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A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN ARCHITECTURE A P ro jeet Presented to the F aculty of the School of Education The U niversity of Southern C alifo rn ia In P a rtia l F u lfillm en t of the Requirem ents fo r the Degree M aster of Science in Education by Herman Henry P rice August 1950 UMI Number: EP46529 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertatior. Pi bi shtng UMI EP46529 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. AN rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 >s-l P?Vs' This project report, written under the direction of the candidate’s adviser and approved by him, has been presented to and accepted by the Faculty of the School of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Education. Date... Adviser Dean ii PREFACE A course in high school a rc h ite c tu re w ill lead few indeed to th e fie ld of a rc h ite c tu re . I t seems wrong then to devote the g re a te st p art of the course to the study of those in tr ic a te d e ta ils which lead to the a c q u isitio n of a lic e n se . On the o th er hand, the percentage of tw elfth graders who w ill be aiming a t home ownership is , and rig h tly so, extrem ely high. T herefore, a course in a rc h ite c tu re b u ilt around the students fu tu re home would seem to be more in lin e w ith modern progressive education than a course in which each student le a rn s, or is urged to lea rn , a few of the step s necessary to lay out b lu ep rin ts fo r a departm ent sto re , or as is the case so many tim es, learn s or is urged to learn the g reat orders and methods of construction of many hundreds of years ago. The u n its of th is course are b u ilt w ith th ese thoughts in mind and the m atter of h isto ry is used only as i t e ffe c ts the fu tu re . This is not to say th a t th ere i s no im portance attached to the h isto ry of a rc h ite c tu re , but ra th e r th a t the tw elfth grade is not the id eal place fo r i t s em phasis. The w rite r has observed in h is own students of a rc h ite c tu re , a great d e sire fo r in stru c tio n in th ree areas of the su b ject, and i t is around these th ree areas th a t th is course is co n stru cted . These areas are: (1) the iii conception of a house su ited fo r the p a rtic u la r student, (2) the methods of building the house, and (3 ) the adm inis­ tra tio n th ere to of decorative m a te ria ls. The area of financing is touched only lig h tly due to i t s very changeable n atu re. Considering our p resen t le g is la tio n and JH& and v eteran housing and many other things too numerous to m ention, a method o u tlin ed in th is course could very lik e ly be o bsolete by the tim e the course is brought to the classroom . I t is believed enough, th e re ­ fo re, to show the student the most econom ical method o f a tta in in g home ownership, w ith the m atter of paying fo r the house brought in to the course in lig h t of the financing methods of the p a rtic u la r period of le g a l reg u la tio n s. The aim of the course then, is to teach the student to design, build and decorate h is own home w ith the m ajor portion concerned w ith actu al methods of co n stru ctio n , as th is appears to be the area-o f g re a te st concern. I t is assumed th a t the student has a thorough knowledge of the elem ents of d ra ftin g . Heiman H. P rice iv TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PART 1. CREATION HOW TO DESIGN YOUR HOUSE 1. HOW TO DESIGN THE FLOOR PLANS.............................. 2 1. How to lo cate the liv in g r o o m ........................................... 2 2. How to lo ca te the k i t c h e n ..................................................... 3 3. How to lo cate the dining r o o m .......................................... 4 4. How to lo ca te the bedroom s..................................................... 4 5. How to lo cate th e b ath ro o m ..................................................... 4 6. How to lo cate the u t il i ty ro o m ........................................... 5 2. HOW TO DESIGN THE ELEVATION PLANS..................................................10 1. How to design the fro n t e l e v a t i o n ......................................10 2. How to design the rea r e le v a tio n ...........................................11 3. How to design the side e l e v a t i o n s .......................................11 4. How to design the cut away or ’Section* views . 11 5. How to design the necessary garage views . . . . 12 3. HOW TO DESIGN THE FRAMING PLANS....................................................16 1. How to design the flo o r f r a m i n g ...........................................16 2. How to design the w all fra m in g ................................................16 3. How to design th e c e ilin g f r a m i n g ............................... 17 4. How to design the roof fra m in g .................................................17 V CHAPTER PAGE A. HOW TO DESIGN THE FIREPLACE............................. 26 1. How to design the elev atio n v ie w s ......................................26 2. How to design the plan v i e w s ................................................27 3. How to design the section v ie w s ...........................................27 5. HOW TO DESIGN THE FOUNDATION PLANS...............................................31 1. How to design the f o o tin g ...........................................................31 2. How to design th e foundation w a l l s .................................31 3. How to design the p iers and s u p p o r t s ............................32 4. How to design the garage and/or house slab . , 32 6. HOW TO DESIGN THE UTILITY PLANS.......................................................37 1. How to design the plumbing s y s te m ......................... . 