A hybrid model approach for strange and multi-strange hadrons in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions Xiangrong Zhu and Fanli Meng DepartmentofPhysicsandStateKeyLaboratoryofNuclearPhysicsandTechnology,PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,China Huichao Song∗ and Yu-Xin Liu DepartmentofPhysicsandStateKeyLaboratoryofNuclearPhysicsandTechnology,PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,China Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing 100871, China and Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China Using the VISHNU hybrid model, we calculate the multiplicity, spectra, and elliptic flow of Λ, Ξ and Ω in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions. Comparisons between our calculations and the ALICE measurements show that the model generally describes the soft hadron data of these strange and 5 multi-strangehadronsatseveralcentralitybins. Massorderingofellipticflowamongπ, K,p, Λ, Ξ 1 andΩhasalsobeenstudiedanddiscussed. Withanicedescriptionoftheparticleyields,weexplore 0 chemicalandthermalfreeze-outofvarioushadronsspeciesattheLHCwithintheframeworkofthe 2 VISHNU hybrid model. r a PACSnumbers: 25.75.-q,12.38.Mh,25.75.Ld,24.10.Nz M 4 I. INTRODUCTION Λ, Ξ and Ω have been measured by the ALICE Collab- 2 oration [19–21]. It is thus the right time to systemati- Many measurements, such as jet quenching, elliptic cally study these strange and multi-strange hadrons at h] flow, and valence quark number scaling of elliptic flow the LHC via the VISHNU hybrid model. t have provided strong evidences for the creation of the Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec.II,webriefly - l quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in heavy ion collisions at the introduce the VISHNU hybrid model and its setup for the c Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large calculations. Sec. III compares our VISHNU results with u n Hadron Collider (LHC) [1–4]. With the formation of the ALICE measurements in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb colli- [ QGP and the restoration of chiral symmetry, strange sions, including the centrality dependence of the multi- and anti-strange quarks become abundant in the bulk plicitydensity,pT-spectraanddifferentialellipticflowfor 2 medium above T , which subsequently enhance the pro- Λ, Ξ and Ω. Sec. IV studies and discusses mass ordering v c ductions of strange and multi-strange hadrons in rela- of elliptic flow among π, K, p, Λ, Ξ and Ω at the LHC. 6 8 tivistic heavy ion collisions [5]. In the past decades, dif- Sec. V explores chemical and thermal freeze-out of vari- 2 ferent aspects of strange and multi-strange hadrons have oushadronspeciesduringtheUrQMDevolutionofVISHNU. 3 been studied in theory [5–14] and in experiment [15– Sec.VIsummarizesourcurrentworkandpresentsabrief 0 21]. It is generally believed that multi-strange hadrons, outlook for the future. . 1 such as Ξ and Ω, directly carry the information of the 0 QGP phase because of their small hadronic cross sec- 5 tions and the associated early decouplings from the sys- II. SETUP OF THE CALCULATION 1 tem near T [6]. Compared with common hadrons, their : c v anisotropy flow are mainly developed in the QGP stage In this section, we describe the inputs and setup i and less contaminated by the hadronic evolution. X for the VISHNU calculations for the soft hadron data Since the running of 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions r in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions. The VISHNU hybrid at the LHC, the flow and other soft hadron data of a model [32] combines (2+1)-d relativistic viscous hydro- all charged and identified hadrons have been studied dynamics (VISH2+1) [33] for the QGP fluid expansion by many groups within the framework of hydrodynam- withamicroscopichadronictransportmodel(UrQMD)[34] ics [22–31]. Using the VISHNU hybrid model [32] that for the hadron resonance gas evolution. The transition connects(2+1)-dviscoushydrodynamicswithahadronic from hydrodynamics to the hadron cascade occurs on afterburner, we extracted the specific QGP shear viscos- a switching hyper-surface with a constant temperature. ity(η/s) fromtheellipticdataofallchargedhadrons QGP Generally, the switching temperature