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A Hopf algebra having a separable Galois extension is (cid:28)nite dimensional 7 0 ∗ 0 2 J. Cuadra n Universidad de Almería a J Depto. Álgebra y Análisis Matemáti o 1 E-04120 Almería, Spain 1 email: j diazual.es ] G S . h 2000 Mathemati s Subje t Classi(cid:28) ation: Primary 16W30. t a m Abstra t [ It is shown that a Hopf algebra over a (cid:28)eld admitting a Galois 2 extension separable over its subalgebra of oinvariants is of (cid:28)nite di- v 3 mension. This answers in the a(cid:30)rmative a question posed by Beattie 1 et al. in [Pro . Amer. Math. So . 128 No. 11 (2000), 3201-3203℄. 6 2 1 6 Introdu tion 0 / h The notion of Hopf-Galois extension, as known nowadays, is due to Kreimer t a and Takeu hi [5℄ and it is a mainstay of Hopf algebra theory. It emanated m from the work of Chase and Sweedler about a tions of Hopf algebras on : v rings [2℄. When the Hopf algebra is the oordinate algebra of an a(cid:30)ne group i X s heme that a ts on an a(cid:30)ne algebra, the above notion may be interpreted r in geometri terms and it is linked with the on ept of torsor or prin ipal a homogeneous spa e [7, page 168℄. Faithfully (cid:29)at Hopf-Galois extensions are urrently widelya epted asa non ommutative ounterpart of thisgeometri on ept. H = k[G] G k For , the group algebra of a group over a (cid:28)eld , [6, Theo- H rem 8.1.7℄ shows that an -Galois extension is pre isely a strongly graded k A A = ⊕ A σ∈G σ algebra. That is, a -algebra admitting a de omposition as k A A = A σ,τ ∈ G σ τ στ -ve tor spa e and satisfying for all . The subalgebra ∗ This resear h was supported by proje t MTM2005-03227from MCYT and FEDER. 1 A A e G e of oinvariants of is ( the identity element of ). N st ses u et al. A ⊂ A e hara terized in [4, Proposition 2.1℄ when the extension is separable. A A G e In parti ular, they found that if is separable over , then is (cid:28)nite. It was investigated in [1℄ if an analogous result ould hold for general Hopf H k algebras. To be morepre ise, suppose that is a Hopf algebraover having H a Hopf-Galois extension separable over its subalgebra of oinvariants. Is ne essarily of (cid:28)nite dimensional? A positive response was given under the H additional assumption that to be o-Frobenius. In this short note we answer this question in the a(cid:30)rmative. Our proof relies on a ombination of the properties of the separability idempotent, the Galois maps and an old result of Sweedler. As often happens in Hopf alge- bra theory, the new proof seems more natural and simpler than the original H = k[G] proof for . Combining our result with one of Cohen and Fis hman we provide a hara terization of separable Hopf-Galois extensions that gen- eralizes to Hopf algebras the above-mentioned one of N st ses u et al. for strongly graded rings. We (cid:28)x some notation and re all the de(cid:28)nition of Hopf-Galois extension. We expe t that the reader is familiar with the rudiments of Hopf algebra H theory. Our onventions and notations are those of [6℄. Throughout k ε stands for a Hopf algebra over a (cid:28)eld . Its ounit is denoted as usual by . k All ve tor spa es onsidered in the sequel are over , map means linear map, ⊗ k and denotes the tensor produ t over . H A ρ : A → A⊗H For a right - omodule algebra with stru ture map , Aco(H) = {a ∈ A : ρ(a) = a⊗1 } H its subalgebra of oinvariants is denoted B by . The Galois maps are given by ′ ′ ′ can : A⊗B A → A⊗H, a⊗B a 7→ Xaa(0) ⊗a(1), (a′) ′ ′ ′ can : A⊗B A → A⊗H, a⊗B a 7→ Xa(0)a ⊗a(1). (a) B ⊂ A H Re all from [6, De(cid:28)nition 8.1.1℄ that is said to be an -Galois ex- can H tension if is an isomorphism. It is known that for having bije tive antipode, any of the two maps to bceanisomorphism may be requirceadn′in the de(cid:28)nition of Galois extension sin e is bije tive if and only if is bi- je tive, [6, page 124℄. However, we will not employ this fa t. Furthermore, can we will only use that is surje tive. 2 1 The main theorem H A H Theorem. Let be a Hopf algebra and let be a right -Galois extension B H separable over its subalgebra of oinvariants . Then is (cid:28)nite dimensional. H Proof: We will prove that has a non-zero (cid:28)nite dimensional left ideal. In H virtue of [8, Corollary 2.7℄ this will imply that is (cid:28)nite dimensional. e = n e ⊗ e′ ∈ A ⊗ A Let Pi=1 i Bni e e′ = B1 be athee=seepaarabilityai∈deAm.potent given cbaynh′(yep)othesis. Then Pi=1 i i A and for all Noti e that is non-zero sin e n n ′ ′ ′ 1A = Xeiei = XXei(0)ε(ei(1))ei = (idA ⊗ε)can(e). i=1 i=1 (ei) a ∈ A,h ∈ H j = 1,...,m j j We pi k non-zero elements for su h that m n ′ ′ Xaj ⊗hj = can(e) = XXei(0)ei ⊗ei(1) (1) j=1 i=1 (ei) a h ∈ H can j and the 's are linearly independent. Take arbitrary. Sin e is c ,d ∈ A l = 1,...,r l l surje tive we may (cid:28)nd for satisfying r r 1⊗h = can(Xcl ⊗B dl) = XXcldl(0) ⊗dl(1). (2) l=1 l=1 (dl) l = 1,...,r d e = ed can′ l l For we have . Applying to this equality we get n n ′ ′ XXXdl(0)ei(0)ei ⊗dl(1)ei(1) = XXei(0)eidl ⊗ei(1). (3) i=1 (ei) (dl) i=1 (ei) Then, m r n ( )( ) ′ Xaj ⊗hhj 1=2 XXXXcldl(0)ei(0)ei ⊗dl(1)ei(1) j=1 l=1 (dl) i=1 (ei) r n ( ) ′ =3 XXXclei(0)eidl ⊗ei(1) l=1 i=1 (ei) r m ( ) =1 XXclajdl ⊗hj. l=1 j=1 3 ϕ ∈ A∗ ϕ (a ) = δ t = 1,...,m. t t j tj Let be su h that , the Krone ker symbol, for ϕ ⊗id t H Evaluating on the pre eding set of equalities we obtain r m hht = XXϕt(clajdj)hj. l=1 j=1 h j This yields that the subspa e spanned by the 's is a (cid:28)nite dimensional H non-zero left ideal of , as required. q.e.d. Cohen and Fis hman provided in [3, Theorem 1.8℄ several hara teriza- tions of separable Hopf-Galois extensions for a (cid:28)nite dimensional Hopf alge- bra. These hara terizations together with our result allow to hara terize su h extensions for an arbitrary Hopf algebra. H A H Corollary. Let be a Hopf algebra and let be a right -Galois extension. Aco(H) ⊂ A H Then, is separable if and only if is (cid:28)nite dimensional and one of the equivalent onditions (2)-(6) in [3, Theorem 1.8℄ holds. This orollary may be viewed as a generalization to Hopf algebras of [4, Proposition 2.1℄ hara terizing strongly graded rings that are separable over its omponent of degree one. Referen es [1℄ M. Beattie, S. D s les u and “. Raianu, A Co-Frobenius Hopf Algebra with a Separable Galois Extension is Finite. Pro . Amer. Math. So . 128 No. 11 (2000), 3201-3203. [2℄ S.U.Chase andM.E. Sweedler, Hopf Algebras and Galois Theory.Le ture Notes in Mathemati s 97. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1969. [3℄ M. Cohen, D. Fis hman, Semisimple Extensions and Elmenents of Tra e 1. J. Algebra 149 (1992), 419-437. [4℄ C. N st ses u, M.Van den Bergh and F.Van Oystaeyen, Separable Fun - tors Applied to Graded Rings. J. Algebra 123 (1989), 397-413. [5℄ H.F. Kreimer, M. Takeu hi, Hopf Algebras and Galois Extensions of an Algebra. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 30 (1981), 675-692. [6℄ S. Montgomery, Hopf Algebras and Their A tions on Rings. CMBS No. 82, AMS, 1993. 4 [7℄ H.-J. S hneider, Prin ipal Homogeneous Spa es for Arbitrary Hopf alge- bras. Israel J. Math. 72 Nos. 1-2 (1980), 167-195. [8℄ M.E. Sweedler, Integrals for Hopf Algebras. Ann. of Math. (2) 89 (1969), 323-335. 5

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