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Preview A localised subgrid scale model for fluid dynamical simulations in astrophysics II: Application to type Ia supernovae

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.3618 February5,2008 (DOI:willbeinsertedbyhandlater) A localised subgrid scale model for fluid dynamical simulations in astrophysics II: Application to type Ia supernovae W.Schmidt1,2,J.C.Niemeyer1,W.Hillebrandt2,andF.K.Ro¨pke2 1 Lehrstuhlfu¨rAstronomie,Institutfu¨rTheoretischePhysikundAstrophysik,Universita¨tWu¨rzburg,AmHubland,D-97074 Wu¨rzburg,Germany 6 2 Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rAstrophysik,Karl-Schwarzschild-Str.1, 0 0 D-85741Garching,Germany 2 Received/Accepted n a J Abstract. Thedynamicsoftheexplosiveburningprocessishighlysensitivetotheflamespeedmodelinnumericalsimulations 3 of type Ia supernovae. Based upon the hypothesis that the effective flame speed is determined by the unresolved turbulent 2 velocityfluctuations,weemployanewsubgridscalemodelwhichincludesalocalisedtreatmentoftheenergytransferthrough theturbulencecascadeincombinationwithsemi-statisticalclosuresforthedissipationandnon-localtransportofturbulence 1 energy. Inaddition, subgrid scale buoyancy effectsareincluded. Inthelimitof negligible energytransfer and transport, the v dynamicalmodelreducestotheSharp-Wheelerrelation.Accordingtoourfindings,theSharp-Wheelerrelationisinsuffcient 0 toaccountforthecomplicatedturbulentdynamicsofflamesinthermonuclearsupernovae.Theapplicationofaco-movinggrid 0 techniqueenablesustoachieveveryhighspatialresolutionintheburningregion.Turbulenceisproducedmostlyattheflame 5 surfaceandintheinteriorashregions.Consequently,thereisapronouncedanisotropyinthevicinityoftheflamefronts.The 1 localised subgrid scale model predictssignificantly enhanced energy generation and lessunburnt carbon and oxygen at low 0 velocitiescomparedtoearliersimulations. 6 0 / Keywords.Stars:supernovae:general–Hydrodynamics–Turbulence–Convection–Methods:numerical h p - o 1. Introduction Niemeyer1999;Zingaleetal.2005).Intheaforementionednu- r merical models, a DDT is artifically triggeredat more or less t s ForsupernovaeoftypeIa,Hoyle&Fowler(1960)proposeda arbitraryinstantsoftime. a thermonuclear runaway initiated in C+O white dwarfs close : As for the flame speed model, the controversyis whether v to the Chandrasekhar limit as the cause of the explosion. subgridscale (SGS) turbulenceis mostly drivenbyRayleigh- i X Since the original proposal, there has been vivid controversy Taylorinstabilitiesordominatedbytheenergytransferthrough ofhowsuchanexplosionmightcomeaboutandwhattheex- r theturbulencecascade.Theformerpointofviewholdsthatthe a act physical mechanism could be. Today the computational magnitude of SGS velocity fluctuations v is basically given ′ facilities to process three-dimensionallarge-eddy simulations by the Sharp-Wheeler relation (Davies&Taylor 1950; Sharp (LES)oftheexplosioneventareavailable.Remarkably,these 1984) powerfulmeanshavenotaidedinarrivingata consensusyet. v (l)=0.5 lg (1) RT eff The disagreementstems from some crucial questions. Firstly, what is the appropriate flame speed model? Secondly, does where v (l) is the asymptotic risepvelocity of a perturbation RT the explosion completely proceed as a deflagration, or does of size l due to buoyancy. The effective gravity g is deter- eff a transition to a delayed detonation set in at some point? minedbythe densitycontrastat theinterfacebetweenburned The deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) proposed by andunburnedmaterial.Settingtheturbulentflamespeedequal Khokhlov(1991)andWoosley&Weaver(1994)appearstore- to v (∆), where ∆ is the resolution of the numerical grid, RT solve the drawbacks of the pure deflagration model. In par- has been used in some simulations of type Ia supernovae ticular, the energy output obtained from simulations with ar- (Gamezoetal. 2003; Calderetal. 2003; Gamezoetal. 2004). tificial DDT is closer to the observed one, and less car- However,simple scaling argumentsdisfavourthis proposition bon and oxygen is left behind (Gamezoetal. 2004, 2005; (Niemeyer&Hillebrandt 1995; Niemeyer&Kerstein 1997). Golombek&Niemeyer2005). Forthe theoreticalunderstand- Assuming that non-linear interactions between turbulent ed- ing of thermonuclearsupernovae,however,the lack of a con- dies of different size l set up a Kolmogorov spectrum, the vincingexplanationfortheinitiationofthetransitionisunsat- rootmeansquareturbulentvelocityfluctuationsobeythescal- isfactory (Khokhlovetal. 