T is set to 165 withMC-KLNinitialconditions[24]. Withtheextracted sw MeV which is close to the QCD phase transition tem- value of (η/s) , VISHNU provides a good description QGP perature [35–37]. For the hydrodynamic evolution above of the soft hadron data for π, K and p at the LHC [25]. T , we input an equation of state (EoS) constructed Recently,themultiplicity,p -spectraandellipticflowfor sw T from recent lattice QCD data [38, 39]. Following Ref. [24–26], we input MC-KLN initial con- ditions [40, 41] and start the hydrodynamic simulations ∗ [email protected] atτ =0.9fm/c. Forcomputationalefficiency,weimple- 0 2 mentsingle-shotsimulations[24–26,32,42]usingsmooth ) imnoitdiaelletnhtrrooupgyhdaevnesritaygipnrgofiolveesrgeanlearragteednubymtbheerMofCe-vKeLntNs /2art 12 12 h– x 1.5 Pb+PAbL I2C.7E6 A TeV p 10 VISHNU within specific centrality bins 1. Considering the conver- N( 8 p x 2 sion from total initial entropy to the final multiplicity of )/y 10 6 K x 8 all charged hadrons, we cut the centrality bins through d 4 tthhee devisetnritb-buyti-oenvenoft tfloutactluiantiitniagl penrotrfiolpesiesfroombtaMinCed-KfrLoNm. /N(d 8 02 p x 6 LL uconrcroercrteecdted Such centrality classification was once used by Shen in 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 6 Ref. [44], which is more close to the experimental cut L x 40 from the measured multiplicity distribution. The nor- L x 40 malization factor for the initial entropy density is fixed 4 by the charged hadron multiplicity density in the most X x 150 centralcollisions(dN /dη ≈1601±60fromALICE[45]). ch 2 The λ parameter in the MC-KLN model, which quanti- W x 400 fies the gluon saturation scale in the initial gluon dis- tcreinbturtailoitnysd[4e0p]e,nidsetnutnmedulttoipl0ic.1it3y8dfoenrsaitybefottrerallfitchoafrgthede eoryata1.280 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Npart hadrons. ThD1.6 1.4 The QGP specific shear viscosity (η/s) is set to QGP 1.2 0.16 for MC-KLN initial conditions. Such combined set- 1 ting for VISHNU once nicely described the elliptic flow 0.8 of pions, kaons and protons in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb colli- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 sions[25]. Here,wecontinuetouseittofurtherstudythe N softhadrondataofstrangeandmulti-strangehadronsat part the LHC. To simplify the theoretical investigations, we FIG. 1. (Color online) Centrality dependence of the multi- set the bulk viscosity to zero and neglect the net baryon plicity density per participant pair, (dN/dy)/(N /2) for density and heat conductivity for the QGP systems cre- part Λ, Ξ and Ω in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions. Insert: ated at the LHC. (dN/dy)/(N /2) for π, K, p and for all charged hadrons. part ExperimentaldataarefromtheALICECollaboration[19,20, 45,46]. TheoreticalcurvesarecalculatedwiththeVISHNUhy- III. MULTIPLICITY, SPECTRA, AND bridmodel,usingMC-KLNinitialconditions,η/s=0.16and ELLIPTIC FLOW FOR Λ, Ξ AND Ω T =165 MeV. sw . The multiplicity, spectra and elliptic flow of pions, kaons and protons in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions have Figure 1 shows the centrality dependence of the mul- been studied in our early paper [25]. We showed that, tiplicity density per participant pair (dN/dy)/(N /2) part with MC-KLN initial conditions, η/s = 0.16 and other forΛ, ΞandΩin2.76A TeVPb+Pbcollisions 3. Inthe parameters fixed from the related data of all charged insert,weplotthecorrespondingcurvesforpions,kaons, hadrons, VISHNU could nicely describe the soft hadron protons and for all charged hadrons that were once pre- data of pions, kaons and protons at the LHC. We also sented in our early paper [25] for the easiness of refer- foundthatbaryon-antibaryon(B-B¯)annihilationsinthe UrQMD module of VISHNU could reduce the proton yields by O(30%), leading to nice fits of the proton data mea- sured by ALICE. In this section, we extend our early periment[21]. Unlikeotherhadrons,φmesonsaremainlyrecon- structedfromthestrongdecaychannelφ→K+K−,ratherthan VISHNU simulations to high-statistics runs to further beingdirectlymeasured. Thesucceedinghadronicscatteringsof study the soft hadron data for the strange and multi- kaons might contaminate the weak signals of φ. In this paper, strange hadrons Λ, Ξ and Ω in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb colli- we will not show and discuss the results of φ, but just quickly sions 2. mentionourearlywork[25]andleavethepuzzleofφforfuture study. 