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A high-temperature expansion method for calculating paramagnetic exchange interactions O.M. Sotnikov1, V.V. Mazurenko1 1Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics Department, Ural Federal University, Mira Str.19, 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russia (Dated: January 14, 2016) Themethodforcalculatingtheisotropicexchangeinteractionsintheparamagneticphaseispro- posed. It is based on the mapping of the high-temperature expansion of the spin-spin correlation functioncalculatedfortheHeisenbergmodelontoHubbardHamiltonainone. Theresultingexpres- sion for the exchange interaction has a compact and transparent formulation. The quality of the calculatedexchangeinteractionsisestimatedbycomparingtheeigenvaluespectraoftheHeisenberg 6 modelandlow-energymagneticpartoftheHubbardmodel. Bytheexampleofquantumringswith 1 differenthoppingsetupsweanalyzethecontributionsfromthedifferentpartoftheHubbardmodel 0 spectrum to the resulting exchange interaction. 2 n a I. INTRODUCTION TABLEI.Listofmethodsforcalculationoftheisotropicex- J change interaction. φi(x) is a wave function centered at the 3 The magnetic properties of a correlated system can lattice site i. t and U are the hopping integral and the on- ij 1 be fully described by its magnetic susceptibility char- site Coulomb interaction, respectively. z is the number of ] acterizing the response of the system to an external the nearest neighbors. EFM and EAFM are the energies of l magnetic field.1 Modern numerical methods of the dy- the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic solutions obtained e namical mean-field theory for solving realistic electronic by using a mean-field electronic structure approach. Γ(1) is - ij r models provide the most reliable information concern- thefirstorderterminthehigh-temperatureexpansionofthe t s ing the electronic and magnetic excitation spectra of the spin-spin correlation function. t. strongly correlated materials. Importantly, by using the Method Expression a dynamical mean-field theory2 (DMFT) the frequency- m andmomentum-dependentsusceptibilitiesofacorrelated Heitler-London’s exchange12 J =(cid:82) φ∗i(x)φj(x)φ∗j(x(cid:48))φi(x(cid:48))dxdx(cid:48) - ij |x−x(cid:48)| material can be directly calculated at different external d n parameters(temperaturesandmagneticfields)andcom- Anderson’s superexchange Jkin = 4t2ij o pared with those measured in the experiment. However, theory13 ij U c the solution and reproduction of the experimentally ob- [ served susceptibilities do not mean a truly microscopic Total energies method J = EFM−EAFM 4zS2 1 understanding of the magnetic properties formation. In v thisrespectthedeterminationoftheindividualmagnetic Local force theorem6 J = ∂2E 5 interactions,J oftheHeisenbergmodelisofcrucialim- ij ∂S(cid:126)i∂S(cid:126)j ij 0 portance. The corresponding Hamiltonian is given by 2 HTE method (this work) J =− Γ(ij1) 3 Hˆ =(cid:88)J S(cid:126)ˆS(cid:126)ˆ . (1) ij (13S(S+1))2 0 Heis ij i j . ij 1 0 The development of the methods for calculating the 6 interactions taking the dynamical Coulomb correlations exchange interactions J between magnetic moments in 1 ij intoaccount.7–11 Recently,ageneraltechniquetoextract modernmaterialsisanactiveresearchfield.3–6 Someim- : thecompletesetofthemagneticcouplingsbytakinginto v portant examples of methods are listed in Table I. The Xi density-functional exchange formula proposed in Ref.6 accounttheverticesoftwo-particleGreen’sfunctionsand non-local self-energies was developed in Ref.5. is based on the idea about infinitesimal rotation of the r a magnetic moments from the collinear ground state. The By construction the methods reviewed above assume resulting exchange interaction is the response of the sys- some type of the magnetic ordering in the system. How- tem on this perturbation. Being formulated in terms of ever, there are examples when the resulting exchange in- the Green’s function of the system such an approach has teractions