1997; Niemeyer&Woosley 1997; ing law v(l) l1/3. Since the Sharp-Wheelerrelationimplies ′ ∝ 2 W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII v (l) l1/2, we have v (l)/v(l) l1/6 0 towards de- fluctuations. The form of the Archimedian force will be pro- RT RT ′ ∝ ∝ → creasinglengthscales.Consequently,Niemeyer&Hillebrandt posedinSect.2.1.Moreover,theEuleriantimederivativemust (1995) adopted a SGS model based on the dynamical equa- account for the rescaling of the turbulence energy due to the tion for the turbulence energy k , i.e. the kinetic energy of temporalshift of the cutoff length. We will denote the partial sgs unresolvedvelocityfluctuations(Schumann1975).Themajor derivative with respect to the rescaled quantities by ∂⋆. The weaknessoftheirapproacharisesfromthefairlytentativeclo- Lagrangiantimederivativethusbecomes sureswhichwereformulatedadhocforLESofstellarconvec- D⋆ ∂⋆ tion(Clement1993). = +v ∇. (3) Variousrefutationsof the scaling argumenthave been put Dt ∂t · forward. To begin with, the spectrum of turbulence energy ThecompletedynamicalequationfortheSGSturbulentve- might be different from the Kolmogorov spectrum. However, locityis recent direct numerical simulations support the hypothesis of aKolmogorovspectruminbuoyancy-driventurbulentcombus- D⋆ 1 q ∇ ρℓ q ∇q ℓ ∇q 2 tion(Zingaleetal.2005).Amoreseriousconcernisthatthere Dt sgs−ρ · κ sgs sgs − κ| sgs| mightbe notenoughtime to reach the state of developedtur- 1(cid:16) (cid:17) 7 q2 (4) bouflaenscuepewrintohvaaKexoplmloosgioonr.ovThspisecqturuesmtioinntihsedtirffiancsuiletnttoscseetntlaeriao = √2CAgeff+ℓν|S∗|2− 30qsgsd− ℓsǫgs. priori.Forthisreason,wetookanunbiasedpointofviewand The rate-of-strain scalar S is defined by S 2 = 2S S , accommodatedbuoyancyeffectsintheformofanArchimedian | ∗| | ∗| i∗j i∗j whereS isthetrace-freepartofthesymmetrisedJacobianma- forcetermintheSGSturbulenceenergymodel. i∗j trixofthevelocityfield,S = 1(∂ v +∂v ),andd =S =∂v In contrast to the previously used SGS turbulence energy ij 2 j i i j ii i i isthedivergence.Thecharacteristiclengthscalesℓ ,ℓ andℓ model,thenewlocalisedmodelwhichisthoroughlydiscussed κ ν ǫ arerelatedtoSGSturbulenttransport,therateofenergytrans- inpaperIneitherpresumesisotropynoracertainturbulenceen- fer from resolved toward subgrid scales and the rate of vis- ergyspectrumfunction.Thisispossiblebyvirtueofadynam- cous dissipation. Each characteristic length can be expressed icalprocedureforthedeterminationoftheSGSeddy-viscosity in termsofthe effectivecutofflength∆ anda similaritypa- ν = C ∆k1/2 which was adapted from Kimetal. (1999). eff sgs ν sgs rameter: Furthermore, we apply the co-expanding grid introduced by Ro¨pke (2005). The growth of the cutoff length ∆ due to the C ∆ 2√2∆ C ∆ ℓ = ν eff, ℓ = eff, ℓ = κ eff. (5) grid expansion poses a challenge for the SGS model because ν ǫ κ √2 Cǫ √2 of the partitioning between resolved energy and SGS energy changesintime.Wewillshowthatthisrescalingeffectcanbe For the determination of the closure parameters Cν, Cǫ and takenintoaccountbyutilisingthedynamicalprocedureforthe Cκ see Sect. 4 of part I. The advection of qsgs by the re- calculation of eddy-viscosity parameter C . The rescaling al- solvedflowiscomputedwiththepiece-wiseparabolicmethod ν gorithmaswellasthecomputationoftheArchimedianforceis (Colella&Woodward 1984). Due to the dissipative effects of explainedinSect.2,followedbythediscussionofresultsfrom this numericalscheme on the smallest resolved length scales, three-dimensionnumericalsimulationsinSect.3.Itisdemon- weset∆eff 1.6∆(Schmidtetal.2005b).Thediffusionterms ≈ stratedthatthenewlyproposedSGSmodelsubstantiallyalters on the left hand side of equation 4 is computed by means of thepredictionsofthedeflagrationmodel.Inparticular,wewill fourth order centred differences, and for the source term on analysethesignificanceofSGSbuoyancyaffects. theright-handsideasemi-implicitAdams-Moultonmethodis used.Intheremainderofthissection,wedescribethecalcula- tionoftheSGSArchimedianforceandtherescalingprocedure. 