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A JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL HANDBOOK ON MONET MANAGEMENT A Project Presented to the Faculty of the School of Education The University of Southern California In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Education by Herbert G. Eendure August 1950 UMI Number: EP46184 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI EP46184 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 '5~/ /3 * 6'? Prog. This project report, written under the direction of the candidate's adviser and approved by him, has been presented to and accepted by the Faculty of the School of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Education. Date..............................................................,........ Adviser Dean ii TABLE OP CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PART I. INCOME HOW TO EARN.MONEY 1. REMUNERATION: HOW TO OBTAIN HOME EARNINGS......... 3 1. AGREEMENT: How to acquire adult approval. . . . 3 2. DUTIES: How to arrange work.......... 5 3. PAYMENT: How to determine the wages ......... 5 2. POSITION: HOW TO GET; A JOB........... 9 1. LOCATION: How to find a J o b ................ 9 2. APPLICATION: How to appeal for work..........12 3. TRAINING: How to prepare for employment . . . . 13 4. EDUCATION: How to study for advancement . . . . 14 3. CONDUCT: HOW TO KEEP A JOB. > ...................... 17 1. CORDIALITY: How to win friends. ................17 2. COURTESY: How to cultivate good manners . . . . 18 3. APPEARANCE: How to look attractive................20 4. ACCURACY: How to improve standards............ . 21 5. ADVANCEMENT: How to secure promotion. . . . . . 22 PART II. THRIFT HOW TO SAVE MONEY 4. BANKING: HOW TO KEEP YOUR MONEY ........... 29 1. INVESTMENT: pow to open a bank account. . . . . 29 2. ACCUMULATION: How to enlarge your account . . . 31 3. WITHDRAWALS: How to use your savings. . . . . . 32 Ill CHAPTER PAGE 5. FINANCE: HOW TO PAY AS YOU SAVE.................. . 37 1. CHECKING: How to start funds. . . ............... 37 2. DEPOSITING: How to keep your account reimbursed.........................................38 3. PAYMENTS: How to write checks . 39 4. RECORDS: How to keep account of your balance. . . . . . . . ..................... .. 42 6. ECONOMY: HOW TO BUDGET MONEY. ........................48 1. PROPORTIONMENT: How to divide money placement. .............. 48 2. PERSONAL BOOKKEEPING: How to keep accounts. . . 50 3. STORAGE: How to file receipts . . . . . . . . . 52 PART III. EXPENSES HCM TO SPEND MONEY 7. ACTIVITIES: HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME..................59 1. AMUSEMENT: How to enjoy yourself................ 59 2. COMPANIONSHIP: How to become acquainted with others............ 62 3. INDIVIDUAL INTERESTS: How to satisfy special wants........................................... 64 4. HOBBIES: How to use your spare time . . . . . . 65 8. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: HOVf TO SHOP WISELY<............. 69 1. CLOTHING: How to outfit a wardrobe............... 69 iv CHAPTER PAGE 2. ACCESSORIES: How to accent your wearing apparel......................................... 71 3. TOILETRIES: How to keep neat and clean....... 73 9. ADVANCEMENT: HOW TO PROGRESS. , ...................... 76 1. EDUCATION: How to improve your school work. . . 76 2. TRAVEL: How to go places. . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 3. VACATION: How to use free time................78 4. CHARITY: How to assist the needy. . ............ 79 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................. 83 V LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT PAGE A. Jobs for Beginners . ............................. 10 Bi Bank Deposit Form. . . ............ 30 C. Front and Back of Check Forms. ..................... 40 D. Monthly Checking Account Statement 44 E• Budget Example . . . . . . ......................... 49 F. Accounts Receivable. . . . . ....................... 51 G. Expense Account. .......... 53 H. Samples of Suggested Activities............ 60 I. Suggested Grooming Aids. ....................... 72 Vi LIST OP EVALUATION CHARTS CHART PAGE I. Personal Qualifications ............. 26 II. Organized Savings ............................ 35 ' III. Check Record....................................... 47 IV. Activity Planning ........................ 67 V. Shopping Principles ................. 75 Vii PREFACE TG THE TEACHER Money management is a subject in which all students are interested. They want to earn money, to he able to save part of their earnings, and spend their money wisely. The teacher can make the instruction material mueh more useful by employing full use of visual aids, demonstrations, and field trips. Parent-Teacher Association meetings and parent counselling can also develop an Improved understanding on the importance of training students In the handling of money. The material presented in this course is based on real life problems of the students themselves. The problems were obtained from the students of the Bell Gardens Junior High School and a Whittier Junior High School in Los Angeles County, California. The course Is a full year project with the chapters being divided into nine units. It is suggested that an average of one month be spent on each chapter in order that the many varied activities may be carried out. A helpful bibliography, which will aid you greatly in group guidance, may be found in the back of the book. Other reference sources are provided to help you keep up to date by suggesting new material which will be more appropriate in the future. vlil PREFACE TO THE STUDENTS Would you like to earn some money? Would you like to be able to buy many things? Would you like to know how to save money for a new “bike", a radio for your room, or some other expensive article? This book will help you get many of the desires you have dreamed of having. If you follow the directions carefully you will be able to earn money for yourself, save money for future wants, and realize greater enjoyment from the money that you spend. The results of such activity will make you a happier and more satisfied person. Also you will become a better citizen and a more useful member of the community in whiGh you live. Students, like yourselves, from the Bell Gardens Junior High School and from a Whittier Junior High School in Los Angeles County, California helped to plan this course by stating their problems and interests. Suggestions were received from teachers, students, parents, and printed texts to answer those problems which interested youth most. If you want to be better able to earn, save, and spend money, then turn the pages to a new lease on life.

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