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A LIFE OF MAGIC CHEMISTRY A LIFE OF MAGIC CHEMISTRY Autobiographical Reflections of a Nobel Prize Winner George A. Olah A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION New York • Chichester • Weinheim • Brisbane • Singapore • Toronto (cid:1)(cid:1) Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. Copyright(cid:2)2001byWiley-Interscience.Allrightsreserved. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedin anyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanningor otherwise,exceptaspermittedunderSections107or108ofthe1976UnitedStatesCopyright Act,withouteitherthepriorwrittenpermissionofthePublisher,orauthorizationthrough paymentoftheappropriateper-copyfeetotheCopyrightClearanceCenter,222Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA01923,(978)750-8400,fax(978)750-4744.RequeststothePublisherfor permissionshouldbeaddressedtothePermissionsDepartment,JohnWiley&Sons,Inc., 605ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10158-0012,(212)850-6011,fax(212)850-6008, E-Mail:[email protected]. Fororderingandcustomerservicecall1-800-CALL-WILEY. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: Olah,GeorgeA.(GeorgeAndrew),1927– Alifeofmagicchemistry:autobiographicalreflectionsofanobelprizewinner/ GeorgeA.Olah. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-471-15743-0(cloth:alk.paper) 1. Olah,GeorgeA.(GeorgeAndrew),1927–. 2. Chemists—UnitedStates—Biography. I. Title. QD22.043A32000 540(cid:2).92—dc21 [B] 00-043638 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To Judy, who made it all possible My grandchildren,Peterand Kaitlyn (July 1999). Contents Preface ix Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Perspectives on Science 4 Chapter 3. Chemistry: The Multifaceted Central Science 21 Chapter 4. Growing up in Hungary and Turning to Chemistry 38 Chapter 5. Early Research and Teaching: Departing the Shadow of Emil Fischer 51 Chapter 6. Move to North America: Industrial Experience While Pursuing the Elusive Cations of Carbon 64 Chapter. 7. Return to Academia—The Cleveland Years: Carbocations, Magic Acid, and Superacid Chemistry 84 Chapter 8. Moving to Los Angeles: Building the Loker Institute— Hydrocarbons and Hydrocarbon Research 108 Chapter 9. ‘‘Every Scientist Needs Good Enemies’’: The Nonclassical Ion Controversy and Its Significance 137 Chapter 10. From Kekule´’s Four-Valent Carbon to Five- and Higher-Coordinate Hypercarbon Chemistry 153 Chapter 11. The Nobel Prize: Learning to Live with It and Not Rest on Laurels 169 Chapter 12. Post-Nobel Years: From Superacids to Superelectrophiles 188 vii viii (cid:3) CONTENTS Chapter 13. Societal and Environmental Challenges of Hydrocarbons: Direct Methane Conversion, Methanol Fuel Cell, and Chemical Recycling of Carbon Dioxide 205 Chapter 14. Gone My Way 222 Appendix My Previous Books for References and Additional Reading 259 Index 261 Preface My wife Judy, my children, and my friends urged me for some time to write about my life and the fascinating period of science I was lucky to be part of. For years I resisted, mainly because I was still fully occupied with research, teaching, and various other commitments. I also felt it was not yet time to look back instead of ahead. However, I slowly began to realize that, because none of us knows how much time is still left, it might be ill advisedtosay‘‘it isnotyettherighttime.’’Ithereforestartedtocollectmaterialandtoorganize my thoughts for a book. It soon became clear that this project would be very different from any writing I had done before. I recognized that my goal was not only to give autobiographical recollections of my life and my career in chemistry but also to express some of my more general thoughts. These touch on varied topics, including the broader meaning of science in the quest for understanding and knowledge as well as their limitations. Science as a human endeavor means the search for knowledge about the physical world. Inevitably, however, this leads to such fundamental questions of how it all started anddeveloped:Was thereabeginning?Wasourbeingplannedbyahigherintelligence?Westruggle with these and related questions while trying to balance what we know throughscienceandwhatwemustadmitisbeyondus.Mythoughtsarethose of a scientist who always tried to maintain his early interest in the classics, history, philosophy, and the arts. In recent years I have particularly tried to fill in some of the gaps; a life actively pursuing science inevitably imposes constraintsonthetimethatonecanspendreadingandstudyingoutsideone’s own field of specialization. Of course, I realize only too well my limitations and the lack of depth in my background in some of these areas. Therefore,I have tried not to overreach, and I will limit my thoughts to my own under- standing and views, however imperfect they may be. Thisbookismainlyaboutmylifeinsearchofnewchemistry.Becausesome of my work centered around the discovery of extremely strong ‘‘superacids,’’ which are sometimes also called ‘‘magic acids,’’ I chose the title A Life of ix x (cid:3) PREFACE MagicChemistry.Italsoreflectsinamoregeneralwaytheexcitingandsome- timesindeedeven‘‘magic’’natureofchemistry,whichwithitsextremelybroad scope cuts through many of the sciences, truly being a central science. It was a long journey that led me from Budapest through ClevelandtoLos Angeles with a side trip to Stockholm. Sometimes I still wonder how life unfolds in ways we could not have planned or foreseen. I thank my publisher for the patience and understanding shown for my delays in writing the book. My editors Darla Henderson, Amie Jackowski Tibble, and Camille Pecoul Carter helped greatly to make the book a reality. My wife,sons, and friendshelpedtoimprovethemanuscriptandcommented on its many shortcomings. My particular thanks go to Reiko Choy, my long- time secretary, who, before her retirement, miraculously produced a proper manuscript from my messy handwritten drafts and thus allowed the book to becompleted.IsimilarlythankJessieMay,whotookoverandcarriedthrough with great efficiency and enthusiasm needed revisions and corrections. George A. Olah Los Angeles, October 2000

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