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A Key To The Genus Phaedon (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae : Chrysomelinae) From China And The Description Of A New Species PDF

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by  S Q Ge
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Preview A Key To The Genus Phaedon (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae : Chrysomelinae) From China And The Description Of A New Species

Vol. 114.No. 2.March&April 2003 75_ A KEY TO THE GENUS PHAEDON (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE: CHRYSOMELINAE) FROM CHINA AND THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES' Si-qinGe,2Xing-keYang,2andJun-zhiCui Abstract: Akeytoall 16Chinese speciesofPhaedon Latreille is provided with adescriptionofP. fulgida sp. nov.,from Guizhou,China.The new species is similarto Phaedon cuprea Wang, 1992 differingprimarily inthepresenceofpuncturesonthepronotumandinaedeagusmorphology.Type specimensaredepositedinthe InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademySciences,Beijing,China. KEYWORDS: Phaedon,Coleoptera,Chrysomelidae.China,new species. Phaedon was erected in 1829 by Latreille. Chapuis (1874) treated the three genera, Alitene, Orthosticha, Emmertrus, as synonyms of Phaedon. The genus Phaedon currently includes about 75 species worldwide, 33 of which occur in Asia, 3 species in Europe, 13 species in North America, 23 species in South America, 1 species in Africa and 2 species in Australia. The bulk ofthe species occur between 60N and 50S in temperate and sub-tropical regions. Species inhabit the farmlands ofplains up to alpine meadows. Forexample,P.alpina Ge et Wang, occurs at 4,700m which is the highest altitude recorded forthis genus. Some species ofPhaedon are ofeconomic importance. Forexample,the low- land species, P. brassicae Baly mainly feeds on cabbage, radish, shepherd's- purse, carrot, shallot, lettuce and other similar crops. P. annoraciae Linnaeus mainly feed on Armoracia.The two species are important pests in China. P.ful- vicornis Chen mainly feeds on Rubus. Furthermore, P. alticola Chen, a montane species, feeds on Ranunculus tricuspis and Lanccea. The genus Phaedon was first studied in China during 1934 by the late Prof. Chen Sicien who redescribed two species, P. annoraciae Linnaeus and P. bras- sicae Baly in that year. Subsequently 12 new species were described by Chen (1936, 1974, 1984), Wang (1984, 1992a, 1992b, 1997) and Gressitt and Kimoto (1963). Mostrecently,Geetal.(2002)describedthree new species. Inthis paper, we give a key for all the Chinese species and describe a new species from Guizhou, China. Systematics Genus Phaedon Latreille Phaedon Latreille,1829,InCuvier,RegneAnim.ed.2,5: 151. AliteneGistl,1857,Vacuna,2: 530. OrthostichaMotschulsky,I860.Schrenck'sReisenAmurl.,2: 196.(Typespecies: Plagioderabonar- ienseSahlberg.) EmmetrusMotschulsky, 1860.Schrenck'sReisenAmurl.,2: 221.(Typespecies: Chrysomelabetulae Fabric!us.) 'ReceivedonNovember 18,2003.AcceptedonDecember9,2003. :Institute ofZoology,ChineseAcademyofSciences,25 Bei Sihuanxilu, Haidian, Beijing. 1()()()8(), China.E-mail: [email protected]. MailedonJune 23.2004 76 ENTOMOLOGICALNEWS Diagnosis. Elongate, strongly convex. Head: small, deeply inserted into pro- thorax. Compound eyes elongate or sub-spherical. Anterior part ofclypeus con- cave or convex. Apical segment of maxillary palpi slender, twice as long as penultimate segment. Antennae extending to base of elytra, segments 7-11 broadened apically. Pronotum: with coarse punctures; anterior margin broadly emarginate withprojecting anteriorangles. Basewithorwithout araisedmargin. Scutellum: triangular with rounded apex, impunctate. Elytra: broader than pronotum at base, slightly broadened after middle; with ten striae, not including incomplete basal scutellarrow.Epipleuron plain,broadenedbasally,slightly nar- rowedposteriorly,inneredge withoutpubescence. Underside:Prosternal process slender, truncate apically, slightly broadened; procoxal cavities open; mesoster- nal process broadened, emarginate apically. Legs: outer-lateral margin of tibiae curved; third segment oftarsi entire