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A Large Brachyuran like Larva Of The Hippidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) From The Banda Sea, Indonesia - The Largest Known Zoea PDF

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Preview A Large Brachyuran like Larva Of The Hippidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) From The Banda Sea, Indonesia - The Largest Known Zoea

PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 104(3), 1991, pp. 561-568 A LARGE BRACHYURAN-LIKE LARVA OF THE HIPPIDAE (CRUSTACEA: DECAPODA: ANOMURA) FROM THE BANDA SEA, INDONESIA: THE LARGEST KNOWN ZOEA Joel W. Martin and Bernard Ormsby —A Abstract. collection of planktonic Crustacea from the Banda Sea, In- donesia, contained several specimens ofa large, late stage zoea belonging to the anomuran family Hippidae. As is true for the few previous descriptions of hippidlarvae, the zoea bears a remarkable (but superficial) similarity to larvae oftrue crabs (Brachyura) in that the carapace is spherical and the lateral and rostral spines are distinctly deflected ventrally. The zoea is also remarkable in its size; the width across the lateral carapace spines is over 12.0 mm, making this the largest known zoea ofthe Anomura or Brachyura. Characters ofthe zoea are compared to previous descriptions ofhippid larvae. Planktonic larval stages of the decapod largest known zoea in the Decapoda, but crustacean infraorders Brachyura and An- because, like previously describedlarvae of omura are usually easy to distinguish. The the Hippoidea, it is superficially similar to two most obvious characters concern the zoeal stages ofthe Brachyura. carapace: inanomuransthecarapaceislong- er than broad, and the rostral spine is di- Materials and Methods rected anteriorly, whereas in brachyuran larvaethe carapaceis sphericalandthe ros- Zooplanktonsampleswere collecteddur- tral spine (usually present) is directed ven- ing an expedition ofthe R/V Alpha Helix trally (see Williamson 1982). Another dif- to the area ofthe Banda Sea, Indonesia, in ferentiating character is that the sixth 1975. One lot contained 7 large, late stage abdominal segment, in later stages, always zoeaethatwehereinassigntotheanomuran bears setose uropods in the Anomura, family Hippidae; this lot was collected in whereas uropods are absent in zoeal stages the south Ceram Sea,just northwest ofthe of the Brachyura (except for raninids, ho- islandofCeram(sometimesspelledSeram), AH molids, and some other "primitive" crab at Station 19(3°55.7'S, 128°07.7'E,trawl families; Rice 1980, Martin 1991). Also, RMT-8, 0-150 m). An additional lot con- mostanomuranlarvaehaveahair-likepro- taining4 specimens ofthissamezoeal stage AH cess between the first and third posterior waslaterfoundincollections from Sta- spinesonthetelson,althoughthiscondition tion 28, also in the Ceram Sea (3°14.8'S, changeswithontogeny(Konishi 1989,Mar- 127°38.0'E, trawl RMT-8, 0-100 m). Zoo- tin 1991). plankton was collected with an otter trawl mm The present paperdescribes a large zoeal fitted with a 0.5 mesh plankton net. stage ofthe anomuran superfamily Hippoi- Most of the crustacean samples from this dea. The zoea is ofinterest not only for its expedition, including those with the hippid mm greatsize(over6.0 carapacelength,and zoeae,driedoutcompletelybeforetheycame over 12.0 mm in carapace width, including to our attention (early 1989). Some ofthe the lateral carapace spines), making it the larvae were rehydrated in Trisodium Phos- PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON 562 Fig. L Large hippid zoea from the Banda Sea, Indonesia: carapace, abdomen, and telson. a, entire