2. Theflamespeedmodel For the relation between the turbulent flame speed s and the t 2.1.Archimedianproduction SGSturbulencevelocityq ,weadheretotheresultsfoundby sgs Pocheau(1994)fromatheoreticalanalysisandset There has been an ongoing debate whether the production of SGS turbulence is dominated by the buoyancy of SGS per- q 2 s = s 1+C sgs , (2) turbations in the interface between ash and fuel or by eddies t lam t s slam! producedthroughtheturbulencecascade.Inthefirstcase,the whereC =4/3.Intheasymptoticregimeofturbulentburning, sourceofenergyisthegravitationalpotentialenergy,whereas t s 2q /√3whichisconsistentwithPeters(1999). non-linear transfer supplies kinetic energy from larger scales t sgs ≃ Theevolutionofq isgivenbyanon-linearpartialdiffer- in the second case. In general, it is quite difficult to sepa- sgs entialequationwhichisobtainedbydividingtheequationfor rate the energy injection caused by gravity in wave number the specific SGS turbulence energy k = 1q2 (see Sect. 3 spacebecausegravitationaleffectsaregenuinelynon-local.For sgs 2 sgs ofpartI)byq .ForturbulencedrivenbytheRayleigh-Taylor Rayleigh-Taylordriventurbulence,however,weknowthesim- sgs instability,anadditionalsourcetermstemsfrombuoyancyef- ple Sharp-Wheeler scaling relation (1) which provides an al- fectsonsubgridscales.ThisArchimedianforce,whichispro- gebraic closure for the Archimedian force density Γ intro- sgs portionaltotheeffectivegravityduetothedensitycontrastbe- duced in Sect. 3 of part I. Therefore, we propose a novel ap- tweennuclearfuelandash,directlyinducesturbulentvelocity proachwhichcombinesboththeproductionofSGSturbulence W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII 3 throughthecascadeandtheRayleigh-Taylormechanisminthe Theclosure(8)doesnotincludealloftheintricateeffects dynamicalequationforq . that contribute to SGS buoyancy. It merely captures what is sgs Because Γ has the dimension of an acceleration times presumablytheleadingordereffect.Infact,onewouldhaveto sgs velocity, we interpret this term as the product of a specific model the interaction between turbulent potential and kinetic Archimedianforce and the SGS turbulencevelocityq . This energyfluctuationsonunresolvedscales. Unfortunately,there sgs means the following:In any finite-volume cell those portions existsnotheoreticalframeworkforthistaskyet.Moreover,the ofthefluidwithdensitylessthanthesmootheddensityρwill conceptofaSGSArchimedianforceentailsaviolationofen- experience buoyancy relative to the other portions of higher ergy conservation because the contributionof Γ to the pro- sgs density in the mean gravitational field. In subsonic turbulent duction of turbulence energy is not balanced in the resolved flows, the small random density fluctuations caused by com- energybudget.Consequently,thetotalenergyofthesystemef- pressionandrarefactionareexpectedtoproduceverylittlenet fectively increases. However, Γ is non-zero only in a small sgs buoyancy. However, a special situation is encountered in the volumefraction.Forthisreason,theresultingviolationofen- cells intersected by the flame fronts. Since the flames are far ergyremainsnegligiblerelativetothetotalenergybudget. from being completely resolved in numerical simulations of In order to determine the parameter C , we observe that A SNe Ia, the substructure of the front in combination with the the Sharp-Wheeler SGS model is obtained as an asymptotic density gradientacross the frontwill produceSGS buoyancy. relation in the limiting case of neglectingthe non-localtrans- Equivalently, one can think of of perturbations in the flame port D , the turbulent energy transfer Σ and the pressure- sgs sgs frontonlengthscalesλ .l.∆asbeingRayleigh-Taylorun- dilatationλ (seeSect.2ofpaperIfordefinitions).Dropping fp sgs stableandproducingSGSturbulence.Thefirepolishinglength thecorrespondingtermsinequation(4),oneobtains λ then marks the lower threshold for perturbations to grow fp (see Zingaleetal. 2005). Once turbulence has developed, λfp Dq 1 C g q2sgs. (11) can be identified with the Gibson length lG, i.e. the smallest Dt sgs ≃ √2 A eff − ℓǫ lengthscaleonwhichtheflamepropagationisaffectedbytur- for a fluid parcelin the vicinity of the flame front. In the sta- bulent eddies. Perturbationsof size l & ∆, on the other hand, tionaryregime,thisequationhasthefixedpointsolution: setfluidintomotiononnumericallyresolvedlengthscales.But the transfer of energythrough the turbulence cascade eventu- 2C ∆ g allyproducesSGSturbulenceaswell.Thisproductionchannel q A eff eff =v (∆ ). (12) sgs RT eff correspondstothetermΣsgsintheequationfortheSGSturbu- ≃ s Cǫ lenceenergy(seesect3ofpartI). ConsistencywiththeSharp-Wheelerrelation(1)impliesC = The Archimedian force generated by the density gradient A C /8. Since C 0.5...1.0 for developed turbulence (see acrossflamefrontsisgivenbytheeffectivegravity ǫ ǫ ≈ Schmidtetal.2005a),theestimateC 0.1isobtained. A ≈ g =Atg, (6) eff wheretheAtwoodnumber 2.2.Rescalingofthesubgridscaleturbulenceenergy ρ ρ At= f − b (7) If a non-static, co-moving grid is used, the