are very sensitive to the particular magnetic a number of important options, for instance, it is possi- configuration.10 Thus one may obtain different sets of ble to calculate the orbital contributions to the total ex- the magnetic couplings for the same system. change interaction. The latter opened a way for a truly Another important methodological problem in this re- microscopic analysis of the magnetic couplings. search field concerns the determination of the magnetic Then in Ref.3 the method for calculating magnetic couplings in a system being in a disordered magnetic couplingswithintheLDA+DMFTschemewasreported. phase. Numerous magnetic experiments14–16 revealed Suchanapproachfacilitatestheanalysisoftheexchange quantumspinsystemswhich,duetothelow-dimensional 2 crystal structure, do not exhibit any sign of the mag- If the system in question can be described by the netic ordering even at very low temperatures. Since the Heisenberg Hamiltonian with localized magnetic mo- electron hopping integral, t in these materials is much ments then in zero order on β one obtains ij smallerthantheon-siteCoulombinteraction,U,thenthe 1 magneticcouplingcanbeassociatedwiththeAnderson’s Tr(SˆzSˆz)= S(S+1)Nδ , (5) superexchangeinteraction,13J = 4t2ij. Forintermediate i j 3 ij ij U valuesoft/U (∼0.1)onecanstillusethepurespinmodel which simply means that the spins are independent at with parameters defined from the high-order strong cou- hightemperatures. HereN =(2S+1)L isthenumberof pling expansion within perturbative continuous unitary theeigenstatesoftheHeisenbergHamiltonian(Ldenotes transformations.17,18 the number of sites in the model). In turn, the simulation of the exchange interactions in Thesameideaisusedwhenanalyzingthecontribution high-temperatureparamagneticphasescanbeperformed of the first order on β to the spin-spin correlation func- by means of the dynamical mean-field theory and its ex- tionthatcarriestheinformationconcerningtheexchange tension. Forinstance,incaseoftheγ-irontheauthorsof interaction between the spins, Ref.19 compared the magnetic susceptibilities obtained forHeisenbergmodelwithin1/z expansionandthatcal- Tr(SˆizSˆjzHˆHeis)=Tr(SˆizSˆjz (cid:88) JmnS(cid:126)ˆmS(cid:126)ˆn)= culatedinDMFTapproach. Todescribetheformationof m(cid:54)=n the local magnetic moment and exchange interaction in (cid:18)1 (cid:19)2 theα-iron,aspin-fermionmodelwasproposedinRef.20. =JijTr(SˆizSˆjzSˆizSˆjz)=JijN 3S(S+1) . (6) Herewereportonadistinctmethod,high-temperature expansion (HTE) method for calculating the isotropic This high-temperature decomposition of the spin-spin exchange interactions in the paramagnetic phase. It is correlationfunctionwasusedbytheauthorsofRef.21to based on the mutual mapping of the high-temperature obtain the expression for the Curie-Weiss temperature. spin-spincorrelationfunctionscalculatedinHubbardand As we will show below it can be also used for calculating Heisenberg models. Being formulated for finite clusters J . ij our method can be applied to the investigation of the IntheseminalworkbyAnderson13 theHeisenbergex- magnetic couplings in magnetic molecules or nanostruc- change interaction is defined in terms of the Hubbard tures deposited on the insulating and metallic surfaces. model parameters, t and U. For that the author con- ij It can be also expanded on the calculation of the high- sidered the limit t (cid:28) U, in which one can obtain the ij ordercouplingssuchasringexchange. Wehaveusedthe 4t2 famous superexchange expression, J = ij. developed approach to study the magnetic interactions ij U Our method for calculating J is also based on the in quantum spin rings with different hopping configura- ij using of the Hubbard model that in the simplest one- tions. band form can be written as Hˆ =(cid:88)t cˆ+cˆ + U (cid:88)nˆ nˆ −µ(cid:88)nˆ ,(7) II. METHODS Hubb ij iσ jσ 2 iσ i−σ iσ ijσ iσ iσ Themainfocusinourapproachisconcentratedonthe where σ is the spin index, t is the hopping integral ij spin-spin correlation function, between ith and jth