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A High-Affinity Hemoglobin Is Expressed in the Notochord of Amphioxus, Branchiostoma californiense PDF

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Preview A High-Affinity Hemoglobin Is Expressed in the Notochord of Amphioxus, Branchiostoma californiense

Reference: Biol. Bull. 195: 255-259. (December. 1998) A High-Affinity Hemoglobin Is Expressed in the Notochord of Amphioxus, Branchiostoma californiense JAMIE J. BISHOP1 *. THOMAS L. VANDERGON1 1. DAVID B. GREEN1, JEANNETTE E. DOELLER2 AND DAVID W. KRAUS2 , 1 Natural Science Division. Pepperdine University, 24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, California 90263-4321: and -Department ofBiology, University ofAlabama at Birmingham, 1300 University Boulevard, Birmingham, Alabama 35294-1170 In the phylum Chordata, only members ofthe subphy- inherited the Hb gene from the common ancestor (4,5). lum Vertebrata were thoughtto expresshemoglobin (Hh). Recently, two ofus (Doeller and Kraus) observed absorp- Here we document the existence ofintracellular Hb ex- tion spectra characteristic of Hb from the notochord of pressed in members ofthe subphylwn Cephalochordata. amphioxus from the GulfofMexico, Branchiostomaflor- We Hemoglobin is expressed in myotome tissue and in noto- idae (Subphylum Cephalochordata). verified this ob- chordcells within thebodyofamphioxus. Both notochord servation andalsorecorded characteristic Hb spectrafrom andmyotome tissue Hbs have a molecularsize consistent both notochord and myotome tissue of another species, with a dimeric molecule made up oftwo non-covalently B. californiense. linkedmonomers each ofapproximately 19kD. The noto- The myotome tissue of cephalochordates consists of chord Hb has a relatively high oxygen-binding affinity, chevron-shaped bundles ofcells, and the notochord tissue with an apparent P50 of0.036 kPa (0.27mm Hg), and it consistsofalamellarstructure ofstackedcells surrounded does not bind oxygen cooperatively. The notochord Hb by a fibrous sheath. The notochord cells are known to may be involved in facilitating oxygen delivery andpro- have all the features of muscle cells, including the pres- viding a short-term oxygen store within the notochord ence of contractile paramyosin fibers, contractility upon cells in orderto maintain a high level ofaerobic metabo- stimulation, and neuro-notochordal junctions possessing lism in supportofthe sustainedcontraction necessaryfor acetylcholinesterase activity (6,7,8). The stiffening ofthe notochord function. notochord was shown to be under neural control, and the Among the metazoa, Hbs are known to exist in mem- paramyosin filaments found in notochord cells contract bers of 12 ofthe 33 phyla ofanimals (1.2). In the phylum when myotome filaments contract (6,7). These features Chordata, although Hb is nearly universally expressed in clearly demonstrated the contractile nature of the amphi- members of the subphylum Vertebrata, it has not been oxus notochord, which allows for changes in stiffening identified in any members of the subphyla Urochordata that are important for swimming and burrowing in these or Cephalochordata. However, these groups of animals animals (9). share a common ancestor with the vertebrates (3), who Cytoplasmic Hb is commonly expressed in contractile cells of vertebrates and invertebrates, where it is often Received 21 October 1997; accepted 13 August 1998. associated with the facilitation ofoxygen into the actively * Presentaddress: DivisionofMolecular,CellularandDevelopmental respiring cells (10). The expression of Hb in a skeletal Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, University of California, support such as the muscular notochord is therefore not Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9610. unusual. The occurrence of Hb in two species of amphi- tTo whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: tvanderg oxus suggests an important function related to the mainte- @pepperdine.edu Abbreviations: Hb. hemoglobin; SEC. size-exclusion chromatogra- nance of the semi-rigid skeleton by supporting muscular phy; TFA. trifluoroacetic acid. activity. This communication presents data identifying 255 256 J. J. BISHOP ET AL. the Hb in B. floridae and B. californiense and describes 99.999% nitrogen. Myotome Hb