3 We notice that the measured multiplicity of Λ from ALICE are contaminated by the feed-down decays of Σ0 and Σ(1385) [19]. However,theUrQMDmoduleofVISHNUonlyincludesstrongreso- 1 For recent development on event-by-event VISHNU simulations, nancedecays,butwithoutanyweakdecays. Topartiallyaccount pleasereferto[43,44]. theeffectsfromweakdecays,e.g. Σ0→Λ+γ,wedirectlysum 2 The φ meson is another important multi-strange hadron that themultiplicityofΛandΣ0fromVISHNUtogetacorrectedcurve might directly carry the QGP information due to its small ofΛ(thesolidbluelinewithstarsymbols). Theoriginalyields hadronic cross-sections. VISHNU predictions for the spectra and ofΛfromVISHNUarealsoshowninFig.1,whichispresentedby ellipticflowofφcanbefoundinRef.[25]. However,latercom- the dashed blue line with star symbols. In our estimations, the parisonsshowedprettylargedeviationsbetweentheoryandex- Σ0→Λ+γchannelcontributes∼30%additionalΛproductions. 3 1] -) L X W /c 107 107 107 V 0-5% Ge 106 x105 106 106 ALICE [(yd 105 x104 5-10%105 0-10%105 VISHNU pT104 10-20%104 104 /dN 103 x103 20-40%103 10-20%103 0-10% 2 10-20% dev102 x102 102 20-40%102 N 40-60% 20-40% 1/ 10 x101 10 10 40-60% 1 x100 60-80%1 1 40-60% 10-1 10-1 60-80%10-1 10-2 10-2 10-2 60-80% Pb+Pb 2.76 A TeV 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-4 10-4 10-4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) T T T FIG. 2. (Color online) Transverse momentum spectra of Λ, Ξ and Ω at various centralities in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions. Experimental data are taken from ALICE [19, 20]. Theoretical curves are calculated with VISHNU with the same inputs as for Fig.1. Fromtoptobottomthecurvescorrespondto0-10%(×104),10-20%(×103),20-40%(×102),40-60%(×101)and60-80% (×1) centrality, respectively, where the factors in parentheses are the multipliers applied to the spectra for clear separation. Spectra of Λ start from 0-5% (×105) and 5-10% (×104), instead of 0-10%. ence. The inputs of our current calculations are close to tra of these strange and multi-strange hadrons from the theonesusedin[25,26],exceptfortwopoints: 1)chang- most central to semi-peripheral collisions, except for the ing the λ parameter in the MC-KLN model from 0.28 to 60-80% centrality bin. Here, the theoretical curves of Λ 0.138, 2) cutting the centrality bins through initial en- are plotted with the original values from VISHNU with- tropy rather than the participant number N (please out weak decays. As a result, they are about 30% lower part refer to Sec. II for details). Compared with the early than the experimental measurements with weak decay setup, these two changes mainly improve the description contaminations. The Ω spectra from VISHNU are slightly of the centrality dependent multiplicity for all charged higher than the experimental data for most centralities, hadrons and for pions, but they have small influence on but obviously above the data at the 60-80% centrality other theoretical results, such as the elliptic flow of all bin. Such deviations between theory and experiment charged and identified hadrons, etc.. are consistent with the model and data differences for the centrality dependent multiplicity shown in Fig. 1. In One finds that, VISHNU nicely describes these spite of the normalization issues, VISHNU nicely fits the (dN/dy)/(N /2) curves for all investigated hadrons. part Like the case of protons, B-B¯ annihilations also reduce slopeofthepT spectraforΛ,ΞandΩatvariouscentral- ities. Together with the early nice descriptions of the p the yields of strange and multi-strange baryons with T spectraforpions,kaonsandprotons[25],itindicatesthat O(30%) for Λ, O(20%) for Ξ and Ω in the most cen- VISHNU generates a proper amount of radial flow, during tral Pb+Pb collisions(please refer to Fig. 5 in sec. V). its QGP and hadronic evolution, to push the spectra of The lower panel of Fig. 1 shows the difference between various hadrons. thetheoreticalcalculatedandtheexperimentalmeasured particleyields. Fromthemostcentraltosemi-peripheral Figure 3 presents the differential elliptic flow of Λ, Ξ collisions, the deviations are all within 20%. For the 60- and Ω at three chosen centralities in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb 80% centrality bin, the differences increase to 40% for collisions. TheexperimentaldataarefromALICE,which Ξ, and 100% for Ω. This indicates that the strangeness are measured with the scalar product method [21]. The nolongerreachchemicalequilibriuminthesmallsystem theoretical lines are calculated from VISHNU with MC- created in peripheral Pb+Pb collisions. KLN initial conditions and (η/s) = 0.16. Such in- QGP In Fig. 2, we compare the transverse momentum spec- puts once nicely described the elliptic flow data of pions, tra of Λ, Ξ and Ω from VISHNU with the measurements kaonsandprotonsattheLHC[25]. Inprinciple,thecur- from ALICE. In general, VISHNU describes the p spec- rent calculations can be considered as extensions of the T 4 2 v Pb+Pb 2.76 A TeV ALICE VISHNU 0.7 x3 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 x3 0.6 x3 50-60% 0.5 0.5 0.5 L x2 X W 0.4 0.4 x2 0.4 x2 30-40% 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 x1 x1 x1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10-20% 0 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) T T T FIG. 3. (Color online) Differential elliptic flow of strange hadrons Λ, multi-strange hadrons Ξ and Ω at 10-20%, 30-40% and 50-60%centralitiesin2.76ATeVPb+Pbcollisions. ExperimentaldataarefromALICE[21],theoreticalcurvesarecalculated from VISHNU with the same inputs as for Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. 2 2 v p L v Pb+Pb 2.76 A TeV 0.25 K X 0.25 p W 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 10-200%.05 10-20% ALICE VISHNU 0 0 v2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 pvT (2G2e.V5/c) 0.5 1 1.5 p 2(GeV/2c.5) 0.25 0.25 T 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 40-500%.05 40-50% ALICE VISHNU 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) T T FIG.4. (Coloronline)Differentialellipticflowofπ,K,p,Λ,ΞandΩat10-20%and40-50%centralitiesin2.76ATeVPb+Pb collisions. Left panels (a) and (c) are plotted with v from ALICE [21], right panels (b) and (d) are plotted with v from 2 2 VISHNU. early simulations [25]. Fig. 3 shows that the elliptic flow IV. MASS ORDERING OF ELLIPTIC FLOW data below 2 GeV for Λ, Ξ and Ω are fairly described by VISHNU within the statistical error bars. Above 2 GeV, the descriptions of the elliptic flow for Ξ at 50-60% and Mass ordering of elliptic flow among various hadron forΩat30-40%and50-60%becomeworse. Ontheother species reflects the interaction between the radial and hand, viscous corrections probably become too large in elliptic flow during the hadronic evolution. The radial thathigherp region,makingthehydrodynamicdescrip- flow tends to push the heavier particles at lower p to T T tion in VISHNU lost its predictive power. higher p , leading to a mass ordering of the p depen- T T 5 dent elliptic flow below 1.5-2 GeV that decreases with extractedfromtheparticleyieldsofvarioushadrons[55– the increase of hadron mass. Such v mass-ordering has 58]. A systematic study of the related data at top RHIC 2 been discovered in experiments at both RHIC and the energy gives T (cid:39) 165 MeV [55]. This temperature ch LHC [21, 47–49], which has also been studied within the could describe the yields of many identified hadrons in frameworkofhydrodynamics[11,26,50–52]andtheblast 2.76ATeVPb+Pbcollisions,butobviouslyover-predicts wave model [53, 54]. the protons/antiprotons data at the LHC. A good de- In Fig. 4, we investigate mass ordering of elliptic flow scriptionofthep/p¯datarequiresalowerchemicalfreeze- among π, K, p, Λ, Ξ and Ω in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb col- out temperature around 150 MeV. However, such lower lisions. For clear presentations, the ALICE data and temperaturebreakstheearlynicedescriptionofΞandΩ the VISHNU results are plotted in separate panels for the yields once achieved with 165 MeV [59, 60]. two chosen centralities at 10-20% and 40-50%. Calcula- To study the above proton puzzle from the statisti- tions in [25] and in this paper (Fig. 3) have respectively calmodel,wesystematicallyinvestigatedthesofthadron showed that VISHNU generally describes v (p ) for vari- data for π, K, p at both RHIC and the LHC