37 2. How to design the w iring s y s te m ...........................................38 3. How to design th e heating s y s t e m ......................................3^ PART 2. ERECTION HOW TO BUILD YOUR HOUSE 7. HOW TO LAY THE FOUNDATION.....................................................................45 1. How to c le a r th e l a n d ......................................................................45 2. How to la y out the b u i l d i n g s .................................................45 3. How to perform the necessary excavation . . . . 46 4. How to pour the concrete f o o t i n g .......................................46 5. How to pour the foundation w a l l s .......................................48 6. How to in s e rt the anchor b o l t s ............................................49 vi CHAPTER PAGE 7. Howt o se t the g i r d e r .................................... 49 8. Howt o lay s l a b - f l o o r i n g ...........................................................49 8.' HOW TO ERECT THE FRAMEWORK................................................................54 1. Howt o fasten the s i l l to the foundation . . . 54 2. How to in s e rt flo o r j o i s t s ...........................................................54 3. Howt o lay the s u b - flo o rin g ......................................................55 4. Howt o in s ta ll the w all fra m in g ............................................55 9. HOW TO BUILD THE RQQE...............................................................................59 1. Howt o frame the r o o f .............................................................. 59 2. Howt o apply roof b o a r d s ...........................................................60 3. How to in s ta ll asp h alt s h in g le s ............................................60 4. Howt o a ttac h wood s h in g le s ......................................................6 l 5. Howt o apply asbestos s h i n g l e s ...........................................6l 10. HOW TO PLIMB YOUR HOUSE............................................................. . 65 1. Howt o buy the co rrect type of p i p e .................................65 2. Howt o cut. pipe and t u b i n g ......................................................65 3. How to make solder j o i n t s .................................... 66 4. Howt o make fla re j o i n t s ..........................................................66 5. Howt o in s ta ll the w ater t a n k ................................................66 6. Howt o make the sewer . . ..........................................................66 7. How to b uild the necessary w e l l s ......................................67 vii CHAPTER PAGE 11. HOW TO APPLY THE EXTERIOR SIDING....................................................70 1. How to apply s h e a t h i n g ................................................................70 2. How to in s ta ll in s u l a t i o n ..........................................................70 3. ' How to apply wood outside c o v e r i n g .................................71 4. How to apply stucco w all covering .................................72' 12. HOW TO BUILD THE FIREPLACE..............................................................75 1. How to lay out the b a s e ..............................................................75 2. How to in s ta ll the ash p it d o o r ..........................................75 3.- How to b u ild the chimney w a l l .................................................75 4. How to lin e the f l u e .....................................................................76 5. How to cap the c h im n e y ................................................................76 6. How to build the h e a r t h ................................................................76 13. HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS ANDD OORS. .............................................80 1. How to assemble window fra m e s .................................................80 2. How to seal the jo in ts ag ain st th e w eather , t 81 3. How to fix window frames in o p e n in g .................................81 4. How to in s ta ll the window sash .....................................81 5. How to in s ta ll the door s i l l ...............................................82 6. How to in s ta ll the door f r a m e ...............................................82 14. HOW TO INSTALL THE WIRING....................................................................86 1. How to in s ta ll the rig id c o n d u i t ......................................86 2. How to apply armored c a b l e .....................................................87 viii CHAPTER PAGE 3. How to in s ta ll nonm etallic c a b l e .........................88 4. How to obtain the co rrect wire s i z e ....................88 5. How to a tta c h entrance w ires to the house . . . 89 6. How to place m e te r s ............................................................90 7. How to in s ta ll o u tle t boxes . . . . . 90 8 . How to a ttac h s w i t c h e s ................................................................91 15. HOW TO INSTALL THE HEATING SYSTEM................................................94 1. How to se t up a warm a ir f u r n a c e ............................ . 94 2. How to in s ta ll a g ra v ity warm a ir system . . . 94 3. How to in s ta ll a forced warm a ir system . . . . 95 4. How to put in rad ia n t h e a t i n g ...................................95 16. HOW TO APPLY INTERIOR WALL FIN ISH .................................... . 99 1. How to in s ta ll the p la s te r b a s e ..............................99 2. How to p la s te r the w alls and c e i l i n g s .............100 3. How to apply dry w all m a t e r i a ls ............................101 17. HOW TO BUILD THE STA IRS.......................................................................104 1. How to b u ild the la n d in g s ............................................104 2. How to make the s t r i n g e r s ...........................................104 3. How to make th e t r e a d s ................................................104 4* How to cut the r i s e r s ..................................... 105 5. How to brace the s t a i r s .................................................105

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