sites, U is the on-site Coulomb in- Tr(SˆzSˆze−βHˆ) teraction and µ is the chemical potential. Γ = i j , (2) SinceouraimistodefinetheparametersoftheHeisen- ij Tr(e−βHˆ) berg model with localized spins, on the level of the Hub- where β is the inverse temperature and Hˆ is the Hamil- bard model it is naturally to start with the atomic limit in which the hopping integral is much smaller than the toniandescribingthesysteminquestion. Sincethepara- Coulombinteraction,U (cid:29)t. Inthiscasethespectrumof magnetic regime is of our interest, then we can consider theeigenvaluescanbedividedontolow-andhigh-energy the z-component of the spin operator. Following Ref.21 parts that are related to the magnetic excitations of the we consider Γ in the high temperature limit in which ij the exponent is expanded as e−βHˆ =1−βHˆ. Thus one Heisenberg type and charge excitations of the order of U, respectively. Our method is based on the comparison obtains of the magnetic observables such as spin-spin correlation Γ ≈Γ(0)+βΓ(1) = Tr(SˆizSˆjz)−βTr(SˆizSˆjzHˆ), (3) functions calculated in Hubbard model and Heisenberg ij ij ij Tr(1)−βTr(Hˆ) model approaches in the high temperature limit, β → 0. In general, the trace over spin operators, Eq.(4) dif- whereTr(Aˆ)isthetracethatcorrespondstothesumma- fers in the case of the Heisenberg and Hubbard models. tionoveralleigenstatesoftheHamiltonianofthesystem, Forinstance, one shouldperform thesummation overall Hˆ, eigenstates for the Heisenberg model. At the same time Tr(Aˆ)=(cid:88)(cid:104)Ψ |Aˆ|Ψ (cid:105). (4) inthecaseoftheHubbardmodeloneshouldexcludethe n n high-energy eigenstates with doubly occupied sites from n 3 the consideration. The energies of these states are of for the S > 1 we obtain the following expression for the 2 order of U. paramagnetic exchange interaction In the limit of the localized spins t (cid:28) U that we con- sider, the traces Tr(SˆizSˆjz) (in the numerator of Eq.(3)) J = (cid:80)mm(cid:48)(cid:80)Nn=−01En(cid:104)Ψn|Sˆiz,mSˆjz,m(cid:48)|Ψn(cid:105). (10) and Tr(Hˆ) (in the denominator of Eq.(3)) are similar to ij N(1S(S+1))2 3 that defined for the Heisenberg model. Oneimportantproblemwhencalculatingtheexchange Weareinterestedinthefirstordertermontheinverse interaction is how to estimate and control the quality of temperature for which one obtains the obtained exchange interactions. It can be done by N−1 solving the corresponding Heisenberg model and by cal- Tr(SˆizSˆjzHˆHubb)= (cid:88)(cid:104)Ψn|SˆizSˆjzHˆHubb|Ψn(cid:105)= culating the experimentally observed quantities (such as n=0 magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and other). The N−1 comparison of the calculated theoretical dependencies = (cid:88) E (cid:104)Ψ |SˆzSˆz|Ψ (cid:105), (8) with the available experimental data is standard way to n n i j n n=0 definethereability oftheconstructedHeisenbergmodel. Inourstudytheexchangeinteractionsforthespinmodel here E is the eigenvalue of the Hubbard model, Ψ is n n estimated on the basis of the electronic Hubbard Hamil- the corresponding eigenvector and N is the number of tonain. Thus it is natural to estimate the quality of the the eigenstates of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian. constructed Heisenberg model by comparing the eigen- Comparing Eq.(6) and Eq.(8) one can derive the fol- value spectra of the spin model and parent electronic lowing expression for the Heisenberg’s exchange interac- Hamiltonian at different degree of the localization. tion (cid:80)N−1E (cid:104)Ψ |SˆzSˆz|Ψ (cid:105) Jij = n=N0 (1nS(Sn+1i))j2 n . (9) III. EXACT SOLUTION FOR DIMER 3 Let us analyze the obtained expression for the para- The electronic and magnetic excitation spectra of the magnetic exchange interaction. First of all, it contains dimer that can be obtained analytically is the classical thesummationoveralleigenstatesbelongingtothemag- test in the field of the strongly correlated materials. Im- neticpartofthefullHubbardspectrum. Thehigh-energy portantly, there are a lot of examples of the real