spectraare shownforthe structural and functional characteristics of the notochord sample equilibrated with air or under anoxic conditions Hb from B. californiense. produced by addition ofsodium dithionite. The air-equili- The in situ optical absorption spectra for notochord Hb brated notochord samples show absorbance maxima at from B. californiense are shown in Figure 1A; Figure IB 418 nm, 546 nm, and 582 nm (lnm); the nitrogen- shows equivalent spectra forB.floridae. Figure 1C shows equilibrated samples show absorbance maxima at 435 nm the in vitro optical absorption spectra for myotome tissue and 556 nm (1 nm). The dilute /'/; vitro myotome Hb crude extracts prepared in 50 mM Tris, 100 mM NaCl, spectra show a distinct Soret band at 416 nm (1 nm) in and 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.6. Notochord Hb spectra are airand430 nm ( 1 nm) with sodium dithionite; however, shown for each sample equilibrated with air or with the visible peaks were below detectable levels. The ob- served absorbance maxima and maxima shifts are revers- ibleandarecharacteristic ofthe oxygenatedand deoxyge- nated states of a typical Hb (1 1). Another peak occurs at 0.8 500 nm in the in situ notochord and in vitro myotome 07 spectra, but this peak does not shift upon changes in 0.6 oxygenation state and disappears following anion-ex- 0.5 change chromatographic purification, indicating that it is 0.4 not a globin-related absorbance (data not shown). These data clearly demonstrate that Hb capable of reversible 0.3 oxygen binding is expressed in two species of cephalo- 02 chordates, thus expanding the known range ofexpression 1 among chordates to include nonvertebrate chordates. 00 The size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) elution pro- 0.8 file at 415 nm for crude protein extract from notochords B 0.7 is shown in Figure 2A and from myotomes in Figure 2B. 0.6 The crude-extract proteins elute from the SEC column after bovine serum albumin (66 kD) but before cyto- 0,5 chrome c (12.4 kD). Only the fraction eluting between 8 0.4 and 9 min (30-40 kD) in both extracts showed a charac- 03 teristic Hb absorption spectrum. The anion-exchange elu- & 0.2 tion profile forthe Hb-containing SEC fractionfrom noto- 01 chords is shown in Figure 2C and from myotomes in 00 Figure 2D. One major peak with a trailing shoulderelutes 0.8 near the beginning of the gradient, and no other protein peaks are evident. For both notochord and myotome ex- 07 tracts, the first fraction has the characteristic optical ab- 0.6 sorption spectrum of Hb. 05 The reversed-phase elution profiles for the Hb-con- 0.4 taining anion-exchange fractions are shown for notochord 03 in Figure 2E and myotome in Figure 2F. The chromato- grams from the reversed-phase column showed one broad 0.2 globin band between 10 and 15 min. Even though the 0.1 chromatograms are off scale in Figure 2E and 2F, the 0.0 computing integrator indicated two closely eluting bands 400 450 500 550 600 650 in the predominant peak in both cases. Wavelength(nm) Native Hbs from B. californiense notochord and myo- tome tissues elute at about the same time from the size- Figure 1. Optical absorption spectra acquired through the anterior region of the isolated notochord of Branchiostama californiense (A) exclusion column at an equivalent molecular weight of andB.floridae(B)equilibratedwithair( )and with99.999%nitro- about 38 kD. Additionally, the native Hbs have similar gen (- -). In vitro spectra of B. floridae myotome extracts (C) are charge densities based on their elution from the anion- shown equilibrated with air ( ) and with added sodium dithionite exchange column. All of the globin fractions were ana- B(-ioma-r)i.ncSpSeucpipmleynsCoo.f(BT.orcraelnicfeo,rnCiAe)ns,eawnedrethopsuercohfasBe.dflforroimdaePacwiefriec lyzed by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel elec- collectedfromshallow watersontheGulfofMexicoorpurchasedfrom trophoresis and showed only one band at about 19kD. GulfSpecimen Co. (Panacea, FL). This band is ofequivalent size for subunits of both noto- AMPHIOXUS HEMOGLOBIN 257 from two non-covalently linked monomers. It is unknown whether these globins are expressed from the same genes ordifferent genes in the twodistincttissues. Theexistence of intracellular Hb dimers in cephalochordates is not un- expected