implicit filter ρ +ρ f b introducedin paper I, Sect. 3, becomes time-dependent. eff h i is a measureforthe densitycontrastbetweenburnedmaterial Therefore,time-derivatesdonotcommutewiththeoperationof and nuclearfuel. In the vicinity of the flame front,the lowest filteringandadditionaltermsariseinthedynamicalequations. order estimate for the SGS buoyancyterm is Γsgs ρqsgsgeff, These terms are equivalent to the additional fluxes which are providedthat∆>λfp.If∆becomessmallerthanλfp∼,SGSper- includedintheimplementationoftheRiemannsolverformov- turbationsinthe∼flamefrontarenotsubjecttotheRT-instability inggrids(Mu¨ller1994;Ro¨pke2005).However,thereisasub- andΓsgsvanishes.Inconclusion,weproposethefollowingclo- tletyrelatedtotheshiftingcutoffwhichseparatestheresolved sure: andunresolvedscales.Asthegridexpandshomologouslywith 1 Γ = C ρg q . (8) the bulk of the white dwarf, the grid resolution ∆ gradually sgs A eff sgs √2 decreasesintimeandthegrowingcutofflengthentailsagrad- Heretheeffectivegravityismorepreciselydefinedby ual rise of the SGS turbulenceenergy.This rise is inherentto the grid geometry and immediately affects the decomposition g =χ (G =0)θ(∆ λ )At(ρ)g, (9) eff ±δ − fp oftheenergybudget.Thetwo-thirdslawfordevelopedturbu- where χ n∆(G = 0) is the characteristic function of all cells lenceimplies qsgs ∆1/3 (seeFrisch1995, Sect.5).Thus,it ± h i∝ for which the distance from the flame front (represented by iseasytorescalethemeanvalueofq if∆changesbyasmall sgs G(x,t) = 0) is less than δ, and θ is the Heaviside step func- fractionδ∆/∆: tion, i.e. θ(∆ λ ) = 1 for ∆ > λ and zero otherwise. The fp fp − 1δ∆ Atwood number is expressed as a function of the mean den- q(1+δ)∆) 1+ q∆ (13) sity which is obtained from a fit to the numerical data from h sgs i∝ 3 ∆ h sgsi ! Timmes&Woosley(1992): Becausethisscalinglawisastatisticalruleonecannotex- 1 0.145 0.0100 pectthatitholdslocally.However,thedynamicalprocedurefor At(ρ)= 0.0522+ (10) 2" √ρ9 − ρ9 # the calculationof the eddy-viscosityalso can beutilised fora 4 W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII localisedrescalinglaw.Let∆ bethegridresolutionattimet, set method in the passive implementation (Osher&Sethian t and ∆ the slightly smaller resolution prior to the last time 1988; Reineckeetal. 1999). The implemented equation of t δt − step.ApplyingthetestfilterintroducedinpaperI,Sect.4.1,at state for electron-degenerate matter is described in Reinecke timet,theturbulentvelocityq associatedwithvelocityfluctu- (2001),Sect.3.2.Thermonuclearburningismodelledbysim- T ationsonlengthscalesgreaterthanβ∆ andsmallerthanγ β∆ ple representative reactions (Reineckeetal. 2002): 12C and t T t isobtained.Hereβ = ∆ /∆istheconstantratiooftheeffec- 16C is fused to 56Ni and α-particles at densities higher than eff tivecutofflengthtothesizeofthegridcells.SincetheRiemann 5.25 107gcm 3,whereas24Mgisproducedatlowerdensities − · solverdoesnotaccountforthefractionalgrowthoftheturbu- in the late stage of the explosion. Finally, all reactions cease lenceenergyduetotheshiftofthecutoff,theresultofadvanc- below 107gcm 3. This threshold presumably marks the tran- − ing the dynamicalequationsfrom t δt to t is q∆t δt. Now an sitionfromtheflamelettothebrokenreactionzoneregimeof − sg−s estimate of q∆t can be made locally via interpolation of the turbulentburning(seeNiemeyer&Kerstein1997).Thecorrect sgs turbulence energyin length scale space. Using the contracted treatmentoftheburningprocessinthisregimeisstillamatter Germanoidentity (paperI, Sect. 4.1),the total turbulenceen- ofdebateand,forthisreason,notincludedinthepresentsim- ergyassociated with the test filter lengthat time t is givenby ulations. As initial model, we choose a white dwarf of mass M = ρk∆t 1.4M composedof equalmass fractionsof carbonand oxy- ktγuTr∆bt = h ρs(Tgs)iT +k(T). (14) genw⊙ithacentraldensityρc =2.0 109gcm−3andtemperature · T =7.55 108K.AssuggestedbyWunsch&Woosley(2004), The unknown is the rescaled SGS turbulence energy ks∆gts. thceradialt·emperatureprofileisgivenbyaparabolawithacut- Neglecting compressibility effects and variations on sub-test offatthethermalradiusΛ=7.35 107cm: filter lengths, we set kγT∆t k∆t + k(T). Then linear interpo- · turb ≃ sgs r 2 lationbetween∆t−δt andγT∆t yields: T(r)=Tc 1− Λ θ(r−Λ)+T0θ(Λ−r), (19) f " (cid:18) (cid:19) # ks∆gts ≃ks∆gt−sδt + 1 fkT, (15) where θ denotes the Heaviside step function. The thermal ra- − dius specifies the size of the convectivecore prior to the run- wheretheinterpolatingfactor f isgivenby away. At larger radii, the matter