low- part of the Hubbard spectrum describing the charge ex- dimensional materials that have the dimer motif.23–25 citations is excluded from the consideration. For each The superexchange interaction in the dimer can be also eigenstatewemeasurethecorrelationbetweentwospins. simulated within the experiments with ultracold atoms Such a correlation can be positive or negative depending inoptical lattice.26. Insuchexperiments thehoppingin- on the spin configuration encoded in the eigenstate and tegralandon-siteCoulombinteractioncanbevariedina ismultipliedbytheexcitationenergywithrespecttothe wide range. For instance, the authors of Ref.27 explored ground state with E =0. the ratios ranging from the metallic (t/U ∼0.1) to insu- 0 TheexpressionfortheexchangeinteractionEq.(9)was lating (t/U (cid:28) 1) regimes when performed the quantum obtained by comparing the spin-spin correlation func- simulations on the two-dimensional optical lattice. tions of the Heisenberg and Hubbard models in the limit Within the proposed method we are interested in t (cid:28) U. Despite of this, in some cases the calculated N =4 lowest magnetic eigenstates of the Hubbard exchange interactions, as we will show below, lead to model, they are presented in Table II, where the fol- good agreement of the Heisenberg and Hubbard eigen- lowing notations are used C2 = 1 , (cid:15) = U(1−γ), 0 2(1+(cid:15)2) − 4t value spectra even for t ∼1. Importantly, one can ana- (cid:113) − lyze the magnetic interUactions in the strongly correlated γ = 1+ 16t2. The eigenvalues are the following: U2 regime. E = U(1−γ)−2µ, E =E =E =−2µ. 0 2 1 2 3 For transition metal oxides the typical ratio between hopping integral and on-site Coulomb interaction is of order of 0.03. It was shown that in case of 5d irid- TABLEII.FourlowesteigenstatesoftheHubbardmodelfor ium oxides22 this value can be about two times larger, the dimer. 0.07 and the implementation of the ordinary superex- n Ψn change theory is questionable. The simulation of the 0 [(| ↓ ↑ (cid:105)−| ↑ ↓ (cid:105))+ U(1−γ)(| ↓↑ (cid:105)+| ↓↑ (cid:105))]·C magnetic interaction in metallic systems is another com- 4t 0 plicated problem, we deal with the situation when the 1 | ↑ ↑ (cid:105) hopping integrals are of the same order of magnitude as 2 | ↓ ↓ (cid:105) the Coulomb interaction. 3 √1 ·(| ↑ ↓ (cid:105) + | ↓ ↑ (cid:105)) In the case of the many-band Hubbard model the spin 2 operator of the ith site in Eq.(9) can be written as the sum of the orbital contributions, Sˆz = (cid:80) Sˆz . Thus By using the developed method Eq.(9), we obtain the i m i,m 4 FIG.1. ComparisonoftheexcitationspectraoftheHubbard FIG. 2. (a) Comparison of the eigenvalue spectra obtained model (solid lines) and Heisenberg models with exchange in- from the solution the Hubbard model (black solid line) and teraction calculated by using the developed method (green theHeisenbergmodelswithparameterscalculatedbythede- triangles)andsuperexchangeAndersonapproach(bluerhom- velopedapproachEq.(9)(greentriangles),localforcetheorem bus) method Eq.(13) (red circles) and Anderson’s superexchange theory (blue rhombus). (b) Magnetization as a function of the localization. following exchange interaction in the dimer U According to the local force theorem the exchange inter- J =− (1−γ). (11) 2 action is given by This value is exactly the excitation energy from the sin- glet to triplet state of the dimer, E1 − E0. Thus our J = 1 (cid:90)EFIm(V˜G↓V˜ G↑) dε, (13) method can be used to construct a Heisenberg model ij 2πS2 i ij j ji reproducing the Hubbard model spectrum for any rea- −∞ sonable ratio of kinetic and Coulomb interaction param- eters, tUij. On the other hand the Heisenberg model con- here EF is the Fermi level, V˜i = Vi↑ −Vi↓ denotes the structed by means of the Anderson’s superexchange the- spin-dependent Hartree-Fock potential calculated self- 4t2 consistently and G↑,↓(ε) = (ε−H↑,↓)−1 is the Green’s ory, Jij = Uij results in the spectrum deviating from function of the Hartree-Fock HamHilFtonian. Unlike our that of the original Hubbard model at tij > 0.2. U approachEq.