because their nearest vertebrate relatives (the lamprey) also produce Hb dimers (12,13,14). Dimers of Hb are common also among the Echinodermata (15,16), a sister taxon to the chordates and a group that probably shares a common ancestor with the chordates (3). The diameterofthe notochordfollows the general body mm taper and, for a B. califomiense specimen 50 in length, is thinner (0.3 mm) toward the ends and thicker (0.6 mm) in the middle. Hemoglobin is detectable in all regions of the notochord, but concentration varies along its length. The heme concentration is approximately mM 1 in the thinnemrManterior and posterior regions of the notochord and 0.5 in the middle thicker region ofthe notochord. Concentrations were estimated from ab- sorbance data, determination ofthe tissue thickness in the region of measurement, and extinction coefficient values for human Hb (11). The oxygen-binding properties of notochord Hb in situ were characterized using a com- puter-controlled Gary Model 14 recording spectropho- I I I I I I I tometer equipped with a scattered transmission accessory 20 25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (Aviv Associates, Lakewood, NJ) and a humidified, tem- Time(minutes) Time(minutes) perature and gas controlled chamber. Fine forceps were Figure 2. Ekition profiles, obtained by high performance liquid used to completely clean notochord segments ofadhering chromatography, forextractsofBranchiostoma califomiensenotochord myotome tissue down to the fibrous sheath. The segments and myotome. Peaks marked with an asterisk represent the Hb-con- were then incubated at 15C in 0.2 //m filtered 32%P sea- taining tractions. The chromatographic system consisted of a ternary water buffered with 50 mM Tris and 10 mM KCN at pH garnadaipepnrtopHriPaLteCcopluummpn.atStiazceh-eedxctlousaioUnV-cvhirsoimbalteogabrsaoprhpyti(oSnECde)tewcatsorpevri-a 7.4 for 30 min priOor to measurements. The technique for formedon notochordextract (A) ormyotome extract (B) using a Poly- determination of :-binding equilibria using the scatter sep-3000 (300 x 7.8mm) SEC column with a Polysep GFCP (35 x transmission system is described elsewhere (17). The Hb mM 7.8 mm) guard column equilibrated with 10 Tris, pH 7.4, ata flow from B. califomiense notochord has a relatively high af- rate of 1.0ml min~'. Sample volumes of0.2ml were injected and the finity for oxygen (0.036 kPa, SD 0.013 kPa, ;? = 5) and eeplxHucelnu7ts.4iw.oanAsncmiooolnnui-mtenoxrcwehedarnaetge4l1yco5phhnrimol.miazHetdbo,-gcrtoahnpethnayirnewisnaugsspfperaencrdtefidoornsminefdr1o0omnmtMhteheTsriiHzseb,- 0n.o14s)i.gnOifxiycganetncoroepleearsaetivfirtoym(tHhilelncooteoffcihcoiredntH=b d1.o1e5s, nSoDt fraction from A (C) orthe Hbfraction from B (D)on a Biosep DEAE- occur until the partial pressure of oxygen drops to near P (75 x 7.8 mm) column with a Polysep GFCP (35 X 7.8mm) gumarMd 0.25 kPa, and most ofthe oxygen is released near the P5(, Tc0r.oi5ls,uMmpnsHouds7.ii4nu,gmfaaoclselotloavwteeendtinbpy4ro0agmrsioalnmveactnotnasgifrslatodiwinegrnatotfefaorfo1m0-.m05i-nm8ll0o%amdin1w~0i'tm.hMS1a0mTrpilse/ ofTthheeHobx.ygen consumption rates of individual animals volumes of 0.5 ml were injected and monitored at 415 nm. Hb-con- were determined with a temperature-controlled, dual taining fractions from the anion-exchangecolumn were lyophilized and closed-chamber polarographic respirometer (Oxygraph resuspended in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TEA) for purification by re- 60697, Cyclobios Paar, Graz, Austria) (18). Under nor- versed-phase chromatography. Reversed-phase chromatography was moxic conditions (18.6-20.0 kPa) the oxygen consump- ppaerSropfghorerarmmiesdocoronbnsiOsHDtbiSngtr5aocf/tjinaoinsc1/-pfmr(io2nm50lCoxa(dE4)w.io6trmhHm0b).1tcr%oalcTtuimFonnAsuffsorilnolgmowaDeds(oFlb)vyeonnta t3i.o6ntroat7e.s9fofrj.smiox\BO.:caglif'omhie'n;suenidnedrivhiydpuaolxsicracnognedditfiroonms solventgradientfrom0-85%0.1%TFA/acetonitrilein85minataflow (8.6-10.0 kPa), the oxygen consumption rate dropped to rate of0.8ml min"'. Sample volumes of0.2ml were injected and the between 1.5 and 3.2 //mol CK g '-h '. Animals were eluent was monitored at 235 nm. able to initiate swimming motions under hypoxic condi- tions if disturbed, but otherwise remained quiescent at chord and myotome Hb samples. These results, and