is isothermal with T = 5 0 · 105K. In the centre, we set an axisymmetric initial burning ∆ ∆ f = t− t−δt . (16) regionwithsinusoidalperturbations(seeRo¨pke&Hillebrandt γ ∆ ∆ T t− t−δt 2005). In order to achieve higher resolution, only single oc- DuetothesmallnessofaCFLtimestep,thefractionalchanges tantssubjecttoreflectingboundaryconditionswereevolvedin ofthecutofflengthwillbesmall.Hence, f 1. thesimulationsdiscussedhere. ≪ Theproblemwiththerescalinglaw(15)isthatitfailstoac- Moreover,we applied the co-expandinggrid technique of countforthecorrectasymptoticbehaviourinthelimitoffully Ro¨pke(2005).Thereby,itispossibletomaintainanequidistant developedturbulence.OnaccountoftheGermanoidentity(pa- grid geometry over the whole domain of turbulent burning at perI,Sect.4.1),onewouldexpectthestatisticalrelation anystageoftheexplosion,evenwhentheejectahaveexpanded byalargefactorcomparedtotheinitialsizeofthewhitedwarf. (γ2/3 1) k = k(T) (17) T − h sgsi h i Recently, Ro¨pkeetal. (2005) have combined this technique withthegridgeometryusedbyReineckeetal.(2002)inorder for regions of nearly homogeneous turbulence obeying tocapturetheburningprocessintheinteriorwithoptimalres- Kolmogorov scaling. This relation is asymptotically repro- olution,whileusingacoarsergridwithexponentiallyincreas- ducedbytherescalingmodifiedlaw ingcellsoutside.Thehybridgrid,evenatmoderateresolution, γ2/3(1 f) f enables us to resolve details of the turbulent flame dynamics ks∆gts ≃ Tγ2/3 −f ks∆gt−sδt + γ2/3 fkT, (18) which used to be inaccessible for non-adaptive schemes. All T − T − numericalsimulationspresentedinthisarticlefeatureahybrid which results from the interpolation of the turbulence energy grid. dividedbythe associated lengthto the power2/3.Thisis the The non-uniform grid geometry poses certain difficulties rescalinglawwhichwasimplementedforthenumericalsimu- when applying the localised SGS model. In Sect. 2.2, we lationsofthermonuclearsupernovaexplosionsdiscussedinthe showedthatitisrelativelyeasytoaccountforthevariationin nextsection. thetimedomainduetheco-expansionofthegrid.Inthecaseof non-uniformgrids,however,thefilteroperationdoesnotcom- mutewithspatialderivativesinthedynamicalequations.Apart 3. Numericalsimulations fromthat,theweighingofnodesforthediscretefilteringpro- In the following, we will present results from several cedure becomes dependent on the location. This would lead numerical simulations using the methodology outlined in to substantialcomplicationsin the numericalimplementation. Ro¨pke&Hillebrandt (2005). In essence, the piece-wise Fortunately, we found a simple solution: Since the turbulent parabolic method is used to solve the hydrodynamical equa- dynamics mostly takes place in the burning region which is tions (Colella&Woodward 1984; Fryxelletal. 1989) and the containedwithintheuniformpartofthegrid,wecomputedthe evolutionoftheflame-frontsiscomputedbymeansofthelevel eddy-viscosityparameterC onlyinthisregionandsettherate ν W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII 5 Fig.1.Timeevolutionofintegratedquantitiesforthreesimulationswithidenticalinitialconditionsandresolution2563.Inone case,Clement’sSGSmodelwithwallproximityfunctions(WPF)wasused.Fortheothertwosimulationsweappliedthelocalised SGSmodelwithArchimedianproduction,respectively,switchedoffandon. ofturbulentenergytransferequaltozerointheexterior.Later dynamicalprocedurewhichimplieslessenergytransferiftur- inthissection,wewilldemonstratethatneglectingtheenergy bulence is still developing but enhanced transfer in the fully transferoutsidetheburningregioncanbejustifiedaposteriori. developedcase(Schmidtetal.2005a). TheoriginalSGSturbulenceenergymodelimplementedby Thisisclearlyreflectedinthetimeevolutionoftheturbu- Niemeyer&Hillebrandt (1995) is based on statistical closure lence energyin two simulationswhich differ only in the SGS parameters.Clement(1993)suggestedtosetC =0.1W,where ν model.Thegraphsofthemass-integratedSGSturbulenceen- W isanempiricalwallproximityfunction(WPF), ergy are plotted in the top panel on the left of Fig. 1. There e are two variants of the localised SGS model, one including W =min 100,max 0.1, 10 4 int . (20) − Archimedian production as described in Sect. 2.1, whereas it · k " sgs!