zoea, frontalview;b,same,sideview;c,ventralviewofcarapaceandspineswithtelsonandabdomenremoved(note howventralcarapace is shaped to conform to opercular-like telson; d, lateralview ofabdomen and telson; e. VOLUME NUMBER 104, 3 563 phate for a period of 48 hours and then sharp spines separated by minute serra- transferred to 70% ethanol. A few of the tions; spines becoming more dense ap- larvaewereleftdry.Alldrawingsweremade proachingposteriorterminusoftelson. One withaWildM5APOdissectingmicroscope immovable tooth (Fig. If) on either side of and a Zeiss compound stereoscope, each lateral border at about two thirds length of with camera lucida, from specimens col- telson. AH lectedat Station 19. Measurementswere Uropods (Fig. Ig, h).—Long, extending made from the single largest zoea, which approximately half length of telson (more wasamongthefourspecimenstaken atAH thanhalfifextendedfullyorifsetationcon- Station 28. sidered), biramous, outer ramus bearing 8- 10longsimple setae, innerramusunarmed. Description First antenna (antennule) (Fig. 2a).— mm Size.—Carapacelength 6.5 (fromor- Stout, distal portion with 5 tiers containing bittoposteriorborderofcarapace, allowing aesthetascs. for slight curvature); carapace width (ex- Secondantenna(Fig. 2b).—Protopodwith cluding lateral spines) 6.3 mm; length of three paired, evenly spaced spines, becom- rostralspine 10.8 mm;lengthoflateralspine ing progressively shorter distally; terminus 6.8 mm; distance from tip to tip oflateral ofprotopod spine-like; single spine located spines 12.3 mm. at articulation of endopod. Endopod ex- Sffl^^.—Because ofthe large size and the tendingnearlytotipofprotopod,withthree development ofthe pleopods and uropods, spines, tapering to acute distal tip; total thisisprobablyalatestagezoea, equivalent length ofendopod approximately Vs length to a stage 4 or later larva as compared to ofprotopod. earlieraccountsofdevelopmentintheHip- Mandible(Fig. 2c).—Anteriorborderwith pidae (e.g., Hanson 1969). 1 sharp and 1 blunt tooth, both of which Carapace(Fig. la, b, c).—Cephalothorax exceed length of denticle row. Denticles smooth, weakly calcified, globose, with ex- acute, sclerotized, subequal in length, num- tremelylongdowncurvedrostralspine(lon- bering 7-8. gerthancarapacelength)andslightlydown- Maxillule(Fig. 2d),—Endopodconsisting curved lateral spines (less than rostral of a single segment with 1 long, minutely length). No dorsal spine notedin this stage. serrulate, terminal seta. Exopod bilobed; Abdomen (Fig. Id, g).—Five articulating basal endite with 3 stout serrate spines on somites, with the sixth fused to the telson. distal margin; coxal endite with 1 short Somites 2 through 5 with pleopods. Somite proximal seta, and 4 longer minutely ser- length and width roughly equal. Fifth so- rulate setae distally, 3 ofwhich are in distal mite with blunt ventrolateral protrusions group. extending slightly posteriorly. Abdomen Maxilla (Fig. 2e).—Endopod with two tightlyflexedforward, withtelsonexpanded simple and two plumose setae on margin and covering pereiopods and mouthparts plusonelongsimplesetaondistalterminus. ventrally. Endite not seen. Scaphognathite with nu- Telson(Fig. le,f,g).—Longerthanbroad, merous plumose setae spaced as illustrated. terminallysubtriangular.Dorsalsurfacewith Maxilliped 1 (Fig. 2f).—Basis bearing 5- scattered short setae. Posterior border with 7 plumose setae usually arranged in pairs; dorsal(functionalventral)surfaceoftelsonshowingindistinctfusionoftelsonwith6thabdominalsomite(light stippling);f, highermagnificationoflateraltoothandspinesonrightsideoffiguree;g, ventral surfaceoftelson with uropods and abdominal somites 5 and 6 in place (stippled area denotes removed abdominal somite); h, righturopod. Scale barcorrespondsto figuresa-conly. 