A LOCAL FORM FOR THE AUTOMORPHISMS OF THE SPECTRAL UNIT BALL 8 0 PASCAL J. THOMAS 0 2 Abstract. If F is an automorphism of Ωn, the n2-dimensional n spectral unit ball, we show that, in a neighborhood of any cyclic a J matrix of Ωn, the map F can be written as conjugationby a holo- 2 morphically varying non singular matrix. This provides a shorter 2 proof of a theorem of J. Rostand, with a slightly stronger result. ] V C 1. Background . h at Let Mn be the set of all n × n complex matrices. For A ∈ Mn m denote by sp(A) the spectrum of A. The spectral ball Ωn is the set [ Ω := {A ∈ M : ∀λ ∈ sp(A),|λ| < 1}. n n 1 Let F be an automorphism of Ω , that is to say, a biholomorphic v n 6 map of the spectral ball into itself. Ransford and White [6] proved 9 that, by composing with a natural lifting of a M¨obius map of the disk, 3 one could reduce oneself to the case where F(0) = 0, and that in that 3 . case the linear map F′(0) was a linear automorphism of Ω , so that 1 n 0 by composing with its inverse, one is reduced to the case F(0) = 0, 8 F′(0) = I (the identity map). We then say that the automorphism if 0 normalized. Ransford and White [6] proved that such automorphisms : v preserve the spectrum of matrices. i X Wesaythattwomatrices X,Y areconjugate ifthereexistsQ ∈ M−1 n r such that X = Q−1YQ. a Baribeau and Ransford [1] (see also [2] for a more elementary proof) proved that every spectrum-preserving C1-diffeomorphism of an open subset of M , and thus every normalized automorphism of the spectral n ball is a pointwise conjugation: (1) F(X) = Q(X)−1XQ(X). 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 32H02, 32A07, 15A21. Keywordsandphrases. holomorphicautomorphisms,spectralball,symmetrized polydisc, cyclic matrices. This paper was made possible in part by a grant from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of the ECO Net programme, file 10291 SL, coordinated by Ahmed Zeriahi. 1 2 PASCALJ. THOMAS Rostand’s contribution [7] was to show that Q(X) could be chosen locally holomorphically in a neighborhood of every X admitting n dis- tinct eigenvalues. We will give a short proof of a slightly stronger result: the excep- tional set of matrices where the local holomorphic choice cannot be guaranteed will be of complex codimension 2 instead of 1. The motivation for this result was a conjecture formulated in [6] about the automorphisms of the spectral ball, which reduces to asking whether any normalized automorphisms can be written in the form (1), where Q would be globally homorphic on Ω , and depend only on n the conjugacy class of X. Notice that a recent result of Zwonek [8] shows that any proper map of the spectral ball to itself is actually an automorphism ofit, so that theproof ofthe Ransford-Whiteconjecture would yield a description of all theproper maps of thespectral ballinto itself. I wish to thank Nikolai Nikolov, who told me about this circle of ideas. Without the fruitful discussions I had with him on this topic, this paper wouldn’t have been written. 2. Statement Definition 1. We say that a matrix M is cyclic (or non-derogatory) if thereexists a cyclicvectorforM, i.e. v ∈ Cn suchthat (v,Mv,...,Mkv,...) spans Cn, which is equivalent to the fact that (v,Mv,...,Mn−1v) is a basis of Cn. Many equivalent definitions of this notion can be found, for instance in [3] and [4], or [5, Proposition 3]. We point one out: M is cyclic if and only if for any λ ∈ C, dimKer(M − λI ) ≤ 1. In particular, n any matrix with n distinct eigenvalues is cyclic, and for any given spectrum λ ,...,λ , the set of non-cyclic matrices with that spectrum 1 n is the algebraic set {M : ∃j : dimKer(M −λ I ) ≥ 2}. j n Hence the set of non-cyclic matrices is of codimension 1 in the set of matrices which admit at least one multiple eigenvalue, itself of codi- mension 1 in M . n Theorem 2. Let F be a spectrum-preserving holomorphic map of Ω . n Let X ∈ Ω be a cyclic matrix. Then there exists a neighborhood V 0 n X0 of X and a map Q holomorphic from V to M−1 such that for any 0 X0 n X ∈ V , F(X) = Q(X)−1XQ(X). X0 AUTOMORPHISMS OF THE SPECTRAL BALL 3 3. Proof We fix some notation. For A ∈ M , let n σ (A) := σ (λ ,...,λ ) := (−1)j λ ...λ j j 1 n X k1 kj 1≤k1<···<kj≤n and λ ,...,λ are the (possibly equal) eigenvalues of A. Those are 1 n polynomials in the coefficients of A. Put σ := (σ ,...,σ ) : M → Cn. 1 n n Conversely, given a := (a ,...,a ) ∈ Cn, the associated companion 1 n matrix C is a 0 −a n . . 1 0 . 1 ... ... . ... 0 −a 2 1 −a 1 The companion matrix associated to a matrix A is C . They have σ(A) the same characteristic polynomial, or equivalently σ(C ) = σ(A). σ(A) Now given a matrix X as in the Theorem, and a vector v cyclic for 0 0 X , let 0 U := {M ∈ M : det(v ,Mv ,...,Mn−1v ) 6= 0}. X0 n 0 0 0 This is a neighborhood of X . Let P (M) be the matrix with columns 0 v0 (v ,Mv ,...,Mn−1v ); this depends polynomially on the entries of M, 0 0 0 and is invertible. One can see that for X ∈ U , X0 P (X)−1XP (X) = C v0 v0 σ(X) (the n−1st columns columns coincide, and they have the same char- acteristic polynomial). By the Baribeau-Ransford theorem [1] F(X ) is conjugate to X , 0 0 therefore cyclic. So there is a neighborhood U where the relation F(X0) P (Y)−1YP (Y) = C holds. Take V ⊂ U small enough so w0 w0 σ(Y) X0 X0 that F(V ) ⊂ U . For any X ∈ V , using the fact that F is X0 F(X0) X0 spectrum-preserving, F(X) = P (F(X))C P (F(X))−1 w0 σ(F(X)) w0 = P (F(X))C P (F(X))−1 w0 σ(X) w0 = P (F(X))P (X)−1XP (X)P (F(X))−1, w0 v0 v0 w0 so that we have the theorem with Q(X) = P (X)P (F(X))−1. (cid:3) v0 w0 Notice that there is no hope to make a global holomorphic choice of v on the whole open of cyclic matrices. Indeed, since the complement 0 of this is of codimension 2, we could then extend it to the whole of 4 PASCALJ. THOMAS Ω by Hartog’s phenomenon, but it would mean that all matrices are n cyclic, which is obviously false. References [1] L. Baribeau and T. J. Ransford, Non-linear spectrum-preserving maps, Bull. London Math. Soc., 32 (2000), 8–14. [2] L.BaribeauandS.Roy,Caract´erisation spectrale de la forme de Jordan,Linear ALgebra Appl. 320 (2000), 183–191. [3] R.A.Horn,C.R.Johnson,MatrixAnalysis,CambridgeUniversityPress,Cam- bridge, New York, Melbourne, 1985. [4] R. A. Horn, C. R. 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