with the 2 T ous individual hadrons over a wide range of centralities. VISHNU hybrid model [25]. We found that baryon and However, further comparisons in Fig. 4 illustrate that anti-baryon annihilations influence the transport of pro- VISHNU could not describe the v mass ordering among tons/antiprotons during the hadronic evolution, leading 2 allhadronspecies. AlthoughVISHNUnicelydescribesthe to a largely improved description of the p/p¯yields when mass ordering among π, K, p, and Ω, it fails to correctly compared with the case without B-B¯ annihilations 4. describe the mass ordering among p, Λ and Ξ. In con- Meanwhile, other soft hadron data of π, K and p are trast,pureviscoushydrodynamicsVISH2+1hascorrectly alsonicelyfittedingeneral. Thispaperextendstheearly predictedtherelativemass-orderingamongtheseinvesti- VISHNU calculations to further study strange and multi- gatedhadrons, butithasdifficultiestoroughlyfitthev strange hadrons at the LHC. Sec. III has showed a nice 2 datafortheseheavierhadronslikep,Λ,Ξatthe10-20% description of the paricle yields for Λ, Ξ and Ω, together centrality bin [51]. with good fits of the spectra and elliptic flow for these Compared with the elliptic flow of individual hadrons, hadrons. the v mass-splittings between different hadron species In our calculations, the switching temperature, that 2 reveal more details for the hadronic evolution. Although connects the hydrodynamic description of the QGP ex- VISHNU could improve the description of v (p ) for the pansion to the Boltzmann approach for the hadron reso- 2 T hadron species like p, Λ and Ξ through its microscopic nancegasevolution,issetto165MeVatbothRHICand hadronic scatterings, it slightly under-predicts the pro- the LHC. However, this temperature can not be identi- ton v below 2 GeV, leading to inverse v mass ordering fied as the chemical freeze-out temperature in the sta- 2 2 between p and Λ, and accidental overlaps of the elliptic tistical model, since B-B¯ annihilations and other inelas- flow for p and Ξ below 1.5 GeV. An initial flow could tic collisions are still frequent during the early hadronic enhance the radial flow in the hadronic stage, which is evolution, which constantly change the yields of various thus expected to improve the description of v mass or- hadrons. Instead,differenthadronicscatteringsinUrQMD 2 deringwithintheframeworkofthehybridmodel. Mean- lead to a hadron species dependent chemical freeze-out while, the UrQMD hadronic cross sections also need to be procedure. re-evaluated and improved. These have not been done Figure 5 studies the time evolution of particle yield currently and should be investigated in the near future. densityforπ,K,p,Λ,ΞandΩduringtheUrQMDhadronic expansion. This investigation is still done within the VISHNUsimulationsfor2.76ATeVPb+Pbcollisions,but V. CHEMICAL AND THERMAL FREEZE-OUT exports the UrQMD intermediate results at different evo- OF VARIOUS HADRON SPECIES lution times. For the easiness of comparison, Left panels (a)-(f) plot the time evolution of relative particle yield density: dN(t)/dN(0). Here, dN(t) and dN(0) denote In this section, we investigate chemical and thermal dy dy dy dy the particle yield density at mid-rapidity at later evolu- freeze-outofvarioushadronspeciesduringtheUrQMDevo- tion time and at the starting time, respectively. lutionwithintheframeworkoftheVISHNUhybridmodel. For the simulations without B-B¯ annihilations, the During the QGP fireball evolution, a large number yields of Ξ and Ω almost do not change. This indicates of hadrons are produced near T , which subsequently c that these two multi-strange baryons experience early undergo inelastic and elastic collisions in the hadronic chemical freeze-out near the switching hyper-surface of phase. With the termination of inelastic collisions, the VISHNU.Forotherhadronspecies, theiryieldsconstantly yields of each hadron species no longer change. The sys- change with the UrQMD evolution. By the end of the evo- tem is considered to reach chemical freeze-out. Thermal lution, the yields of K and p respectively decrease ∼5% freeze-outhappenslater,whichisassociatedwiththeend of elastic collisions. After that, the momentum distribu- tions of final produced hadrons are fixed. In the statistical model, the chemical freeze-out tem- perature T and the baryon chemical potential µ are 4 OtherrelatedworkcouldbefoundinRef.