564 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Fig. 2. Large hippid zoea from the Banda Sea, Indonesia: antennae and mouthparts. a, first antenna; b, secondantenna;c,innerviewofleftmandible;d, maxillule;e, maxilla; f,firstmaxilliped;g, secondmaxUliped. Scalebarappliestoall figures. endopod4-segmented, withsetation 3, 2, 1, tation 3, 1, 1,4 (proximaltodistal); exopod 4 (proximal to distal). Exopod uniramous with 9 to 11 natatory setae. with 10-12 natatory setae distally. Maxilliped3.—Present only as small un- Maxilliped 2 (Fig. 2g).—Basis with two developed bud. plumose setae; endopod 4-segmented, se- Pleopods (Fig. Id).—Well developed, ex- VOLUME NUMBER 104, 3 565 tending from somites 2 through 5, unira- third, or first and fourth, teeth on the pos- mous. terior border of the telson are strong and well developed. In contrast, the telsons in hippid larvae tend to be terminally round- Discussion ed, with only the first posterior process The Banda Sea zoea is probably a late modified as a strongimmovable tooth, like stage larva. The large size, coupledwith the the telson ofthe larva described here. Our well developed pleopods and uropods, in- larvae clearlybelongto the Hippidaerather dicate to usthat this zoeais atleastin stage than to the Albuneidae. 4 or higher, ifdevelopment proceeds as in othergeneraoftheHippoidea(e.g., Hanson Assignment to Genus 1969). Ofthetwofamilies,AlbuneidaeandHip- Assignment to a particular hippid genus pidae, that comprise the anomuran super- is more difficult. There are currently three familyHippoidea,larvaearebestknownfor accepted genera in the Hippidae: Emerita the albuneids, with larval stages ofat least Scopoli, Hippa Fabricius, and Mastigochi- four genera known (e.g., Johnson & Lewis rusMiers(seeHaig 1970). Larvaeareknown 1942, Knight 1970, Sandifer & Van Engel only for Hippa and Emerita, and the zoeal 1972, Gore & Van Dover 1980, and Stuck stages ofspecies in these two genera are ex- & Truesdale 1986, for Lepidopa; Menon tremely similar. Hanson (1969), inthe only 1937, and Seridji 1988, forAlbunea; John- description ofa complete larval series ofa son & Lewis 1942, Boschi et al. 1968, and species of Hippa {H. cubensis (De Saus- Knight 1968, for Blepharipoda; Konishi sure)),mentionedthatlarvaeofthetwogen- 1987, forLophomastix). Seridji(1988:1299) eradifferonlyinthatzoeaeofEmeritabear presented a table comparing larval charac- fewer aesthetascs on the antennule, fewer teristics ofthe "three known genera ofthe spines on the telson, fewer setae on the sca- Albuneidae." However, Seridji apparently phognathiteborder,andaregenerallysmall- was unaware ofthe genusLophomastix, for er than zoeae of Hippa. Hanson's (1969) which larvae ofone species have been de- description was actually oflarvae ofH. tes- scribed (Konishi 1987), and the genera tudinaria (Herbst), rather than H. cubensis, Leucolepidopa, Paralbunea, Zygopa, Aus- according to Haig (1970). Hanson's com- trolepidopa, and Stemonopa (see Efford & parison with species ofEmerita was based Haig 1968,Efford 1969,Haig 1974b,Serene on the work of Menon (1933), Johnson & 1979), for which no larvae have been de- Lewis (1942), Rees (1959), and Knight scribed. The majordistinguishingcharacter (1967). The descriptions of Smith (1877) separating hippid larvae and albuneid lar- and Faxon (1879) oflarvae ofHippa were vae, according to Seridji (1988), is that al- actually of species in Emerita. Hanson buneids have uniramous pleopods in later (1969) also mentioned that "The antenna zoeal stages. This distinction does not al- ofEmerita