(9),thisformularequirespresenceofamag- netic order in the system. In the case of the dimer, the exchange interactions A. Comparison with the Hartree-Fock solution obtained by using local force approach give excellent agreement with the spectrum of the Hubbard model for One of the important results of modern magnetism t <0.2 (Fig. 2). For larger values of the hopping in- theory was the development of the local force theorem6 U tegrals the averaged magnetic moment is strongly sup- for calculating the exchange interactions. Such an pressed and becomes almost zero at t/U ∼ 0.5. These approach give reliable results and is widely used for resultsindicatethelimitsoftheapplicabilityofthemean- simulation magnetic properties of the transition metal field Green’s function approach for calculating the ex- compounds.7–10,22 Thus the next step of our investiga- change interaction in strongly correlated systems. tion was to compare the results of the high-temperature expansion method we developed and those obtained by usingthedensity-functionalexchangeformula. Forthese IV. SOLUTIONS FOR TRIANGLE AND purposes we have chosen the dimer system. TRIMER Since the method based on the local force theorem re- quires a non-zero magnetization of the system we used the Hartree-Fock approximation to solve the Hubbard Triangle is another example of the model for which model, Eq.(7) we obtain excellent agreement of the electronic and spin eigenvalue spectra. The Heisenberg model spectrum for Hˆ =(cid:88)t cˆ+cˆ +U(cid:88)(cid:104)nˆ (cid:105)nˆ . (12) the triangle consists of four-fold degenerate ground and HF ij iσ jσ i−σ iσ four-fold degenerate excited states. As in the case of the ijσ iσ 5 EHubb−EHubb =EHeis−EHeis andobtainedthefollow- n n(cid:48) n n(cid:48) ing expressions for the magnetic couplings in the trimer: 2 J = (E −E ) nn 3 4 0 (14) J =J −(E −E ) nnn nn 2 0 where J and J are exchange interactions between nn nnn nearest neighbors and next-nearest neighbors in the trimer, respectively. One can see that the leading ex- change interaction J between the nearest neighbours nn is related to the energy splitting between ground state and highest excited state belonging to the magnetic part ofthewholeelectronicspectrum. Thesituationwiththe next nearest-neighbour coupling is more complicated. In addition to the E −E that is related to the leading 4 0 exchange interaction, it also has the ferromagnetic con- tribution from the intermediate excited state, E −E . 2 0 FIG. 3. (a) The calculated exchange interactions between As we will show below the similar picture is observed in nearestneighbours,Jnn andnext-nearestneighbours,Jnnn in quantum spin rings. the trimer. (b) Comparison of the eigenvalue spectra for the trimer. SolidlinesdenotetheHubbardmodelspectrum. Blue rhombus, green triangles and red dashed lines correspond to V. QUANTUM SPIN RINGS The Heisenberg model solutions with different sets of the ex- change interactions are presented by blue rhombus (the An- derson’s superexchange) and green triangles (the developed Inthissectionwepresenttheresultsofcomputersimu- HTE method, Eq.(9)). lations concerning the magnetic interactions in the finite quantumclusterswithringgeometry. Thetheoreticalin- terest in these systems is due to the synthesis and study dimer, the exchange interaction between spins in the tri- ofthemagneticpropertiesofthemolecularmagnetswith angle is defined by the corresponding splitting between ring geometry.28–31 Such systems demonstrate a number excited and ground state levels. From Fig.1 the Heisen- interesting and complex phenomena, quantum spin tun- berg model, which we constructed by using the HTE neling, long-timespinrelaxation, topologicalspinphases method, precisely reproduces the magnetic part of the (Berry phases) and others. In this respect the micro- Hubbard model. scopic understanding of the intra-molecular magnetic Trimer. The situation becomes more complicated if couplings plays a crucial