[60–62]. ch b 6 1.4 ) 1.4 ) 1.3 p Pb+Pb 2.76 A TeV yd 1.3 p Pb+Pb 2.76 A TeV yd 1.2 / 1.2 / 1.1 0.02 0.02 N 1.1 0.02 0.02 N 1 (d 1 (d 01..9110 10 20 30 40 50 60 07.001 0-5% 0.01 )/dt]/ 01..9110 10 20 30 40 50 60 07.001 70-80% 0.01 )/dt]/ 0.9 yd 0.9 yd 0.8 K / 0.8 K / 0)] 0.7 0 0 Nd 0)] 0.7 0 0 Nd (yd)yd 1.110 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [d( (yd)yd 1.110 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [d( /N(t)]/[d)/{(tNd0000...789 p --00..0021 VwIitShHoNutU B-B annihilations --00..0021 /N(t)]/[d)/{(tNd0000...789 p --00..0021 VwIitShHoNutU B-B annihilations --00..0021 y/dN[d)/(y(t)/dN1111....234110 L10 20 30 40 50 60 t0/dNd70.001 1020 304050t6 (0fm70/c)00.01 )y/dN(d y/dN[d)/(y(t)/dN1111....234110 L10 20 30 40 50 60 t0/dNd70.001 1020 304050t6 (0fm70/c)00.01 )y/dN(d (d 1.10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 dt]/ (d 1.10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 dt]/ 0.91 -0.01 -0.01)/y 0.91 -0.01 -0.01)/y X d X d 0.8 / 0.8 / 0.7 N 0.7 N -0.02 -0.02d -0.02 -0.02d 1.10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 d( 1.10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 d( 1 [ 1 [ 0.9 -0.03 VISHNU -0.03 0.9 -0.03 VISHNU -0.03 W W 0.8 with B-B annihilations 0.8 with B-B annihilations 0.7 0.7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10203040506070 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10203040506070 t (fm/c) t (fm/c) t (fm/c) t (fm/c) FIG. 5. (Color online) Left panels (a)-(f): time evolution of FIG. 6. (Color online) Similar to Fig. 5, but for 70-80% cen- relative particle yield density dN(t)/dN(0) for π, K, p, Λ, trality bin. dy dy Ξ and Ω during the UrQMD expansion of VISHNU. Right pan- els (g) and (h): time evolution of the changing rate for the corresponding particle yield density. Solid/dashed lines de- notetheVISHNUsimulationswith/withoutB-B¯ annihilations in panel (h). But, compared with other curves such as the proton one, Ξ and Ω still experience early chemical in the most central 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions. freeze-out. The B-B¯ annihilations almost balance with the other inelastic collision channels on the production of Λ and K. As a result, the yields of these two hadrons and ∼ 10%, and the yield of Λ increases ∼ 40%. Mean- only slightly change during the hadronic evolution. while, the changing rates for the particle yield density of K, p and Λ show wide peaks along the time axis (Panel Fig.6issimilartoFig.5,butforthe70-80%centrality (g)), illustrating that the associated inelastic collisions bin. For the case without B-B¯ annihilations, the parti- are still frequent after 10-20 fm/c. This indicates these cle yields of various hadrons almost do not change dur- hadrons experience later chemical freeze-out. The yield ing the UrQMD evolution. Compared with the most cen- of pions only slightly increases during the UrQMD evolu- tral Pb+Pb collisions, the number of in-elastic collisions tion without B-B¯ annihilations. However, this is not in the hadronic phase are greatly reduced. Fig. 6 also necessarily associated with early chemical freeze-out of showed that the B-B¯ annihilations decrease the baryon pions. Instead, pions maintain relative chemical equilib- yields for p, Λ, Ξ and Ω by 5-8% in peripheral collisions, rium below T through frequent quasi-elastic collisions, but most of the annihilations happen before 10 fm/c. c e.g., ππ ↔ρ, πN ↔∆, etc. [63–66]. Shortly speaking, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 mainly concen- The B-B¯ annihilations (pp¯→ nπ, etc.) mainly influ- trateonstudyingtimeevolutionofvarioushadronyields, ence the baryon’s transport in UrQMD, leading to ∼ 30% whichindirectlyreflecttheinelasticcollisionsinUrQMD.A reductions for the p and Λ yields, ∼ 20% reductions for furtheranalysisofthespace-timedistributionsofthelast theΞandΩyieldsinthemostcentralPb+Pbcollisions. inelasticcollisionswillrevealdirectinformationforchem- Meanwhile, the yields of π and K slightly increase by ical freeze-out, which may even help us to extract effec- ∼5%throughtheannihilationchannels. Althoughthese tive chemical freeze-out temperatures of various hadron twomulti-strangehadrons, ΞandΩ, rarelyinteractwith