develops a long flagellum in the waysholdtrue,asStuck&Truesdale(1986) fourth or fifth zoeal stage" that persists documentedbiramous pleopods (albeit mi- through the megalopa stage, whereas this nutely biramous) in a fourth stage zoea of ffagellum "is entirely lacking in Hippo''' analbuneid{Lepidopabenedicti). No known (Hanson 1969:155),andherelatedtheabove albuneid larva has uropods as distinctly bi- morphological differences to differences in ramousasinthezoeadescribedherein. Ad- feedingmodesbetweenthetwogenera, spe- ditionally, all known albuneid larvae pos- cies ofHippa being scavengers rather than sess a distinctive rhomboid-shaped telson filterfeeders. Ourzoeaiscloserto Hanson's that is always wider than long and is pos- descriptionoflarvaeof//, testudinariathan teriorly somewhat truncate. The first and to existing descriptions of Emerita larvae 566 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE BIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON (e.g., Knight 1967 for E. rathbunae). Con- adactyla, H. pacifica, and H. celaeno, are sequently, we tentatively assign our large widely distributed in the Indian and Indo- zoea to Hippa. West Pacific Oceans (Haig 1974a). There- Anadditionalcharacterstrengtheningthe fore,knowngeographicdistributionsofspe- assignmentofthe BandSealarvaetoHippa cies in the three hippid genera would also is that in Hanson's description of H. tes- suggest the probability that the zoea de- tudinaria larvae there is a noticeable ven- scribed herein belongs to Hippa. trolateral projection extending from the We confirm, ifourlarvaeandthose ofH. posterior border ofthe fifth abdominal so- testudinariaaretypicalforthegenusHippa, mite, similar to the condition ofthe Banda and if our zoea does in fact belong to a Sea zoea. This is also seen in plankton-col- species of Hippa rather than to Mastigo- lected stages attributedto Hippa by Lebour chirus, that larval size is quite different be- (1959: fig. 17) and to a lesser extent in the tween the genera Hippa and Emerita. Our figures ofAl-Kholy (1959: figs. 40-48). We zoea,withacarapacelengthofover6.0mm have not seen this characterin descriptions (excludingthe rostral spine) andwith a dis- mm of Emerita larvae. Our zoea differs from tance ofover 12.0 between the tips of Hanson's (1969) description of the larvae thelateralspines,exceedsthatforanyknown ofH. testudinaria mostly in size. Hanson's larval stage, includingthe megalopal stages, largest zoea, at stage VI, had a carapace ofany species oiEmerita. Indeed, this zoea length ofonly 3.87 mm, whereas the Banda islargerthananyzoea, andeven megalopa, SeazoeahasaCLof6.5 mm, whichiseven ofthe Brachyura reported in the survey of larger than the megalopa stage ofH. testu- Hines(1986). Tothebestofourknowledge, dinaria. The two species also differ mor- the zoea described in this paper, while phologically;theBandaSeazoeahasamore smaller than some ofthe unusual larvae of strongly curved rostral spine, paired spines palinuridanderyonoidlobsters,whichhave on the second antenna, and a single (un- phyllosoma and eryoneichus larvae some- paired)ventraltoothonthedistalmandible times considered "zoeal" (e.g., Williamson border (compare to Hanson's fig. 3a). 