# isassumedthatenergytransferthroughthecascadeistheonly Sincee c2,theratioe /q2 isbasicallyaninverseMach source of turbulence production in the alternative model. In int ∼ s int sgs numbersquared.Ifthereislittleturbulenceenergy,C iscon- contrast to Clement’s model, there is initially very little SGS ν siderably enhanced. On the other hand, C becomes smaller turbulenceenergyfollowedbyamuchsteeperriseinthesimu- ν than0.1if theSGSturbulencevelocityexceedsafewpercent lationswiththelocalisedSGSmodel.Therapidgrowthoftur- of the speed of sound. This behaviour of the eddy-viscosity bulence energy can be attributed to the substantially stronger parameter is qualitatively different from the prediction of the turbulenceproductionwithinthetimeintervalfrom0.3to1.0s 6 W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII Fig.2.TimeevolutionofintegratedSGSquantitiesforaseriesofsimulationswithvaryingresolution. (seerightbottompanelinFig.1).Inthesecondhalfofthecom- explosionbutturbulentenergytransferfromresolvedscalesis bustion phase, the total SGS turbulence energy is almost one neverthelesstheprimarysourceofSGSturbulenceproduction. order of a magnitude larger which enhances the flame propa- Accordingtothescalingargumentmentionedintheintro- gation speed accordingly. At later times, the discrepancy be- duction,buoyancyshouldbecomeevenlessimportantrelative comesevenmorepronouncedbecausetherescalingofk im- sgs totheturbulentenergytransferwithincreasingresolution.This plementedinthelocalisedmodelfeedskineticenergyintothe is indeed observed in a series of simulations with the reso- subgridscalesagainsttheactionofSGSdissipation.Thenetre- lution varying between 1283 up to 3843 grid cells. The time sultisasignificantenhancementoftheexplosionenergyanda evolutionoftheintegratedrateofenergytransferandspecific largeryieldofburningproducts(seebottompanelontheleftof Archimedian force, respectively, is plotted in the top panels Fig.1).AlsonotethattheadditionalproductionofSGSturbu- of Fig. 2. In order to interpretthese graphs, it is importantto lencebytheArchimedianforceterminequation(4)increases note that the SGS energy transfer is expected to become sta- the explosion energyeven further. Compared to the reference tisticallyscaleinvariantinthecaseofKolmogorovturbulence. simulation with Clement’s model, the final kinetic energy of This follows from the scaling law v(l) l1/3 for the turbu- 0.472 1051erg is about25% greater. However,this does not ′ ∝ imply·thatArchimedianproductiondominatesovertheturbu- lent velocity fluctuations. Hence, ksgs ∝ ∆2/3. Since the char- acteristic time scale of turbulent velocity fluctuations scales lencecascade.Infact,theevolutionoftheSGSturbulenceen- with l2/3, it follows that the average time derivative of k is ergydiffers onlylittle, as one can see from the plotin Fig. 1. sgs scale invariant. The rate of energy transfer per unit mass, on In conclusion, SGS buoyancy effects appear to influence the theotherhand,isproportionalto∆k1/2S 2.Thisexpressionis sgs| ∗| W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII 7 also scale-invariantbecause the rate-of-strainscalar S mea- ∗ | | sures the inverse time scale of the smallest resolved velocity fluctuations,i.e. S 2 ∆ 4/3, while ∆k1/2 ∆4/3. The com- | ∗| ∝ − sgs ∝ putedrateofenergytransferplottedinthetoppanelontheleft ofFig.2exhibitpeakvalueswhicharewithinthesameorderof magnitude,althoughthe energytransferseemsto be underes- timatedforthelowestresolutions.Initially,theturbulenceen- ergyrisesexponentiallyataratewhichchangesonlylittlewith resolution(rightbottompanelinFig.2).Thisisreflectedinthe nearlycoincidinggraphsoftherateofSGSenergytransferup tot 0.3sshownintheleftpanelonthetopofFig.2. ≈ The SGS turbulence energy in the regime of fully devel- opedturbulencedecreasesforhigherresolution.Thistrendcan be discerned particularly in the post-burning phase, in which no further energy is injected and the turbulent flow begins to decay. From the initial production phase to the post-burning phase,however,arathercomplicatedbehaviourbecomesman- ifest asthe resultof the interplaybetweenturbulenceproduc- tion by the strain of the resolved flow, the SGS Archimedian forceandthegridexpansion.Theexplosionenergeticsplotted Fig.3.Timeevolutionofthetotalenergyforthesamesimula- inFig.3showsthefollowingbehaviourdependingonthenu- tionsasinFig.2 mericalresolution (also see Table 1): Whereas the final value ofthetotalenergyisaboutthesameforthelowerresolutions, there is a significantly enhanced yield of energy in the case Table 1. Total release of nuclear and kinetic energyand total N = 3843. However, this does not imply that the model fails massesofirongroup(“Ni”)andintermediatemass(“Mg”)el- toconvergewithincreasingresolution.Turbulentflowregions ementscorrespondingtoFig.3. are confined in a fraction of the numerical grid, whereas the greaterpartofthe