orbilobed; claws simple. Distribution. Worldwide,temperate and subtropical regions. KeytotheChinesespeciesoftheGenusPhaedon Latreille 1. Basal marginofpronotumunmargined;epipleuronnarrow; thirdsegmentoftarsientire P.fulvicornisChen, 1974 Basal marginofpronotum margined;epipleuronbroadenedbasally,slightly narrowedposterior- ly;thirdsegmentoftarsibilobed 2 2. Dorsumwithmarkings 3 Dorsumwithoutmarkings 5 3. Mid-posteriorareaofelytrawithdarkmarkings P.gressittiDaccordi, 1979 Elytrawithout markings 4 4. Pronotum reddish-brown laterally and darker medially, dark area trapezoid, narrow apically, broadeningposteriorly,covering 1/4to 1/3 areaofpronotum;elytral interstices impunctate P.maculicollisChen, 1974 Pronotum light reddish-brown laterally anddark medially,dark areatrapezoid,narrow apically, broadening posteriorly,covering 1/3 to 1/2 areaofpronotum; elytral interstices with fine punc- tures P.potentillcieWang, 1992 5. Headandpronotumdarkbrown,elytradarkblue,purplish-blueorpurplish-brown P.alticoiaChen, 1974 Head,pronotumandelytraunicolorous 6 6. Hindwingabsent 7 Hindwingpresent 12 7. Claw bearing segmentoftarsus produced apically into a ventrally directed tooth-like spur(Fig. 4) 8 Clawbearing segmentoftarsusnotproducedapically intoaventrallydirectedtooth-like spur.9 8. Scutellumsub-triangularandwithfinepunctures;elytralintersticeswithfinepunctures P.cupreaWang, 1992 Scutellumligulateand impuntate;elytral impunctate P.fulgidaGeetYang,sp.nov. 9. Epipleuron impunctate; interstriaeofelytral intersticesflat,impunctate,shagreened P.alpinaGeetWang,2002 Epipleuronpunctate 10 10.Thirdsegmentofantennalongerthan second;epipleuron withcoarseandsparsepunctures P.wumingshanensisGeetWang,2002 Vol. 114.No.2.March&April 2003 TJ_ Thirdantennal segmentnot longerthansecond 11 11.Bodyblue,twobasal segmentsofantennaereddish-brown P.balangshanensisGeelWang.2002 - Body purple,antennaedark P.apteraChenetWang, 1984 12.Elytral interstices impunctate 13 14 Elytrapunctate 13.Elytral intersticessmooth P.chinensisGressittetKimoto, 1963 Elytral intersticesshagreened P.mellyiAchard, 1922 14.Epipleuron impunctate; Body metallicreddish-brown P.fulvenscensWeise, 1922 Epipleuronpunctate 15 15.Elytral interstice9and 10ofequal width P.armoraciaeLinnaeus, 1758 - Elytral interstice 10widerthan9 P.brassicaeBaly, 1874 Phaedonfulgida Ge et Wang,NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-6) Diagnosis. Thenew species is similartoP.cuprea Wang, 1992differing from these primarily in punctation of the pronotum and aedeagus morphology. P. cuprea differs from the new species by having the following characteristics: clypeus with sparse punctures; vertex with dense and fine punctures; pronotum with coarse and dense punctures; scutellum sub-triangular and with fine punc- tures; diameterofpunctures ofelytral striae isthe same asthoseofpronotum,in- terstriae with fine punctures. Description. Length: 3.92-4.60mm (measured from the apex ofthe clypeus to the apex ofthe elytra),width: 2.72-3.12mm(measuredatbaseoftheelytra). Form. Body sub-spherical,convexdorsally (Fig. 1). Color. Metallicbronze;clypeus,lastsegmentofmaxillarypalpus,twoapical segmentsoflabial palpi andclawsmahoganybrown. Head. Frons slightlydepressed,flattenedalongantennal sockets;clypeuswithcoarsepunctures and pubescence; upperclypeus (lower frons) between antennal sockets with sub-triangular carina; frons with coarse punctures, and vertex with finely shagreened surface and very fine, sparse,con- fusedpunctures;eyeselliptical;averagedorso-ventraleyelength=0.09mm;averageinteroculardis- tance(atdorso-mesal margins)=0.65mm. Antennae. Slender,extendingwellbeyondbaseofelytra,segments7-11 withdensepubescence; segment (1-11) length (averageoftypeseries) in millimeters0.23,0.17,0.21,0.16,,0.16, 0.17,0.19,0.18,0.22(Fig.2). Pronotum (Fig. 3). Average length at middle = 1.03mm, average width at middle = 1.77mm; much narrowerat base than elytra; rectangular; lateral margins evenly, gradually rounded, slightly narrowerat antero-lateral angles,anteriormargin widely emarginate with projecting antero-angles; postero-anglesobtuse;anterior,lateral andposteriormarginswithraisedbead; lateral margin witha shallow depression on central area; disc