role.32 On the other hand the we consider the trimer with the nearest neighbor hop- spin rings are also of great practical interest, since they ping presented in Fig.3. In contrast to the triangle the canbeusedasbuildingelementsfornovelquantumcom- ground state of the trimer is two-fold degenerate. In munication technologies33 and for engineering quantum turnthehighestexcitedstateinthemagneticpartofthe memory that is stable against noise and imperfections.34 eigenspectrum is four-fold degenerate. As we will show In our study we have simulated the magnetic interac- below the two-fold intermediate excited level is related tions in the quantum rings describing by the Hubbard to the interaction between next nearest neighbours. models with different hopping setups presented in Fig.4. For such hopping setup, within Anderson’s superex- They can be realized in the quantum simulation experi- change theory we obtain the antiferromagnetic coupling, ments on ultracold atoms in optical lattices.35 4t2 J = ij between nearest neighbors in the trimer. To ij U definetheinteractionbetweennextnearestneighborsone should use the fourth-order perturbation theory on the A. Rings with nearest neighbors hoppings hopping. The situation becomes more complicated if the condition t (cid:28) U is not fulfiled. On the other hand First, we analyze the results of the simulations for ij by using the developed method Eq.(9) we obtain anti- quantum rings describing the Hubbard model with the ferromagnetic nearest and second nearest neighbors ex- only nearest neighbor hopping integral. Similar to the changes. The solution of the corresponding Heisenberg case of the dimer and trimer our method leads to bet- model leads to perfect agreement between the spin and ter agreement between Heisenberg and low-energy Hub- Hubbard model spectra up to large values of the ratio bardmodelspectrathantheothers. Fig.5givesthecom- tij. parison of the eigenvalues spectra calculated by different U In the case of the trimer we can also explicitly relate methods in the case of the 5-site ring. One can see that the exchange interactions with the eigenvalues spectrum the high-temperature expansion method reproduces the of the Hubbard model. For that we used the condition electronic Hamiltonian spectrum up to t/U = 0.28. At 6 FIG. 4. Schematic representation of the hopping setups for theHubbardHamiltoniansimulations. (Left)Theringmodel withthenearestneighborhoppings. (Right)All-to-allconfig- urationinwhichallthehoppingsbetweensitesarethesame. FIG. 6. Contributions from the different eigenstates of the Hubbard model to the nearest neighbor (top) and next- nearest neighbour (bottom) exchange interactions calculated for 4-site ring with t/U = 0.1. (b), in which the Anderson’s superexchange theory with zeroJ leadstotheeigenvaluespectrumdeviatingfrom nnn the Hubbard model one. The expression for the paramagnetic exchange inter- action, Eq.(9) that we derived contains the summation of the eigenstates belonging to the low-energy magnetic part of the Hubbard model spectrum. It is important to analyze the contribution of the individual eigenstates to the resulting exchange interaction. From Fig.6 one can see that there are ferromagnetic contributions that partially compensate the antiferromagnetic ones. Inter- estingly,thecontributionsfromthehighestexcitedstates FIG. 5. (a) The calculated exchange interactions between are almost the same for the J and J couplings. As nn nnn nearestneighbours,J andnext-nearestneighbours,J in nn nnn it was shown in the case of the trimer, the intermediate the 5-site ring. (b) Comparison of the eigenvalue spectra for excited eigenstates produce the ferromagnetic contribu- the 5-site ring. Solid lines denote the Hubbard model spec- tions to J . trum. Blue rhombus and green triangles correspond to the nnn Heisenbergmodelsolutionswithdifferentsetsoftheexchange interactions: blue rhombus (Anderson’s superexchange) and green triangles (developed method, Eq.