gridisoverheadrequiredformodellingthe N E [1051erg] E [1051erg] M /M M /M non-turbulentouterpartsofthe expandingstar andsome por- nuc kin Ni ⊙ Mg ⊙ 1283 0.963 0.433 0.523 0.175 tion of the surroundingquasi-vacuum.In the case N = 2563, 1923 0.970 0.442 0.529 0.172 for example, significant SGS turbulence production occurs in 2563 1.000 0.472 0.548 0.172 theinner1003cellsatt=0.5s.Thisisthetimeofmaximalin- 3843 1.087 0.560 0.586 0.206 tegratedturbulenceproduction.However,inpaperIwedemon- stratedthat100cellsineachspatialdimensionisdefinitelynot sufficient to resolve developed turbulent flow sufficiently far down toward the inertial subrange using PPM. Although this DetailsoftheSGSdynamicsareillustratedbycontourplots is merely a crude estimate, it appears plausible that even the of two-dimensional spatial sections from the simulation with supernovasimulationwithN =3843resolvestheturbulentdy- N =3843gridcells(Figs.4,5,and6).IneachFig.,thefollow- namics only marginally. As a further indication, the plateau- ingdynamicaltermsofequation(4)areplotted: likeflatteningoftherateofproductionanddissipation,respec- 1. Rateofproductioncausedbystrain,ℓ S 2(lefttoppanel). tively, can be seen in the left panels of Fig. 2 for the highest ν| ∗| 2. SpecificArchimedianforce0.1g (righttoppanel). resolution only. We interpret the flattening as a consequence eff 3. Rateofdissipation 7q d q2 /ℓ (leftbottompanel). oflocalstatisticalequilibriumbetweenproductionanddissipa- −30 sgs − sgs ǫ tion. 4. Rateofdiffusion ρ1∇· ρℓκqsgs∇qsgs −ℓκ|∇qsgs|2(rightbot- tompanel). Unfortunately, we were not able to perform a run of still (cid:16) (cid:17) higher resolution due to the limitations of our computational The flame surface as given by the zero level set is indicated resources. In any case, we expectthat N = 5123 grid cells in by the contours in white. Note that these quantities have the oneoctantwouldbesufficientforanaccuratemodellingofthe dimensionof acceleration.Fig. 4 shows the typicalRayleigh- turbulent dynamics, whereas simulations with less resolution Taylormushroomshapeswhichhaveformedoutoftheinitial canbeutilisedtodiscerntrendsinparameterstudies.Asimilar sinusoidal perturbations at time t = 0.3s. Significant energy conclusionwas drawnby Ro¨pke(2005) froma series oftwo- transferisconcentratedinsmallregionsandthereislittledis- dimensional simulations, in which a pronouncedjump of the sipationyet.ComparingtoFig. 2, onecansee thatturbulence totalenergywasfoundbetweentheN =2562andthe5122run, productionisjustabouttorise.Att=0.45s,therateofenergy respectively,whilemoreorlessthesameenergywasobtained transferhasreacheditsmaximumandisspreadalloverthein- for N 5122. Moreover, snapshots of the zero level set for terioroftheflames(seeFig.5).TheaccelerationofSGSfluid ≥ varyingresolutionsuggestedthatsecondaryKelvin-Helmholtz parcelssubjecttothelargeststrainexceeds106timesthegravi- instabilitiesarebarelyornotatallresolvedwithN 2562. tationalaccelerationonEarthrelativetotheresolvedflow.The ≤ 8 W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII Fig.4.ContoursectionsshowingthecontributionstotheevolutionoftheSGSturbulencevelocityq givenbyequation(4)at sgs t = 0.3s.OnlytheinnerregionofthegridwithN = 3843 cellsisshown.Thewhitecontoursrepresentthesectionsthroughthe flamesurface. SGSbuoyancyistypicallybyanorderofamagnitudesmaller. neticenergythroughtheturbulencecascadeanddiffusionacts Both dissipation and transportdue to SGS turbulentdiffusion toredistributethisenergyintoregionswithlittleproduction. are comparable to the rate of energy transfer at this time. In theunburnedmaterialoutside,ontheotherhand,thereisvirtu- Fig. 10 shows the evolution of the SGS turbulence veloc- allynoSGSturbulence.Thereby,itisconfirmedthatswitching ityqsgs attheflamefrontsinthree-dimensionalvisualisations. offtheenergytransfertermsinthenon-uniformgirdregionsat Thegridlinesroughlyindicatetheuniformpartofthenumer- sufficientdistancefromtheflamefrontsisareasonablesimpli- icalgrid.Thecorrespondingabsolutescaleisindicatedbythe fication.Obviously,theflowishighlyanisotropicinthevicin- sizeXuniandthecorrespondingnumberofcellsNuni.Inthefirst ity of the flames which highlightsthe necessity of a localised threesnapshotsonecansee thegrowthoftheinitialperturba- SGSmodel.InFig.6,onecanseethatturbulentenergytransfer tions. The axial symmetry is gradually broken by the forma- is declining and becoming small relative to the Archimedian tionofsecondaryinstabilities.Att=0.45sthesmallerplumes force near the flame front. However, this does not imply that originatingfrom