with sparse punctures,diameter ofthese same as those of clypeus;withfinerpuncturesinterspersed;lateralandantero-angleswithcoarsepunctures;posterior marginwithcoarseanddensepunctures;surfacewith shagrination. Scutellum.Ligulate,smoothand impunctate,surface slightshagreened. Elytra.Length=2.56mm,width(atmiddle)=3.38mm;convex;abbreviatedscutellarystriaplus 10 complete striae composed ofdeep, large punctures, largerthan those ofthe clypeus; interstices surface smooth, impunctate, finely shagreened; humeral callus not prominent; apically interstices taperedandnarrow; intersticesequally spacedexcept 8th which iswider;epipleuronflat,broadened basally,slightly narrowedposteriorly. Underside. Lateral margin ofprosternal process with punctures and pubescence,apically trun- cate,slightlybroadened,centralareawithalongitudinal ridge;procoxalcavitieselongate,open;me- sosternal processnarrow,posteriormarginemarginate.with sparse punctures andpubescense; meta- 78 ENTOMOLOGICALNEWS Fig. 1. Habitus ofPhaedonJulgida, NEW SPECIES. sternum with large coarse punctures, larger than those of the elytra, anterior margin emarginate; abdominal sterniteswithsmall shallowpuncturesandsparsepubescense. Legs. With large punctures, diameter ofthese same as those of metasternum; with prominent pubescence, especially on lateral margin of tibiae and ventral surface of tarsi; femur rectangular, outer-lateral margin with shallow depression; tibiae slender, with dense pubescence especially at apex,outer-lateralmargincurved,thirdsegmentoftarsibilobed,clawbearingsegmentoftarsuspro- ducedapically intoaventrallydirectedtooth-likespur(Fig.4);clawssimple. Aedeagus. Indorsal viewbroadened basally,taperedtoapex,slightlypointed apically; in later- al viewbentatrightangles(Figs.5-6). Material studied. Holotype: male, China, Guizhou Province, Huixiangping County, Fanjing Shan (27.9N, 108.6E) 1780m, 1 August 2001, Coll. Hongbin Liang. Paratypes: 2 females, same data as holotype, except collected by Kangzhen Dong. All type specimens are deposited in the InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing,China. Etymology. FromtheLatin,fulgida,meaningshining. Vol. 114.No. 2.March & April 2003 79 0.5mm 6 Figs. 2-6 Phaedonjulgida, NEW SPECIES. Fig. 2.Antenna. Fig. 3. Pronotum. Fig.4.Claw. Fig. 5.Aedeagus (lateral view). Fig. 6.Aedeagus (dorsal view). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Mr. Hongbin Liang and Kangzhen Dong for presenting the specimens of the new species,and wewishtothank Mr.J.Cooler(Hereford,U.K.) forhiscritical reviewofthefirstdraft of this paper. This project was supported by a grant from National Science Foundation ofChina (Grant No. 30200025),CAS Innovation Program (KSCX3-IOZ-01) and National Science Fund tor FosteringTalentsinBasicResearch (NFSC-J0030092). LITERATURE CITED Achard,J. 1922. Descriptions de nouveaux Chrysomelini. Fragments Entomologiques Prague. I- 2: 1-48. 80 ENTOMOLOGICALNEWS Baly, J. S. 1874. Catalogue of the phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, with descriptions of the speciesnewtothescience.TransactionsoftheEntomologicalSocietyofLondon 1874:161-217. Chapuis, F. 1874. In: Lacordaire, M.Th., Chapuis, M.F., Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Genera desColeopteresouexpose methodiqueetcritiquedetous lesgenresproposesjusqu'icidanscet orderd'insectes. 10.FamilledesPhytophages.LibrairieEncyclopediquedeRoret,Paris.455 pp. Chen,S. H. 1936. Catalogue des Chrysomelinae de la Chine,de L'indochine et du Japon. Notes D'EntomologieChinoise3(5):63-102. Chen,S.C. 1974. NewChrysomelidbeetlesfromwestChina.ActaEntomologicaSinica 17(1):43- 48. Chen,S.C.andS.Y.Wang. 1984. NewChrysomelinebeetlesfromHengduanMountains,Yunnan. ActaZootaxonomicaSinica9(2):170-175. Daccordi,M. 1979. NuovespeciediCrisomelinedellaRegioneOrientale,(Coleoptera:Chrysome- lidaeSubf.Chrysomelinae).EntomologicaBasiliensia4:443-461. Fabricius,J.C. 1792. Entomologiae Systematicae 1:306-349. Ge, S. Q., S. Y. Wang, and X. K. Yang. 2002. Notes on the genus Phaedon Latreille ofChina (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae).ActaZootaxonomicaSinica27(2):316-325. Gistl, J. 1857. 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