ N latter function is maximal on D and nonnegative on ∂D. Letting N we get w v. → ∞ ≥ Since w u+O(1), we have, in particular, u v+O(1), which, in view of Theorem 2, completes th≤e proof. ≥ (cid:3) References [1] P. ˚Ahag, U. Cegrell, R. Czyz, Pha.m Hoa`ng Hiˆe.p, Monge-Amp`ere measures on pluripolar sets, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 92 (2009), no. 6, 613–627. [2] P. ˚Ahag, U. Cegrell, S. Kolodziej, H.H. Pham, A. Zeriahi, Partial pluricomplex energy and integrability exponents of plurisubharmonic functions, Adv. Math. 222 (2009), no. 6, 2036– 2058. [3] B. 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