(9)). B. Rings with all-to-all hoppings. By the example of the results for the 5-site ring pre- this value the high- and low-energy parts of the spec- sented in Fig.5 (b) one can see that the quantum rings trum overlap, which prevents us from determining the with nearest neighbor hopping demonstrate rather com- exchange interaction. plicated spectra. However, for practical purposes, for In the hopping setup we used (Fig.4, left) there are instance, to construct a quantum logic device, we need a hoppingintegralsbetweennearestneighborsonly. Never- system with the excitation spectrum as simple as possi- thelesseachsitehasnon-zeroantiferromagneticexchange ble. Inthecaseofthequantumringsthatweconsiderthe interactionwithalltheothersitesinthering(wedenote excitationspectrumcanbeconsiderablysimplifiedbyin- them J ). Fig.5(a) demonstrates the behavior of such troducing the same hopping integral for all the bonds in nnn diagonal couplings at different t/U ratios in comparison the quantum Hamiltonian. It is so-called all-to-all hop- with the leading exchange interaction between nearest ping configuration (Fig.4). neighbors,J . DespiteofthefactthatthecouplingJ The simplest Heisenberg Hamiltonian with two- nn nnn growths much slower than the nearest-neighbour one it spin exchange interactions constructed by the high- cannot be neglected when constructing the Heisenberg temperatureexpansionmethodgivestheeigenvaluespec- model at t/U > 0.15. It can be clearly seen from Fig.5 trum that is coincident with the Hubbard model one up 7 FIG. 7. Excitation spectra of all-to-all systems. Solid lines denote the Hubbard model spectrum. Green triangles correspond totheHeisenbergmodelsolutionswiththeexchangeinteractionscalculatedbythehigh-temperatureexpansionmethod,Eq.9. diate site. VI. CONCLUSION We propose the method for calculations of the mag- netic interactions in the paramagnetic phase. Being for- mulated in the high-temperature and localized spin lim- its our approach can be used for constructing the spin Hamiltonian in a wide range of the t/U ratios. It was shown by the classical examples such as the dimer and triangle finite clusters. By using the proposed method we investigated the magnetic couplings in quantum spin ringswithdifferenthoppingconfigurations. Ourmethod- ological and calculation results will be useful for analy- FIG. 8. The calculated ratio Jnrinng demostrating the Jnanll−to−all sis of the data obtained in experiments with ultracold contributionoftheindirecthoppingprocessestothetwo-spin fermions that provide unique possibility to measure and interaction. control the spin-spin correlation function between two sites in optical lattice.35 The proposed scheme can be also applied for simulating the magentic couplings be- to t/U = 0.07 (Fig.7). For larger values of t/U we ob- tweenimpuritiesinmetallichost. Forthatinsteadofthe servethedeviationofthespinandelectronicmodelsthat Hubbard model one should solve two-impurity Anderson mainly concerns intermediate excited levels. The prob- model. lem may be resolved by introducing the high-order mul- tispin interactions (four-spin and six-spin).18 The pair exchange interaction between nearest neigh- bors in a quantum ring has the direct contributions, VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. proportional to t t and high-order non-direct ones, ij ji (cid:80) t t , where the site index k (cid:54)= i,j. In case of the WeacknowledgefruitfulcommunicationswithMikhail k ik kj configurationswithall-to-allhoppingsthenon-directpro- Katsnelson, Alexander Lichtenstein, Andrea Secchi, cesses become very efficient and strongly contribute to Alexander Tsirlin, Andrey Katanin, Sergey Brener, Igor the exchange interaction between two spins. It can be SolovyevandVladimirAnisimov. Theworkissupported seen from Fig.8. For each pair in the N-site ring there by the grant program of the Russian Science Foundation are N-2 non-direct exchange path including one interme- 15-12-20021. 1 R. M. White, Quantum theory of magnetism (McGraw- 4 S. 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