1969),isthelargestknownzoealstageamong Because of the above-mentioned uncer- the decapod Crustacea. tainty concerning generic placement ofour larvae, the geographic distribution of all Acknowledgments hippidgenerashouldbeconsideredintrying WeareverygratefultoJanetHaig, Frank to assign the Banda Sea larvae. The geo- Truesdale, and Pedro Baez R. forreview of graphicallyclosestspeciesofEmeritawould the manuscript and for assistance with the beE. emeritus(Linnaeus),which, according literature. We thank Hans G. Kuck forrec- to Effbrd (1976), ranges from thewestcoast ognizing the unusual size ofthe specimens ofIndia east to southern Sumatra. At least andbringingthemtoourattention,andMs. one species ofMastigochirus, M. quadrilo- batus Miers, is known from western Aus- JenniferChristiansenforassistingwithsort- ing and preliminary identification of the tralia and Queensland and westward into plankton. Specialthanksareextendedtothe thecentral sectoroftheIndianOcean(Haig Ichthyology Section ofthe Natural History 1974a, 1974b); the only other known spe- Museum ofLos Angeles County for donat- cies in the genus, M. gracilis (Stimpson), ing the specimens. also inhabits the Indo-West Pacific (China Sea and Sri Lanka, Haig 1974a). Hippa is the largest ofthe three hippid genera and is Literature Cited represented in the tropical western Pacific Al-Kholy, A. A. 1959. Larval stages ofthree ano- by at least 10 species, three of which, H. muran Crustacea.—Publicationsofthe Marine VOLUME 104, NUMBER 3 567 Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Egypt 10:83- . 1968. The larval development of5/ep/zan- 89, pis. 1^. poda occidentalis Randall and B. spinimanus Boschi, E. E., B. Goldstein, & M. A. Scelzo. 1968. (Phihppi) (Decapoda, Albuneidae).—Proceed- MetamorfosisdelcrustaceoBlepharipodadoel- ings ofthe CaliforniaAcademy ofSciences 35: loiSchmittdelasaguasdelaProvinciadeBue- 337-370. — nosAires(Decapoda,Anomura,Albuneidae). . 1970. The larval development ofLe/7/^o/7a Physis(BuenosAires) 27:291-311. myopsStimpson(Decapoda,Albuneidae)reared EfFord, I. E. 1969. Leucolepidopa sunda, gen. nov., inthelaboratory,andthezoealstagesofanother sp. nov. (Decapoda: Albuneidae), a new Indo- species of the genus from California and the — Pacific sandcrab.—Breviora 318:1-9. PacificcoastofBajaCalifornia,Mexico. Crus- . 1976. 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A review ofthe Australian crabs of NewSeries, Natural History 3:1—45. family Hippidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Ano- . 1937. Decapod larvae from the Madras mura).—Museum of Queensland Memoir 17: plankton. I.—Bulletin ofthe Madras Govern- 175-189. ment Museum, New Series, Natural History 3: . 1974b. TheanomurancrabsofwesternAus- 1-55. tralia:theirdistributionintheIndianOceanand Rees, G. H. 1959. Larval development ofthe sand — adjacentseas.—JournaloftheMarineBiological crabEmeritatalpoida(Say)inthelaboratory. AssociationofIndia 14:443^51. Biological Bulletin 117:356-370. Hanson, A. J. 1969. The larval development ofthe Rice, A. L. 1980. Crab zoeal morphology and its sand crab Hippa cubensis (De Saussure) in the bearingontheclassificationoftheBrachyura.— laboratory (Decapoda, Anomura).—Crusta- Transactions ofthe Zoological Society ofLon- ceana 16:144-157. don 35:271^24. Hines,A.H. 1986. Larvalpatternsinthelifehistories Sandifer, P. A., &W. A. VanEngel. 1972. 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Larvalmorphologyanddi- and maxillae in Hippa and Remipes.—Trans- versity. Pp. 43-110 in L. G. Abele, ed.. The actionsoftheConnecticutAcademyofScience biology of Crustacea, volume 2: embryology, 3:311-324. morphologyandgenetics.AcademicPress,New Stuck, K. C, & F. M. Truesdale. 1986. Larval and York, 440 pp. earlypostlarvaldevelopmentofLepidopabene- dicti Schmitt, 1935 (Anomura: Albuneidae) Natural History Museum ofLos Angeles rearedinthelaboratory.—JournalofCrustacean County,900ExpositionBoulevard,LosAn- Biology6:89-110. Williamson, D. I. 1969. NamesoflarvaeintheDe- geles, California 90007. capoda and Euphausiacea.—Crustaceana 16: 210-213.

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