species. Unfortunately,thecurrentversionofUrQMDdoes other hadrons during the UrQMD evolution, the annihila- not record such intermediate information. We have to tions with their own anti-particles delay their chemical leave it for future study. freeze-out. This is presented by the wide peaks on the Besides4-momentumoffinalproducedhadrons,UrQMD changingratecurvesforthesetwomulti-strangebaryons also outputs the positions (in space and time) of the last 7 1] -) hydro+UrQMD (with B-B) Pb+Pb 2.76 A TeV cm/103 hydro+UrQMD (without B-B) 103 103 hydro+Decay 0-5% f ( hydro [ t d102 102 102 y p d K x4 p x8 ~/N 10 10 10 2 d 1 1 1 -1]) 0 5 10 1520 25 30 35t4 (0-1f)mm4/5c)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 c m/103 (f103 103 (f hd t [d102 L x5tN/d0102 X x500102 W x1000 y 2 d d ~/N 10 10 10 2 d 1 1 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 t (fm/c) t (fm/c) t (fm/c) FIG. 7. (Color online) Thermal freeze-out time distributions for π, K, p, Λ, Ξ and Ω in the most central Pb+Pb collisions, calculated from hydrodynamics (green), hydrodynamics+resonance decay (blue), VISNU without B-B¯ annihilations (red) and with B-B¯ annihilations (black). elastic collisions or resonance decays that directly reflect results in long tails for the distribution curves of π, K, thermal freeze-out of the evolving system. Here we de- p, Λ and Ξ. We notice that there is no change for the fine the time distributions of the last collisions or decays Ω curves between case (1) and case (2). UrQMD only in- for various hadrons species as the corresponding thermal cludes hadrons below 2 GeV, the associated resonance freeze-out time distributions. On the other hand, they decays do not contribute to the production of this heavy can also be considered as the production-time distribu- multi-strange baryon. tions of specific hadron species during the UrQMD evolu- The UrQMD hadronic scatterings in case (3) and (4) tion. broaden thermal freeze-out time distributions of all Figure 7 shows thermal freeze-out time distributions hadron species, which shift the averaged hadron produc- for π, K, p, Λ, Ξ and Ω in the most central Pb+Pb col- tion times before 10 fm/c in case (1) and (2) to later lisions. To study the hadronic scattering effects, we set valuesrangingfrom10fm/cto40fm/c. Wealsoobserve four comparison simulations: 1) viscous hydrodynam- that the B-B¯ annihilations further decrease the produc- ics terminated at T = 165 MeV with only thermal tionsofp,Λ,ΞandΩasshowninFig.5. Ingeneral,such sw hadron emissions, 2) viscous hydrodynamics terminated annihilations do not change the shape of these thermal at T with thermal hadron productions and succeeding freeze-out time curves. sw resonance decays, 3) VISHNU without B-B¯ annihilations, Figure 8 compares the thermal freeze-out time distri- 4) VISHNU with B-B¯ annihilations. Here, both viscous butions from the most central collisions with the ones hydrodynamics and VISHNU simulations input the same from peripheral collisions. Here, the results are from the initial conditions, EoS, and other related parameters as VISHNUsimulationswithB-B¯ annihilations. Wefindthat described in Sec. II. thepeaksofthethermalfreeze-outtimedistributionsfor The thermal freeze-out time distributions for various π, K, p, Λ, Ξ and Ω are all shifted to much earlier time hadrons in case (1) all stop around 10 fm/c, because inperipheralcollisions,becausethecreatedQGPfireball thehydrodynamicevolutionterminatesaroundthattime there has much smaller volume and shorter lifetime. in the most central collisions. Comparing the thermal Figure 9 compares the thermal freeze-out time dis- freeze-out time distributions from hydrodynamics (case tributions for π, K, p, Λ, Ξ and Ω in the most cen- 1) and from hydrodynamics+resonance decays (case 2), tral Pb+Pb collisions. These curves are calculated from wefindacertainportionoftheresonancedecayshappen VISHNU with B-B¯ annihilations, which are the same as near the hydrodynamic freeze-out surface, which largely thecorrespondingonesshownindifferentpanelsofFig.7. enhance the productions of pions and protons before 10 ThepeaksoftheΞandΩcurvesarebothlocatedaround fm/c. Meanwhile, the long-lived resonances also con- 10 fm/c. Compared with these curves of p and Λ, which tribute later hadron