the very low oxygen tensions. All animals survived exposure reversed-phase chromatographic results, suggest that the to the very low oxygen tensions that occurred at the end notochord and myotome Hbs consistofdimers assembled ofthe experiments (<0.5 kPafor up to 1 h). In all animals 258 BISHOP ET AL J. J. there appeared to be a general trend of oxyconformity. causes the intracellular partial pressure ofoxygen to drop We testedthis phenomenon using the second-degree poly- rapidly as the result of the high energetic demands of nomial (quadratic) model proposed by Mangum and Van contraction (10). Myoglobin in heart muscle cells has Winkle (19). The oxygen tension data (one measurement been shown to effectively increase O2 transport to 30 every 10 s for 6 to 8 h) were standardized as described times the amount that can be delivered by diffusion alone (19) to millimeters ofmercury forX values and fractional (10). Amphioxus notochord Hb, with its high oxygen- oxygen uptake for Y values (ranging from near to 1.0). binding affinity in situ and hyperbolic oxygen saturation The data were fit to the quadratic model Y = BO + BIX curve, may facilitate diffusion of oxygen into the noto- + B2X: by the method of least-squares. The coefficients chord cells (10). Although a lower Hb concentration in BO. Bl, and 62 were optimized by minimizing the sum the thicker region of the notochord might reduce the of the squared residuals between the polynomial model amount of facilitated O: diffusion, this decrease might and the data. The standard deviation about the regression also be ascribed to a greater passive stiffness ofthe larger (= SD of the Y estimate) was calculated from the sum diameter thick region compared to the thinner regions. of the squared residuals. Two data plots representing the When acting as the skeletal support during fast swim- curvilinear extremes and their corresponding quadratic ming, amphioxus notochord cells maintain high levels of model fits are shown in Figure 3. The standard deviation activity in tonic contracture at peak tension (7,9). This about the regression for the six B. califomiense oxygen high level ofactivity requires an adequate supply ofATP uptake data sets ranged from 0.018 to 0.085, indicating energy that could be supplied by aerobic metabolism. By reasonable fit to the quadratic model. Mangum and Van providing a constant supply of oxygen to mitochondria Winkle (19) found that the B2 coefficient values for the in the notochord cells even under active conditions, the quadratic model were the most informative concerning notochord Hb may be crucial for the production of ATP responses that deviate from strict oxy-conformity in the by aerobic pathways, thereby supporting the maintenance direction ofoxy-regulation (negative 62 values) or in the of a semi-rigid skeleton. direction opposite to regulation (positive 62 values). The mean 62 value for the six animals was near zero (2.40 Acknowledgments X 10~\ range -2.99 x 10'6 to 1.24 x 10~4); however, it often diverged at the ends of the curves (see Fig. 3A), This work is dedicated to the memory of Charlotte giving slightly negative values (-0.0004) at low PO2 and Preston Mangum. This investigation was supported by slightly positive values (+0.004) at high PO:. No value The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, a grant from the Uni- for 62 is very far from zero, suggesting that oxygen up- versity Research Council of Pepperdine University, Na- take in B. culiforniense conforms closely, although not tional Science Foundation Grants IBN9343430 and perfectly, to declining oxygen tension. 1BN9219658 to JED and DWK. and NSF Research Expe- In animals whose level ofaerobic metabolism is highly rience for Undergraduates Grant BIR9225034 (Pepper- dependenton PO2, acytoplasmic Hbcould supporttissue- dine University). specific aerobic metabolism in the face ofdeclining tissue PO:. Myofilament contraction within contractile cells Literature Cited 1 Vinogradov,S.,D.A.Walz,B.Pohajdak,L.Moens,O. H.Kapp, T. Suzuki, and C.N.A. Trolman. 1993. Adventitious variabil- ity? The amino acid sequences of nonvertebrate globins. Conip. 1.0 Bioc/U'in. Phyxinl. 106B: 1-26. 2. Riggs, A.F. 1991. Aspects of the origin and evolution of non- 0.8 vertebrate hemoglobins. Am. 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