these instabilities are highly turbulent. From the amount of SGS turbulence and, thus, the turbulent flame t = 0.6sonwards,the system increasinglylooses its memory speedisdominatedbythe SGSbuoyancybecausethe bulkof oftheinitialconditionandtheturbulenceintensityattheflame SGS turbulence energy has been produced by transfer of ki- surfaceis abatingandlevelling.Thelast snapshotatt = 1.5s showsa complexstructurewith featuresovera wide rangeof W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII 9 Fig.5.ThesameplotasinFig.4att=0.45s. scales.Thereappeartobefiveorsixmajormodeswhicheven- Note that integrating each PDF over the decade logarithm of tuallyprevail.Theresultinglayeringofnuclearspeciesisillus- the speed yields unity. Also shown are the PDFs of q and sgs tratedbythecontourplotsofthecorrespondingmassdensities v (∆ ).Therelationbetweentheturbulentflamespeeds and RT eff t inFig.7.Nickelisconcentratedinthecentralregion,whereas theSGSturbulencevelocityq isformulatedinequation(2). sgs both magnesium and unburned carbon and oxygen are found During the first tenth of a second, s is basically givenby the t further outside. The outermost layers and the narrow down- laminarflamespeed.Thentheflamepropagationbecomesin- draftsbetween the convectivefingers of nuclear ash are com- creasingly affected by SGS turbulence. From about 0.3s on- posedalmostexclusivelyofcarbonandoxygen.Thestratifica- wards, s is dominatedbyq . Atlater times,onecansee the t sgs tion of the nuclear species in the explosionejecta is reflected asymptotic relation s 2q /√3. The Rayleigh-Taylor ve- t sgs ≃ inthecorrespondingmassdensityfunctionsdM/dvr,wherevr locityscalevRT(∆eff)isinitiallymuchsmallerthanthelaminar is the radial velocity component. In particular, Fig. 8 shows burning velocity. As the flame propagates outwards, both the that little carbon and oxygen is found for velocities less than gravity and the density contrast at the flame surface become 3000kms−1inthelatephaseofalmosthomologousexpansion. largerandvRT(∆eff)increases.Eventually,thePDFofvRT(∆eff) tendstowardarathernarrowpeakaround107cms 1.ThePDF − Tounderstandtheflamedynamics,itisinstructivetocon- of q , on the other hand, extends over a substantially wider sgs sidertheprobabilitydensityfunction(PDF)ofthelogarithmof range.Forthisreason,thelocalisedSGSmodelgeneratesmore the flame propagation speed s over the surface of the flame. t variationinthepropagationoftheflamefrontincomparisonto The PDFs for several instants of time are plotted in Fig. 9. 10 W.Schmidtetal.:AlocalisedsubgridscalemodelforfluiddynamicalsimulationsII Fig.6.ThesameplotasinFig.4att=0.75s. theSharp-Wheelermodel.ThisisexpectedbecausetheSharp- in the interior ash regions.Consequently,there is pronounced Wheeler relation is ignorant of the interaction between sub- anisotropy at the flame surface which can be tackled by the gridandresolvedscalesandtheeffectsofnon-localtransport. localisedSGSmodelonly.TheArchimedianforcecontributes Nevertheless, v (∆ ) is seemingly a velocity scale which is noticeably to the turbulent flame speed, particularly once the RT eff representative for the magnitude of q at the flame surface flame surfacehas grownsubstantially.However,the dominat- sgs duringmostoftheburningprocess. ingeffectistheenergytransferthroughtheturbulencecascade. Inthelate stageoftheexplosion,sustainedturbulenceenergy 4. Conclusion comesfromtherescaling,whilethemajordynamicalcontribu- tionisSGSdissipation.Furthermore,itappearsthatnumerical WeappliedtheSGSturbulenceenergymodeltothelargeeddy gridswith morethan N = 2563 cells in one octantare neces- simulation of turbulent deflagration in thermonuclear super- sary in order to sufficiently resolve the turbulent dynamicsin nova explosions. The novel features of this model are a lo- theburningregionsandtoobtainconvergedresults. calised closure for the rate of energy transfer, an additional Archimedian force term which accounts for buoyancy effects An investigation of probability density functions over the on unresolvedscales and the rescaling of the SGS turbulence flame fronts (see Fig. 9) reveals that the Rayleigh-Taylor ve- energyduetotheshiftofthecutofflengthinsimulationswith locity scale v (∆ ) given by the Sharp-Wheelerrelation (1) RT eff a co-expanding grid. We found that the production of turbu- is not negligible compared to the SGS turbulence velocity lenceislargelyconfinedtotheregionsneartheflamefrontsand q , once the regime of fully turbulent burning has been en- sgs

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