productions after 10 fm/c, which peaks are located around 20-30 fm/c, these two multi- 8 -1])c104 p x1 VISHNU 2htdN/dd104 K x101 2htdN/dd104 p x102 Pb+Pb 2.76 A TeV m/103 with B-B annihilations 103 103 f [(102 102 102 tdy 10 0-5% 10 0-5% 10 0-5% d ~/N 1 1 1 2d10-1 10-1 10-1 70-80% 70-80% 10-2 10-2 10-2 70-80% -1])cm/110034 L10 x50200 30 40 50 60 70t t-1(])c [(fm//dNfm11/00c34) 10X x12003 30 40 50 60 70 t-1])c [(fm//dNt11 (00fm34) 10W x12003 30 40 50 60 70 t (fm) [(f102 0-5% d102 0-5% d102 tdy 10 10 10 ~/dN 1 1 70-80% 1 0-5% 2d10-1 70-80%10-1 10-1 10-2 10-2 10-2 70-80% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 t (fm/c) t (fm/c) t (fm/c) FIG. 8. (Color online) Comparisons of the thermal freeze-out time distributions for π, K, p, Λ, Ξ and Ω between the most central and peripheral Pb+Pb collisions, calculated from VISHNU with B-B¯ annihilations. thatthesetwomesonspeciesstillsurferacertainamount -1])104 p L of hadronic scatterings even during the late evolution c Pb+Pb 2.76 A TeV m/ VISHNU K X of UrQMD. We conclude from Fig. 9 that thermal freeze- [(f103 With B-B annihilations p W ohuatdriosnhsa,dthroentwspoemciuesltid-estpreanndgeenht.adCroomnspΞareadndwΩithexoptehreir- td y ence earlier thermal freeze-out, as expected, due to their d102 0-5% ~/N much smaller hadronic cross sections. 2 d 10 VI. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 1 In this paper, we studied the soft hadron data of strange and multi-strange hadrons at the LHC, using 10-1 VISHNUhybridmodel. Wefoundthat,withMC-KLNini- tial conditions, η/s = 0.16 and other inputs that fit the 10-2 related data of common hadrons [25], VISHNU generally describes the multiplicity, p -spectra and differential el- T lipticflowofthestrangehadronΛandthemulti-strange 10-3 hadrons Ξ and Ω in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions. Compared with the pure hydrodynamic calculations 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 from VISH2+1 [11], VISHNU improves the descriptions of t (fm/c) the elliptic flow for p, Λ, Ξ and Ω with microscopic hadronic scatterings that re-balance the interactions be- FIG. 9. (Color online) Thermal freeze-out time distributions tween radial and elliptic flow. However, mass ordering forπ,K,p,Λ,ΞandΩinthemostcentralPb+Pbcollisions, of elliptic flow among various hadron species is not fully calculated from VISHNU with B-B¯ annihilations. described. VISHNUslightlyunder-predictsthedifferential elliptic flow of protons, leading to inverse mass-ordering amongp,ΛandΞ. Aninitialflowandimprovedhadronic strange hadrons experience earlier thermal freeze-out. crosssectionsinUrQMDmayhelptosolvethisissue. This Although the peaks of the π and K curves are closer should be investigated in the near future. to the ones of Ξ and Ω, their freeze-out time distribu- With a nice description of the particle yields for π, K, tions spread widely along the time axis. This indicates p,Λ,ΞandΩ,wefurtherinvestigatedchemicalandther- 9 malfreeze-outofvarioushadronspecieswithintheframe- extracteffectivechemicalfreeze-outtemperaturesofvar- work of VISHNU hybrid model. We found that, compared ious hadron species. Unfortunately, such investigation withotherhadrons,thetwomulti-strangehadrons,Ξand couldnotbedonewiththecurrentversionofUrQMD.With Ωexperienceearlierchemicalandthermalfreeze-outdue an updating of UrQMD to further record the intermediate to their small hadronic cross sections. A study for time evolution information, the chemical freeze-out procedure evolution of the hadron yields also shows that baryon- of the evolving hadronic system will be further studied antibaryon annihilations in UrQMD delay the chemical in the future. freeze-outofΞandΩ,whencomparedwiththecasewith- out such annihilations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wealsoemphasizedthattheswitchingtemperaturein VISHNU could not be identified as the chemical freeze- We thanks the discussions from S. A. Bass, P. Huovi- out temperature in the statistical model since inelastic nen, C. Shen and N. Yu. This work was supported by collisions are still frequent during the early evolution of the NSFC and the MOST under grant Nos. 11435001 UrQMD. A further analysis of the space-time distributions and 2015CB856900. 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